The biggest winnings in Russia. Which lottery is it really possible to win, which one has the best chance? How are money lotteries conducted and how fair are they?

It is that tidbit that every person dreams of at least once in their life. After all, despite the fact that the winner does not receive the entire amount, there is still plenty of money left. Oddly enough, the largest ones received occurred in the United States.

The lucky ones from America

The largest winning amount, $390 million, was shared between Ed Nabors, a resident of Georgia, and the Messner family from New Jersey. In 2007, these people bought Mega Millions from different places, but they both ended up winning. One of the lucky ones, namely Nabors, expressed a desire to receive the amount due immediately. He was given 87 million, because according to American laws, at least 25% of the amount goes to the state, and for a one-time payment they also take a certain percentage.

In 2006, 8 people divided among themselves the winnings from the Powerball lottery, which amounted to $360 million. The winners were the workers of the meat processing shop, who purchased lottery tickets into the pool. Their decision was to get everything they won at once, and in the end they were given $15.5 million each.

The Big Game lottery brought joy to Illinois and Michigan residents Joe Keinz and Larry Ross in 2000, giving them the opportunity to win $363 million. It is noteworthy that one of the lucky ones received their ticket instead of change after buying hot dogs. Such a trifle brought him $68 million.

In 2005, one of the Los Angeles clinics was replenished with 7 millionaires at once, as its employees turned out to be winners in the Mega Millions lottery. They were owed $315 million. When the winnings were divided, each became the owner of about 25 million.

Jack Whittaker from West Virginia won a lucky Powerball lottery ticket in 2002. The $314.9 million Jack won is the largest individual prize ever won. The ticket holder received $112 million. Money, unfortunately, could not make Whittaker happy, as many people appeared who wanted to take possession of his fortune through dishonest means. As a result of all these ups and downs, he began to abuse alcohol, losing not only his easily acquired fortune, but also the business he had before.

In 2007, the Cotterell family, having purchased a Powerball lottery ticket, became the owner of $145.9 million out of the winning amount of 314.3 million. Having received this money, family members left their previous jobs and opened their own business.

Russian lucky guy

2009 for Albert Begrakyan, resident Northern capital Russia, was marked by such an extraordinary event as winning 100 million rubles in the All-Russian State Lottery. Knowing the passion of our compatriots for the good of others, Albert carefully hid his unprecedented luck until he received the entire amount at the company office.

Hello, friends. Today in this article we will introduce you to popular foreign lotteries and tell you how to play them :)

Regardless of our belief or complete disbelief in luck, almost each of us has bought a lottery ticket at least once in our lives. Perhaps some of you brought coupons as an addition to the main gift to your family and friends and, together with them, rejoiced at small wins and hoped for big ones.

But big win in rubles is not the same as a big win in euros or dollars. Therefore, for now we will not touch domestic lottery operators, but will discuss in great detail the world lotteries that Russians can play. After all, a lot of players want to know for sure whether they can spend a fairly large amount on a ticket and be sure that if they win, the prize will be received.

We will also consider foreign lotteries for the possibility of our compatriots participating in them and for their low popularity in Russia. Let's discuss the reasons for such a cool attitude.

And here’s another important thing: it’s worth considering foreign lotteries in terms of the honesty and integrity of intermediaries. After all, tickets for most of the world's lotteries cannot be purchased in our country - the player must contact a reseller. But where is the guarantee that as a result he will receive not some piece of paper, but a real ticket? real draw and will be able to take part in it. If you win, there is also no guarantee that the reward will find a winner.

In general, you need to keep your eyes open with foreign lotteries - a lucky chance favors attentive, focused and vigilant people. And note: I am not discouraging you from trying your luck in a foreign game, but I urge you to carefully study the conditions and be picky in choosing intermediaries.

We are sure that this question interests many visitors to our site, so we will give it a separate subheading.

Reason 1. Reluctance to attract foreign players

The first and main reason why little is known about foreign lotteries in our country is that the organizers of the lotteries themselves do not have the most ardent desire to encourage foreign citizens to participate in the lottery.

There are plenty of their own contenders for the Jackpot, and then - lottery operators are accustomed to listening to the opinion of the people, who are not always happy with the fact that funds (sometimes in especially large amounts) flow abroad.

Reason 2. Minimum information about world lotteries

Not all official sites have a Russian-language version, and if there is one, the game is described there very succinctly, if not sparingly. And some resources are blocked for free access.

However, foreign lotteries are becoming increasingly attractive to Russians due to high winnings and transparency of the drawing process. Players who have long paved the way for themselves into the world of foreign lotteries claim that that lottery world is somewhat different from ours: even third category prizes in international lotteries are much higher than in domestic ones. Some have developed their own systems that allow them to win a little, but consistently.

But the most important thing when participating in a foreign lottery is not even to place a bet, but to find a bona fide intermediary through whom you can purchase tickets for world lotteries and receive winnings. People who managed to contact official and honest intermediaries (also a kind of lottery) have only positive opinions about foreign lotteries and reviews about them.

Which lottery can you really win: Gosloto VS Foreign?

Buying a ticket and guessing the numbers is far from the only criterion necessary to win the lottery.

First of all, you should pay attention to the honesty and transparency of the organizers. Therefore, let's try to clarify which lotteries are more honest with their players: ours or foreign ones?

Should we trust our organizers?

The issue is controversial and we will not draw any specific conclusions, but we will name the reasons why one can still doubt the honesty.

Let's start with a simple video made by the REN TV channel:

Let's summarize the information from the video:

  • State lotteries are not really “state” at all. They belong to only one founder;
  • TV broadcasts are shown in recording;
  • the organizers have information about the selected combinations, which means they can dispose of it as they wish, for example, in the results they show numbers that were not chosen by anyone.

And that’s not all, there are several more reasons not to trust the government. lotto:

  • drawings on the official website of most lotteries are not broadcast live. Instead, use a "generator" random numbers", and this is a very dubious decision;
  • over the past few years, participants have received great amount complaints and more large quantity reviews on the Internet;
  • the Stoloto website has taken over almost all popular lotteries, thus completely monopolizing itself;
  • the lack of information about the lucky winners also makes us wonder who gets the main prizes.

Actually, many of stated reasons You can somehow additionally comment and try to justify it. Here's how to look at it. For example, the same bad reviews are normal for any gambling game, and some lotteries are held live.

But let's watch another video with the revelation:

Should you trust foreign organizers?

We don’t think it’s entirely correct to evaluate all foreign lotteries at once, since there are quite a lot of them in the world and they all have their own rules. But if you choose the most popular ones, compared to ours, they look much more honest and transparent:

  • Most of them donate most of their proceeds to the state and charities;
  • Each of them conducts drawings only live;

Just two simple things, and immediately all suspicions and unnecessary questions disappear. Do you agree?

Foreign lotteries in Russia – how to buy?

The most common way to purchase a game ticket is to buy it online. Fortunately, now you can find many lotteries in the world online.

But if for some reason it is not possible to purchase a ticket via the Internet, you will have to use the services of intermediaries. But this method has its drawbacks:

  1. The intermediary may ask for an advance payment - and this is a clear signal not to get involved. You may not receive a valid ticket.
  2. Resellers can inflate the price, the difference per ticket is their earnings.
  3. Deception of the player is not uncommon among unscrupulous intermediaries. It is expressed in the first two ways, and what’s most offensive is that you can pay for a ticket and not receive winnings on it.

How to buy a ticket without risks?

We can recommend three ways to protect yourself from scammers when buying foreign lottery tickets:

  • go independently to the country where the drawing is taking place and buy a ticket there;
  • find a trusted intermediary and use his services or ask a good friend who is in another country to buy a ticket;
  • purchase world lotteries online on a special website.

There is no way to personally recommend a good intermediary - I don’t know any. But this does not mean that they do not exist. If you know experienced international lottery players, you can ask them. I don’t think they will see you as a competitor and begin to hide information - usually they find out about proven, bona fide resellers through good old word of mouth.

If buying tickets through intermediaries is not your method, then we can offer you a service that has been working as intermediaries for several years:

Agentlotto is the best intermediary of world lotteries

Agenlotto international service intermediary, allowing you to buy and receive a ticket for lotteries in the USA, Europe, Australia and Latin America for users from anywhere in the world.

If we talk about this resource more specifically, it provides a huge selection of lotteries - about 20 with different sizes of main, secondary and small winnings.

And this is very convenient for the player, since he can compare lottery conditions, jackpots and even the external design of each lottery. And this is important, many players choose their game visually: like the picture - buy a ticket - hit the jackpot.

By the way, about the main prizes: the site’s specialists have selected the world’s lotteries for Russian players with the largest jackpot and not the most “biting” price per bet.

The following lotteries are presented here:

  • American lotteries:
    • Superlotto Plus
    • Lotto Texas
    • New Jersey Pick-6
  • From pan-European
    • EuroJackpot
  • From Spanish:
    • La Primitiva;
    • El Gordo;
    • BonoLoto
  • From Italian:
    • SuperEnalotto
  • From the British:
    • UK Lotto.

As you can see, world lotteries without intermediaries can be purchased on one of the popular resources, although this is also a kind of intermediary, but we believe that it is much more reasonable to use the services of time-tested resources rather than strangers.

Moreover, you can buy one ticket for a lottery that you have long liked, or test your luck in several draws different countries and continents.

It works like this:

  1. Register on the site
  2. Choose the lottery you want to play
  3. Buy tickets
  4. In a few hours you will receive scanned copies in your personal account
  5. Waiting for the draw
  6. In case of victory:
    • if the amount is small: you will receive money in electronic wallets
    • if the amount is large: you receive the original ticket and go to collect the winnings in the country where the drawing took place or issue a power of attorney to a service employee and he receives the winnings for you and then sends it to you.

Video instruction:

Should you trust intermediaries?

Even if you don’t study these sites very carefully, what catches your eye is the column report on the winners:

Each person's name is written under the flag of the country where he lives, and the amount of winnings is indicated opposite. The people are real. Most of the lucky ones are Poles and Germans, there are even two Belarusians and a Kyrgyz. What is not proof that a foreign lottery for Russians can be successful and super successful?

Is the report not enough?

Then take an interest in reviews of resources, for example, Agentlotto began its work in 2012 and during this period it has collected more positive opinions about its activities than negative ones. The same can be said about the pioneer of such services: TheLotter, only he started working in

And the most important argument: when purchasing a ticket, the player receives a scanned copy of it and has something to show to the lottery organizers if he wins.

World lotteries in Russia - reviews. Why doesn't anyone win?

Judging by the feedback from players, not many people from Russia and the CIS countries take part in the draws of the most popular lotteries in the world. And the smaller the percentage of players, the smaller the percentage of winners - everything is logical. Therefore, you should not frighten yourself with the thought that it is impossible to win in these foreign lotteries.

Those who regularly buy tickets foreign lotteries, claim that there is a chance of winning. Our fellow citizens cannot boast of huge prizes, but small cash rewards in the amount of 20 to 600 dollars (euros) periodically “smile” at them.

To the question why so few of our fellow citizens buy international lottery tickets, there is a completely logical answer. And not even one:

  1. Not everyone knows about the opportunity to play foreign lotteries in Russia and other post-Soviet countries
  2. Those who have heard about this possibility do not believe in the honesty of the method of purchasing lottery tickets.
  3. Those few who believe (or believed) got burned by dishonest intermediaries and stopped believing
  4. Those who haven’t been burned play it quietly and are not very willing to talk about this topic

If there is little reliable information about the lottery, then there are correspondingly few people willing to play. Here comes a completely objective explanation of why we have so few winners of foreign lotteries.

We do not insist that the Agentlotto website is an ideal place to purchase tickets for international lotteries in Russia, because the price tags there are inflated somewhere by 2 times, and somewhere by three. But on this moment- this is the most best option play without cheating.

There are other methods too, but they are suitable for people who often travel abroad:

  • buy a ticket directly in the country of the draw
  • wait for the circulation
  • receive your winnings, if they happen, directly at the lottery office

World lotteries without intermediaries - how to win the Jackpot?

There is no universal recipe for how to win the jackpot in the lottery (no matter through intermediaries or without them). The decisive role in the game is usually assigned to faith in one’s luck. Well, it has also been noticed that those who buy tickets regularly win more often. It seems that these people are subconsciously tuned to the wave of the game and the wave of victory. Perhaps this really is true.

Foreign lotteries in Russia have not yet found their main winner. But there are a great many “true” stories with hidden names about Euromillions who hit the jackpot on the Internet. And they are all in two lines and somewhat vague.

For example, this option: “Mr. L. from Russia became a millionaire in the Euro lottery “Millions” (conditional name). One could attribute such secrecy to the reluctance of the newly minted rich man to “shine” to the whole world, but the matter is often completely different: the same unscrupulous intermediary sites are trying to attract as many buyers as possible to their resource.

For the sake of objectivity, I will give you several examples of huge winnings that brought ordinary ordinary people among the dollar multimillionaires and billionaires.

  1. American lottery Powerball. On January 16, 2016, a jackpot of $1.5 billion was won. It was divided among three players; the lucky one from California was the first to “notice” his winnings and shamelessly posted a photo with the ticket on Instagram.
  2. Mega Millions is also a lottery from the USA. In 2012, the jackpot hit $640 million. Also three winners, of which only the Butler spouses dared to reveal themselves. They acted very wisely with their portion of the winnings ($110.5 million) by hiring a financial advisor to increase their funds.
  3. Mega Millions again - 2007, $390 million up for grabs. Two main winners, one of whom, a truck driver, bought a ticket in a small establishment where he usually bought coffee on the road.

Our review of foreign lotteries

It is not difficult to navigate the rules of foreign lotteries - they are in many ways similar to ours: place a bet, wait for the draw. But if you doubt that you understand in what order to cross out the numbers, or how to pay for the purchase of a ticket, find the official website of world lotteries, perhaps you will find the necessary information there.

We tried to use the services of intermediaries as testing to find out in more detail how it all works. As a result, from three tickets V three different We even managed to win $10 in lotteries and withdraw it safely. We also made sure that a scanned copy of the purchased ticket is indeed provided to the players.

We didn't try our luck anymore.


It is possible to play foreign lotto from Russia through intermediary sites. It’s also possible to receive winnings – now within a few hours via electronic wallets or online banking. The ticket price is a little high, but this is our fee for the service.

Actually, this is where our article comes to an end. We hope the material was useful to you.

Incredible facts

Every week millions of members strive to get tickets for various lotteries, which can bring a huge fortune.

Tickets for such lotto can be purchased in local stores or through online sites for little money. But you can win a huge number of banknotes, which attracts millions of people around the world.

Who are they - lottery winners who have already hit the jackpot? How do they spend the money they win? And in general: do these amounts bring happiness?

Winning by truck number

The first millionaire on our list is a 58-year-old Stephen Chica, whose winnings amounted to 1 million pounds. The lucky guy bought the lottery ticket in a supermarket, where he went shopping with his father in a personal truck (Stephen is a truck driver).

Moreover lucky number he simply rewrote the ticket from your truck number.

The winning ticket brought 14 houses

Roy Gibney from England, the city of Grimsby, won 7.5 million pounds. With this money he bought 14 houses close to my hometown. He settled in the best mansion he bought himself, enjoying his own green terraces, a casino, a jacuzzi, a lake, gym, summer houses and a lake in which he fishes.

By order of a multimillionaire, they built huge chessboard where does he play ancient game with your friends. And nearby there is a swimming pool, at the bottom of which you can see big numbers his winning number.

Winnings spent on charity

However, the lady donated the lion's share of her winnings to various funds charitable organizations, namely for good purposes she spent £26 million. Let's hope Margaret's kindness is appreciated.

An electrician won the lottery and went on a trip.

In 2014 Matt Miles Won the lottery at the age of 28 1 million pounds. Before that, he worked as an electrician, and after he became rich, he opened his own business with his brother. But first, Matt decided to have fun by traveling to Indonesia, Brazil and the USA.

The driver won money and spent it all on cars

And this is already Sharon Tirabassi - a single mother who lived in a small rented house and worked as a bus driver. But that was her life until Sharon won more $10.5 million.

After a woman became a millionaire, she had big house, some expensive cars, and she also began to wear exclusively branded clothes. Parties became a regular occurrence in Sharon's house, and she fell in love with traveling.

Unfortunately, money is fast are over. Now the woman is again a bus driver and lives in a modest house. However, she managed to deposit undisclosed amounts into the accounts of her six children.

Winner's Greed

In 1993 Susan Mullins became the owner $4.2 million thanks to one of lottery draws. However, this case was unprecedented in that the woman did not want to withdraw the entire amount at once, but took it in parts for several years.

Susan became so accustomed to the luxurious life that her needs increased and the money she was given became sorely insufficient. She lent large sums of money. When Susan's $4.2 million dried up, the bank she borrowed money from sued her by 154 million dollars!

Garbage Man's Big Win

Working as a garbage man Mike Carroll won the lotto in 2002 15 million dollars. Then Mike completely relaxed and immersed himself in the world of entertainment, expensive cars, dissolute life and cocaine. But, as you know, money loves counting. The lucky one had just enough wealth for 5 years.

Now Mike Carroll is back to work as a garbage man.

A real win that ruined a man

Billy Harrpel was a preacher of one of the churches and worked in hardware store. He asked God for a long time for good luck, and apparently his prayers were answered: Billy won the lotto $31 million.

With this fortune he bought several expensive houses and cars. However, because of money they started argue relatives are with him. As a result, the preacher went bankrupt and divorced his wife, after which committed suicide.

Divorce after winning

Lottery winnings Denise Rossi made up $1.3 million. Already at that time Denise and her husband were in bad relationship, and after a big win she decided to quickly get a divorce without telling her husband anything.

But the husband turned out to be “no mistake” and immediately suspected something. He spent two years collecting evidence that his ex-wife deceived him and filed a lawsuit.

At Denise Rossi's ex-husband sued All$1.3 million.

Win a large sum of money in the lottery in order to fulfill all your desires and the desires of your loved ones... Who hasn’t dreamed of this at least once in their life? Let's figure out how realistic it is to win the lottery, what are the chances of winning and how many lucky people in Russia are there who hit the jackpot.

Is it possible to win the lottery?

People are divided into two types: those who do not play the lottery and those who play it. The former are of the opinion that the organizers always win, but the chances of winning a large sum of money for each individual player are so small that it is not worth even trying. The latter buy lottery tickets regularly or from time to time and believe that all players still have a chance of winning, so anyone who buys a randomly selected lottery ticket at any official distribution point can get rich.

There are many lotteries in Russia, and their popularity continues unabated precisely because victory does not cost the player who hits the jackpot anything other than a very small (literally symbolic) amount of money. The lottery business brings in huge profits, which is why it is controlled by the state. It is quite possible to win the lottery and receive your prize. The main thing is that the company involved in its distribution is well-known and has been operating successfully for a sufficiently long period of time.

Types of lotteries

In order not to waste your money on scammers, you should give preference to well-known domestic lotteries - this way you can easily purchase a ticket and, if you win, receive everything you are due from it. Those who prefer foreign lotteries have to use the services of intermediaries, who may turn out to be unscrupulous.

There are two main types of lotteries: instant and draw. Each of these types has its own advantages and a large number of supporters.


Instant lotteries are extremely simple: you buy a ticket and, by erasing the special protective coating on it (or unfolding the ticket), you will immediately find out whether it is a winner or not. You can often receive the small amount you are entitled to (or a real prize) right at the place where you purchased the ticket. If you win a large sum in an instant lottery, you will have to spend several days to receive the money you are entitled to.


Draw lotteries are divided into two types: in one, players are given the right to choose numbers from a limited list, and in the second, participants are given tickets with numbers already on them. In any case, luck smiles on the one who has the lucky number determined during the drawing. Such drawings are held regularly (usually at the same time) and broadcast on television.

How to win a large sum of money in the lottery?

When playing the lottery, where, when and how you buy a ticket will not affect the amount you win. Therefore, in order to win a large sum of money, you can use any approach to selecting and purchasing tickets that seems worthy of attention to you. The most well-known approaches are listed below.

Psychological factor

IN draw lotteries, where the players themselves are asked to choose the sequence of numbers, not only the laws of probability theory are triggered, but also those of psychology. Since people tend to think stereotypically, they prefer some numbers more or less than others (for example, 7 and 13). Since you still can’t predict which numbers will come up, try to guess which ones other players bet on the least. If the unpopular numbers you have chosen come up, the size of your prize will be much larger, since in lotteries the reward amount is distributed among all players who bet on the lucky sequence of numbers.

Lottery syndicate

A lottery syndicate is an excellent approach to purchasing lottery tickets, invented by experienced players. This method consists in the fact that a group of people united by common interests regularly chip in money in order to purchase as many lottery tickets as possible.

As a result, if no ticket wins, it turns out that each person in the group spent very little money to try their luck. If you win, the amount is divided between all participants lottery syndicate equally, regardless of which of them offered to bet on the winning combination of numbers (sometimes quite decent amounts are obtained). Using this approach allows you to actually increase (from a mathematical point of view) the chances of winning in proportion to the number of tickets purchased.


Those who dream of winning a large sum and at the same time rely entirely on luck will find the multi-circulation approach convenient. In this case, you need to choose any one sequence of numbers allowed by the rules of the game and bet on it every time you buy a lottery ticket. This will allow you not to bother yourself with numbers and spend a minimum of time playing the lottery.

Distribution circulation

A distribution draw is a drawing in which the main cash prize is divided among all the winners. In this case, the likelihood of receiving a very large amount compared to the usual circulation increases significantly. Therefore, to increase your chances of winning, it is worth buying more tickets than usual for distribution draws.

Expanded rate

An expanded bet is a method that is only suitable for lotteries where participants themselves are given the right to cross out the numbers. For example, in the “5 out of 36” lottery, a player who wants to make an expanded bet can cross out not 5, but 6 or more numbers in one field. In this case, the chances of winning and the size of the cash prize in case of guessing the winning sequence of numbers increase significantly. But it should be taken into account that the ticket price increases significantly (when crossing out 6 numbers instead of 5, it increases 6 times, since 6 different combinations are obtained).

Lotteries you can actually win

  • Gosloto (“5 out of 36”, “6 out of 45”, “7 out of 49”);
  • Golden Key;
  • Housing Lottery;
  • Russian gold;
  • Sportsloto.

Among foreign lotteries, the American Mega Millions and the European EuroJackpot are very famous. The listed lotteries differ in the type and size of prizes, as well as the probability of winning them.

Important: The purchase of lottery tickets from well-known foreign lotteries, although associated with somewhat higher costs and hassle, can bring simply stunning winnings (in terms of rubles) compared to domestic lotteries.

Gosloto (“5 out of 36”, “6 out of 45”, “7 out of 49”)

The distributor of Gosloto lottery tickets “5 out of 36”, “6 out of 45” and “7 out of 49” is JSC Trading House “Stoloto”, and the organizer is the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation. This is the largest lottery distribution company in the Russian Federation, which has made (according to statistics) more than 17 hundred people millionaires. Cash prizes in this lottery are awarded for matching 2 or more numbers.

The probability of winning the jackpot in the Gosloto “5 of 36” lottery, thanks to which a record number of people became millionaires, is 1 in 376,992. The probability of winning the jackpot in the Gosloto “6 of 45” lottery is 1 in 8,145,060 (how to win the “6 of 45” lottery 45" 365 or 358 million rubles with such little chance to win, the lucky ones from Sochi and Novosibirsk can tell). The odds of winning the jackpot in the 7/49 lottery are 1 in 85,900,584.

Lottery Golden Key

The organizer of the Golden Key lottery is Interlot CJSC. Apartments and cars, as well as substantial sums of money, are raffled off weekly among the participants in this lottery. The rules are similar to those of table lotto. The circulation consists of four rounds.

Housing lottery

Tickets Housing Lottery also distributed by JSC Trading House Stoloto. The prizes distributed among the participants are apartments, country houses and monetary amounts. The rules are similar to the rules of the well-known table lotto game. The drawing is held in 3 rounds.

Russian lotto

Russian lotto- another analogue of the table lotto game from JSC Trading House "Stoloto". The drawing takes place in 3 rounds, after which the additional draw called "Kubishka". This lottery offers cash prizes, houses, apartments, cars, travel packages and much more.

Since the owner of every third ticket has a chance of winning the Russian Lotto lottery, avid players regularly receive the joy of victory. This has maintained interest in this lottery since 1994.


LLC "Sportloto" - operator state lotteries, organized by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. This company distributes lottery tickets “Sportloto 6 out of 49”, “KENO-Sportloto” and 10 instant lotteries.

Draws of the Sportloto 6 of 49 lottery are carried out 3 times a day. The chances of winning are increased thanks to the bonus ball. Cash winnings are awarded to everyone who matches 3 or more numbers.

"KENO-Sportloto" is a lottery in which you can win without even guessing a single number. In total, there are 37 categories of winnings in this lottery ranging from 10 to 1 million rubles. At the same time, the player can increase his winnings independently by choosing a multiplier from 2 to 10. Draws are held every 15 minutes.

Sportloto instant lotteries have been sold since 2011. During this time, more than 170 million tickets were sold, and the winners of these instant lotteries receive a total of 1 million rubles. daily.


Let's look at frequently asked questions regarding lottery winnings.

How much is lottery winnings taxed?

In our country, lottery winnings are charged the standard income tax in the amount of 13% for citizens of the Russian Federation and in the amount of 30% for those who are not tax residents of the Russian Federation.

How to choose a lottery ticket to win?

To win a large sum of money in the lottery, you only need luck. The belief that you will definitely win, various conspiracies, rituals invented by players - all this does not have any influence on who will ultimately get the jackpot. Both a person who bought a lottery ticket for the first time and a person who regularly buys lottery tickets for many years can win. At the same time, mathematics says that the chances of such people are equal.

Many people do not believe the claims of mathematicians and are working on creating strategies for playing the lottery. Developing your own lottery strategy can be a lot of fun, especially once it starts to “work.” However, be that as it may, the streak of success can end at any moment. Therefore, in the lottery, as in any gambling game, in the event of a series of successes, you need to be able to finish placing your bets on time, and in the case of a series of losses, you must not spend a lot so as not to be left without pants.

Which lottery is most often won in Russia?

In Russia, the record winning jackpot is 365 million rubles. from Gosloto “6 out of 45”. It went to a Sochi resident in May 2017. The lucky winner spent only 700 rubles on buying lottery tickets. Prior to this, in February 2016, a record winnings in Gosloto amounted to 358 million rubles. went to a resident of Novosibirsk.

Since there are several Gosloto lotteries (“5 out of 36”, “6 out of 45”, “7 out of 49”) and large winnings are paid out accurately and regularly, this lottery is popular in great demand. Since the prize is awarded not only for the correctly guessed entire sequence, but also for part of it, then after each drawing cash prizes are paid to JSC Trading House "Stoloto" a large number players. So to the question “Is it possible to win at Stoloto? » Millions of Russians will respond positively.

Biggest lottery win in the world

The world's largest lottery win was $1 billion 586 million, which was split between three lucky winners from California, Florida and Tennessee in 2016. Each owner of a winning Powerball lottery ticket received $528 million.

On the Internet you can find many newspaper and magazine publications about the fate of people who, quite unexpectedly, find themselves the owners of very large sums of money. As you can see from the interviews that these lucky ones give to journalists some time after receiving their winnings, big money does not bring happiness to all of them. But this does not reduce the number of lottery adherents. People like to try their luck and take part in gambling: often the road to the goal is better than achieving it.

How to win a million in the lottery?

As a result of winning a huge amount of money that would normally take years (and in some cases centuries) to earn, people hope to solve all their problems. financial problems. Therefore, for many, buying a lottery ticket is a kind of outlet in life, in which little interesting and happy events: such players come up with conspiracies to attract good luck, believe in various omens, approach the choice of lottery tickets with great trepidation and watch the draws with bated breath.

For others, purchasing a lottery ticket is a unique way of giving fate a chance to take them to new heights. However, they do not focus on lottery winnings and do not pin all their hopes on him, but improve themselves and work to implement their plans. For others, playing the lottery involves numerous time-consuming mathematical calculations and is an exciting hobby that sometimes generates income. Each of the people belonging to the listed categories can win a million or more. The main thing is to buy a lucky lottery ticket.

Which strategy is winning?

There are no such strategies. The chances of winning using any of the existing lottery strategies are no different from the chances of winning when choosing a sequence of numbers at random (no matter what the inventors or adherents of certain strategies claim).

How to increase your chances of winning?

You can increase your chances of winning only by purchasing more tickets. It should be taken into account that the probability of winning big prize, despite the number of tickets purchased, will still remain small (since the number of combinations that can appear during the drawing is very large).

How to get a prize?

The procedure for receiving prizes won is described in detail on the websites of the relevant lotteries. Small prizes are usually awarded at the point of sale of tickets, and large prizes are usually awarded at the central office of the company that issues and distributes lottery tickets.

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If you play the lottery, then choose absolutely any strategy that you like. The only thing to consider when purchasing tickets is the amount of money spent. The amount should not exceed the individually determined minimum that a person can part with completely painlessly for his family’s budget.

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How to win the lottery? A bad soldier is one who does not dream of becoming a general. To paraphrase we get: “Everyone who buys a lottery ticket dreams of winning big jackpot" What are the chances of winning? And in general, is there any point in buying tickets in the hope of winning? And the most main question What worries most players is whether there are strategies to increase their chances when playing. Read on and find out everything.

The biggest winnings in Russia and the world

First, let's look at how much money people have won in lotteries here and abroad.

Winning a big jackpot in the lottery is unlikely, but quite realistic. And many “lucky ones” are proof of this. Having received several million by chance, they immediately changed their lifestyle, achieving a fairly stable financial situation that helped them live life to the fullest and not think about where and how to make money. It is these examples of winners that push most people to buy lottery tickets in the hope of catching luck by the tail.

The biggest winnings in Russia

So, who are these lottery winners?

951 thousand in 2008 was won by a resident of Tolyatti. According to him, he has been buying lottery tickets for 23 years. During this time, he developed his own strategy for guessing numbers. But strangely enough, the right combination came to him in a dream. After receiving the winnings, he said that he would continue to play lotteries.

A resident of a small village in the Kurgan region has become exactly a million richer. Luck smiled on him in January 2008. He instantly became the richest guy in the village and an eligible bachelor.

In 2011, the jackpot went to the Samara region. A 27-year-old resident, having spent only 100 rubles on a purchase, became richer by as much as 2.5 million. The money was spent on purchasing real estate.

4 million - that’s exactly the amount she won married couple from the Samara region. They spent all the money on a good cause - building a church.

A resident of Ufa won 30 million on New Year's Eve - December 30, 2001. At that time it was the largest win in Russia. A total of 6 tickets were purchased, one of which became lucky. Not only the whole of Ufa, but also the country learned about the record winnings. A heap of money that unexpectedly fell from the sky turned the family's head. Funds began to be spent thoughtlessly: alcohol, gambling, entertainment. As a result, 10 years after winning, the family spent almost all the money and began to live almost as modestly as before the significant date.

35 million went to a Moscow resident in 2009. A little more than 500 rubles were spent on tickets. The man used this money to start a business in the village where he was from.

Albert Bagrakyan, a resident of a St. Petersburg suburb, won 100 million rubles in 2009. A native of Armenia who emigrated to Russia in 2001, he did not hide his name or appearance. Moreover, 2 years after winning, he gave a detailed interview to the press - how much and on what he spent all his winnings.

The money was spent on building a hotel, purchasing and decorating several apartments, and purchasing premium cars (for myself and relatives). 2 million was donated to charity. Albert lent about 12 million to his friends. By the way, almost no one returned the debt to him. Well, the rest of the money went to pay taxes.

The winnings of 184 million went to a resident of Omsk in February 2014. The man spent 810 rubles on a lucky purchase. It is unknown how his fate turned out, but he planned to go to live in warmer climes, buying a house on the seashore.

The largest lottery win in Russian history was 358 million rubles. This happened during the Gosloto draw in February 2016. The winner, a resident of Novosibirsk, for obvious reasons, decided not to advertise his identity.

Biggest lottery winnings in the world

The biggest winnings in Russia are hundreds of millions. The situation is similar in the world, only the amounts here are calculated in dollars (euros, pounds). As a result, in absolute numbers, winning a lottery in developed countries can bring lucky people 50-100 times more than in our country. The explanation is quite simple - the cost of lottery tickets abroad is many times higher and the circulation of sold out lotteries is tens of times higher than in Russia, so we get phenomenal prize funds.

  • 425 million went to a California pensioner in 2014. It is noteworthy that grandfather practically whole month did not inform the lottery organizers of his victory in any way. He came to collect his winnings on April Fool's Day, April 1, wearing a T-shirt in the style of " Star Wars" with the inscription "May the luck of the Jedi be with me."
  • $488 million was played among 3 participants in 2013.
  • $587 million in 2012. The prize fund was shared by 2 winners.
  • 590 million went to a Florida resident in the 2013 jackpot drawing. This is the largest win that went to one winner.
  • $640 million in 2012. The winnings were divided between 3 lucky winners.

The largest jackpot was won in 2016. The total amount was (and this is not a joke) a mind-blowing 1.5 billion dollars!!! It was shared among three winners. Each received $528 million.

Money generator - what's inside

The lottery is a clearly structured business based on people’s desire to get rich quickly and on simple mathematical statistics. The lottery organizers form prize fund from cash proceeds from ticket sales. Moreover, this amount is never equal to the proceeds from the sale. A certain part, usually half, immediately goes to current expenses (maintaining current activities, printing tickets, distribution, employee salaries, advertising and others) and, of course, into the pockets of the organizers, in the form of net profit.

It turns out only part money is coming for the draw. And if only half. In some lotteries, the share of drawn cash prizes is only 35-40% of all funds collected for the circulation. The result is an initially unfavorable prospect for the participants. This is called negative mathematical expectation. When the invested amounts are obviously greater than the total prize fund. This is exactly what almost all gambling games are built on. A striking example- roulette in a casino. But playing in a casino is more profitable than buying lottery tickets.

Simplified, the lottery can be represented as the following picture. 3 people invest 10,000 rubles each and want to play the 30 thousand received among themselves. Winner takes all. To do this, they invite an independent point guard. For his services, he takes 15 thousand for himself. As a result, the “lucky” person will only get the remaining 15 thousand rubles. It's stupid, isn't it? But it is precisely the role of such an intermediary, distributing winnings, that is performed by the lottery, represented by its organizers.

The only advantage is the accumulative jackpot, which can go into next draw, gradually increasing in size. As a result, it can significantly exceed the amount of tickets sold in the circulation.

Types of lotteries

The variety of possibilities presented can blow the minds of an ordinary person. There are 2 simple tips here:

  1. Play only domestic lotteries so as not to go to another country to receive your winnings.
  2. Select only the most popular draws. Firstly, this is to talk about the honesty of the organizers. Secondly, they usually have a very substantial prize pool.

Conventionally, all lotteries can be divided into 2 categories:


The simplest ones. The result can be seen immediately after purchasing a ticket. Information about winning (or not winning) is already indicated on the ticket. Just enough to erase protective layer. Small prizes, usually up to 3 - 5 thousand, can be obtained immediately without leaving the cash register - at the point of purchase. For large ones you need to contact the organizers. There is only one drawback - the possibility of manipulation of the prize fund by the organizer, namely large winnings. Winning tickets may simply not go on sale or may be available in smaller quantities.

There is another nuance. Organizers, when releasing tickets for sale, cannot accurately determine in advance what percentage of the circulation will be sold: 100, 50 or just 20%. A prize tickets For a certain amount you need to print in advance. There are, of course, certain data based on past sales statistics. But to prevent it from happening that the prize fund in the draw was 10 million, but only 2 million worth of tickets were sold and 3 million worth of winning tickets were purchased, the organizers are hedging their bets by reducing the number and amount of winning tickets to a very modest figure.

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The advantage is a fairly high probability of loss happy tickets. And although the size of such winnings is very small (usually 5-10 times the cost of the ticket), there are a lot of them.


More popular compared to instant ones. They, in turn, are divided into 2 types. Some already have a set of numbers printed on them. In others, the participant is given the right to choose his favorite combinations of numbers. And although the probability of winning in both cases is the same, it is the latter that is preferred by avid fans of practical jokes, when you can influence the results yourself (or so they think).

Chances of winning the lottery

Everyone who buys a coveted lottery ticket hopes to hit the jackpot. Well, at least win a large amount of money. What are the real chances of winning? What is the probability of winning the lottery?

If you take these popular lotteries like 5 out of 36 or 6 out of 45, then the probability of winning directly depends on the number of numbers in the drawing. If the probability of matching just 2 numbers is 1 in 8 in the “5 out of 36” lottery, then to get the main prize you need to guess all 5 numbers. And here the probability of choosing the right combinations decreases by almost 50 thousand times and amounts to 1: 376,992.

The chances of winning in various lotteries depend on the number of numbers guessed and the range of numbers participating in the drawing. Increasing just one number for the main prize draw immediately reduces the probability of winning by tens of times.

An anecdote on topic.

Old Abram asked God every day in his prayers:

God! Help me win the lottery!

A month, a year, 10 years passed. And then one day, kneeling down to pray and asking for help, Abram heard the voice of God:

- Abram! Give me a chance! Buy a lottery ticket at least once!

Here's the math showing the odds of getting winning combinations for the most popular lotteries.

5 out of 36

6 out of 45

7 of 49

It turns out that greatest chance hit the jackpot in Gosloto “5 out of 36”, but the prize fund here is the lowest of the above. The probability of winning the “7 out of 49” lottery is 230 times less, but the prize fund is also more significant.

In order to understand which lottery is most profitable to play, you just need to calculate the probability of winning per invested ruble.

Currently the following data is available:

We received the amount of winnings for each invested ruble. But the probability of hitting the jackpot is different for everyone. We need to equalize the chances of winning the main prize for all three lotteries. How to do it? Increase the amount of money invested in 2 other lotteries.

For example. If the chance of winning is 10% with a ticket price of 100 rubles, by spending 200 rubles and buying 2 tickets, we increase the probability of winning to 20%, with an investment of 300 rubles - up to 30%, and so on. Let's do the same with our examples.

The highest probability of winning in Gosloto 5 out of 36 is 1: 376,922. Accordingly, we need to increase investments in other lotteries by purchasing more tickets, thereby leveling the probability for all three draws.

The result was the following data:

The results were quite unexpected. With the same probability of winning, the most profitable lottery turned out to be 5 out of 36. The difference from the last one (7 out of 49) is almost 230 times.

How to win the lottery - 5 effective tricks

Hundreds of studies have been conducted on the topic of increasing the likelihood of winning the lottery. Throughout the history of the existence of this type of drawings, everyone, from ordinary players to scientists, has been trying to find a winning system that allows them to receive guaranteed money. Well, or at least significantly increase the chances of success. Thousands of different variations have been developed, from simple to the most complex, using the latest computer technology.

But as time has shown, it is impossible to create a profitable system. Chance to win by choosing your own numbers own algorithms and placed in random order are the same. And it doesn’t matter whether you bought a lottery ticket for the first time in your life or have been playing for 20 years, everyone has the same chances.

The probability of a person being hit by lightning is 1 in 600,000. This is tens of times lower than the probability of hitting the jackpot. But people play... and win!!!

However, do not rush to get upset. There are a number of techniques and tricks that allow you to gain some advantage over other players. We need to make a reservation right away. They will not affect the probability of winning in any way; they will not make it higher or lower. Everyone has the same chances. But you can achieve a significant increase in potential winnings for the same money spent.

When some people buy tickets for 100 rubles, hoping to win 5-10 thousand or even 30 million, with the same money you will be able to get amounts 2 - 10 - 50 times higher.

Game against everyone

On the ticket you need to choose the numbers that other participants use the least. The meaning of the strategy is that when winning combinations with popular numbers appear, the prize is divided between several participants. It could be 2, 100 or 1000 people. If a combination with unpopular numbers comes up, then a much smaller number of people will participate in the division. In some cases, the number of people winning can be reduced tens of times with one winning category. And it is better to divide the prize among 5 people than among 50 or even 100.

What numbers to choose? Let's go from the opposite. The range from 1 to 31 occurs 70% more often than others. This is due to the habit of people to associate everything with significant dates, first of all, this is, of course, the birthday: 12 months in a year, 31 days in a month, year of birth - numbers from 0 to 10.

The numbers 6 and 13 are considered bad.

Even numbers are chosen less frequently than odd numbers.

Another pattern is that most people choose numbers that are not next to each other on the ticket: neither horizontally nor vertically. According to probability theory, all numbers have exactly the same chance of being drawn. Whether it’s 1,2,3 or 5, 15,27,31, the system doesn’t care.

Numbers from the first half of ten (21, 33, 14) are chosen a little more often than from the last half (28, 19, 29, 46).

By choosing unpopular numbers and combinations, you can increase the size of your potential winnings several times at once.

Increased main prize

Another way to increase your chances of winning is to not win the jackpot. The amount increases with each draw and, accordingly, the amount of winnings for each invested ruble becomes higher. Therefore, in such draws it is better to buy lottery tickets for a larger amount.

Example. Every week you participate in a drawing of 5,000 million rubles by buying one ticket for 100 rubles. In a few months Grand Prize was not played and amounted to 100,000 million rubles. Since the probability of winning in all draws is the same, but the winning amount has increased 20 times, it is more advisable to buy not one, but several tickets each draw.

It is better not to buy tickets at all (and save money) until the prize fund increases several times. And at the moment of its strong increase, use the accumulated money to buy 10-20-30 tickets at a time. After the lucky one is decided, we go into “hibernation” again and save money until the right moment.

Distribution circulation

If during the year no one was able to win the main prize, then distribution circulation. This is required by law.

If main winner it is again undecided, then the entire jackpot is distributed among all participants who received any winning combinations in appropriate proportion. Conventionally, if the prize fund was 50 million and the main prize was 200,000 million, then real gain everyone grows 5 times at once.

Experienced players always participate in such circulations. After all, this is a real chance to get much more for the same money.

Same combination

Instead of constantly inventing new combinations of numbers with each new draw, you need to select the desired set for yourself in advance and use it in all future draws. And then all that remains is to wait happy occasion. Experienced players can also analyze the archive of past winnings and eliminate all previously repeated combinations. And from the remaining ones, choose the one you need. The probability of getting similar combinations a second time is very unlikely, especially those consisting of 5-6 digits.

Faith in luck

This is not a scientific method, rather a psychological one. But it’s not for nothing that they say: “Thoughts are material” or “To become a millionaire, you need to feel like a million.” There is an opinion that everything in the world is interconnected: thoughts, emotions, actions. And your behavior and attitude directly affect your life. There are many examples in life when a person’s desires or fears materialized. This is all very interestingly described in the film “The Secret”. For those who haven't seen it, I recommend watching it.

Therefore, when buying lottery tickets, you don’t need to say to yourself: “I’ll lose, it’s not scary, it’s not a big loss. The ticket costs only 100 rubles.” Think positively, sincerely believe in luck and you will be happy.

An anecdote on topic.

The teacher says: “Children, there is no God! Let's show him the sky!” All the children show, only Moishe is missing.

Teacher: “Moishe! Why don't you show it?

Moisha: “Marya Ivanovna! If there is no God, then who should we show it to? And if it exists…..why show it then?”

Tax on winnings

Few people think about taxes when buying lottery tickets. And by the way, timely payment is the responsibility of every citizen. At least that’s what is written in the Russian tax code. We will leave it up to the “lucky” ones who received the winnings to pay or not to pay. But it doesn’t hurt to know why and how much you need to pinch off from your winnings in favor of the state.

Absolutely all types of winnings are subject to taxation. But here they are divided into 2 types.

  1. Risk-based, betting and associated with direct costs to participants. We are talking here primarily about buying lottery tickets. All winnings received are taxed at a rate of 13%. And it doesn’t matter what amount you won: 100 million or 100 rubles.
  2. Incentive lotteries. These are sweepstakes related to the promotion of their products. Usually carried out in shops, hypermarkets and large companies, in order to attract new customers and increase their trust. The prizes are usually not money, but various gifts, trips and other goods. This whole thing is taxed at a rate of as much as 35% of the value of the winnings.

Winnings up to 4 thousand rubles are not subject to taxation. This amount also falls under the category tax deductions and reduces the total amount of taxes. That is, for example, you won a phone for 10,000 rubles, then a tax of 35% must be paid not on the full amount, but on a reduced amount of 4 thousand. As a result, the tax will be 35% of 6,000 rubles - 2,100. And not 3,500 rubles.

How to pay tax?

There are only 2 options: lucky or unlucky.

Usually, lottery organizers are tax agents and themselves transfer the necessary amounts to the budget for you. You receive your winnings minus the withheld tax. In this case, you are lucky (if you did not want to pay taxes, then you are unlucky).

The second option is to pay money to the budget yourself. To do this, you need to fill out a declaration, submit it to the tax office at your place of residence and, of course, transfer the money to the budget.


Statistics say that everyone has an equal chance of winning. And influence the probability of falling out winning numbers impossible. The only leverage available to players is the ability to change the size of the potential winnings, when for the same money you can win much more large amounts than other players.

This is especially true for regular players who regularly buy lottery tickets and have some statistics on winnings. Following simple tips will allow them to buy tickets to right time, in more profitable lotteries and profitable draws.

For example, if a player over the course of a year, buying one ticket every week for 100 rubles, in total won 3,000 rubles in small winnings, then using the above tips, it is quite possible to increase the winning amount several times at similar costs.

The priority rules are the selection of lotteries and draws with biggest win for every ruble invested, or play against the crowd, choosing the most unpopular combinations of numbers on the ticket.