But also sports and cultural. Abstract: Sport - as a phenomenon of cultural life

  • Basic provisions for the organization of physical education in a higher educational institution
  • Topic No. 2. Socio-biological foundations of physical culture
  • 2.2. Features of the structural organization and functioning of biological systems at the organizational level - organ system
  • 2.2.1. Connective tissue (bone) substance
  • 2.2.2. Mechanisms of self-organization of connective tissue substance
  • 2.2.3. Adaptive Changes
  • 2.3. External digestive apparatus
  • 2.4. External respiration apparatus
  • 2.5. Urinary and urinary apparatus.
  • 2.6. The cardiovascular system
  • Neuro-endocrine regulation
  • Topic No. 3. Physical culture and sports as social phenomena of society
  • 3.1. Physical culture is an organic part of universal human culture
  • 3.2. Sport is a phenomenon of cultural life
  • 3.3. Components of physical education
  • 3.4. Physical culture in the structure of vocational education
  • Topic No. 4. Legislation of the Russian Federation on physical culture and sports
  • 4.1. On the legal management of physical culture and sports in Russia
  • General provisions of the federal law of the Russian Federation “on physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation”
  • 4.2. Organization of activities in the field of physical culture and sports
  • 4.3. Physical culture and sports in the education system. Adaptive physical education
  • Law of the Irkutsk region of December 17, 2008 N 108-oz "on physical culture and sports in the Irkutsk region"
  • Topic No. 5. Physical culture of the individual
  • 5.1. The concept of physical culture of the individual
  • 5.2. Characteristics of the levels of physical culture of an individual
  • 5.3. Formation of physical culture of a student’s personality
  • Topic No. 6. Basics of a healthy lifestyle for a student
  • 6.1. Factors influencing human health, the connection between a student’s general culture and his lifestyle
  • 6.2. Basic requirements for organizing a healthy lifestyle and the student’s personal attitude towards the health of the student himself
  • Physical self-education and criteria for the effectiveness of a healthy lifestyle
  • Topic No. 7. Features of using physical education means to optimize performance
  • 7.1. Psychophysiological characteristics of a student’s educational work, dynamics of his performance during the academic year
  • 7.2. The influence of stress factors on the psychophysical state of students, criteria for neuro-emotional and psychophysical fatigue
  • 7.3. Using means and methods of physical culture to prevent fatigue and increase the efficiency of educational work
  • Topic No. 8. General physical and special training in the physical education system
  • 8.1. Means and methods of physical education, the basis for improving physical and mental qualities in the process of physical education
  • 2. Classification of physical exercises according to their anatomical characteristics.
  • 3. Classification of physical exercises based on their primary focus on developing individual physical qualities.
  • 4. Classification of physical exercises based on the biomechanical structure of movement.
  • 5. Classification of physical exercises based on physiological power zones.
  • 6. Classification of physical exercises based on sports specialization.
  • 8.2. General and special physical training, zones of intensity of physical activity
  • 8.3. Forms and organizational basis of physical exercises, structure and focus of educational and training sessions
  • Topic No. 9. Sports
  • 9.1. Definition of the concept “sport”. Its fundamental difference from other types of physical exercise
  • 9.2. Mass sports. Its goals and objectives
  • 9.3. High performance sport
  • Sports classification. Its structure
  • Topic No. 10 Individual choice of sport or physical exercise systems
  • 10.1. The purpose of choosing sports and physical exercise systems for regular exercise during school and free time
  • 10.2. Long-term, current and operational planning of sports training in a university environment
  • 10.3. The main ways to achieve the necessary structure of preparedness: technical, physical and mental
  • 10.4. Types and methods of monitoring the effectiveness of training sessions
  • Topic No. 11. Professional-applied physical training (PPP) of students
  • 11.1. Personal and socio-economic need for special physical and mental preparation of a student for future professional activity
  • 11.2. Means and methods of PPFP, its specific content
  • 11.3. Specifics of pptp for all specialties of ISTU and by faculties, profile of the future specialist and applied content of pptp
  • Chemical and Metallurgical Faculty
  • Faculty of Cybernetics
  • Topic No. 12. Fundamentals of methods of independent exercise and self-control of one’s body
  • 12.1. Organization of independent physical exercises
  • 12.2. Forms and content of independent studies. Forms of independent exercise and sports are determined by their goals and objectives
  • 12.3. Planning the volume and intensity of physical exercise
  • 12.4. Managing the self-study process
  • 12.5. Characteristics of the intensity of physical activity for students
  • 12.6. Self-study hygiene
  • 12.7. Types of control during physical education classes
  • 12.8. Self-control during independent studies
  • An approximate diagram of self-control in a diary
  • Topic No. 13. Physical education in the professional activities of bachelors and specialists
  • 13.1. Industrial physical culture. Industrial gymnastics. Features of the choice of forms, methods and means of physical culture and sports during working hours of specialists
  • 13.2. Prevention of occupational diseases and injuries
  • 13.3. Additional means of increasing general and professional performance. Influence of individual characteristics, geographical and climatic conditions
  • 13.4. The role of future specialists in the introduction of physical culture in the production team
  • Topic No. 14. Features of practicing your chosen sport or system of physical exercises
  • 14.2. Model characteristics of a high-class athlete
  • 14.3. Determining the goals and objectives of sports training (or practicing a system of physical exercises) in a university setting. Possible forms of organizing training at a university
  • Chapter 1. General provisions
  • Chapter 2. Organization of activities in the field
  • Chapter 3. Physical culture and sports in the system
  • Chapter 4. Sports reserve
  • Chapter 5. Elite sports
  • Chapter 6. Financial, medical and other support
  • Chapter 7. International sports activities
  • Chapter 8. Final provisions
  • Literature:
  • Internet resources
  • 3.2. Sport is a phenomenon of cultural life

    Sport is an integral part of physical education, as well as a means and method of physical education, a system of organizing and conducting competitions in various sets of physical exercises and preparatory training sessions. Historically, it has developed as a special area for identifying and unified comparison of people’s achievements in certain types of physical exercises and the level of their physical development.

    Sport in a broad sense covers competitive activity itself, special preparation for it (sports training), specific social relations that arise in the sphere of this activity, and its socially significant results. The social value of sport lies in the fact that it is a factor that most effectively stimulates physical education, promotes moral and aesthetic education, and the satisfaction of spiritual needs. The field of sports has historically included various elements of human activity.

    Sports with a long history developed from original physical exercises, forms of labor and military activity, used by man for the purposes of physical education in ancient times - running, jumping, throwing, weight lifting, rowing, swimming, etc.; Some types of modern sports were formed in the 19th - 20th centuries. on the basis of sports itself and related areas of culture - games: artistic and rhythmic gymnastics, modern pentathlon, figure skating, orienteering, sports tourism, etc.; technical sports - based on the development of technology: auto, motorcycle, cycling, aviation sports, scuba diving, etc. (Panachev V.D., 2007).

    Of course, sport is a phenomenon of cultural life. In it, a person strives to expand the boundaries of his capabilities; this is a huge world of emotions generated by successes and failures. Sport is actually a competitive activity and special preparation for it. He lives by certain rules and norms of behavior. It clearly manifests the desire to win, to achieve high results, requiring the mobilization of a person’s physical, mental and moral qualities. Therefore, they often talk about the athletic character of people who successfully demonstrate themselves in competitions. Satisfying many human needs, sports become a physical and spiritual necessity.

    3.3. Components of physical education

    Rice . 12 . Components of physical culture.

    It is customary to distinguish the following sections (components) of physical culture:

    3.3.1. Physical education- this is a systematic activity aimed at solving hygienic, educational and educational problems through the use of a system of physical exercises. This is a type of education, the specificity of which is to teach movements and control the development of a person’s physical qualities.

    Included in the education and upbringing system, starting from preschool institutions, it characterizes the basis of people’s physical fitness - the acquisition of a fund of vital motor skills and abilities, the diversified development of physical abilities (Ilyinich V.I., 2001).

    Its important elements are a “school” of movements, a system of gymnastic exercises and rules for their implementation, with the help of which the child develops the ability to differentially control movements, the ability to coordinate them in different combinations: a system of exercises for the rational use of forces when moving in space (the main ways of walking, running, swimming, skating, skiing, etc.), overcoming obstacles, throwing, lifting and carrying weights, ball “school” (playing volleyball, basketball, handball, football, tennis, etc.)

    The physical education system is characterized by its general orderliness, and on what initial system-forming foundations its orderliness, organization and purposefulness are ensured within the framework of a specific social formation. General principles, on which it is based modern system physical education are: - the principle of comprehensive harmonious development of the individual; - the principle of connection between physical education and labor and defense practice; - the principle of health-improving orientation (Vinogradov P. A. et al., 1996).

    3.3.2. Professional applied physical education (PPFC)- this is a specially targeted selective use of physical culture and sports to prepare a person for a specific professional activity. Thanks to professional applied physical culture, the prerequisites are created for the successful mastery of a particular profession and the effective performance of work.

    The goals of the PFC are:

    Acceleration of vocational training;

    Achieving highly productive work in the chosen profession;

    Prevention of occupational diseases and injuries, ensuring professional longevity;

    The use of physical education and sports for active recreation and restoration of general and professional performance during working and free time.

    Specific tasks of the PFC:

    Form the necessary applied knowledge;

    Master applied skills and abilities;

    To cultivate applied psychophysical qualities;

    Cultivate applied special qualities.

    3.3.3. Sport- a specific form of physical culture, the activity of which is to achieve, identify and compare the maximum physical and psychological capabilities of a person in the process of performing various exercises.

    The functions of sport can be divided into specific (specific only to it as a special phenomenon of reality) and general. The first include competitive-standard and heuristic-achievement functions. The second currently includes functions that have social and public significance, such as the function of personality-oriented education, training and development; health-improving and recreational function; emotional-spectacular function; function of social integration and socialization of the individual; communicative function and economic function (Nikolaev Yu. M., 2000).

    The basis of the specificity of sports is the competitive activity itself, the essence of which is the maximum identification, unified comparison and objective assessment of certain human capabilities in the process of competitions aimed at winning or achieving a high personal sports result or place in the competition.

    Modern sport is divided into mass and elite sports.

    Mass sports gives millions of people the opportunity to improve their physical qualities and motor abilities, improve health and prolong creative longevity (competitions in educational institutions, sports festivals in work collectives, sports festivals, all-Russian sports events “Cross of Nations”, “Russian Ski Track”, etc.).

    High performance sport- this is the achievement of the highest possible sports results or victories at the largest sports competitions (city, regional, all-Russian, international competitions in sports, World Championships, Olympic Games).

    3.3.4. Health-improving physical culture (physical recreation) means, through active rest and physical exercise, maintaining and restoring physical and spiritual strength, preventing mental and physical fatigue. Physical exercise in your free time satisfies the biological need for physical activity and creates a healthy style and lifestyle. The main forms of health-improving physical culture:

    Morning exercises;

    Specially targeted physical exercises;

    Brief exercise sessions during the working day;

    Physical education and sports activities for active recreation (health groups, classes in sports sections, clubs, independent training sessions).

    3.3.5. Adaptive physical education (physical rehabilitation)- activities to restore partially lost or weakened psychophysical functions by means of physical culture. It is associated with the targeted use of physical exercise as a means of treating diseases and restoring body functions that are impaired or lost due to diseases, injuries, overwork and other reasons. Its variety is therapeutic physical culture (Davidenko D.I., 2001).

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    Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution

    higher vocational education

    "North-Eastern Federal University named after. M.K. Ammosova"

    Medical Institute

    Abstract on the topic:

    "Sportingstudent’s personal culture"

    Completed by: II year MI student

    Groups SD-15-201

    Prokopyeva Saina Afanasyevna

    Yakutsk 2016

    • Introduction
    • 1. The concept of sports culture
    • 2. Personal sports culture
    • 3. Sports culture of the student’s personality
    • 4. Formation of sports culture among students
    • Conclusion
    • References


    sports culture personality inhumane

    Currently, the strategic guideline for the development of society and the education system is the formation of a person of culture. Current state human civilization is characterized by a cultural crisis, manifested in a noticeable decrease in the level of general and personal culture, “erosion” of cultural values ​​and norms, disruption of cultural continuity, tension and even conflict in intercultural interactions. Under these conditions, it is necessary to strengthen the cultural content of the educational process.

    Sports culture as a social phenomenon of society is a special part of culture, the system-forming factor of which is the values ​​of sports and the value attitude towards physical culture and sports activities. Sports culture of an individual is understood as an integrative personal education, including a system of means, methods and results of physical culture and sports activities aimed at the perception, reproduction, creation and dissemination of physical culture and sports values ​​and technologies. The sports culture of an individual is formed in the process of internalization by the individual of the cultural and educational potential, values ​​and technologies of sports, as well as as a result of the accumulation of experience in physical culture and sports activities and filling it with personal meaning.

    It is known that the formation and development of personality is possible only in the space of culture and its values ​​and only through the personality of an authoritative teacher, a bearer of genuine values ​​and ideals. Moreover, the teacher must have a good understanding of human nature and know humane and effective methods impact on him.

    1 . The concept of sports culture

    Sports culture refers to a positive value attitude social subject(individual, social group or society as a whole) to sport, social activity and its results in the assimilation, preservation, implementation and development of sports-related values. This culture includes: various forms of sports-oriented activities; different shapes(rational, motivational, emotional, activity) positive assessment of sports; its justification (comprehension and explanation); the results of all this social activity- formed qualities of a person and his way of life (style), rules of behavior, social roles, norms and patterns of social relations; functioning of relevant social institutions, etc.

    An individual’s positive value attitude towards sport is always not general, but completely specific: it does not mean sport in general, but certain aspects, sides, components, functions, types, varieties, etc. The value system that an individual associates with sports, i.e. what is most important and significant for him in sports competitions, in the process of preparing for them, determines the specific content, focus, specificity, i.e. form (variety) of its sports culture.

    This means that various specific forms (varieties) of an individual’s positive value attitude towards sports are possible, and therefore, an individual’s sports culture. The main ones are the following.

    Sports-pragmatic culture. This type of personal sports culture is characterized by its pronounced utilitarian, pragmatic orientation. This means that the most important and significant values ​​in sports for an individual are purely utilitarian, technological, pragmatic values ​​(for example, the opportunity to earn money through sports, acquire material wealth, etc.).

    Inhumane sports culture. Sport can attract an individual, act as a value for him based on the fact that it gives him the opportunity to demonstrate his superiority over others, realize his nationalistic ideas, in some way show his aggressiveness, etc. In this case, the sports culture of the individual includes norms and values ​​that do not coincide with the general cultural values ​​of a humanistic orientation, as a result of which it acts as a sports subculture of the individual with an inhumane orientation (anti-human sports culture).

    Sports and humanistic culture. The basis of the sports-humanistic culture of the individual is the individual’s positive value attitude to sports, to its various components (sports training, sports competitions, etc.), types, varieties, their aspects, functions, etc. from the standpoint of humanism, from the point of view of its ideals and values ​​- the holistic development of the individual and humane relations with other people, nations, cultures, beliefs.

    With all the possible differences in the sports culture of personality, all its forms (varieties) have something in common. They are united by the individual’s common positive value attitude to sports, to sports activities, to one or another of its components, types, varieties, etc. The presence of this relationship allows one to evaluate one or another of his culture specifically as a sports culture, for example, not as a physical or intellectual, aesthetic, etc., and to classify all forms of his sports culture as precisely this, and not some other culture. The general positive value attitude of an individual to sport, to sports activities, to one or another of its components, types, etc., which constitutes common ground everyone specific forms(varieties) of a person’s sports culture and determines their general content, general orientation, and constitutes the basis of this culture.

    The basis of a person’s sports culture has a complex structure and includes a complex of interrelated elements.

    The main components of this structure include a general positive assessment of sports: sports activities, certain types, forms, etc. act as a value (a set of values) for the individual and are assessed as significant, important, and useful. The main manifestations and indicators of such an assessment of sports, i.e. evaluative components of the basis of a person’s sports culture are:

    · positive opinion in the form of relevant statements, judgments, reviews about sports, various forms ah and aspects of sports activity - rational (cognitive) component;

    · positive emotional reactions associated with sports (feelings of pleasure, delight from playing sports, participating in sports competitions, watching them, etc.) - emotional (affective) component;

    · interest in sports, in certain types of sports activities (such as sports training and competitions, visiting sporting events, watching television sports programs, reading sports newspapers and magazines, collecting sports badges, stamps, etc.), desire (desire) to participate in them, etc., i.e. the individual's motivational readiness for this type of activity is the motivational component;

    · real forms of activity related to sports (participation in sports training and competitions, attending sports events, watching sports television programs, reading sports newspapers and magazines; assimilation of knowledge, skills, rules, norms of behavior, social roles that allow participation in these types of activities, etc.) - the activity component.

    An important component of an individual’s overall positive value attitude towards sport is not only his positive assessment, but also the justification (comprehension, explanation) of this assessment - the reflexive-analytical component of the basis of sports culture.

    Justification (comprehension and explanation) by an individual of a positive assessment of sport involves solving the following tasks:

    – selection of a criterion for evaluating sports, its types, varieties, components (sports training, competitions, behavior of an athlete, fans, etc.): from what positions, on the basis of what ideals, norms, cultural patterns, etc. they will be assessed;

    – determination of those aspects, aspects, functions of sport, its types, varieties, components that allow, based on the selected criterion, to give it a positive assessment, attribute certain values, and give social and/or personal meaning.

    When justifying (understanding, explaining) a positive assessment of sport, an individual can use: his practical experience; knowledge gained during studies; traditions, norms, ideals, value stereotypes dominant in the surrounding social environment, etc.

    A necessary condition (prerequisite) for the formation of an individual’s general positive value attitude towards sport is the presence of initial (prerequisite) knowledge, skills and abilities. These include:

    · knowledge of what sport is, its components - sports training, sports competitions, etc., certain types of sports - mass sports, elite sports, etc. - as special social phenomena that differ from others, about their essence, structure, specificity, i.e. concepts that are necessary in order to be able to distinguish (distinguish from many other phenomena) and characterize sports, its components, varieties, etc.;

    · factual knowledge - knowledge about specific facts of sports activity, one or another of its types, varieties at the present time and in the process of development;

    · knowledge about certain ideals, values, norms and patterns of behavior that are necessary for one or another assessment of sport (its types, varieties, components);

    · knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to be able to participate in certain types of sports activities (for example, sports training, sports competitions, etc.) in accordance with accepted rules, norms and patterns of behavior.

    All this knowledge, skills, abilities, formed in the process of socialization (spontaneously in the course of life experience, under the influence of the surrounding social environment, means mass media etc., as well as consciously, purposefully in the process of education, training, upbringing), form a prerequisite (initial) block of knowledge, skills, skills of the basis of the individual’s sports culture. They provide the individual with the opportunity for correct orientation in the world of sports, in its various aspects (perform an indicative function), as well as for assessment, comprehension and real participation in sports activities (characterize his informational and operational readiness for these types of activities).

    2 . Sports culture of personality

    According to L.I. Lubysheva, sports culture personalities contains a specific result of human activity, means and methods of transforming a person’s physical and spiritual potential through mastering the values ​​of competitive and training activities, as well as those social relations that ensure its effectiveness.

    The author takes as the basis for the classification of personal sports culture values ​​such characteristics as the need for self-organization of a healthy lifestyle, success, achievement of high sports results, since value as a social category is always associated with the satisfaction of human needs. Human needs are diverse and many of them are manifested in the field of sports culture. In the process of satisfying needs and creating cultural values, including in the field of sports.

    The basis of the sports culture of the individual, according to S.Yu. Barinov, constitutes a positive value attitude towards sport, within the framework of which the standards, values ​​and norms of culture associated with sport are internalized by the individual and become the property of his own inner world.

    We understand personal sports culture as an integrative personal education, including a system of means, methods and results of physical culture and sports activities aimed at the perception, reproduction, creation and dissemination of physical culture and sports values ​​and technologies. The sports culture of an individual is formed in the process of internalization by the individual of the cultural and educational potential, values ​​and technologies of sports, as well as as a result of the accumulation of experience in physical culture and sports activities and filling it with personal meaning.

    In our opinion, the sports culture of an individual includes the following components:

    1. Value-based (a set of physical culture and sports values, meanings, motives, goals, means of achieving them).

    2. Normative (norms of physical development, preparedness, health, moral sports behavior, physical culture and sports traditions).

    3. Social and communicative (culture of communication and interaction in the process of physical education and sports activities).

    4. Cognitive (a set of physical culture and sports values ​​in the form of knowledge, beliefs, skills).

    3 . Sports culture of student personality

    Sport is considered as an integral part of the culture of society, including competitive activity, special preparation for it, as well as a system of specific interpersonal relationships (political, economic, legal, informational, managerial, etc.). It clearly demonstrates such priorities for modern society values ​​such as equal chances of success, achieving success, the desire to be first, to defeat not only an opponent, but also oneself, to count on oneself.

    Participation in sports activities allows a student to develop physical qualities, enriches him with the experience of interpersonal relationships, ensuring successful socialization, promotes high organization of life activities, the formation of character and strong-willed qualities, personal reflection and the ability to self-determination in life, leads to the development of self-esteem and increased self-respect as individuals.

    The high emotional appeal and pedagogical effectiveness of sports activities are an important basis for its use in student-centered physical education.

    Currently in educational institutions technologies of sports-oriented physical education are being intensively developed and actively implemented, aimed at developing a sports culture among students. Managing this process involves providing teachers and students with complete, reliable and quantitatively measurable information about the level and dynamics of indicators of the development of an individual’s sports culture.

    Definition of criteria and indicators the level of development of the individual’s sports culture and adequate measurement techniques. The results of the study are presented in the table.

    The first criterion for developmentmotivational component sports culture is the sports orientation of the individual. Taking into account the indicators of the relative strength of motives for playing sports, diagnosed using the “Motives for Playing Sports” methodology developed by A.V. Shaboltas, there are three stages of development of a person’s sports orientation - physical education and health, semi-sports, sports.

    The second and third criteria for the development of the motivational component are interest in playing sports and satisfaction from playing the chosen sport..

    Indicators of the development of these criteria are the structural components of interest, namely: emotional, motivational, cognitive and volitional, diagnosed using the closed-type questionnaire “Interest in playing sports” that we developed.

    About the level of developmentpersonal-behavioral component indicators of four criteria indicate.

    First criterion characterizes a person’s attitude towards himself as a subject of sports activity, indicators of his development are self-confidence, diagnosed using our modified version of V.G. Romek “Self-Confidence Test”, which determines the level of subjective control.

    Second criterion reflects a person’s attitude to the conditions of competitive activity. An indicator of its development is calmness, diagnosed using Ch. Spielberger’s “Personal Anxiety” method.

    The third criterion is the attitude towards the process and results of sports. Indicators of its development are determination and perseverance, diagnosed using the “Self-assessment of volitional qualities” technique.

    And finally fourth criterion development of the personal-behavioral component is a sports lifestyle. Indicators of its development are: attendance at classes, independent physical activity outside of school hours, participation in sports competitions, giving up bad habits, adherence to sleep, nutrition, study, rest, rehabilitation and hardening activities.

    These indicators are measured using the developed methodology of the “Sports Lifestyle” questionnaire and pedagogical observation. The first criterion for development physical component are the functional capabilities of the body. Indicators of its development are the adaptive capabilities of the CVS, diagnosed using the method of determining the adaptive potential of the CVS, the Rufier index, the Quetelet index, the Stange and Genchi tests. The second criterion is the level of development of motor abilities, diagnosed by indicators of speed, speed-strength, strength and coordination abilities, as well as endurance and flexibility. To measure these indicators, test exercises generally accepted in the practice of physical education of students are used.

    Criteria, indicators and methods for measuring the structural components of a person’s sports culture

    Criteria for the development of structural components

    Criteria development indicators

    Measurement techniques

    Motivational component

    Sports orientation of the individual

    Relative strength of motives for exercising

    Methodology “Motives for doing sports” (A.V. Shaboltas)

    Interest in sports

    Structural Components of Interest

    Questionnaire “Interest in sports”

    Satisfaction with classes


    Personal-behavioral component

    Attitude towards oneself as a subject of sports activity

    Self confidence

    “Self-confidence test” (V.G. Romek)

    Attitude to competition conditions


    Test “Personal Anxiety” (C. Spielberger)

    Attitude to the process and result of sports activities


    Methodology “Self-assessment of volitional qualities”


    Sports lifestyle

    Attendance at training sessions

    Pedagogical observation

    Independent physical activity

    Pedagogical observation Questionnaire “Sports lifestyle”

    Participation in competitions

    Rejection of bad habits

    Sleep, nutrition, study, rest schedule

    Restorative and hardening measures

    Physical component

    Functional capabilities of the body

    Indicators of adaptive capabilities of the cardiovascular system

    Adaptive potential of the cardiovascular system, Ruffier index, Quetelet index, Stange, Genchi tests

    Motor abilities

    Speed ​​abilities

    Speed-strength abilities

    Standing long jump

    Strength abilities

    Pull-up from hanging / flexion - extension of arms while lying down

    Coordination abilities

    Shuttle run


    Forward lean


    Information component

    Knowledge of physical culture

    Pedagogical testing

    Knowledge of chosen sport

    Operational Component

    Organizational and methodological skills

    Ability to organize physical exercises

    Pedagogical testing

    Mastery of techniques and tactics of the chosen sport

    Ability to perform technical tactical techniques of the chosen type

    Expert review

    Development criterion information component are knowledge. Knowledge in the field of physical education and knowledge in the field of the chosen sport, diagnosed using pedagogical testing.

    The first criterion for development operational component are organizational and methodological skills, indicators of its development are the ability to organize physical exercise classes, diagnosed using pedagogical testing. The second criterion for the development of the operational component is mastery of the technique and tactics of the chosen sport. Indicators of its development are the ability to perform technical and tactical techniques from the arsenal of the chosen sport, diagnosed using expert assessment.

    And finally, development criteria reflective component are the processes of self-knowledge, self-attitude and self-determination (D.A. Leontiev, S.R. Panteleev). The level of development of self-knowledge is determined by indicators of completeness and accuracy of knowledge about oneself as a subject of sports activity, self-attitude - by indicators of emotional acceptance by students of themselves as a subject of sports activity, self-determination - by indicators of the ability to independently determine their place and role in the field of their chosen sport.

    In accordance with the identified structural components, criteria, development indicators and measurement methods, we distinguish three levels of development of an individual’s sports culture: reproductive, optimization and creative.

    On reproductive level a person mechanically reproduces actions in accordance with the norms of sports activity.

    On optimization level a person shows a willingness to make changes to the implemented methods of sports activity at the level of individual actions and operations performed, coordinating them with the objective and subjective conditions of a specific situation, by optimizing his personal capabilities.

    On creative level person carries out creative self-realization of methods of sports activity, taking into account the existing abilities of the individual.

    Personally oriented physical education based on a chosen sport provides a significant increase in the development indicators of the structural components of an individual’s sports culture:

    Motivational - strengthening the motive of social self-affirmation, belonging to a group and the socio-emotional motive, characterizing a semi-sports orientation; increasing interest in physical culture and sports, satisfaction with educational activities in the subject “Physical Education”, the emergence and dominance in the motivational structure of the individual of competitive motives, motives of achievement success and personal self-realization in the field of the chosen sport (sports orientation);

    Personal-behavioral - the development of determination and perseverance as a set of volitional qualities and sports character traits that determine stable positive attitudes towards to various parties sports life (sports training, sports training, sports behavior, sports lifestyle);

    Physical - increasing the rate of development of speed, speed-strength and power qualities, coordination abilities, endurance, functional capabilities of the body.

    Informational - improving the quality of knowledge acquisition in physical culture and the chosen sport;

    Operational - improving the quality of mastery of methods of organizing physical culture and sports activities, skills and abilities of performing basic technical elements of the chosen sport.

    Reflexive - actualization of the need for search and discovery of new knowledge, new ways of activity, new ways of solving problem situations, revision of motivations and self-esteem, personal self-development and self-improvement.

    The level of development of each structural component of an individual’s sports culture is determined through an integrated assessment of its constituent criteria, and the level of development of sports culture as a whole is determined through an integrated assessment of the development of all its structural components.

    The development of motivational, personal-behavioural, physical, informational, operational, reflective components of a person’s sports culture is carried out at all stages of sports training through the inclusion of students in all types of educational and cognitive activities. The stages of personality-oriented physical education in their totality represent a necessary and sufficient number of successive steps that provide a solution strategic goal- formation of sports culture of students in the process of sports activities.

    Thus, the problem of forming a sports culture of an individual remains relevant and requires the development of appropriate target, content, organizational and methodological, technological support personally oriented physical education of students based on their chosen sport.

    4 . Formation of sports culture of students

    The formation of a sports culture through participation in one or more sports allows one to discover and realize real and potential opportunities, and is a promising means of introducing students to physical education and sports activities and a healthy lifestyle.

    The formation of a sports culture, increasing the physical fitness of students, systematic sports are important components of the competitiveness of youth in society and are the main criteria at all age stages of its development. At the same time, the deterioration of the health status and level of physical fitness of student youth in the conditions of social, economic and environmental problems indicates the need to correct the existing traditional approach to physical education of students at the university. The lack of the necessary motivation for physical exercise among most students further aggravates the current situation.

    In connection with the above, the problem of intensifying motor activity and forming sustainable motivation of students to engage in physical education and sports at the university has become urgent.

    In most universities, the organization of the physical education process and the distribution of students into educational and training groups take place without taking into account the interests and needs in the motor activity of the students themselves, which leads to a decrease in motivation and is often accompanied by a deterioration in the dynamics of motor readiness. In this regard, the number of missed classes without good reason and due to illness increases, which significantly reduces the overall performance of students and the quality of physical training.

    Problems associated with the formation of a sports culture among students at a university were studied by N. P. Abalakova (2001), V. K. Balsevich (2003), N. I. Volkov (1967), V. M. Zatsiorsky (1970), P. Kunat (1973), L.P. Matveev (1977), M.Ya. Nabatnikov (1982), Zh.K. Kholodov, V.S. Kuznetsov (2000), etc. It should be noted that the reasons for the negative impact on physical indicators There is a lot of preparedness among students. This includes a decline in living standards, deterioration of working and rest conditions, environment, quality and structure of nutrition. It should also be taken into account that 90% of young people are focused on physical education activities of moderate volume and intensity, but not sports. As a result, the level of development of physical qualities decreases. Along with this, a decrease in the number of hours in the university curriculum in senior years also leads to a decrease in the physical activity of students.

    Studying at a university is an important stage in the development of a future specialist, acquiring not only special knowledge, but also understanding the meaning of physical education, the ethics of physical exercise, knowledge of the basics of sports hygiene, and developing sustainable habits for regular physical exercise.

    Research conducted at the Siberian State Technological University shows that for most graduates, physical qualities such as endurance, strength, and speed are professionally important. Much attention is paid to the development of these qualities in physical education classes at universities. Endurance is the only quality that is directly dependent on the state of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Mental and physical performance is closely related to endurance. Muscle strength is associated with the functions of organs and systems of the human body, with his emotions and energy. Muscles are connected with the central and peripheral nervous system, endocrine glands. A trained muscle has more opportunities to protect the entire human body from the harmful effects of educational and industrial activities. Speed ​​is directly related to professional readiness, since the level of its development affects mobility nervous processes, efficiency of thinking, mental performance.

    For the development of these professionally important qualities, sports such as athletics, cross-country skiing, sport games and etc.

    At the beginning of the academic year, students were given the opportunity to decide on a specific sport or any system of physical exercises for regular exercise throughout the entire course of study at the university. During introductory classes with first-year students, a survey was conducted on the topic “Students’ attitudes to physical education and sports.” To the survey question “What sport would you like to do at university?” 78% of respondents chose athletics.

    Athletics is one of the most mass species a sport that promotes the comprehensive development of a person, as it combines common and vital movements. Systematic training in athletics exercises develops strength, speed, endurance and other qualities necessary for a person in everyday life.

    In the system of physical education, athletics occupies a dominant place due to its diversity, accessibility, dosage, as well as its applied significance.

    An experimental group of 35 people was formed from those who wanted to engage in athletics; the control group consisted of students who attended training sessions according to the general program.

    The curriculum for the experimental group was developed on the basis of regulatory documents of the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Physical Culture and Sports, summarizing the best practices of athletics coaches, taking into account the specifics of studying at a university.

    The following main tasks were solved in the educational and training process:

    – harmonious physical development of students, versatile training, health promotion;

    – training of mass athletes in athletics;

    – training of public instructors and athletics judges;

    – theoretical training with the basics of pedagogy, physiology, therapeutic physical culture.

    Advanced sports experience and scientific research has shown that in order to achieve harmonious physical development it is necessary to use a wide range of means and methods of the educational and training process. A special place in the system of training student-athletes should be occupied by exercises of a special and general developmental nature, as well as exercises in difficult and easier conditions.

    When constructing the educational and training process, we were guided by the following principles:

    – target orientation;

    – proportionality in the development of basic physical qualities;

    – leading factors determining the level of skill development.

    To solve the problems, the following research methods were used: analysis and synthesis of scientific and methodological literature on the research problem; pedagogical observations; pedagogical experiment; methods for assessing and monitoring students' physical fitness; survey; static analysis of the results of the experimental work carried out.

    To assess and control the physical fitness of students, physical fitness tests recommended Federal program 2000: 100 m race (boys and girls); standing long jump (boys and girls); pull-ups on a high bar (boys); lifting the body from a lying position (girls) and running 3,000 and 2,000 m (boys and girls, respectively).

    The educational and training process was considered as an integral dynamic system, where at each specific stage specific tasks for the development of motor qualities, the formation of technical skills and the choice of means, methods and magnitudes of training influences are solved. It is organized in accordance with certain target objectives, which are specifically expressed by the magnitude of the predicted result and determine the necessary implementation of the educational and training process program.

    The entire educational and training process was divided into four main stages and was interconnected with the years of study at the university.

    The first stage is a medical and pedagogical examination.

    It is important to determine the capabilities of students and their individual characteristics, since the trainer-teacher must know his students, their character and inclinations, study and living conditions. Only students assigned to the main medical group are allowed to participate in athletics. It includes persons who do not have any deviations in their state of health, physical development and functional readiness, as well as persons who have minor, often functional deviations, but are not lagging behind in their physical development and functional readiness.

    The second stage is the stage of initial sports specialization. Objectives: promoting health, comprehensive physical development, teaching various physical exercises, and instilling interest in athletics.

    Before the start of the training year and then every six months, anthropometric measurements are taken. Physical training at this stage with a small volume of special exercises is more favorable for subsequent sports improvement.

    The third stage is the stage of in-depth educational and training process. Aimed at creating the necessary prerequisites for exceptionally intense training in order to maximize the realization of individual capabilities. The work is aimed at forming the foundation of special preparedness and sustainable motivation to achieve high results. This stage occurs in the 2nd year of study at the university. Passing tests and exams creates stressful situation with the activation of all adaptive forces of the body. Such a measure of training and competitive loads was chosen so that, on the one hand, having created the prerequisites for the initial realization of individual capabilities, to leave reserves for complicating the training process, and on the other hand, to carry out the educational process on time, without debt.

    The fourth stage is the stage of sports improvement. The main task is the maximum use of training tools that can cause active adaptation processes. In this regard, the share of special exercises in the total volume of training load, as well as competitive practice, increases. The stage of sports improvement coincides with studies in the 3rd-5th years. During this period, student-athletes are required to increase mental and physical activity. The training process is adjusted in accordance with the curriculum.

    The results of the study indicate an increase in all indicators of physical fitness in the experimental group. Physical fitness of the boys in the experimental group increased: 1st year by 3.6%

    (p < 0.05); 2-й курс - на 4.95 % (p < 0.05); 3-й курс - на 6.87 % (p < 0.05); 4-й курс - на 5.3 % (p < 0.05); у девушек соответственно: 3.4 % (p < 0.05), 3.5 % (p < 0.05), 3.1 % (p < 0.05), 4.2 % (p < 0.05). В то же время у юношей контрольной группы наблюдается изменение показателей физической подготовленности: на 1-м курсе понижение уровня физической подготовленности -1.95 % (p < 0.05), на 2-м курсе - повышение на 1.6 % (p < 0.05), на 3-м курсе - повышение на 3.1 % (p < 0.05), на 4-м курсе - повышение на 0.9 % (p> 0.05). For girls in the control group: in the 1st year there was a slight increase - 0.6% ( p> 0.05), in the 2nd year - 1.2% ( p> 0.05), in the 3rd year - 0.8% ( p> 0.05), in the 4th year - 0.7% ( p> 0.05) (Table 1-4).

    The results of the pedagogical experiment indicate a greater increase in physical fitness indicators in the experimental group. One of the reasons for this is stimulation to the maximum manifestation of physical qualities, as well as physical training carried out through athletics exercises.

    Table 1. Dynamics of physical fitness indicators of 1st and 2nd year girls

    Control exercise

    1st year, 2002/2003

    2nd year, 2003/2004

    Run 100 m, s

    p < 0.05

    p < 0.05

    p > 0.05

    p > 0.05

    Standing long jump, cm

    p < 0.05

    p < 0.05

    p < 0.05

    Raising the body from a lying position, number of times

    p < 0.05

    p < 0.05

    p < 0.05

    p < 0.05

    Run 2,000 m, min

    p < 0.05

    p < 0.05

    p > 0.05

    p > 0.05

    Note. Here and in the table. 2-4: E - experimental group; K - control group.

    Vestnik TSPU. 2010. Issue 4 (94)

    table 2 Dynamics of physical fitness indicators of 3rd and 4th year girls

    Control exercise

    3rd year, 2004/2005

    Growth, %

    4th year, 2005/2006

    Run 100 m, s

    p < 0.05

    p < 0.05

    p > 0.05

    p > 0.05

    Standing long jump, cm

    p < 0.05

    p < 0.05

    p > 0.05

    p < 0.05

    Raising the body from

    lying position, number of times

    p < 0.05

    p < 0.05

    p < 0.05

    Run 2,000 m, min

    p < 0.05

    p < 0.05

    p > 0.05

    p > 0.05

    Table 3 Dynamics of physical fitness indicators of 1st and 2nd year boys

    Control exercise

    1st year, 2002/2003

    Growth, %

    2nd year, 2003/2004

    Growth, %

    Run 100 m, s

    p < 0.05

    p < 0.05

    Standing long jump, cm

    p < 0.05

    p < 0.05

    p > 0.05

    p > 0.05

    p < 0.05

    p < 0.05

    p > 0.05

    p > 0.05

    Running 3,000 m,

    p < 0.05

    p < 0.05

    p > 0.05

    p > 0.05

    Table 4 Dynamics of physical fitness indicators of 3rd and 4th year boys

    Control exercise

    3rd year, 2004/2005

    Growth, %

    4th year, 2005/2006

    Run 100 m, s

    p < 0.05

    p < 0.05

    p < 0.05

    p > 0.05

    Standing long jump, cm

    p < 0.05

    p < 0.05

    p > 0.05

    p < 0.05

    Pull-ups on a high bar, number of times

    p < 0.05

    p < 0.05

    p > 0.05

    Run 3,000 m, min

    p < 0.05

    p < 0.05

    p > 0.05

    p > 0.05


    1. The results of the study showed significantly greater increases in the physical fitness of students in the experimental group compared to the control group.

    2. Students who regularly engage in physical exercises of a certain type and do not interrupt classes even during exam periods have a more favorable period of student life for their health.

    3. Among students engaged in physical exercises of a certain direction, there is a more rational use of time in the daily routine, in contrast to students engaged in a standard program. This gives grounds to recommend organizing the process of physical education at a university, taking into account the interests and needs of students in motor activity of a certain direction, increasing motivation and improving the dynamics of students’ motor readiness.


    In conclusion, the following can be noted. In system higher education it is necessary to realize the humanistic functions of physical culture and sports and their impact on the individual. The humanistic functions of physical culture and sports lie in the actualization of the enormous cultural potential that sport and physical culture and sports activities carry in influencing the formation of an individual’s sports culture: educational potential, educational, health-improving and developmental. In order to most fully realize the humanistic potential of physical culture and sports, it is necessary to create a pedagogical system of physical culture and sports education for students, aimed at developing an individual’s sports culture.

    The basis for the formation of students' sports culture is the values ​​of sports and physical culture, as well as universal human values. In turn, values ​​underlie value orientations, which are an important component of the personality structure


    1. Diagnosis of sports culture S.Yu. Barinov MGIMO (University) Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Moscow.

    2. Stolyarov V.I. Sports culture as an element of culture // Modernity as a subject of research in social sciences: materials of All-Russian. scientific conf. - M.: MGAFK, 2002. - P. 28-33.



    5. A.I. Zagrevskaya, V.S. Sosunovsky VALUE ORIENTATIONS AS THE BASIS FOR FORMING STUDENTS' SPORTS CULTURE IN THE PROCESS OF PHYSICAL SPORTS EDUCATION Bulletin of Tomsk State University. 2013. No. 368. P. 119-122


    7. Pedagogy and psychology p. 79 I.L. Sofronov, G.L. Drandrov, V.A. Burtsev

    Formation of sports culture of students based on sports games.


    Posted on Allbest.ru


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    Culture is the process and result of storage, development, development and dissemination of material and spiritual values. Physical culture is an organic part of universal human culture. It serves as a means and method for the physical improvement of people so that they can fulfill their social responsibilities.

    The components of physical culture are:

    • physical education;
    • sport;
    • physical recreation;
    • motor rehabilitation.

    The components of physical culture are interconnected, and at the same time, have specific features.

    Physical education is aimed at comprehensive development person and is carried out, as a rule, in educational institutions. A distinctive feature of sports is the element of competition. Physical recreation involves the use of physical exercise for active recreation, for example, in the form of tourism. It is sometimes classified as a background type of physical culture, which also includes exercises as part of everyday life (morning exercises, walks, etc.). Motor rehabilitation serves to restore temporarily lost physical abilities and treat injuries through physical exercise. Its variety is therapeutic physical culture.

    The concepts of “physical education”, “physical development”, “physical perfection”




    Physical education

    Physical education is the process of acquiring special knowledge, vital motor skills, comprehensive development of physical qualities and developing the need for physical exercise. Unlike physical education, physical training involves mastering motor skills and developing physical qualities necessary for specific professional or sports activities. In this regard, they talk, for example, about professional applied physical training of a pilot, installer, agronomist, etc.

    Physical development

    Physical development is the process of changing the forms and functions of the body (body length and weight, strength, speed, etc.) either under the influence of natural factors (labor, everyday life, genetic predisposition), or under the influence of the targeted use of physical exercise. Thus, if physical education is a specially organized pedagogical process, then physical development can occur naturally.

    Physical perfection

    Physical perfection is a level of health and comprehensive physical development that meets the requirements of human activity in certain historical conditions. Achieving physical perfection is the goal of physical education.

    The concepts of "sport" and "type of sport"




    Sport is a game, competitive activity and preparation for it, based on the use of physical exercises and aimed at achieving the highest results.

    This activity has a number of features:

    • the presence of struggle, competition directly in the game, duel, etc.;
    • unification of the athlete’s actions, the conditions for their implementation and methods for assessing achievements in accordance with the official rules;
    • regulation of the behavior of athletes taking into account the principles of non-antagonistic relationships between people.

    The concept of “sport” has a narrower meaning than “sport”. A sport is a type of competitive activity formed during the development of sport, distinguished by a specific subject of competition and rules for conducting competitive struggle. Sports include athletics, weightlifting, gymnastics, wrestling, boxing and many others.

    The emergence of physical culture




    The emergence of physical culture was due to life primitive society. In the process of work and, first of all, hunting, a person acquired the necessary skills and abilities in running, jumping, throwing, climbing, developed strength, endurance and other necessary physical qualities.

    The subjective prerequisite for the emergence of physical culture was the development of thinking, consciousness primitive man. Performing magical and ritual actions before a hunt, in which not the animal itself, but its image on a rock or ground was repeatedly struck, people began to distinguish physical exercise as an independent activity.

    With the emergence of religious beliefs, elements of physical exercise were associated with religious rituals. This is how cult dances, dances, and games appeared.

    In the conditions of the tribal system big role military training began to play a role. For example, Australians from an early age practiced archery and boomerang throwing. The primitive tribes of Africa widely used fencing with sticks, wrestling, and swinging exercises on vines in the education of children and youth.

    For many primitive peoples there was a rite of initiation (dedication) when moving from one age group to another. Initiations usually involved physical exercises, for which the young men prepared intensively.

    Physical exercise also formed the basis of a variety of games and entertainment.

    Olympic Games of Ancient Greece




    Numerous games and competitions were widespread in the slave states of the Ancient East, Ancient Rome and Ancient Greece. For example, in ancient Rome the Trojan Games were traditional, including competitions between horsemen in the intricate passages of the labyrinth, chariot races, wrestling, fist fighting, throwing a spear and throwing a discus.

    In Ancient Greece, physical exercise reached its maximum development. Of all the games held there (Nemean, Delphic, etc.), the most significant were the Olympic Games. According to legend, they were started by Hercules in the 12th century. BC e., when he held a competition between his four brothers in honor of the victory of Zeus over Kronos.

    The first known Olympic Games in history were held in 776 BC. e. in Olympia, located on the Peloponnesian Peninsula in southwestern Greece. The games were held once every four years. The periods between games were called Olympiads.

    A month before the games, a sacred truce (ekehiriya) was declared throughout Greece. From the 8th to the 2nd centuries. BC e. Only free-born Greeks could participate in the Olympic Games. Slaves, barbarians, and women were not allowed to play. Subsequently, athletes of non-Greek origin were allowed to participate in the games.

    In the early period, games took place in one day, in the heyday - in five days. They were held extremely solemnly. Before the start of the games, all participants swore an oath that they had honestly prepared for the games and would compete with dignity, and also made sacrifices to the gods. The winners were awarded an olive wreath. In addition to sports competitions, various competitions, exhibitions, and religious ceremonies were organized.

    The program of the Olympic Games, which initially consisted only of running one Greek stage (192 m), was subsequently expanded to include competitions in the pentathlon (pentathlon, which included running one stage, discus throw, javelin throw for accuracy, long jump, wrestling), running with weapons (sword and shield), fist fighting, pankration (combination of fighting with fist fighting), chariot racing, horse riding. Aristotle, Socrates, and Herodotus took part in the games. Pythagoras was the champion in fist fighting.

    The emergence and spread of Christianity, which fought against the pagan faith and preached asceticism, led to the cessation of the Olympic holidays. In 394, the Roman Emperor Theodosius I issued an edict banning the Olympic Games.

    Under feudalism, games with elements of competition were only part of folk festivals or knightly tournaments and no longer had the same importance as in ancient culture. Significant attention to targeted physical exercise began to be paid only with the advent of the Renaissance. Sports and other components of physical culture in their modern understanding have become really widespread in during the XIX and the beginning of the 20th century.

    Modern Olympic Games




    In 1894, exactly one and a half thousand years after the ban on the ancient Olympic Games, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) was created at the International Athletic Congress in Paris, and in 1896 the modern Olympic Games began. The French teacher and educator Pierre de Coubertin (1863-1937) played a major role in the revival of the Olympic Games. He headed the IOC until 1925.

    The Olympic Games are held in accordance with the Olympic Charter (statutes), which defines the basic rules of the games, the goals and objectives of the IOC. Athletes and judges take the Olympic oath to compete fairly and judge fairly. The Olympic motto is “Faster, higher, stronger!”

    Olympic paraphernalia includes the Olympic symbol in the form of five intertwined rings of different colors, signifying the unity of athletes from five continents; the Olympic flag is white with the Olympic symbol in the center; Olympic mascot.

    Olympic ceremony comprises grand opening and closing of games, awards. At the opening, among other ceremonies, the Olympic flame is lit in the cauldron of the stadium. The fire is delivered by torch relay from Greece, where in ancient Olympia it is lit from the sun's rays using a large concave mirror.

    The first modern Olympic Games took place in 1896 in Athens. Subsequently, they were held every four years with the exception of 1916, 1940, 1944. during the periods of the first and second world wars. Since 1924, in the same years as the summer ones, the Winter Olympic Games began to be held. Since 1994, winter and summer games have been held at intervals of two years. Currently, the games last for 16-18 days.

    If 311 athletes from 13 countries, competing in 9 sports, took part in the first games in Athens, then 10.5 thousand athletes from 197 countries competed for 271 sets of medals in the XXVI Games in Atlanta. The XXVII Games in Sydney have already brought together 11 thousand athletes from 200 countries. A number of new disciplines were included in their program, such as synchronized diving, women's water polo, women's hammer throw, etc. The results increased immeasurably. For example, in the 100 m race the result improved from 12.0 s to 9.79 s; in long jump - from 6.35 m to 8.95 m; in high jump - from 1.81 m to 2.45 m.

    Russian and Soviet athletes performed successfully at the Olympic Games. At the IV Games in London (1908) gold medal N.A. Panin-Kolomenkin won in figure skating. Soviet athletes took first place in the unofficial team competition a total of 12 times. Athletes from St. Petersburg-Leningrad were indispensable participants in all Olympic Games. Among them are Lyudmila Pinaeva, who won three Olympic Games in kayak racing, gymnast Alexander Dityatin, who won ten Olympic medals, of which three are gold, swimmer Vladimir Salnikov, who won four gold medals, and track and field athletes Tatyana Kazankina and Tamara Press, who each have three highest awards. A significant part of the Olympic teams were and continue to be student-athletes, including those from non-physical education universities. For example, among the graduates of St. Petersburg alone State University Olympic champions Gennady Shatkov, Elvira Ozolina, Yuri Tarmak, Andrey Krylov.

    The largest modern sporting events




    At the present stage, in addition to the Olympic Games, a large number of major sporting competitions. They are organized by international sports associations. In addition to the IOC, these include international sports federations, such as the International Amateur Athletics Federation (IAAF), the International Federation of Association Football (FIFA), and the International Chess Federation (FIDE). There are also regional sports organizations, for example, the High Council of Sports of Africa, the Asian Games Federation, the International Committee of the Mediterranean Games, etc.

    Sports associations such as the International Federation of Sports Medicine, the International Association of Sports Psychology, etc. are also involved in holding competitions.

    International competitions can be complex or for one sport. The first include the World Universiade, the World Maccabiah Games (held in Israel every four years), African, Pan-American, Mediterranean Games, etc. The second include the World and European Championships; competitions that have become international, such as the English Tennis Championships held at Wimbledon; drawings of cups and prizes; memorials to outstanding athletes and coaches, for example, the Znamensky Brothers Memorial in Athletics. Championships usually take place for a short time in one country, and champions are identified. Cup competitions consist of several stages, are held throughout the season in different countries, and the winners of the cup are determined based on their results.

    Competitions are also divided into official and friendly. Friendlies include numerous match meetings with the participation of club and national teams.




    Modern sport is divided into two main areas: mass sport and elite sport or big sport.

    Mass sports are characterized by a significant number of participants, a relatively low level of results, and the dependence of sports on other dominant activities. Its goal is to improve health, improve physical fitness and active recreation.

    Mass sports include youth sports, which are practiced in general education and sports schools, most student sports, adult sports, developed in clubs and sections at the place of work and residence, and army sports. Recently, veteran sport has become very popular all over the world, in which, according to their age groups, men from 40 years old and women from 35 years old take part. There is also a special (Paralympic) sport or sport for the disabled, within which competitions of various levels are held. The largest of these are the Paralympic Games, which take place a few weeks after the Olympic Games.

    High performance sports are characterized by the extraordinary motor talent of those involved, large expenditures of time and energy, and a dominant position in life. His goal is to achieve the best possible results or victories at the largest competitions. Athletes train and participate in competitions, usually as part of national teams. Elite sport is, with rare exceptions, a professional sport where a person works to the limit of his capabilities. Such work is generally quite highly paid. For example, for first place at the World Athletics Championships, an athlete receives 100 thousand dollars.

    Organizational foundations of physical culture




    In our country, management in the field of physical culture is carried out on the basis of the “Fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation on physical culture and sports” adopted in 1993. In 1999, a new version of this law was published. Management is carried out in two forms: state and public.

    The highest state body for managing physical culture is the State Committee Russian Federation in physical education and sports. There are committees for physical culture in the constituent entities of the federation, as well as at the regional, regional, city and district administrations. On the other hand, work in the field of physical culture is carried out by separate ministries, which include relevant departments and scientific and methodological councils. The National Olympic Committee of Russia (NOC) is an independent body responsible for the development of Olympic sports in the country and the expansion of sports relations.

    Public administration covers preschool institutions, general education and children's and youth sports schools, as well as schools of higher sports excellence, higher and secondary specialized educational institutions, military units, and medical institutions.

    The structure of public bodies governing physical culture includes: the physical culture and sports society of trade unions "Russia", departmental public and state associations, for example, the physical culture and sports society "Dynamo", tourism councils, hunters and fishermen's societies, running clubs, etc.

    The primary links in the social and physical education movement are physical education groups and sports clubs. They are created in institutions and enterprises, in educational institutions, and at places of residence.

    State and public forms of physical culture management are closely interconnected and are represented jointly in most educational and labor groups.

    The dynamic processes occurring in society recently are reflected in the sphere of organizing physical culture. The conditions for training and stimulating the work of high-class athletes have changed, and paid health services, provided both in government institutions and privately, have become widespread.

    Student sports organizations and competitions




    The primary state department carrying out educational and training work and holding sports competitions at the university is the Department of Physical Education. Classes are held at the main, special department (for students with health limitations) and at the sports improvement department. The primary social unit is the university sports club. The department and club interact with the administration, the trade union organization of the university and higher state and public bodies governing physical culture.

    A significant role in the development of student sports is played by the public association of students and higher education workers created in 1993 - the Russian Student Sports Union. Its tasks include organizing and holding student competitions within the country and developing international sports relations. International student sports competitions are held under the auspices of the International University Sports Federation (FISU).

    The system of student sports competitions combines intra-university, inter-university and international competitions.

    Intra-university competitions include test competitions in academic classes, championship competitions study groups, courses, faculties, university dormitories.

    Interuniversity competitions include district, city, zonal and all-Russian student competitions. Competitions between universities of the same profile, for example, agricultural, railway, medical, etc., are common. The strongest student-athletes participate in competitions as part of various national teams.

    International competitions include friendly matches between individual universities from different countries, the World Universiade held by FISU every two years in odd years, and FISU championships. As a rule, more than half of the Russian national teams at the European and World Championships and the Olympic Games are students.

    1. What is meant by physical culture, the influence of physical culture and sports on a person. 3
    2. Basic health-improving systems of physical education and their role in the formation healthy image life, prevention of occupational diseases. 8
    3. Self-massage, purpose of use, requirements for the self-massage procedure. 16
    Literature 19

    1. What is meant by physical culture, the influence of physical culture and sports on a person.
    Physical culture is a sphere of social activity aimed at preserving and strengthening health, developing a person’s psychophysical abilities in the process of conscious motor activity. Physical culture is a part of culture, which is a set of values, norms and knowledge created and used by society for the purposes of physical and intellectual development human abilities, improving his motor activity and creating a healthy lifestyle, social adaptation through physical education, physical training and physical development (in accordance with Federal law Russian Federation dated December 4, 2007 N 329-FZ “On physical culture and sports in the Russian Federation”).
    The main indicators of the state of physical culture in society are:
    1) the level of health and physical development of people;
    2) the degree of use of physical culture in the field of upbringing and education, in production and everyday life.
    Scientists have calculated that even in the middle XIX century Of all the energy produced and consumed on Earth, 96 percent came from the muscular strength of humans and domestic animals. At that time, only 4 percent of the energy was generated by water wheels, windmills and a small number of steam engines. In our time, that is, a little more than a century later, only 1 percent of energy is produced by muscular strength.
    People's living conditions have changed significantly. Physical labor in a number of industries has almost completely been replaced by mechanization and automation. Previously, people had to walk a lot, carry heavy loads, and work hard in everyday life - chopping and sawing wood, carrying water from a well. Now they have at their disposal fast and comfortable transport, pampering living conditions - elevators, central heating, hot water supply. So it turns out that millions of people are now experiencing “muscle hunger.” To a certain extent, comfort can deprive a person of health if you do not include the necessary physical activity in your life.
    Since ancient times, the importance of clean air and physical exercise in the fight for health and longevity has been known. The father of medicine, the ancient Greek scientist Hippocrates, who lived 104 years, preached that reasonable exercise, fresh air, and walks are necessary to prolong life. The famous Greek writer and historian Plutarch called movements “the storehouse of life,” and the philosopher Plato argued that “gymnastics is the healing part of medicine.” The Roman scientist Galei repeatedly reminded: “Thousands and thousands of times I have restored health to my patients through exercise.”
    From the Greeks and Romans, the high appreciation of the importance of physical exercise for the human body has, in basic terms, reached our time. Doctors and scientists from all countries and peoples consider dosed physical activity and movement in general in various forms as an effective means of improving the health of the body, preventing many diseases, and prolonging life.
    The same automation that made physical labor much easier required modern man enormous nervous tension. And it is known that chronic mental fatigue, and especially fatigue, in the absence of physical activity, primarily has an adverse effect on the central nervous system. This is primarily characterized by a decrease in the excitability of the cerebral cortex. Low mobility leads to the fact that the flow of nerve impulses from the muscles to the brain is reduced, which means that the normal activity of the most important organs and systems is disrupted, and normal metabolism is disrupted.
    Excessive hard work performed against the background of neuropsychic overstrain, and chronic mental fatigue without physical “discharge” undermine health, cause the onset of premature old age, and are a source of illness and a decline in overall performance.
    An outstanding doctor and teacher, founder of the cause of physical education in Russia, P. F. Lesgaft wrote that the discrepancy between a weak body and developed mental activity will inevitably have a negative impact on a person: “Such a violation of harmony in the structure and functions of the body does not go unpunished - it inevitably entails behind it is the impotence of external manifestations: thought and understanding may be there, but there will not be the proper energy for consistent testing of ideas and persistent implementation and application of them in practice.”
    And if in our age of the atom and cybernetics mental labor is increasingly replacing physical labor or closely merging with it, this does not mean that the requirements for physical development are proportionally decreasing. Quite the opposite: intense mental work requires good physical preparation of a person. After all, physical education and sports strengthen not only muscles, but also nerves, stimulate thought, and, thanks to improved blood supply to the brain, ensure more reliable functioning of the brain. A person who has set himself the goal of achieving success in science will realize his dream sooner if he regularly engages in physical exercise and successfully connects his “head with his hands.”
    Physical exercise has two effects on mental function. On the one hand, they contribute to their development, and on the other, they ensure the stability of mental performance........

    1. Bilich G.L., Kryzhanovsky V.A. Biology. Full course. In 3 volumes - M.: LLC Publishing House Onyx 21st Century, 2002.
    2. Biology. For those entering universities / A.G. Mustafin, F.K. Lakgueva and others; edited by V.N. Yarygina. M.: graduate School, 1997-2000.
    3. Dubrovsky V.I. Therapeutic physical culture: Textbook for universities. – M. - 2001.
    4. Reshetnikov N.V. Physical culture: Textbook for secondary vocational education. M. - 2002.
    5. Student’s physical culture. Textbook for universities/Ed. V.I.Ilyinich. – M. - 2001.

    Physical culture of students is an inseparable component of higher humanitarian education. It acts as a qualitative and resulting measure of the complex impact of various forms, means and methods on the personality of a future specialist in the process of forming his professional competence. The materialized result of this process is the level of individual physical culture of each student, his spirituality, and the level of development of professionally significant abilities.

    The content of students' physical culture and the strategy of priority areas in its development are subject to active influence socio-economic factors. State policy in the field of higher education determines the social order for the future specialist and the degree of his physical readiness. A significant drawback of the content of the physical culture of student youth in the 80s is its undoubted conservatism, unitarism and pronounced depersonalization (a person’s inability for personal self-expression in relationships with other people). Therefore, at the present stage of the transition of universities in the Russian Federation to a multi-level education system, the problem of finding new non-traditional approaches to increase its efficiency has become acute.

    The Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” provides ample opportunities for rethinking the values ​​of physical culture of students, to highlight its educational, educational and health-improving functions in a new spectrum. This law defines the content of students' physical culture as an independent field of activity in the federal sociocultural space, while highlighting its educational priorities.

    Today, society has set a global socio-economic task for student youth to integrate domestic cultural potential into global community. However, its implementation is only within the capabilities of specialists of the new formation, who are responsible for a whole range of professional and personal qualities modern requirements. In addition to deep professional knowledge in the chosen specialty, such a specialist must have: high physical condition and performance, personal physical culture, spirituality, and informal leadership qualities. He must not be afraid of competition, be able to make independent decisions, i.e. be a creatively thinking, active and highly moral person. The emerging strategy for the development of physical culture of students today, expressed in the tendency to move away from the unitary concept, liberalization and consistent humanization of the pedagogical process, is the guarantor of the formation of a specialist of a new formation.

    The structure of students' physical education includes three relatively independent blocks: physical education, student sports and active leisure. For students' activities in the field of physical education, educational aspects are a priority.

    The goal of physical education is to satisfy the objective needs of students to master a system of special knowledge and acquire professionally significant skills and abilities. In accordance with Article 12 of the “Fundamentals of the Legislation of the Russian Federation on Physical Culture and Sports,” the responsibilities of specialists working in the field of student physical culture include carrying out activities to develop the needs of students for a healthy lifestyle and self-improvement. The humanistic orientation of the pedagogical process involves the targeted integration of biological and social needs, intellectual and moral aspects in the implementation of the genetically determined natural inclinations of each student during his studies at the university.

    Thus, objective prerequisites are created for overcoming the one-sidedness and fragmentation of training specialists at a university, giving the pedagogical process a complex, holistic character. An objective criterion for the effectiveness of this conceptual approach is a significant reduction in the period of socio-psychological adaptation of students to studying at a university, an increase in their social activity, a qualitative increase in educational and cognitive productivity, and an increase in the spirituality of the personality of each student.

    Student sports is a generalized category of student activity in the form of competition and preparation for it in order to achieve maximum results in their chosen sports specialization. This requires the student to demonstrate maximum psychophysical conditions and mobilize his reserve capabilities.

    Sports activities are a form of self-expression and self-affirmation of a student, determining his lifestyle, general cultural and socially significant priorities. The desire for success comes to the fore in sports, the individual’s desire to realize their capabilities within a certain framework is encouraged. sports scenario. The result of the combined educational and sports activities of students is the formation of socially significant qualities: social activity, independence, self-confidence, and ambition.

    In the sphere of active leisure, students’ biological needs for physical activity, a healthy lifestyle, and enjoyment of various forms of physical education are realized. High variability in the choice of forms of active leisure by students is subject to strong influence fluctuations in cultural and social factors, synergistically interacting with the biological needs of the individual.

    The three-component structure of students' physical culture determines the specifics of identifying differentiated goals and pedagogical tasks of each of its structural blocks. However, this is not a significant obstacle to determining the general goal of physical education for students: the targeted formation of a harmoniously developed, highly spiritual and moral personality, a qualified specialist who has mastered sustainable knowledge and skills in the field of physical education.

    Physical education classes are structured in such a way as to ensure maximum professional-applied effect in nurturing entrepreneurship, originality of thinking, perseverance, ambition, intuition, and the ability to take risks.

    The strategy of priority directions of state policy in the field of physical education of students, reflecting the increase in the number of highly complex systems and technologies, informatization of all spheres of society, determines new requirements for the creative training of a future specialist, his readiness for highly productive work. Their implementation is associated with the disclosure of the psychophysical capabilities of student youth, the harmonious development of their physical, intellectual and spiritual powers through the use of physical exercises, various types of physical activity, rational nutrition, and a nature-appropriate regime of work and rest. The physical activity used for this purpose is associated with physical exercise, the essence of which reflects purposefully performed motor actions, including both motor-executive (operational mechanisms) and cognitive, design-semantic and emotional-evaluative aspects. Thus, the physical culture of students most fully realizes its developing and formative functions in the system of physical education, aimed at solving the following main tasks:

    • comprehensive development of physical abilities and, on this basis, strengthening health and ensuring high performance;
    • mastering the technique of motor actions of various sports;
    • mastering special knowledge, developing the need to systematically engage in physical exercises;
    • ensuring the necessary physical fitness in accordance with the requirements of the chosen profession;
    • mastering organizational skills and abilities to conduct independent forms of physical education.

    One of the most important tasks in teaching academic discipline“Physical education” is the introduction of physical education values ​​into the youth environment, which is considered as a basic factor in physical education, contributing to the general and professional development personality.

    1.4. Values ​​of physical culture and sports

    Considering physical culture in the value aspect, the following groups of values ​​should be distinguished:

    • intellectual (knowledge about methods and means of developing a person’s physical potential),
    • motor ( best samples motor activity, achieved in the process of physical education and sports training),
    • technological (sets of methodological manuals, practical recommendations, methods of health and sports training, forms of organizing physical activity, its resource support),
    • intentional (formation public opinion, prestige of physical culture in society),
    • mobilization (the ability to rationally organize the time budget).

    Physical culture and sports instill in students the need to organize a healthy lifestyle, which is closely related to the development of their value attitude to the subject through the development of club activities (uniting students by interests), helping to intensify their creative activity in mastering productive skills. independent work. This involves the creation of a physical culture space (physical culture infrastructure) that contributes to the unification of student activists, the attraction of volunteers from the student environment participating in the organization of mass physical education events (sports evenings, mass competitions), in general, ensuring the strengthening of the role of various forms of student self-government, the development of the democratic foundations of creative self-realization of student youth.

    Sport, which creates the values ​​of sports culture, has always been a powerful social phenomenon and a means of successful socialization. This is evidenced by both scientific data and examples life path many outstanding athletes. According to sociological surveys of modern youth and athletes, it becomes clear that it was sport that had a significant impact on their understanding of social life and the world in general.

    With proper organization of sports activities, it can become a serious and effective means of developing social activity and a healthy lifestyle and style for children and youth. However, the modern system of physical education, with all its often chaotic variety of forms, has not been able to attract the majority of children and youth to engage in various exercises. This did not allow the most important achievement of sports culture to be used as the main means of physical education.

    Thus, from sociological data it is known that the overwhelming majority of schoolchildren and students would like to play sports, but their desire is artificially restrained by organizational, managerial, programmatic and methodological shortcomings and the underestimation of sports as a effective tool development of the personality of a growing person who enters social life.

    People who went through the school of sports are convinced that sports helped them develop faith in their strengths and capabilities, as well as skillfully use them. Sport teaches you to make reasonable sacrifices in order to achieve your goal. The lessons learned by young athletes on the sports field then, as a rule, help them in life. Many of the athletes claim that sport has made them a person capable of being an individual. Through sport the principle is realized modern life- "rely on yourself." This means that achieving success in any type of activity depends, first of all, on personal individual qualities: ambition, initiative, hard work, patience, strong-willed qualities and a sober assessment of one’s capabilities. These qualities can be successfully developed, first of all, in sports activities. However, the effectiveness of personal socialization in sports largely depends on what values ​​of sports culture are mastered by a person and how the process of sports education is organized.

    Sport has grown into a socially significant phenomenon, since its value potential ensures the progress of development of both society and the individual. Considering sport as a part of general culture, we identify three most important components in the structure of its values:

    • general cultural;
    • socio-psychological;
    • specific.

    The general cultural component of the values ​​of sports culture consists of social processes of the legal, economic, political, information and educational fields of social space.

    The socio-psychological component of the values ​​of sports culture is provided by the level of public consciousness, public opinion, interests, motives, value orientations of people, as well as the level of relationships that are built in the field of sports ("coach-athlete", and "athlete - sports team", etc.). d.).

    A specific component of the value potential of sports culture is expressed in the ability of sports to satisfy a person’s needs for physical improvement, socialization, health development, self-realization and increasing the social prestige of an individual in society by achieving a high result, victory, record. This group of values ​​is mastered through sports improvement and education.

    In general, mastering the values ​​of sports culture is possible only in the process of organizing human activity in the field of sports.

    However, today no more than 10% of the Russian population is involved in sports. Thus, the value potential of sports culture is not fully used. At the same time, the signal from educators and sociologists about the demographic crisis, the absence of a national idea in Russian society, and the spiritual and physical ill-being of the country sounds alarming. In connection with these circumstances, education is faced with the task of forming a viable personality. Viability is a person’s desire to survive without deteriorating in the deteriorating conditions of the social and cultural environment, to reproduce and raise biologically and socially resilient offspring, to become an individual, to form meaningful attitudes in life, to assert oneself, to find oneself, to realize one’s inclinations and creative capabilities, while transforming habitat, making it more favorable for life, without deforming or destroying it.

    This is an integral quality of a person who has a set of value orientations, personal attitudes, versatile abilities, and basic knowledge that allow him to function successfully and develop harmoniously in a changing society. In a personal context, vitality is manifested in a high level of social activity, aimed, first of all, at shaping oneself in accordance with the given goals of personal and professional self-determination.

    Questions for self-control

    Define and reveal the content of the basic concepts of physical culture and sports:

    1. "Physical Culture",
    2. "physical education",
    3. "sport",
    4. "physical recreation"
    5. "motor rehabilitation"
    6. "physical training",
    7. "physical development",
    8. "physical exercise".
    9. History of the development of physical culture in the Ancient World.
    10. History of the development of physical culture in the USSR.
    11. History of the development of physical culture in Russia.
    12. Goals and objectives of physical culture in a higher educational institution.
    13. Physical culture of students: structure, characteristics.
    14. Describe the activities of the Russian Student Sports Union.
    15. Intellectual values ​​of physical culture and sports.
    16. Motor values ​​of physical culture and sports.
    17. Technological values ​​of physical culture and sports.
    18. Intentional values ​​of physical culture and sports.