How to draw Soviet tanks. How to draw a Tiger tank

Before starting the lesson, it will be useful to watch this video:

On the eve of the 70th anniversary of the victory, I wanted to draw something corresponding to the holiday. Without hesitation, I chose the tank, which became a legend at first Soviet Union, and then Russian Federation. We are talking about the legendary T-34. I think I will not be mistaken in the assumption that today in every Russian city there is such a combat vehicle on a pedestal. This tank became a symbol of victory. Our 34s weren't as terrifying as Joseph Stalin's heavy tanks (not to mention the IS-3), but they were fast enough for decisive maneuvers. And the most important thing is their quantity, the fascist troops simply could not believe that it was possible to produce so many tanks, and most importantly in a country that they thought they were about to defeat.

Like all my previous drawings, I started drawing the tank with an outline:

During the war, the T-34 tank managed to transform; the turret with a 76-mm gun was replaced with a turret with an 85-mm gun. However, the tank's chassis remained almost unchanged. It was by drawing the chassis that I continued drawing the T-34 tank.

As you can see, the process was as follows - first I drew the “wheels”, then added volume to the wheels, and after that I moved on to drawing the tracks. Regarding caterpillar tracks, by the way, they are very difficult to draw. So if you are not one of those who have patience, then this lesson is definitely not for you.

The next step was drawing the side armor. It was she who made the tank a legend, since it was difficult for German guns to penetrate such armor. Only their 75 mm and 88 mm guns were capable of this. Gunners of smaller caliber guns had to work hard before they could do anything to the Soviet tanks.

The next stage is the frontal armor, which includes a 7.62mm DT machine gun, a headlight and driver's hatch, and a spare track that creates additional protection for the crew of the T-34 tank.

Hello! Today we will again turn to the topic of drawing tanks. It’s very complex and we’ve already drawn it, we’ve also drawn it super simple, but here’s a relatively simple one, but with some details we haven’t published yet. Actually, now is the time for a simple tank for children. Let's start the lesson and find out how to draw a tank for kids!

Step 1

First, let's draw a rounded outline of the tank's turret. Please note that the bottom part is completely straight, and the other sides are rounded.

Step 2

Let's draw the body of the tank. Like our entire tank drawing lesson, this stage will be very simple. True, at this stage, minimal efforts are still worth making - they will be aimed at ensuring that the body consists of straight and straight lines. Of course, there are no such strict requirements in terms of straightness of lines, as, for example, in lessons about this, or, but you must try to draw the lines as evenly as possible. Essentially, this body looks like a ladder from the side.

Step 3

Now we draw the outline of the caterpillars. It is longer at the top than at the bottom, and this difference is quite noticeable. Only important point— the tracks should be smooth, without sharp corners.

Step 4

Let's draw the silhouette of the tank. We start from top to bottom, just like in all other drawing lessons. First, let's draw the barrel - mark a square at the very end, and another one at the base. On the top of the turret we will outline a hatch rectangle, slightly shade it bottom part towers.

Under the tower on the right we draw a tank - a long, elongated rectangle and a pair of narrow transverse stripes inside it. Actually, only the caterpillar remains, in which we first edge the edges, and then place vertical strokes inside the edging area. Yes, we almost forgot about the machine gun, which looks like a small stick on the front end of the tank.

Step 5

Actually, we draw the wheels inside the caterpillar. They look like circles - three large ones in the center, and a couple more very small ones on the sides. Each wheel is outlined inside with a border, and has another small circle in the center.

This was a very simple lesson on how to draw a tank. Don't forget to follow us in contact to stay updated on all new drawing lessons. See you again!

→ Draw a tank

What you will need

In order to draw a tank we may need:

  • Paper. It's better to take medium grain special paper: It will be much more pleasant for novice artists to draw on this one.
  • Sharpened pencils. I advise you to take several degrees of hardness, each should be used for different purposes.
  • Eraser.
  • Stick for rubbing hatching. You can use plain paper rolled into a cone. It will be easy for her to rub the shading, turning it into a monotonous color.
  • A little patience.
  • Good mood.

Step by step lesson

Drawing a tank is a bit difficult, like any complex thing. vehicle It must be designed in a certain way to function. In order not to violate the design features, it is better to see live what it looks like. If this is not possible, look at available photographs on the Internet.

By the way, in addition to this lesson, I advise you to pay attention to the lesson “”. It will help improve your skill or just give you a little fun.

Tip: create a sketch with as thin strokes as possible. The thicker the sketch strokes are, the more difficult it will be to erase them later.

The first step, or rather the zero step, is always to mark a sheet of paper. This will let you know where exactly the drawing will be located. If you place the drawing on half of the sheet, you can use the other half for another drawing. Here is an example of marking a sheet in the center:

The tank is one of the most complex military vehicles in design. Its basis is the tracks, body and. The most difficult thing to draw in a tank is its body. The front hull is designed to reflect projectiles, so it is always at a large angle. This military trick protects the tank from a frontal shell hit.

The most important thing in drawing a tank is to draw its base, the tracks.

In this lesson we will try to draw a T-34 tank.

1. Let's draw the basis for the tracks and tank hull

First we will make the base for the tracks and body of the tank. Let's draw the basis for the tank tracks in the form of a hexagon. And inside it we will draw a central line, it will help to draw the wheels same size. After drawing the tracks, draw the base of the tank body. To do this, draw two trapezoids from the tracks, one will be in front and the other on the side.

2. Drawing of a tank. Military tank turret

Next, let's start drawing the tank's turret. To do this, draw a rectangle with two rounded edges at the back. Then we will draw lines from the contour of our tower that will connect it to the base of the tank. Then we will add a pipe to the tower for the future tank cannon.

3. Now we draw the wheels in the tank tracks

Now we need to draw the wheels in the tracks, I have six of them, but you may have more or maybe less, it depends on the size of your tank drawing. First draw the central wheel, draw it along the middle line that we drew earlier. Then add other wheels the same size as the central wheel. Next we need to round out the mudguards over the track. To draw a tank you need to follow all the little details, otherwise it will be implausible.

4. Drawing of a tank. Gas tank, steps and hatch

At this stage we will add a gas tank, steps and a hatch to the tank drawing. I think you won't have any problems with these little things. After this, you need to slightly raise the bottom line between the two tracks of the tank.

5. Let's draw more details for the tank turret

Now you need to “break” the tank turret into two parts. To do this, draw a circular line around the cannon. Next, let's make the tank's cannon a little thinner, and add some hoops to its beginning. You also need to draw in detail the hatch cover on top of the tank turret.

6. Drawing of a tank. Drawing small details

We are already finishing drawing the tank and the next step is just to draw the various small parts tank. First, let's refine the tracks by adding a tread to it. Then we'll finish drawing the wheels in detail. To do this, add a stroke to the previous contours of the wheels, draw a pin (axle) in the middle of the wheel and make the inner rim of the wheel. Next, add teeth to the outer wheels; it is with these small wheels that the tank pulls the caterpillar for movement. Further clarify the details of the hatch on the turret, and see what else you can draw on the tank's hull. Many tankers installed additional barrels of fuel on the tank hull.

7. Finishing touches tank drawing

By this step, you should have already completely drawn the tank and all that remains is to paint over or shade the wheels of the tank, which will make them three-dimensional and more realistic. Spend more time on this step, draw almost all the details of the wheels, carefully working out all the little details. These little things will make the tank drawing realistic. Don't forget that this tank drawing is dedicated to the famous T-34 tank, as well as the Kalashnikov assault rifle, which brought victory to our country during the Second World War. Therefore, you need to draw a big red one on the turret of the T-34 tank. And the tankers put small stars on the turret to keep track of their victories against enemy tanks.

Now you know how to draw a tank and I hope that you were able to repeat the lesson. Now you can pay attention to the lesson “” - it is just as interesting and exciting. Share the lesson on in social networks and show your results to your friends.

Simple tips will help you learn how to draw a tank on paper so that it looks very believable and the details look realistic. This great way parents spending time together with their child. It will be especially interesting for boys who are early childhood are interested military equipment, weapons. At first glance, it seems that drawing a tank requires drawing skills, which are acquired in art school. Of course, mastery of different drawing techniques will help you draw on professional level. But if desired, everyone will be able to depict a seemingly complex military machine on an ordinary album sheet using a simple pencil. You can use other supplies, such as paints, but they are much more difficult to work with. For this reason, we recommend learning to draw a tank using the pencil technique step by step, which will require soft pencil, eraser, paper.

If you want to draw in color, we recommend that you learn to use colored pencils and then switch to paints, since the watercolor technique oil painting requires certain skills from the performer. Drawing with pencils is relatively simple. Popular are images of tanks made by regular pencil. A boy of 8–10 years old can easily cope with this task. If you want to teach your child how to draw a fighting vehicle, we recommend practicing.

It is very important to carry out all the steps described below step by step.

Schemes for drawing

Schemes through which you can learn how to draw a tank differ in level of complexity, depending on the model of the combat vehicle and drawing technique. In any case, it is very important to carry out all the steps step by step to make the task easier and get an excellent result.

People with experience in drawing can use a more complex scheme. Beautiful drawing tank will work if you work out all the details, add light and shade, highlight some details dark color. For this it is important to work softly with a simple pencil, which is ideal for drawing.

The diagram of such a Soviet tank is clear. It is also important to carry out all actions in stages. It is important to note that the process should be approached creatively. To understand what a tank should look like, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with numerous photographs of real military equipment, study its structure and operating principle. If you have artistic abilities and drawing skills, you can try to copy military equipment directly from real photo or models.

The drawing of the tank can be done using different techniques. During the preparation process, you should determine what model of combat vehicle you want to depict. It is advisable to start learning with drawing black and white pictures, which is done with a regular pencil. We do not recommend drawing tanks for children under the age of one. school age, as they may find the process difficult. When drawing, it is very important to pay attention to detail.

It is worth noting that the skills of drawing a tank with a pencil may be necessary not only for boys, but also for girls who, for example, want to make a postcard and congratulate dad on Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Therefore, it is important for parents to know step by step drawing to help children learn to do it themselves. The image diagram itself is not very complicated, but it is important to learn how to highlight the details. It is important to note that drawing a tank can also be different. And the difference is not only in the model, but also in the complexity of the entire process. Parents should explain that the tank consists of three main parts, each of which needs to be given special attention and all the necessary details depicted.

Simple image

First you need to prepare a pencil, an eraser and a blank piece of paper. Remember that by drawing with children, you are not only teaching practical skills in correctly depicting objects, but also comprehensive development baby. Therefore, before starting, it is appropriate to talk with your child about war and peace, military equipment, which children associate with just such a machine.

A simple drawing of a tank is designed for children 5-6 years old. We begin to draw step by step by dividing the image into 3 main parts:

  • lower – caterpillars;
  • middle – tank body;
  • the top one is a tower with a barrel.

We draw these three components, starting from the bottom. It is depicted as an inverted trapezoid with rounded lower edges. These will be the tank tracks. Above them, another trapezoid is drawn, which also has rounded corners and on one side is slightly smaller in size than the lower part. The upper part, which in the future will be a tower with a muzzle, is the smallest in size and also has the shape of a trapezoid with a narrower upper edge.

The next stage of pencil drawing is drawing out the details. Each part of the image has its own details, which make a tank from our blank. When drawing details with a pencil, you can talk about the purpose of this or that element in the design of this military transport. This information is very interesting for children.

The lower trapezoid is the tracks of the machine. They are drawn side by side in the form of small circles. Next we make a hatch and a spare tank. The last to be drawn is the barrel of the tower and small elements, for example, emblems, inscriptions or a flag. This is how the simplest image of this military equipment appears step by step.

More complex image

This drawing is intended more for older children. This is usually suitable for younger students. Such drawing requires the child to have sufficient knowledge and skills in this area. The tank turns out to be more voluminous and realistic. Step-by-step execution such an image in pencil is a guarantee of a good result.

  • First, we draw the base in the form of two lines, which help us correctly distribute all the parts that will make up our tank in the future: an oval at the top and two lines, which in the future will be the top points of the tracks.
  • Based on these main details of the drawing, first large parts (caterpillars, barrel, cabin) are drawn step by step, and then smaller ones as shown in the picture.
  • The last stage is shading with a pencil. After this, the tank becomes more voluminous. To do this, it is important to remember which places are drawn darker and tinted, and which should be left lighter. The drawing becomes alive.

Drawing for children should be an interesting pastime. Such activities help to develop correctly and understand the world.