Nargiz's latest hairstyle. What the outrageous Nargiz Zakirova looked like in her youth

// Photo: Vadim Tarakanov/

45-year-old singer Nargiz Zakirova is the owner of a powerful voice and a bright, memorable appearance. Now she is successful and wealthy, but this was not always the case. The singer passed thorny path to glory, full of difficulties. “You are so free, free, and have seen everything,” Dima Bilan once said, who saw Nargiz for the first time after a blind audition during the show “The Voice.”

Zakirova was born in 1970 in Tashkent in creative family. The artist's grandfather is famous in Soviet times baritone Karim Zakirov, grandmother - clown and artist Shoista Saidova, soloist of the Uzbek Opera and Ballet Theater, uncle - the famous Farrukh Zakirov, leader popular group"Yalla", the singer's mother - pop singer, and the father is a drummer in musical group. In a word, a real musical and artistic dynasty.


For the first time, Nargiz married Ruslan Sharipov, a musician and member of the Uzbek group “Bayt”. The singer was 18 years old. Nargiz remembers with warmth about her first husband, despite the fact that they are no longer together. They broke up due to Ruslan's infidelity. However, the breakup was not scandalous: quarreling with your significant other, breaking dishes and suing is not in the artist’s character.

“Something broke in my soul. We began to work separately. We traveled around for concerts without seeing each other for several months, and when we met at home, there was no longer the feeling that a loved one was next to you. dear person. Then I decided that this marriage should no longer exist, and we separated,” this is how Nargiz recalled her first marriage.

From this marriage, Nargiz left a daughter, who was named Sabina. And in 1995, the Zakirov family moved to America, and this decision was not easy for them, because Nargiz was pregnant from her second husband Ernur Kanaibekov. The singer was madly in love with him. They met at an audition for the Voice of Asia show.

At the moment when the Zakirovs decided to emigrate to the United States, Nargiz was a fairly well-known performer in her homeland: she was called the “Uzbek Madonna” and was periodically condemned for her provocative sexual outfits. The singer says that in this way she wanted to shock the audience and challenge them. In America, everything had to start from scratch. She had to provide for herself and her family, so Zakirova had to work hard. She worked from 9 am to 9 pm in the lowest paid positions in restaurants, shops, pizzerias, and tattoo parlors.

“America from the covers of glossy magazines is one thing, but from the inside it’s completely different. After giving birth to my son, I suddenly wanted to go to work: looking for a place, I walked from one door to another. I was not embarrassed by any work. I wanted to live, to enjoy what was happening,” says Nargiz about her first years in the USA.

After some time, Nargiz, who worked from morning to evening, made her first acquaintances in the musical field. She began to be invited to perform in restaurants. At first in not very expensive ones, but then in luxurious and “cool” ones, as the artist recalled. Slowly life began to get better.

However, in 1997, a tragedy occurred in Zakirova’s life: Yernur tragically died in a car accident. Little Aeul was only 2.5 years old. After Yernur's death, Nargiz began prolonged depression. Coping with the tough emotional state the woman was helped by singer Philip Balzano, whom her friends introduced her to. The artists turned out to have a lot in common. In addition to their passion for music, they both immigrated to the USA in search of better life. Balzano moved to the States from the island of Sicily.

Slowly Nargiz began to recover from the terrible tragedy. Philip tried to support the talented and bright woman as best he could. He not only spent hours talking heart-to-heart with her, but also studied music with Zakirova. They began an affair, and soon they got married.

“Phil is not only my husband - he is my friend, support, brother, lover. And Phil is my teacher! Thanks to him, I went through a unique school of rock vocals,” Nargiz said about her third wife.

// Photo: Anatoly Lomokhov/

However, the trials that befell Nargiz did not kill her passion for music. She created various groups, tried to contact Russian producers, because she wanted to come to live in Russia. But show business representatives made it clear to Nargiz that it was impossible to start a singer’s career without money. However, Zakirova is not one of those people who gives up everything halfway. She wanted to seriously study singing, and did not give up trying to achieve her cherished dream.

participation in competitions

In 2013, Nargiz went through several stages of selection for the American show X-Factor. But before the final audition, she decided to give up her attempts to get on American TV and chose Russian program"Voice". Zakirova later admitted that she left the United States, tired of waiting for a call from foreign producers. They promised to remind her of themselves, but they never did.

This step became fateful in the artist’s life. She not only became one of the participants in the project, but also charmed with her incredible energy and vocal abilities broadcast jury. She chose Leonid Agutin as her mentor. Under his leadership, Zakirova reached the very end of the program, taking second place in the finals of the competition. Many were rooting for the charismatic singer, and were upset when she did not become first. But Nargiz herself took the “silver” calmly. “I didn’t win, I won,” this is how Zakirova spoke about the results of the last episode of “The Voice.”

After participating in the popular program, Zakirova became a successful performer in Russia. The public really loved her for her unconventional appearance, a strong character and an amazing voice. Nargiz became a kind of challenge to the standard of appearance of a singer existing in show business.

In 2014, she fired her old friend and well-known stylist among the stars, Alisher, from her team, who until that moment not only came up with images for the star, but also sometimes sang a duet with her. The reason for breaking up with her friend was the singer’s new collaboration with producer Max Fadeev. One of his conditions was for Nargiz to perform on stage alone, without a second vocalist. Nargiz conveyed her decision to Alisher via SMS message.

Longtime acquaintance Nargiz was offended by her: according to him, Zakirova could have told him about this personally, because they were in very good relations. He also stated that the woman never thanked Alla Pugacheva for allowing the Diva to sing her songs. By the way, I introduced the “Voice” star to People's Artist namely Alisher. The man is still friends with the legend to this day Russian stage, choosing concert costumes for her.

“Nargiz has been singing Pugacheva’s songs for 8 months. Ask her, did she at least somehow thank Alla Borisovna? At least a bouquet of flowers... Pugacheva doesn’t care. How many such singers and singers were there in her life? For me, Nargiz no longer exists,” the offended stylist said in an interview.

At the end of 2015, something else happened in Nargiz’s life. significant event. The singer's daughter Sabina gave her a charming grandson, who was named biblical name Noah. The baby was born in America. The artist could not see him live for several months due to a busy tour schedule. By the way, Nargiz refused to baptize the child, citing her pagan beliefs.

Despite the fact that Zakirova became a grandmother, she continued to shock the public. In addition to the fact that she posed nude, the artist once appeared in public in a sexy dress, which she wore without underwear. In this image, Nargiz appeared at the wedding of singer Yulia Savicheva. To some of Zakirova's fans appearance seemed inappropriate for such a celebration, but there were those who were completely delighted with it. Through the transparent fabric of her outfit, almost all of the woman’s tattoos could be seen. At that party, Zakirova had a lot of fun. She energetically danced with Lera Kudryavtseva to Glyuk’oZa’s song “Dance, Russia!!!” And in the words “And I have the most beautiful... oops,” Lera vigorously patted Nargiz on the butt.

“I have succeeded as a mother, I have three children. I succeeded as a wife. And now I can say that I have succeeded... as an artist,” the singer said after the final of the “Voice” show.

Let us also recall that just recently Nargiz amazed all her fans with unexpected news. After 20 years life together she filed for divorce from her third husband, Philip Balzano. The couple has common child- 16-year-old Leila. According to Nargiz, Philip made her life hell. He constantly demanded money from the woman, and continues to do so. The man says that he will give Zakirova a divorce if she pays his debts. In total, Balzano needs an amount equal to 118 thousand dollars. It is known that Nargiz’s husband has not worked for two years. According to Philip, Zakirova herself asked him about this. “Her love was broken by money, which she does not give me now. Anyone in New York can prove that I was best husband in the city, such a faithful man is difficult to find,” Balzano is quoted as saying in the press.

“I decided to get a divorce through the court because Phil was not satisfied with the peaceful options. All last year all my fees went to pay his numerous debts. My ex-husband turned to blackmail and threats. He is asking me for about 40 thousand dollars for the divorce. “I am very grateful to Maxim Fadeev’s lawyers who are helping me with the divorce procedure,” Nargiz told StarHit.

In her interview, Nargiz said that Leila would stay with her father. According to Zakirova, the girl is worried about her father and worries that he might make some serious mistake. She has every reason for this, because Philip, Nargiz said, threatened his family, blackmailed, extorted money. The Italian musician also threatened to shoot everyone with a pistol if things didn’t go the way he wanted. During one of the last quarrels with the singer, he began to attack 20-year-old Auel, Zakirova’s son from a previous marriage. According to Nargiz, Balzano initially disliked the young man. One day a man grabbed Auel by the throat and tried to strangle him.

In the light latest events the press wonders what else, besides financial disagreements, could have caused the collapse of such strong union. For example, Express Gazeta believes that the singer simply has another man. According to this publication, the artist is having an affair with a 34-year-old technician from her team. However, Nargiz's representatives do not confirm this version.

Magic in the life of Nargiz

It is interesting that Nargiz Zakirova is interested in astrology, esotericism, occultism and other supernatural things. “I am magic myself, mysticism and enchantment,” Nargiz sometimes says, meaning that her life is closely intertwined with various incredible things. It’s interesting that the artist decided to participate in “The Voice” spontaneously. She accidentally saw an advertisement for this project and thought: why not try her hand? As a result, everything worked out for Zakirova. And she sincerely considers her triumph in the program to be something more than just the result of hard work on herself. Once the artist even called herself a witch.

Being interested in magic, she attended the 15th season of the show “Battle of Psychics”. During the filming of the program, Zakirova met and became friends with the medium Tatyana Larina and the clairvoyant and witch Natalya Banteeva. According to Nargiz, she is constantly surrounded by interesting people who have unusual abilities. Perhaps they are attracted to the aura of the artist. It's no secret that many people who have tattoos say that they influence their destiny. Nargiz Zakirova has many tattoos with a deep, mystical meaning. They probably attract non-standard personalities to the artist.

By the way, all the drawings on Nargiz’s body appeared for a reason. The artist said that she made each of them in memory of an event that changed her life. So, Zakirova always dreamed of working with Fadeev. She once tried to contact representatives famous producer. Several years later, the singer finally managed to achieve what she wanted. This is mysticism, nothing less. Therefore, two years ago, a woman filled her entire back with an embryo in her mother’s womb, resembling a globe. Around the unborn baby there is strong protection in the form of a black circle and sharp peaks. In the picture you can also see the initials “MF”, under which the name of producer Nargiz Maxim Fadeev is hidden. According to Zakirova, he has an incredible talent from nature, given to him from above.

“I am connected with mysticism and magic early childhood. Many perceive this with caution, but in fact the word “witch” comes from “leading woman.” I guess I was born this way. And, perhaps, from the age when I remember myself to this day, some incredible things happened to me every now and then. Life brings me together with people who are also directly connected with some kind of mysticism and some incredible abilities,” Nargiz opens up about magic.

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Nargiz Zakirova, whose biography is of interest to thousands of people these days, is a real sensation woman: at the age of 43 she became a participant Russian show“The Voice” took only second place, but literally in a year turned into a show business star, unlike the true winner of the competition. Why did fame come to the performer so late? What were you doing talented singer all these 43 years and what are her plans for the future?

early years

Nargiz Zakirova, whose biography is so interesting to fans of the singer, was born in Uzbekistan in 1970. All of Nargiz’s relatives are connected with musical art: grandfather was opera singer, grandmother performed folk songs, mother and father were also musicians.

Singer Nargiz Zakirova, whose biography is full of unexpected turns, probably knew only one thing from childhood - that she wanted to be a singer. At the age of 4, Zakirova performed on stage for the first time and has not left her side since then. After school she graduated from the department pop vocals at the Tashkent Circus School.

Since childhood, Nargiz was distinguished by her freedom-loving disposition and desire for self-expression. For the orthodox Uzbek culture of a girl (at that time there was no such thing and revealing outfits were simply shock therapy. The singer admitted more than once that she had a hard time in her homeland and was often insulted for her appearance. And when the opportunity arose to leave, Nargiz did it .

Immigration to the USA

At the age of 25, Nargiz Zakirova, biography, whose personal life did not develop in the best possible way, immigrated to the United States with her parents. At that time, the girl had a small daughter from her first unsuccessful marriage, and she was also pregnant from her second husband.

Not everything went smoothly for Uzbek immigrants in the United States. Nargiz Zakirova, whose biography did not bode well in those years, remained in an unfamiliar country with two children in her arms (her second husband soon crashed in a car). The singer, due to her poor knowledge of the language, could not find a decent job: first she worked in a store, then in a pizzeria, but for the longest time in a video salon. Nargiz was not involved in music at this time.

However, everything changed dramatically when a young woman in one of the restaurants in New York met the origin - Phil. New friend got her a job as a vocalist in the same establishment where he performed, and after a while he proposed marriage. Things slowly began to improve.

Dramatic change of image

Nargiz admitted in an interview that she did not get tattoos in Uzbekistan only because she did not want to aggravate her relations with her compatriots. When the young woman found herself in New York, she felt the desired freedom, so she went to the salon and immediately got her first tattoo - a sign of freedom. Then Nargiz simply could not stop.

Today, the singer has about forty percent of her body covered with tattoos. After participating in the fateful show “The Voice,” Zakirova got a fresh tattoo on her arm in memory of this event.

As for the extravagant hairstyle, Zakirova for a long time limited herself to dyeing her hair different colors. One day she just wanted to shave off some of the hair on her head, so she went and did it. And she turned the remaining ponytail into dreadlocks. The singer’s mother, of course, was shocked, but she had long ago learned to accept her daughter for who she is.

Nargiz Zakirova: biography, photo. Competition "Voice"

At a certain moment, Nargiz Zakirova realized that she needed to move towards professionally forward and decided to go to the first season of the “Voice” project. But at that moment her father became seriously ill, and participation in the competition had to be postponed.

Unfortunately, Pulat Mordukhaev (Nargiz’s father) died in 2013 from cancer. To somehow escape from her worries, Zakirova went to the American show “X-Factor”. She went through several qualifying rounds, but never received a call from the producers. Then the girl packed her things and came to Moscow for “Voice-2”.

At the first audition, all 4 jury members turned to Nargiz. Zakirova chose Leonid Agutin as her mentor and reached the final with him. However, Sergei Volchkov took the victory out of the hands of the shocking woman. While Volchkova is just waiting to record her debut album, Zakirova has signed a contract with Maxim Fadeev and has already released two videos for her own songs. So who actually turned out to be the winner, time will tell.

Collaboration with Maxim Fadeev

Nargiz Zakirova, whose biography turned into a stellar story only at the age of 40, on this moment works closely with Maxim Fadeev.

The singer made attempts to establish an acquaintance with him back in 2005. But then nothing worked out. When Nargiz took second place in the “Voice” show, Fadeev himself found her and offered her his song for performance completely free of charge. Soon Fadeev and Zakirova signed a contract, and she officially became his artist.

According to Nargiz, Fadeev simply organized for her fairy tale life: he arranged her life in Moscow, provided her with a car and loyally organizes tours. The singer is also delighted with the songs that the producer writes for her. At the moment, two videos have been shot for the hits “You are my tenderness” and “I am not your war.”

Nargiz also voiced a cartoon character - a gypsy from the cartoon “Three Heroes. Knight’s move,” and also took part in one of the episodes of the show “Battle of Psychics.”

Future plans

Singer Nargiz Zakirova, whose biography is finally developing according to a positive scenario, today has a dense tour schedule. She has a concert planned literally every day, several months in advance.

In addition, fans and journalists tormented the performer with questions about music album. In 2014, Zakirova reassured her fans by admitting that work on debut album coming full swing. But since the singer wants to give it a special sound, recording the material will take quite a lot of time.

Nargiz Zakirova: biography, family

Officially, Nargiz was married three times. The singer admits that in addition to this she had many other hobbies, which is normal for a creative person.

Nargiz Zakirova, biography, whose personal life is on initial stages resembled hell, has three children from different marriages. The singer’s first chosen one was an Uzbek rock musician, from whom her daughter Sabina was born. However, dreams of a happy family life fell apart even when Nargiz was pregnant: on the very first tour, her husband went all out. Zakirova broke up with her husband and to this day does not communicate with him.

About the same story happened with my second husband. Nargiz Zakirova, a biography whose children are of interest to the public, gave birth to a son from her second lover. But she filed for divorce shortly before her husband tragically died.

The singer's third marriage lasts almost 15 years. She claims that she is absolutely happy and has finally found out what it is real love. Zakirova also gave birth to a child to her third husband - a girl, Leila.

    Nargiz Zakirova now does not have the same hairstyle that she had in her youth. Previously, when she was still a girl, she wore long hair, which made excellent braids. Many fans of Nargiz Zakirova are interested in looking at photos with hair, so I’m providing a photo especially for you:

    Nargiz Zakirova hid her old photographs very well. I scrolled through her Instagram to the very bottom and couldn’t find her previous photos with hair. But persistent searches still bore little fruit - I found another unique photograph of Nargiz Zakirova with thick hair:

    There are many photographs on the Internet in which Nargiz is young and beautiful.

    Personally, I don’t like her image: she’s too aggressive and repulsive.

    I remember her as the host of a music show, then she was replaced. Indeed, she did not fit in there and did not suit her co-host.

    Here are photos of her in her youth:

    Many fans are interested in photographs of Nargiz in at a young age and where people didn’t have long hair yet. There are not very many photographs from the singer’s youth, but they still exist.

    She used to be a long-haired girl, and not completely bald as she is now:

    The singer once wore long braid. Photo: social networks.

    Unfortunately, there are very few photos of the singer Nargiz Zakirova on the Internet, where she is young and with hair, but I managed to find an old video where she is about sixteen years old.

    And here she is with long hair, relatively young.

    Here is a photo of singer Nargiz Zakirova in her youth. In my opinion, in her youth she was an ordinary pretty girl, but now at 45 years old she has changed her image and found her own individuality. Now she looks much brighter.

    In her youth, when Nargiz had hair, one might say she was very attractive girl, here are a few photos, I’ll also say that she once worked in a tattoo parlor, that’s where she got her passion for tattoos.

    Nargiz Zakirova born in Uzbekistan.

    Her mother is a pop singer. The daughter inherited an amazing voice.

    All her grandparents were some opera singers and some folk singers.

    One of her uncles Farukh artistic director, the most famous Uzbek variety group Yalla, whom my generation remembers and loves in our country.

    And it is no coincidence that it is with her uncle that she sings the beautiful song Remember Me.

    Here you can see young Nargiz. Look how beautiful she is.

    Nargiz performed with this song at the Jurmala festival 86 and, being one of the most young participants, won a prize audience choice.

    This is what Nargiz was like in those years

    In the difficult 90s, she, being pregnant with her second child (from her second husband), left with her entire family for the USA.

    For a long time, Nargiz worked in a tattoo parlor, earning a living, and there she changed her image. But what is good and beautiful at 20 does not look at all at 45.

    I think this image does not suit her at all.

    By the way, Nargiz decided to shave off her hair after she had led a very rock and roll lifestyle with alcohol and other outrages for quite a long time. Suddenly I was tired of all this, I didn’t leave the house for a year, my room was gradually filled with books, I became interested in Buddhism, various philosophies, and at one point I decided to quit drinking, smoking, swearing and shave my head as a symbol of a new life. So I removed my entire previous life,” explains the star.

    The singer lived 20 for long years Abroad. She was apparently so drawn to her homeland that in order to participate in the show The Voice, she sacrificed her participation in the final audition of the American television project X-Factor.

    All the judges turned to her unconditionally. She chose Agutin's team.

    To participate in the project, she left her family in the USA and came to Russia. Her third husband is also a singer, but he could not go with her. They have a daughter who is a schoolgirl.

    Now Nargiz is invited to star in various shows, she tours the cities of Russia.

    At one time she was invited to be a co-host in Main Stage 2. But apparently she didn’t fit in there, or rather her image and she was quickly replaced.

    She has three children left in the USA. Eldest daughter already gave her a grandson.

    Son Auel is studying to become a director. At his mother's request, he agreed to compose several English texts to songs for the new album, which his mother is recording with Maxim Fadeev.

    The youngest daughter plays almost everything musical instruments.

    So children are all creative individuals.

    Nargiz considers herself happy in all respects.

    She succeeded as a mother, as a wife, everything she wished for herself came true in her life.

    Nargiz Zakirova has really changed a lot since those very, already immemorial, times of Socialism. Then she was a real charmer and a proper girl. Now, despite her excellent vocal abilities, she evokes extremely mixed emotions in some people.

Once upon a time, in one of the performances, a little girl, who today is known as Nargiz Zakirova, came on stage holding a doll. Her biography is interesting and unusual, just like herself.


On October 6, 1970, a daughter, Nargiz Zakirova, was born into the family of Pulat Mordukhaev and Louise Zakirova, whose biography will become one of the unusually bright in the world of music. This is not surprising - the future participant of “The Voice” was born in musical family- Nargiz’s grandfather, grandmother, uncles and parents were associated with music.

Nargiz toured with her mother, and after such interesting life she didn’t like the boring everyday life either at a regular school or at a music school. But nevertheless, she graduated with good grades.

Music career

Actively working on yourself as professional singer Nargiz Zakirova began after her speech at music competition“Jurmala-86”, where she received the audience award. Unfortunately, she could not win, since she had not yet turned 16 - the age at which participants were allowed to participate in the competition.

Nargiz was a student regular school, and she had warm relationships with teachers and classmates. After graduation, she entered the vocal department of the circus school.

She was different from other musicians of her time - she sang in English, wanted to perform rock music, wore short shorts, dyed her hair White color, and the backup dancers were not girls, but guys. For her eccentricity, she was nicknamed the Uzbek Madonna and accused of promoting homosexuality.

Life in America

On the wave of emigration after the collapse of the USSR, Nargiz and her family moved to the USA, to New York. Like many, it was difficult for her to live in a foreign land, but the woman did not despair and got a job at a video rental store. Then she was invited to sing in a restaurant. Such work was considered prestigious and allowed her to apply her Creative skills. There she met some Russian stars show business during their tour of America - Nikolai Baskov, Lev Leshchenko, Vladimir Vinokur.

During her work, Nargiz Zakirova tried to assemble a group, but it did not work, since the candidates were either lazy or not talented enough and could not work with her. As a result, Nargiz decided to work solo. The result of her work was “The Golden Cage” (2001) - an album in ethnic style, which sold in large quantities in the United States and was loved by Americans.

Nargiz not only sang, but also starred in a short film directed by Japanese directors, in which she played the role of a witch.

In 2011, the singer's second album, Alone, was released.


Sometimes the singer thought about returning to Russia. But she was afraid that connections and huge material investments would be required. Therefore, she applied to the American X-Factor and passed all stages of the qualifying round. But the organizers, who promised to call back, did not keep their word. In parallel with American project she applied to participate in the Russian music project, where the jury sits with their backs to the participants, which allows them to evaluate their vocal abilities. Among those who had the chance to get on the stage of “Voices-2” was Nargiz Zakirova - blind auditions began for her too... She performs the hit Still loving you groups Scorpions. Nargiz Zakirova, whose voice captivated everyone in the hall from the first seconds, performs this song no worse than world stars. All members of the jury turn to her, among them the artist chooses Leonid Agutin and reaches the final with her coach. Later, in an interview, she admitted that her youth passed to the music of her mentor, and the choice, if everyone turned to her, was obvious.

It is worth noting that Nargiz was allowed to participate in the first season of “The Voice,” but she had to refuse the competition because her father was seriously ill with lung cancer and died in 2013. In addition, Hurricane Sandy in 2012 left Nargiz and her family homeless, and the club where she worked was completely demolished. Therefore, I had to postpone participation in the Russian project for a year.

Life after “The Voice”

After the finale of “The Voice,” Nargiz went on a mega tour that lasted 9 months. In 2014, she began collaborating with Maxim Fadeev. Back in 2005, the singer wanted to contact him, but her attempts were unsuccessful. Today in Nargiz’s repertoire there are several songs written by Maxim Fadeev: “I don’t believe you”, “You are my tenderness”, “I am not your war” and “Together”. The producer and singer performed the last composition together.

In 2014, St. Petersburg hosted international competition“White Nights”, in which Nargiz Zakirova won. In November of the same year, television viewers could see her in the 14th season of “Battle of Psychics,” where she came as a test subject. There she met and became friends with the psychic Tatyana Larina.

In 2015, the singer became the host of music showMain stage" Released in 2016 studio album"Heart murmur."

What else has Nargiz Zakirova achieved? Albums, army of fans and many creative success waiting for her ahead.

Personal life

Nargiz Zakirova, whose biography is interesting to her fans, was married three times. The first marriage was concluded at the age of 18 with Ruslan Sharipov, a member of the group “Bayt”. The couple had a daughter, Sabina. But after her husband’s infidelities, the couple decided to divorce.

At the time of moving to the USA, the artist remarried. Nargiz Zakirova’s second husband is Ernur Kanaibekov. The couple had a son, Auel. In 1997, a man dies in a car accident - Nargiz Zakirova, the children are left alone. Of course, this event could not help but affect the woman, and soon after the tragedy she began to feel depressed. Nargiz is seriously thinking about returning to Russia and building a career there, but changes his mind and remains in the USA. At this time, she meets Philip Balzano and joins her destiny with him. The third husband of Nargiz Zakirova is also a musician and talented singer. Therefore, spouses often perform together at various events. His parents are originally from Sicily but moved to the United States when Philip was 9. Today the couple has a daughter, Leila.

In the summer of 2016, Nargiz filed for divorce, and the couple eventually divorced after 20 years of marriage. There were several reasons: Phil’s jealous attitude towards his wife’s success, and demands to pay his debts, and conflicts with his stepson, which continued since the boy was four, and uncontrollable anger, because of which the man left his job. The children sided with their mother, which they didn’t like now ex-spouse, and he began to threaten them. The conflict between Balzano and Auel reached its climax when the police intervened in the matter, arrested the stepfather and forbade him to approach young man. Not only lawyer Nargiz, but also lawyers from Maxim Fadeev’s production center took part in the divorce procedure. After the divorce, the daughter stayed with her father.


Nargiz's eldest daughter, Sabina, is studying philosophy and Buddhism. The girl is categorically against alcohol, smoking and drugs. Her circle of friends are artists, actors, singers. She has her own non-professional group with which she goes to festivals. She is now married and the couple has a son, Noah.

The singer's son, Auel, draws well, is interested in politics, loves serious books and performs on stage. His favorite genre is stand-up, and he wants to develop in this direction.

The youngest daughter, Leila, sings well, can dance and play musical instruments - flute, drums and trumpet. Since the age of 7, he has been interested in studying meteorology. Currently she is engaged in a yacht club and knows how to sail a sailboat. After Hurricane Sandy, she and her father went to clear debris and help those in need with food and warm clothing.


Those who saw Nargiz for the first time are amazed by her appearance - a shaven-headed woman with big amount tattoos evoke associations with informals. But Nargiz Zakirova (blind auditions became a platform for revelation for the project participant) admitted that she does not belong to the informals, and tattoos are just a whim. Each of them symbolizes important point in the life of a singer. So, for example, after the end of the show “The Voice,” she tattooed its name on her hand in Gothic font. The first tattoo - omkar - a sign of goodness and peace, which singer Nargiz Zakirova got in 1996. All other tattoos on the star’s body have a deep, mystical meaning. At one time she worked as an artist in a tattoo parlor, so her passion for such designs can easily be explained.

Nargiz has always been distinguished by her love for everything new and unusual. Even before moving to the USA, she practiced breakdancing, taught it, and organized a city festival dedicated to this dance in Tashkent. She was the presenter there, but performed outside the competition.

The singer loves to travel, and as a souvenir from her travels she brings soap and stores it in a special box.

Another passion of the artist is astrology, occultism, spiritualism and other supernatural things. Why does Nargiz Zakirova love them so much? Her biography is full of moments when inexplicable things happened to her. One of these was a random advertisement for “The Voice” on television, after which her heart told her to take part in the project. And she was right.

Nargiz Zakirova is an unusually charismatic and talented singer from Uzbekistan. The woman gained popularity and recognition from numerous fans at the famous vocal competition “The Voice”.

Nargiz's husband - Philip Balzano

The famous singer was married 3 times. From each spouse Nargiz gave birth to a child. The longest relationships were with my second and third husband.

History of relations with Philip

Friends introduced the woman to her third husband, Italian musician Philip Balzano. Besides the fact that they had a lot in common, they both immigrated to the United States (Zakirova from Russia, Balzano from Sicily).

The woman said that Philip was not only her friend and support, but also a musical mentor. The couple lived happily married, but in the summer of 2016 it became known that the couple decided to divorce after 20 years. Nargiz has repeatedly reported in an interview that her husband extorts money from her and treats her son from her second marriage poorly, so the divorce went through the courts. It was not possible to resolve the conflict peacefully.

Zakirova's ex-husbands

At the time when Zakirova first got married, she was only 18 years old. The girl’s chosen one was Ruslan Sharipov, who played in an Uzbek group at that time. From him the singer gave birth to a daughter. The couple separated because of Ruslan's betrayal, but Nargiz remembers this man with warmth.

Having emigrated to America, Zakirova married a second time to Yernur Kanaybekov.

Photos of Nargiz Zakirova's children

Zakirova’s children are two daughters Sabina (27 years old) and Leila (16 years old), as well as a son Auel (21 years old). The father of the eldest daughter is Sharipov, the son is Kanaybekov, and the youngest Leila is Balzano. After Nargiz and Philip’s divorce, her daughter remained to live with her father in the United States, as she was worried about his mental state. Leila dances well and plays various musical instruments. Now she works at a yacht club.

The singer’s son is a rather serious person. He loves books, is interested in politics, and draws well. He did not find his mother with his third husband common language, and during the divorce it came to assault.

The eldest daughter recently gave her grandmother a grandson, who was named Noah.

The girl does not show the child’s face, but regularly adds a photo of Noah on her page.

Photo: Instagram @sabinatash_nzofficial

Sabina – creative person, her favorite activities are studying Buddhism and philosophy. She actively opposes drugs and other bad habits.

What Nargiz looked like in her youth

Nargiz's appearance has always caused a lot of comments. Often the singer is mistaken for an informal person because of her large quantity tattoos and shaved head. Zakirova herself said that her appearance is just a whim, not a way of life.

In her youth, she looked completely different: long hair, neat makeup and a moderate style of clothing. Then the singer became interested in rock and roll and decided to completely change her image.

Nargiz in the film “The Bride from Vuadil” and at a concert with the song “Remember Me”

Nargiz's performance at " Blue Light"1986 with the song "White Birds"

Photo from home archive

Photo from home archive

Nargiz is the owner of a powerful voice and bright appearance. During her life she went through many obstacles and endured many hardships. Now she is actively working and enjoying communication with her children and grandson. The singer does not think about marriage.