Young composer Igor surname as. Igor Krutoy has a special mother

In 1979, Igor Krutoy married for the first time. His wife Elena gave him a son, Nikolai. However, the marriage did not last long. Now, according to Krutoy, he does not communicate with ex-wife. “We don’t have a warm relationship, I won’t lie. But we have a common son and two granddaughters with whom she often communicates,” the composer said.


In 1995, Krutoy married for the second time. His wife Olga gave birth to his daughter Alexandra. The Cool couple is considered one of the most harmonious in the domestic show business. However, the composer does not hide the fact that not everything is always smooth in their relationship: "Every family has its own problems, there is no need to idealize. And we have problematic situations, but we've been together for over 20 years."

The composer admitted that his 82-year-old mother Svetlana Semyonovna is a reference point for him. " Imagine, at the age of 80 she learned how to use a computer, learned English language, is now reading novels on it. She decided to get a driver’s license, but I told her: calm down, half the city remains to be demolished..." - quotesCool "Interlocutor".

The popular composer does not hide the fact that he admires the love of life of his elderly mother:

“She has a thirst for life, for new knowledge, and this gives her the opportunity to look younger than her age. Although, when you ask her how she feels, she answers: according to her passport data.”

According to the composer, the most important thing for him in life is the future of his family. "I get so much joy from every child, every grandchild. And God smiled at me. I am one of my family who has reached a different material and social level. And my task is to make it easier for children. Not like me - I spent decades trying to get to Moscow, get a room in a communal apartment, registration, howl with joy that you have four walls... I hope that life will be easier for them. I do everything for this: so that they receive a good education and in everyday life so that there are no problems. And at the same time, taking care of them gives me great joy. And of course, it is important for me that my mother is alive. As long as our parents are alive, we are children. So that she can live as fully as possible. And she does just that and makes me happy. And so that my friends are alive and well,” concluded Krutoy.

Composer Igor Krutoy, one of the founders of the “New Wave” in Jurmala and music producer"Star Factory-4" reveals the secret of success: from accordion to people's artist.

Igor Krutoy was born on July 29, 1954. He spent his childhood in the Ukrainian town of Gayvoron, the regional center of the Kirovograd region.

Alina Kabaeva:
What did you dream about as a child?

Igor Krutoy:
I wanted to be a driver. When I was two years old, I was given some kind of accordion, but still, since childhood, I did not perceive music as a profession. Well, what kind of profession is this? My dad worked at a radio factory, he died very early - at 53 years old. Mom recently turned 75 years old; she worked as a laboratory assistant at the sanitary and epidemiological station, then worked at the same radio plant. He practically got married like me - early. He saw his mother at a dance, took her home once and proposed. He was decisive.

Igor had two favorite things in life: football and cars. All the walls in the room were covered with football players and newspaper clippings. His younger sister walked completely in his footsteps. To this day, he is the highest authority for her.

Alla Barata, sister:
We were very friendly since childhood. He is the most dear and beloved person to me. He is my girlfriend and my friend. He did a lot for me.

Alina Kabaeva:
Did your parents have anything to do with music?

Igor Krutoy:
My father played the accordion a little. He was the first to notice that, having heard a song on the radio, I could repeat it on the button accordion. Then he bought me my own button accordion. I was about 5-6 years old when I was already playing. I couldn't be seen from behind the button accordion. I was asked to accompany the school choir. When I was in 5th grade, we opened a dance floor. We formed an ensemble and I started playing the accordion.

Alina Kabaeva:
When did you first sit down at the piano?

Igor Krutoy:
After I started playing the accordion, at that time “Ionika-10” came to the House of Culture according to orders. This was the first electric instrument. I started playing this instrument, I wiped every key after every rehearsal. We already had a saxophone and trumpet in the ensemble. After 7th grade, my mother took me to the regional music school. They told my mom that I have absolute pitch, but I don’t know a damn thing, and if I learn to play the piano in a year, they’ll take me to the theoretical department. I coped with this task. I graduated from college with honors. Since the sixth grade I managed to play the button accordion, so I reported to family budget money.

Svetlana Semyonovna Krutaya, mother:
There was a moment when he wanted to quit music school, but I didn’t let him. He made money from this, but I never thought that this would become his profession.

After graduation music school Igor Krutoy entered the conducting and choral department of the Nikolaev Musical pedagogical institute. Along with his studies, he worked part-time in a restaurant with his friend Alexander Serov - Serov sang, Krutoy played.

Alina Kabaeva:
When did you move to work in Moscow, and how did the capital greet you?

Igor Krutoy:
The capital did not greet me very warmly; somehow I could not immediately find a job.

Alexander Serov:
It was quite difficult to get hooked on in such a huge city as Moscow even in the 80s.

Igor Krutoy:
By this time, the chief administrator of the theater called. Lenin Komsomol, they needed to put together a group to travel with Evgeniy Pavlovich Leonov. Thus, we moved to Moscow and rented an apartment at the River Station.

Alina Kabaeva:
How was it like working with Evgeny Pavlovich Leonov?

Igor Krutoy:
He took me so that he would have the opportunity to rest, he gave me the nickname Migulya and said: “Go, Migulya, play something, while I rest!” Then I brought Sasha Serov into this party. We, two young and unknown guys, wanted to make money, went with Palych and performed “Belorussky Station”. He said: “I starred in the film “Belorussky Station”, and now my young colleagues (it was Serov and I) will perform a song from this film.” Then we sang some of our own songs, so Leonov could relax.

In 1989 for outstanding services in the field musical art Igor Krutoy was awarded the Lenin Komsomol Prize. In many ways, this recognition was facilitated by Alexander Sery’s album “Madonna,” whose composer was Krutoy.

Igor Krutoy:
We owe each other equally. It was an unexpected success because I worked with different performers as a pianist and as an arranger. I tried myself as a composer, but it was terribly difficult, because only members of the Union of Composers could release records and be broadcast on TV. After “Madonna” Sasha broke out, all the women in the country were dying for him, they wrote such letters...

Alexander Serov:
This song was not for television or for radio, but it flashed and flashed and flashed that the people simply fell in love with it. Today there are a lot of representatives, when they are nowhere to be found, but they gather full houses.

Alina Kabaeva:
Which artists do you write songs for, and who else would you like to write for?

Igor Krutoy:
It’s a sin for me to complain, because I wrote for almost everyone best artists. And these songs became popular.

It’s difficult to even list all of Krutoy’s hits; some of them can be heard by those lucky ones who manage to get to the always sold-out and creative evenings Igor Krutoy. The composer has been holding these meetings since 1994 and brings together truly super-star performers.

Alina Kabaeva:
Who do you consult with when in doubt?

Igor Krutoy:
Having written every song, I doubt it until last minute I have a feeling that this is not it. But then, when the recording ends and the song comes out, I already understand that this is not so much a hit, but just a wonderful song. I have in Lately The songs became hits even without promotion.

Since 1989, Igor Krutoy has not only written songs, but also been involved in production activities. His company "ARS" has grown into one of the largest production organizations. It was thanks to Igor Krutoy that the famous “Song of the Year” found a rebirth.

Alina Kabaeva:
Are you more of a producer or a composer at the moment?

Igor Krutoy:
In 1991, the “Song of the Year” project was closed, but thanks to our persistence, the USSR State Television and Radio went to restore this project, then we started producing it, but this does not mean that I was alone, other talented guys worked with me, They worked there all the time, and I was just a highlighted face. I'm more of a composer.

Igor Krutoy:
I had a youth period - this is “Star Factory-4”. Thanks to the guys I took there, Domenik Joker and Timati, perhaps a direction appeared in the country - R"n"B. In terms of the number of hits and artists that turned out, this factory was luckier. She turned out good in human terms too. We're all still friends.

Domenic Joker:
Right away I treated Igor Yakovlevich as a Guru, then I began to take him very seriously as a musician.

Irina Dubtsova:
At the castings for “Star Factory,” Igor Krutoy sat among the jury members. Out of fear, I sang worse than I could, and I looked worse too, he looked at me very sternly. Then, when I was hired for the project, in some personal conversation he told me: “I didn’t want to take you right away, but then something changed in my head, and I decided: I have to take you.” Since then, this master has been my main mentor.

A serious and successful person, Igor Krutoy has an excellent sense of humor. At the festival " New wave“An unusual rap number performed by the duo Igor Krutoy and Raymond Pauls was born in Jurmala.

Igor Krutoy:
Traditionally, we go out with Raymond, say some words, discover Jurmala, but despite being 73 years old, he is a restless person. Domenic Joker wrote poetry for us, Timati gave us rapper clothes, and that’s how we went on stage.

Igor Krutoy organized music Festival"Children's New Wave".

Igor Krutoy:
Everything related to children is terribly pleasant and terribly touching. I think this will be a successful and long-lasting project. For the guys who performed in the first “children’s wave,” we somehow help them more, we film them in various television projects. There are more talented people on the “children's wave” than on the adult wave.

Igor Krutoy:
IN last years I couldn't find an artist to write for, I for a long time remained silent, and went to the popular instrumental music was for me a way out of this situation, because stars of Pugacheva’s size will not appear in the near future. Now I'm working on projects on the one hand and Lara Fabian on the other. She will sing my two new songs, for which she wrote poems. And the project, which is already at the finish line, is a joint project with Dmitry Hvorostovsky. This will be uncharacteristic music for me in the style of crossover, lounge. There will be a double album of 24 tracks in Italian, French, Russian.

Alina Kabaeva:
At what point in your life did you feel successful person?

Igor Krutoy:
I still don’t feel it until now. For some, success is the material side. For me, success is only creativity. If today you wrote what is in demand and what you like, you are cool, but tomorrow you don’t write it - in your passport you are cool, but in your work you are not.

Family for Igor Krutoy is the most important thing in life. Although Igor's wife Olga and daughter live in the USA for more than a month, they never leave. For 15 years now they have been living in two houses, flying across the ocean.

Alina Kabaeva:
How did you meet and how did you realize that this was your woman?

Igor Krutoy:
We met her in New York. When I saw her for the first time, she was unattainable for me. Then we found ourselves in the same company and were introduced to each other. I have 2 weeks left and I said: “Let’s get married,” she said: “Let’s go.”

Olga Krutaya, wife of Igor Krutoy:
Some kind of human warmth emanated from Igor, and I felt good human attitude. Since this all started.

Krutoy’s eldest children, Nikolai and Victoria, are already completely independent people, Igor continues to help them and takes part in their fate, but most great attention he devotes his attention to his youngest daughter Sasha.

Alina Kabaeva:
Where do you see little Sasha in the future?

Igor Krutoy:
Now she can draw well, but then she is a terrible clothes maker; she inherited this from her mother. From what I see now, I can say that she can realize herself as a designer. I don’t see her as a musician yet.

Alina Kabaeva:
How are you raising her?

Igor Krutoy:
She only listens to me. When she was here and playing in the yard, she came home and said: “A girl told me that you are a composer. This is true?"

Alina Kabaeva:
What is the secret of Igor Krutoy’s success?

Igor Krutoy:
The fact is that I really walk on earth. All my troubles were due to the fact that I set the bar too high for myself.

He is not shy to learn, listen to advice and comments.

Having become a successful person, Igor Krutoy pays great attention to and helps talented children. Thanks to him Russian show business rises to the level of the world music scene.

Life music stars, film stars, directors and composers always arouses interest among wide sections of the public, even those who are far from the world of art. Igor Krutoy’s biography, whose personal life and work were widely covered in the media, is no exception, however, some facts from his biography are questionable and are semi-fiction of biographers.

The future composer was born in 1954 in the small town of Gayvoron, in the Kirovograd region. His father Yakov worked as a freight forwarder at a local radio factory, his mother Svetlana alternated her work as a laboratory assistant at a sanitary and epidemiological station with her duties as a non-working housewife. Growing up in the family youngest daughter Alla (born 1959), who today is a Ukrainian-American TV presenter.

Biography: The beginning of the creative journey of Igor Krutoy

While still at school, Igor showed his talent as a self-taught musician. Without any training, he mastered playing the accordion and, starting with the accompaniment of the school choir, in high school he created a school variety ensemble, which was received with a bang during dance evenings. Therefore, after graduating from school, the graduate had no problems with further education. I. Krutoy successfully passes the exams at the Kirovograd Music College, after excellent completion of which, in 1974 he began teaching singing lessons in one of the rural schools.

Having failed to enter the conservatory in Kyiv, the young man successfully passes the exams at the pedagogical institute (city of Nikolaev) for the conducting and choral department.

Beginning in 1979, I. Ya. Krutoy began working in concert orchestra"Panorama", where it supports friendly relations with V.G. Miguley and P. Bulbul-ogly. A year later the artist changes place permanent job starting a collaboration with the vocal and instrumental group " Blue Guitars" And creative team V. Tolkunova. Soon the talented young man becomes the artistic director of the team.

In 1986, Igor entered the composition department of the Saratov Conservatory. Through the code, the composer's first musical hit appears - the song "Madonna", written for Igor's acquaintance in the city of Nikolaev, A. Serov. After this, for some time, I. Ya. Krutoy was the “personal” composer of this performer, writing for him the hits “How to Be”, “Wedding Music” and “Do You Love Me”, which at that time could be heard daily on all radio channels . His works are beginning to be performed by L. Vaikule, A. Buinov and V. Leontyev.

Producer activity of Igor Krutoy

In 1989 he became famous composer initially becomes the director of the ARS Youth Center and then combines a leadership position with the responsibilities of an artistic director. Ten years later, the composer turns a semi-handicraft cooperative into the largest concert and production syndicate in the Russian Federation, organizing solo concerts the most famous pop stars at the largest concert venues countries. Exactly concert agency"ARS" organizes Russian tours of M. Jackson and H. Koreros. At the same time, the agency produces the most popular music television programs “Song of the Year”, “Morning Mail” and others.

Since 1994, I. Ya. Krutoy begins organizing his own creative evenings, with the participation of “promoted” and rising stars Russian stage.

Today Igor Yakovlevich Krutoy was awarded honorary titles People's Artist Russian Federation, Honored Artist of the RSFSR, People's Artist of Ukraine and awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV and III degrees, the Order of Friendship and the medal of the Ukrainian Football Champion, for writing the anthem for the Donetsk club Shakhtar

Personal life of Igor Krutoy

Today I. Ya. Krutoy is married for the second time and he has a daughter, Alexandra, born in 2003. His wife Olga does business in the United States and the couple meet in fits and starts, flying to each other in their free time.

Igor Yakovlevich Krutoy. Born on July 29, 1954 in Gayvoron, Kirovograd region (Ukrainian SSR). Soviet and Russian composer, producer, businessman. People's Artist of the Russian Federation (1996). People's Artist of Ukraine (2011). Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (1992).

Father - Yakov Aleksandrovich Krutoy (1927-1980), worked as a forwarder at the Radiodetal plant in the city of Gaivoron,

Mother - Svetlana Semyonovna Krutaya (born 1934), was a laboratory assistant at the sanitary and epidemiological station.

Sister - Alla Yakovlevna Krutaya (born 1959) - American and Ukrainian TV presenter, in 1992 she married an American of Italian origin, took his last name Baratta and left for the USA, began working on TV in 1997 in Philadelphia, then on a satellite Russian-language channel RTVi, hosted the Sunday program “Vis-a-Vis” for 13 years, her program was attended by: Mstislav Rostropovich, Ernst Neizvestny, Evgeny Yevtushenko, Alexey Yagudin, Oleg Kalugin, Rudy Giuliani, Alla Pugacheva and others. Hosted the program “Welcome” on TRK “Ukraine” ”, also dedicated to meetings with celebrities. Has a daughter Natalya and a grandson Yakov.

Igor Krutoy As a child, he independently learned to play the button accordion and performed with the school ensemble.

After studying at music school entered the theoretical faculty of the Kirovograd Music College, from which he graduated with honors in 1974.

He entered the Kyiv Conservatory, but was unsuccessful. Then he taught music at a rural school for a year.

In 1979 he graduated from the conducting and choral department of the music and pedagogical faculty of the Nikolaev State Pedagogical Institute named after. V. G. Belinsky. Along with his studies, he worked part-time in a restaurant, where he met Alexander Serov, for whom he soon began writing songs. Later, Igor Yakovlevich entered the Saratov Conservatory and, after studying there for more than a year, left the educational institution.

In 1981, Igor Krutoy was invited to work first as a pianist and then as a leader of the ensemble. During this period, he collaborates a lot and tours with the actor.

First big success came to Igor Krutoy in 1987, when he wrote the song “Madonna” based on the poems of the famous poetess Rimma Kazakova, and it was performed by Igor Krutoy’s longtime friend from his work in Ukraine, Alexander Serov. The song became a laureate of the “Song of the Year” television festival. Further, the following were written for the composer: famous songs, like “Wedding Music”, “How to Be”, “You Love Me” also based on poems by Rimma Kazakova.

In 1986 and 1987, Alexander Serov won international competitions with Igor Krutoy’s songs “Inspiration” and “Spite of Fate.”

In 1988, Igor Krutoy became a laureate of the Lenin Komsomol Prize.

Since 1989 except creative activity Igor Yakovlevich also begins to actively engage in production activities. He heads the ARS company (original name ARS Youth Center), first as director - artistic director, and then, from 1998, as president. Over the 11 years of its existence, the ARS company, under his leadership, has become one of the largest concert and production organizations in Russia.

For several years now, since 1994, the ARS company has been holding creative evenings of the composer and People's Artist of Russia Igor Krutoy with the participation of Russian pop stars. Krutoy's first creative evenings were presented for the composer's fortieth anniversary at the Moscow Operetta Theater (1994).

After the success of the first concerts, creative evenings by composer Igor Krutoy became traditional and were subsequently held at the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall. In addition to Russia and the CIS countries, they were also held abroad - in the USA, Germany and Israel. Every year, pop stars delight viewers with new hits from Igor Krutoy. The songs of one author are heard from the stage, but every year a completely new unusual show program is presented to the audience.

Songs of Igor Krutoy in different time performed (or are performed) by the following singers and groups: Anzhelika Agurbash, Leonid Agutin, Vadim Azarkh, Alexa, Anatoly Alyoshin, Irina Allegrova, Lala Allegrova, Alsou, Vladimir Asimov, Inna Afanasyeva, Samir Bagirov, Nadezhda Babkina, Vadim Baykov, Vladimir Balakhon, Nikolay Baskov, Galina Besedina, Dima Bilan, Alexander Bon, Igor Borisov, Alexander Buynov, Laima Vaikule, Valeria, Angelika Varum, Mikhail Veselov, Anne Veski, Natalya Vetlitskaya, Leri Winn, Einar Vitols, Oleg Gazmanov, Ksenia Georgiadi, Alexey Glyzin, Evgeny Gor, Alexander Gradsky, Diana Gurtskaya, Dominic Joker, Larisa Dolina, Irina Dubtsova, Sergey Zhukov, Evgenia Zamchalova, Igor Ivanov, Alexander Kalyanov, Philip Kirkorov, Joseph Kobzon, Karina Koks, Olga Kormukhina, Anastasia Kochetkova, Sergey Lazarev, Ksenia Larina , Valery Leontyev, Marina Lepa, Grigory Leps, Lev Leshchenko, Lolita, Ani Lorak, Muslim Magomaev, Sergey Mazaev, Yana Melikaeva, Murat Nasyrov, Nikita, Igor Nikolaev, Kristina Orbakaite, Irina Otieva, Yuri Okhochinsky, Soso Pavliashvili, Alexander Panayotov, Taisiya Povaliy, Vladimir Presnyakov, Alla Pugacheva, Masha Rasputina, Anna Reznikova, Alexander Rosenbaum, Sofia Rotaru, Abraham Russo, Rosa Rymbaeva, Verka Serduchka, Alexander Serov, Vlad Stashevsky, Emin Agalarov, Anastasia Stotskaya, Igor Talkov, Timati , Yuri Titov, Vladimir Tkachenko, Valentina Tolkunova, Lara Fabian, Khatuna, Marina Khlebnikova, Prokhor Shalyapin, Batyrkhan Shukenov, Mikhail Shufutinsky, group "A'Studio", group "Disco Accident", group "Respublika", VIA " Blue bird", VIA "Slivki", participants international competition"New wave", children's choir Igor Krutoy “New Wave”, as well as outstanding opera singers Cho Sumi, Andrea Bocelli, Aida Garifullina, Dmitry Hvorostovsky, Maria Maksakova and others.

Igor Krutoy in the program "Secret to a Million"

Height of Igor Krutoy: 176 centimeters.

Personal life of Igor Krutoy:

The first wife is Elena Krutaya, originally from Leningrad. Married since 1979.

The couple had a son, Nikolai Krutoy, in 1981. Granddaughter - Christina (born 2010).

Igor Krutoy with his first wife Elena and son

Songs performed by Igor Krutoy:

The Lost Coast (Art. K. Arsenev)
Chestnut branch (Art. E. Muravyov)
Crystal glass (Art. T. Nazarov)
Moscow does not believe in tears (Art. I. Nikolaev)
My friend (Art. I. Nikolaev)
Third of September (Art. I. Nikolaev)
Forever (Art. I. Sedov)
Small cafe (Art. L. Fadeev)
May you dream of Palma de Mallorca (Art. L. Fadeev)
Steamboats go to sea (Art. I. Shaferan)

Songs of Igor Krutoy:

My finances sing romances (Art. V. Pelenyagre)

Frankly (Art. I. Nikolaev)

Lara Fabian:

Love of tired swans (Art. M. Gutseriev)
My mother (lyrics by L. Fabian)
Always (lyrics by L. Fabian)
Angel pass away (lyrics by L. Fabian)
Carma / Je t'aime encore (lyrics by L. Fabian)
Demain n'existe pas (lyrics by L. Fabian)
Desperate Housewife (lyrics by L. Fabian)
Ever-ever land (lyrics by L. Fabian)
Furious (lyrics by L. Fabian)
Llora (lyrics by L. Fabian)
Lou (lyrics by L. Fabian)
Mademoiselle Hyde (lyrics by L. Fabian)
Mr. President (lyrics by L. Fabian)
Running (lyrics by L. Fabian)
Russian fairy tale (lyrics by L. Fabian)
Sons and Daughters (lyrics by L. Fabian)
Toccami (lyrics by L. Fabian)
Tomorrow is a lie (lyrics by L. Fabian)
Trouver la vie, l'amour, le sens (lyrics by L. Fabian)
Vocalise (Ascolta La voce) (leitmotif "Mademoiselle Zhivago") (lyrics by L. Fabian)

Lara Fabian and Dmitry Hvorostovsky:

Sempre (lyrics by L. Fabian)

Lara Fabian, Dmitry Hvorostovsky and Sumi Jo:

Demain n'existe pas (lyrics by L. Fabian)
La Melodie (lyrics by L. Fabian)

Sumi Jo and Igor Krutoy:

L'amour à la Russe (lyrics by L. Fabian)
Fire in my heart (Art. L. Vinogradova)

Anzhelika Agurbash and Lev Leshchenko:

World of Dreams (Art. L. Fadeev)

Vadim Azarkh:

IN last time(Art. I. Nikolaev)

Vadim Azarkh and Natalya Vetlitskaya:

Lanterns (Art. I. Nikolaev)


Moon trail (Art. K. Arsenev)
Where are you (Art. I. Sekacheva)
I live by you (Art. I. Sekacheva)

Alexa's duets:

Alexa, Polina Gagarina and Irina DubtsovaContrasts (art. folk)
Alexa, Irina Dubtsova and Ksenia LarinaContrasts (art. folk)
Alexa, Irina Dubtsova and Anastasia KochetkovaContrasts (art. folk)

Anatoly Aleshin:

Crystal and champagne (Art. I. Nikolaev)
I have been in love with you for a long time (Art. M. Ryabinin)
It’s not your fault (Art. L. Fadeev)

Irina Allegrova:

A girl named I want (Art. Arkady Arkanov)
Spring in Paradise (Art. Konstantin Arsenev)
Two (Art. Konstantin Arsenev)
Lullaby (Art. Konstantin Arsenev)
Tenderness (Art. Konstantin Arsenev)
Lord of pleasures (Art. Konstantin Arsenev)
Don't be late (Art. Konstantin Arsenev)
Callous name days (Art. Nikolai Zinoviev)
Waiting (Art. Nikolai Zinoviev)
I love men (Art. Yulia Kadysheva)
Unrequited love (art. Rimma Kazakova)
I need you (Art. Rimma Kazakova)
Palms (Art. Evgeniy Kemerovo)
Honeymoon (Art. Igor Kokhanovsky)
Tropikanka (Art. Evgeniy Muravyov)
Her Highness (Art. Evgeniy Muravyov)
The right of the last night (Art. Evgeniy Muravyov)
I will go to Sylvester Stallone (Art. Evgeny Muravyov)
Island of a Thousand Kisses (Art. Tatyana Nazarova)
Yesterday (Art. Igor Nikolaev)
Gold of love (Art. Igor Nikolaev)
Loves or not (Art. Igor Nikolaev)
The Catcher in the Rye (Art. Igor Nikolaev)
Well, let it be (Art. Igor Nikolaev)
Wedding flowers (Art. Igor Nikolaev)
Women-bitches (Art. Simon Osiashvili)
I will smile at you through my tears (Art. Simon Osiashvili)
In the gold of nights (Art. Victor Pelenyagre)
Captain (Sr. Victor Pelenyagre)
Monologue (Art. Victor Pelenyagre)
At the marina of Montevideo (station Victor Pelenyagra)
Night lilies (Art. Victor Pelenyagre)
By belated flowers (Art. Viktor Pelenyagre)
Titanic (Art. Victor Pelenyagre)
Hooligan (Art. Victor Pelenyagre)
Curtain (Art. Ilya Reznik)
Sir (Art. Ilya Reznik)
I will part the clouds with my hands (Art. Ilya Reznik)
Dad's smile (Art. Sergei Romanov)
You will be responsible for the market (Art. Larisa Rubalskaya)
Confession (Art. Yuri Rybchinsky)
Mistress (Art. Yuri Rybchinsky)
Kiss me (Art. Tatyana Tutova)
I will win you back (Art. Marina Tsvetaeva)

Irina Allegrova and Lala Allegrova:

Dialogue (We cannot refuse love) (Art. M. Eremina)


It’s all the same (music by I. Krutoy and A. Shevchenko, Art. A. Shevchenko)

When love comes to me (Art. K. Arsenev)

Sun and Moon (Art. K. Arsenev)
Love is like a dream (Art. V. Gorbachev)
You are my happiness (Art. M. Gutseriev)
I didn’t invent you (Art. L. Fadeev)

Alsou and Nikolai Baskov:

Birthday of love (Art. K. Arsenev)

Arkady Arkanov:

Big hello (Art. A. Arkanov)
Waltz (Art. A. Arkanov)
God bless you (Art. A. Arkanov)
Hole in the head (Song about the Motherland) (Art. A. Arkanov)
Affectionate Maya (Art. A. Arkanov)
Madame (Art. A. Arkanov)
Mur-mur-mur (Art. A. Arkanov)
There is grass in the yard (Art. A. Arkanov)
We need to be closer friends with animals (Art. A. Arkanov)
My thoughts (Art. A. Arkanov)
Tango (Art. A. Arkanov)
Titicaca (Art. A. Arkanov)
Tulip (Art. A. Arkanov)
The priest had a dog (Art. A. Arkanov)
Youth is leaving (Art. A. Arkanov)

Duets by Arkady Arkanov:

Arkady Arkanov and Laima Vaikule - Honduras (Art. A. Arkanov)
Arkady Arkanov and Lolita - Honduras (art. A. Arkanov)

Vladimir Asimov:

Snow is falling (Art. S. Osiashvili)

Group "A'Studio":

Dad, mom (Art. R. Dzhanibekov)

Inna Afanasyeva:

It’s not your fault (Art. L. Fadeev)
Take me with you, darling (Art. R. Kazakova)
Four brothers (Art. L. Fadeev)

Nadezhda Babkina:

Rechenka (Art. K. Arsenev)

Nadezhda Babkina and Evgeny Gor:

Do you love me (Art. R. Kazakova)

Samir Bagirov:

Respond (Art. N. Denisov)

Vadim Baykov:

Be it your way (Art. K. Arsenev)
Birthday of love (Art. K. Arsenev)
Moon trail (Art. K. Arsenev)
Give me a kiss (Art. K. Arsenev)
Under the constellation of love (Art. K. Arsenev)
Train to nowhere (Art. K. Arsenev)
Queen of my dreams (Art. V. Baikov)
Goldfish (Art. N. Plyatskovskaya)
On Ordynka (st. L. Fadeev)
Accidental separation (Art. S. Beschastny)
Lonely without you (Art. S. Volkov)
Early hour (Art. K. Kuliev)

Nikolay Baskov:

Castle in the Air (Art. K. Arsenev)
Birthday of love (Art. K. Arsenev)
Love does not know the word “no” (Art. K. Arsenev)
Cherry love (Art. M. Gutseriev)
Love is not words (Art. M. Gutseriev)
Prayer (Art. A. Dementiev)
Waltz (Art. R. Kazakova)
You are my light (Art. T. Nazarova)
Sharmanka (Art. V. Pelenyagre)
All flowers (Art. S. Osiashvili)
Russian evening (Art. A. Shaganov)

Nikolai Baskov and Kristina Orbakaite:

When you say goodbye to a fairy tale (Art. K. Arsenev)

Nikolay Baskov and Taisiya Povaliy:

Prayer (Art. A. Dementiev)
Wedding flowers (Art. I. Nikolaev)

Galina Besedina:

I'm leaving (Art. L. Vorontsova)

Dima Bilan:

June rain (Art. A. Shaganov)

Igor Borisov:

Airmail (Art. D. Usmanov)

Andrea Bocelli:

Vocal parts

Alexander Buynov:

Song about the Motherland (Art. A. Arkanov)
For you (Art. K. Arsenev)
Sealed envelope (Art. K. Arsenev)
Fashion model (Art. S. Beschastny)
In the wrong carriage (Art. S. Beschastny)
Meeting at a restaurant (Art. L. Vorontsova)
Don't go (Art. B. Dubrovin)
I love you (Art. B. Dubrovin)
Honeymoon trip (Art. N. Zinoviev)
Someone else's woman (Art. I. Lazarevsky)
Gallery broken hearts(Art. E. Muravyov)
Mirrors (Art. E. Muravyov)
Othello (Art. E. Muravyov)
Old mirror (Art. V. Pelenyagre)
Hotel "Razgulnaya" (st. I. Nikolaev)
Crystal and champagne (Art. I. Nikolaev)
In the city N (V. Pelenyagre station)
Lady Lorigan (Art. V. Pelenyagre)
My finances sing romances (Art. V. Pelenyagre)
Negroes (Art. V. Pelenyagre)
Ocean (Art. V. Pelenyagre)
Olechka (Art. V. Pelenyagre)
Oh, Maggie (v. V. Pelenyagre)
Paris (Art. V. Pelenyagre)
Roses scattered (Art. V. Pelenyagre)
There you think about me (Art. V. Pelenyagre)
“I’m across the field” (Art. L. Rubalskaya)
White butterfly of the day (Art. L. Fadeev)
“Islands of Love” (Art. L. Fadeev)
Train in the mountains (Art. L. Fadeev)

Laima Vaikule:

“Street of Love” (Art. K. Arsenev)
“I miss you” (Art. K. Arsenev)
Remember me (Art. B. Dubrovin)
I'm leaving (Art. E. Muravyov)
"Acapulco" (Art. V. Pelenyagre)
In the stagecoach of my dreams (Art. V. Pelenyagre)
Wind (Art. V. Pelenyagre)
For what? (Art. V. Pelenyagre)
Golden Foxtrot (Art. V. Pelenyagre)
Carmen (Art. V. Pelenyagra)
“Latin Quarter” (Art. V. Pelenyagre)
Magnolias of Monaco (Art. V. Pelenyagre)
The brides closed the shutters (Art. V. Pelenyagre)

On the golden sand of Miami (Art. L. Fadeev)

Laima Vaikule and Igor Krutoy:

“Chestnut branch” (Art. E. Muravyov)

Laima Vaikule, Igor Krutoy and Raymond Pauls:

What is the pianist playing about (music by I. Krutoy and R. Pauls, Art. V. Pelenyagre)

Laima Vaikule and Valery Leontyev:

Shark from Honolulu (Art. V. Pelenyagre)

Laima Vaikule, Lev Leshchenko and Vladimir Vinokur:

Trio (Art. V. Dozortsev)

Laima Vaikule and the duet “Tea for Two”:

I want to see you (Art. N. Zinoviev)


I let you go (Art. R. Kazakova)
Let me go (Art. L. Stuef)
Distorting Mirror (Art. L. Stuf)

Angelika Varum:

Where are you? (Art. I. Sekacheva)

Mikhail Veselov:

Don't forget (Art. L. D'Elia)
Flower (Art. S. Zhukov)

Anna Vesky:

Take me with you, darling (Art. R. Kazakova)
Lullaby to the world (Art. K. Kuliev)

Natalya Vetlitskaya:

Lanterns (Art. I. Nikolaev)

Vladimir Vinokur:

Eat (Art. E. Muravyov)
Mom (Art. E. Muravyov)
I love opera (Art. E. Muravyov)
Women of Odessa (Art. I. Mukhin)
Father (Art. S. Osiashvili)
Tsytsa-Maritsa (Art. V. Pelenyagre)

Einar Vitols:

Steamboats go to sea (Art. I. Shaferan)

Aida Garifullina:

White bird (Art. L. Vinogradov)

Ksenia Georgiadi:

Waiting for you (Art. R. Kazakova)

Khibla Gerzmava:

Olympic Waltz (Art. I. Nikolaev)

Alexey Glyzin:

Love is trouble (Art. R. Kazakova)
Prayer (Art. R. Kazakova)
Letters from afar (Art. I. Nikolaev)

Alexander Gradsky:

Towards (Art. L. Vinogradov)

Diana Gurtskaya:

You know, mom (Art. E. Muravyov)

Dominic Joker:

Diskoteka Avaria:

I will love (Art. S. Alikhanov and A. Zhigarev)
Song of the Robbers (music by I. Krutoy and A. Ryzhov, lyrics by A. Ryzhov)

Larisa Dolina:

Rainy evening (st. L. Kalyuzhnaya)
Four Brothers (Art. A. Kosarev) - song from the film “Souvenir for the Prosecutor”
Music (art. K. Kuliev)
Bridges (st. I. Nikolaev)
Airmail (Art. D. Usmanov)

Irina Dubtsova:

“Unrequited love” (Art. R. Kazakova)
I will win you back (Art. M. Tsvetaeva)

Sergey Zhukov and Mikhail Veselov:

Separation (Art. S. Zhukov)

Zaitsev sisters:

Flood meadows (st. I. Nikolaev)
Where does such tenderness come from (Art. M. Tsvetaeva)

Evgenia Zamchalova:

Tenderness (Art. O. Kulanina)
Night Express (st. O. Kulanina)
I'm flying to you (Art. O. Kulanina)

Igor Ivanov:

Recognition (Art. S. Alikhanov and A. Zhigarev)
You read on the go (Art. S. Alikhanov and A. Zhigarev)

Alina Kabaeva and participants Children's festival rhythmic gymnastics"Alina":

The very best (Art. Lyubasha)

Alexander Kalyanov:

How is it in Russia? (Art. I. Nikolaev)
Beyond the cordon (Art. S. Romanov)

Philip Kirkorov:

Love is like a dream (Art. V. Gorbachev)
Respond (Art. N. Denisov)
Queen of Heat (Art. R. Kazakova and A. Morsin)
My joy (Art. I. Nikolaev)
A thousand years (Art. I. Nikolaev)
Only once (Art. V. Pelenyagre)
It’s not your fault (Art. L. Fadeev)
We parted so absurdly (Art. K. Filippova)

Philip Kirkorov and Masha Rasputina:

Wedding flowers (Art. I. Nikolaev)

Joseph Kobzon:

Moscow does not believe in tears (Art. I. Nikolaev)
Come (Art. G. Emin)

Olga Kormukhina:

My first day without you (Art. R. Kazakova)
There (Art. O. Kormukhin)

Anastasia Kochetkova:

I love you to tears (Art. I. Nikolaev)

Igor Krutoy’s wife is Olga, an amazing woman. She achieved a lot in life on her own, without the help of her famous husband. At her age, Olga Krutaya looks simply magnificent - a young beauty, there is no other way to call her.

Krutoy's first wife

In his youth, as well as now, Igor was a very attractive man. His first wife, Elena Krutaya, agreed to marry the composer on the third date. In those years, Igor did not work, which greatly irritated his young wife and, already pregnant, she left Igor. Igor Krutoy divorced his wife. Ex-wife tried in every possible way to prevent his communication with his born son Kolya, but in different ways he still saw the boy. As an adult, Nikolai communicates with his father and always turns to him for advice. Unfortunately, life turned out in such a way that the son repeated the fate of his father and also got divorced in his early years.

Igor Krutoy's wife Olga - photo

Olga's biography begins in 1963. She was born in the city of St. Petersburg. Her family was not very rich, her father was a communist who lived by the rules and tried to adjust the whole family to these rules, and her mother was a quiet and calm woman who looked after the house.

As a child, Olga was a very obedient child, but as she grew older, her father’s boundaries no longer suited her. The girl constantly argued with her father about the fact that she was an adult and should not listen to anyone about how long she should go out and what to wear. But the father believed that he was the head of the family, which means his word is above all. As a result, thanks to her character, Olga was able to achieve her goal. In many ways, character and perseverance helped the girl become who she is now.

After school, the girl received an economic education. Initially, she wanted to choose a different direction, but to spite her father, she chose economics. Despite the fact that it was an unconscious choice, she never regretted it, since education greatly helps her to run a business competently. At the age of 19, the girl got married and a child appeared in the family - daughter Vika. Some time after the birth of her daughter, Olga went to visit a friend in America. After staying there for a while, she fell in love with this country and decided to stay there. Olga took her daughter and settled down abroad.

Meeting Igor Krutoy

In the fourth year of Olga’s stay in America, Igor Krutoy arrived there with a concert. The girl and her friend decided to attend this event in order to have a little rest and remember Russia. It so happened that the tables of the future spouses were located nearby. Igor immediately drew attention to the attractive lady and asked her for her phone number, saying that he wanted to chat the next time he was here. In fact, Krutoy simply fell in love at first sight with this woman. A month later, Igor called Olga and invited her to a meeting. Future wife Cool, I didn’t think about any serious relationship, and besides, she was married. But after communicating, the young people began an affair.

Two years later, Olga and Igor got married. They arranged a luxurious wedding, where many were invited Russian stars. The newlyweds could not decide on a place to live, so Olya remained in America, and Igor Krutoy in Russia, since he loved this country very much and could not leave.

In 2003, a child appeared in the family - daughter Alexandra. The couple still only communicated a few times a month when Igor came to America. Maybe that’s why their personal life is not collapsing - they just don’t have time to bother each other. The couple's children get along well with each other, and Igor considers Olga's daughter his own and even gave her his last name. Igor Krutoy with his wife Olga and daughter Alexandra, as well as Olga’s daughter from her first marriage, Victoria, in the photo.

Now Krutoy’s wife has her own perfume business, which brings in sufficient income. Despite the fact that the woman is over fifty years old, she looks simply gorgeous. Many people think that it's a matter of plastic surgery, but Olga Krutaya denies this and says that she only uses creams, and she owes her beautiful appearance to genetics.