Alena Khmelnitskaya and Natalia Bystrova will play the main roles in the new musical “Cinderella”. Musical stars Surprise on disc

See the photo report on the website from the open rehearsal of the new musical performance!

From October 1, the Rossiya Theater will once again open its doors to all fans of the musical genre. The theater company Stage Entertainment is staging its tenth anniversary musical performance in Moscow. This fall, residents of the capital will be able to enjoy the absolute Broadway hit - the musical “Cinderella”. But Russian production has undergone some changes, and apart from the libretto and songs by Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein, our “Cinderella” no longer borrows anything from the original. Everything is your own, native, creative. And, what’s especially nice, the team that worked on the play includes professionals not only from the USA and Great Britain, but also from Russia.

The director of the Russian version of the musical, winner of the highest theater award, Laurence Olivier, Lindsay Posner says:

"Cinderella" is a wonderful story about a young girl and a handsome Prince. Serious things are being said here in simple language, and therefore will be understandable to both children and adults. Our performance is different from the usual fairy tale. When I started staging the musical, I approached the matter as if I were dealing with a drama or a work by Chekhov. After all, when working with material like Cinderella, it’s easy to go into pantomime.

But in pantomime new musical from the creators of “The Little Mermaid”, “The Phantom of the Opera”, “Beauty and the Beast” and other successful metropolitan productions. On the contrary, the performance raises very serious and current topics. For example, Cinderella, that is, Ella, here is not a timid, quiet and shy girl, as we are used to seeing her in the Disney cartoon of the same name, but a strong, self-sufficient and independent girl who has her own opinion. Such, if necessary, will charm the Prince, and stop a galloping horse, and sort out buckwheat and rice. In general, everything is like in life.

In addition, be prepared for other changes to the plot of the traditional fairy tale. Cinderella will go to the ball not once, but twice. She is also friends with one of the stepsisters and helps her arrange her personal life. The stepmother is not that evil, but simply harmful. She is played, by the way, by theater and film actress Alena Khmelnitskaya, who had never participated in musical performances. So this is a real debut for a famous artist!

Alena Khmelnitskaya in the musical “Cinderella”

Alena Khmelnitskaya admits:

When I found myself inside this process and saw the superhuman work the artists, directors, and orchestra musicians put into their work, I began to respect the musical genre even more. I also really like my heroine - she, of course, is bitchy, obsessed with herself, but still there is something good in her. Again, she wants to marry her daughter off successfully... And then, she is so stylish! You can’t imagine how much I like her outfits, especially her fantastically beautiful hat.

And it’s hard to disagree with Alena. Decoration, as always, amazes the imagination. Dresses for Cinderella and costumes for other characters were created under the strict guidance of Tatyana Noginova in the workshops Mariinsky Theater. In total, more than 200 outfits were sewn for the performance. “Where are Cinderella’s famous shoes?” you ask. Of course, where would we be without magic shoes! The shoes were made especially for the musical by the Bakhmetev Crystal House. This is a real work of art, believe me! You can see them in the foyer of the Rossiya Theater, where everyone in the audience will be allowed to touch them and make a wish. They say it will come true. Returning to the performance, the set design was done by production designer David Gallo - by the way, he created the set for the musical “Beauty and the Beast”.

From the same opera, as they say, the performer of the role of Prince Topher is theater and film actor Pavel Levkin, who the year before last tried on the role of the Beast. Now the artist, without frightening makeup and with a glass slipper in his hand, will look for his one and only. And Cinderella will alternately be played by already recognized musical stars Yulia Iva and Natalia Bystrova. You may remember the first one from your participation in the play “Singing in the Rain”, and the last one from the musicals “The Little Mermaid” and “Beauty and the Beast”.

The Russian “Cinderella” will not do without special effects. The creators of the production promise that all the miracles announced in the plot of the fairy tale will happen in front of the audience, on the stage of the Rossiya Theater.

Musical American classics Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein's "Cinderella" fairy tale of the same name Charles Perrault committed amazing trip: From the incredibly successful television musical film (1957) to the colorful and witty Broadway play (2013), which received numerous theater award nominations.

In the fall of 2016, the Stage Entertainment Theater Company will present new production, created specifically for Russian viewers.

A stellar international team is working on this sensational magical musical:

Directed by Lindsay Posner (UK). Winner of the highest British theater award, the Olivier, Lindsay collaborates with the largest theaters in London's West End: the Royal National Theatre, the Royal Court and the Apollo Theatres.
- Production designer David Gallo (USA). David's portfolio includes 30 Broadway productions and a Tony Award for Best Scenic Design. His scenery for the musical “Beauty and the Beast” amazed Muscovites with its truly fabulous scale.
- Costume designer Tatyana Noginova (Russia). Tatyana has released more than 60 theatrical productions- from Broadway musicals and dramas to classical operas and ballets. Costume designer for the Bolshoi and Mariinsky theaters.

“Everything about Cinderella” is a musical that captures the hearts of the audience from the first scenes. The high popularity of this work is inextricably linked with the star cast of authors, including Dmitry Bykov, Pauls and the Slot group.

Unusual incident

One of the recent theatrical works, which received a lot of mixed reviews from critics and spectators, is the play “All About Cinderella”. The first thing audiences should know about the production is that it goes beyond standard shows. Many viewers immediately stated that the fairy tale evokes mixed impressions. However, the big plus is originality, successful humor and symbolism. Each character is a deep personality. The characters' personalities are clearly visible through their costumes and makeup.

Guests of the theater note that the performance goes by very quickly, because “All About Cinderella” is a musical. The duration of the production is 2 hours 40 minutes with intermission.

Many spectators comment on the light and music. The decorations also receive positive reviews. Great addition What makes the show amazing is the video sequence. Worth on a new level computer graphics. This representation is a variety of colors and images. Each character is dressed in an amazing, almost space suit, according to viewers.

Star cast

The lyrics themselves are deep and pathetic. Many viewers note that you need to think about the words. One of the authors of the texts is Sergei Plotov. This Russian screenwriter graduated School of Music in the class "Actor" drama theater" For some time he worked on materials for radio and television programs, and also wrote scripts for Many times he was invited to create popular TV series. He wrote several episodes for the TV series My Fair Nanny and Who's the Boss? Many viewers note that it was probably because of the work of this screenwriter that the musical became so lively and vibrant.

Another author of the text and the author of the idea is Dmitry Bykov. This talented person works in different genres literature. He is a good poet, writer, critic and lyricist. His projects include such popular works as “Citizen Poet” and “Good Mister.” It should be noted that it was Bykov who had to write the script first. Many viewers like it unique style this poet. His style is also clearly visible in this production.

The birth of a new fairy tale

The idea to create unique show on everything well-known topic appeared quite a long time ago. At first the authors wanted to write a good children's fairy tale. However, very soon the material they produced became age-appropriate. Children from 12 years old can watch it. However, it should be noted that children are also allowed into the hall.

As soon as it became known about the unusual adaptation, artistic director theater and famous critic Mikhail Shvydkoy invited the famous foreign composer. It became Latvian Raymond Pauls. Therefore, very soon fruitful work began on a completely new project.

Already in October 2014, the Russian public enjoyed the premiere. The main role of Cinderella was then played by Ekaterina Novoselova. Subsequently, this image was also tried on by Ekaterina Novoselova. The prince was played for the first time by Denis Kotelnikov. Subsequently, Ivan Koryakovsky joined the star team. Most recently the main male role got another one famous artist- Stanislav Belyaev.

Not a child's story?

Schoolchildren especially liked the performance. Young spectators were very happy that now their favorite fairy tale heroine also sings, because the production “All About Cinderella” is a musical. The kids' feedback is very emotional. Some scenes made them laugh outright. It was especially pleasant to watch actions where the turns of events differed from the book. Every child who was at the show, as parents say, would gladly attend this performance again.

But while children are intrigued, many adults say the show is not intended for schoolchildren. Viewers are also unpleasantly surprised by some plot twists.

Although in general the reviews from parents are positive. This adaptation of the fairy tale does not teach children anything very good, but it does not push them into negativity either. Young spectators go to the theater for a familiar plot, but will not see it on stage. Adults are more interested in the stellar composition of the author's team, among whom is Raymond Pauls. But his name means absolutely nothing to children. We can say that in this work everyone finds something of their own.

Extraordinary plot

The authors present the old, good and everyone famous fairy tale in a new light, not entirely clear to contemporaries. So, for example, the sweet and decent Cinderella here turns into a loser with ungraceful manners. Her friendly fairy godmother is unique Criminal authority, who walks around with a pumpkin bomb. Evil sisters main character, as always, insidious and vile. However, in this production they are conjoined twins and wear chicken nests on their heads. Subsequently, it also turns out that the king, who walks with a candlestick on his head, was in love with a fairy in his youth. In addition, characters from other fairy tales appear in the play. There is an unbalanced forester who is pursuing a woodcutter, who later turns out to be a prince.

Some viewers believe that the production “All About Cinderella” is intended for a female audience. The musical (reviews of which are left by people of different genders and ages), as the authors state, is not intended for a specific age category. Fresh story and the unusual presentation of the material will appeal to everyone.

It should be noted that many boys, after hearing the name of the play, refuse to go to the “girls’” production. But after the first act we are very glad that we visited this show.

Borrowed events

Another point that the audience did not like was the ending of the good and beautiful story. Everyone noticed the obvious suicidal tendencies of the main character. Therefore, the death of Cinderella came as an unpleasant surprise to many. Of course, then the prince revives his beloved, and at the end of the play everyone is happy.

It should not be forgotten that All About Cinderella is a musical. Reviews of the songs are also very different. Guests of the theater note that although the compositions are free of profanity and vulgar scenes, they are still too complex for young audiences. The audience is perplexed: if a production is recommended as a children's production, then the compositions must be appropriate. But despite this, the melodies are very pleasant and memorable.

Viewers note that if not for everyone famous name Cinderella, a fairy tale, would hardly be classified as the work of Charles Perot. There are many analogies here with others literary works. For example, "Sleeping Beauty" and "Snow White".

Help from professionals

The main advantage of this work is that the play “All About Cinderella” is a musical. The songs and dances are very interesting and energetic. Spectators say that the choreography was staged really well high level. Absolutely everyone dances on stage: from the king to the mice. The numbers are polished to the smallest details. Because all the performers are dressed in fancy costumes, their movements seem fantastic to the audience. Guests of the theater also note the fact that the music does not interfere with watching the plot and does not distract from the main theme.

Many of these compositions immediately win the hearts of listeners. And this is not surprising, because professionals worked on the musical accompaniment. Performers: rock band "Slot". The songs were improved by the band's arranger Sergei Bogolyubsky.

Surprise on disc

Viewers complain that it is very difficult to make out the words. Often after a concert, CDs with compositions that were performed on stage are sold in the theater lobby. But here guests can also expect disappointment. Often the actors acting and singing in the play you are attending are not recorded. That's why someone else's voice sounds on the tape.

In order to avoid any unpleasant surprises at home, it is better to remember the name of the artist you liked and see if his voice is on the disc, as viewers recommend.

The artists do not allow the audience to forget that “All About Cinderella” is a musical. The actors have excellent, well-trained voices. And in order to enjoy your favorite songs the next day, you should carefully read the disc packaging, on which the performers are indicated.

For example, the role of the stepmother is played by Elena Moiseeva and Anna Guchenkova. These two women have completely different voices. Nevertheless, each of them has its fans.

Learning task

An attentive audience easily notices that the authors tried to portray through the fairy tale modern society. Parents of teenagers who watched the performance with their children were very pleased. They are confident that this production will teach their children to perceive life differently.

Cinderella, who thought that no one needed her, was immediately needed by the prince, the king and the forester. The sisters, who constantly quarrel, must prove to the audience that stupidity cannot control a person. And the prince, dressed as a woodcutter, gives good example what you need to love for inner world, and not for their financial situation.

Despite mixed criticism, very good story“All about Cinderella” (musical). Everyone should have their own reviews and impressions of the performance.

On October 22, an open rehearsal of the main theatrical premiere of the season took place at the Rossiya Theater on Pushkinskaya Square in Moscow. musical
"Cinderella", to which media representatives were invited. On stage they united again: the amazing acting, and the wonderful vocal parts,
and the magic of an old fairy tale. And, of course, the most fabulous, most romantic story love...

More than 200 unique costumes and sets were developed and manufactured especially for the production in Moscow, which were created in
workshops of the Mariinsky Theater under the direction famous artist By suits Tatiana Noginova . Fairytale world came up with it on stage and
embodied production designer David Gallo , creator of the scenery for the musical "Beauty and the Beast". Choreographer of the musical
spoke Irina Kashuba , music supervisor - composer Evgeny Zagot .

“For many years now, the story of Cinderella has not lost its relevance, being reflected in the works of many authors and continuing to arouse interest
both for children and adult audience. This is confirmed by the film of the same name produced by the Walt Disney company, which was included in the top 10
films of 2015 with the highest box office receipts in the US and nominated for an Oscar. The idea to stage the musical “Cinderella” in Russia
appeared a long time ago, and I am sure that fairy tale story love, full of wonders and transformations, will attract to the Rossiya theater, over the past few
years, which has become the center of cultural family leisure for Muscovites, audiences of all age categories,” said the head of the theater company Stage
Entertainment", producer Dmitry Bogachev.

The musical “Cinderella” will become the tenth project of the Stage Entertainment company in Russia and the first co-production musical in history
Russia, England and the USA. A new, original production will be created in Moscow, which will borrow the libretto and songs from the Broadway play
Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein. The musical was directed by Lindsay Posner, winner of the Laurence Olivier Award (the highest theatrical
British awards). He is known for his work in largest theaters London's West End - Royal national theater, "Royal Court",

The actors of the musical “Cinderella” are getting ready for the premiere. Actress Natalia Bystrova got the role of the main character.

“I’m happy that I will play Cinderella, because her story is similar to my personal one,” says Natalia. – Ten years ago I came to Moscow from provincial town and pulled out happy ticket, having received main role in the musical MAMMA MIA! Last year I had to do
a short break in my career: my husband, actor Dmitry Ermak, and I had a son. I'm glad I'll be back big stage precisely in the role
Cinderella, this is already the fourth Princess in my “arsenal”!

The actress will also play the role of Cinderella Yulia Iva , who brilliantly played the role of Katie Selden in the musical Singin' in the Rain. As a Prince
theater and film actor will appear on stage Pavel Levkin , performer of the role of the Beast in the musical “Beauty and the Beast”.

The characteristic role of Madame (Stepmother) will be played by a theater and film star Alena Khmelnitskaya And famous actress musicals Lika Rulla . For Alena
Khmelnitskaya’s participation in “Cinderella” will be her first experience of working in a musical:

I really love the musical genre and am glad that it is now so popular in Russia. My theatrical career began with the rock opera “Juno and Avos”. II’ve always dreamed of playing in a high-quality Broadway production - and in October I’ll take the stage in the theater’s new musical “Cinderella.”
Stage Entertainment company in the role of Madame (Stepmother). In the dramaturgy of the fairy tale, I have always been very sympathetic to this particular character. In our
production of Madame - sophisticated, luxurious, a little nervous, very ambiguous, and I hope that I can imagine my heroine in the new
light. I believe that absolutely does not happen negative characters and there must be a reason for everything. In addition, I also have two growing
daughters, and this makes my heroine and I related.

Also in the musical "Cinderella"

That evening, media representatives were the first to have the opportunity to touch the legendary symbol fairy tale— Crystal

Cinderella's shoes made by the Crystal House "BAKHMETEV". Although initially the slipper was not made of crystal, because in the original fairy tale
Charles Perrault is called “CINDERELLA, OR THE FUR SUPER,” but the creators of the Russian musical decided to focus on a more
known to everyone classic version. Heel height glass slipper Cinderella is 13 centimeters, size 36, and weighs approx.
kilogram. Its design was developed specifically for the Russian musical. Viewers will be able to see the real glass slipper in person.
Cinderella, which will be exhibited in the foyer of the theater, and again believe in the magic that will be in abundance in the musical.

In the performance you will be able to see how the carriage turns into a pumpkin, and how Cinderella’s dress will change before your eyes, and there will be a lot more fairy tales.
Our task is for viewers, and especially young viewers, to believe in a miracle,” said Dmitry Bogachev.

The fairy tale about Cinderella was first published in 1696 in Paris, in the collection “Tales of Mother Goose” by Charles Perrault. Premiere
The television musical “Cinderella” with music by Richard Rodgers and lyrics by Oscar Hammerstein took place in 1957 on an American television channel
CBS. The composer was nominated for an Emmy Award for “Best Musical Contribution to Television,” and the television musical itself was watched by more than 100
million people. Since then, many stage versions of Cinderella have appeared around the world, including a Christmas pantomime in London,
opera in New York and several touring productions. In 2013, the musical debuted on Broadway, where it was nominated for a Tony Award at 9

Recently in Moscow Casting for the musical “Cinderella” has ended- the main production of the upcoming season of the largest theater company Stage Entertainment. The premiere, which promises to be one of the brightest cultural events of the fall, will take place on October 1 on the stage of the capital's Rossiya Theater.

“Cinderella” will be the tenth project of the Stage Entertainment company in Russia and the first ever musical co-produced by Russia, England and the USA. More than 2 thousand artists took part in the large-scale all-Russian selection, which lasted several months. The casting group included authoritative representatives of the international creative team that will stage the musical in Moscow.

The role of Cinderella will be performed famous musical actresses and.

Natalia Bystrova played the main characters in many productions of the Stage Entertainment company - MAMMA MIA!, The Sound of Music, CHICAGO, Disney musicals The Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast. And again, the creative team of the project recognized her as one of the best, choosing her among hundreds of contenders for the main role.

“I’m happy that I will play Cinderella, because her story is similar to my personal one,”– says Natalia. – Ten years ago I came to Moscow from a provincial town and pulled out a lucky ticket, getting the main role in the musical MAMMA MIA! Last year I had to take a short break from my career: my husband, actor Dmitry Ermak, and I had a son. I am glad that I will return to the big stage in the role of Cinderella; this is already the fourth Princess in my “arsenal”! I really miss the busy schedule, daily performances and am looking forward to the start of rehearsals.”.

Also, the role of Cinderella will be played by the actress, who became a real discovery for the audience, brilliantly performing the role of Katie Selden in the musical “Singing in the Rain.”

As a Prince A theater and film actor will appear on stage, performing the role of the Beast in the musical “Beauty and the Beast”, also known for his work at the Moscow Art Theater. A.P. Chekhov.

The characteristic role of Madame, and according to the script that’s what she’s called Cinderella's stepmother, performed by theater and film stars Alena Khmelnitskaya and famous musical actress Lika Rulla. Lika’s “star” role was the role of the charming criminal Velma Kelly in the legendary musical CHICAGO, after which the actress played leading roles in many of the most high-profile musical performances - “Romeo and Juliet”, “We will rock you”, MAMMA MIA!, “Monte Cristo” ", ZORRO, "You Can't Choose Times", "Count Orlov". And for Alena Khmelnitskaya, participation in “Cinderella” will be her first experience of working in a musical:
“I really love the musical genre and I’m glad that it is now so popular in Russia. My theatrical career began with the rock opera “Juno and Avos”. I have always dreamed of playing in a high-quality Broadway production - and in October I will appear on stage in the new musical “Cinderella” by the Stage Entertainment theater company in the role of Madame (Stepmother). In the dramaturgy of the fairy tale, I have always been very sympathetic to this particular character. In our production, Madame is sophisticated, luxurious, a little nervous, very ambiguous, and I hope that I can present my heroine in a new light. I believe that there are no absolutely negative characters and there must be a reason for everything. In addition, I also have two daughters growing up, and this makes my heroine and I akin.”.