Daria Voskoboeva - biography, age, personal life, VKontakte, Instagram? "Battle of psychics" by Darius Voskoboev, how old, family, biography? Battle witch Daria Voskoboeva.

The seventeenth season of the most popular mystical television show The “Battle of Psychics” is now in full swing. Passions are heating up, the tests are becoming more complex and seemingly impossible, and the audience has already decided on their favorites.

One of the strongest participants of the current season, who has already received her well-deserved “white envelope,” is a psychic who has Kyrgyz roots. This woman, quite impressive in appearance, has a very unusual specialization, which was not previously on the project. Daria calls herself an esoteric fashion designer, practices Eastern magic, and claims to be able to take away her opponents' best abilities, thereby becoming stronger.

But let's try to understand in more detail who this eastern witch is, and what path she went through before her appearance on the show.

Daria Voskoboeva - biography

Biography of Daria Voskoboeva can't be called ordinary.

According to some reports, she was born on May 6, 1980 and is an indigenous resident northern capital. There, in St. Petersburg, she spent her childhood and youth. The girl graduated from a regular secondary school and entered the St. Petersburg Pedagogical University named after Herzen. Nothing is known for certain about her parents, as well as whether any of her relatives and friends possessed psychic abilities or clairvoyance. Daria Voskoboeva, nationality which causes a large number of disputes and assumptions, she herself admitted that there are Kyrgyz roots in her family, thanks to which she has such a bright and colorful oriental appearance.

Daria is a ritual medium, a master of eastern witchcraft and, in her words, a “battle witch.” The woman notes that in her youth she began to master the practices of so-called “combat magic,” the mastery of which allows her to deprive her opponents of their strength by taking away their extrasensory abilities. Thereby, Daria Voskoboeva enhances its own magical energy.

As for the previously mentioned esoteric fashion design, the clairvoyant is able to reconstruct people’s lives, attracting love and wealth into them through special rituals. She is an expert in bewitching drinks, possesses the secrets of sexual magic and the magic of wish fulfillment. In addition, Daria is ready to share her knowledge with students and followers; she conducts seminars and master classes on various topics.

Psychic Daria Voskoboeva, biography who has been associated with magic since childhood, belongs to the famous coven of witches, the winner of the ninth season of the “battle,” Natalia Banteeva. Note that a number of other people belong to this coven. the strongest psychics, winners and finalists of previous seasons, including Victoria Raidos, Tatyana Larina, Elena Yasevich - this is not the entire list of famous magicians. Voskoboeva learned a lot directly from Natalia herself, but she calls herself a collector magical practices, claiming that on the basis of all the knowledge gained, he creates his own, completely new, magic. Daria Voskoboeva practices sleep travel - a ritual she happily teaches to her followers.

As for his personal life, the psychic is quite normal with this. And, although the girl does not like to talk about her loved ones, believing that this can significantly harm both them and herself, it is known for certain that Daria is married and is the mother of two children: a son and a daughter. Together with her family, the clairvoyant lives in St. Petersburg. Daria Voskoboeva is an active user of social networks; on her personal page on Instagram, you can find many photographs where she is captured with two children, whose names are Alexander and Bozena. It is logical to assume that these are her heirs.

Daria Voskoboeva – “Battle of Psychics”

Daria decided to take part in the casting of the seventeenth season of the “Battle of Psychics” with the approval and encouragement of her mentor, the witch Natalya Banteeva. Participation in the popular “magic” project has become a new page in biography of Daria Voskoboeva. Fans of the show, closely following everything that happens, have long noted that representatives of the coven famous witch They always stand out quite favorably against the background of all the other participants in the show, both in appearance and with their unique abilities. Her followers confidently overcome even the most difficult challenges, leaving their rivals far behind. AND Daria Voskoboeva, nationality which distinguished her favorably from all other participants, is by no means an exception to these rules.

The “Battle Witch”, with cold confidence, began the rather difficult qualifying tests and was able, with her abilities, to amaze and shock not only television viewers, but also the most ardent skeptic, Sergei Safronov. This hot brunette quickly managed to find the man hidden in the trunk of the car. But such a speed of completing a complex task, quite a bit, alerted the project observers, so much so that Daria Voskoboeva asked to take this test again.

On the second attempt, she could not find the man hidden in the trunk, but the woman very accurately identified the car that belonged to the hidden woman. But this did not convince the observers, so Safronov himself set a condition for Daria: if on the third attempt she fails to find the hidden person, then she will immediately leave the seventeenth season of the “Battle of Psychics.” The Eastern Witch coped with this task and, as a result, managed to stay on the project.

In the second episode of the season, the clairvoyant, during the test, very quickly identified among the pregnant women the one who had a fake belly, not a real one. She told quite interesting and very personal facts from the life of each woman, which greatly amazed both those present and the audience. I especially remember Daria Voskoboeva after the trip, all participants and the film crew of the project went to Obninsk, where the relatives of the murdered young girl were waiting for them. They really wanted to get clear answers to their questions. The clairvoyant coped well with this difficult task.

Daria Voskoboeva became a finalist in the “Battle of Psychics” season along with Marilyn Kerro, Swami Dashi and Nadezhda Shevchenko. She was able to achieve the respect and admiration of the audience and acquired a considerable army of her fans, ranking, according to the results audience votes, fourth place in the seventeenth season. And this is not a merit at all nationality of Daria Voskoboeva, and her magical abilities. Viewers hope that biography of Natalia Voskoboeva, and will continue to be replenished with more and more victories and achievements of the talented psychic.

Daria Voskoboeva - collector and battle witch

Psychic Daria Voskoboeva deals with oriental and combat magic, but is not limited to this. According to her, she - collector of magical practices. The witch creates her own own view magical practices, and her spells are composed of the language of the deaf and dumb, sigils and mudras - these are the mysterious hand passes that the audience sees. She calls herself a magic hunter - the witch is able to find owners supernatural abilities and take their powers for yourself. In this way she deprives her rivals of strength. According to personal statements, Daria Voskoboeva practices magical theft at the Battle of Psychics.

In addition, Daria Voskoboeva has the abilities of a medium and knows how to prepare healing and love spells. She sees dead Souls and knows how to communicate with them. During the tests at the Battle of Psychics, she had to call the dead in order to obtain information about their death. In general, at the very stage of selection for the Battle of Psychics, the witch herself said this about what she is capable of:

I can make you fall in love, I can make you rich, I can destroy you.

Another type of activity of Daria Voskoboeva, with which she probably began her career at the personality development center of Natalya Banteeva, is an esoteric fashion designer. In other words, she creates an image for famous magicians and psychics.

Biography and personal life of Daria Voskoboeva

Daria's date of birth is May 6, and the year is unknown. Like most of the project participants, she prefers to hide her age. Judging by appearance clairvoyant, she is quite young. It is unlikely that Voskoboeva’s age has exceeded 35 years. It is assumed that she was born in 1980 in St. Petersburg.

Little is known about the personal life of the psychic. On the set, she appeared in the company of two children - Bozhena and Alexander. The resemblance to the witch is impossible not to notice; her children are very similar to her. About their father and ex-husband Very little is known about Daria. His name is Vlad Voskoboev, and he is a non-public person. The witch broke up with her husband during the filming of season 17 because of his infidelity. All her attention was devoted to the “Battle”, and there was no energy left for her personal life. Daria did not want to influence the situation with magic, because love witchcraft would definitely affect the children.

Vlad was not her first husband. The first husband's name is Denis, and Daria divorced him after his infidelity. Now she appears more and more often in public and in photographs in the company of producer Vladimir Myakishin. Voskoboeva denies rumors of an affair and calls Vladimir her business partner.

Daria draws well, mainly portraits. Relatively recently, she painted a portrait of her daughter. All used witchcraft attributes and tools were created personally by her. Of all types of transport, the witch prefers motorcycles, and her passion for them was influenced by her second husband - he is an avid motorcyclist. She prefers active recreation.

Many fans of the Battle of Psychics are interested in the nationality of Daria Voskoboeva. Her family includes Kyrgyz and Gypsies. Daria graduated from gymnasium No. 192 and received higher education RGPU named after. Herzen. That's it now free time she devotes herself to esotericism and magic, work and teaching at the Banteeva Center, developing an image for famous esotericists of our time.

Daria does not like to give away her secrets. In the 11th episode of the Battle of Psychics, when the participants were asked to answer questions from fans of the show, she refused to talk about herself, unlike Swami Dasha and Nadezhda Shevchenko.

Official page and social networks of psychic Voskoboeva

The official VKontakte page of Daria Voskoboeva exists only in a single copy: https://vk.com/id49868698. She has both a personal profile and an official public page. Voskoboeva provides consultations on Skype, but to do this you need to sign up for a consultation using the phone numbers indicated in your status or in the contacts on the website. There are many scammers acting on her behalf, so you should not trust people who do not show their faces on Skype or require prepayment before the session.

Like all graduates of the Banteeva Center, she leads active work on social networks. Daria Voskoboeva's Instagram will appeal to any fan of the Battle of Psychics. She often posts new photos from her life - personal and public, as well as coven events and from the filming of the Battle of Psychics.

On Natalia Banteeva’s website (banteeva.ru/specialisty/darya-voskoboeva/), Voskoboeva has a page on which her services and training programs for future magicians are described. The witch also has her own website, where she posts interviews, reviews of techniques, as well as contacts and areas in which she works.

Daria Voskoboeva at the Battle of Psychics

Participant in the Battle of Psychics Daria Voskoboeva was remembered by the audience from the first minute of her presence on the screen. And the point is not only that she is a witch from the coven of Natalya Banteeva, known to almost everyone, who personally brought Daria to the project and introduced her to everyone present at the qualifying stage as a witch who has no equal here. It was planned that she would represent the coven; Maria Gan initially did not plan to participate in the project. Natalya Banteeva is not only Voskoboeva’s mentor and colleague, but also her close friend to this day.

The trunk test, which is considered one of the most difficult tasks qualifying round of the Battle of Psychics, Daria completed it in less than 5 minutes. She did not refuse the additional verification proposed by the presenter. She was unable to find the man in the trunk the second time. The clairvoyant chose the car that belonged to the woman hidden in the trunk.

After the failure, Daria asked the presenter to give her another chance. Safronov proposed an outrageous, in the opinion of observers, solution - to reset the clairvoyant’s account, and if she does not find the person for the third time, she will not get into the project. Daria agreed, but if successful, she demanded that Safronov fulfill any of her wishes. He agreed. The clairvoyant found the man in the trunk for the third time, but it is still unknown what wish she will make for Sergei Safronov.

The parents of the deceased 15-year-old girl, about whose death little is known, also remembered her for a long time. Voskoboeva is convinced that the girl was killed; she even named the name of the person who could shed light on this crime. Her gift was also useful for the investigator who was working on the case of the girl killed in the park, but the details are known only to police officers.

Natalia Banteeva's coven is always represented by fairly strong participants, and most often these are witches. This was, for example, Tatyana Larina. It is difficult to imagine that a representative of such a strong community of witches could take less than second place in the Battle of Psychics. Daria has serious rivals, but there is a chance of victory.

Feedback on reception and prices

At receptions, Daria Voskoboeva uses not only psychic abilities, but also cards. There are reasons for this, which she does not want to reveal. In addition to receptions, the eastern witch also trains at the Natalia Banteeva Center. She conducts seminars on various topics, e.g. runes as a fortune-telling and magical tool, travel and other dream possibilities, business magic, sexual magic, teaches diagnostics and fulfillment of desires. In her work, Voskoboeva combines the ancient magical knowledge of the East with modern developments.

Voskoboeva was a teacher and author of a course on combat magic, which comes as part of the Natalia Banteeva Center. It includes learning to attack unnoticed by others, setting up defense for yourself, and the ability to work exclusively on personal strength.

To make an appointment or find out about her upcoming seminars and training courses, visit official pages Daria Voskoboeva on social networks, her website, as well as on the website of the Natalia Banteeva Personal Development Center. The official pages contain phone numbers and announcements of the witch’s upcoming events.

Reviews of Daria Voskoboeva’s appointment are almost all positive. People who attended her sessions note that she helped them get rid of troubles and achieve what they wanted. Reviews of the witch’s seminars and other training events are extremely positive.

However, the price for appointments and consultations set by Daria Voskoboeva is quite capable of scaring off a person with financial difficulties. As a specialist who works under the Banteeva Group brand, she cannot set an affordable cost for appointments. It is unlikely that you will be able to solve the problem with the help of this witch for less than 10 thousand rubles - this is exactly the average price of specialists from Natalya Banteeva’s coven.

In general, Daria Voskoboeva gives the impression of a strong witch, like everyone in Natalia Banteeva’s coven. Her abilities are confirmed by many positive feedback and successfully passing tests in the Battle of Psychics.

Daria Voskoboeva was born on May 6 and is under the powerful and promising horoscopic sign of Taurus. She fully possesses the stubbornness and perseverance inherent in the representatives of this constellation, the ability to work and the desire to independently create her own destiny. At the same time, Daria prefers to avoid publicity and extensive interviews, so her personal life is mostly closed to the public. Although Daria shares some information about herself: she and her husband have two children, she is an ardent fan of outdoor activities, loves to read the classics, and sometimes treats herself to going to the theater or to a concert with famous masters. Daria also admits that she has very little time to sleep, because witchcraft happens at night, but in the morning a person has the most powerful energy. So whether she is a lark or a night owl is difficult to answer.

The presence of a strong magical field in the biography of Daria Voskoboeva is additionally indicated by her given name– the energy of the name “Daria” alone has quite sufficient power, especially if it receives the support of loved ones. And if we take into account that she has a coven behind her, then we must unconditionally agree that this is an extraordinary woman, originally intended to participate in the magical sacrament. Therefore, if a negative force stands in the way of Daria in the form of a person or in any other manifestation, then the strong potential left in her character by the zodiac constellation will confidently sweep away any obstacle from the woman’s path.

Daria owes her talent, extrasensory success and recognition to the daily, sometimes grueling work of learning magical world, its secrets and energetic strength, the ability to enter into other world. However, this is not the main component of it great success, the main thing is the generous portion of the magical gift that was passed on to her by her great-grandfather, a famous healer and fortuneteller. The first acquaintance with an incomprehensible and incomprehensible, in the opinion of a ten-year-old girl, a strange phenomenon occurred suddenly and under very strange circumstances.

This happened while the kids were playing in a new multi-story building. An ordinary game of hide and seek made Daria forget about caution, and she began to fall from a five-story height. The end is inevitable under any circumstances, especially since there is a pile of broken brick, metal and other building materials below. However, along with the fall, she was voluminously filled with a voice that constantly repeated “don’t be afraid, everything will end well.” Indeed, having flown two floors, Daria suddenly, contrary to all the laws of physics, changed the direction of her flight and ended up on a pile of mineral wool on the second floor.

Without really having time to catch her breath, she again heard the same voice, which said that she had become the owner of a magical gift that was passed on to her from her late great-grandfather, and that from now on she was obliged to improve the acquired talent and direct it to serving people. The girl believed and doubted what had happened, but the very next day she had the opportunity to make sure that she was definitely endowed with abilities that she did not have before - she suddenly called her friend in the morning and told her not to leave the house today, because she would be bitten big dog. The friend ignored Daria’s warning and, on the way to the store, was actually attacked by a shepherd dog that had come from nowhere. It's good that the matter ended well.

And Daria heeded the voice from above and began to actively learn the magical mystery. And after very little time, she was able to answer herself that she had become the owner of an extraordinary talent. She bolstered her confidence by specific examples: predictions made to girlfriends regarding the near future, diseases to which they may be exposed, various significant events that must certainly happen in the lives of these people, and more - everything came true with absolute accuracy.

Few people doubted that the little countrywoman would become a psychic, that is, one of those extraordinary people, who at all times were simultaneously fearfully and respectfully called shaman, witch, sorceress and other awe-inspiring names. And Daria moved on, having matured somewhat, she became more impressive, her knowledge of extrasensory perception became much more powerful and effective. For her, it was child's play to determine in which lesson she would have to answer, the number of the exam card, when and which guests would visit their home, and much more.

Simultaneously with graduating from school, the girl learned to confidently use special magical techniques, prayers, attributes and amulets, with the help of which she is guaranteed to remove various curses, the crown of celibacy, the evil eye, damage and much of what turns human life into a painful existence. Daria is also able to cleanse a home of ghosts, poltergeists and otherworldly forces, replenish a person’s diminished energy potential, and have a beneficial effect on his tone and aura.

But the listed abilities of the young sorceress in the field of extrasensory perception and magic are not limited to these already extraordinary capabilities; an extraordinary woman can qualitatively remove the necessary information from a person and, after carefully analyzing it, choose the only correct solution to eliminate the problem. Using photographs, objects and belongings, a psychic will, with amazing accuracy, reconstruct a chain of events that once took place, or predict the future. Such a powerful breakthrough in the knowledge of the magical sacrament was largely facilitated by the acquired knowledge and practices in the famous esoteric center of Natalia Banteeva. More details about magical abilities You can find out the psychic by visiting the official website of Daria Voskoboeva.

The sorceress decided to confirm her psychic impressiveness on the seventeenth season of the popular “Battle of Psychics.” So far everything is going in her favor, she successfully completed the qualifying tests and became a finalist mystical show. Time will tell whether she will be able to be as convincing in the intense struggle for the prestigious crystal hand of the winner, but for now we can say with confidence that Daria Voskoboeva is not a random person in extrasensory perception.

I follow with interest the events that take place on the air of the “Battle of Psychics” program. The situation becomes more and more tense with each episode. A real battle, the weak are being forced out, and only those who actually have psychic abilities remain on the project. Of course, if there were no such abilities at all, the dropped out participants simply would not have gotten into the project, but a battle is a battle, and it turns out that not everyone has these abilities developed to the same extent.

Among the strongest in the “Battle of Psychics” project of season 17 is Daria Voskoboeva. What she “does” causes a reaction - "Yes, she's a real witch!" Indeed, her ability to see through a person is amazing, I would say, chills to the very bones. Sometimes it even gets scary. But at the same time it’s terribly interesting. What impresses me most is her ability to “communicate with people who have already passed on.”

Voskoboeva has the abilities of a medium, masters combat magic, is “friends” with, that is, to some extent it can actually control it.

Daria Voskoboeva: how old, biography, family

  • From what is posted online, it follows that her exact age is not indicated anywhere; on social networks, of course, you can easily find her profile, but there is information only about Daria’s birthday - May 6.
  • Dariya graduated from gymnasium No. 192 in St. Petersburg, received her higher education at the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. Herzen, respectively, in the same place, in St. Petersburg.
  • As for the witch’s family, we were able to find only photographs with her children - daughter Bozhena and son Sasha. Information about personal life is not indicated anywhere.

In general, I would like to wish Daria good luck in the project! Even this strong personality like her, support couldn't hurt!

Daria Voskoboeva is a participant and finalist of the 17th season of the Battle of Psychics. Strong collecting medium magical rituals of all peoples of the world came from the coven of Natalia Banteeva. Find out more about her abilities, personal life and cause of death.

In the article:

Daria Voskoboeva - collector and battle witch

Psychic Daria Voskoboeva was engaged in oriental and combat magic, but did not limit herself to this. According to her, she - collector of magical practices. The witch creates her own kind of magical practices, and her spells are composed of the language of the deaf and dumb, sigils and mudras - these are the mysterious hand passes that the audience sees. She calls herself a magic hunter - a witch is able to find owners of supernatural abilities and take their powers for herself. In this way she deprives her rivals of strength. According to personal statements, Daria Voskoboeva practices magical theft at the Battle of Psychics.

In addition, Daria Voskoboeva had the abilities of a medium and knew how to prepare healing and love spells. She saw dead souls and communicated with them. During the tests at the Battle of Psychics, she also had to obtain information about their death. In general, at the very stage of selection for the Battle of Psychics, the witch herself said this about what she is capable of:

I can make you fall in love, I can make you rich, I can destroy you.

Daria Voskoboeva (vk.com)

Another type of activity of Daria Voskoboeva, with which she probably began her career at the personality development center of Natalya Banteeva, is an esoteric fashion designer. In other words, she created an image for famous magicians and psychics.

Biography and personal life of Daria Voskoboeva

Daria's date of birth is May 6, 1979. Although in appearance the clairvoyant, her age did not exceed 33 years.

Little is known about the personal life of the psychic. On the set, she appeared in the company of two children - Bozhena and Alexander. The resemblance to the witch is impossible not to notice; her children are very similar to her. Very little is known about their father and Daria’s ex-husband. His name is Vlad Voskoboev, and he is a non-public person. The witch broke up with her husband during the filming of season 17 because of his infidelity. All her attention was devoted to the “Battle”, and there was no energy left for her personal life. Daria did not want to influence the situation with magic, because love witchcraft would definitely affect the children.

Vlad was not her first husband. The first husband’s name is Denis, and Daria divorced him after his adventures on the left. IN recent years increasingly appeared in public in the company of producer Vladimir Myakishin. Although Voskoboeva denied rumors of an affair, she called Vladimir her business partner.

Daria draws well, mainly portraits. Relatively recently, she painted a portrait of her daughter. All used witchcraft attributes and tools were created personally by her. Of all types of transport, the witch prefers motorcycles, and her passion for them was influenced by her second husband - he is an avid motorcyclist. She prefers active recreation.

Many fans of the Battle of Psychics are interested in the nationality of Daria Voskoboeva. Her family includes Kyrgyz and Gypsies. Daria graduated from gymnasium No. 192 and received a higher education from the Russian State Pedagogical University named after. Herzen. Now she devotes all her free time to esotericism and magic, working and teaching at the Banteeva Center, developing an image for famous esotericists of our time.

Daria does not like to give away her secrets. In the 11th episode of the Battle of Psychics, when the participants were asked to answer questions from fans of the show, she refused to talk about herself, unlike Swami Dasha and Nadezhda Shevchenko.

Official page and social networks of psychic Voskoboeva

Official VKontakte page of Daria Voskoboeva: https://vk.com/id49868698. She has both a personal profile and an official public page. Voskoboeva provided consultations on Skype, but to do this you need to sign up for a consultation using the phone numbers indicated in your status or in the contacts on the website. There are many scammers acting on her behalf, so you should not trust people who do not show their faces on Skype or require prepayment before the session.

Like all graduates of the Banteeva Center, she was active on social networks.

She often posted new photographs from her life - personal and public, as well as coven events and from the filming of the Battle of Psychics.

On the website of Natalia Banteeva ( banteeva.ru/specialisty/darya-voskoboeva/) Voskoboeva has a page on which her services and training programs for future magicians are described. The witch also has her own website, where she posts interviews, reviews of techniques, as well as contacts and areas in which she works.

Daria Voskoboeva at the Battle of Psychics

Participant in the Battle of Psychics Daria Voskoboeva was remembered by the audience from the first minute of her presence on the screen. And the point is not only that she is a witch from the coven of Natalya Banteeva, known to almost everyone, who personally brought Daria to the project and introduced her to everyone present at the qualifying stage as a witch who has no equal here. It was planned that she would represent the coven; initially she did not plan to participate in the project. Natalya Banteeva is not only Voskoboeva’s mentor and colleague, but also her close friend to this day.

Daria completed the trunk test, which is considered one of the most difficult tasks in the qualifying round of the Battle of Psychics, in less than 5 minutes. She did not refuse the additional verification proposed by the presenter. She was unable to find the man in the trunk the second time. The clairvoyant chose the car that belonged to the woman hidden in the trunk.

After the failure, Daria asked the presenter to give her another chance. Safronov proposed an outrageous, in the opinion of observers, solution - to reset the clairvoyant’s account, and if she does not find the person for the third time, she will not get into the project. Daria agreed, but if successful, she demanded that Safronov fulfill any of her wishes. He agreed. The clairvoyant found the man in the trunk for the third time, but it is still unknown what wish she will make for Sergei Safronov.

The parents of the deceased 15-year-old girl, about whose death little is known, also remembered her for a long time. Voskoboeva is convinced that the girl was killed; she even named the name of the person who could shed light on this crime. Her gift was also useful for the investigator who was working on the case of the girl killed in the park, but the details are known only to police officers.

Natalia Banteeva's coven is always represented by fairly strong participants, and most often these are witches. This was, for example, Tatyana Larina. It is difficult to imagine that a representative of such a strong community of witches could take less than second place in the Battle of Psychics. Daria has serious rivals, but there is a chance of victory.

Feedback on reception and prices

At receptions, Daria Voskoboeva uses not only psychic abilities, but also cards. There are reasons for this, which she does not want to reveal. In addition to receptions, the oriental witch also studied at the Natalia Banteeva center. Conducted seminars on various topics, e.g. runes as a fortune-telling and magical tool, travel and other dream possibilities, business magic, sexual magic, teaches diagnostics and fulfillment of desires. In her work, Voskoboeva combines the ancient magical knowledge of the East with modern developments.

Voskoboeva was a teacher and author of a course on combat magic, which comes as part of the Natalia Banteeva Center. It includes learning to attack unnoticed by others, setting up defense for yourself, and the ability to work exclusively on personal strength.

You can make an appointment or find out about her upcoming seminars and training courses on the official pages of Daria Voskoboeva on social networks, her website, as well as on the website of the Natalya Banteeva Personal Development Center. The official pages contain phone numbers and announcements of the witch’s upcoming events.

On January 4, 2019, at the age of 39, Daria Voskoboeva died after a long struggle with a serious illness. . The relatives did not plan to widely announce the tragic event, however social media and the media did their job - information spread quickly and not always correctly. In order to prevent the spread of rumors and false facts, we are making this official statement. . During these difficult days for Daria Voskoboeva’s family, we ask you not to bother her loved ones with unnecessary questions and not to distort the facts. . We mourn and pray. May she rest in peace.

Dear friends🙏, due to personal circumstances, our Christmas Fortune Telling event is cancelled. We apologize to everyone who was planning to come visit us! . Follow the news and announcements in the feed. We love and hug everyone. . . .

Did you know anything about the angel clock? Angel hours 👼 are a special time when a person can communicate with their guardian and quickly receive help and support. Pay attention to prayers so that your guardian angel will help you cope with difficulties and protect you from any troubles. . 😇January 6: ask the angel to send you a sign to understand which direction to move next. Chat with him from 18:10 to 18:55. . 😇January 7: ask the angel for help in overcoming problems related to communication with family and friends. Share your problems from 22:05 to 22:45. . 😇January 8: from 12:15 to 13:02, ask your guardian to take care of your children so that they are not in trouble. . 😇January 9: from 20:00 to 21:00, talk to the angel, tell him about your plans and ask for support in business, at work or study. . 😇January 10: On Thursday, chat with the angel from 11:15 to 12:10. Ask him for help in making a responsible decision. I wish you all the best in the new year, dears :) . . .


Fighting spirit, a fighting atmosphere, this is what has always distinguished Daria Voskoboeva from many of her competitors, and of course, her relatives. You can never stop there, you can never retreat, one stupid mistake, one unauthorized action, and an army of enemies is already coming out against you. The girl believes that there are always many enemies around us, from whom we should protect ourselves.

Daria born 1980 in St. Petersburg. A small, still completely ignorant person was actively trying to find out what is beyond the boundaries of our world, what connects mortals and spirits, is there a connection between them? At first, the parents treated such questions from their girl with undisguised fear; they were afraid that their daughter would be taken away and taken to a clinic. Fortunately, the relatives realized in time that their baby is not just a child who carries non-existent things, this is psychic who communicates with ghosts. However, society was not yet ready for such statements, and Voskoboeva had to finish school and university, while actively practicing her abilities.
When the young beauty was left behind and RGPU named after Herzen, that’s when she met Natalya Banteeva. This witch was a kind of mentor, she helped Dasha open up, helped her find her own, unique path. The witches began to work together, they were in the same coven, and actively attracted other representatives of the fairer sex to their cause. Among the things that he is actively involved in Voskoboeva, it is worth noting her zeal for the ongoing war. The lady can take away the power from the opponent she didn’t like. Battle magic helps her reveal the border, helps her see through the prism of years.
Speaking about her personal life, Daria has two children and a beloved husband. The family has very big plans for the future, they work very hard and spend a lot of time together. The husband understands perfectly why his wife is so militant, why she does not admit defeat. The reason for this lies in its past, Kyrgyz roots, the spirit of eternal battles, it never left the blood of experienced nomads. All this, and more, prompted the girl to take part in the seventeenth season The fight of extrasensories. The sorceress reached the top three finalists, she passed all the tests, and everything was excellent, but she did not have enough votes from the audience, and she lost. This was not a loss, it was an excellent application for further, more significant actions.

Episode with Daria Vyskoboeva: