Material on the topic: Scenario of a dance marathon in a summer day camp. Games with the hall

If it suddenly started to rain... and the kids got a little bored: no running, no sunbathing... invite them to the music room. Funny anecdotes from the lives of great musicians will entertain the children, Interesting Facts they will be interested in music, a playful dance and a cheerful song will lift their spirits, and various tasks will help them demonstrate and develop their creative abilities.

In the music room, everything should be conducive to communication and pleasant relaxation. Must have a musical instrument and a tape recorder with recordings classical music.

Conversations about music are preceded by an introduction between the teacher and the children. The first visit to the music room is for general informational purposes. Teacher (having musical education and owns any musical instrument) meets the guys, talks a little about himself; tries to find out as much as possible about them in a free-form conversation musical tastes and passions. This will make it possible to plan and develop further work with children, taking into account their aesthetic needs and age characteristics.

It is advisable to end the introductory meeting in such a way that the children have a desire to visit the music room more than once. For example, at the end of the introductory conversation, offer them the following:

And now for the most restless and restless ones, a fun warm-up. Let's form a circle. Let's get up, fluff up and slowly turn... slowly turn into... little ducklings!

(Sounds like “Dance of the Little Ducklings.”)

Ta-ta-ta-ta, pum-pum-pum... They waved their right wing, now the left. They perked up, twirled their tails together, and flapped their wings again. And now everyone said cheerfully: quack-quack!..

How funny and amusing, isn't it, guys? Why don't you join the little ducklings? Everybody dance!..

Creative task: “Dance-improvisation”.

The guys must depict the dance of a variety of animals to the music “Dance of the Little Ducklings”: piglets, monkeys, bunnies, elephants, cats, hippos.

First conversation.

It would seem so simple for us, at first glance, natural phenomena: rain, thunderstorm, wind, birdsong, rustling leaves, swaying grass and much more - suddenly, thanks to the magic of sounds, they merge here into the whimsical music of nature.

For example, I went suddenly heavy rain. What images and sensations arise in our minds first? Of course, the most unpleasant: annoyance if we are without an umbrella and did not have time to hide in shelter. Anger, because few people enjoy being wet and dirty when caught in a heavy downpour. Well, and the like. But in the land of sounds everything is different. Even the rain and the goth, not just knock on the roofs of houses with their raindrops, walking along the streets, but perform for us such a cheerful and funny melody. Listen again to Maykapar’s music “Rain” (the play is playing).

What do you guys think, what kind of rain are we hearing: short-term - “blind”, torrential, prolonged?

I wonder if any of you have ever tried to run barefoot through puddles formed after heavy, pouring rain?

(The song “It’s good to rush through puddles barefoot.” Music by E. Hank, lyrics by N. Altukhov.)

This song is also written in the form of a march. To this kind of music you just want to, raising your knees high and energetically waving your arms, “march” cheerfully, splashing barefoot through warm puddles, cheerfully splashing liquid mud in all directions! But what will mom say?! You can imagine! Let it be our little fantasy...

(J. S. Bach “Little Fantasy” in the recording.)

Translated from Greek, the word phantasia means “imagination.” IN everyday life this word is used in a slightly different meaning - as a quirk, fiction. Some of you guys (if not everyone) have probably heard people around you say to you: what a dreamer you are!..

And, by the way, this is exactly what they said about the great Bach, the brilliant Mozart, the unsurpassed Beethoven... Their musical fantasies have amazed, delighted and delighted humanity for several centuries now...

Can you imagine how boring and uninteresting the world would be without imagination? Then there would be no fascinating and wonderful books, magnificent paintings, wonderful music, interesting films and favorite cartoons, and much more. Yes, there would probably be no humanity. It would simply die out of boredom! It is very difficult to live for a person who has no imagination at all or who does not know how to dream. Therefore, when you hear addressed to you: “You are an inventor and a dreamer!” - don't accept it as offensive words, but as a compliment. Are you an incorrigible dreamer, a hopeless inventor and dreamer? So this is great! Maybe, thanks to these qualities, someday you will become a brilliant inventor, stylist, designer, fashion designer, talented artist or a musician, or perhaps a famous writer...

(Listen to: Pachulski “Dreams.”)

Agree, this kind of music encourages dreams...

Choose a few words that could characterize Pachulski's music.

Try to determine what “color” the music is.

Do you have a cherished dream? If it's not a secret, share your dream... What color is your dream?

What images come to your mind when you hear the word dream? What sensations and feelings do you experience when you mention this word?

Do you like to dream?

Draw your dream.

Creative task: “Imagination comes to life!”

Try to make your fantasies come true: in drawing, appliqué, embroidery, design, beading, macrame, stories and poems, and the like. (All the children’s works are exhibited at the exhibition.)

Second conversation.

Now we will try to dream up collectively. Let’s imagine that on one warm spring day, for example, in May, suddenly the first rain came for no apparent reason. We've missed you so much for a long time, cold winter in the warm spring rain. Why don't we take a little walk? Or maybe we'd rather dance? Don't forget to take umbrellas with you.

Spring has come!

We are glad, glad to the sun,

We don't care about rain!

Let's take an umbrella with us,

by umbrella, by umbrella...

And we will dance

Through puddles barefoot!..

E. Arsenipa

(Improvised dance to the music of Yu. Slonov “Dance with Umbrellas.”)

Some of us are little fans of running barefoot through puddles and prefer to thoughtfully watch the rain through the window. Yes, sometimes (especially when you are sick) in rainy weather it is useful to sit at home and do more pleasant things: read, draw or sing a funny song.

(The recording plays the song “Doe/sdy is walking down the street.”)

Or this one: about a cheerful, perky puppy who loved to walk in the pouring rain without an umbrella, getting great pleasure from it.

(Performance of the song “From nose to tail.” Words by P. Sinyavsky, music by M. Partskhaladze.)

But let’s return again to Maykapar’s music “Rain”. Tell me, guys, what is the mood of our rain - sad or happy?

Have you noticed that musical sounds can not only depict something or someone, but also convey a person’s mood and feelings? Now we will listen to another melody of rain, with a different mood (A. Myiov “Anxious Rain”):

It is cold outside

And it rains all day.

I'm sad and sad

Too lazy to do homework.

I'm sad and sad

I do not know why.

Perhaps it's a rainy day,

And I want to go for a walk!..

E. Arsenina

What feelings, emotional experiences does the music you just listened to evoke in you?

Which of the works you listened to above excited you or made an impression? Why?

Yes, it looks like the rain has stopped in earnest. But don’t be upset, it seems that I had one very good idea: why don’t we have a little fun? For example, to play pranks...

(Recorded listening: Handel's "Mischief".)

I don't think you guys need to be taught how to be naughty. Children, as a rule, are great experts in this area. Therefore, you can quickly figure out what the composer is talking about in his music.

Conversation three.

Now you and I will not only sing a song, but also accompany ourselves on musical instruments.

(The play “Rain” by E. Poplyanov is played.)

If you are not familiar with the mysterious word accompaniment, now is the time to get acquainted. It comes from the French word accompagner, which, translated into Russian, means “to accompany.” Accompaniment is accompaniment to the melody, performed by voice or on a musical instrument.

Let's first, you guys and I, get acquainted with the melody of the song and learn it.

Then we will perform a song to the accompaniment of the piano.

When we successfully cope with this task, we will try to accompany ourselves on musical instruments made... with our own hands.

Don’t be surprised, you are quite capable of making the simplest musical instruments. This requires very little: great desire, hard work and a little ingenuity.

So, let's find empty boxes for Kinder surprises, pour a teaspoon of any cereal you can find in the apartment into them, close the boxes tightly and - the tool is ready! All that remains is to come up with a name for your invention, well, for example, you can call it a “noise maker”: if you shake the box, you can hear a quiet and soft shhhh... What does this sound remind you of? Maybe the rustling of leaves during the rain?..

Yes, if you want to give your instrument a stunning, extraordinary look - pick it up oil paints and paint it under Khokhloma or Gzhel, in general, as you like! When the paint dries, take a “noise maker” in each hand with your thumb and forefinger (so as not to muffle the sound) and accompany the singing by playing musical instruments made by yourself.

By the way, guys, you can make not only noise makers with your own hands, but also rattlers, grimels, whistles, nozzles and the like. Small empty boxes and containers, matchboxes (which must be tightly closed), a little millet or buckwheat, rice, peas, etc., as well as wooden sticks, blocks and the like can be used.

So, the rain has finally stopped. And then the sun peeked out from behind a cloud and winked at us, as if it had decided to play hide and seek. Let's play with you too...for example, royal game with a musical twist.

Game "Who is the king?"

To play, you need to make a crown from solid foil; You will need one chair with a straight back - a “throne”.

Game conditions: there is a crown on the throne. Two children stand on both sides of the throne (on opposite sides). Free dances are performed to a Russian dance melody. dance moves. At the end of the music, you must quickly take the crown, sit on the “throne” and put the crown on your head. The one who manages to take the throne first and put on the crown is proclaimed king by his “subjects”. They chant together: “Long live the king!..”

For the guys older game can be complicated. They dance at a certain distance from the throne (for example, five to ten meters from it) and at the end of the music they must run to the throne and take it, putting on the crown.

Conversation four.

I wonder what a composer thinks about before starting to create his masterpiece? Maybe with these words music is born:

Blank sheet of paper

Note line...

Sounds of the whole Universe

In my thoughts...

Give me strength, God,

This is to hold

The beauty of harmonies

Tell people!

E. Arsenina

Usually, when composing music, a composer first considers many details, makes sketches, plays it on an instrument, and only then writes down his composition on music paper. Joseph Haydn loved to work at the piano. But, for example, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky composed music mentally, while walking through picturesque places.

One day Mozart was asked how his work on a new symphony was going. “The symphony is completely composed,” Mozart replied, “all that remains is to write it down.”

And now the music is finally created and recorded. But how can you and I, the listeners, get to know the work and hear it? A performing musician will help us with this - a person who is fluent in a musical instrument and performs musical works for you and me, that is, for the listeners. The performer is, as it were, an intermediary between the composer and the listener. He must not only perform the music perfectly, but also accurately convey the meaning, content, and feelings inherent in the work. It is no coincidence that performance is considered one of the types artistic creativity, that is, art. In addition, a performer, a talented performer, does not simply “decipher” for the listener musical notation the composer, “revitalizing” it, but brings his own individuality, a piece of his “I” into the work. “Performance is the second creation,” said Russian pianist, conductor and composer Anton Rubinstein.

Pianists - Mikhail Pletnev, Vladimir Krainev, Evgeny Kisin, Nikolai Petrov, Emil Gilels, Svyatoslav Richter; violinists - Vladimir Spivakov, Victoria Tretyakova... This list of performers with capital letters I can continue ad infinitum...

If music is written for piano, then it is performed for the audience by a pianist, for accordion - by an accordion player, for violin - by a violinist, and so on. A musician, like a composer, must know and be able to do a lot, study his craft for a long time and, of course, be a gifted person.

By the way, some great musicians, as history shows us, were not only brilliant composers, but also excellent pianists and improvisers. That is, they could without any preliminary preparation, while at the instrument, simultaneously composing as they go, perform the music they have just invented.

For example, Ludwig Van Beethoven, famous German composer In the 19th century he gave musical “academies” - concerts that lasted about four hours. His magnificent, passionate improvisations at such “academies” caused a storm of emotions, delight and tears among listeners.

Another brilliant musician and composer, Nicolo Paganini, also had the gift of improvisation. According to his contemporaries, his own the best works he counted not those that he recorded and published, but those that he often improvised according to his mood, never subsequently performing them.

Both Johann Sebastian Bach and the little virtuoso Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart were excellent improvisers. In those distant times, musical improvisation was in great fashion and was considered an art: every musician had to be able to improvise on a musical instrument.

For example, the most famous incredible stories, which have reached our time about little Mozart, a talented musician-performer and improviser, who, despite his young age, already perfectly mastered the technique of playing the instrument.

From the age of six, the child prodigy (translated from German as “miracle child”) performed in concerts, where he also performed his own improvisations on various topics. He did this with such skill and virtuosity that he aroused complete amazement and disbelief in the public. They thought that Small child can’t play and improvise like that. For example, at one of the concerts in Italian city listeners demanded that Mozart take the ring off his finger. They decided that the ring was magical and controlled the boy’s hands. However, after removing the ring, the baby continued to play in the same spirit.

At another concert, the rich and noble audience could not believe that a small child was playing in front of them. They believed that this was an adult, only very vertically challenged. And only after, during his performance, little Mozart suddenly noticed a cat appearing from nowhere in the hall and, completely forgetting about everything, jumped out from behind the instrument and rushed after it, did everyone realize that there was really a child in front of them. Hardly

an adult would allow himself, forgetting about all the rules of decency and etiquette (and it must be said that in those days they were strictly adhered to), such a prank. Only a small child could do this.

(Listening to fragments of classic works - recorded.)

Dance games are not just a dance and not just a music game. This is the energy of free movement to music, combined with excitement. team game. It's always fun, it lifts the mood of the participants, adds good emotions and allows them to cope with bad ones.
IN dance games ah, all the children take part with pleasure. Dance games are popular for all ages, from matinees to kindergarten, and... perhaps there is no upper age limit, because even adults enjoy participating in competitions at various events. But still, the music, rules, and movements in dance games for children are different.
We offer a selection of dance games for children different ages. Where and to whom can these games be useful? Animators, educators, teachers and parents

  • At themed matinees,
  • Summer on the beach
  • On the New Year's tree,
  • At a children's camp
  • Even on the site in the yard, if you turn on music on your mobile phone.

Dance games for children 3-4 years old

Round dance

For the youngest children, starting from three years old and even earlier, round dance is perfect. Music for a round dance should not be too fast. Children join hands and walk in a circle behind the leader. The older the children, the more complex movements can be added to the round dance: stops, claps, stomps, jumps, etc.

Round dance "Carousel"
Children stand in a circle and begin to move slowly in a circle. The presenter pronounces the words, the children repeat.
Barely, barely.
The carousels are spinning
And then around, around
Everybody run, run, run.
Hush, hush, don't rush!
Stop the carousel!
One-two, one-two!
The game is over!

Under the words “run, run,” the movements become faster and faster, and after the words “hush, hush,” we switch to walking.

Four steps forward

To the music, children repeat movements and words after the leader. When the children remember fairly simple words, and this usually requires at least three repetitions, you can start singing the song faster and louder each time until it becomes difficult for the children to keep up with the movements.
Four steps forward
Back four steps
Our round dance is spinning and spinning.
Let's stomp our feet,
Let's clap our hands.
We shake our shoulders,
And then we'll jump.

If your life is fun, do it

The presenter sings and shows the movements, and the children repeat. The movements can be any.
If you have fun, do this (shows the first movement).
If you have fun, do this (shows the second movement).
If life is fun, may the sun smile on us.
If you have fun, do this (shows the third movement).
The next leader may be one of the children.

Video example of dancing games for the little ones

For children 4-6 years old

The sea is agitated once

Undeservedly forgotten game, which is very popular among children 3-5 years old.
Need any dance fast music. The presenter slowly says in a sing-song voice: “The sea is agitated - once. The sea is worried - two. The sea is agitated - three.” Children spin, dance and make voluntary movements. In the words “Sea figure, freeze!” – players must freeze in place in the position in which the leader’s words caught them. The leader walks around his sea possessions and looks for a player who will move.
You can complicate the game by allowing the presenter to make the frozen players laugh. Whoever moves or laughs is out of the game. The last one, the most persistent, becomes the leader.

Dance game for children “Zoo”

Children are given cards with drawings of animals. Task: the child must dance to the music, imitating the animal on his card. For example, bunnies and squirrels jump, a horse steps or gallops importantly, a tiger imitates lunging at prey, etc. At first the children move one by one, then all together.

Dance games for children from 6-7 years old


At the chest level of the players, two leaders pull a rope or ribbon. Turn on rhythmic cheerful music. Children line up. The goal is to pass under the rope without touching it, bending your whole body backwards. Meanwhile, with each pass, the rope drops lower and lower...


This game has many names: Mirror, Monkeys, Repeat the movement, but the essence is the same. One leader is selected, who stands in a circle and dances whatever he wants to the music, and the rest of the participants copy his movements. In another version of this game, participants split into pairs and take turns copying each other. We strive for synchronicity of movements.
Video example of this dance game for children:

A toy shop

All participants are given the role of toys. The presenter (customer) enters the store, approaches all the toys in turn, and turns them on by touch. Children pretend to music various toys, for example, a wind-up doll, a transformer, a car, a horse, a dog, etc. The leader chooses one toy that he liked the most, “buys” it, and this player becomes the next leader.

Prohibited movement

All participants stand in a circle and repeat the movements of the leader to the music. But before the game starts, the presenter shows one movement that cannot be repeated. If the participant nevertheless forgets and repeats this movement, he is eliminated. The complexity of the movements and the tempo of the music depend on the age of the children playing.

Hurdle dance

For children from 7 years
All children dance freely to the music. Two leaders hold the ribbon or string so that it crosses most of the dance floor. The dancers must first step over the ribbon and then walk under it. At the same time, the leaders smoothly raise and lower the obstacle. Those who touch the obstacle are eliminated.

New dance games

Aram Zam Zam

The game is played to the music of the popular song “Aram Zam Zam.”

Interestingly, the song was originally Moroccan children's game“A Ram Sam Sam” - Ram Sam. You can listen to the original sound of this song performed by Rolf Harris.

The now popular motif has been slightly changed and the tempo has been increased. Compare for yourself)

The presenter shows the movements:
“aram-zam-am” - clapping on the knees, three times, repeated;
“guli-guli-guli-guli” - rotations in front of the chest with arms bent at the elbows and fingers gathered into fists.
“arafik-arafik” - bending forward with arms crossed on the chest, first from left to right, then from right to left.
We combine all movements and repeat.

Aram Zam Zam, Aram Zam Zam,

Aram Zam Zam, Aram Zam Zam,
Guli guli guli guli ram zam zam,
Arafi Arafi
Guli guli guli ram zam zam,
Arafi Arafi
Guli Guli Guli Guli Ram Deputy Deputy

Fly on the right, fly on the left

An energetic and catchy song with a very in simple words. Main character catches a fly - that’s the whole plot of the song. But what scope for imagination! “Catching a fly” by clapping different directions to the words of the chorus.

Fly on the right
Fly on the right
Fly on the left
Flew away.

Fly on the right
Fly on top
Fly on the left
Didn't get caught.

The advantages of dance games are undeniable:

  • Way of self-expression
  • The child mastering some basic dance movements,
  • Method of organizing leisure time,
  • Addendum to traditional competitions at events.

Dance marathon (celebration in the LDP)

The man was born cheerful.
Fashions and rhythms changed too,
But we can't live without dancing

Leading. Hello guests and participants of our Dance Marathon program! I am glad to welcome you to this hall. Your applause! I want to say hello to everyone and everyone individually. This rhyming game will help us with this. I'll start, you continue.

When we meet the dawn
We tell him...


With a smile the sun gives light,
Sending us your...


When we meet after many years
You will shout to your friends...


And they will smile back at you
From a kind word...


And remember this advice:
Give to all your friends...


Let's all answer together
We'll tell each other...



Before we start our marathon of dancing, fun and Have a good mood, I want to know the names of your teams. They should be in the theme of our marathon ("Hip-Hop", "Discomafia", "Dance Master", etc.) You have time to come up with a name while the music is playing. As soon as the music stops, the teams shout out their name loudly. The team with the loudest name wins.

A "Big Name" competition is being held.

Competition "Warm-up".The presenter invites the teams to dance: Music It's a rhythmic dance

  • eyes
  • tongue
  • face
  • only with your head
  • only with fingers
  • hands
  • hands up to elbows
  • only with your hands
  • only hands and head
  • only above the waist
  • whole body, but feet “glued to the floor”
  • raising your legs as high as possible
  • jumping as high as possible

Leading. The next task is also for everyone, but the jury will monitor the artistry and activity of our participants. Your task is to depict what I will read about.

Competition "Top Class" Music Cartoon ringtones

Hey boys, hey girls.
Why are you standing on the sidelines?
I'll play the game for you.
Show your top class!

1st team

Boys, get behind the wheel.
And buckle up tight.
Step on the gas!
Show your top class!

2nd team

You girls are not weak
Jump high together?
Right here, right now!
Show your top class!

3rd team

Well done boys!
You are now our swimmers,
You are swimming breaststroke.
Show your top class!

1st team

Our lovely girls -
Cute kittens.
Are there any artists among you?
Show your top class!

2nd team

You guys don't yawn!
Throw snowballs at the target quickly.
Who has a good eye here?
Show your top class!

3rd team

Dress, shoes, bag, makeup...
We want to see fashionistas.
The podium has been waiting for you.
Show your top class!

1st team

Make us boys laugh,
Draw clowns
To laugh for an hour.
Show your top class!

2nd team

Which one of you is a musician here?
Who hides their talent?
Your instrument is the double bass.
Show your top class!

3rd team

You are folk dancers.
And you're on tour soon.
You started to dance together.
Show your top class!

Leading. Did you know that some Indian tribes have a custom when they see stranger squat until he approaches you. Some tribes remove their shoes to greet people. Australian Aboriginals When they see each other, they begin to dance as a sign of greeting. Your task is to depict a dance - a greeting.

We are now going to visit one of the islands of the Pacific Ocean, where unusual tribes live who have their own greeting gestures, but we do not know them yet. Depict the dance of the following tribes:

  • The warlike Yoho-ho tribe; Music warrior tribe
  • the rich Shuko-tu tribe; Music is a rich tribe
  • the hospitable Sese-ki tribe; Music Vanya, Vanya...

A competition is being held" Dancing hello."

Time passes, century after century...
Man has always lived in worries.
But on every holiday and at leisure time
A happy dance was my best friend.

Leading . While the jury is summing up the preliminary results, for all participantsgame "Merry Runs".All players are divided into pairs. When the music stops, you need to quickly change places with the participants of the other pair and continue the dance as the leader asks. Music Cheerful dashes

  • We dance with our backs to each other
  • Holding someone's ear
  • Holding hands
  • Holding your feet
  • Standing facing each other
  • Holding onto something hairy
  • Holding onto something soft
  • Holding onto something with a hole

Presenter.. The competition is called "Clipomania".You need to perform a dance to a famous song - a video for this song. The names of the songs are written on cards, you choose any one and prepare for 5 minutes.

1 – Music Two merry geese lived with granny

2 – Music Why does a bear sleep in winter?

3 – Music The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree

And while our participants are getting ready, I invite the audience to also join in our dancing fun. I also have a game for you.

All teams are dancingphysical dance dance(Presentation on screen) Music

So, the "Clipomania" competition! We invite teams to the hall.

Guests are invited to dance to rhythmic music while throwing balloon. The music will periodically stop, and whoever has the ball in his hands at this moment will have to go to the center of the circle. He gets a chip. Music Wedding cutting

"Dancing with..." (5 min) Music Dance flash mob

  • a bouquet of roses
  • automatic in hand
  • toothbrush in mouth
  • skis on your feet
  • backpack on your back
  • dog on a leash
  • two bags of eggs in hands

Game "Color Dance" Music Colored dancing

Competition "Dance as if we..."(5 min) Music Popular ringtones

  • builders
  • dentists
  • divers
  • traffic cops
  • football players
  • spies
  • musicians
  • patients with a severe runny nose
  • ballerinas
  • monkey

Game "Let's Dance" Music Flash mob compilation

Under different music, which is turned on for a few seconds (waltz, pop, hard Rock, children's song, etc.) participants dance in a different genre.

Leading. At the end of our dance marathon the teams will present their homemade dances for you, which will also be evaluated by the jury. So, our final one competition "Master class".

Time passes, century after century.
Let the snow melt between us.
And let on our big planet
People are dancing and the sun is shining.

"Handshake" (this is one of the ending options).Let's get up in one big circle. We shake hands with our neighbors on the right and left. Then the same thing, but through one.

  • Well, everyone shook hands. The jury will now announce the results.
  • After the game is over, if the situation allows, you can continue the disco for those who wish.

The text and movements are repeated by the children immediately together with the presenter; words must be previously learned. The main task is to shout the last words as loudly as possible:
Two stamps (take turns stamping their feet),
Two clap (clap hands)
Hedgehogs, hedgehogs (with their hands they show the balls into which hedgehogs curl up).
Forged, forged (knock with the left fist on top of the right and vice versa),
Scissors, scissors (cross straightened arms in front of you according to the “scissors” principle).
Running in place, running in place (running in place),
Bunnies, bunnies (show the bunny ears on their heads with straight palms, rhythmically bending their palms).
Come on together, come on together!
Girls (only girls repeat)]
Boys (only boys repeat)]


This game is a kind of parody of the above games. At the same time, this is a parody of some of the realities of our modern life: One mobile phone, two mobile phones, Pagers, pagers. Fancy cars, Girls, girls. There's a showdown here, there's a showdown there, Fingers, fingers. Come on, come on, come on together! Girls! Boys! The children themselves can come up with the movements of the game.


The presenter pronounces a remark, accompanying it with movement, and the audience responds, repeating the same movement:
- Get ready for the launch of a good mood rocket! (sticks out thumb).
- Get ready!
- Put on spacesuits! (pretends to put a helmet on his head)
- We have to put on spacesuits!
- Fasten belts! (claps his hands)
- Fasten your seat belts!
- Enable contact! (touches the index finger of the left hand to the index finger of the right)
- There is contact!
- Key to start! (raises his right hand up)
- There is a key to start!
- Turn on the engines!
- Turn on the engines!
- One, two, three, whack! (makes rotational movements of his arms near his chest)
-Whack, whack, whack.
- Start counting down! (everyone counts together: “10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1”)
- Start!
- Hooray! (stormy applause)


A shouting game that can be used to lift the mood of a room or a group of children in a matter of seconds. The presenter pronounces the first part of the slogan, for example: “Param - parerum,” and the audience responds with the second part of the slogan: “Hey!” etc.:
Param - parerum - Hey!
Param - parerum - Hey!
Param - parerum - Hey! Hey! Hey!


This game can be played in a circle, in a squad area, in the hall, etc. The leader shouts out a line, and the audience repeats:
Stand! Polythene-bili!
Oh, I eat bananas!
And I eat oranges!
And I eat tangerines!
And I drink tea!

Then the facilitator asks a question, to which the children answer:
What's your mood? - Wow!
Is everyone of this opinion? - All without exception!
Maybe you're already tired? - We didn’t take these with us!
Well done? - This is us!
This is us? - Well done!


It is played in the same way as the previous game, but with different words and movements:
My cap is triangular,
My triangular cap
And if not triangular,
This is not my cap!

Gradually the words “cap”, “my”, “triangular” are replaced with movements:
o “cap” - the right palm is brought to the top of the head,
o “my” -*- the left hand is brought to the chest,
o "triangular" - hands depict a triangle.


In this game, as you repeat it, the words “teapot”, “lid”, “bump” and “hole” disappear from the game:
Teapot with lid,
Lid with a bump,
A lump with a hole,
Steam is coming out of the hole.
Steam comes out of the hole
Hole in the bump
Lump on the lid
Lid on a teapot.


The text is repeated along with the audience. First you need to learn the words:

Aunt Motya has four sons,
Aunt Motya has four sons.
They didn't drink, they didn't eat,
And they only sang one verse -...

When the verse is said for the first time, the last line adds: “right hand”, then the children repeat the verse, shaking continuously right hand. Thus, after each repetition a new movement is added. In the end it turns out: “right hand, left hand, right leg, left leg, head, tongue..."

This game can be played in a circle. All participants (together with the leader) pronounce words in chorus, while simultaneously demonstrating movements.


The rules are the same as in the game "At Aunt Moti's", but with different words:

Uncle Abram has forty sons,
Forty sons and forty daughters.
They didn't drink or eat
Everyone looked at uncle.
Right hand...

(By the end of the game all parts of the body are in motion)


The game is an excellent way to establish silence in the hall and attract children's attention to what is happening on stage. The presenter says something like this: Dear guys! Look at the sky (you can look at the ceiling too)! Do you see what clouds are hanging over us?! Now it's going to rain! It's already fallen...
One drop (everyone slaps the palm with one finger).
Two drops (everyone slaps the palm with two fingers).
Three drops (all clap on the palm with three fingers).
Four drops (all clap the palm with four fingers).
A torrential downpour began (everyone claps their hands).
And the “star rain” began to fall (stormy standing applause).
Then everything is repeated in reverse order and silence sets in (the rain stops).


The text is repeated along with the audience. You must first learn the words. The presenter pronounces them and shows the movements. Everyone repeats the words and movements after each line:

Grandmother bought herself a chicken (repeated twice; children pretend to be a chicken on a roost).
Chicken grain by grain: “kuda-tah-tah” (children show with their hands how the chicken pecks).
Grandmother bought herself a duck (repeated twice)
Duck: “tyukh-tyuh-tyuh-tyuh” (children depict how a duck swims)
Chicken grain by grain: “kuda-tah-tah” (the words are accompanied by the same movements).
My grandmother bought herself a turkey (repeated twice).
Little turkey: “coats-coats” (for the word “coats” - hand to the right, for the word “coats” - to the left).
The duck: “tyuh-tyuh-tyuh-tyuh”, the chicken, grain by grain: “whack-tah-tah.”
Grandmother bought herself a pussycat. (repeated twice)
And kitty: “meow-meow” (children show how a cat washes itself).
Turkey: “coats-coats”, duck: “tyuryuh-tyuh-tyuh”, chicken grain by grain: “kuda-tah-tah”.
My grandmother bought herself a dog.
Little dog: “woof-woof” (children raise their palms to the sides at shoulder level, showing with their fingers how a dog bites)
And the kitty: “meow-meow”, the turkey: “coats-coats”, the duck: “tyuh-tyuh-tyuh-tyuh”, the chicken grain by grain: “kuda-tah-tah”.
Grandmother bought herself a pig. (repeated twice)
Piglet: “oink-oink” (shows the pig’s snout with his hand).
The little dog: “woof-woof”, and the kitty: “meow-meow”, the turkey: “coats-coats”, the duck: “tyuk-tyuh-tyuh-tyuh”, the hen by the grain: “whack-tah-tah”.
My grandmother bought herself a little cow. (repeated twice)
Little cow: “muki-muki” (they show the cow’s horns with their hands).
Piglet: “oink-oink”, little dog: “woof-woof”, and kitty: “meow-meow”, turkey: “coats-coats”, duck: “tyuruh-tyuh-tyuh-tyuh”, chicken grain by grain: “ cluck-clack-clack"
Notes. Possible additional options: little horse: “jump-jump”; TV: "time-facts"; announcer: "la-la-la"; dinosaur: "quack-grunt"; excavator: “breaking marks”, etc.


The presenter pronounces the words and shows the movements. The audience repeats both words and movements:

Everyone in this room is friends!
Look at yourself, at the neighbor on the right, at the neighbor on the left.
Everyone in this room is friends!
I, you, he, she are a friendly family together!
Pinch the neighbor on the right, pinch the neighbor on the left.
Everyone in this room is friends!
I, you, he, she are a friendly family together!
Hug the neighbor on the right, hug the neighbor on the left.
Everyone in this room is friends!
I, you, he, she are a friendly family together.
Kiss the neighbor on the right, kiss the neighbor on the left.
Everyone in this room is friends!
I, you, he, she are a friendly family together!
Smile at the neighbor on the right, smile at the neighbor on the left!
Everyone in this room is friends!
I, you, he, she are a friendly family together!
Look at yourself - together we are one hundred thousand “I”s!


This is how the recitative begins before the song “Wrapping the Earth.” Children repeat each line after the leader, after which the song is sung:

On the bank of a big river
Bee stung
Right in the bear's nose
Oh - oh - she - she!
The bear cried
And he began to sing.

The first verse of the song “Wrapping the Earth” begins.


The text is repeated along with the audience; the words must be previously learned. The presenter pronounces them and shows the movements, all the children repeat after him.

The words are repeated several times in a row, gradually increasing the tempo. You can make a competition for the most the best option performance or at the fastest tempo:

Knees, fingers (point to your knees with both hands and snap your fingers).
Knees, fingers (point to your knees with both hands and snap your fingers),
Knees, fingers (repeat these movements).
Head, ramen (point to head and shoulders with both hands),
Knees, fingers (point to knees and snap fingers),
Ears, eyes, mouth, nose (show ears, eyes, mouth, nose with both hands).


The presenter pronounces the first two lines, then the third and fourth lines are spoken together with the audience. The fifth and sixth lines are again spoken only by the presenter. The pace increases each time:

Chiki-boom is a cool song. Let's repeat it all together!
Chiki-boom-chikaraka, chikaraka-chiki-boom
Chiki-boom is a cool song, Let's sing together quickly!

Once upon a time there lived a grandma

The previously learned text is repeated along with the audience. The presenter says the words and shows the movements he has invented, and everyone repeats after him. Each time the pace accelerates:

Once upon a time there lived a grandmother near the river,
Grandma wanted to swim in the river.
Grandma was smart - she bought a washcloth,
Our song is good - Start over.


The presenter says words and shows movements that everyone repeats. Gradually the pace increases:

Tram-pum-pum (pat the knees of the neighbor on the right with your palms).
Guli-guli-guli-guli (one hand above your head, the other under the chin, tickle your head and chin with your fingers).
Tram-pum-pum (pat your knees with your palms),
Tram-pum-pum (pat your knees with your palms),
Tram-pum-pum (pat the knees of the neighbor on the left with your palms).

Tram-pum-pum (pat your knees with your palms).
Salami, salami (alternately raise your right and left hands up).
Goo-goo-goo-goo (repeat).
Tram-pum-pum (pat your knees with your palms).


The presenter divides all the participants in the game into seven teams: the first team is “Turnip”, the second is “Grandfather”, the third is “Grandma”, the fourth is “Granddaughter”, the fifth is “Bug”, the sixth is “Cat”, the seventh is “Mouse” ".

Having distributed the roles, the presenter tells the fairy tale “Turnip”. When he names one of the heroes, the team that was named must quickly stand up and sit down. The presenter's task is to tell the tale as interesting and confusing as possible.


The game is very similar to the previous one. It can be performed with the audience, in a circle, and also on stage; Only the number of players will be different.

When the roles are distributed (grandfather, grandmother, bun, hare, wolf, bear, fox, tree stump), the presenter begins to tell the tale. As certain characters are named, they either get up from their seats (if they are sitting in the hall) or take a step forward and bow (if they are on stage or in a circle). Only the “kolobok” was unlucky - for every word the “kolobok” must turn around its axis (it is absolutely round)!


The following dialogue takes place between the presenter and the audience:

  • - How many days are there in a week?
  • - Seven!
  • - List it!
  • - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.
  • - Name the working days of the week!
  • - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday.
  • - And now the days off of the week!
  • - Saturday Sunday.

Then the presenter lists the days of the week, and the audience should clap only when working days are named. Gradually the pace of the game increases.

Notes. It should be noted that attention weakens as the pace accelerates.


The presenter’s left hand represents the sea (held at chest level, bent at the elbow), the right hand represents a fish, which, while swimming in the sea, periodically jumps out, and the audience “catches” it with clapping - clap as soon as the “fish” appears above the surface of the sea. The pace depends on the frequency of the appearance of the "fish". When the “fish” swims “underwater” (below hand level), the audience is silent. As soon as it appears on the surface of the water (above hand level) or jumps out of the water, the audience claps. If the “fish” lingers in the air, then applause is heard.


Presenter: “Let’s imagine that we are all at the hippodrome. You will be the left stand (left half), and you will be the right one (right half). Well, let’s check how you can whistle. Good! Your task is to depict horses running in accordance with my team."

Each word has its own movement:

The horses are led to the start line (clack-clack-clack).
Get ready! On your marks! Attention! March!
The horses ran! (stomp their feet).
The fans in the left stand began to make noise (the left half of the hall whistles).
And now the right tribune (the right half of the hall whistles).
Barrier! (cotton hands).
Horses run faster! (stomp their feet harder).
Another barrier! (cotton hands).
Horses run along the pavement (stomp their feet).
Barrier! (cotton hands). They run further (stomp their feet).
On gravel, on pavement. A lingering barrier! (several quick hand claps).
The finish is already in sight!
The right stand, the left one, and now both whistled! Finish!


The hall is divided into two teams: the right-hand team and the left-hand team. One team shouts “Goal!” when the leader points his right hand in its direction. The other team shouts "Barbell!" when the leader points his left hand in their direction. Everyone shouts “Pass by!” when the leader points with both hands at both teams.

Notes. You can deceive the teams (check their vigilance and attention) by pointing, for example, with your right hand in the wrong direction in which the desired team is sitting.


The hall is divided into two groups - “Petka” and “Vaska”.

The presenter says: In a small clearing stands beautiful house, And in a beautiful house lives a cheerful gnome. Gnome, gnome! What is your name?

If he points to Petek, they say: I have polka dot pants, I came here from a fairy tale, Because I am good!

If he points to "Vasek", they say: I have a checkered shirt, I came here from a fairy tale and brought candy!

Notes. The presenter points to the groups in any order, or can point to them at the same time.

(teenagers' trip to the forest)

The game is played after the presenters have learned the words and movements with the children.

When pronouncing the word “Nyokavtenage”, the presenters and children make movements as if looking for something in the grass (placing an open palm just above the eyes).
To the words "Wow!" - stretch their arms forward and down, opening them a little (as when meeting someone).
To the words "Oh-oh!" - raise their hands up, also opening them a little (giving praise).
To the words “Lots of russula, strawberries, pineapples...” - the index finger is pointed at the guys sitting in the hall.
To the words “How can this be?” - they shrug their shoulders. “And all because...” - they raise it instructively forefinger up.

A lot of russula, a lot of russula, a lot of russula, Wow!
A lot of russula, a lot of russula, a lot of russula, let's collect a BUCKET!

Newcutanege, Newcutanege, Newcutanege, Wow!
Newcutanege, Newcutanege, Newcutanege, Ooh!
Lots of strawberries, lots of strawberries, lots of strawberries, Wow!
Lots of strawberries, lots of strawberries, lots of strawberries, let's collect a BUCKET!
We were surprised for a long time, we were surprised for a long time, WE were surprised for a long time!
We were surprised for a long time, we were surprised for a long time, we were surprised for a long time, But how can this be?! And all because...
Newcutanege, Newcutanege, Newcutanege, Wow!
Newkavtaneje, Newkavtaneje, Newkavtanege, Zyu!
Lots of pineapples, lots of pineapples, lots of pineapples, Wow!
Lots of pineapples, lots of pineapples, lots of pineapples, let's collect a BUCKET!
We were surprised for a long time, we were surprised for a long time, WE were surprised for a long time!
We were surprised for a long time, we were surprised for a long time, we were surprised for a long time, But how can this be?! And all because...
Yes, because pineapples don’t grow in our forests!!!


The game is played with the audience before the start of any program. The host of the program announces to the children that they are all enrolled in the school of applause.

Presenter: This school is not quite ordinary, because it has only five classes and learning in it goes quite quickly. But after it’s over, all the guys can give their applause to everyone who performs on stage in a completely qualified manner. But first, let me explain to you the simple rules of conduct in our school. Firstly, in our school it is strictly forbidden to whistle during and after the performance of artists. Secondly, in our school it is forbidden to stomp your feet during and after the performance of artists. And finally, thirdly, in our school it is strictly forbidden to show disrespect to everyone who performs on stage and sits in our hall.

So, the first class of applause school is moderate applause. They are short-lived, without much noise. Let's try. Well done! Congratulations on graduating from first grade.

Second grade of applause school - thunderous applause. They are noisy and long lasting. Let's rehearse. Well done, you completed the task!

Third grade of the school of applause - stormy, prolonged applause, turning into a standing ovation. Show them, please. It's amazing how talented the students are! Congratulations on graduating from third grade at our school. Let's move on to the fourth.

The fourth grade of the school of applause is stormy, long-lasting applause, turning into a standing ovation with shouts of “Bravo!” and "Encore!" They are quite difficult, but doable, let's try! How well you coped with a difficult task! And you deserve to move on to your senior year!

The fifth grade school of applause is stormy, prolonged applause, turning into a standing ovation with shouts of “Bravo!” and “Encore!”, accompanied by everyone standing up and rejoicing. What a great fellow you are for passing all five grades of our school.

And now is the time to arrange final exams. So I call the class and you applaud accordingly.

Then you can repeat all the exercises from the first to the fifth grade, scattered, from the fifth to the first. You can arrange an exam for each detachment or selectively, etc. And at the end of the “exam” it is necessary to praise all the children and begin the program with stormy long applause, turning into a standing ovation with shouts of “Bravo!” and "Encore!" with everyone standing up and rejoicing.

Riddles, crosswords and creative tasks about music

What other musical instruments do you know? Try to guess these musical riddles.

Musical riddles

You will take it in your hands,

You will stretch it, then you will compress it.

Voiced, elegant,

Russian two-row.

It will play, just touch it.

What is her name?... (accordion).

She's glad for you to play,

Invites you to dance!

Oh, it's ringing, it's ringing,

The game makes everyone happy!

And only three strings

She needs it for music.

Who is she? Guess it

This is our... (balalaika).

Balalaika, balalaika,

Have fun playing!

Sings very cheerfully

If you blow into it.

You all play it

And you will guess right away.

Doo-doo, doo-doo-doo, da-da-da, da-da!

This is how she always sings.

Not a stick, not a tube,

What is this? ... (pipe).

3. Petrova

On a piece of paper, on a page

Either dots or birds.

Everyone is sitting on the ladder

And songs chirp. (Notes.)

Smooth bow movements

The strings make me tremble,

The motive murmurs from afar,

Sings about a moonlit evening.

Wooden girlfriends

They dance on the top of his head,

They beat him, and he thunders -

He orders everyone to keep pace. (Drum.)

He has a pleated shirt

He loves to squat dance

He dances and sings -

If you get your hands on it.

It sounds like a dreamy tune

How clear the sounds are overflowing.

There is joy and a smile in them

Its name is... (violin).

Forty buttons on it

With mother-of-pearl fire.

Each instrument

There are strings and a pedal.

What is this? Undoubtedly

This is our glorious... (piano).

B. Zakhoder

Do, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si -

The sparrows have arrived.

They sat on my notebook

And they sang the melody (notes).

Triangular body,

Well, try and guess?

This is our (balalaika).

It will sparkle in the sun,

It will hum with a gentle sound.

In jazz he is the very first -

Silver... (saxophone).

Brainstorming tasks

If you look closely and listen, you can find the presence of music literally everywhere.

1. Find the presence of music in the objects around you.

Clue: salt, to la ska, before horns, F ry, la gushka, re ka, sire no, re pa, before mino, by midor, home k, k la ksa, si ha re ta, F goth, pemok salt, beans, mi texture, re mont, etc.

2. Remember six famous great singers, musicians or composers whose last names begin with the letter “SH”. Write them into the “rays of sunshine”.

Answer: Schumann, Chopin, Chaliapin, Schnittke, Shostakovich, Schubert.

3. Unravel the secret of this amazing flower. The incomparable flower is incomparable because it contains the famous names of great composers whose surnames begin with the letter “B”.

Answer: Bizet, Bargok, Bach, Beethoven, Borodin, Balakirev.

a) Hoffman;

b) Tchaikovsky;

c) Mussorgsky.

Answer: Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.

5. Alexander Porfiryevich Borodin became famous as a talented chemist or an outstanding Russian composer?

Answer: A talented chemistry professor, studying scientific work at the Medical-Surgical Academy, entered the history of Russian classical music as outstanding composer and founder of one of musical styles- epic symphony (wrote the epic opera “Prince Igor”),

6. One of the most delicious cakes is named after this world-famous composer.

Answer: Georges Bizet (1838-1875) - outstanding French composer, author of the opera "Carmen".

7. Names are hidden among the letters musical instruments. Try to find them. (The words are arranged in a straight line in any direction.)

Answer: Harp. Guitar. Drum. Pipe. Violin. Piano.

8. This is Russian folk song, based on the repeated repetition of a small verse. The rhythm is clear and danceable. It is usually accompanied by playing the balalaika or accordion. It has always been very popular among the people.

Hint: this word is a derivative of the word frequent, that is, repeated many times...

Answer: Paganini.

11. Famous guitarist, our contemporary and compatriot, talented improviser and performer classical works in their own processing.

Answer: Zinchuk (Viktor Zinchuk).

12. Finish the sentence with a semantic rhyming word:

As is known from the newspapers,

The London... (quartet) is coming to us.

Symphonic Illustrious Quartet

The Philharmonic gives only one... (concert).

Who wants to go to.... (concert)?

I have an extra... (ticket).

Once upon a time at the edge of the forest

The concert was started by animals.

The blacksmith violinist played a rhapsody.

Caused applause... (flurry).

We danced the “Cossack” dance

Beauty fly and... (cricket).

Shy sullen rhinoceros,

Suddenly becoming bolder, I read my... (monologue).

Two cute frogs

Performed for everyone... (ditties).

The cockroach also cheered up the animals,

He performed with his relatives... (cancan).

A terribly fat hippopotamus broke his stomach from laughing.

And the stork even shed a tear: “It’s been a long time since I’ve had so much... (had fun)].”

The audience was leaving the concert to the sounds of the mosquito... (duet).

E. Arsenina - fragment of the poem “Amazing Concert”