We are learning general dances for the anniversary. Dance games for children's camp, playground, entertainment for children

Entertainment program children's day birth, which is planned to be held at home, parents first of all think about two questions: “What competitions will be appropriate?” and “Which of them can become the highlight of the gala event?” We can safely assure you that dance and music games will be an excellent option. Concerns regarding the cramped space are somewhat exaggerated. If the total area of ​​your apartment exceeds 30 square meters

- organizing and holding lively dance and other competitions at home for your birthday will not cause you any difficulties.

Birthday dance competitions"Lambada with tray": Prepare chairs and trays for the competition. Divide the children into pairs. The participating guys sit on chairs, and you place a tray between them, which they must press with their stomachs. You cannot support it with your hands; touching each other is also prohibited. Once you launch musical composition

"Lambada", the contestants must begin their dance, rhythmically, swaying their hips to the beat of the music. If during these movements the tray falls to the floor, the couple is eliminated from the competition. The winners are the participants who completed the task."Dance with a mop":

“Take on…”: you can divide the children into two teams, or you can simply invite the children to participate all together. Turn on the music, the children dance. From time to time, the dances must be interrupted by the leader’s command: “Take hold of ....”

"Participants in the competition must have time to grab onto what was offered to them: green, lilac, black, paper, a chair, their own nose, someone else’s hand, the presenter’s knee, and the like. Players who do not manage to grab the specified items and objects in time are eliminated from the game.": Dance Sport

Divide the children into several teams, preferably three or four. Give each team a task: to come up with and perform a dance to certain music. Fifteen minutes are allotted for preparation. After this time, each team shows its number, and you determine the winners.

"Robot Dance": Tell the children that they are now about to be transported to the disco of the future. In the future, as we know, there live a wide variety of robots who love to dance. In order not to differ from the general population, children need to learn to dance just like them. Turn on the techno music and the dancing begins! The hero of the occasion must determine the winner."Reliefs of Music":

for ten to twenty minutes you turn on any music, during which time children can perform a wide variety of physically active actions: jumping, running, squatting, dancing, push-ups, spinning, and the like. When you turn off the music, the participants in the game must immediately lie down on the floor. The child who does this last is out of the game. The game continues until there is only one winner left. “Dancing in a circle”: children stand in a circle at a distance of one meter from each other. You choose a driver whose task is to convey the rhythm and character sounding music

. All other children must repeat his movements. As soon as the music changes, the next player standing to the left behind the driver takes the initiative into his own hands. The competition continues until all participants in the game take on the role of a dance master.“Eh, apple, where are you going?”: Invite the boys to perform the sailor dance "Apple". Performance will be assessed

Musical birthday competitions

"Musical Hat": Children stand in a circle, and a hat is placed on one of the participants in the game. You turn on the music, while it is playing, the child in the hat takes it off his head and passes it to the neighbor on the right. The task of each player is to prevent the hat from remaining on him when the music stops. A participant who makes such a mistake is eliminated from the game. This continues until there is only one winner left. Instead of a hat, you can use any other item of clothing in this competition.

“Choral singing”: participants need to choose a well-known funny song to perform and sing it together in chorus. At your command: “Quiet,” the children fall silent, but continue to sing to themselves. Then, on the command “Loud,” the guys begin to sing again, but out loud. The highlight of the game: usually during “silent” singing the guys change the rhythm and after the command to sing out loud they do it out of order. It turns out very funny.

“You can’t erase words from a song”: Divide the children into two teams. The task of the first group of participants is to perform a short excerpt from any popular song. The task of the second group: taking one word from this passage, remember the musical composition in which this word is mentioned, and perform an excerpt from it. A team that fails to complete its task during the competition is considered a loser. The second one is awarded the title of winner.

“Small choir”: the participants of the game sit on chairs. At this time, you draw some funny and amusing faces on their bare knees; the knees themselves must be decorated with scarves, bows, panama hats, and the like. Put long multi-colored striped knitted socks on children's shins; their feet should remain bare. Pull the sheet in front of the children so that only the legs are visible to the audience. At your command: “A small choir has come to us, a small choir has come to us from behind the forest, from behind the mountains,” the children begin to sing funny songs and ditties, dancing to the beat of their singing.

“Sound engineer”: prepare the props in advance: jars of dry cereals and pasta, plastic bags, baking sheet, saucepans with lids, wooden and metal spoons, boots, whistle and the like. Any items that can be used to produce voice acting will be suitable. In addition, you will need any audio tale. Divide the children into teams, first the first takes part in the competition, then the second. The essence of the game: you turn on a fairy tale, which, for example, begins with the words: “Once upon a frosty winter night we walked through the forest" and press pause. At this time, the competitors must, using their special devices, reproduce the crunch of the snow under their feet. When they do this, you must press the play button, the fairy tale continues. So each team should be able to show their imagination, ingenuity and not to get confused during the competition, the group of children who produced the most interesting and high-quality voice-over of the audio tale wins the game.

“A song about...”: think up in advance and write down on small pieces of paper the names of any objects, plants, animals, etc. Divide the children into two teams. One participant from each group is called up for the competition. They pull pieces of paper from your hands, read the word written on them, and sing a song in which it is mentioned at least once. The winner is the team that, based on the results of the competition, has the most large quantity guys who managed to cope with this task.

"Music records": Divide the children into teams. Give the first name "Maxi", the second - "Mini". The task of the first team: to remember and perform as many songs as possible about everything great, large, numerous, wide, tall, and the like. Task two: come up with and perform songs about everything that is small, low, few, insignificant, and so on. For the convenience and speed of the competition, you can think in advance and write a list of topics for performing songs. The winner is the team that managed to sing more songs compared to the opposing team.

"Guess the melody": Prepare a chair or table, sweets and music without words (melodies) for the competition. Place candy on a chair, divide the children into teams, each of which will have one pair of players participating at a time. The guys stand on both sides of the chair, you turn on the melody. As soon as one of the competitors remembers the name of the song, he must grab the candy and give the answer. If it turns out to be correct, the player gets the candy; if not, he puts it in its place. The winning team is a group of children who, at the end of the competition, have greatest number


Other home birthday contests This competition is very difficult, so it is better to invite only boys to participate in it.

Prepare five or six sheets of newspaper in advance. Invite the children to stand in a row and give each one a sheet of newspaper. The contestants' task is to tear the newspaper using only one palm, the second one should be pressed tightly to the body. The winner is the participant who managed not only to tear the newspaper in the least amount of time, but also into the largest number of pieces.

"Balloon Blowers": Prepare nine balloons and nine strings for them in advance. Give three participants props and give them a task: in a certain amount of time, for example, in one minute, you need to be able to inflate all the balloons and tie them with strings. The winner is the child who completes this task faster than others."Pass the parcel":

Prepare a box in advance, pour candy into it and put a few small soft toys in it. Wrap the box in many layers of paper. Sit the children in a circle and tell them that the postman just delivered a package to your address, but did not say who it was intended for. Invite the children to learn about this very in an interesting way- the parcel must be passed from hand to hand, tearing off one small piece from its packaging. The child who tears off the last piece can take the parcel for himself.

“Put on a nose”: children together draw on a piece of paper a funny face of a little man who has no nose. At this time you are making it from plasticine. When children have finished drawing, attach the sheet to the wall or door using push pins

or tape. You blindfold each participant one by one, give them a plasticine nose and ask them to come up to the drawing and try to stick a nose on the drawn man. Children who not only managed to attach a nose to the drawing, but also did it correctly (in the right place) receive prizes. Prepare one, preferably a very small coin in advance. Invite the children to sit in a circle. The essence of the game: one participant puts a coin on the index finger of his right hand and passes it to the player sitting next to him in his right hand. The receiver must cover the coin with his index finger, then both players turn it over and the passer can remove his finger. Children who drop a coin are out of the game. The winner is the last, most dexterous player, who is awarded a prize for his efforts.


Dance games for children's camp, playground, entertainment for children


This is a “repetition game” (or “mirror dance”). Participants sit on chairs arranged in a semicircle. The presenter sits in the center of the hall and shows different movements for all parts of the body, giving instructions:
- “look around” (exercise for the head);
- “we are surprised” (shoulder exercise);
- “catching a mosquito” (cotton under the knee);
- “we trample the earth” (floods), etc.
The game is usually carried out at the beginning of the lesson and is part of rhythmic gymnastics in dance and game training. Since it is sometimes difficult for some participants to immediately get involved in the dance process, you can start moving in a sitting position.
Goal: warm up the body, awaken emotions; relieve tension in the group and get them ready to work.
Music: any rhythmic, medium tempo. Location of participants on the site: diagram 1


The leader gives the commands:
- form a column, line, diagonal;
- make a circle (dense, wide), two circles, three circles;
- make two circles - a circle in a circle;
- stand in pairs, threes, etc.
Thus, the group “transforms”, taking on different figures and positions. At the same time, you can complicate the task and change lines by marching, skipping, jumping, cat-stepping, and other dance movements. Or execute commands within a set period of time (for example, counting to five; counting to ten).
Goal: to encourage participants to interact and understand each other, to develop a sense of orientation in space.
Music: Rhythm is used as the game's musical accompaniment.
Location of participants on the site: diagrams 29, 3, 30. 42.13.
Game 3. “CHAIN”
Participants stand in a column and move like a snake. Their hands are in constant grip, which, at the command of the leader, takes different shapes: hands on shoulders, on belt, crosswise; by the hands, under the arms, etc.
At the same time, the presenter changes the proposed circumstances. “we move along a narrow path on our tiptoes”, “we walk through a swamp - we step carefully”, “we step over puddles”, etc.
Goal: to explore the possibility of making contact and interacting in a group.
Music: any rhythmic (you can use “disco”), moderate-medium tempo.


Participants are located throughout the hall in a chaotic order and perform dance walking on the spot. At the leader’s signal (clap or whistle), they stop and freeze:
1st option - in different poses, representing a sculpture
2nd option ~ with a smile on your face.
The presenter makes a comment; after the second signal, everyone continues to move (repeated 5-8 times).
The game can be played as a “sculpture competition” and a “smile competition”.
Target; remove internal pressure, help self-awareness and self-understanding, as well as the release of feelings.
Music: cheerful, incendiary (different styles are possible, with a pronounced rhythm), fast tempo.


Participants dance around the site chaotically, greeting all passing group members with a nod of their heads. The music stops - everyone must find a partner and shake hands (repeated 5-7 times).
Goal: to explore mutual acceptance of each other and making contact; develop a feeling fast response. Music: any rhythmic. the pace is average. Location of participants on the site: diagrams 8, 1 3.
Couples improvise while in different grips:
- holding with your right hands;
- holding hands;
- placing your hands on each other’s shoulders (at the waist);
- holding each other with both hands - facing each other (each other's back
to friend).
When changing the clutch there is a pause and the music changes. The game can be played as a competition.
Goal: stimulate communication in pairs, develop the ability of mutual understanding, develop a dance-expressive repertoire.
Music: different styles and genres with alternating fast and slow tempos (for example, national folk melodies).
Location of participants on the site: diagram 13.

Game 7. “WINGS”

At the first stage, participants “mirror” the leader, who imitates movements with wings (two, one, with a turn, etc.).
At the second stage, the participants are divided into two “flocks”, which take turns improvising on the site, interacting with each other. While some are dancing, others are watching, and vice versa.
The game is usually played after active training.
Goal: reduce emotional arousal, restore breathing, help orientation in space and the establishment of interpersonal relationships.
Music: calm, slow (for example, instrumental compositions by V. Zinchuk or jazz compositions).
Location of participants on the site: diagrams 8. 27, 28.

Game 8. “SWAN LAKE”

Participants are located throughout the site, taking a static position (standing with their “wings” folded, or squatting).
The presenter (playing the role of a fairy or wizard) takes turns touching the participants with a magic wand, each of whom performs a solo swan dance. When you touch it again with the magic wand, the “swan” freezes again.
The presenter gives a comment, stimulating the manifestation of individuality. h
Goal: to realize your dance characteristics and the possibility of self-expression; develop the ability to improvise.
Music: waltz (for example, the waltzes of I. Strauss), medium or moderately fast tempo.
Props: “magic wand”.
Location of participants on the site: diagram 16,17.

Game 9. “FUN HIKE”

Participants line up in a column and move in a snake pattern. The one standing at the head of the column (detachment commander) shows some kind of movement, the rest repeat it.
Then the “detachment commander” goes to the end of the column and the next participant takes his place. And the game continues until everyone is at the head of the column. Each participant should try not to repeat movements and come up with their own version. If difficulties arise, the facilitator comes to the rescue.
Goal: to provide an opportunity to experiment with movement to understand your dance-expressive stereotype and also to feel yourself in the role of a leader and a follower.
Music: any dance music (for example, disco, pop, Latin), fast tempo.
Location of participants on the site: diagram 7.

Game 10. “DREAM”

Participants sit on chairs in a comfortable position or lie on the floor on rugs and close their eyes.
7th option: the presenter gives the theme of the dream (for example, “spring”, “autumn”, “hiking”, “space”, “sea”, “cloud”, etc.) v participants surrender to their fantasies to the music.
2nd option: the presenter speaks the previously prepared text against the background of music (see Appendix No. 2).
In the second stage, everyone shares their dreams.
The game is usually played at the end of the lesson.
Goal: to work through internal sensations, stabilize emotional condition, achieve inner balance.
Music: slow, calm, unobtrusive (for example, meditative music with sounds of nature: the sound of the sea, birdsong, etc.)
Location of participants on the site: diagrams 5, 8.


Participants stand or sit in a semicircle. The presenter gives the task: “the right hand is dancing,” “the left leg is dancing,” “the head is dancing,” “the shoulders are dancing,” etc. - the participants improvise. At the command “everyone dance” - all parts of the body are included in the work (repeated 3-4 times). The presenter can combine explanation with demonstration.
The game is usually carried out at the beginning of the lesson and can be part of rhythmic gymnastics in dance and game training.
Goal: warm up the body, awaken emotions; remove muscle tension, create the mood for work.
Music: any rhythmic, medium tempo. Location of participants on the site: diagram I.
Game 12. “Round Dance-GET TO KNOW”
Participants form a circle and... holding hands, move slowly clockwise. The leader, with a scarf in his hand, walks in the opposite direction inside the circle, stopping opposite any of the participants (at this moment the circle also stops moving). makes a deep Russian bow and hands over the handkerchief. After returning the bow, she changes places with him. The game can continue until everyone has played the role of leader.
Goal: to develop group feelings of cohesion, belonging, belonging; encourage one to enter into interpersonal relationships.
Music: Russian melodies with instrumental arrangements (for example, round dances of the Beryozka ensemble), slow tempo.
Props: handkerchief.
Location of participants on the site: diagram 39.

Game 13. “CURTS”

The game recreates the atmosphere of the ball.
1st option,
The participants move at a slow, sedate pace around the site in a chaotic manner, while greeting with a nod of the head everyone walking towards them. A musical pause is a signal that you need to curtsey (repeated 5-7 times).
2nd option,
The group lines up. The king (queen, this role can be played by the leader) passes the participants. each of whom, as a sign of greeting, alternately freezes in a curtsy, and stands at the end of the row. The game is repeated until everyone has played the role of king.
Goal: to help orientation in space, to give the opportunity to experiment with movement, to realize one’s peculiarity of self-expression, to develop the ability to improvise.
Music: minuet, waltz or other, moderate tempo.
Location of participants on the site: diagrams 8, 41.


Everyone stands in a circle. The presenter invites any of the participants and dances with him in pairs, showing movements that are “mirrored” by the partner. At the “musical break” signal, the couple separates and invites new participants. Now there are two couples on the platform, and so on until everyone is involved in the dance process. At the same time, each invitee “mirrors” the movements of the one who invited him.
Goal: to explore mutual acceptance of each other and enter into contact, to provide an opportunity to experiment with movement, to feel like a leader and a follower.
Music: different styles and genres (for example: Charleston, rock and roll or folk tunes), the tempo is fast.
Location of participants on the site: diagrams 4.12,13.

Game 15. “It’s all in the hat”

Participants break into pairs and improvise. The presenter in a hat walks around the hall, stops near any pair, puts a hat on the head of one of the participants and changes places with him. The game is repeated until everyone has worn the hat.
Goal: stimulate communication in pairs, develop the ability of mutual understanding and interpersonal contact, expand the dance-expressive repertoire.
Music: different styles and genres (for example, twist), moderate tempo.
Props: hat.
Location of participants on the site: diagram 14.


Everyone stands in a circle and moves to the rhythm of the music. The leader with a guitar in his hands goes to the center of the circle and performs a solo, expressing his feelings in the dance, then passes the guitar to any participant. Next, each participant does the same, and he can, if he wishes, interact with anyone from the group. Each solo dance is rewarded with applause at the end.
Goal: stimulate creative self-expression, release of feelings, develop the ability to improvise, increase self-esteem.
Music: disco, pop. rock and others (for example, compositions “Boni-M”), the tempo is fast.
Props: You can use a badminton racket as a guitar.
Location of participants on the site: diagram 3. 2.

Game 17. “DANCE RING”

Participants are divided into two groups, each of which takes turns moving in its own style, while improvising and interacting with each other. While one group is dancing, the other is watching, and vice versa (repeated 3-4 times). Then the groups try their hand at the opposite style (switching styles), and the game is repeated.
Goal: to develop group support and interaction, to expand the dance-expressive repertoire.
Music: any combination of contrasting styles: rock and roll and rap, classical and folk, jazz and techno.
Location of participants on the site: diagram 22.

Game 18. “SAILORS”

The game is based on the basic movements of the “Apple” dance. Everyone is lined up in two lines.
1st stage. The leader gives a command and shows what needs to be done, the participants repeat:
- “marching” (march in place with a high hip lift);
- “looking into the distance” (tilts to the sides, hands depict binoculars):
- “pull the rope” (on “one, two” - lunge on the right leg to the side, hands pretend to grab the rope, on “three, four” - transfer the weight of the body to the left leg and pull the rope towards you):
- “climbing up the mast” (jumping in place, hands imitating climbing a rope ladder):
- “at attention!” (lifting on half fingers: up and down (exercise “releve” according to the VI position), right hand to the temple), etc.
2nd stage. The leader randomly gives commands, the participants carry out them independently.
The game is usually carried out at the beginning of the lesson and can be part of rhythmic gymnastics in dance and game training.

Music: “Apple” dance, moderate-fast tempo. Location of participants on the site: diagram 21.

Game 19. “WALK”

The presenter offers to take a “walk”, improvising with some object. Shows the trajectory of movement (for example, make a circle around the site or reach a chair standing in the distance, go around it and come back). The presenter asks you to use your imagination and try to make each subsequent “walk” different from the previous ones. The game takes place in the form of a relay race: everyone lines up in a column one at a time, the relay baton is the object with which the participants work.
Goal: to realize your dance characteristics and the possibility of self-expression, to develop an expressive repertoire.
Music: different styles and genres (for example, instrumental rhythmic music, pop waltz).
Props: umbrella, flower, newspaper, fan, handbag, hat.
Location of participants on the site: diagrams 36,35.

Game 20. “CALM STORM”

The presenter asks the participants to use their imagination and says that their group is a single whole - the sea, and each of them is a wave.
1st option. Everyone stands in a circle and joins hands. At the command “calm”, all participants sway slowly and calmly, depicting barely noticeable waves with their hands. At the “storm” command, the amplitude of arm movement increases, and the participants sway more dynamically. “Weather change” occurs 5-7 times.
2nd option. The game is played according to the same rules, but the participants line up in two or three lines.
Goal: develop mutual understanding and interaction in the group, analyze relationships.
Music: instrumental with sounds of the sea, wind, etc.; alternation of contrasting tempos and dynamic shades. Location of participants on the site: diagrams 3, 21.


Everyone stands in a circle and imitates swimming styles, squatting slightly: crawl, breaststroke, butterfly, backstroke. The change of style occurs at the command of the leader. At the “dive” signal, everyone moves chaotically, imitating scuba diving (arms are extended forward, palms are joined and move like a snake; legs perform a small mincing step). The game is repeated 2-3 times.
Goal: to help self-awareness and self-understanding, develop a sense of orientation in space.
Music: any rhythmic (you can have hits about the sea), moderate tempo.
Location of participants on the site: diagrams 3.8.


All participants move chaotically in space (without musical accompaniment). The presenter says: “The sea is agitated once. the sea is worried two, the sea is worried three - the figure of a jellyfish (mermaid, shark, dolphin) freeze.” Everyone freezes in different poses. Music is playing. A pre-selected Neptune approaches any participant and enters into a dance interaction with him, showing any movements that need to be “mirrored”. After the music stops, the participants change roles. The game continues with a new Neptune. Each time the presenter names a new figure. The game can be repeated until everyone has played the role of Neptune.
Goal: to stimulate activity and initiative in establishing relationships with another person, to promote mutual understanding.
Music: different directions and styles (for example, “jellyfish” - jazz, “mermaids” - oriental melodies, “sharks” - hard rock). The pace is different.
Location of participants on the site: diagram 18.

L. Razdrokina
Game 23. “GET TO KNOW”
Everyone forms two circles - outer and inner. Each circle moves in a dance-walk different directions. The music is interrupted - the movement stops, the partners standing opposite shake hands. Repeated 7-10 times.
Goal: to explore mutual acceptance of each other and getting into contact.
Music: any rhythmic, energetic (for example, polka or disco). The pace is moderately fast.
Location of participants on the site: diagrams 37,38.


Everyone stands in a circle.
1st stage. The presenter shows the basic movements of African dances, the participants try to repeat.
2nd stage. Everyone takes turns soloing in a circle with a spear or tambourine. The group continues to move in place. Each soloist receives applause as a gift.
Goal: stimulate creative self-expression, release of feelings, increase self-esteem, develop dance and expressive abilities.
Music: Afro-jazz. The pace is fast.
Location of participants on the site: diagrams 3.2.

Game 25. “SAILS”

This is a tension and relaxation exercise. The group is built in the shape of a wedge, depicting a sailing ship.
1st stage. At the leader’s command to “raise the sails,” everyone raises their arms to the sides, moving them slightly back, and freezes, standing on their half-toes.
2nd stage. At the command to “lower the sails,” they lower their arms, squatting down.
3rd stage. At the command “fair wind”, the group moves forward, maintaining the shape of the ship’s wedge.
4th stage. At the command “complete calm” everyone stops. Repeat 3-4 times.
Goal: restore breathing, reduce emotional arousal, help orientation in space and develop the ability to feel part of a single whole.
Music: calm, instrumental. The pace is slow.
Location of participants on the site: diagram 19.
Game 26. “HORSEMAN”
The group forms a circle with a chair (“horse”) in the center. Each participant takes turns improvising, sitting on a chair, pretending to be a rider (including various simple tricks in the range of movements: riding standing, reclining, on its side, with its back in the direction of movement, etc.).
The game continues until everyone is a rider.
Goal: to realize your expressive capabilities, stimulate creative self-expression, release of feelings, and provide the opportunity to experiment with movement.
Music: in the style of "country" or "Lezginka", the tempo is fast.
Props: chair.

Game 27. “EYES, SPONGS, CHEEKS” (or “facial gymnastics”)
Participants sit on chairs standing in a semicircle. Different parts of the face “dance” - at the command of the leader:
- “dancing eyes” - participants:

a) shoot with their eyes from left to right and vice versa;

b) wink alternately with the left and right eyes:

c) sometimes they close their eyes, sometimes they open them wide (“bulging”
ut") eyes:

- “sponges are dancing” - participants:

a) stretch out their lips like a tube, depicting a triple kiss, then break into a smile:

b) using the palms of their hands, send air kisses, now to the right, now to the left;

- “cheeks dancing” - participants:

a) inflate their cheeks with air, then slap their palms on them
mi, releasing air;

b) alternately inflate one or the other cheek, driving
spirit back and forth.

The presenter can combine explanation with demonstration. The game is usually played at the beginning of the lesson and can be part of rhythmic gymnastics in dance and game training.
Goal: remove facial muscle tension, awaken emotions, create the mood for work.
Music: any rhythmic (for example, “polka” or “disco”), medium tempo.
Location of participants on the site: diagram 1.

Game 28. “ICICLES”

This is a tension and relaxation exercise. The participants are located on the site in a chaotic order, depicting icicles. Starting position: stand at attention.
Stage 2: “Spring - the icicles are melting.” The presenter, playing the role of the sun, alternately gives a signal (with a look, gesture or touch) to any of the participants, who begins to slowly “melt”, lowering to a lying position. And so on until all the “icicles” melt.
Stage 2: “Winter - icicles freeze.” Participants at the same time stand up very slowly and take the starting position - standing at attention.

Goal: relieve tension, restore breathing, reduce emotional arousal.
Music: calm meditative, slow tempo. Location of participants on the site: diagram 15.


Everyone sits on chairs arranged in a semicircle. In a box (on a table, on a hanger), standing out of sight of the group (as if “behind the scenes”), there are various elements of costumes and props. Participants take turns choosing one of the proposed items and perform a solo number impromptu. The presenter makes a comment encouraging the expression of imagination. Each dancer is rewarded with applause from the group.
The presenter must think through possible options for musical accompaniment in advance and have different phonograms in stock.
Goal: stimulate creative self-expression, develop the ability to improvise, increase self-esteem.
Music: various styles and genres of different tempo and character (duration of each solo number is 40-50 seconds).
Props: cane, flower, hat, scarf, fan, boa. pipe, tambourine, newspaper, doll, umbrella, mirror, etc.


1st option: participants are chaotically located on the site and move slowly (“inhibited”), depicting a state of weightlessness. At the same time, in free improvisation they interact with each other.
2nd option: participants sit in a circle and pretend to play volleyball in zero gravity, sending impulses to each other with their gaze and slow gestures while “passing the ball.” The host becomes an equal participant in the game and by example encourages participants to use the full range of volleyball movements.
Goal: to help orientation in space, to explore the possibility of self-understanding and self-awareness in the proposed circumstances, to develop group understanding and interaction.
Music: calm, “cosmic” (for example, compositions by the group “Space”), slow tempo.
Location of participants on the site: diagrams 8.5.


Participants form a circle and move counterclockwise - “travel around the world.” At the same time, national melodies of different countries and continents replace one another. Participants should try to quickly adapt to new rhythm, interacting with each other, including using clutch movements (holding hands, under hands, hands on shoulders - when moving sideways; putting hands on the belt, on the shoulders of the person in front - when moving behind each other), but without disturbing this trajectory of movement in a circle. The presenter, being in a circle with everyone, can suggest the basic movements of national dances, as well as make comments during the game.
Goal: develop group interaction, update relationships, expand expressive repertoire.
Music: national melodies of different countries in modern processing (for example, “lambada”, “lezginka”, “sirtaki”, “letka-enka”, as well as oriental, African, Jewish and other melodies; in conclusion, “travel” - Russian round dance).
Location of participants on the site: diagram 6.

Game 32. “HAT RELAY”

Participants form wide circle and move to the rhythm of the music.
1st option: the presenter puts a hat on his head and does several dance moves, turning around its axis. Then he passes the hat to the participant standing next to him, who, in free improvisation, does the same and passes the baton to the next player. The relay continues in a circle until then. until the hat returns to the presenter.
2nd option: the leader crosses the circle in any direction (improvising at the same time) and puts a hat on the head of one of the participants, changing places with him. The one who takes the baton repeats the leader’s action, using his own vocabulary of dance movements, and the next participant joins the game. So. until every member of the group has worn the hat.
Goal: to develop the ability to improvise, explore mutual acceptance of each other, make contact, stimulate the development of interpersonal relationships in the group.
Music: any rhythmic, temperamental (for example, “Charleston”, “twist”, “disco”, etc.). The pace is moderately fast.
Location of participants on the site: diagrams 5.40.

Game 33. “COLD-HOT”

This is a tension and relaxation exercise. The participants are located on the site in a chaotic order. According to the leader's command:
- “cold” - all members of the group, pretending to tremble in their bodies, press tightly against each other, concentrating in one point of the hall:
- “it’s hot” - everyone moves chaotically around the site in free improvisation, “sick from the heat.”
The presenter makes a comment, eloquently describing the state of the weather. The exercise is repeated 5-6 times.
Goal: remove internal pressure, help orientation in space, develop mutual understanding and interaction in the group, update relationships.
Music: contrasting - alternating styles of different rhythm and tempo (for example, rock and roll and jazz): it is possible to use hits on the theme of winter and summer.
Location of participants on the site: diagrams 20.8.

Game 34. “CROSSING”

Participants are located on one side of the site. Task: cross to the other side one person at a time.
Each participant must try to come up with their own way of moving, using their own dance-expressive repertoire (including various dance steps, jumps, hops, turns, simple tricks, etc.).
After all members of the group are on the other side of the site, the exercise is repeated again to different music. In this case, you must not repeat the movements of the previous participants. In case of difficulty, the presenter can provide assistance to the players.
Goal: to realize your dancing capabilities, develop the ability to improvise, stimulate creative self-expression.
Music: different styles in rhythm and tempo (for example, “lady” and “waltz”, “rap” and “latin”, etc.).
Location of participants on the site: diagram 33.


(In this game, the “invisibility hat” works the other way around: the one who puts it on does not see anything around.)
Everyone stands in a circle. One of the participants goes to the center, puts on an “invisibility hat,” closes his eyes and improvises in space, guided by his inner feelings. The others are watching. During a musical pause, the soloist opens his eyes and passes the “hat of invisibility” to the person with whom he first meets his gaze, changing places with him. The next participant repeats everything from the beginning, moving authentically on the platform. The game can continue until everyone is in the circle.
Goal: to explore the possibility of orientation in space, to develop a dance-expressive repertoire, to stimulate creative self-expression.
Music: calm instrumental (for example, compositions of the orchestra of P. Mauriat). Tempo is slow or moderate.
Location of participants on the site: diagram 2.

Game 36. “CROSS-DANCE”

Participants are divided into two groups, which are located in a chaotic order on different sides sites.
At the first stage: one representative from the group goes to the middle and competes in the skill of improvisation: who will out-dance whom. At the leader’s signal, the soloists return to their group to applause, and the following participants take their place. The dance continues until then. until every member of the group takes part.
At the second stage: the music changes, the groups full staff They take turns improvising on the stage, while the participants interact with each other, trying to out-dance their opponents: group improvisations are repeated 3-4 times.
Goal: to provide an opportunity to experiment with movement, stimulate communication in pairs, develop group support, stimulate creative self-expression.
Music: different styles and genres (for example, “lady”, “la-tina”, “rock and roll”, “Lezginka”, “Cossack”, “break”, etc.). The pace is fast.
Location of participants on the site: diagrams 34.22.

Game 37. “ICE CAKE”

Participants form a circle or two circles (one inside the other), hold hands and raise them up or forward, representing a cake.
At the first stage, the “ice cream cake” melts: when the music starts, the participants relax and slowly languidly fall to the floor in supine position without breaking your hands.
At the second stage, the reverse process occurs - the “ice cream cake” is frozen: the participants rise up as slowly as in the previous stage, without breaking their hands. and take the starting position.
The game is repeated 3-4 times. It is usually carried out after active exercises.
Goal: remove internal pressure, reduce emotional arousal, restore breathing, develop mutual understanding and the ability to feel part of a single whole.
Music: calm meditative, slow tempo.
Location of participants on the site: diagrams 3.42.

Game 38. “VIDEO TAPE”

The group is a videotape that records the crowd of people in the square. The master is the control panel. On signal:
- “start” - participants move chaotically in space at an average pace;
- “fast forward” - the pace of movement is fast, while you need to try not to collide with each other and fill all the space, evenly distributed on the site;
- “stop” - everyone stops and freezes in place;
- “rewind” - the pace of movement is fast, but the movement occurs backwards (the leader must monitor each participant and control the situation, avoiding falls and collisions; this stage of the game should not be long).
The presenter gives different signals randomly several times.
The exercise can be complicated by giving the task to move in some dance step, according to the chosen musical accompaniment.
Goal: to help orientation in space, develop the ability of mutual understanding and interaction.
Music: as musical accompaniment, you can use a rhythm or a pre-prepared phonogram, consisting of musical passages of different tempo and duration (according to the stages of the game), recorded several times in different sequences.
Location of participants on the site: diagram 8.

Game 39. “AIR KISS”

The group forms a circle. One of the participants goes to the center and improvises to the music, then blows a kiss to any member of the group. The one to whom the kiss was addressed catches it. takes the place of the soloist in the center of the circle and continues improvising.
The game can continue until everyone has received at least one kiss.
Goal: to develop a dance-expressive repertoire, to explore mutual acceptance of each other.
Music: lyrical instrumental (for example, waltzes by I. Strauss or compositions by I. Krutoy). The pace is moderate.
Location of participants on the site: diagram 2.

Game 40. “Let's sunbathe”

Everyone lies down on the floor on mats and sunbathes in different positions. At the leader's command:
- “sunbathing on the stomach” - participants lie on their stomach: hands support their chin, head tilts left and right, legs alternately bend at the knees, reaching the buttocks with the heel:
- “sunbathing on your back” - participants turn over onto their backs: hands under their heads, one leg is pulled towards itself, bending at the knee, the foot of the other leg is placed on the knee of the first, beating the rhythm of the music;
- “sunbathing on your side” - participants turn over on their side: one hand supports their head, the other rests on the floor in front of their chest; the upper leg, like a pendulum, touches the toe to the floor, first in front, then behind, “jumping” over the other leg.
The exercise is repeated 4-5 times. The game can be part of rhythmic gymnastics in dance and game training.
Goal: warm up the body, awaken emotions, relieve tension in the group, create the mood for work.
Music: any rhythmic, medium tempo. Location of participants on the site: diagrams 3.8.


Everyone sits or stands in a semicircle. Participants take turns improvising on the site, holding a sign with the inscription “minute of glory” in their hands, trying to open up as much as possible. Each dance is performed to different music and upon completion is greeted with applause from the group. The presenter makes a comment, stimulating the participants to reveal their hidden capabilities.
Goal: develop the ability to improvise, explore your dance and expressive capabilities, stimulate creative self-expression, and increase self-esteem.
Music: selection of excerpts various styles and genres of different tempos.
Location of participants on the site: diagram 9.

Game 42. “PARTY”

Participants move chaotically around the site to the rhythm of the music, greeting passing members of the group with a nod of the head, a gesture, or a touch of the palms of their hands. At will, participants engage in dance interaction with each other in free improvisation. During the “party” there is a sharp change in musical accompaniment several times. Participants should try to adapt to the new rhythm and continue improvising. The presenter can be an outside observer or a full member of the “get-together”.
Goal: to develop a sense of orientation in space, to provide the opportunity to experiment with movement, to explore the possibility of making contact, to expand the dance-expressive repertoire.
Music: a selection of fragments of club or disco music different in style, rhythm, tempo.
Location of participants on the site: diagram 8.


Participants are divided into two groups, each of which represents its own “Model House”. Groups line up in a line: one opposite the other. “Model houses” take turns presenting their versions of the clothing collection (it doesn’t matter what the participants are wearing, the main thing is to present themselves expressively). The show continues until then. until each “model” participant walks down the catwalk. After each exit, both groups give applause to all participants in the fashion show.
The presenter gives a commentary on the progress of the game, complimenting all members creative process, celebrating the exclusivity and uniqueness of each “model” on the catwalk.
Goal: explore the possibility of self-expression, increase self-esteem, develop group support.
Music: instrumental rhythmic, medium tempo. Location of participants on the site: diagrams 31.32.

Game 44. “ARTISTS”

Game 45. "CAROUSEL"

The exercise is used to break the group into pairs. Participants are divided into two groups (boys and girls or heterogeneous in composition). Each group forms a circle - a “carousel”. In the center of each circle there is a hoop that everyone holds onto. right hand. When the music starts, the “carousels” begin to rotate clockwise, and at their junction the participants from different groups trying to touch each other with their left hands. During the musical break, those visitors to the attraction who are this moment touch each other, form a pair, leave the “carousel” and move to the side.
The game continues until all participants are divided into pairs.
The game can be complicated by asking participants to move in a certain step, for example: running with a leg sweep back, a triple move from the heel, a polka step, etc.
Purpose: to develop group feelings, to encourage interpersonal relationships, to explore mutual acceptance of each other.
Music: Russian folk melodies with instrumental arrangement, fast or moderately fast tempo.
Props: hoops - 2 pcs.
Location of participants on the site: diagrams 25.26.

Game 46. “CONTER”

The group forms a circle, everyone sits on the floor (tucking their knees or “Turkish style”). Two participants, each of whom has a red scarf in their hands, go to the center and, improvising in a duet dance, interacting at will, depicting the flame of a fire. At the signal of the presenter, “tongues of flame” (scarves) are transmitted next participants, and now they “maintain” the fire, trying to show imagination and make their “fire dance” different from the previous one.
The game continues until everyone is in the circle.
Goal: to stimulate communication in pairs, develop the ability to understand and make contact with a dance partner, and expand the dance-expressive repertoire.
Music: energetic, temperamental music of different styles and genres (for example, “Sabre Dance” by Khachaturian), fast or moderately fast tempo.
Props: light gauze scarves (or scarves) of red color - 2 pcs.
Location of participants on the site: diagram 11.

Game 47. “DISCO”

Participants are located chaotically on the site and move independently in free dance improvisation to the suggested temperamental music. At the moment the musical accompaniment changes to slow pace participants should try to quickly find a partner and continue dancing in pairs. Alternation of fast and slow dancing happens 5-6 times. At each stage, forming couples, it is necessary to find a new partner.
Goal: to explore the possibility of making contact, to stimulate activity and initiative in establishing relationships with another person, to develop a dance-expressive repertoire.
Music: disco, club, contrasting styles and tempos (for example, disco and blues or techno and trance).
Location of participants on the site: diagrams 8.13.


Everyone sits or stands in a semicircle. Each participant, in turn, in free improvisation, makes a solemn gait around the site, goes out to the middle of the hall and, to the applause of the group, “bows”, that is, makes several bows and curtsies. The presenter gives a commentary, stimulating the participants to reveal their hidden capabilities.
Goal: stimulate creative self-expression, release of feelings; increase self-esteem.
Music: fanfare or solemn, energetic march. Location of participants on the site: diagram 10.

Game 49. “WEEKER”

The group is divided in half and forms two ranks: one opposite the other. At the same time, the participants of each group interlace their hands crosswise (each extends his arms to the sides and takes hands with his neighbor through one).
When the music starts, the ranks move in a clutch towards each other. Having met, the participants standing opposite form pairs and freely improvise. At the moment of the musical pause, everyone must return to their seats and take their original position.
The game can be played as a competition - who can line up the fastest and interlace their hands.
Goal: develop group interaction, update relationships, explore the possibility of making contact, stimulate communication in pairs.
Music: Russian folk melodies with instrumental arrangement, medium or moderately fast tempo.
Location of participants on the site: diagrams 23,24.

Game 50. “CARNIVAL”

Stage 1 - “Choosing a costume.” The group forms a circle and moves in place to the rhythm of the music. In the center of the circle is a box with a large selection of carnival masks. One of the participants chooses a mask and improvises in it. performing a solo dance: then passes the baton to the next member of the group, changing places with him (without removing the mask, he stands in a common circle). New soloist does the same thing. And this continues until all participants are wearing masks.
Stage 2 - “Carnival in full swing.” Participants move in free dance improvisation throughout the entire area, interacting with each other at will.
The presenter makes a comment, encouraging the participants for their uniqueness and originality.
Goal: stimulate creative self-expression, release of feelings, explore the possibility of interaction in a group.
Music: energetic, temperamental in the Latin style (possibly a medley on the theme of Latin American rhythms), moderately fast tempo.
Props: box with carnival masks.
Location of participants on the site: diagrams 2.8.

Number of players: even
Additional: no

All players are divided into pairs. Couples should stand at a safe distance from each other. Before the game starts, the host announces a dance competition, but everyone will dance for a reason. It is necessary to conduct a rehearsal without music.

Dance of Meetings and Partings - dance game for adults

Number of players: any
Additional: no

During the next dynamic dance, which guests usually perform in a general circle, the presenter offers to choose a soloist and soloist. As soon as they find themselves in the center of everyone's attention, the presenter will explain that this couple will not dance in the center of the circle for long. As soon as the music stops (and it will definitely stop after 20-30 seconds, the DJ will take care of this), the partner, to the thunderous applause of the dancers, will warmly say goodbye to “his” lady and invite another soloist into the circle in his place.

The music will start playing again, and everyone will applaud the main couple in the updated lineup. But - again a pause, and this time the lady, to the applause of those gathered, warmly thanks “her” partner for the dance, and invites another soloist in her place.

Dance without music - dance game for adults

Number of players: any
Additional: no

Everyone stands in a circle, one person goes to the center. The players must come up with and create an atmosphere of dance for the player without music. For example – rain, fire or gust of wind. (The circle can clap, click, stomp, blow, hum, howl, spin, jump, etc. in a certain rhythm.)

The task of the one who remains in the circle is to feel and convey in the dance the state of space that is given to him.

Dance Situation - dance game for adults

Number of players: any
Additionally: cards with situations

The game leader prepares cards with situations that will need to be acted out in the dance. Players are divided into teams of two to five people and receive their card. After which the music is played and the teams are given time to prepare. The players’ task is to distribute roles, prepare and show a dance-situation in front of everyone, like a small scene.

Spectators watch who got what, and then try to guess and retell what exactly they think played out.

Dance Match - dance game for adults

Number of players: any
Additional: no

All players sit in a circle, one person goes to the center. He is given a card with a role. The player must tune into his image and dance it for a minute or a little longer. Then he “transfers” this role to another player: sitting next person comes out into the circle and with his dance “adjusts” to the first one. (If the first was water, then the second should feel it and also dance the water; if the first was some kind of animal, then the second should become an animal).

Musical falls - dance game (competition) for adults

Number of players: any
Additional: no

This is a variation of the game of musical chairs. Only here the players must sit on the floor after the music ends. When 2 players remain, they will need to be blindfolded. The winner will be the one who sits on the floor first.

Lavata - dance game for adults

Number of players: any

Additional: no

Host: Let's learn the words to our song

We dance together

Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta

Our joyful dance -

This is Lavata

Host: Are our hands good?

All: Good...

Host: What about your neighbor?

All: Better! (everyone joins hands and sings)

Musical chairs - game (competition) for adults

Number of players: any
Additionally: chairs, air balloons or hats

There must be one less chair than participants in the game.

Game option: they pass balls along to music, and there are one fewer of them than the participants. If the ball bursts, then the person leaves the game.

Instead of balls, players pass and put on hats. Moreover, you can take off a person’s hat yourself, and not wait for it to be handed over.

You can give a gift in the same way. It will be taken by the one from whom it remains after the end of the muses. excerpt.

Off the Turkish coast - a game (competition) for adults

Number of players: as many as you like

Optional: balls or scarves

Anyone who has vacationed in Turkish resorts is familiar with the concept of “Turkish night.” The tables are set with traditional dishes, national music is played, and locals perform. folklore groups... On this night, Turkish dances are performed without fail.

One participant from each crew is invited to a master class on Turkish dancing.

Turkish dances are not easy to perform, but very simple. Everyone stood in one line. Look at me and repeat after me.

The presenter or animator-dancer shows the dance movements. Participants repeat after him.

Dance combination:

“One” – step right foot to the right.

“Two – put your left foot next to your right foot.

“Three” – step with the right foot to the right.

Sirtaki in Russian - dance game for adults

Number of players: several men and women
Additional: no

The host asks the guests to line up in lines (one of men, the other of women) at opposite sides of the dance floor, facing each other. Each line must have at least ten people. If this entertainment interests everyone present, it will be even better. If there are slightly more women than men, or vice versa, it doesn’t matter.

To the music greek dance sirtaki, at the command of the leader, the male line takes three steps forward and bows, then takes three steps back. The line of women, in turn, takes three steps forward, then makes the same bow (or curtsy) and returns to its place three steps back.

It's no secret that in big and fun company Celebrating a birthday is always more interesting. The feast usually begins with congratulatory words addressed to the birthday boy, toasts, then everyone begins to eat, and after that the celebration turns into dancing. But, however, in the end, guests may get bored. To prevent this from happening, it is not at all necessary to invite a toastmaster to the celebration; you can do it on your own by preparing home competitions in advance. In our article we will look at what competitions for adults’ birthdays may be of interest to absolutely everyone.

Seated competitions

At the very beginning of the holiday, you can cheer up your invited friends and family by organizing small competitions without even leaving the table.

"Reading thoughts out loud"

This competition is probably familiar to many; it is often played at weddings and anniversaries. Its essence is as follows: the main hero of the occasion or his assistants from friends prepare in advance cuts from songs known to everyone; a headdress is also required. It's best if it's a wide hat. Then one of the guests walks along the others, putting a hat on his head, at this moment the music turns on. Thus, the hat “tells” others about the thoughts of the person sitting. A very funny competition.

"Guess the picture"

This competition is suitable at the very beginning of the celebration, when guests are still able to think logically. In preparation small painting, the plot of which is familiar to everyone (best of all, something from the classics). Next you should prepare a sheet bigger size, and cut a small circle in it. Anyone who wants to conduct this competition goes to the picture and moves the sheet along it, one by one revealing fragments of the picture. Whoever guessed the picture is well done!

Funny game

The essence of the game is quite simple - you need to use a funny syllable “ha” or “hee”. The guests’ task is to pronounce it with a very serious look, without laughing. Each subsequent player adds a new “ha” or “hi” to the previous chain. If someone starts laughing, the game is reset. It won't be easy to stop laughing.

Birthday contests: help to cheer up guests and create a festive mood

Dance competitions

Once the guests have had fun and eaten, they can dance.

Dance "train"

Prepare fun, upbeat music in advance. Guests stand in the “train”, and the host commands where in this chain people place their hands in front of the person standing - it can be shoulders, waist, hips, heels, anything. At the command of the leader, the hands move to a new place, and the guests continue to dance. Those who can dance in any position without detaching from their “car” will win.

"Dance with your body"

Very funny game, in which participants are divided into pairs. Each of them, at the command of the leader, dances with the part of the body that the leader names. For example, feet, hands, cheeks, backs of heads and others. The pair that practically doesn't get lost will win. You can complicate the competition by adding balls to it. Dancing with balls is much more difficult and funnier.

"Dance like me"

This competition will awaken dance talent even in those who had no idea about it. All guests stand in a circle, and the one chosen by the majority stands in the middle. He will be the main dancer. The task is as follows: to the music, all guests repeat the movements of the one in the circle. The music changes, the dance changes, then another is chosen as the main dancer. The main thing is to choose interesting musical accompaniments that are as different in sound as possible.

Birthday contests: there are sitting, dancing, creative

Creative competitions

From dancing we move on to creativity.

"The Jolly Tailor"

For this competition you need a thread. Guests are divided into two teams: men and women, each of which selects a captain. It will be he who will need to “stitch” everyone together. To do this, the female captain “sews” everyone together with thread, threading it through sleeves, hairpins and anything else the thread can get caught on. The male captain does the same among the men, “sewing” them according to the elements of clothing. Whichever team completes everything the fastest wins.


Many people have known this game since their youth, for adult company it has not lost its relevance. All guests give some personal item to the host, and he puts what was given into a container. It shouldn't show through. Next, one person is selected who will sit with his back to the presenter and, with his eyes closed, take out the “forfeits,” that is, someone’s thing. After this, he comes up with some task for the owner of the thing. Each task should be new; to make it more fun, it is better not to repeat them. Such a game can keep everyone present for a long time.


A very fun and creative game for adults. Two people are selected, one of whom thinks of a specific animal (it can be not only an animal, but any inanimate object). Then the second person comes out, stands in front of everyone and, without words, depicts the wish. The one who guesses becomes the next “crocodile” and shows a new scene.


The guests are sitting at the table. The presenter chooses a specific topic, for example, movie characters, cartoon characters or any other. Each of the guests comes up with a word and attaches a note to the forehead of the person sitting next to him so that he does not see what is written. Then, in a circle, the person sitting next to you, using questions to which the answers can only be “yes” and “no,” tries to guess what is written on his forehead.

Such competitions for adults' birthdays will help everyone big company get to know each other better and get to know each other faster. Finally, a few tips on preparing games:

  1. Try to involve as many people as possible, then the guests will not feel deprived of the birthday person’s attention;
  2. It is better to prepare details for competitions in advance;
  3. There should be enough space for competitions, especially moving ones;
  4. Think over the musical material;
  5. Stock up on small souvenirs for winners and losers.

It’s not so difficult to please your guests with interesting entertainment; the main thing is the birthday person’s desire to create a festive and friendly atmosphere. Your loved ones and friends will remember this birthday for a long time.

If there are a lot of dancers at your party, hold the next competition. Prepare recordings of music of various genres, such as lambada and hip-hop, in advance. Divide the participants into two teams. Let each team listen to their music, then explain the task: team members need to put original dance in five minutes to the music you heard. The team that got the lambada dances the tango, and those who got the hip-hop dance the waltz. The main condition: all team members must be involved in the dance. The winner is chosen by the audience.

Dance with numbers

All participants gather in the center to the music. At the moment when the music stops and the presenter calls the number, the participants should split into groups (for example, if the presenter calls the number “three,” then the participants should gather in groups of three), holding hands or hugging. Guests who are not included in any group are excluded from participation in the competition. Prizes are awarded to the last two or three participants who reach the end.


Who doesn’t know these famous couplets “Oh, apple, where are you going? You’ll get into my mouth, won’t you come back!”? Many people know the famous sailor dance “Apple”. Invite the stronger sex to perform this dance to the music. Their performance will be assessed by a special jury, represented exclusively by women. The participant who performs the dance more cheerfully and gracefully than others becomes the winner of this dance competition. As a prize, you can give the winner a red apple.

African dances

Let this competition become a small journey for you hot Africa. To hold it, you will have to work a little and create the right atmosphere: place a symbolic fire in the middle of the room, distribute beads to the participants. Then divide all participants into pairs. All other guests will become members of the jury, who will have to evaluate the dances of the participants. Put African folk music, to which your couples must perform impromptu African dances. The participants of the pair selected by the jury members become the winners of the competition.

French passions

Argentina is undoubtedly the birthplace of tango, but in France this dance was transformed, absorbing the spirit of French fiery love. For the French, not only the expression of the dance is important, but also the graceful performance. This competition will require several couples, but let the women choose their own partners. Then, to the music, the selected couples dance tango, and the audience (preferably a male audience) evaluates which of the women is more graceful in the dance. It is she who becomes the winner of the competition.

Bag with a surprise

To play, you will need a bag in which you need to put various funny things, for example, adult diapers, underwear, colored scarves, funny hats. All players go to the dance floor. When the music starts, everyone should dance and pass each other a bag with things. At the moment when the music stops, the person who has the bag must take one thing out of the bag without looking and put it on. Then the music starts again and the game continues. The game is on until all items are worn by the participants

Tango threesome

For the “Tango for Three” competition, the presenter invites 3-4 couples.
The presenter gives each pair one balloon.
So he will be the third.
The ball must be between the bodies of the dancing couple.
Touching the ball with your hands is prohibited.
The host of the program starts by playing slow music.
The participants are dancing.
The pair whose ball bursts or flies away leaves the game.
The presenter turns on more energetic music without warning.
Dancing couples must quickly adjust to the tempo of the music and continue dancing.

Waltz exactly

Dance in the newspaper is a fun, active game to the music. Participates in this game even number players, but not less than 4 people. The game develops dexterity and coordination of movements. Can be used during adult parties to liberate players. To play you need to take several large newspapers. Carefully cut a hole in each newspaper for two heads.
Players divide into pairs and carefully place newspapers on their heads.
Let's turn on the music. Couples begin to dance without touching each other.
The winner is the couple whose newspaper does not tear.