Consultation for educators “Organization of a mini-museum in a preschool educational institution. Creative project “mini-museums in kindergarten” creative project “mini-museums in kindergarten” municipal preschool educational institution

Organization of a mini-museum in kindergarten

The creation of mini-museums in kindergartens is very important today. This is due, firstly, to the fact that we live in a region remote from cultural centers, where located large quantity museums; secondly, many parents believe that it is too early for preschoolers to visit such institutions, and therefore the idea of ​​such an excursion does not occur to parents.

Of course, in conditions kindergarten It is impossible to create exhibitions that meet the requirements of museum work. That's why we called them "mini-museums." This name in our case reflects the age of the children for whom they are intended, the size of the exhibition, and a certain limitation of the topic.

An important feature of these elements of the developmental environment is the participation of children and parents in their creation. Preschoolers feel involved in the mini-museum: they participate in discussions of its topics and bring exhibits from home. In real museums you can’t touch anything, but in mini-museums it’s not only possible, but also necessary! You can visit them every day, change them yourself, rearrange the exhibits, pick them up and look at them.

In an ordinary museum, a child is only a passive contemplator, but here he is a co-author, the creator of the exhibition. And not only himself, but also his parents. Each mini-museum is the result of communication, collaboration teachers, children and their families. The “Mini Museum” broadens the horizons of preschool children and provides an opportunity to enrich children’s knowledge about the world around them.

The purpose of creating a mini-museum is to enrich the educational space with new forms of work with children and their parents.

To achieve this goal, we need to solve problems that are determined by the theme, content and purpose of the mini-museum.

All work on creating mini-museums can be divided into three stages:

1. Preparatory stage

2. Project implementation stage

3. Generalization stage

Let's take a closer look at each stage of creating a mini-museum.

Preparatory stage presupposes a certain scheme for constructing a project.

1. At the beginning of work, it is necessary to determine the theme of the mini-museum, for example, “Museum of Fallen Leaves”, “Museum of Water”, “Museum of Air”.

2. Develop a model or diagram of the future museum. This does not mean that professional architects or artists need to be involved, it means that teachers need to use their imagination and, of course, it is necessary to involve parents and children.

3. Choose the place where it will be located (group room, locker room, halls, rooms for additional classes)

4. Determine the content of the exhibition: you need to think about what equipment you will use when creating a mini-museum, what materials you will need, what exhibits you will display, what items you will pay special attention to, etc.

5. Consider options for children and parents to participate in the creation of the museum. For example, at the first stage, parents are the main sources of organizing the museum; on the second - they take part in the production of new exhibits, organize excursions together with the teacher, conduct conversations with children, etc.

6. Determine development prospects. For example, in the first week it is necessary to make those changes and additions to the exposition that would help to most fully reveal the topic and contribute to the achievement of the goal. In the second week, you expect to consider issues related to the origin of the exhibits, therefore, it is necessary to change the content of the exhibition.

The leading form of museum work is excursion. Excursions can be

· Sightseeing tours. As a rule, they involve familiarizing children with a fairly wide range of exhibits.

· Thematic excursions involve introducing preschoolers to a specific topic.

· Scientific and educational excursions are aimed at a more in-depth study of a topic.

Next stage - stage of project implementation.

When organizing a mini-museum, it should be remembered that the content, design and purpose of the mini-museum must necessarily reflect the specific age of children of a certain group.

For example, we want to create a mini-museum. First, we define the topic. Let there be a mini-museum “My Favorite Book”. Next, we define the purpose of creating a mini-museum: it is to introduce preschoolers to various books, the history of their creation, their significance in human life, and to cultivate an interest in reading.

What can we do at the first stage? Can we quickly organize a museum? Of course we can. We should invite children to bring their favorite books and ask their parents for help.

Our next step will be to create an exhibition. The center of the exhibition can be an image of a book and a specially designed inscription with its name. Around composition center various types of books and other exhibits can be placed on stands and shelves. As the mini-museum progresses, the exhibition will be replenished and expanded. This gives us the opportunity to introduce children to the history of the origins of not only books, but also writing itself, to find out what they wrote in ancient times, what they used to write with, how the first books were created, how books are made today.

And also in the museum you can organize a “Library”, “Book Hospital” and a corner independent activity"Do it yourself".

So, we have created a museum, now need to take stock:

· What was done?

· What did you like most? (subjective choice of the child)

· What new did you learn?

· What else would you like to know?

When building a mini-museum exposition, it is necessary to take into account the following basic principles:

· Scientific principle : any exhibition must be based on a scientific basis.

· The principle of objectivity : the basis of the exhibition is made up of authentic objects that vividly characterize the era, way of life, people’s activities, etc.

· Communication and information principle : The design of the exhibition should be such that the information contained in it is easily perceived by children of different ages.

· Concentricity principle : Only single excursions cannot introduce children to preschool age To museum culture. When constructing a cycle, it is necessary to take this principle into account, i.e. Each subsequent stage is prepared by the previous one and provides a transition to a more complex subsequent stage.

In order to create a mini-museum, we need to decide on its location. It’s good that our kindergarten has free space for organizing mini-museums. However, even in the most cramped conditions, if desired, you can find a corner for a small exhibition. Even a cardboard folding screen located in the locker room will help create space for a small mobile museum. Let's consider several options for the location of museums.

Firstly, this group rooms. This option provides the opportunity to build museum material gradually, as you receive new information. The teacher can turn to the museum materials at any time, and the children of the group can, if they wish, look at the exhibits, discuss their features, ask questions to the teacher, use some of the exhibits for director’s games, use didactic games and conduct independent research at the experimental table. However, the arrangement of mini-museums in groups also has its disadvantages: children of only one group receive permanent access to the museum. The distance from the locker room limits free communication between children and parents on museum topics. In addition, parents of children from other groups do not have a complete understanding of the work of the kindergarten.

Secondly, a mini-museum can be organized in locker room If space allows, then the option of placing a mini-museum in a locker room has the same advantages as a museum in a group room. In addition, children have the opportunity to communicate with their parents about the museum. The disadvantages are the same.

Thirdly, it may be rooms for additional classes. On the one hand, extracurricular spaces are ideal for housing some types of mini-museums. For example, in an art studio, at first glance, a mini-museum would be quite appropriate. But any art studio is already saturated with objects of this kind. And in order for the museum not to blend into the general background, to stand out and attract the attention of children, the teacher needs to show great design skills.

Fourthly, this halls. In this option, mini-museums are located in publicly accessible places, which makes it possible to visit them at any time convenient for the teacher. All parents can view the exhibition, including individually with their children. The mini-museum provides an incentive for communication. At the same time, open and uncontrolled access to the museum limits the possibility of displaying rare and valuable exhibits (and even not very valuable ones sometimes disappear).

Mini-museums in kindergarten allow teachers to make the word “museum” familiar and attractive to children. The exhibits can be used for various activities to develop the child’s speech, imagination, intelligence and emotional sphere.

Of course, when creating a mini-museum, we may encounter certain difficulties, such as: insufficient material resources, high demands placed on the teacher (namely, the teacher must try himself in the role of a designer, artist, tour guide, museologist and historian).

And, nevertheless, the educational and cognitive-developmental significance of this type of work cannot be underestimated. The constant enrichment of ideas about the environment with new impressions and knowledge, the ability to work in a group, find compromise solutions, practical skills in verbal communication, the development of curiosity and pride in the results of our work outweigh the difficulties that we may encounter.

And in conclusion, I would like to say the folk wisdom: “Whoever wants, looks for opportunities, whoever doesn’t want, looks for reasons.”



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Mini-museum in kindergarten Municipal preschool educational institution Combined kindergarten No. 18 “Smile”

Relevance Museum: Broadens horizons Provides an opportunity to enrich preschool children’s knowledge about the world around them Goal To enrich the educational space with new forms of work with children and their parents

Objectives Enrichment of the subject-development environment of preschool educational institutions Formation of preschoolers' idea of ​​the museum Expanding the horizons of preschoolers Formation of design and research skills Formation of the ability to independently analyze and systematize acquired knowledge Development of creative and logical thinking, imagination Formation of active life position Involving parents (families of pupils) in the life of the kindergarten

MAIN STAGES OF THE PROJECT Preparatory stage Selecting a theme and name (for example, “Museum of Bread”, “Museum of Russian Costume”) Development of a model for organizing the museum Selecting a location (group room, locker room, halls, rooms for additional classes)

4. Determining the content of the exhibition: equipment, materials, objects 5. Consideration of options for the participation of children and parents in the creation of the museum 6. Determining development prospects Preparatory stage

MAIN STAGES OF THE PROJECT Project implementation stage 1) determining the topic and content of the excursion 2) drawing up an excursion plan 3) targeted display of exhibits or a general excursion 4) communication with visitors in order to summarize the information received and answer questions

Mini-museum “Toy-fun” Premises for additional activities Mini-museum “Toy-fun” Location: Theater studio “At Lukomorye” Purpose of creation: For disclosure creative potential children Use options: Theatrical performance Drama game Role-playing game “We are actors” Exhibition options: dolls, masks, hats

Mini-museum "Russian Costume" Location: Museum of Russian Life "Russian Compound" Purpose of creation: Familiarization with objects of Russian life Options for use: Artistic and educational workshop Excursion Exhibition Role-playing game "Seamstress's Workshop" Exhibition options: decorative items and patterns, shoes, hats, clothes Rooms for additional activities

Premises for additional activities Mini-museum « Folk toy» Location: Museum of Russian Life “Russian Compound” Purpose of creation: Familiarization with Russian toys and folk crafts Options for use: Art and educational workshop Excursion Exhibition Exhibit options: dolls in Russian costumes, folk toys

Premises for additional activities Mini-museum “Folk musical instruments” Location: Museum of Russian Life “Russian Compound” Purpose of creation: Familiarization with Russians musical instruments Options for use: Art and educational workshop Exhibition Playing music Organizing an ensemble Orchestra rehearsal Exhibit options: musical instruments

Mini-museum “Yakut culture” Premises for additional activities Location: Center Yakut culture Purpose of creation: Familiarization with the Yakut national culture Options for use: Art and educational workshop Exhibition Excursion Role-playing game “Reindeer Herders” Exhibit options: products of Yakut craftsmen, dolls, paintings, books, photographs

Premises for additional activities “Mini Museum of Bread” Location: Museum of Russian Life “Russian Compound” Purpose of creation: Formation of a holistic idea in children about the process of growing bread and the professions of the people involved in this process Options for use: Conversation Excursion Exhibition Game-dramatization Options exhibitions: paintings, drawings, crafts made from salt dough, models of bakery products, herbarium

Halls Mini-museum "Fallen Leaves" Location: Ecological room Purpose of creation: Systematization of children's knowledge about changes in living and inanimate nature Options for use: Artistic and educational workshop Exhibition. Excursion Experimentation Research Exhibition options: herbariums, thematic and situational collections, works from natural material children and their parents

Mini-museum of time as one of the forms of development of cognitive activity of preschool children

Museum pedagogy in kindergarten is one of the components of preparing a child for further education at school.
So at what age should you start introducing your child to the museum? This question can be answered in different ways. The preschool level of education can be considered as preparatory stage For museum pedagogy. In the process of cognitive and play activity in kindergarten, the child becomes acquainted with such an important phenomenon cultural life society, like a museum.
The leading method in working with preschool children is play. It is in play, by simulating various situations, that the child learns the world, masters the necessary skills, acquires own experience. Imagination and fantasy, maximally developed in childhood, help the child to penetrate the spirit of a particular historical time, and therefore to master, transform and appropriate accumulated historical and cultural values.
The forms of museum pedagogy are Art Gallery, exhibitions of photographs, reproductions of paintings and children's creative works, creation of collections. Museum pedagogy presupposes the presence of research and project activities with kids. It is advisable to consider the project method in preschool educational institutions as one of effective methods working with preschool children.
One of the interesting and effective forms of working with children is the creation of a mini-museum. A mini-museum allows you to make the word “museum” familiar and attractive to students. The exhibits of the mini-museum can be used for educational activities, development of speech, imagination, intelligence, emotional sphere of the child. Any item in a mini-museum can suggest a topic for an interesting conversation.
The objectives of the mini-museum are to enrich the subject-developmental environment of the kindergarten, to form preschoolers’ ideas about the museum, to broaden the horizons of preschoolers, and to develop their cognitive abilities and the formation of design and research skills, the formation of an active life position.
The creation of mini-museums occurs in close cooperation with the families of the pupils.
Work in the museum is based on generally accepted principles:
1. Visibility. When selecting a collection, the educational function is taken into account first of all. The museum collection should contain a large amount of visual and practical material.
2. Taking into account age characteristics. When organizing the environment, considerable attention is paid to the accessibility of selected material and taking into account the age characteristics of preschoolers.
3. Children’s activity in assimilation of museum heritage.

The themes of mini-museums can be varied:“Russian hut”, “What is hidden in an old chest”, “My favorite toy”, “Book Museum”, “Folk crafts”, “ State symbols».
I would like to introduce you to the mini-museum that we created to develop the cognitive activity of pupils. This is a mini-museum of Time. Its goal: the formation of time concepts in preschoolers through the construction of dialogic interaction between an adult and a student in cognitive and research activities in a mini-museum of time
A person faces the problem of time every day, tearing off a piece of the calendar, every minute, looking at his watch. A child also lives in time. Children already at preschool age need to learn to navigate time themselves: to determine, measure time (correctly denoting it in speech), feel its duration (in order to regulate and plan their activities), change the pace and rhythm of their actions depending on the availability of time. The ability to regulate and plan activities over time creates the basis for the development of such personality qualities as organization, composure, focus, accuracy, necessary for the child when studying at school and in Everyday life.
Objectives of the mini-museum of time:
1.familiarization with temporary representations
2.formation of design and research skills
3.inclusion of parents and children in search and research work, collecting information on this topic.
4.formation in children of ideas about time and methods of measuring it that existed in history
5.familiarization with various types clocks and calendars
6.give an idea of ​​the units of time
7.forming habits of rational use of time
The exhibits in our mini-museum are calendars (tear-off, flip, tabletop, pocket, wall), posters - seasons, months, weeks, parts of the day. There are exhibits made by children and parents. Children are very interested in hourglasses and sundials. In our museum a large number of modern watches. Among them are wall clocks, table clocks, wrist clocks, alarm clocks, educational clocks for children, and book clocks. The activities of the mini-museum of time make the formation of ideas about time the subject of special attention for children, create the most favorable conditions for children to assimilate the idea of ​​time, develop interest in the concept of “time” through individual Interesting Facts and information about in different ways and means of measuring, recording time, introduces children to the history of the appearance of watches, different types of watches, the history of the appearance of the calendar, different types of calendars.
Forms of working with mini-museum exhibits:
- excursions
- educational activities with game elements
- creative tasks
- research activities
- entertainment games
- travel games
- intellectual and creative games
The creation of mini-museums makes it possible to enrich the knowledge of preschool children about the world around them, to diversify the developing subject-spatial environment with new forms of work with children and their parents.
And finally, the creation of a mini-museum has not only educational value, but also an emotional connotation, because in real museums you cannot touch anything, but in mini-museums it is not only possible, but also necessary! You can visit them every day, change them yourself, rearrange the exhibits, pick them up and look at them. In an ordinary museum, a child is only a passive contemplator, but here he is a co-author, the creator of the exhibition. And not only himself, but also his dad, mom, grandparents. Each mini-museum is the result of communication and joint work of the teacher, children and their families.


Museum pedagogy is an innovative technology in the field of personal education of children, creating conditions for the immersion of the individual in a specially organized subject-spatial environment.

Museum pedagogy has become very popular in the system in recent decades. preschool education and education are created museum programs, books are coming out, being developed guidelines (these are works by M. Yu. Koval, O. V. Dybina). Today we are looking for a partner in the museum to solve problems related to the upbringing and education of children, through the implementation of museum and pedagogical activities, both in a museum environment and in a kindergarten. In this case, myself subject environment the surrounding world plays the role of a teacher and educator.

Concept "museum pedagogy" appeared in the early 80s. and was borrowed from German terminology. For that a short time the term itself and the activity it denotes have become firmly established teaching practice, this is evidenced by museum and educational programs for students of educational institutions.

Museums are considered as a social and aesthetic phenomenon of culture (N. G. Makarova, 1987, T. A. Aleshina, 1999); sociocultural space Russian province (A. L. Filatova, 2000); assessed as an information and communication system (S.V. Pshenichnaya, 2000).

The main goal of museum pedagogy is: to introduce the younger generation to museums, creative development personality. Therefore, today museum pedagogy is considered as an innovative pedagogical technology.

Of course, in a kindergarten it is impossible to create exhibitions that meet the requirements of museum work. That's why these exhibitions are called "mini-museums" . Part of a word "mini" reflects the age of the children for whom they are intended, the size of the exhibition and the clearly defined theme of such a museum. The purpose of the mini-museums being created is to involve children in activities and communication, and to influence their emotional sphere. Psychological research has made it possible to see that the mental activity of children is modified in a certain way in children studying in the museum-educational space; children operate with images more freely.

Principles of museum pedagogy

When using museum pedagogy as an innovative technology in the system of forming the culture of preschoolers, the following principles must be taken into account.

  • Visibility.
  • Availability.
  • Dynamism.

A mandatory combination of the museum’s object world with a program focused on children’s activity.

The sequence of introducing children to museum collections (in accordance with the objectives of educating preschoolers at each age stage).

Humanism (exhibits should evoke respect for the nature of things).

Encouraging children's questions and imagination during perception.

Children’s activity in assimilating museum heritage, which manifests itself at the level of practical activity as a reflection of the acquired knowledge and impressions in products own creativity, in productive activities (drawing, sculpting, writing stories).

Flexibility of the structure of excursions (clear script, but possibility of improvisation).

Any exposure must take into account the following logical chain: perception - understanding - comprehension - consolidation - application.

Turning to the methodological aspect of the development of museum pedagogy technology, I would like to draw attention to the fact that working with children involves not only the quality and quantity of information received during acquaintance with the exhibitions of mini-museums, it is important to achieve the awakening of creative activity in children. Therefore, it is very important to consider the mandatory inclusion of a practical part during acquaintance with the exhibitions of mini-museums.

These can be a variety of museum games: entertainment games, travel games, graphic exercise games, intellectual and creative games, games based on the plot of literary works.

In addition to games, you can use the following types of work:

  • filling out museum diaries, which may contain children’s drawings, collages, applications, and diagrams;
  • doing homework (draw, sculpt, come up with your own name, riddle, compose a fairy tale, etc.)

The effectiveness of the implementation of museum pedagogy technology

in the conditions of the preschool educational institution is as follows:

  • The child has a chance to become an intelligent person, familiar with culture and one of its wonderful manifestations - the museum - from childhood.
  • Children, having fallen in love with and mastered the museum space, will become in older age the most grateful and receptive visitors to museum exhibitions and cultural events, and will acquire a cognitive interest in "real" to the museum.
  • Children develop a value-based attitude towards history, develop an interest in museums and exhibitions, and develop an emotional response. “The child should leave the museum with a feeling of confidence of climbing “one more step” .

Task preschool teacher is to teach the child to recognize these hidden meanings in objects.

Having decided to take this step, it is necessary to understand and formulate the immediate tasks:

  • teach the child to see the historical and cultural context of surrounding things, i.e. evaluate it from the point of view of the development of history and culture;
  • to form an understanding of the relationship between historical eras and one’s involvement in another time, another culture through communication with historical and cultural monuments;
  • to form the ability to recreate the image of the corresponding era based on communication with cultural heritage, i.e. To artistic perception reality;
  • develop the ability for aesthetic contemplation and empathy;
  • inspire respect for other cultures;
  • develop the ability and need to independently master the world around us by studying the cultural heritage of different eras and peoples.

The priority is to help the child see "museum" around you, i.e. to reveal to him the historical and cultural context of ordinary things that surround him in everyday life, to teach him to independently analyze, compare, and draw conclusions. Including museums in the educational process is not as simple as it might seem at first glance.

To use museum pedagogy, you must follow certain rules.

Rule one. It is necessary to prepare seriously and purposefully for visiting a museum, and then consolidate the acquired knowledge and impressions. The child is not prepared to perceive the complex symbolic language of the museum. The teacher’s task is to help the little man in this difficult and very important cognitive activity.

Rule two. It is necessary to clearly understand the ultimate goal of your activity - the formation creative personality capable of interestedly perceiving the cultural heritage and being aware of their responsibility not only for its preservation, but also for the enhancement and transmission of this heritage to other generations.

Organization of a mini-museum in kindergarten

Currently, there is increasing interest in the traditions, history, and culture of one’s small homeland. In preschool educational institutions, the tasks of early familiarization of children with folk culture and knowledge of the past are solved. One of the forms of introducing children to their native land is the organization of ethnographic rooms and mini-museums in kindergartens.

A museum is a special, specially organized space of a preschool educational institution, which helps broaden the horizons of both children and adults, increase education, good manners, and familiarize them with eternal values.

Creating a mini-museum is a labor-intensive task that consists of several stages.

Stage 1. Setting goals and objectives for parents of kindergarten students. This stage includes the following activities:

  • parent meetings
  • consultations
  • individual work.

Stage 2. Choosing a room.

The number of visitors and exhibits must be taken into account.

Stage 3. Collecting exhibits and registering them in the catalogue.

Stage 4. Design of a mini-museum, which requires compliance with a number of conditions:

  • room decoration (corner) taking into account aesthetic standards
  • availability of children's furniture for games and activities
  • compliance with safety rules and hygiene standards.

Stage 5. Development of themes and content of excursions and activities to familiarize children with the exhibits.

Stage 6. Development of a long-term thematic work plan, which included not only activities with children, but also events for parents, as well as competitions and exhibitions. Also materials for conducting surveys, diagnostics

Stage 7. Choice of tour guides. They can be teachers, older preschoolers or parents.

Stage 8. Opening of a mini-museum with the invitation of children and their parents.

Principles of creating a mini-museum

  • The principle of integration - a mini-museum must take into account the content educational program Preschool educational institution and help in the implementation of its general objectives and the objectives of individual educational areas.
  • The principle of activity and interactivity - a mini-museum should provide students with the opportunity to realize themselves in different types children's activities (use exhibits in role-playing games, create crafts and include them in the general exhibition, etc.).
  • The principle of conformity to nature - a mini-museum should be created taking into account the psychophysiological characteristics of children of different ages and provide conditions for unleashing the creative potential of each child.
  • The principle of scientificity - the exhibits presented must reliably reflect the theme of the mini-museum, explain various processes and phenomena within the framework of the chosen topic in a scientific and at the same time accessible language for children.
  • The principle of humanization and partnership - a mini-museum should offer conditions for comprehensive development child, encouraging his initiative, creative activity within the framework of subject-subject relations in the system "adult - child" , "child-child" .
  • The principle of cultural conformity - a mini-museum should be focused on introducing children to world culture, universal human values through the development of values ​​and norms national culture in the course of direct educational activities in the museum space.
  • The principle of dynamism and variability - the exhibitions of the mini-museum must be constantly supplemented and updated, taking into account the age characteristics of the children in the group.
  • The principle of diversity is filling a mini-museum with exhibits that are different in form, content, size, reflecting the historical, natural and cultural diversity of the surrounding world.
  • The principle of the regional component - a mini-museum should include the organization of work with children to familiarize them with the cultural heritage of the region, as well as the culture of other peoples, which contributes to the development of tolerance and the formation of a sense of patriotism.

Features of the location of mini-museums

In any kindergarten there is a problem of free premises. To locate mini-museums, you can use various parts of group rooms, "locker rooms" , bedrooms, walls at the entrance to the group, etc. The integration of predominantly visual fragments of the exhibition into the interiors of general purpose premises, right down to staircase landings, helps to recreate the material and figurative environment, immersion in which is so important for the child’s psyche. Popular wisdom says: “Who wants, looks for opportunities.

Design of mini-museums

The most optimal placement of mini-museum exhibits is on different levels: vertical and horizontal. Racks and wall shelves, screens, stands, tables of different sizes, and cabinets will help solve this problem.

The location of all exhibits is only in the horizontal plane (on the table) inappropriate. It is best to view collections on the same plane (items of the same name). The task of the mini-museum is to show an object with different sides, reflect its relationships with other objects. Secondly, in the horizontal plane it is difficult to combine exhibits by topic and separate them visually. This makes it difficult to keep the child's attention within one group of objects. If there are no suitable corners, you can use building cubes, cylinders, bricks on a table to build multi-level stands, fastening them together with tape and beautifully draping them with light fabric. Also, mastering the vertical can be done as follows:

  • Placing material on wall shelves;
  • Use of screens;
  • Use of stands;
  • Mobile use;
  • Placing small material on dry or artificial tree branches.

The stands are very easy to use. Their advantage is that they are easy to make, lightweight and safe for children. The stands are mobile and allow you to easily and quickly rebuild compositional solution museum. Stands can be different in shape, color, location. These advantages of stands allow us to solve the problem of attracting and retaining children’s attention to the museum exhibits. Stands are used to display illustrative information and diagrams. It is convenient to attach light bulky objects to them.

If a certain place is reserved for museums, it is very convenient to attach 2-3 small hooks to the ceiling. This will allow you to diversify the composition of the museum with vertical elements.

Themes of mini-museums

Can be varied:

  • "Miracle Tree" - acquaintance with the structure and diversity of trees, the relationships between plants and animals, the importance of trees in people’s lives; necessity careful attitude to nature;
  • "City of masters" - acquaintance with the problem of waste, options for using various "garbage" , development of imagination, speech, creativity of children and parents;
  • "Best friend" - exhibitions are related to stories about different breeds dogs, about their origin, about different materials (comparison of glass, clay, paper figurines), about the role of dogs in human life;
  • Mini-museum of books - acquaintance with the history of books, cultivating an interest in reading, a story about the role of books in human life, different writers, about how literacy appeared and developed;
  • "Fun Toys" - exhibits that attract the attention of children can be collected here: large, bright, sounding, educational toys (dolls, cars, figurines of animals and creatures unknown to science);
  • "My hometown" - acquaintance with the history of the city, its interesting places, education of patriotic feelings, love for your city; getting to know the features of your area, its history, memorable places, compiling stories about the city, region, creating a series of your own drawings, comparing them with photographs, postcards;
  • “Our homeland is Russia” - acquaintance with the history, culture, natural features of our country, education of patriotism, acquaintance with folk crafts, with the life of Russians in different time, with historical and memorable places; speech development; formation of ideas about historical time, connections with one’s ancestors;
  • "Theater Puppets" - introducing preschoolers to the world of art and the world of theater. Development of motor skills, speech, provision of conditions for both independent play and team work (staging performances), writing scripts, fairy tales;
  • Mini-museum of theatrical costume - as in the previous case, preschoolers get introduced to the world of art and theater, learn about how they changed theatrical costumes, they fantasize, creating their own models, inventing their own performances, learning to play in a group, expressing themselves through the means of art;
  • Art Gallery;
  • Mini-museum of nature – unusual, rare objects of living and inanimate nature, as well as various products made from natural materials can be presented here. Such exhibits can be large cones, seeds of a rare plant in our country, intricately curved branches and roots, beautiful natural and artificial stones, stones with imprints of ancient plants and animals, old abandoned nests of birds and insects (for example, os), feathers;
  • "Military valor and glory" and etc.

When determining the content it is necessary:

  1. Select in advance a variety of museum exhibits and their quantity. For example: for a traveling exhibition "museum chest" You may need several items for the same purpose (rolling pins, painted spoons, whistles, etc.). In this case, they are not all displayed in display cases, but are purchased for use and are stored in storage for the time being. "storage" .
  2. When determining the theme of the exhibition, adhere to the rule "gradual change" : something remains familiar to children, but something new is introduced step by step.
  3. If on initial stage there is no variety of material - under no circumstances display it all. the main task museum in preschool institution Constantly maintain the students’ keen interest in it and avoid boring monotony.
  4. It is imperative to build a perspective for the museum’s work. There is no need to actively update materials. Certain themes and exhibits will be present in your museum with a certain cyclicity. This is due to the peculiarities of the educational process of preschool educational institutions: preschoolers are introduced to individual topics in stages, with additions and complication depending on age.

Organizing a mini-museum in a kindergarten dedicated to a specific subject, natural object or phenomenon promotes the use of a systematic approach, which is actively used in TRIZ and RTV programs. This approach allows you to consider the subject or phenomenon from a variety of angles. Despite the complex terminology systems approach quite accessible to preschoolers.

The object in question is conventionally placed in the center of a table of nine cells. This object is called "System" (1)

  • Any object (system) is part of something or is located in some special place (a tree in the forest, a construction set on a shelf, etc.). This place is called "Supersystem" (2) .
  • An object (system) consists of any parts, details (the dress has a bodice, sleeves, skirt, collar, etc.). The cell we are looking at "anatomy" object is called "Subsystem" (3) .

Thus, by looking at the central column, you can get some information about the object. Next, you need to consider the central horizontal line, which is a kind of timeline.

  • Cell 4 tells what the object was (system) in past. (What was the Christmas tree before it became a Christmas tree?). "The System's Past" .
  • The future of the system is considered in the 5th cell. What will happen to this object? "The Future of the System" .

This way we get a variety of information about the object. With children of primary preschool age, it is enough to focus on these positions. Older preschoolers are able to reason more deeply.

  • If we consider the system in the past, we can find that it has its own supersystem and subsystem. If the bird was an egg in the past, then the supersystem of the egg could be a nest with other eggs, and "Mom's tummy" (6 – supersystem of the system in the past). And such an object as a book can be considered from the point of view of the changes that took place with it: what a book was like in the old days, how it was created.
  • Any system in the past also had its components. The same egg consisted of a shell, white and yolk. And for books, for example, birch bark was used.
  • The system in the future is considered in the same way - its supersystem and subsystem (8, 9) . What will the chicken become? What will the book be like in the future?

This table can be supplemented with several more items:

  • Anti-system – relatively speaking, the enemies of our object.
  • A neutral system is something that does not react in any way to our object, just as the object does not care whether a neutral system exists or not. For example, the elephant doesn’t care whether we have a closet at home.

Excursion work in the mini-museum

Excursions should occupy an extremely important place in the work of a mini-museum. (classes-excursions). And this is quite natural, since the museum exhibition and the excursion method are interconnected. Much attention should be devoted to training young guides from older preschool groups. They are involved in conducting excursions around the museum for parents and children of primary preschool age.

Excursion work with children solves the following main tasks:

  • identification creativity children;
  • expanding ideas about the content of museum culture;
  • development of initial skills in perception of museum language;
  • creating conditions for creative communication and cooperation.

The methodological forms of excursion work with preschool children in a museum setting are quite diverse: conducting sightseeing and thematic excursions, conducting educational conversations and events, organizing exhibitions. The listed methods are implemented in various forms of work of the guide with children: quizzes and riddles, charades and puzzles, didactic games, creative tasks. The methodological principles of excursion work are clearly defined by the following: important factors, as a developmental orientation of learning, psychological characteristics of the individual and age-related characteristics of museum perception. Process aesthetic development is complex, gradual, it requires a systematic, long-term impact on the child’s personality.

In conditions of systematic work and methodically correct organization of the pedagogical process, it is not only possible, but also necessary to begin teaching museum perception from early age. At the same time, the role of the museum is invaluable, its enormous opportunities for introducing museum values ​​to the world.

Consultation for educators:"Features of the organizationmini-museum in kindergarten"

Prepared by:senior teacherSkandakova O.G.

Museum pedagogy is an innovative technology in the field of personal education of children, creating conditions for the immersion of the individual in a specially organized subject-spatial environment.

In recent decades, museum pedagogy has become very popular in the system of preschool education and upbringing - museum programs are being created, books are being published, and methodological recommendations are being developed (these are the works of M. Yu. Koval, O. V. Dybina, N. A. Ryzhova, A. I. Loginova .). Of course, in a kindergarten it is impossible to create exhibitions that meet the requirements of museum work. That is why these exhibitions are called “mini-museums”. The “mini” part of the word reflects the age of the children for whom they are intended, the size of the exhibition and the clearly defined theme of such a museum. The purpose of the mini-museums being created is to involve children in activities and communication, and to influence their emotional sphere.

An important feature of mini-museums in a developing environment is the participation of children and parents in their creation. In real museums you can’t touch anything, but in mini-museums it’s not only possible, but also necessary! In an ordinary museum, a child is only a passive contemplator, but here he is a co-author, the creator of the exhibition. And not only himself, but also his dad, mom, grandparents. Each mini-museum is the result of communication and joint work of the teacher, children and their families.

Principles of museum pedagogy

When using museum pedagogy as an innovative technology in the system of forming the culture of preschoolers, the following principles must be taken into account.

  • Visibility.
  • Availability.
  • Dynamism.

A mandatory combination of the museum’s object world with a program focused on children’s activity.

The sequence of introducing children to museum collections (in accordance with the tasks of educating preschoolers at each age stage).

Humanism (exhibits should evoke a caring attitude towards the nature of things).

Encouraging children's questions and imagination during perception.

The activity of children in assimilating the museum heritage, which manifests itself at the level of practical activity as a reflection of the acquired knowledge and impressions in the products of their own creativity, in productive activities (drawing, modeling, writing stories).

Flexibility of the structure of excursion activities (clear script, but possibility of improvisation).

Any exposure must take into account the following logical chain: perception - understanding - comprehension - consolidation - application.

Turning to the methodological aspect of the development of museum pedagogy technology, I would like to draw attention to the fact that working with children involves not only the quality and quantity of information received during acquaintance with the exhibitions of mini-museums, it is important to achieve the awakening of creative activity in children. Therefore, it is very important to consider the mandatory inclusion of a practical part during acquaintance with the exhibitions of mini-museums.

These can be a variety of museum games: entertainment games, travel games, graphic exercise games, intellectual and creative games, games based on the plot of literary works.

In addition to games, you can use the following types of work:

  • filling out museum diaries, which may contain children’s drawings, collages, applications, and diagrams;
  • doing homework (draw, sculpt, come up with your own name, riddle, write a fairy tale, etc.)

The effectiveness of the implementation of museum pedagogy technology in preschool educational institutions.

Is as follows:

  • The child has a chance to become an intelligent person, familiar with culture and one of its wonderful manifestations - the museum - from childhood.
  • Children, having fallen in love with and mastered the museum space, will become in older age the most grateful and receptive visitors to museum exhibitions and cultural events, and will acquire a cognitive interest in the “real” museum.
  • Children develop a value-based attitude towards history, develop an interest in museums and exhibitions, and develop an emotional response. “The child should leave the museum with a feeling of confidence of climbing “one more step.”

The task of a preschool teacher is to teach the child to recognize these hidden meanings in objects. Having decided to take this step, it is necessary to realize and formulate upcoming tasks:

* teach the child to see the historical and cultural context of surrounding things, i.e. evaluate it from the point of view of the development of history and culture;

* develop an understanding of the relationship between historical eras and one’s involvement in another time, another culture through communication with historical and cultural monuments;

* to form the ability to recreate the image of the corresponding era based on communication with cultural heritage, i.e. to the artistic perception of reality;

* develop the ability for aesthetic contemplation and empathy;

* inspire respect for other cultures;

*develop the ability and need to independently master the world around us by studying the cultural heritage of different eras and peoples.

The task of helping the child see the “museum” around him comes to the fore, i.e. to reveal to him the historical and cultural context of ordinary things that surround him in everyday life, to teach him to independently analyze, compare, and draw conclusions. Including museums in the educational process is not as simple as it might seem at first glance.

To use museum pedagogy, you must follow certain rules.

Rule one. It is necessary to prepare seriously and purposefully for visiting a museum, and then consolidate the acquired knowledge and impressions. The child is not prepared to perceive the complex symbolic language of the museum. The teacher’s task is to help the little man in this difficult and very important cognitive activity.

Rule two. It is necessary to clearly understand the ultimate goal of one’s activity - the formation of a creative personality capable of interestedly perceiving the cultural heritage and being aware of one’s responsibility not only for its preservation, but also for the enhancement and transmission of this heritage to other generations.

Organization of a mini-museum in kindergarten

Currently, there is increasing interest in the traditions, history, and culture of their small homeland. In preschool educational institutions, the tasks of early familiarization of children with folk culture and knowledge of the past are solved. One of the forms of introducing children to their native land is the organization of ethnographic rooms and mini-museums in kindergartens.

A museum is a special, specially organized space of a preschool educational institution that helps broaden the horizons of both children and adults, increase education, good manners, and familiarize them with eternal values.

Creating a mini-museum is a labor-intensive task that consists of several stages.

Stage 1. Setting goals and objectives for parents of kindergarten students. This stage includes the following activities:

Parent meetings;


Individual work.

Stage 2. Choosing a room.

The number of visitors and exhibits must be taken into account.

Stage 3. Collecting exhibits and registering them in the catalogue.

Stage 4. Decoration of a mini-museum, which requires compliance with a number of conditions:

Decorating a room (corner) taking into account aesthetic standards;

Availability of children's furniture for games and activities;

Compliance with safety rules and hygiene standards.

Stage 5. Development of themes and content of excursions and activities to familiarize children with the exhibits.

Stage 6. Development of a long-term thematic work plan, which included not only activities for children, but also events for parents, as well as competitions and exhibitions. Also materials for conducting surveys, diagnostics

Stage 7. Choice of tour guides. They can be teachers, older preschoolers or parents.

Stage 8. Opening of a mini-museum with the invitation of children and their parents.

Principles of creating a mini-museum

  • Principle of integration- a mini-museum must take into account the content of educational preschool educational programs and help in the implementation of its general objectives and the objectives of individual educational areas.
  • The principle of activity and interactivity- a mini-museum should provide students with the opportunity to realize themselves in various types of children's activities (use exhibits in role-playing games, create crafts and include them in the general exhibition, etc.).
  • The principle of conformity with nature- a mini-museum should be created taking into account the psychophysiological characteristics of children of different ages and provide conditions for unleashing the creative potential of each child.
  • Scientific principle- the exhibits presented must reliably reflect the theme of the mini-museum, explain various processes and phenomena within the framework of the chosen topic in a scientific and at the same time child-friendly language.
  • The principle of humanization and partnership- a mini-museum must offer conditions for the comprehensive development of a child, encouraging his initiative, creative activity within the framework of subject-subject relations in the “adult-child”, “child-child” system.
  • The principle of cultural conformity- a mini-museum should be focused on introducing children to world culture and universal human values ​​through the development of values ​​and norms of national culture in the course of direct educational activities in the museum space.
  • The principle of dynamism and variability- the exhibitions of the mini-museum must be constantly supplemented and updated, taking into account the age characteristics of the children in the group.
  • The principle of diversity- filling the mini-museum with exhibits, different in form, content, size, reflecting the historical, natural and cultural diversity of the surrounding world.
  • The principle of regional component- the mini-museum should provide for the organization of work with children to familiarize them with the cultural heritage of the region, as well as the culture of other peoples, which contributes to the development of tolerance and the formation of a sense of patriotism.

Design of mini-museums

The most optimal placement of mini-museum exhibits is at different levels: vertical and horizontal. Racks and wall shelves, screens, stands, tables of different sizes, and cabinets will help solve this problem.

Arranging all exhibits only in a horizontal plane (on a table) is impractical. It is best to consider collections (items of the same name) on the same plane. The task of a mini-museum is to show an object from different sides, to reflect its relationships with other objects. Secondly, in the horizontal plane it is difficult to combine exhibits by topic and separate them visually. This makes it difficult to keep the child's attention within one group of objects. If there are no suitable corners, you can use building cubes, cylinders, bricks on a table to build multi-level stands, fastening them together with tape and beautifully draping them with light fabric. Also, mastering the vertical can be done as follows:

  • Placing material on wall shelves;
  • Use of screens;
  • Use of stands;
  • Mobile use;
  • Placing small material on dry or artificial tree branches.

The stands are very easy to use. Their advantage is that they are easy to make, lightweight and safe for children. The stands are mobile and allow you to quickly and easily rearrange the composition of the museum. Stands can be different in shape, color, location. These advantages of stands allow us to solve the problem of attracting and retaining children’s attention to the museum exhibits. Stands are used to display illustrative information and diagrams. It is convenient to attach light bulky objects to them.

If a certain place is reserved for museums, it is very convenient to attach 2-3 small hooks to the ceiling. This will allow you to diversify the composition of the museum with vertical elements.

Mini-museum theme.

Can be varied:

  • "Miracle Tree"- acquaintance with the structure and diversity of trees, the relationships between plants and animals, the importance of trees in people’s lives; the need to respect nature;
  • "City of masters"- acquaintance with the problem of waste, options for using various “garbage”, development of imagination, speech, creativity of children and parents;
  • "Best friend"- the exhibitions are related to stories about different breeds of dogs, their origin, different materials (comparison of glass, clay, paper figurines), about the role of dogs in human life;
  • Mini book museum- acquaintance with the history of the origin of books, cultivating an interest in reading, a story about the role of books in human life, about different writers, about how literacy appeared and developed;
  • "Fun Toys"- exhibits that attract the attention of children can be collected here: large, bright, sounding, educational toys (dolls, cars, figurines of animals and creatures unknown to science);
  • "My hometown"- acquaintance with the history of the city, its interesting places, nurturing patriotic feelings and love for one’s city; getting to know the features of your area, its history, memorable places, writing stories about the city, region, creating a series of your own drawings, comparing them with photographs, postcards;
  • “Our homeland is Russia”- acquaintance with the history, culture, natural features of our country, education of patriotism, acquaintance with folk crafts, the life of Russians at different times, with historical and memorable places; speech development; formation of ideas about historical time, connections with one’s ancestors;
  • "Theater Puppets"- introducing preschoolers to the world of art and the world of theater. Development of motor skills, speech, provision of conditions both for independent play and for working in a team (staging performances), writing scripts and fairy tales;
  • Mini-museum of theatrical costume- as in the previous case, preschoolers are introduced to the world of art and theater, learn about how theatrical costumes have changed, fantasize, creating their own models, come up with their own productions, learn to play in a group, express themselves through the means of art;
  • Art Gallery;
  • Mini-museum of nature- unusual, rare objects of living and inanimate nature, as well as various products made from natural materials can be presented here. Such exhibits can be large cones, seeds of a rare plant in our country, intricately curved branches and roots, beautiful natural and artificial stones, stones with imprints of ancient plants and animals, old abandoned nests of birds and insects (for example, wasps), feathers;
  • "Military valor and glory" and etc.

When determining the content it is necessary:
1. Select in advance a variety of museum exhibits and their quantity. For example: to conduct a traveling exhibition of a “museum chest”, you may need several items of the same purpose (rolling pins, painted spoons, whistles, etc.). In this case, they are not all displayed in display cases, but are purchased for use and are stored in “storerooms” for the time being.
2. When determining the theme of the exhibitions, adhere to the rule of “gradual change”: something remains familiar to children, and something new is introduced step by step.
3. If at the initial stage there is no variety of material, under no circumstances exhibit it all. The main task of a museum in a preschool institution is to constantly maintain the keen interest of pupils in it and to prevent boring monotony.
4. Be sure to build a perspective for the museum’s work. There is no need to actively update materials. Certain themes and exhibits will be present in your museum with a certain cyclicity. This is due to the peculiarities of the educational process of preschool educational institutions: preschoolers are introduced to individual topics in stages, with additions and complication depending on age.

Excursion work in the mini-museum

Excursions (classes-excursions) should occupy an extremely important place in the work of a mini-museum. And this is quite natural, since the museum exhibition and the excursion method are interconnected. Much attention should be paid to the training of young guides from older preschool groups. They are involved in conducting excursions around the museum for parents and children of primary preschool age.
Excursion work with children solves the following main tasks:

  • identifying children's creative abilities;
  • expanding ideas about the content of museum culture;
  • development of initial skills in perception of museum language;
  • creating conditions for creative communication and cooperation.

The methodological forms of excursion work with preschool children in a museum setting are quite diverse: conducting sightseeing and thematic excursions, conducting educational conversations and events, organizing exhibitions. The listed methods are implemented in various forms of work of the guide with children: quizzes and riddles, charades and puzzles, didactic games, creative tasks. The methodological principles of excursion work are clearly determined by such important factors as the developmental orientation of training, psychological characteristics of the individual and age-related characteristics of museum perception. The process of aesthetic development is complex, gradual, it requires systematic, long-term influence on the child’s personality.

In conditions of systematic work and methodically correct organization of the pedagogical process, it is not only possible, but also necessary to begin teaching museum perception from an early age. At the same time, the role of the museum is invaluable, its enormous opportunities for introducing museum values ​​to the world.

Annex 1

Scheme for describing exhibits in the catalog.

Drawing (photograph) of the exhibit
(Scientific, everyday, folk names are indicated. You can emphasize why it is called that way.)
Where collected:
(Indicate the place of collection, its features: for example, the Urals - mountains; country (if it is not Russia); environment: aquatic (grows in water), ground-air (flies), ground, soil.)
Collected by:
(Last name, first name, patronymic name of the “donor”. You can highlight family exhibits by indicating not only the family surname, but also the names of adults and children.)
brief information about the exhibit:
(Where it is found, why it has such a name, features: for example, leaves, flowers, fruits in plants; color, shape in stones; how it is used by humans; conservation problems; connections with other components of nature - for example, who eats this plant, animal, from what plants the nest is made of.)
How to use with children:
(When studying which blocks of the program the exhibit is used; what to pay attention to when working with children; what types of activities can be used (experimentation, drawing, modeling).
Additional literature:
(Literature for teachers is listed; literature for children, which describes this object, encyclopedias, reference books, which contain illustrations with its image and depicting its habitats.)


  1. Baidina E.A. Mini-museum in a preschool educational institution as a means patriotic education» Directory of senior educators. - 2013. - No. 2. - P. 32-37.
  2. Malyushova, N. “Hello, museum!” Magazine " Preschool education." -2009. - N11. - pp. 24-29
  3. Ryzhova N., Loginova L., Danyukova A. “Mini-museum in kindergarten.” M: Linka-Press, 2008.
  4. Trunova, M. “Secrets of museum pedagogy: from work experience” Magazine “Preschool Education.” - 2006. - N 4. - P. 38-42.
  5. Chumalova, T. “Museum pedagogy for preschoolers” Magazine “Preschool Education”. - 2007. - N 10. - P. 44-50.
  6. Chumalova, T. “Basic principles of museum pedagogy: traveling in a time machine” Magazine “Preschool Education.” - 2008. - N 3. - P. 58-63.

Topic of the report: from the work experience “Organization of the mini-museum “Our Heritage” in a kindergarten.”

Educator: Ozernova Olga Ivanovna

Municipal educational institution Krasnoselskaya secondary school preschool level of education.

Currently, there is increasing interest in the traditions, history, and culture of their small homeland. In kindergarten, the tasks of early familiarization of children with folk culture and knowledge of the past are solved. One of the ways of introducing children to the culture and traditions of their people is the organization of mini-museums in kindergartens. Since September 2014, a mini-museum “Our Heritage” has been operating in our kindergarten.

A mini-museum is a special, specially organized space of a kindergarten that helps broaden the horizons of both the child and the adult, increase education, good manners, and introduce eternal values. The task of helping the child see the “museum” around him comes to the fore, i.e. to reveal to him the historical and cultural context of ordinary things that surround him in everyday life, to teach him to independently analyze, compare, and draw conclusions. An important feature of a mini-museum is the participation of children and parents in their creation. Preschoolers feel involved in the mini-museum: they participate in the discussion of its topics and bring exhibits from home. In real museums you can’t touch anything, but in our mini-museum you can touch it. You can visit the mini-museum every day, pick up exhibits and look at them. In an ordinary museum, a child is just a passive observer, but here he is a co-author. And not only himself, but also his dad, mom, grandparents. Each mini-museum exhibition is the result of communication and joint work of the teacher, children and their families.

Mini-museums are constantly updated with new exhibits. Children's work done together with adults is also displayed here.

The formation of patriotic feelings and the development of spirituality in children is one of the areas of work of our kindergarten. The native culture should become an integral part of the child’s soul, the beginning that gives rise to personality. Therefore, we believe that introducing children to the origins of Russian folk culture necessary from childhood. For this purpose, a mini-museum “Our Heritage” was created in the kindergarten.

It's no secret that we often forget about our roots, don't know the customs and national holidays. And our children get acquainted with all this in childhood. A mini-museum was created by the hands of teachers, parents, and a kindergarten. We asked parents and employees to bring antique Russian things, utensils, tools and other items. So, bit by bit, museum exhibits began to appear. We allocated a room and began furnishing it.

The importance of a museum in raising a child is great. “Dialogue” with the museum develops patriotic, spiritual and moral qualities in children, forms an idea of objective world, develops the child’s speech. We have five exhibitions in our museum - “The History of the Kindergarten”, which contains photographs of employees, events, and crafts of teachers and children.

The second exposition is “Russian Costume”, clothing is selected here: Russian folk sundresses, sweaters, shirts, hats, bast shoes.

The third exposition is “Russian Izba”, which reflects the life and traditions of the Russian people, many books on spiritual and moral education have been selected, many books were given to us by the employees of the center for spiritual and moral development “Bee”.

The fourth exhibition about the Second World War. For two years we have been running the project “Once upon a time there was a war”, collected materials about the history of the war, a Book of Memory about the participants in the war was created, which the parents of our students helped create. Collected materials about military awards and military equipment, exhibits of military life: front letters, documents, flasks, bowlers, photographs (photo collages), also drawings about the war made by children, etc.

Remember, store and carry through the year historical truth and memory - these are the main rules for a true citizen of Russia.

Memory begins in childhood, so even now in kindergarten teachers tell preschoolers about the victories of our great-grandfathers and grandfathers. Many are no longer with us, but their names are immortalized in poems and books that teachers and parents read to children. Children come to the museum, look at the exhibits, and talk about their relatives and participants in the war. Children learned to navigate the history of our country, such concepts as veterans, defense, invaders, fascists, Nazi Germany were formed; formed a sense of pride in one’s people and their military merits; respect for the defenders of the Fatherland, veterans of the Great Patriotic War.

And the fifth exposition is “Folk Crafts”. Purpose of the exhibition: To introduce pupils to folk crafts, to awaken children’s interest in arts and crafts, and to introduce children to the specifics and characteristics of arts and crafts in a fun and accessible way. This includes lace making, wickerwork, wood carving, wood painting, embroidery, knitting, etc. Moreover, each craft is unique.

The museum hosts various events: excursions, classes, folk games, reading. Children are interested in visiting our museum. We have accumulated some experience in museum and educational work. It shows that the creation of a museum contributes to the development of patriotic, spiritual and moral qualities in children, as well as the establishment of emotional closeness in parent-child relationships.