Personal life of Stepan Menshchikov: “loves women, men”, photo with Andrey Fedyai. Dear and Fedyai Personal life of Stepan Menshchikov: “loves women, men”, photo with Andrey Fedyai

The duet Rodnoy and Fedyai organize performances on the official website of the agency. Ordering a host or tour, as well as invitations to a party. Call +7-499-343-53-23, +7-964-647-20-40

Welcome to the official website of the agent of the duo Rodnoy and Fedyai. The creative tandem of Andrei Nikolaevich Fedya and Andrei Borisovich Rodny was born from the friendship of two comedians. Both artists are natives of the city of Surgut. By education, the duo members have nothing to do with television and the entertainment industry. Fedyai has a diploma in geological engineering, and his friend and colleague Rodnoy is a leading specialist in municipal institutions. But the love of creativity and humor made these two guys real show business stars.

Creative achievements

The comedians' debut performances took place separately. Andrey Rodnoy started his creative path in KVN. Later, he began to accept orders for cooperation with many well-known TV channels: Ren-TV, Channel One, NTV, TNT, etc. Andrey Rodnoy not only copes well with acting productions, but also has outstanding skills in writing jokes, scripts, humorous dialogues for leading concerts, corporate events, etc. This interesting and extraordinary comedian has memorable work in the following entertainment projects: “Eurovision 2009”, the “Raffle” program, the show “ glacial period”, the cartoon “Around the World in 50 Years”, the series “MASKVICHI”, etc. While working on television, he also managed to be the editor-in-chief of the “First Game” channel, which only improved his abilities in organizing and conducting entertainment events, as well as in preparing interesting shows.

Andrey Fedyay is one of the main participants in the comedy project “MAskvichi”. He also serves as a screenwriter part-time. of this show. U young artist have twin children.

The guys teamed up in the duet “Rodnoy and Fedyai” to participate in the program “Laughter without Rules.” After this, the comedians managed to get into even more interesting project called "Slaughter League". This cheerful couple always causes a sensation among the audience. The performance on the Comedy Club stage was no exception. The most popular humorous numbers of the duo include the following: “Penguins in the Arctic”, “Pharmacy”, “The Doctor Declares His Love”, “An Incident in the Shower”, “Merry Suicides”, “About the Wife”, “ New Year in different places”, etc.


Today, the guys are in demand artists of the humorous genre. Moreover, they are happily greeted both in a duet and separately. It should be noted that each of the participants in the star tandem has already managed to start a family, so everything is their own free time they happily give to their loved ones. Much more interesting information about the duet “Rodnoy and Fedyai”, as well as about their professional activity can be read on the official website.

Our fellow countryman, a graduate of Surgut State University and a former employee of CIS OJSC, familiar to us from his sparkling performances in the “Slaughter League” and “Laughter without Rules” on TNT, and today the author of scripts for many projects of the most popular channels and co-host of the “Such Cinema” program, shared with its history of conquering TV.

Without talent and acumen, it’s easy to drown in Moscow

– Andrey, how did Moscow greet you?

– I moved to the capital in 2007, before that Andrei Fedya and I, with whom we made the duet “Penguins,” went to the filming of “Laughter Without Rules” and “Slaughter League.” And then I was invited to work as an editor at “Laughter...”. My first big serious work was the Moscow Eurovision. As part of a team of authors, he wrote text and jokes for the presenters. The most difficult thing for us was the adaptation of the Russian-language text when translating into foreign languages: It was very difficult to do this without losing the meaning and humor. After moving to Moscow, at first it was a bit difficult - there was a huge amount of work, I slept 5-6 hours a day, not at night, but when I had a free minute. IN everyday life I am an unpretentious person, sometimes I had to spend the night on moved chairs, but here there were no such spartan conditions - they immediately provided me with a good two-room apartment. I adapted to the new place and rhythm of life in about six months. The main thing I understood is that Moscow is a huge swamp. If you don't have talent or acumen, or even just good connections, you will simply drown. Therefore, it is difficult for me to understand people who come here in search of something like this and expect that everything will be good and in chocolate.

– Is the best improvisation well prepared?

– There is no place for impromptu on television. Take the same project “ProjectorParisHilton” - each program took 3-4 hours to write, after which everything unnecessary was cut out of it and the best one was left for 40 minutes. There was improvisation in the “Slaughter League”, but everyone there understood perfectly well that it might not turn out funny at all. Not a single producer will allow the presenter to improvise on air - what if he has Bad mood, well, or the person is just tired... There are no scripts as such on television, or there are, but each program has its own. Only the lines that are relied upon when recording the broadcast are recorded.

– Is it difficult to work with presenters? After all, you write for Andrei Malakhov, Dmitry Nagiyev, and many others... What, in your opinion, is more difficult - coming up with jokes or acting them out on air?

- Of course, at first I was simply in shock - “Ooooh, Marat Basharov came up to me!” And Ivan Urgant, after filming “Eurovision” or “Big Difference” in the dressing room, praised him for a good joke or, on the contrary, scolded him. At one stage, I noticed that I lacked some knowledge and vocabulary to write scripts - I began to read and study. Still, working with such stars requires a lot. Please note that most of the screenwriters on our television come from KVN. They own many successful projects: “ Ural dumplings", "Real boys" is the work of the KVN people. It's hard to say whose job is harder. Do you think it’s easy to joke for four years about ice and skates in Ice Age?! The guys and I have already gone through everything connected with this. The screenwriter is perhaps more flexible than the presenter. But the presenter is also not just a “talking head” - he passes the text through himself, works on the joke so that it “plays”. Only he gets more than the scriptwriter! By the way, my friend Andrei Fedyai became creative producer series “Fizruk” on TNT, even starred there as a policeman. The most interesting thing is that Dmitry Nagiyev recognized him, was the first to approach him and said that he really liked the performances of our duet “Penguins”.

My task on camera is not to disturb Natalia Medvedeva

– You are also hosting a television project, and together with Natalya Medvedeva...

– I came to the program “Such Cinema” as a screenwriter, and became a co-host. I’ve known Natalia for a long time, about 5 years. My the main task- don’t disturb her, because I not only haven’t watched half of the films we’re talking about, I haven’t even heard about them.

– Do they recognize you on the streets? After all, we were in the picture for several years before “Such a Movie.”

- It happens. They found out at fitness classes, at a travel agency... once a flight attendant on the plane found out and smiled... Most often people say: “No, well, I saw you somewhere”...

– You have a very busy schedule, you are working on a bunch of TV projects. How does the family feel about this?

– Believe me, my wife Olga has a much busier schedule. She is my director. Literally everything is on her: my image, communication connections, my schedule... At the same time, Olga still runs the house, attends various fitness and yoga classes, takes our daughter Kira to dance and Spanish classes... Moscow is her city, it has become it’s clear as soon as Olya came here to me. She is not embarrassed by distances or endless traffic jams, she is very organized, calm and collected - not like me!

– What successes makes your daughter happy?

- At the age of 8, Kira has already given 12 concerts at the Olimpiysky - I, for example, haven’t had a single one there! She studies in a very cool dance school. I would like to spend more time with them, but now it happens that I come when they are already sleeping, and leave when they are still sleeping.

– When do you rest? And what is the best way for you to relax?

– My last vacation was 12 days long. For me this is the time to sleep, eat and not think about anything. You can lie on the sofa at home, or you can go paragliding or diving. The main thing is not to overload your brain!

Personal life of Stepan Menshchikov: “loves women, men”, photo with Andrey Fedyai

Stepan Menshchikov has not been a participant in the reality show “Dom-2” for a long time, but his name periodically appears in the press in connection with some scandalous stories. As an example, we can recall the recent case against Life News, in which Stepan participated as a witness.

This time, the online publication Super published an article describing how Menshchikov kisses in one of the Sochi restaurants with unknown woman, and then with actor Andrei Fedya. Andrei Menshchikov affectionately calls “Uncle Fedya.” Fedyai is also married and has two daughters. The former participant in “House-2” did not deny kissing Andrei Fedya, but Stepan Menshchikov’s wife Evgenia Shamaeva told reporters that the marriage had actually broken up, although the couple continued to live for purely domestic reasons under the same roof. Evgenia called her husband “cheeky” and added that he “loves women, men, people in general,” and his behavior no longer shocks her. He behaved exactly the same throughout their entire life together. By the way, Evgenia Shamaeva and Stepan Menshchikov have common child- two year old son. It is unknown whether the divorce has been formalized or not.

It must be said that Stepan Menshchikov, after the Dom-2 project, cannot boast of serious professional achievements in show business: he was the host or co-host of several little-known television programs, one of them in collaboration with Rustam Kalganov, also a former Domovets . Menshchikov even tried to create a humorous musical show from former members"House-2", but apparently this idea was doomed to failure from the very beginning.

Andrey Rodnoy (Rodnykh) was born in the small town of Leninogorsk, located on the territory of Tatarstan, into a family far from humor and art. The boy's parents were representatives of technical professions. Soon the family moved to permanent place residence in the city of Urai.

When Andryusha grew up a little, his parents watched him with interest. creative abilities. The boy liked to sing, dance and draw. Soon the neighbors began to celebrate at Andrey's good feeling humor and communication skills.

Ability to get along with strangers helped Andrey quickly adapt to school. He quickly became acquainted with all the boys and girls, becoming the leader of the class. Teachers praised him for his hard work and exemplary behavior. Several times a week Rodnykh went to classes in the sports section.

The head coach constantly told Andrei’s parents that their son was a future Olympic champion. But, having achieved the title of master of sports in winter pentathlon, talented young man decided to leave sports section, although I haven’t given up sports.

Teachers, friends and parents were confident that after receiving his diploma, Andrei would continue his career as an athlete. However, he surprised everyone by getting a job at municipal institution"Option".

I stayed at this job for exactly a year, after which I wrote a letter of resignation. at will. For the first time in his life, he was unable to find the key to his work colleagues. and become one of their own in their midst, and, secondly, the small salary did not suit future star Russian show business.

For some time Rodnykh worked at the Surgutneftegaz company, but did not stay there for long either - a new hobby appeared in his life. In 2006, together with his friend Andrei Fedya, he became part of the humorous duo “Club Have a good mood" and began to go on stage. Talented guys were noticed and invited to take part in comedy show"Laughter without rules."

In Moscow, Rodnykh and Fedyai changed the name of the duo to “Penguins” and won over the judges of “Laughter Without Rules” and “Slaughter League” with their performances. The guys' performance was so successful that they were invited to work in the capital. In particular, Andrey Rodnykh was offered to join the editors of the program “Laughter without Rules”.

Without thinking twice, he agreed and in 2007 he moved to Moscow. At first it was a bit difficult - the volume of work was so large that I had 5-6 hours left for sleep. Sometimes Andrei spent the night on chairs - he did not have the strength to get to the apartment that was provided to him under the contract. Wrote jokes for presenters different programs. Later they were voiced by Ivan Urgant and Andrey Malakhov.

Andrey Rodny (he chose this pseudonym for himself after moving to Belokamennaya) also has experience as a presenter. His humorous inclinations were suitable for hosting “The Most Serious Show” on Comedy Radio and become a co-host of the television program “Such Cinema.”

To the chagrin of fans of the famous comedian, his heart has long been occupied. For many years Andrey Rodnoy has been married to Olga, whom he met back in Surgut.. Olga is not only a caring wife, but also the director of her own husband. She is responsible for her husband’s communications, monitors his schedule, and works on his image. Together the couple are raising their daughter Kira.

Andrey would like to spend more time with his family, but for now his work schedule is so busy that when the head of the family comes home, his girls are already asleep, and when he leaves for work, they are still sleeping. IN in full force the family gathers only on weekends, and even then not always.

For supporting physical fitness Andrey Rodnoy goes to the gym where he does fitness. On vacation, he can lie on the sofa and go scuba diving. The main thing is to give your brain a rest.

Andrey Rodny doesn’t have many films to his credit, but all the projects in which he participated are popular with viewers. In the series “Maskvichi”, which involves participants from “Laughter without Rules” and “Slaughter League”, Andrei got the role of an assistant official.

In all seasons of the popular TV series "" with Dmitry Nagiyev, Andrei Rodnoy appears as an inspector.

In the series “Beyond Death,” the plot of which revolves around mysterious disappearance from the morgue of the body of a man who fell under the wheels of an electric train, Andrei played in one of the episodes in episode 3.

In March 2018, the comedy series “” was released., which tells about the dreams of the girl Polina Ovechkina to take to the skies as an airplane pilot and about the machinations of men doing everything possible to keep Polina on the ground. One of these “misogynists” will be the character of Andrei Rodnoy.