How many years ago did Uspensky live? Such different works by Uspensky

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Little Edik had a Cheburashka. It's a plush toy. The ears are large, the tail is buttoned. You won’t understand - it’s either a bear, or a hare, or a dog. In a word, a beast unknown to science.
When Edik was a stupid child, he played this Cheburashka. And then he grew up and forgot about his stuffed animal. The man had other things to do. For example, it was urgent to dig a wide and long snow-covered passage into the “enemy’s” camp. Or watch some “non-dangerous” old lady in the yard and scare her with an exploding piston.
Time, of course, was running out. He was also missing for lessons. That's why Edik studied poorly. And so that my parents would not scold me too much, I mastered one important and necessary art. How to cut twos out of a diary. Unnoticeably, with a razor.
No, Edik did not at all intend to remain a poor student all his life. In the depths of his soul he cherished a dream - to become a minister or academician. At worst, a very lucky gold digger!
Since there are no failed academicians, Edik was always planning to “rush” - to start studying well on Monday. But it still didn’t work out to “jump”.
An incident helped out the schoolboy Uspensky. One day the boy, without thinking too well, jumped from the roof. As a result, he ended up in the hospital with a broken leg. There was nothing to do there, so he asked his parents to bring him different books and, to the amazement of those around him, he began to study. Yes, so stubbornly that he was able to subsequently finish school well, enter an aviation institute, and even become an engineer.
Uspensky worked in his specialty for three years. And then suddenly I realized that I was doing something wrong in my life. He turned out to be an active but stupid engineer. Eduard Nikolaevich thought and thought... and became an adult comedian. And then just as quickly he retrained as a children's writer.
Chance helped him this time too.
One summer, Uspensky worked in a pioneer camp. And in order to calm the squad thirsting for impressions, they read various interesting books. Then all the interesting books suddenly ran out, the squad didn’t want to listen to the boring ones, and Uspensky had no choice but to start inventing himself: “In one city there lived a crocodile named Gena, and he worked as a crocodile at the zoo.”. This phrase was spinning in his head.
And suddenly…
And suddenly two people appeared from around the corner long nose- the tame rat Lariska and the hooligan old woman Shapoklyak. The door slammed telephone booth, and an incomprehensible plush animal got out of there. “This is Cheburashka!” - Uspensky guessed. And he began to tell his famous tale.
The story about Cheburashka and the crocodile Gena really appealed to the little listeners. But for some reason the adult bosses didn’t like me at all. “Cheburashka has no homeland!”- they exclaimed. “And it’s generally unknown what kind of fruit this is (that is, excuse me, beast)!”
Despite everything, the book was still published. And then another, no less famous composition appeared - “Uncle Fyodor, the Dog and the Cat.”
But numerous readers rejoiced early. Because adult uncles and aunts once decided not to publish Eduard Uspensky’s books at all (there wasn’t enough paper for everyone?). But for some reason they allowed several cartoons to be made based on them (they themselves probably watched the cartoons with their grandchildren in the evenings).
But Uspensky continued to compose anyway. Not only poems and fairy tales, but also plays and film scripts; broadcast on radio and television. Of course, “Baby Monitor” and “ABVGDeyka” are now remembered only by fathers and mothers or even grandparents, but the program “Ships Came into Our Harbor,” which Eduard Nikolaevich invented and has been running for twenty years, great amount quite young fans.
But what about TV and radio broadcasts! One day, Uspensky came up with a whole book publishing house - it’s called “Samovar”. Eduard Nikolaevich generally has a lot of all sorts of ideas. For example, now he dreams of his own animation studio and a real Disneyland in the city of Anapa. There will definitely be a jungle with Gena the crocodile, the Blue Carriage slide and much, much more, and it will be called Uspensky Park.
What about books? With them the writer full order. Eduard Nikolaevich writes and publishes them with enviable consistency. So the company of his literary heroes is growing all the time. Recently a girl appeared there with strange name Maksha and the gutta-percha boy Geveychik.
How good father, Eduard Uspensky looks after his extensive family and always knows exactly what is happening to whom and who is traveling where. For example, “The Finns adore Uncle Fyodor, in America the favorite is the old woman Shapoklyak. Everyone there is in love with her. Well, the Japanese are simply obsessed with Cheburashka...” Who will be the next hero? Only the writer himself can answer this question. But he doesn't really like answering such questions. He doesn't like any interviews at all.
What he really loves is, having moved away from the city, lock himself in his house so that no one will disturb him, and write, write, write...

Nadezhda Voronova, Irina Kazyulkina


GENERAL COLLECTION OF HEROES, STORIES, STORIES, POEMS AND PLAYS: in 10 volumes / Eduard Uspensky. - St. Petersburg: Comet, 1993-1994.
Twenty years have passed since this first collection of works by Eduard Uspensky was published. Over the past years, the author has written many new books, so the time has long come for the next, more extensive edition.

UNCLE FEDOR, THE DOG AND THE CAT: [plays] / Eduard Uspensky; foreword by B. Goldovsky; illustrations by M. Belov. - Moscow: Art, 1990. - 175 p. : ill.
The heroes of Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky's fairy tales live not only on the pages of books and in cartoons, but also on the stage puppet theaters, for which the author specially converted his stories into plays. There are exactly seven such plays in this collection: “Crocodile Gena’s Vacation”, “Uncle Fyodor, Dog and Cat”, “Guarantee Men”, “About Vera and Anfisa”, “The Investigation is Conducted by Koloboks”, “Girl Teacher” (based on the book “ Fur boarding school") and "Creepy Mr. Au" (based on the book "Mr. Au" by Hannu Mäkel).

- Cheburashka, Crocodile Gena, their friends and enemies -

ALL FAIRY-TALE STORIES ABOUT CHEBURASHKA: [stories-fairy tales] / Eduard Uspensky. - Moscow: Astrel, 2012. - 544 p. : ill.
“Our heroes walked slowly down the street. They were very pleased to walk and talk.
But suddenly there was a sound: b-b-boom! - and something hit the crocodile on the head very painfully.
- That's not you? - Gena asked Cheburashka...
At this time it was heard again: b-b-boom! - and something hit Cheburashka himself very painfully.
What could it be?"
But really, what could it be? Or, more precisely, Who could this be? Did you happen to guess?
By the way, the heroes of Uspensky’s fairy tale are known not only to our readers. In Sweden, for example, a whole magazine was published - “Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka”.

ALL ABOUT CHEBURASHKA AND THE CROCODILE GENE: fairy tales and fairy tales/ Eduard Uspensky. - Moscow: AST, 2006. - 527 p. : ill.
CROCODILE GENA AND HIS FRIENDS: in 2 books. / Eduard Uspensky; drawings by S. Bordyuga, N. Trepenok. - Moscow: Planet of Childhood, 2008. - (We read at home and in kindergarten. 5 years).

CHEBURASHKA GOES TO SOCHI IN SEARCH OF THE OLD WOMAN SHAPOKLYAK: [fairy tales] / Eduard Uspensky; [art. M. Zotova and others]. - Moscow: Planet of Childhood, 2010. - 127 p. : ill.

- Prostokvashino and its inhabitants -

ALL STORIES ABOUT PROSTOCKVASHino, OR UNCLE FEDOR, THE DOG AND THE CAT / Eduard Uspensky. - Moscow: AST: Astrel, 2010. - 784 p. : ill.
Eh, in vain the parents of no one’s cat kicked out of the house! So they came home from work one day, and there was a note on the table:
"Father and mother!
I love you very much... And this cat too. And you don’t allow me to have one... I’m leaving for the village and will live there... And I’m not going to school soon. Only for next year.
Your son is Uncle Fyodor".
What happened next, you know without us. Everyone, of course, watched cartoons about Prostokvashino. However, cartoons are cartoons, but after them, Eduard Nikolaevich came up with many more stories from the life of the village of Prostokvashino.

EVERYTHING IS STROKE VASHIN: fairy tales and stories / Eduard Uspensky. - Moscow: AST, 2005. - 672 p. : ill.

UNCLE FEDOR, THE DOG AND THE CAT: [fairy tales] / Eduard Uspensky; artist O. Bogolyubova. - Moscow: Astrel, 2012. - 200 p. : ill.

UNCLE FEDOR GOES TO SCHOOL, OR NANCY FROM THE INTERNET TO PROSTOKVASHINO: [fairy tale] / Eduard Uspensky. - St. Petersburg: World of a Child, 1999. - 95 p. : ill.

THREE IN PROSTOKVASHINO / Eduard Uspensky. - Moscow: AST: Astrel: Harvest, 2010. - 48 p. : ill. - (Soyuzmultfilm presents).

VACATIONS IN PROSTOKVASHINO / Eduard Uspensky. - Moscow: AST: Astrel, 2011. - 48 p. : ill. - (Soyuzmultfilm presents).

INCIDENTS IN PROSTOKVASHINO, OR INVENTIONS OF THE POSTMAN PECHKIN: fairy tales / Eduard Uspensky; artist O. Bogolyubova. - Moscow: Astrel: AST, 2009. - 63 p. : ill.

THE NEWEST STORIES ABOUT PROSTOKVASHino: [fairy tales] / Eduard Uspensky. - Moscow: Planet of Childhood, 2011. - 479 p. : ill.

UNCLE FEDOR'S AUNT, OR THE ESCAPE FROM PROSTOKVASHINO: a fairy tale / Eduard Uspensky. - Moscow: Onyx, 2001. - 120 p. : ill. - (Favorite book).
Uncle Fyodor's aunt was a serious, paramilitary woman. No wonder she served in the army for thirty years. Now she has retired to the reserves and decided to take up the upbringing of her nephew, Uncle Fyodor, in earnest. And at the same time, organize life in Prostokvashino in a new way...

- Such different heroes! -

DOWN THE MAGIC RIVER: [fairy tale] / Eduard Uspensky; drawings by Olga Ionaitis. - Moscow: Planet of Childhood, 2009. - 129 p. : ill. - (Family Library).
One summer, the boy Mitya went to visit his grandmothers in the village. One grandmother turned out to be the most ordinary, and the other - a real fairy-tale Baba Yaga. Only extremely kind.

ALL ABOUT TOADS / Eduard Uspensky. - Moscow: AST, 2007. - 272 p. : ill.
When Eduard Uspensky was asked who Zhab Zhabych was, he replied: “In a biological laboratory, they put a frog into the device, and when they took an electroencephalogram, the consciousness of the senior researcher switched to it. And she became a thinking frog. I immediately ran away from the institute, came to one family and said: “I won’t go back there. I will live with you!” “What are you going to do?” - they asked her. “I will guard the house!” - "How?" “And I’ll call the police if the robbers come.”.

WARRANTY PEOPLE: [ fairy tale] / Eduard Uspensky; artist V. Dmitryuk. - Moscow: Planet of Childhood, 2011. - 159 p. : ill.
If your parents brought home a TV or, say, a new refrigerator, know that a tiny warranty man came to you with it. Just don't try to find it. The guarantee is strictly ordered not to be seen by children.

GUARANTEE PEOPLE ARE BACK: [fairy tale] / Eduard Uspensky; artist V. Dmitryuk. - Moscow: Planet of Childhood, 2011. - 110 p. : ill.
Every self-respecting warranty man has his own main business: Kholodilin has a refrigerator, Bobbin has a sewing machine, and Vacuum Cleaner has a vacuum cleaner. True, this time they have a common cause. They will have to unite their forces against a terrible enemy in order to save themselves and all of humanity.

25 PROFESSIONS OF MASHA FILIPENKO: a story / Eduard Uspensky. - Moscow: AST: Astrel, 2006. - 222 p. : ill. - (Favorite reading).
Third-grader Masha has so many professions because she was invited to work "improver"- with your own "unclouded brains" she improves things where adults have brought them to a standstill: in agriculture, V greengrocer, in the trolleybus park...

STORIES ABOUT THE BOY YASHA / Eduard Uspensky. - Moscow: Omega, 2006. - 48 p. : ill.
Yasha “I always loved to climb everywhere and get into everything”, “I drew everywhere”, “loved to walk through puddles”, "ate poorly", “I stuffed everything into my mouth”. In general, a very ordinary boy.

THE STORY ABOUT GEVEYCHIK, THE GUTTA PERCH MAN / Eduard Uspensky; [artist G. Sokolov]. - Moscow: AST: Astrel, 2011. - 159 p. : ill.
First, Gala was given an amazing toy - a small rubber boy, Geveychik. Then suddenly the cat god Assirius and the ghost from the pirate chest appeared and, finally, the magpie Zoyka, a highly respected teacher, flew in. That's when it all started!

A STORY ABOUT A GIRL WITH A STRANGE NAME / Eduard Uspensky; artist I. Pankov. - Moscow: AST, 2009. - 127 p. : ill.
Yes, the girl was definitely lucky with her name; no one else has one like it - Maksha! And she also has "sharp green eyes the size of two tablespoons" and independent character. All sorts of extraordinary things happen in Maksha’s life: either she is invited to appear in a pasta commercial, or she participates in television show“Me and my dog,” then the boy Yangwa, the heir to the Ministry of Oil Sales of Nigeria, comes to visit her with his entire retinue...
Well, if something goes wrong, Maksha can always say: it doesn’t count!

KOLOBOK FOLLOWS THE TRAIL: detective story / Eduard Uspensky; artist Yu. Pronin. - Moscow: AST: Astrel, 2007. - 63 p. : ill. - (Fairy tales-cartoons).
THE INVESTIGATION IS CONDUCTED BY KOLOBOKI / Eduard Uspensky; artist E. Nitylkina. - Moscow: Rosman, 1999. - 127 p. : ill. - (We read at school and at home).
The famous Koloboks detectives will unravel any case: they can find even the preschooler Lyosha, even the missing white elephant.

FUR BOARDING: an instructive story about a girl teacher and her furry friends / Eduard Uspensky; artist V. Chizhikov. - Moscow: Planet of Childhood: Astrel, 2000. - 157 p. : ill.
“The fur boarding school needs a teacher of good behavior and writing. Girls from third and fourth grades are invited. Classes will be on Sundays. Payment by Hendriks, we’ll agree how much”. Such a strange advertisement hung in one of the dacha villages. What is this? Joke? Or seriously?..

PLASTIC GRANDFATHER: fantastic story/ Eduard Uspensky. - Moscow: Dragonfly, 1999. - 92 p. : ill. - (Student's library).
One day a space rocket from the constellation Thrown Balls landed. The cosmic grandfather, Professor Konstantin Mikhailovich, the chief specialist on the planet Green Yula, came to study earthlings. This is what the inhabitants of the Thrown Balls called our Earth.

UNDERWATER BERETS: a fantastic story / Eduard Uspensky. - Moscow: Bamboo, 1999. - 109 p. : ill. - (Student's library).
“Few despicable land souls knew that a new special sabotage and underwater school was opening in one quiet bay of the Pacific Ocean.
Because the advertisement for this school was placed underwater.
The sabotage school, from its cadets, mostly dolphins, was supposed to train special underwater troops with the vague name “Underwater Berets”. The task of the “berets” included: liquidation, destruction, capture, sinking and search. For such a dangerous and difficult job, guys with nerves of iron, flippers and brains were needed. Dead dolphin Henry had nothing like that..."

ABOUT THE GIRL VERA AND THE MONKEY ANFISA / Eduard Uspensky; artist G. Sokolov. - Moscow: Planet of Childhood, 2010. - 144 p. : ill.
It's so easy to confuse them - a girl and a monkey!

RED, RED, FRAME / Eduard Uspensky; artists I. Glazov, O. Zotov, I. Oleynikov. - Moscow: Planet of Childhood: Astrel: AST, 2001. - 181 p. : ill.
Poems and stories about redheads. And there is no need to tease here.

- Very scary stories! -

THE BIG BOOK OF HORROR STORIES / Eduard Uspensky, Andrey Usachev. - Moscow: AST: Astrel: Harvest, 2007 - 384 p. : ill. - (Planet of Childhood).

NIGHTMARE HORROR: surreal horror stories, colorful, the most terrible / A. Usachev, E. Uspensky; artist I. Oleinikov. - Moscow: Planet of Childhood: Astrel, 2001. - 78 p. : ill.
Well what can I say? Horror and nothing more!

CREEPY CHILDREN'S FOLKLORE / Eduard Uspensky; artist E. Vasiliev. - Moscow: Rosman, 1998. - 92 p. : ill.

RED HAND, BLACK BED sheet, GREEN FINGERS: a scary story for fearless children / Eduard Uspensky, A. Usachev. - Moscow: Seeker Books, 2003. - 160 p. : ill. - (Eduard Uspensky. Horror films).
Hands... Sheets... Fingers... What is this? Aliens from outer space? Devilish powers? Or maybe just a whim of nature?
Trainee investigator Viktor Rakhmanin did not yet have an answer to these questions...

- Fun Universities -

BUSINESS OF CROCODILE GENE / E. Uspensky, I. Agron; artist V. Yudin. - Moscow: Rosman, 2003. - 92 p. : ill.
A kind of guide for aspiring millionaires. This is exactly what young businessmen aged 6-9 years old will definitely achieve if, together with their old friend the crocodile Gena, they try to comprehend the meaning of such “adult” concepts as “exchange”, “bank”, “patent”, “corporation”...

LITERATURE FOR KOSCHEY: a book for one reader and ten illiterate people / E. Uspensky. - Moscow: “Seeker” Books, 2002. - 158 p. : ill. - (Children's Literature Library).
It’s easier for children to learn to read and write with loved ones fairy-tale characters. Then the very first and most important words are remembered much easier: "Dad, Mom, Grandma, Uspensky".

HOW TO LOVE DOGS CORRECTLY: stories / Eduard Uspensky; drawings by K. Pavlova. - Moscow: Planet of Childhood, 2009. - 63 p. : ill.
Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky knows firsthand about dogs. In his house long years four-legged friends live. So who better to know what breeds of dogs are, how to care for them and how to love them correctly?..

LECTURES BY PROFESSOR CHAINIKOV / E. Uspensky. - Moscow: Bamboo, 1999. - 138 p. : ill. - (Student's library).
“If you take the TV apart, will the little people remain in it?” Hearing this question, Professor Chainikov realized that the country needed lectures on radio waves and electronics.
You probably remember that in his first profession, the author of this book, Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky, is an engineer, so together with Professor Chainikov they will be able to answer many complex and surprising questions.

ADVENTURES OF A LITTLE MAN: (universal declaration of human rights retold for children and adults) / A. Usachev, E. Uspensky; artist A. Shevchenko. - Moscow: Samovar, 1997. - 94 p. : ill. - (Funny textbooks).
It turns out that you can write a funny fairy tale about such serious things as human rights.

SCHOOL OF CLOWNS: a story / E. Uspensky. - Moscow: Planet of Childhood, 2001. - 191 p. : ill.
Once upon a time, a completely unusual school opened in Moscow: for those who love to make people laugh and have fun - a school of clowns. Of course, you understand that studying at such a school is a lot of fun. Even the alphabet and counting.

- Poetry -

OR MAYBE A CROW... / Eduard Uspensky; artist O. Gorbushin. - Moscow: Samovar: Teremok, 2005. - 107 p. : ill. - (Children's classics).

One simple fairy tale
Or maybe not a fairy tale,
Or maybe not simple
I want to tell you.

I remember her from childhood,
Or maybe not since childhood,
Or maybe I don’t remember
But I will remember...

TAKE CARE OF TOYS: poems / E. N. Uspensky; artist I. Glazov. - Moscow: Planet of Childhood, 2008. - 11 p. : ill.

EVERYTHING IS OKAY: poetry / Eduard Uspensky. - Moscow: Eksmo-Press, 2005. - 48 p. : ill. - (Ladybug).

BLUE CAR: poems / Eduard Uspensky. - Moscow: Astrel: AST, 2004. - 174 p. : ill. - (Schoolchildren’s Reader).

“PLASTICINE CROW” AND OTHER POEMS / Eduard Uspensky. - Moscow: OLMA-PRESS, 2002. - 156 p. : ill. - (Golden Pages).

POEMS FOR THE LITTLE CHILDREN / Eduard Uspensky; drawings by B. Trzhemetsky. - Moscow: AST: Astrel, 2010. - 47 p. : ill. - (Planet of Childhood).

NANNY WANTED: poems / Eduard Uspensky. - Moscow: Eksmo, 2005. - 48 p. : ill.

- Retellings from other languages ​​-

Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky not only looks after his heroes, but is ready to take care of strangers as well. In any case, both Uncle Au of the Finnish writer Hannu Mäkelä, and the best Carlson in the world, Astrid Lindgren, sometimes speak Russian with his help:

UNCLE AU: story-fairy tale / H. Mäkelä, E. Uspensky; artist V. Korkin. - Moscow: Bustard, 2000. - 92 p. : ill. - (Tale after tale).
At first, this Uncle Au with a Finnish accent may seem stern, scary and gloomy to some. But this is only at the beginning...

CARLSON FROM THE ROOF, OR THE BEST CARLSON IN THE WORLD: fairy tales / Astrid Lindgren; retelling by E. Uspensky. - Moscow: Astrel: AST, 2008. - 446 p. : ill.

Nadezhda Voronova, Olga Murgina, Irina Kazyulkina


Uspensky E. From the life of brands: [interview with writer E. Uspensky] / conversation conducted by V. Vyzhutovich // Russian newspaper. - 2010. - July 29. - pp. 26-27.
Uspensky E. Letters from Yalta // Kukareku. - Moscow: JV “Slovo”, . - P. 26, 51, 79, 97, 115, 132-133, 163, 199.
Uspensky E. “I read the books of everyone to my children good writers": [about modern det. literature and about their creativity] / the conversation was conducted by M. Koryabina, I. Bezuglenko // Preschool education. - 2002. - No. 6. - P. 20-22.
Uspensky E. Cheburashka is a man! : [on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the writer’s birth] / the conversation was conducted by I. Svinarenko // Rossiyskaya Gazeta. - 2008. - April 3-9. - pp. 20-21.

Arzamastseva I. Guaranteed storyteller Eduard Uspensky // Children's literature. - 1993. - No. 1. - P. 6-12.
Begak B. The Joy of Good // Begak B. The Truth of Fairy Tales. - Moscow: Children's literature, 1989. - P. 102-110.
Valkova V. Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky: (to the 65th anniversary of the writer) // Primary School. - 2002. - No. 12. - P. 10-12.
Goldovsky B. Theater of Eduard Uspensky // Uspensky E. Uncle Fyodor, dog and cat. - Moscow: Art, 1990. - P. 7-21.
Lobanova T. The work of E. N. Uspensky in the assessment of criticism // World literature for children and about children: part 1. - Moscow, 2004. - P. 160-164.
Sakai H. The secret of the popularity of “Cheburashka” // World literature for children and about children: part 2. - Moscow, 2004. - pp. 261-262.
Sivokon S. The best, of course, is yet to come // Sivokon S. Your cheerful friends. - Moscow: Children's literature, 1986. - P. 232-249.
Tubelskaya G. Children's writers of Russia: one hundred and thirty names: biobibliographic reference book / G. N. Tubelskaya. - Moscow: Russian School Library Association, 2007 - 492 p. : ill.
Read the biographical sketch about Eduard Uspensky on p. 350-353.

N.V., O.M.



Year of the good child. Based on the story of the same name by E. Uspensky and E. de Grun. Dir. B.Konunov. USSR-FRG, 1991.

There, on unknown paths. Based on the story “Down the Magic River” by E. Uspensky. Dir. M. Yuzovsky. Comp. V. Dashkevich. USSR, 1982. Starring: R. Monastyrsky, T. Peltzer, A. Zueva, L. Kharitonov, A. Filippenko, Yu. Chernov and others.


Academician Ivanov. Based on a poem by E. Uspensky. Scene E. Uspensky. Dir. V.Popov. Comp. E. Krylatov. USSR, 1986. The roles were voiced by: O. Tabakov, S. Stepchenko.

Antoshka: [from the almanac “Merry Carousel”: vol. 1]. Scene E. Uspensky. Dir. L. Nosyrev. USSR, 1969.

Baba Yaga against!: vol. 1. Scene. E. Uspensky, G. Oster, A. Kurlyandsky. Dir. V. Pekar. Comp. E. Artemyev. USSR, 1980. Baba Yaga is voiced by O. Aroseva.
Baba Yaga against!: vol. 2. Scene. E. Uspensky, G. Oster, A. Kurlyandsky. Dir. V. Pekar. Comp. E. Artemyev. USSR, 1980. Baba Yaga is voiced by O. Aroseva.
Baba Yaga against!: vol. 3. Scene. E. Uspensky, G. Oster, A. Kurlyandsky. Dir. V. Pekar. Comp. E. Artemyev. USSR, 1980. Baba Yaga is voiced by O. Aroseva.

It's a wonderful day. Scene A. Khrzhanovsky, E. Uspensky. Dir. A. Khrzhanovsky. Comp. V. Martynov. USSR, 1975.

Uncle Au. Based on a fairy tale by the Finnish writer H. Mäkel. Scene E. Uspensky, H. Mäkel. Dir. I. Douksha, M. Buzinova. Comp. A. Zhurbin. USSR, 1979. The roles were voiced by: V. Livanov, T. Reshetnikova, M. Lobanov, V. Ferapontov, A. Grave.
Uncle Au is in the city. Scene H. Mäkel, E. Uspensky. Dir. M.Muat. Comp. A. Zhurbin. USSR, 1979. The roles were voiced by: V. Livanov, A. Grave, T. Reshetnikova, S. Kryuchkova.
Uncle Au: Uncle Au's mistake. Scene E. Uspensky, H. Mäkel. Dir. L. Surikova. Comp. A. Zhurbin. USSR, 1979. The roles were voiced by: V. Livanov, A. Grave, B. Levinson, A. Shchukin.

Uncle Fyodor, dog and cat: Matroskin and Sharik. Scene E. Uspensky. Dir. L. Surikova, Yu. Klepatsky. Comp. A. Bykanov. Lyrics of I.Shaferan's songs. USSR, 1975. The roles were voiced by: Z. Andreeva, E. Khromova, V. Baykov, S. Kharlap, A. Goryunova, A. Verbitsky.
Uncle Fyodor, dog and cat: Mom and dad. Scene E. Uspensky. Dir. Yu. Klepatsky, L. Surikova. Comp. A. Bykanov. Text of songs (poems) by I. Shaferan. USSR, 1976.
Uncle Fyodor, dog and cat: Mitya and Murka. Scene E. Uspensky. Dir. Yu. Klepatsky, L. Surikova. Comp. A. Bykanov. Lyrics of I.Shaferan's songs. USSR, 1976.

Riddle: [from the almanac “Merry Carousel”: vol. 19]. Scene E. Uspensky. Dir. E. Fedorova. Comp. M. Link, Gr. Gladkov. USSR, 1988. The text is read by A. Filippenko.

Why does a camel need an orange? Scene A. Vatyan. Dir. Yu. Kalisher. Authors of the text: E. Uspensky, V. Lunin. USSR, 1986.

Ivashka from the Palace of Pioneers. Scene G. Sokolsky, E. Uspensky. Dir. G. Sokolsky. Comp. M. Meerovich. USSR, 1981. Roles voiced by: G. Bardin, E. Katsirov, S. Kharlap.

Painting. Vanya was driving. Scene E. Uspensky. Dir. F. Epifanova. Comp. M. Ziv. USSR, 1975.

Blot. Scene E. Uspensky. Dir. A. Reznikov. USSR, 1980.

Crocodile Gena. Scene E. Uspensky, R. Kachanov. Dir. R. Kachanov. Comp. M. Ziv. USSR, 1969. The roles were voiced by: V. Rautbart, K. Rumyanova, T. Dmitrieva, V. Livanov.
Cheburashka. Scene E. Uspensky, R. Kachanov. Dir. R. Kachanov. Comp. V. Shainsky. USSR, 1971. The roles were voiced by: K. Rumyanova, T. Dmitrieva, V. Livanov, V. Ferapontov.
Shapoklyak. Scene R. Kachanov, E. Uspensky. Dir. R. Kachanov. Comp. V. Shainsky. USSR, 1974. The roles were voiced by: V. Livanov, I. Mazing, K. Rumyanova, V. Ferapontov.
Cheburashka goes to school. Scene E. Uspensky, R. Kachanov. Dir. R. Kachanov. Comp. V. Shainsky. USSR, 1983. The roles were voiced by: K. Rumyanova, G. Burkov, V. Livanov, Y. Andreev.

The legacy of the wizard Bahram. Scene E. Uspensky. Dir. R. Kachanov. Comp. M. Meerovich. USSR, 1975. The roles were voiced by: R. Mirenkova, G. Vitsin, M. Vinogradova, V. Livanov.

Jonah. Scene R. Kachanov, E. Uspensky. Dir. V. Golikov. USSR, 1972.

New Year's song of Santa Claus. Scene E. Uspensky. Dir. A. Tatarsky. Comp. A. Zhurbin. USSR, 1983.

Olympic character. Scene V. Vinnitsky, E. Uspensky, Y. Shmalko. Dir. B. Akulinichev. Comp. M. Minkov. USSR, 1979.

Octopuses. Based on a poem by E. Uspensky. Scene E. Uspensky. Dir. R. Strautman. Comp. I. Efremov. USSR, 1976.

Plasticine crow. Scene A. Tatarsky. Dir. A. Tatarsky. Comp. Gr.Gladkov. Text of songs (poems) by E. Uspensky. USSR, 1981. The roles were voiced by: A. Levenbuk, A. Pavlov, L. Bronevoy, Gr. Gladkov, L. Shimelov.

Underwater berets: [a collection of stories about dolphin rangers based on the films “The Secret Ocean Dump”, “The Top of the Iceberg”, “The Lake at the Bottom of the Sea”, etc.]. Scene E. Uspensky. Dir. P. Lobanova, V. Tarasov, A. Mazaev, R. Strautmane, A. Gorlenko. Comp. E. Artemyev. Russia, 1991.
Secret Ocean Dump: [from the Dolphin Series]. Scene E. Uspensky. Dir. R. Strautman. Comp. F. Koltsov, T. Hayen. USSR, 1989.
The surface of the iceberg: [from the series about dolphins]. Scene E. Uspensky. Dir. A. Gorlenko. Comp. T. Hayen, E. Artemyev. USSR, 1989.
Lake at the bottom of the sea: [from the series about dolphins]. Scene E. Uspensky. Dir. A. Mazaev. Comp. T. Hayan. USSR, 1989.
Miko - Pavlova's son: [from the series about dolphins]. Scene I. Margolina, E. Uspensky. Dir. E. Prorokova. USSR, 1989.
Happy Start-1: [from the series about dolphins]. Scene E. Uspensky. Dir. V. Tarasov. Comp. T. Hayan. USSR, 1989.
Happy Start-2: [from the series about dolphins]. Scene E. Uspensky. Dir. V. Tarasov. Comp. T. Hayan. USSR, 1989.
Happy Start-3: [from the series about dolphins]. Scene E. Uspensky. Dir. V. Tarasov. Comp. T. Hayan. USSR, 1989.
Happy Start-4: [from the series about dolphins]. Scene E. Uspensky. Dir. V. Tarasov. Comp. T. Hayan. USSR, 1990.

About Vera and Anfisa: [the first film in the trilogy about the girl Vera and the monkey Anfisa]. Scene E. Uspensky. Dir. V. Fomin. Comp. Gr.Gladkov. USSR, 1986. The text is read by O. Basilashvili.
About Vera and Anfisa: Vera and Anfisa put out a fire: [the second film in the trilogy]. Scene E. Uspensky. Dir. V. Fomin. Comp. Gr.Gladkov. USSR, 1987. The text is read by O. Basilashvili.
About Vera and Anfisa: Vera and Anfisa in a lesson at school: [concludes. film trilogy]. Scene E. Uspensky. Dir. V. Fomin. Comp. Gr.Gladkov. USSR, 1988.

About Sidorov Vova. Based on a poem by E. Uspensky. Scene E. Uspensky, E. Nazarov. Dir. E. Nazarov. USSR, 1985. The text is read by S. Yursky.

About the refrigerator, gray mice and warranty men. Scene E. Uspensky. Dir. L. Domnin. THE USSR. 1979.

Bird Market. Scene E. Uspensky. Dir. M.Novogrudskaya. USSR, 1974.

Destruction: [from the almanac “Merry Carousel”: vol. 3]. Based on the poem of the same name by E. Uspensky. Scene E. Uspensky. Dir. V. Ugarov. Comp. Sh.Kallosh. USSR, 1971. The text is read by: A. Livshits, A. Levenbuk.

Red-haired, red-haired, freckled: [from the almanac “Merry Carousel”: vol. 3]. Scene E. Uspensky. Dir. L. Nosyrev. USSR, 1971. The roles were voiced by: G. Dudnik, S. Shurkhina, Yu. Yulskaya, T. Dmitrieva, A. Babaeva, K. Rumyanova, M. Korabelnikova.

Today in our city. Scene E. Uspensky. Dir. E. Fedorova. USSR, 1989. The text is read by A. Filippenko.

The investigation is being conducted by the Koloboks. Scene E. Uspensky. Dir. A. Zyablikova. Comp. N. Bogoslovsky. USSR, 1983. The roles were voiced by: T. Peltzer, V. Nevinny, V. Abdulov, L. Koroleva, Z. Naryshkina.
The investigation is being conducted by the Koloboks. Robbery of the century. Scene E. Uspensky. Dir. A. Zyablikova. Comp. M. Meerovich. USSR, 1983. The roles were voiced by: V. Abdulov, G. Vitsin, V. Nevinny.
The investigation is being conducted by the Koloboks. Theft of the century. Scene E. Uspensky. Dir. A. Zyablikova. Comp. N. Bogoslovsky. USSR, 1983. Roles voiced by: T. Peltzer, G. Vitsin, V. Abdulov, V. Nevinny.

The investigation is being conducted by Koloboki: [episodes 1 and 2]. Scene E. Uspensky. Dir. I. Kovalev, A. Tatarsky. Comp. Yu. Chernavsky. USSR, 1986. Roles voiced by: L. Bronevoy, S. Fedosov, A. Ptitsyn.
The investigation is being conducted by Koloboki: [episodes 3 and 4]. Scene E. Uspensky. Dir. I. Kovalev, A. Tatarsky. Comp. Yu. Chernavsky. USSR, 1987.

Elephant-dilo-son. Scene E. Uspensky. Dir. B. Ardov. Comp. I. Kataev. USSR, 1975.

Three types and a violinist. Based on a poem by E. Uspensky. Scene N. Lerner, E. Uspensky. Dir. N. Lerner. Comp. M. Meerovich. The film uses music by J.-S. Bach and A. Vivaldi. Russia, 1993.

Three from Prostokvashino. Scene E. Uspensky. Dir. V.Popov. Artist N.Erykalov, L.Khachatryan. Comp. E. Krylatov. USSR, 1978. The roles were voiced by: B. Novikov, G. Kachin, M. Vinogradova, V. Talyzina, O. Tabakov, L. Durov.
Vacations in Prostokvashino. Scene E. Uspensky. Dir. V.Popov. Comp. E. Krylatov. USSR, 1980. The roles were voiced by: B. Novikov, G. Kachan, M. Vinogradova, L. Durov, V. Talyzina, O. Tabakov.
Winter in Prostokvashino. Scene E. Uspensky. Dir. V.Popov. Comp. E. Krylatov. Authors of the text: Yu. Entin, E. Uspensky. USSR, 1984. The roles were voiced by: B. Novikov, G. Kachin, M. Vinogradova, Z. Naryshkina, O. Tabakov, V. Talyzina, L. Durov.

Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky (12/22/1937 - 08/14/2018) - Soviet and Russian writer, playwright and screenwriter, author of children's books, television presenter.


He received his education at the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI). After becoming an engineer, he made a living by writing and making cartoon scripts. In addition to children's books, Uspensky wrote poems and theatrical scenes from the Cheburashka series, "Crocodile Gena and His Friends."

Uspensky’s first book about Uncle Fyodor, “Uncle Fyodor, the Dog and the Cat,” was published in 1974. The main characters were a six-year-old boy Uncle Fyodor, a talking stray cat Matroskin and a dog Sharik. Three popular animated films were made based on the book: “Three from Prostokvashino”, “Holidays in Prostokvashino” and “Winter in Prostokvashino”.

Eduard Nikolaevich was the chairman of the jury of the Cherished Dream award. In 1986, he was a member of the jury in the first games of the revived Major League KVN.

Uspensky was one of the creators of the programs " Good night, kids!”, “ABVGDeyka”, “Baby Monitor”, as well as programs about the original song “Ships Came into Our Harbor”, which was awarded the TEFI Prize in 2000.

In 2007-2008 he was a member of Supreme Council political party"Civil Power".

In 2010, Uspensky was awarded the Korney Chukovsky Prize, established for children's writers, in the main category “For outstanding creative achievements in domestic children's literature."


Eduard Uspensky’s illness became known in 2012. The writer tried to carefully monitor his health: he was regularly observed by doctors. According to some media reports, in 2011, Uspensky underwent surgery: then he thought that he had managed to win serious illness. Later the disease reasserted itself. In the summer of 2018, the writer underwent treatment in Germany. On August 9, Uspensky felt ill at home and lost consciousness. He died on August 14, 2018 in his home in the village of Puchkovo, Troitsky administrative district of Moscow.


Father - Uspensky Nikolai Mikhailovich (1903-1947), employee of the apparatus of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks.
Mother - Natalya Alekseevna Uspenskaya (before Dzyurova’s marriage) (1907-1982), mechanical engineer.

Brothers: the eldest - Igor, the youngest - Yuri.

The first wife is Rimma.
Daughter Tatyana.
Granddaughter Ekaterina.
Grandson Edward.

Second wife - Elena Uspenskaya.
Twin daughters Irina and Svetlana,

Third wife (2005-2011) - Eleonora Filina, TV presenter.


1966 - Crocodile Gena and his friends.
1967 - Multi-colored family.
1968 - That's how school is.
1970 - Crocodile Gena.
1971 - Balloons.
1972 - Down the Magic River.
1973 - Ice.
1973 - Bahram's legacy.
1974 - Uncle Fyodor, dog and cat.
1974 - Academician Ivanov.
1974 - Vacation of the crocodile Gena.
1975 - Guarantee men.
1975 - Crocodile Gena.
1976 - Everything is fine.
1976 - Repeat.
1976 - An amazing thing.
1977 - Crocodile Gena.
1977 - Crocodile Gena and other tales.
1979 - Down the Magic River.
1981 - Clown School.
1982 - Ice.
1983 - If I were a girl.
1983 - Vacation in Prostokvashino.
1980, 1981, 1984 - Above our apartment.
1985 - Vera and Anfisa at the clinic.
1985 - Vera and Anfisa meet.
1987 - Clown Ivan Bultykh.
1987 - Kolobok follows the trail.
1988 - 25 professions of Masha Filipenko.
1988 - About Sidorov Vova.
1989 - Fur boarding school.
- Sage.
1990 - Red hand, black sheet, green fingers.
1990 - Uncle Fyodor, dog and cat (dialogues on political issues).
1991 - “Uncle Fyodor, dog and cat, and politics.
1991 - Lectures by Professor Chainikov.
1992 - Literacy: A book for one reader and ten illiterate people.
1992 - Business of Crocodile Genes.
1992 - Year of the Good Child (co-author E. de Grun).
1993 - Underwater berets.
1995 - Uncle Fyodor's Aunt, or Escape from Prostokvashino.
1997 — Winter in Prostokvashino.
1997 - Uncle Fyodor’s favorite girl.
1997 - New orders in Prostokvashino.
1999 - Uncle Fyodor goes to school, or Nancy from the Internet in Prostokvashino.
1999 - False Dmitry the Second, real.
2001 — Spring in Prostokvashino.
2001 - Mushrooms for Cheburashka.
2001 - Crocodile Gena - police lieutenant.
2001 - Pechkin vs. Khvataika.
2001 - The abduction of Cheburashka.
2001 - Holidays in the village of Prostokvashino.
2002 - Troubles in Prostokvashino.
2002 - The case of Stepanid: stories.
2002 - Viper bite.
2004 - Treasure from the village of Prostokvashino.
2004 - Mysterious guest from outer space.
2005 — Birthdays in Prostokvashino.
2005 - Acid rain in Prostokvashino and other funny stories.
2007 — New life in Prostokvashino
— Postman Pechkin’s mistake.
- Cheburashka goes to the people.
— Ivan is the royal son and the Gray Wolf.
— About Vera and Anfisa.
— Zhab Zhabych Skovorodkin.
- Son of Zhab Zhabych.
— The story of the sparrowhawk.
- Koloboks are conducting the investigation.
— Magnetic house near Vladimir.
— A farm dog on a Belarusian farm.
— Incidents in Prostokvashino, or the Inventions of the postman Pechkin.
2009 - Stories about a girl with a strange name.
2011 - Guarantee men are back.
2011 - The story about Geveychik, the gutta-percha man.
2011 - Ghost from Prostokvashino.

— Spanish series
1976 - Uncle Fyodor, dog and cat.
1979 - Guarantee men.
1983 - Girl teacher.
New Year in Prostokvashino.
— Island of Scientists.
— Santa Claus's vacation.
- About the pike's command.
- Missing white elephant.
- Koloboks are conducting the investigation.


Art films:

1982 - There, on unknown paths (based on the story “Down the Magic River”)
1991 - The Year of the Good Child (based on the story of the same name by E. Uspensky and E. de Grun)

Animated film scripts:

1969 - Antoshka (Merry Carousel, No. 1)
1969 - Crocodile Gena
1971 - Cheburashka
1971 - Defeat (Merry Roundabout, No. 3) (director V. Ugarov, composer S. Kallosh, text read by: A. Livshits, A. Levenbuk)
1971 - Red, red, freckled (Merry Carousel, No. 3)
1972 - Loser (script: R. Kachanov, E. Uspensky, director V. Golikov)
1974 - Shapoklyak
1974 - Bird Market (director M. Novogrudskaya)
1975 - Painting. Vanya was driving
1975 - The legacy of the wizard Bahram
1975 - Wonderful Day
1975 - Elephant-dilo-sonok (director B. Ardov)
1975 - Uncle Fyodor, dog and cat: Matroskin and Sharik (first film)
1976 - Uncle Fyodor, dog and cat: Mitya and Murka (second film)
1976 - Uncle Fyodor, dog and cat: Mom and Dad (third film)
1976 - Octopuses
1978 - Three from Prostokvashino
1979 - Uncle Au (first film)
1979 - Uncle Au's Mistake (second film)
1979 - Uncle Au in the city (third film)
1979 - About the refrigerator, gray mice and warranty men (director L. Domnin)
1979 - Olympic character
1980 - Vacation in Prostokvashino
1980 - Blot
1980 - Canoeing (from a series of microfilms about sports for the Olympics-80) (directed by R. Strautmane)
1980 - Judo (from a series of microfilms about sports for the 1980 Olympics) (directed by Yu. Butyrin)
1980 - Equestrian sport (from a series of microfilms about sports for the 1980 Olympics) (directed by Yu. Butyrin)
1980 - Artistic gymnastics (from a series of microfilms about sports for the Olympics-80) (director B. Akulinichev)
1980 - Race walking (from a series of microfilms about sports for the Olympics-80) (director O. Churkin)
1980 - Field hockey (from a series of microfilms about sports for the 1980 Olympics) (director O. Churkin)
1980 - Baba Yaga against! (film first)
1980 - Baba Yaga against! (film two)
1980 - Baba Yaga against! (film three)
1981 - Plasticine Crow
1981 - Ivashka from the Palace of Pioneers
1982 - Teleglaz (screensaver for a series of programs about saving) (director A. Tatarsky)
1983 - Cheburashka goes to school
1983 - Koloboks are conducting the investigation (film first) (director Aida Zyablikova)
1983 - The Koloboks are conducting the investigation (the second film) (director Aida Zyablikova)
1983 - Santa Claus's New Year's song
1984 - Winter in Prostokvashino
1985 - About Sidorov Vova
1986 - Academician Ivanov
1986 - About Vera and Anfisa
1986 - Koloboks are conducting the investigation (film first, second) (directors: Igor Kovalev, Alexander Tatarsky
1987 - Koloboks are conducting the investigation (film three, four) (directors: Igor Kovalev, Alexander Tatarsky)
1987 - About Vera and Anfisa: Vera and Anfisa put out the fire
1988 - About Vera and Anfisa: Vera and Anfisa in a lesson at school
1988 - Riddle (Merry Carousel, No. 19)
1989 - Today in our city
1989 - Happy Start 1 (film about dolphins)
1989 - Happy Start 3 (film about dolphins)
1989 - Lake at the Bottom of the Sea (film about dolphins)
1989 - Miko - Pavlova’s son (director E. Prorokova) (film about dolphins)
1989 - The surface of the iceberg (film about dolphins) (director A. Gorlenko, composers: T. Hayen, E. Artemyev)
1989 - Secret Ocean Dump (film about dolphins)
1990 - Happy Start 4 (film about dolphins)
1991 - Underwater berets [ feature film about dolphins]
TV serials
2001 - “Advice from Professor Chainikov,” television series for children (directed by Oleg Ryaskov, MNVK, TV6).


1991 - prize and diploma named after. A. Gaidar for the story “The Year of a Good Child” to the writer Eles de Grun and the writer Eduard Uspensky.
1997 - Ogonyok magazine award
1997 - Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree
2005 - Golden medal World Intellectual Property Organization
2010 - Government Prize Russian Federation in the field of culture for the book “Stories about a girl with a strange name”
2010 - Prize named after. K. Chukovsky in the nomination “For outstanding creative achievements in domestic children’s literature”
Laureate of the All-Union competition for the best children's book
2015 - Prize named after. Lev Kopelev for the fight for peace and human rights.
2015 - Telegrand national award for outstanding contribution to the creation of children's television programs and significant achievements in the development of animated films.

  • The series of works about “Prostokvashino” was translated into Turkish.
  • The image of the old woman Shapoklyak was copied by Uspensky from his ex-wife.

Russian literature XIX century

Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky


Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky was born on December 22, 1937 in the city of Yegoryevsk, Moscow region.

After graduating from school, he entered the Moscow Aviation Institute. IN student years starts studying literary creativity, published since 1960. Graduated from the institute in 1961.

He began his creative career as a humorist; together with A. Arkanov, he published several humorous books. By his own admission, he got into children's literature by accident. His children's poems began to be published as humorous ones in the Literaturnaya Gazeta; they were heard in the radio program Good Morning!

He became widely known as the author of children's books: “Gena the Crocodile and His Friends” (1966), “Down the Magic River” (1972), etc. His plays, written together with R. Kachanov, “Cheburashka and His Friends,” became extremely popular. "(1970); "Bahram's Legacy" (1973); “The Vacation of the Crocodile Gena” (1974), etc. The images of Cheburashka, the crocodile Gena and other heroes invented by him are loved by children of several generations. In 1976, a collection of poems “Everything is Alright” was published. In 1980 - 90 he published a series of wonderful children’s books: “Vacation in Prostokvashino”, “Uncle Fyodor, the dog and the cat”, “Kolobok is on the trail”, “A colorful family”, “Red Hand, Black Sheet, Green Fingers (scary stories for fearless children)”, “Lectures by Professor Chainikov (an entertaining textbook in radio engineering)” was published in 1994.

No less success befell the adventures of friends from Prostokvashino - Uncle Fyodor, Sharik, and the cat Matroskin. And they also found their on-screen embodiment. In addition, Eduard Uspensky wrote for the popular children's program “Baby Monitor”, for the television program “ABVGDeyka”, and now hosts the program “Ships Came into Our Harbor”.

The writer's works have been translated into more than 25 languages, his books were published in Finland, Holland, France, Japan, and the USA. IN last years His new books are published in the Samovar publishing house, which he organized. Lives and works in Moscow.

Recently, Eduard Uspensky announced that he had completed many years of work on the cycle historical novels, telling about the period of False Dmitry and the Time of Troubles.

Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky was born in the Moscow region on December 22, 1937. The boy's father was a party worker, and his mother was an engineer in the mechanical engineering department. After school, he applied to the capital's aviation institute to become an engineer, from which he successfully graduated in 1961.

The writer’s first literary works were published during his student years. These works were created together with A. Arkanov and were humorous in nature. But many of them were never “censored” by the publishers of that time due to their inconsistency with communist ideals.

Uspensky's humorous works were a success with the public, but he is better known to everyone as an author of children's literature. Among his books are the well-known “Gena the Crocodile and His Friends” and “Down the Magic River”, as well as “Vacation in Prostokvashino”.

Several dozen cartoons were filmed under his leadership. He is the author of such famous television programs as: “Good night, kids” and “Ships came into our harbor.” There were three marriages in Uspensky's life. His first marriage gave the writer his only natural daughter, Tanechka. But twenty years later the union broke up and Edward, taking his daughter for himself, married a second time. It is surprising that this marriage lasted exactly 20 years. Living together with the second wife was not cloudless (the couple could not have children), and the couple decided to adopt children from orphanage. So two more girls appeared in the Uspensky family - Ira and Sveta. The beginning of the relationship with Eleanor Filina was overshadowed by a trial with Edward's second wife, who accused him of non-payment of alimony. After the case was completed, Uspensky and Filina legalized their relationship.

Russian writer, playwright, screenwriter. Author of children's books, TV presenter.

Among the characters invented by Eduard Uspensky are the Crocodile Gena and Cheburashka, the cat Matroskin and Uncle Fyodor, the postman Pechkin, the dog Sharik, Grandfather Au, the Kolobok brothers and many others.

Eduard Uspensky. Biography

Eduard Uspensky born on December 22, 1937 in the city of Yegoryevsk, which is located in the Moscow region. The father of the future writer - Nikolai Mikhailovich Uspensky. He worked in the apparatus of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, but died too early: at the time of his death he was 44 years old. Mother of Eduard Uspensky - Natalya Alekseevna Uspenskaya- worked as a mechanical engineer. Eduard Nikolaevich had two brothers - Igor and Yuri.

Eduard Uspensky graduated from the Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI) and became an engineer, but he made his living by writing scripts for cartoons. In addition to children's books, Uspensky was engaged in composing poetry and writing theatrical sketches, which were published as part of the series “ Crocodile Gena and his friends».

Uspensky's first book Uncle Fyodor, dog and cat"about a six-year-old boy, whom everyone called Uncle Fyodor because he was too independent, was published in 1974. The plot of the book formed the basis of cartoons that became extremely popular: “ Three from Prostokvashino", "Holidays in Prostokvashino" and "Winter in Prostokvashino".

In 2010, Uspensky was awarded the Korney Chukovsky Prize, established for children's writers, in the main category “For outstanding creative achievements in domestic children's literature.”

Eduard Uspensky was the chairman of the jury of the Russian national award in the field of children's literature “The Cherished Dream”. In 1986, Uspensky was a member of the jury in the first games of the revived KVN Major League.

Uspensky was one of the creators of the programs “Good night, kids! ", "ABVGDeyka", "Baby Monitor", as well as programs about the author's song "Ships Came into Our Harbor", which was awarded a TEFI prize in 2000.

In 2018, outraged by the release of the sequel to Prostokvashino, Eduard Uspensky wrote a letter to Vladimir Putin. Uspensky, in an open letter to the President of Russia, argued that representatives of Soyuzmultfilm “intended to film stories about the “village of Prostokvashino by Eduard Uspensky” without any consent from this very Eduard Uspensky. And they even made several film adaptations.”

“But the determined Yuliana Slashcheva came to Soyuzmultfilm. She immediately decided that “all rights” belonged only to the studio, and not only the rights to the old films, but also the rights to any works and characters included in them or preceding them, regardless of when and by whom they were created, as well as the rights create new films and books without any permission from the authors, including the authors of the works on the basis of which the films were once created,” an indignant Uspensky wrote in an open message to Putin.

Uspensky also addressed the actors voicing the characters “ Returns to Prostokvashino"( , and ) with a request to voluntarily refuse this work. Representatives of Soyuzmultfilm claimed that they offered Uspensky to conclude a contract for the transfer of rights for an unprecedented amount of 5 million rubles.

At the beginning of August 2018, a conflict between Uspensky and the studio Soyuzmultfilm was settled. Writer granted Soyuzmultfilm exclusive rights to use original scripts"Prostokvashino" and a license for trademarks with the names of the characters of these cartoons. Soyuzmultfilm, in turn, assumed the obligation to pay the author royalties from the income received from the use of licenses.

Eduard Uspensky. Personal life

First wife Uspensky becameRimma who bore him a daughter Tatiana. Tatiana gave birth to a daughter Catherine and a son who was named in honor of the famous grandfather - Edward. The writer’s second wife, Elena Uspenskaya, gave him twin daughters Irina And Svetlana. From 2005 to 2011, Eduard Uspensky was married to a TV presenter Eleonora Filina.

In the last years of his life, Uspensky struggled with serious cancer. In August 2018, he returned from treatment in Germany. Next to him was his ex-wife Elena.

Eduard Uspensky. Filmography

  • Cheburashka (2013)
  • Fixies (TV series 2010–2015)
  • Cheburashka (2009)
  • Advice from Professor Chainikov (TV series 2001)
  • Three Types and a Violinist (1993)
  • Oh guys, ta-ra-ra (1992)
  • Underwater Berets (1991)
  • Year good child (1991)
  • Vera and Anfisa during a lesson at school (TV, 1988)
  • Riddle (1988)
  • About Vera and Anfisa: Vera and Anfisa put out the fire (TV, 1987)
  • The investigation is being conducted by Koloboks (TV, 1986)
  • Academician Ivanov (TV, 1986)
  • Useful advice from Professor Chainikov (TV series, 1985–1986)
  • About Sidorov Vova (1985)
  • Winter in Prostokvashino (1984)
  • Cheburashka goes to school (1983)
  • The investigation is being conducted by Koloboks. First investigation (1983)
  • The investigation is being conducted by the Koloboks. Kidnapping of the Century (1983)
  • Teleeye (TV, 1982)
  • New Year's song of Santa Claus (TV, 1982)
  • There, on unknown paths... (1982)
  • Plasticine Crow (TV, 1981)
  • Ivashka from the Palace of Pioneers (1981)
  • Olympics-80. Race Walking (1980)
  • Olympics-80. Artistic Gymnastics (1980)
  • Equestrianism (Dressage) (1980)
  • Equestrianism (1980)
  • The Blob (1980)
  • Judo (1980)
  • Canoeing (1980)
  • Uncle Au in the City (TV, 1979)
  • Baba Yaga is against! (miniseries, 1979)
  • Uncle Au's Mistake (TV, 1979)
  • Uncle Au (TV, 1979)
  • Three from Prostokvashino (1978)
  • Uncle Fyodor, Dog and Cat. Mitya and Murka (1976)
  • Uncle Fyodor, Dog and Cat. Mom and Dad (1976)
  • Octopuses (TV, 1976)
  • The Wizard Bahram's Inheritance (1975)
  • Vanya was driving (1975)
  • Uncle Fedor, Dog and Cat: Matroskin and Sharik (1975)
  • Wonderful Day (1975)
  • Elephant-dilo-snock (1975)
  • The Picture (TV, 1975)
  • Bird Market (1974)
  • Shapoklyak (1974)
  • Cheburashka (1972)
  • Red, red, freckled (TV, 1971)
  • Mayhem (TV, 1971)
  • The Wings of Uncle Marabou (1969)
  • Merry Carousel (TV series, 1969–2014)
  • Merry Carousel No. 1 (1969)
  • Antoshka (TV, 1969)