Ensemble for the holiday. Folklore ensemble

Since ancient times they have said: “Song is the soul of the people.” Russian song, love for the history and culture of their people unite the members of the folk ensemble “Krupitsa”. The team was created in September 1994 on the basis of school No. 1268 in Moscow (School No. 2200). Today the ensemble has more than 150 members. These are children aged 6 to 17 years, a group of graduates, a group of parents and teachers.

“A grain” is a grain, because it was grain by grain that we began to collect folk wisdom: songs, dances, sayings, customs, and we ourselves are grains in a vast ocean folk culture. The ensemble conducts active concert activities and performs at the best sites Moscow city: Grand Kremlin Palace, Hall of Church Councils of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, Hall Russian Academy music named after Gnessins, Great Hall of the Conservatory, Bazhenov Hall in the Tsaritsino Museum-Reserve, Hall of Columns House of Unions, State Central Concert Hall “Russia”, etc. Trips to concerts, festivals, competitions in various cities of Russia allow you to better learn the diverse world of Russian folk culture and get acquainted with the history of your country. We have already visited St. Petersburg, Kursk, Ryazan, Vladimir, Suzdal, Yaroslavl, Novorossiysk, Uglich, Myshkin, Smolensk, Pskov; toured the entire Crimean Peninsula with concerts; performed in Kyiv, Minsk, Brest. Ensemble members frequent guests TV and radio broadcasts: " Good morning"(CHANNEL 1), "The Wanderings of a Musician" (Culture), "Without Rehearsal" (TVC), "Gold Placers" (Radio Russia), participants in the project "All Russia" (TC "Culture"), etc. Ensemble "Krupitsa" " - winner and laureate of many city, all-Russian and international competitions. Among our awards: Grand Prix of the district competition " Crystal drop", Grand Prix of the city competition "Young Talents of Muscovy", Grand Prix of the international competitions "Open Europe", "Balakir", " Finest hour", "Songs over the Neva" St. Petersburg, Grand Prix All-Russian competitions: “A Christmas Carol”, “Musical Muscovy”, “Dyozhkin Karagod”, “Optina Spring”, “With Love for Russia”, Grand Prix of the International Competition “ Musical Olympus", 1st place at international competitions in Bulgaria and Macedonia. By taking part in international festivals and competitions in Greece, France, Finland, the Czech Republic, Italy, Germany, Slovakia, and Bulgaria, our children get acquainted with the history and culture of other peoples.

For high artistic level, performing skills and active work on artistic education children and youth Folklore ensemble "Krupitsa" was awarded the title "Exemplary children's group". The team confirms this title throughout the entire time. In 2017, D.O. was awarded the title "Moscow City creative team“The ensemble was awarded the main prize of the Moscow State University “Girl on a Ball”.

In the fall of 2005, we opened a museum of decorative and applied arts at the school. The exhibition was based on objects folk life, costumes, musical instruments, brought from ethnographic expeditions, collected by our students and parents.

All-Russian and International competitions 1998-2018

  • 1998-2005-participants I-VI International festival folk music and dance “We are one family on planet earth”
  • 1998 - participants in the cultural program as part of the World Youth Games (Greece, France, Bulgaria, Italy)
  • 1999 - tour to Finland, Helsinki
  • 2000 - Interregional Children's Festival folklore groups"Dezhkin Karagod"
  • 2000 - 1st place at the International festival-competition “We are the 21st century” Bulgaria, Albena
  • 2000 - Diploma winner of the International Festival of Friendship “Children to Children”, Crimea
  • 2001 - tour to the Czech Republic, concerts in Prague, Karlovy Vary
  • 2002 - tour to the Czech Republic at the invitation of the Russian Center for Science and Culture in Prague
  • 2003 - tour “Castles of East Prussia”
  • 2004-tour “Warsaw-Berlin-Brussels-Paris-Amsterdam”
  • 2004 - Winner of the GRAND PRIX at the III International Competition “Open Europe”, Moscow
  • 2005 - 2nd place at the 2nd All-Russian competition of folklore groups “I am entering the world of art”, Vladimir
  • 2005 - III place to V National festival-competition traditional folk art“Yeseninskaya Rus”, Ryazan
  • 2006 - XII International Folklore Festival, Czech Republic, Frydek-Mistek
  • 2008 - participation in the XXIV International Festival of Folklore Groups, Italy, Paola
  • 2009 - winner of the Grand Prix at the III Yaroslavl open competition young performers folk song
  • 2009 - 1st place at the International Competition “Ezerski Beads”, Macedonia, Struga
  • 2010 - 1st place at the international competition “Melodies of Friends of the Adriatic”, Montenegro, Budva
  • 2010 - participants of the II International Festival “Slavic Way”, Sergiev Posad
  • 2010 - 1st place at the Russian Children's Folklore Assembly, Veliky Novgorod.
  • 2011 - 1st place in the International Competition “Colors of Prague”, Czech Republic.
  • 2011 - participation in the international festival “Litseder’s Heart” in Uzice, Serbia.
  • 2011 - GRAND PRIX at the VII All-Russian festival-competition of young performers of folk songs and music “At Lukomorye”, Pskov
  • 2012 - 2nd degree laureate at the All-Russian competition Orthodox music“A Christmas Carol” Moscow.
  • 2012 - 2nd degree laureate at the All-Russian competition “Musical Muscovy”, Moscow.
  • 2012 - 1st degree laureates at the Moscow International Children and Youth Competition “Moscow Sounds”.
  • 2012 - participation in the XV International Competition of Children's Folklore Ensembles in Bratislava, Slovakia.
  • 2013 - International Christmas festival “Rainbow over Vitebsk”. Vitebsk-Polotsk Belarus;
  • 2013 - GRAND PRIX III All-Russian children's and youth competition"Musical Muscovy".
  • 2013 - Winners of the IX International Competition of Folklore Groups “Balakir”.
  • 2013 - Laureates of the VI International Easter festival-competition “Bright Week”.
  • 2013 - Winners of the VIII International Arts Festival named after. Imre Kalman's Finest Hour. Hungary, Siofok.
  • 2013 - Winners All-Russian festival arts "With love for Russia."
  • 2014 - Laureates of the VIII International Competition “Songs over the Neva”, St. Petersburg.
  • 2014 - Winners of the IV All-Russian children and youth competition “Musical Muscovy”.
  • 2014 - Winners of the All-Russian festival-competition of children's folklore groups “Dyozhkin Karagod”, Kursk.
  • 2014 - GRAND PRIX of the XIII International competition “Moscow Sounds”.

Competitions, festivals, charity concerts held within the framework of the City Comprehensive Targeted Program for the Education of Children and Youth “Moscow Children Sing” BEFORE Moscow

  • THE GRAND PRIX- II All-Russian Children's youth creativity“Musical Olympus”.
  • THE GRAND PRIX- The largest music forum in Russia - XV International festival-competition children's and youth creativity “Moscow Sounds”, dedicated to the 870th anniversary of Moscow.
  • THE GRAND PRIX International competition for the best performance of sacred music “Christmas Carol”.
  • WINNERS VII City Competition young musicians“The Magic Lyre”; Soloists WINNERS- Aleshina Elizaveta, Mirzoyan Isolda, Vasilyeva Arina.
  • WINNERS International music competition artistic creativity“Treasures of Karelia”, Petrozavodsk.
  • WINNERS City competition “In the circle of folklore”.
  • WINNERS X International Children's Easter Competition “Bright Week”, held by the Department of Catechesis Education of the Russian Orthodox Church
  • WINNERS district and city stages of the City Competition “Relay of Arts”.
  • Soloist of the ensemble Aleshina Elizaveta - Winner City competition “Glorious Russia”.
  • Conducting a city seminar and master class for music teachers “Instrumental music playing in a music lesson at school. Folklore". G. Moscow Method Center.

Concert programs -

  • Festival participants modern music"Ethnosphere" in the Izmailovo Kremlin.
  • On October 30, teachers and members of the ensemble “Krupitsa” performed at the St. Daniel Monastery - they met and greeted His Holiness Patriarch Kirill.
  • Participants of the Gala concert of the XV International Children and Youth Competition “Moscow Sounds” in Great Hall Conservatories.
  • Organization Charity concert and a performance for older people “Sunday conversations about the foundations of the Orthodox faith”, as part of the city target program Moscow Children Sing BEFORE Moscow.
  • Participants of the Rozhdestvenskaya concert program, conducted by the Department of Education and Catechesis of the Russian Orthodox Church.
  • Participants of the festival “Our common opportunities - our common results”, held by the Moscow Department of Education at the A.V. Kosareva.
  • Participants of the concert program - winners of the "Bright Week" competition - for Children's Day in the Hall of Church Councils of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, as part of the program of the President of the Russian Federation "Spiritual and Patriotic Education of Children and Youth."
  • Participants in the opening of the X International Easter competition “Bright Week” in the Hall of Church Councils of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.
  • Participants of the Gala Concert of the Winners of the City Competition “In the Circle of Folklore”.
  • 09.03. and 16.03. - filming on Channel 1 - “Gerasim the Rooker”, “Valentine”.
  • Charity concert performance at the 50th anniversary of Boarding House No. 19 for labor and WWII veterans.
  • The “Krupitsa” ensemble takes part in the “Pokrovsky Round Dance” concert as part of the City Target Program for the Education of Children and Youth “Moscow Children Sing” DO. The concert took place in the Bazhenov Hall of the Tsaritsino Museum-Reserve.
  • Museum Saturdays - program “Tools of the Peoples of the World”.

Participation in city concerts, competitions and festivals 1998-2017.

  • 1998-2012 - winners of the city competition “Young Talents of Muscovy.
  • 2007,2010 - GRAND PRIX winners among exemplary teams.
  • 1998 - Grand opening of the “World Youth Games” Grand Kremlin Palace.
  • 1998 - Holiday “City of Masters” Museum-Reserve “Kolomenskoye”.
  • 2000 - Gala concert “Children of Moscow” for the anniversary of the Victory. Theater of the Soviet Army.
  • 2000 - Gala concert of the winners of the city competition “Young Talents of Muscovy”.
  • 2001 - Patriotic action “Train of Memory” Moscow-Smolensk-Minsk-Brest-Moscow.
  • 2005-2012 - participation in concert programs of the All-Russian exhibitions “Orthodox Rus'”, showroom"Manege".
  • 2002 - Winners of the main prize of the Moscow Department of Education “GIRL ON A BALL”.
  • 2004 - Laureate of the competition of groups organizing folk games.
  • 2005 - Diploma winner of the Moscow Arts Festival and folk theaters"Victory Salute".
  • 2006 - I Place to II Open festival children's folklore groups "Ryabinushka".
  • 2006 - Russian Children's Folklore Assembly, Grand opening and closing of the competition. 2007 - Patriotic event “Train of Memory” Moscow-Novorossiysk-Moscow. Moscow Department of Education.
  • 2007 - Ethnofestival “Holidays of the Peoples of Russia”.
  • 2007 - Festive concert“Let us bow to those great years” for Victory Day, Central Museum WWII on Poklonnaya Hill.
  • 2008 - 1st place at the Open festival-competition of children's folklore groups "Pokrovsky Round Dance".
  • 2008 - Participant of the family subscription “Young Talents of the New Century” concert “Not Life, but Maslenitsa”, Cultural Center Ukraine in Moscow.
  • 2008 - Moscow Arts Festival " Golden autumn» motor ship "F. Dzerzhinsky" "Moscow-Uglich-Myshkin-Moscow".
  • 2009, 2016 - participation in cultural program VIII All-Russian exhibition of folk art crafts "Ladya".
  • 2009 - Gala concert of children's creative groups “We are your children, Moscow”, Grand Kremlin Palace.
  • 2001-2014 - participation in concert programs of the patriarchal holidays “Nativity of Christ”, “Bright Resurrection”, Cathedral Assembly Hall of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.
  • 2010 - Gala concert of children's creative groups in Moscow “Russia is famous for its teachers”, State Kremlin Palace.
  • 2010-2011 - Opening of the “Children’s Music Week in Moscow” International House of Music.
  • 2011 - Gala concert at the Macedonian Cultural Center.
  • 2011 - Gala concert of children's creative groups in Moscow, State Kremlin concert.
  • 2011 - City concert at the Moscow House of Composers “In a certain kingdom, in a certain state...” 2011 - Performance at a concert dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Terem Quartet ensemble (St. Petersburg) in Moscow International House Music.
  • 2011 - participation in the filming of the “Folk Culture Festival” on the “Culture” TV channel.
  • 2011 - participation in the filming of a Christmas TV show on Orthodox channel"My joy".
  • 2012-2014 - organization and holding of the regional festival “Shine on Russia Christmas”
  • 2012 - Gala concert of children's creative groups “We welcome spring”. BEFORE the Palace of Creativity “On Sparrow Hills”.
  • 2012-2013 - Participation in the I-II Moscow Festival of Traditional instrumental music Russia “STREET”.
  • 2012 - GRAND PRIX of the X Moscow city competition of teachers “Recognition”.
  • 2012 - Performance at the gala ball dedicated to the 200th anniversary Patriotic War 1812, Museum named after. IN AND. Vernadsky; participation in the concert program at the Moscow House of Composers.
  • 2013 - GRAND PRIX XIV Moscow children's and youth festival-competition "Christmas Carol" 2013 - A trip to the creative shift of the "Crystal Drop" camp.
  • 2014 - GRAND PRIX District competition"Shine on Russia Christmas."
  • 2014 - Winners of the ethnocultural competition “In the World of Music” 2014 - Winners of the City Project Competition “Hegumen of the Russian Land”.
  • 2014 - Gala concert of the Winners of City and All-Russian competitions held within the framework of the city target program “Moscow Children Sing”, Great Hall of the Conservatory. P.I. Tchaikovsky.
  • 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 - participants in concert programs conducted by the Department of Education and Catechesis of the Russian Orthodox Church in the Hall of Church Councils of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.
  • 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 - participants in Gala concerts and Friendship Concerts held within the framework of the City Target Program for the Education of Children and Youth “Moscow Children Sing” BEFORE Moscow, in the Great Hall of the Conservatory, at the Russian Academy of Music. Gnesins, in the Hall of Church Councils of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, in the Bazhenov Hall of the Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve.
  • 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 - Participants in charity concert programs organized by the Department of Education and Catechesis of the Russian Orthodox Church.
  • 2015 - participants of the Moscow International Easter Festival under the direction of VALERY GERGIEV.
  • 2016 - folklore festival " Living Rus'"in the Vasilevo Museum-Reserve, Tver Region.
  • 2016 - festival participants folk music"Ethnosphere" Moscow.
  • 2016 - Tour to the International Competition children's creativity“Black Sea Legends”, Pitsunda, Abkhazia.
  • 2017 - participation in filming on Channel 1 in the TV program “Good Morning”. The plots of “Gerasim-Grachevnik” and “Verbon-Bearer”.
  • 2017 - Gala concert of the winners of the International Competition “Bright Week” in the Hall of Church Councils of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.
  • 2017 - participants in the concert program dedicated to Children's Day in the Hall of Church Councils of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior.
  • 2017- Touring trip to the XV International Youth Festival in Bulgaria “Primorsko-2017”.
  • 2018 - Tour to the International Competition for Young Performers“A Sea of ​​Impressions” within the framework of the international project “Salute of Talents”, Batumi, Georgia.


Dear clients, we present to your attention folk show group "Pansies".

Folklore ensemble folk song is timeless and fashionable; it brings real, sincere joy to every holiday. And its place is not only at folk festivals and concert venues in the city, but also at children’s events, corporate parties, where you need to have a lot of fun, with all your heart!

Vocal ensembles of folk songs are different: from the familiar Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Gypsy to the very exotic, for example, African. But, of course, the Russian folk ensemble is closer to the heart and soul. With his songs and dances he can touch the most delicate strings of the soul.

A folklore ensemble is a win-win option for any occasion!

Performances by a folk ensemble are possible everywhere: on outdoors, V concert hall, kindergarten, at school, in a restaurant, office, etc. Depending on your requirements, the number of group members may vary. At the same time, you can always order a creative team individually, or a well-thought-out program as a whole. And for this we have all the necessary reserves, potential, and, most importantly, the desire to make your holiday special.

Folk show group "Pansies" organizes a bright, interesting event with a special flavor, embodying the traditions of one of the nations. Our creative Group consists of professionals who have extensive experience in holding various holidays for both children and adults in any folk style.

The program includes: dancing, games, competitions that lift the spirits, unite the team, and everyone without exception dances to folk songs! Of course, the program may be different, depending on the format of the holiday, format, your conditions and wishes.

We perform a variety of repertoire - from popular songs that everyone knows, to unusual things that art critics will appreciate. Our Russian folk ensemble is constantly developing, expanding its repertoire with new works, games, and entertainment that will help you truly enjoy the holiday.

How to order a folk vocal ensemble?

In order to order a folklore group for a holiday, celebration, or corporate event, you can contact us right now at the numbers indicated on the website. We will help you choose a program, costumes, and create thematic script, which will suit the occasion and quickly create a fun atmosphere.

Duration of the program -2 blocks of 20 minutes within one hour.

Price - 15,000 rub. -3 singers, 25,000 rub. - 5 artists (three singers + button accordion + balalaika).

Cost of one additional artist or instrumentalist - 5,000 rub. at one o'clock.

If you are looking folk ensembles Russian song of Moscow, we will gladly come to the rescue!

If you have any questions, the Pansies company is always happy to answer them at any time convenient for you! With us, you pay only for the presentation, without agency fees, since we develop and perform all services ourselves, without the involvement of intermediaries, which makes our work highly professional and the prices pleasant for you.



for cultural workers

Dyurtyuli, 2015

Folklore(from English folk-lore- “folk wisdom”) – folk art, most often oral. Artistic, collective, creative activity people, reflecting their life, views, ideals, principles; created by the people and existing among the masses.

Modern cultural and leisure institutions can work on the use of folklore and other types of traditional folk art in several directions.

1. Cultural and leisure institutions should orient people, especially young people, towards the assimilation of spiritual values ​​contained in folk art, for which it is necessary to use folklore and folk fine and decorative arts as widely as possible in mass artistic work.

2. Cultural and leisure institutions are designed to facilitate the search, collection, preservation and study of works of traditional folk art, for which it is necessary to organize search and research associations of ethnographers and amateurs folk art, folklore lovers, local historians, history buffs.

3. Workers of cultural and leisure institutions should act as organizers of direct artistic creativity in traditional folklore forms, which is possible within a team amateur performances using folklore and folk art in your work.

When folklore is used in the work of amateur artistic groups, its development proceeds in the following way:

collecting - creative processing - execution - creation.

As a result of such development, comprehensive creative development participants of amateur groups, an educational impact is carried out on spectators and listeners present at concerts, as well as the development of folk artistic creativity itself.

Contemporary folk group

A modern folklore group is an artistic and creative group whose repertoire is based on works of traditional folklore, received from authentic performers directly or indirectly through technical means. A folklore ensemble represents one or more local (local) singing, choreographic, instrumental folklore traditions(one of them in some cases is basic). Authentic groups are predominantly rural performers of traditional folk music, carriers of the local tradition of folk culture, transmitting and perceiving it orally from generation to generation and formed under the influence of three factors: continuity, variability, and environmental selection.

Performing a folk song on stage is one of effective ways propaganda of folklore traditions. Transferring musical and song folklore to the stage is always difficult, since the stage version of a folk song is divorced from the original environment of birth and development. When reproducing musical and song folklore, it becomes necessary to take into account the laws that have been developed by other stage genres, in particular dramatic art. The interpretation of traditional rituals and scenes requires a lot of directorial work. folk festivals, they combine all types of folk art: singing, dancing, dramatic action. When working on the stage embodiment of musical and song folklore, the director is faced with both choirmaster tasks and the requirement of knowledge of the laws of theatricalization. These laws dictate

firstly, the formation artistic image through identifying the conflict that is expressed in the relationships of the characters poetic text, in their personal experiences.

Secondly, the organization stage action through the system expressive means theatrical art.

Basic methods of working with folklore groups

In their activities, the leaders of most amateur folklore groups are faced, on the one hand, with problems relating to vocal technique, on the other hand, with folklore problems, such as the development and reconstruction of folklore and ethnographic materials, mastering the peculiarities of the sound and dialect of a particular local tradition, the specifics of implementation elements folk traditions into modern cultural life, features of displaying folklore samples and ritual fragments on stage, etc.

The differences in folklore traditions of different regions concern not only the repertoire of village singing ensembles, but mainly the characteristics of the poetic dialect (dialect), musical patterns folklore samples (texture, rhythm, intonation structure, performance techniques), types of choreographic movement, structure of ritual complexes, etc. That's why on modern stage the closest attention should be directed to identifying the specific patterns of local traditions of one district, village council and even one village.

Depending on the type of institution on the basis of which it is organized, a folklore group can solve a number of the following tasks:

– scientific research: study of stylistic patterns of local traditions of the area, reconstruction and restoration of forms of musical and song folklore, choreographic and ceremonial forms traditional culture(teams created by research and educational institutions);

– educational and methodological: development of methods for restoring traditional folklore in modern conditions, providing educational and methodological assistance to amateur folklore groups within the framework of seminars, internships, and advanced training courses (teams created under the Republican Cultural Center);

– artistic and creative: implementation of restored forms of traditional musical culture in the modern ritual and everyday context and artistic practice (traditional rituals, holidays, celebrations, etc., concerts and lectures, educational activities) (all types of folklore groups).

The methods of work of a folklore group, which sets as its main task the reconstruction and restoration of folk song traditions, are formed in the process of in-depth study of the content and formative patterns of folklore phenomena. First of all, in the process of studying song traditions, the members of the group are tasked with the most complete mastering a variety of “languages” traditional music and song culture - verbal, musical, performing, choreographic. When solving this problem, the main principle of work should be constant “contact” with the ethnographic primary source - working with expeditionary records of authentic folklore samples, as well as, if possible, communication with the bearers of the tradition themselves. Possession musical language folk song implies knowledge of the most complete corpus possible options(melodic, rhythmic, textured, etc.) of the same song, genre within the local tradition and the ability to use them freely in the process of singing. The study of the choreographic language of the local tradition includes identifying the features and types of choreographic movement (round dances, dances), plasticity, “language” of gestures, etc.

In a folklore ensemble (as in an ethnographic ensemble), the lead singer is not a soloist, he is the “ringleader”, on whom the beginning of the song or even each song stanza depends. At the same time, the rest of the ensemble members are equal “doers” of the song; the quality of performance and its correspondence to a particular situation (ritual, festive, etc.), the tone of the collective sound, fully depend on each of them, emotional condition the entire ensemble, as well as its energy “field” and much more.

One of complex problems The problem that most folklore groups face is the display of folklore samples on stage, and even more so the staging of fragments of ritual complexes. The stage embodiment of a folklore phenomenon is always secondary in relation to the natural situation of its existence - ritual or festive. If a collective strives for the authenticity of its performance, for compliance with tradition, then undoubtedly, at least at the initial stage of mastering folklore samples, it should look for the possibility of implementing them in a natural ritual and everyday situation - at a wedding, in rituals of the calendar cycle, in community (village or city) holidays and celebrations, in the sphere of family communication, etc.

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