Jackie Darrell biography. The Life and Amazing Travels of Gerald Durrell


Date of Birth Jan. 7(1925-01-07 ) […] Place of Birth Jamshedpur, British India Date of death January 30(1995-01-30 ) […] (70 years old) A place of death St Helier, Jersey A country Occupation writer, biologist, eco-activist Father Lawrence Samuel Durrell Mother Louise Florence Durrell Spouse Jackie Durrell (married 1951 to 1979)
Lee McGeorge Darrell (married 1979)
Awards and prizes Gerald Malcolm Durrell at Wikimedia Commons

Younger brother of the famous novelist Lawrence Durrell (1912-1990), Leslie Durrell (1918-1981) and Margo Durrell (1920-2007).


He was the fourth and most youngest child in the family of British civil engineer Lawrence Samuel Durrell and his wife Louise Florence Durrell (née Dixie). According to relatives, at the age of two, Gerald fell ill with “zoomania,” and his mother later recalled that he was one of the first to utter the word “zoo.”

There were few real educators among Gerald Durrell's first home teachers. The only exception was the naturalist Theodore Stephanides (-). It was from him that Gerald received his first systematic knowledge of zoology. Stephanides appears more than once on the pages of one of the most famous books Gerald Durrell's novel My Family and Other Animals. The books “Birds, Animals and Relatives” () and “Amateur Naturalist” () are dedicated to him.

Familiar places evoked a lot of childhood memories - this is how the famous “Greek” trilogy appeared: “My Family and Other Animals” (1956), “Birds, Animals and Relatives” (1969) and “Garden of the Gods” (1978). The first book of the trilogy was a wild success; it was reprinted 30 times in the UK and 20 times in the USA.

In total, Gerald Durrell wrote more than 30 books (almost all of them were translated into dozens of languages) and made 35 films. The debut four-part television film To Bafut With Beagles (BBC), released in 1958, was very popular in England.

Thirty years later, Darrell managed to film in the Soviet Union, with the active participation and assistance of Soviet side. The result was the thirteen-episode film “Durrell in Russia” (also shown on Channel 1 of USSR television in 1986-1988) and the book “Durrell in Russia” (not officially translated into Russian).

In the USSR, Darrell's books were published repeatedly and in large editions.

Darrell's main idea was to breed rare and endangered species of animals in a zoo with the aim of further resettling them in their natural habitats. This idea has now become a generally accepted scientific concept. If it were not for the Jersey Foundation, many species of animals would only be preserved as stuffed animals in museums. Thanks to the Foundation, the pink pigeon, Mauritian kestrel, golden lion marmoset and marmoset monkeys, Australian corroboree frog, radiated tortoise from Madagascar and many other species were saved from complete extinction.

Gerald Durrell died on January 30, 1995, of blood poisoning, nine months after a liver transplant, at age 71.

Durrell's main expeditions

Year Geography primary goal Book Movie Views in the spotlight
1947 / 1948 Mamfe (British Cameroon) Overloaded Ark - Angwantibo, otter shrew
1949 Mamfe and Bafut (British Cameroons) Self-collection of animals for British zoos Hounds of Bafut - Galago, hairy frog, golden cat, flying squirrel
1950 British Guyana Self-collection of animals for British zoos Three tickets to Adventure - Brazilian otter, dart frog, Suriname pipa, capybara, prehensile-tailed porcupine, two-toed sloth
1953 / 1954 Argentina and Paraguay Partially sponsored animal collection expedition Under the canopy of a drunken forest - Rabbit owl, golden-headed warbler, anaconda, rhea, giant anteater
1957 Bafut, British Cameroon future zoo Zoo in my luggage, Hounds of Bafut To Bafut with hounds Hieroglyphic python, hussar monkey, galago, eastern bald magpie
1958 Patagonia, Argentina Collecting animals for your own wildlife conservation fund Land of rustling Look(Argentine expedition) South American fur seal, Patagonian mara, vampire, Magellanic penguin
1962 Malaysia, Australia and New Zealand Two in the bush» The path of the little kangaroo Two in the bush Kakapo, nestor-kaka, kea, hatteria, Sumatran rhinoceros, squirrel cuscus
1965 Sierra Leone Collecting animals for your own wildlife conservation fund Part " Catch me a colobus» Catch me a colobus Colobus monkeys, African leopard, brush-eared pig, potto
1968 Mexico Collecting animals for your own wildlife conservation fund Part " Catch me a colobus» - Tailless rabbit, thick-billed parrot
1969 Great Barrier Reef, Australia Nature conservation mission, as well as collecting materials for a book that was never written - - Nature of the Great Barrier Reef
1976, 1977 Mauritius and other Mascarene Islands Mauritius Conservation Mission, as well as collecting animals for its own wildlife conservation fund Golden fruit bats and pink doves - Pink dove, Rodriguez flying fox, Mascarene tree boa, Telfer's leiolopisma, Gunter's gecko, Mauritian kestrel
1978 Assam, India and Bhutan Conservation mission, as well as filming episodes of the BBC documentary series - "Animals Are My Life" episode of " The World About Us» Pygmy pig
1982 Madagascar, Mauritius and other Mascarene Islands Conservation mission, collecting animals for our own wildlife trust and local zoologists, and filming episodes of a BBC documentary series The Ark is on its way The Ark is on its way Pink dove, Rodriguez flying fox, Mascarene tree boa, Telfer's leiolopisma, Gunther's gecko, Mauritian kestrel, indri, Madagascan Boa
1984 USSR Filming a documentary television series " Darrell in Russia» Darrell in Russia Darrell in Russia Przewalski's horse, saiga, cranes, muskrat
1989 Belize Part of the Belize Program - a project to conserve 250,000 acres of rainforest - - Nature of the Belize rain forest
1990 Madagascar Nature conservation mission, as well as collecting animals for our own wildlife foundation and local zoologists Ay-ay and me To the Island of Aye-Aye Aye-aye, indri, ring-tailed lemur, Alautra gray lemur, tenrecs

Major literary works

Awards and prizes

Animal species and subspecies named after Gerald Durrell

  • Clarkeia durrelli- a fossil Early Silurian brachiopod from the order rhynchonellids, discovered in 1982 (however, there is no exact information that it was named in honor of Gerald Durrell).
  • Nactus serpensinsula durrelli- subspecies of the island bare-toed gecko from Krugly Island from the group

Damn luck!))

And we should all be grateful for this gunter_spb (to a large collector of “tanks”), who, in turn, “obtained” them in a very intricate way. But here I would rather quote him himself:

"IN detailed biography Gerald from Douglas Botting's "Travel to Adventure" I came across a mention that the Cameroonian expedition of 1957 (on which the book "The Zoo in My Luggage" was written, and before that - "The Hounds of Bafut" about the first voyage to Cameroon) included a correspondent Life magazine Donald Sucharek and took a lot of photographs there.

I’m a simple person: when I saw the magical combination of the words “photographer + Life”, I immediately went into the Life archive, entered the keywords and - lo and behold! - discovered all the characters I knew from childhood. From Darrell himself, to Von Bafut and his wives. Well, pure time travel. Darrell is 32 years old, still young and full of enthusiasm.

I suggest that connoisseurs of Darell’s creativity take a look at the live illustrations for the book. But first, a photograph of the family (again without Leslie's dissolute brother) from 1960, taken at Jersey Zoo. And also Life.

Cheerful family from left to right: Gerald, Margo (on the hood of the Land Rover), mom, Larry.

1. The Mater himself and the baby red monkeys.

In general, it’s unusual to see Gerald without a beard, but this is understandable - in the African heat, especially humid, the skin under the beard begins to “hurt.” Therefore, it is clear why he constantly shaved.

2. In " Guest house"provided by the Background, on the veranda where the collection was kept. In the foreground is the wife - Jackie Darrell

3. Stairs to the "Guest House"

4. With the natives in Bafut. We draw for them the animals we want to catch

5. Locals brought small prey - as usual, in pumpkin vessels, baskets and bags

6. Chimpanzee. The same one from the book. Remember the text?

We acquired a male baby first. He arrived one morning, reclining in the arms of a hunter. There was such a mockingly arrogant expression on the cub’s wrinkled face, as if he imagined himself to be some kind of oriental nobleman and hired a hunter to carry him. We immediately decided to give him a name worthy of such a high-born primate, and christened him Cholmondeley Saint John, or, with the pronunciation adjusted, Chumley Sindgen.

7. We drink not with anyone, but with the Fon himself. More precisely - Ahirimbi II, Fon (king) of Bafut from 1932 to 1968.

8. Fon's Numerous Wives

9. Background near his “country” palace

10. Gerald and Jackie Darrell.
In my opinion, she's just a sweetheart... Don't you think?
It's a pity that they living together ended so badly. But so far everything is fine and they are busy in Bafut with a common cause

11. Again with Fon (let’s pay attention to the touching European boots on the monarch’s feet. Surely they are very painful for him - however, there is also a book about these boots). In the background is Sophie's secretary.

12. And again drinking with the king...

One of Fon's wives brought a tray of bottles and glasses. Fon generously filled three glasses with Scotch whiskey and handed it to us, smiling happily. I looked at the four inches of neat whiskey in my glass and sighed. Whatever Von had done since my last visit, he had not joined the temperance society.

Let's pay attention to the number of bottles on the table and the already empty ones - in the lower right corner under the chairs.))

13. Back with Chumley the Chimpanzee

14. Gerald caught a monitor lizard

15. In trouble with new prey

16. Happiness for a zoologist!

17. Dancing in the Fon Palace. Background with Jackie Darrell to the right

18. "Guest house". Catching a snake crawling out of a pumpkin

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It so happened that I received Ilya Astakhov’s article about Gerald Durrell
March 8, being on the shore of that same Ionian Sea, waiting
funny papers with round bluish seals that will allow you to walk
on the local salt water. Outside the window - pouring rain. Steam from the mouth. Under
with your hand - a glass of ouzo (local anise). And Darrell. What more could you want? :)

And since today is March 8, then let this publication become
congratulations to our grandmothers, mothers, sisters and daughters, for
whose books Durrell became the first pebble to jump across
smooth the water towards the endless world full of amazing
plants and intricate animals. I'm sure Ilya will support me!

Kostya Guide

Anyone who dreamed of traveling to distant, unknown lands as a child knows Gerald Durrell. Most have read his books, which tell of the naturalist’s expeditions with love and humor. Many have seen the Soviet television series " Darrell in Russia", where the middle-aged, but still tireless Gerald constituted serious competition for Drozdov and Senkevich.

Ten year old Jerry saw Corfu in 1935. His eccentric family lived on the island until the outbreak of World War II. About what Darrell told in the trilogy " My family and other animals, Birds, animals and relatives, Garden of the Gods"and in other books. Since then, grateful readers have been striving for Corfu to revive book pages and walk the paths of a young naturalist.

Of course, a lot has changed over the past eighty years. Nature and patriarchal world old Greece fairly spoiled by modern tourism business. But something can still be seen now.


Corfu - capital of Corfu

To find traces Gerald Durrell, it is absolutely not necessary to climb into some island wilds. In the very center of the capital, which according to good Greek custom is also called Corfu, there is a park of brothers Durrells(formerly Boschetto). "Brothers" because the fate of Lawrence, the older brother Jerry, is also connected to the island. And among highbrow intellectuals he is no less famous writer, author of the tetralogy “Alexandria Quartet”.

In the park you can see bas-relief busts of Gerald and Lawrence, whose noses are traditionally rubbed by tourists until they shine. It seems to me that Jerry doesn't mind such familiarity.

House in Kalami

The most “Darrell-esque” place on the island of Corfu is traditionally considered to be a white house in the village Kalami, about thirty kilometers north of the capital, directly opposite the Albanian coast. On many Russian-language tourist sites this house is called “that snow-white villa Durrells" In fact, the object has very little relation to the famous naturalist. It was rented by the eldest brother, Lawrence, when he quarreled with his mother.

The house is nice, you can have a snack in it and even rent a room.

Everything around is thoroughly built up, so you can be sure that no modern writer will no longer choose this place for creative solitude.

To lure fans Gerald, there are figurines of funny animals placed around.


Three Durrell villas

Those who are well acquainted with island history from books Durrells, remember that the family lived in three villas: Strawberry-pink (The StrawBerry-Pink Villa), Daffodil-Yellow Villa And The Snow-White Villa. Let me explain how the family could afford such luxury.

Mother Darrell was a widow with three minor children in her arms. And with the interest from the capital remaining after the death of her husband (a civil engineer), she could not afford quality housing in England. Greece was much cheaper. That's how we moved The Durrells from house to house on the island of Corfu, calling the properties villas and giving them colorful names.

By the way, off to school Jerry didn't go at all. His education was carried out by random people, which seemed to benefit the future naturalist.

On old photograph from the book by D. Botting “Biography Gerald Durrell" - one of the teachers of the young Darrell, Dr. Theo Stefanidis, who shared and encouraged the young man’s penchant for studying nature.

Strawberry pink

The first villa The Durrells filmed for about six months, and she was in Perama, near the current airport. Then it was a quiet fishing village surrounded by olive groves. Subsequent owners extensively renovated the building. No more overgrown garden, hedges and old Victorian house. That is, the house is there, but complete with a swimming pool, a jacuzzi, a concrete fence and other joys of civilization. Therefore, the object is practically uninteresting. But he stayed beautiful view to Mouse Island (Pontikonissi) and the Kanoni Peninsula.

View of the island of Pontikonissi (Mouse) from the side of the Durrell house (in the lower left corner - archival photo with little Jerry). His sister Margot loved to sunbathe naked on the island, embarrassing the monk who lived there.

And this is what the same island and village look like Perama from a modern dam. Now planes are landing right above him, and the boys are gawking at the roaring, sprawled iron birds.


Narcissus Yellow

Numerous bohemian guests of the older brother, who already considered himself great writer, made a small home Durrells cramped. And the family moves to a more spacious old Venetian villa in the town Kontokali(Gouvia Bay, about 5 km north of the capital). The villa comes with a small private pier overlooking the islet of Lazaretto. AND Jerry gets his own boat for his birthday.

“Bootle Bumtrinket” - that’s what Lawrence, with his sharp tongue, dubbed it, hinting at some design features. The translator of the Soviet edition successfully chose the phrase "Bootle Thicknose" and made life easier for the censors.

On Bootle, an eleven-year-old boy commits independent travel along the coast, studying the life of sea inhabitants and enjoying nature. This was the start of a career Darrell-naturalist.

View from the shore of the island of Lazarette, where Admiral Ushakov set up a Russian hospital, and during the Second World War there was a concentration camp. Now the island is uninhabited, only ruins and memorial plaques remain on it.

Almost the whole family is on the porch Narcissus Yellow Villa(from left to right: Margot's sister, Nancy, Lawrence's wife, Lawrence himself, Jerry and mother Darrell, photographed by middle brother Leslie)

This villa has been preserved but is privately owned. There are legends about fans breaking into the territory Darrell and a kind maid who, in the absence of the owners, allowed me to photograph something there. A certain blogger-yachtsman John did something simpler: he came up from the sea on a boat and did nice photos:

Snow White

The family's last refuge Durrells(since September 1937) became Snow-white villa, again in Perama, not far from the first one. Large building Georgian-era building overlooking Halikopoulou Lagoon. This is already close to luxury. Your own olive grove! And their own church (although it was unlikely to interest any of them) Durrells).

The building is still privately owned by the family that rented it out. Durrells. They say that no repairs have been made there. If so, then, I believe, due to lack of funds, and not out of respect for the memory of the famous writer.

Jerry was here

So, all attempts to follow the tracks Gerald Durrell on Corfu doomed to failure? Strawberry villas and in Perama actually replaced by a new building. Yellow Villa V Kontokali And Snow White V Cressida closed to tourists as private property. Why do we need any villas at all if we are interested in a naturalist writer?

You can sail to Mouse Island. Wander around the shallow lagoon of Halikopoulou, where I gravitated every morning Jerry for frogs and water bugs. Currently, the airport's runway occupies approximately half of the lagoon, but is closer to Perama If you wish, you can see traces of those same ditches, the first of which were made by the Venetians to collect salt. And now this half-flooded shore, occupied in some places by vegetable gardens, serves as a nesting ground for birds and is teeming with shallow-water marine life. It is also not uncommon for fishermen to explore what Jerry called them “chess fields.” Of course, they look completely different now.

A similar lake, Scottini, is located somewhere near Kontokali, around Narcissus Yellow Villa, but I couldn't find it. By the way, not far from Lawrence's house in Kalami there is a place called Kuluri. After the war Gerald was going to buy a house there, but enter the same river a second time carefree childhood Did not work out. It’s a pity... There are nice places there that are not as affected by civilization as the neighboring Lawrence Memorial House Darrell. For example, a wild bay with the name Khukhulio, funny to the Russian ear.

Interestingly, Gerald Durrell until the end of his life he felt guilty before the residents Corfu. He believed that with his books and films he was helping to increase the flow of tourists and thereby destroying the nature of the island. What to say? Everyone would like such self-criticism - it would definitely not hurt nature.

Lee Darrell Composer A country

Canada Canada

Number of episodes Production Producer Director Operator Timing Broadcast TV channel On screens

The series was filmed in 1984-85 during two visits of the film crew to the USSR. During this time they visited different corners Soviet Union, visiting some of the largest and most famous nature reserves, located from the Arctic tundra to the Central Asian desert.


  • 1. "The Other Russians" - Gerald and Lee Durrell meet their fans in Moscow and visit the Moscow Zoo
  • 2. “Flood Rescue” - saving wild animals from floods in the Prioksko-Terrasny Nature Reserve
  • 3. “Cormorants, Crows and Catfish” - huge colonies of birds and other animals of the Astrakhan Nature Reserve
  • 4. “Seals and Sables” - Baikal seals and sables of the Barguzin Nature Reserve
  • 5. “Last of the Virgin Steppe” - Askania-Nova Nature Reserve in the Ukrainian steppe
  • 6. “From Tien Shan to Samarkand” - Chatkal Nature Reserve in the Tien Shan Mountains and ancient city Samarkand
  • 7. “Red Desert” - the Durrells’ journey on camels through the Karakum Desert and the Repetek Nature Reserve
  • 8. “Saving the Saiga” - nursery of saigas and goitered gazelles near Bukhara
  • 9. “Behind the Forests” (Beyond the Forest listen)) - flora and fauna of the Soviet far north, thriving during the short summer
  • 10. “Return of the Bison” - a trip through the Caucasus in search of bison
  • 11. “Children in Nature” - children helping nature in the Berezinsky Nature Reserve
  • 12. “Song of the Capercaillie” - spring mating ritual of wood grouse in the Darwin Nature Reserve
  • 13. “The Endless Day” - a herd of musk oxen in the Arctic tundra in Taimyr

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  • Durrell G., Durrell L. Durrell in Russia. MacDonald Publisher, 1986, 192 pp. ISBN 0-356-12040-6
  • Krasilnikov V. Gerald Durrell. Newspaper "Biology", No. 30, 2000. Publishing house "First of September".


Excerpt characterizing Darrell in Russia

The princess saw that her father looked at this matter unkindly, but at that very moment the thought came to her that now or never the fate of her life would be decided. She lowered her eyes so as not to see the gaze, under the influence of which she felt that she could not think, but could only obey out of habit, and said:
“I wish only one thing - to fulfill your will,” she said, “but if my desire had to be expressed...
She didn't have time to finish. The prince interrupted her.
“And wonderful,” he shouted. - He will take you with a dowry, and by the way, he will capture m lle Bourienne. She will be the wife, and you...
The prince stopped. He noticed the impression these words made on his daughter. She lowered her head and was about to cry.
“Well, well, just kidding, just kidding,” he said. “Remember one thing, princess: I adhere to the rules that a girl has every right to choose.” And I give you freedom. Remember one thing: the happiness of your life depends on your decision. There's nothing to say about me.
- Yes, I don’t know... mon pere.
- Nothing to say! They tell him, he doesn’t just marry you, whoever you want; and you are free to choose... Go to your room, think it over and in an hour come to me and say in front of him: yes or no. I know you will pray. Well, maybe pray. Just think better. Go. Yes or no, yes or no, yes or no! - he shouted even as the princess, as if in a fog, staggered out of the office.
Her fate was decided and decided happily. But what my father said about m lle Bourienne - this hint was terrible. It’s not true, let’s face it, but it was still terrible, she couldn’t help but think about it. She walked straight ahead through the winter garden, seeing and hearing nothing, when suddenly the familiar whisper of M lle Bourienne woke her up. She raised her eyes and, two steps away, saw Anatole, who was hugging the Frenchwoman and whispering something to her. Anatole with a terrible expression on beautiful face looked back at Princess Marya and did not release m lle Bourienne’s waist in the first second, who could not see her.
"Who is here? For what? Wait!" Anatole’s face seemed to speak. Princess Marya looked at them silently. She couldn't understand it. Finally, M lle Bourienne screamed and ran away, and Anatole bowed to Princess Marya with a cheerful smile, as if inviting her to laugh at this strange incident, and, shrugging his shoulders, walked through the door leading to his half.
An hour later Tikhon came to call Princess Marya. He called her to the prince and added that Prince Vasily Sergeich was there. The princess, when Tikhon arrived, was sitting on the sofa in her room and holding the crying Mlla Bourienne in her arms. Princess Marya quietly stroked her head. The beautiful eyes of the princess, with all their former calm and radiance, looked with tender love and regret at the pretty face of m lle Bourienne.
“Non, princesse, je suis perdue pour toujours dans votre coeur, [No, princess, I have forever lost your favor,” said m lle Bourienne.
– Pourquoi? “Je vous aime plus, que jamais,” said Princess Marya, “et je tacherai de faire tout ce qui est en mon pouvoir pour votre bonheur.” [Why? I love you more than ever, and I will try to do everything in my power for your happiness.]
– Mais vous me meprisez, vous si pure, vous ne comprendrez jamais cet egarement de la passion. Ah, ce n "est que ma pauvre mere... [But you are so pure, you despise me; you will never understand this passion of passion. Ah, my poor mother...]
“Je comprends tout, [I understand everything,”] answered Princess Marya, smiling sadly. - Calm down, my friend. “I’ll go to my father,” she said and left.