The image of a librarian in literature and cinema. The image of a librarian through the prism of fiction Domestic fiction

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Methodological consultation for students of the “Librarian School”.

Its favorable image is of great importance for the library. The image of a library can be defined as an emotionally charged image that has developed in the mass consciousness, determined by society’s attitude towards the library, its services, resources, and goods. The image of the library is constantly changing. The quality of these changes depends on the activities of the team and library management, who must purposefully and systematically form an image based on available resources.

Today, the topic of library image is one of the most discussed and interesting in library circles. Questions that are raised in the professional press: “what influences the formation of a favorable image of a library in the eyes of the reader, how to make the internal library environment more comfortable, what skills should a librarian have, what is necessary for the dynamic development of a library?”

Library image policy is long-term and predictable, aimed at creating public opinion, creation of value attitudes that increase the possibility of library and information services in the eyes of the user.

The library image consists of an external library image and an internal library image.

Creating a positive image and forming a reliable reputation among the general public becomes the basis of a modern library institution and its priority direction.

Formation of the library image depends on the following components:

  • authority and competence of managers;

  • personnel qualifications,

  • culture of communication in the library;

  • library design (external and internal);

  • employee workplace culture;

  • comfortable conditions for users;

  • quality of information resources;

  • library advertising;

  • documentation (its compliance with the standards of modern office work);

  • having your own corporate style;
Based on the proposed definitions, we can distinguish 4 main directions for creating a positive image of the library:

1.Qualification of personnel.

2. Equipped, comfortable environment.

3. Multifunctional library activities.

4. Social partnership.
Let us consider the most, from our point of view, important components of the library image.

External library image - this is how the library is perceived by its visitors, local authorities. It consists of the quality of services provided to users, the tangible image (library building), the appearance of the staff and measures aimed at improving the image (advertising, contacts with the press, etc.).

In the modern information society, advertising is the most effective tool for informing the reader about the wealth of the fund, the breadth of services provided, and creating a positive image. Therefore, libraries are faced with the task of mastering the process of advertising library services and products, creating professional and effective library advertising.

Advertising activities as an integral part of the library’s marketing policy contribute to the approval of the image, shape public opinion through the implementation of a system of activities that establish a communicative connection between the institution and different categories of the population, governing bodies, and authorities.

For the successful formation of a library image, it is legitimate to talk about the conditions for the effective organization of advertising activities of a library: creating an image plan, starting with planning and developing advertising ( advertising campaign) and ending with determining the effectiveness of the library’s advertising activities. The main source for developing an advertising campaign strategy is the library's overall program of activities. Based on this, the goals and objectives of the advertising campaign are formed.

Cooperation with the media is an important part of the advertising, information and image policy of a modern library. When working with the media, the library, as a rule, determines the range of sources: newspapers, magazines, radio and television companies that most willingly cooperate with it, and organize regular columns about its work. Basically, these are cultural pages reflecting mass work with the population literary compositions, stories about events in library life, about books, new additions to the library.

As a result of such cooperation, libraries improve their image, enjoy free advertising of their services, and attract the attention of the public and sponsors. Much attention is drawn to materials about the library’s capabilities in providing readers with the Internet, and about the work of cultural and entertainment complexes. Charity events, library sponsorship, and library participation in competitions at various levels are actively covered in the media.

When covering significant events in the life of the library - anniversaries, opening of exhibitions, organizing specialized departments, creating additional services, the library holds press conferences.

In the age of electronic technology, libraries cannot stay away from the benefits of a website. Today, advertising on the Internet is already a fairly common type of advertising; the number of Internet users is constantly growing. Libraries post information about the library, services, electronic catalogs on their websites, and provide the opportunity to order books by e-mail. The way you evaluate the results of an online advertising campaign depends on its goals. This may be an increase in the number of users, an expansion of the scope of services, and an increase in site traffic. The Internet, as an information environment, provides an opportunity not only to obtain the necessary information, but also to provide information about oneself to the Russian and world public.

The other side of the external library image - the image of library specialists - is directly related to the performance of professional duties and consists of external appearance, demeanor, and ability to communicate. His success largely depends on the impression a librarian makes on others. The image of a librarian influences the work of the library; the status and role of the library in society largely depend on it.
Image of a librarian.

The authors of the article posted on the Internet are T. I. Ivanova, “The problem of the image of the library profession in modern stage” gives the following formulation of the image of a librarian. Status-it: as it should be. Status quo: how others perceive us. In relation to the library profession it looks like this. Status-it: businesswoman, professional, information manager. Status quo: “gray mouse”, not a professional in this field, a random person in the library. So, we can say that the question about the image of the librarian profession is legitimate. It is believed that image should become part of the actions of public people. This is especially true for representatives of the library profession.

For a long time in the media, fiction(both Russian and world), cinema art was formed negative image librarian (dull appearance, hair tied in a bun, quiet, and sometimes even downtrodden woman). And what is surprising is that the librarians did not try to break this idea of ​​themselves.
But time passed, and interest in others’ perception of their profession appeared. This is due to changes in the country and in the library community itself. Librarians reach the international level, communicate with colleagues from different countries, and as a result of this, they come to understand themselves and the place of their profession in the world. There is a need to look at oneself from the outside, and the problem of the image of the library profession arises.
The problem of the image of the library and the librarian is studied in many countries (but, unfortunately, not in Russia). Australian research notes that librarians themselves perpetuate their negative image. In 1990, P.G. Schuman noted that a librarian's image often centers on physical stereotypes. Criticism is expressed not so much in the image of a shy old maid, how much in the lack of awareness of the librarian's responsibilities. From guardians of knowledge answering isolated reference questions, librarians must move to the role of active professionals assisting users in solving their problems. In the USA, a study was conducted “Image of a Librarian in US Medical Libraries”. His results showed that, on the one hand, librarians are perceived as educated people who are ready to help, and on the other, as old-fashioned, timid, self-centered people who follow the letter of the law.
In our country, no similar studies have been conducted to study the image of librarians.

What needs to be done to form the image of a librarian?

First of all, in order to break the negative perception in society of the image of a librarian, we must break this perception in the soul of each of us.

The image of libraries will be judged by the image of each librarian. And if we want city residents to have a perception of a librarian as a specialist in the field of information, and not “an object for issuing books,” then we need to form a corresponding image of ourselves about ourselves. And for this you need them to have a certain opinion about you. This is why it is necessary to form an image.

The perception of a person by his clothes, makeup, hairstyle is called “habitary image” (external). We often hear constant complaints from librarians about the lack of money, book collections, etc. But if you ask the question: “Have you tried to change the situation (find a job with a decent salary, write a program on collections and get money for it)?” - then you will hear in response: “Who am I? I'm a simple librarian!

I can't help but comment this position quote from Natalia Pravdina’s book “I Love Myself”: “If you feel free, you will become free, if you feel independent, you will become independent, because your thoughts influence how you move, how you begin to speak, and even the speed and ease of your gait. But first, you should cultivate an attitude towards your merits. Encouraging your successes can increase the rate of their growth several times... A woman feels the way she looks... We might think that we might not be appreciated enough? What do you mean not worth it? After all, dignity is determined by your own attitude towards yourself. This is the price we set for ourselves. And it turns out that the more we value ourselves, the more more chances be properly assessed. And the more we value ourselves, the more it manifests itself in our appearance and actions. A woman who values ​​herself highly will not allow herself to appear in public with unwashed hair, a stale blouse, or worn-out shoes.”

One of the main tasks in forming the image of the library profession is creating attraction, creating a pleasant opinion about specialists in this field. And if it is possible not to create artificial obstacles on this path, then this should be done.
The content of a librarian’s activities as an integral part of his image.

The image of librarians is directly related to their professional existence. If earlier librarians who did their job well could be confident in their continued existence, today’s librarians need active marketing of yourself and your role in society. Librarians should not be indifferent to how they look from the outside, because through the impression they and their libraries make on users, the path to determining the status and role of these libraries lies.

J. Kogep believes that the image is formed under the influence of the range of services that the library provides. Thus, if librarians are not seen as information workers, then they cannot take responsibility for providing information services. Librarians must be active in providing information services, which will influence their image. In modern society, librarians should be viewed as information professionals.
There can be no talk about any image of a librarian if he does not have vocational education.

Thus, it is recognized that a librarian and bibliographer are the same specialists as a teacher, doctor, engineer. And the work of libraries has its own specificity, which is more understandable, familiar, performed by people, specially trained in this profession. And it is a professional, despite the low salary, who will create a modern library. Because that’s how he was taught, and he can’t do it any other way. The “era of old grandmothers” who filled libraries must go into oblivion. Employers must understand, and we must be able to prove to them, that it is more expensive to hire a non-specialist.

A) Librarian's advertising activities.

The first place comes to the level of professional training of the librarian as a specialist with a marketing mindset, interested in the demand for information collected in the collections.

Therefore, I consider it necessary for successful work and creating a positive personal image, mastery of the basics of PR and advertising. Advertising is one of the most important activities of the library and one of the components of its image. . And if the library’s image is formed under the influence of the range of services that this library provides, then it is from the advertising of this library that you will learn about these services. It is necessary to create a corporate identity in each library (presence of a business card, an advertising booklet of the library, advertising leaflets, letterheads with the library logo). How we present ourselves determines how others perceive us.
b) Marketing research in the activities of a librarian
Modern library life is impossible without such concepts as management, marketing, and fundraising. But it’s not enough to know these concepts, you need to master their technologies practical application. Thus, fundraising is the activity of petitioning for the allocation or donation of funds for the implementation of any projects or programs.

Many librarians believe that to create the image of a library it is enough to equip it with office equipment, a computer, and make repairs. But the main thing in our work is information service, providing users with the necessary information. And it is precisely the mastery of marketing methods that allows you to conduct a marketing study of your library’s activities and answer the questions: “Is what you do in demand? What types of services are needed in your library? How have the information needs of modern library users changed? What new collections are needed in this library?

V) Professional growth as an integral part of the librarian's image.
The need for constant learning, improving one’s qualifications and, as a result, changing the space around oneself. If previously a library with a good book collection was the ultimate dream, then the modern information situation and the emergence of new non-traditional information products for libraries raise the question of creating media libraries on the basis of libraries. Thanks to the Internet and the use of computers and office equipment in library practice, the question arose about training librarians in modern information technologies and the influence of the latter on the formation of the image of a modern librarian.

The ability to work on a computer and fluency on the Internet makes it possible to learn about the activities of your Russian and foreign colleagues, participate in projects and competitions, and study remotely. As we see, modern life is constantly raising the level of requirements that modern librarians must meet, and it is very difficult to stay at this level.

3. Internal library image.

The internal library image is determined by norms and values ​​(the mission of the library), the organization of internal communications, the history of the library, and the socio-psychological microclimate of the team. It seems most rational to consider the internal library image through three concepts: management, socio-psychological climate and organizational culture.

In relation to the internal library image highest value have the following leadership qualities: reasonable persistence, determination, energy, sincerity, high self-discipline, and the ability to support subordinates. In the absence of an ideal leadership style, the most convincing assumption is that the best leader is the one who is responsible for everything that is part of his job responsibilities.

The socio-psychological climate in the library as the psychological state of the team consists of satisfaction with the management system, interpersonal relationships and assessment of working conditions in the team. It is important not only for the optimal organization of work, but also because without it any work to improve the image is practically useless. Many reasons for the deterioration of the socio-psychological climate in the library are “eternal”, since they do not depend on its type, size of staff, etc. factors (conflicts with management, psychological incompatibility of employees, etc.).

Among the main factors of the socio-psychological climate in the work team, one can note vertical and horizontal relationships; style and norms of communication; organization and working conditions; incentive system. Depending on the state of these factors, a more or less stable emotional mood of the team members develops. The composition of the team is of no small importance from the point of view of the psychological compatibility of its members.

The norms of business interaction accepted in the team develop into office etiquette, which determines the rules of behavior in situations where people act in the official roles of a manager and a subordinate.

Office etiquette shapes the style of relationships in a team, in which formal and informal elements of office interaction are closely intertwined. It includes such informal elements as mood, the manager’s manner of greeting and addressing employees, forms and methods of criticism. Knowledge of office etiquette is essential professional quality, which must be acquired and constantly improved.

The moral element in the “librarian-librarian” relationship is the desire of each employee to hide a bad mood, negative traits character, rejection of criticism and thereby maintain your individual image at the required level. This moral sense of purpose contributes to the formation of a favorable psychological atmosphere for the realization of goodwill and creativity, professional opportunities, both for the individual librarian and for the entire team.

Organizational culture is the way of thinking and the way of action of library employees, aimed at harmonizing relationships in the team and creating a favorable attitude towards the library from the public. Organizational culture can be considered in three aspects: a) as the ability and desire of each library employee to defend its interests and help strengthen its authority; b) as trustworthiness, loyalty and commitment to your library; c) how the employee behaves outside the library, including the impression he makes on others. In general, it is the organizational culture that contributes to the manifestation of the main characteristics of the image: identification of the library by society, difference from other libraries and the formation of reputation.

Reader's image- an important component of the library’s internal image. It includes reading orientation, interests and reading needs, preparedness for the process of working in the library (availability of necessary writing materials), appearance reader. Compliance with the rules of behavior in the library also characterizes the level of positive image of the reader.

On the other hand, the librarian acts as a teacher in relation to readers, using in practice methods of influencing them in the process of individual conversations, recommending books. This achieves the image impact of the librarian on readers, which, in turn, requires the librarian to improve his professional qualifications in order to meet the needs of all categories of library visitors.


1. Averyanova N.V. The image of the library as a factor in its development //

2. Altukhova, G. A. Fundamentals of library image [Text]: educational method. allowance / G. A. Altukhova. – M.: Litera, 2008. – 224 p. – ( Modern library. Vol. 33).

5. Vaneev, A. N. Conflicts in the library: prevention and resolution [Text] / A. N. Vaneev. – St. Petersburg: Publishing house “Profession”, 2001. – 121 p. – (Series “Library Workshop”).

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Volodin, A. Idealist. For theater and cinema: plays / A. Volodin. – M.: Art, – 312 p. “She sits (the librarian, the main character of the play - B.S.) at her table and, a little shy, says: “Our library dates back to nineteen twenty-six.” Then we were not far from here, in a small old church. However, the library was just a name. The books were piled so high that the doors could not be opened. No catalog, no forms, nothing. But I wanted to talk about our readers...” And she tells how she first met one of her longtime readers, S.N. Baklazhanov, who has now become a professor, a major scientist... In this first meeting-dialogue, our entire heroine. The author does not even mention her name. She is an idealist (also one of the stereotypes of public opinion about the librarian profession). Next, the heroine retells several more dialogues with this reader and with his son, who also became a reader of her library. You really become convinced that neither age nor life’s adversities have changed her romantic perception of the world.

Ehrenburg, I. G. Collected works in 8 volumes. T. 3. The stormy life of Lazek Roitshvanets; Second day; Book for adults: novels / I.G. Ehrenburg. – M.: Fiction, – 607 p. Looking at the heroine of this novel, librarian Natalya Petrovna Gorbacheva, “people thought that she looked like a book bug and that in her head there were only catalog numbers. To others she seemed like a big ugly letter... Natalya Petrovna Gorbacheva did not save her life, her property, or the revolution. She saved books. She was lonely, middle-aged and ugly. No one even knew her name - they said: librarian. They didn’t know Natalya Petrovna... She came up to them and plaintively whispered: “Comrades, please be careful!” She suffered because none of these people felt the love for books that filled her heart. They took books greedily, like bread, and they had no time to admire... Sobbing awkwardly, Natalya Petrovna said: “Books are a great thing! ...they cannot be burned, they must be stored..."

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Shukshin, V.M. Until the third rooster: The tale of Ivan the Fool, how he went to distant lands to gain wisdom - reason / V.M. Shukshin. – M.: Soviet Russia, – 96 pp., ill. Come to life in a fairy tale literary heroes they call the librarian “vulgarite,” and the content of the conversation she is having not only does not attract fans to the heroine, but quite the contrary, makes the image of a female librarian primitive and vulgar: “Once in one library, in the evening, around six o’clock , the Russian characters argued classical literature. Even when the librarian was there, they looked at her with interest from their shelves - they waited. The librarian finally talked to someone on the phone... She spoke strangely, the characters listened and did not understand. They were surprised... “I don’t understand anything,” someone in a top hat said quietly - either Onegin or Chatsky - to his neighbor, a heavy landowner, Looks like Oblomov. Oblomov smiled: “They’re going to the zoo...”

Kalashnikova, V. Nostalgia / V. Kalashnikova // Star. – – 9. – C The action in the story takes place in our days. Her heroine Polina, a librarian by profession, “speaks English and French... she has collected great material(for my dissertation - B.S.), you just need to rummage a little in the German archives....” She's smart and determined modern woman(a type of new Russian librarian) and, what is very important, very well read - “all my life I did nothing but read books.” At the same time, she is horrified by the surrounding lack of spirituality, drug addiction, prostitution: “... under the communists... there was order... you could watch TV. And now we are showing sex films... the question is, where did this nasty thing come from?” Disappointed with reality, Polina leaves for Germany to join her fiancé. However, even there she does not find peace: the German man is too calculating, there are also prostitutes and drug addicts there... The end of the story is tragic. Polina dies in a car accident. This story is symbolic. In it, in one of the first in Russian modern literature, the image of a librarian is endowed with high intellectual potential, capable of communicating on equal terms with the color of the nation (in in this case- academicians).

Ulitskaya, L. Sonechka / L. Ulitskaya // New world. – – 7. – In the story “Sonechka”, Lyudmila Ulitskaya brought out the bright, surprisingly selfless character of the librarian Sonechka: “For twenty years, from seven to twenty-seven, Sonechka read almost without a break. She fell into reading as if in a faint, ending with last page books... She had an extraordinary talent for reading, and perhaps a kind of genius. Her responsiveness to the printed word was so great that fictional characters stood on a par with living, close people...” L. Ulitskaya “Russia is the most reading country in the world” - this myth about our country is one of the most pleasant. I myself belong to the reading generation, which from childhood learned to escape reality by burying itself in book pages. For many people, reading partly replaced life itself; it was not one of its constituent parts, but perhaps the best and most significant. The heroine of "Sonechka", as if in a long-term faint, reads books voraciously, but the reality of life - love, family, motherhood - knocks her out of reading... Old age sets in: her husband dies, her daughter leaves - and her soul returns to great literature, which provides food for the soul, reconciliation, pleasure... Literature as a religion of life. The Russian myth, so close and so fragile. Like any myth."

Roerich N.K. Pigeon book. 1922 Pigeon book. Nikolai Zabolotsky. 1937 In my infancy, I heard many times the half-forgotten story of my great-grandfathers about the hidden book... Across the river, the bloody ray of dawn used to burn a little, It was time to sleep, already in a white veil the fog was creeping from the river and chilling the heart, Already the poor world, having forgotten its sufferings, had fallen silent all, and only in the distance the Grasshopper, the little worker of the universe, all working, singing, not demanding attention, - alone, in an incomprehensible language...

ContentURL" src="" width="800" align="left" alt="Selçuk Demirel Tomasz Walenta - Polish artist, born in 1974, lived and studied in Canada. Ten years ago he returned to Poland. Extreme laconicism, wit, poster style." title="Selçuk Demirel Tomasz Walenta - Polish artist, born in 1974, lived and studied in Canada. Ten years ago he returned to Poland. Extreme laconicism, wit, poster style."> !}

The work of the wonderful American photographer Jerry Uelsmann was made without the use of Photoshop. Uelsmann creates images from many negatives, working for a long time on each composition in the darkroom. The work of the wonderful American photographer Jerry Uelsmann was made without the use of Photoshop. Uelsmann creates images from many negatives, working for a long time on each composition in the darkroom.

An observation deck near the Yenisei River, from which you can clearly see the village of Ovsyanka, where the writer V.P. Astafiev (1924–2001), author of the story “The Tsar Fish”, was born, lived and worked. The monument was erected in 2004 to mark the writer’s 80th birthday. An observation deck near the Yenisei River, from which you can clearly see the village of Ovsyanka, where the writer V.P. Astafiev (1924–2001), author of the story “The Tsar Fish”, was born, lived and worked. The monument was erected in 2004 to mark the writer’s 80th birthday.

Courtyard of the Faculty of Philology of St. Petersburg state university. "Reflections on The Little Prince", artist Arsen Avetisyan. Here, on a stack of books, as if on a throne, sits the allegorical image of the philosopher of life, the lover of truth and the truth-bearer, the Jester, and holds in his hands the open pages of the wonderful story of Exupery. The fragile figurine of the Little Prince perched a little further away. Courtyard of the Faculty of Philology of St. Petersburg State University. “Reflections on the Little Prince”, artist Arsen Avetisyan. Here, on a stack of books, as if on a throne, sits the allegorical image of the philosopher of life, the lover of truth and the truth-bearer, the Jester, and holds in his hands the open pages of the wonderful story of Exupery. The fragile figurine of the Little Prince perched a little further away.

What to pray for, oh friend? There would be an abundance of books... Horace Studying with books nourishes youth. Old age is amused, happiness is beautified, In misfortune they also provide consolation. Houses bring joy, but not houses do not interfere. Cicero It’s a good thing to collect good books, but it is more useful to refer to them and read them more often. Petrarch

The book has always been an adviser, a comforter, eloquent and calm for me, and I did not want to exhaust its benefits, saving them for the most important occasions. George Sand When a book collides with your head and a dull, empty sound is heard, is it always the book's fault? G. K. Lichtenberg

You need to know the book. You have to love her and believe in her. You need to develop the ability and practical dexterity to work with the help of a book. N. A. Rubakin A true scribe is distinguished by talent. Talent in book writing is the same as musicality. V. G. Lidin A good, knowledgeable librarian is a faithful assistant to any serious researcher and even a serious person V. V. Stasov

Material used in the presentation: 1. Brazhnikova S. A. The image of a librarian in literary works [Electronic resource] / S. A. Brazhnikova. - Access mode: Collection bookshelves. Book lover's chair [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: 3. The image of a librarian in cinema [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: Monument to the book [Electronic resource]. - Access mode: Reproductions of paintings [Electronic resource]. – Access mode: answer. compiled by Dedyulya A.V. Malysheva N.G. Scientific and technical library of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Krasnoyarsk State Trade and Economic Institute"

The profession of a librarian is one of the most noble professions, requiring love for work, dedication, and strength of soul. This profession is considered socially significant, but not prestigious, almost invisible.

Images of libraries and librarians in Russian fiction of the twentieth century. very interesting and controversial. The authors of the books note the features characteristic of one or another historical period, show the position of libraries in society, and also create purely literary images and associations, stable stereotypes of librarians.

The nature of the image of a book, library and librarian in fiction appears to be a reflection of society’s attitude towards them. And works of literature make it possible to comprehend the place of the library in the life of society, to understand the image of the librarian in society, because the attitude towards reading, books, the library and its employees depends not so much on the status of the institution, the quantitative indicators of its activities, its social function, but on the ideas prevailing in society and stereotypes.

We present to your attention a selected list of works by domestic and foreign writers on this topic.

Bagmut, I. Precious edition: story

A story that describes a battle in the ruins of one of the regional libraries. In the midst of the battle, one of the fighters unexpectedly remembers the ordinary library silence as something unattainably distant: “in his imagination a luxurious library lobby and that special, cozy silence of the reading room, when only the quiet rustle of turning pages can be heard,” emerged (10). The library, which lost about 2 million volumes, was opened the very next day after the liberation of the city. One of the surviving books, taken by the main character to his unit on parole, was returned to the library by his comrade, since he “died while performing a combat mission.”

Birger, A. Spell of words: story

A writer with knowledge of librarianship tells about the work of a librarian. He talks warmly, touchingly, and sympathetically about library work.

Library in a provincial town. It seems that this is the quietest and most harmless place, where time flows slowly and nothing can disturb the established order once and for all. A famous metropolitan writer, arriving at a meeting with readers, unexpectedly finds himself in a whirlpool of mystical and mysterious events related to the local library.

Borisov, L. Blockade: story

The story touches on tragic theme the blockade of Leningrad and book meetings in the besieged city. The author notes that a real bibliophile, even if he had a kilogram of cereal, would be ashamed to buy an entire philosophical library for this “money,” since this is a “cynical case.”

Volodin, A. M. Idealist: play

A. Volodin’s play “The Idealist” was written in 1962. At the center of the play is the image of an idealistic librarian who dreams of introducing all readers to the “reasonable, good, eternal” and, first of all, to reading “serious” literature. This work is a monodrama, a confession of the heroine about her life. She doesn’t have a name, the author calls her somewhat aloofly - She has a profession - a librarian. Four meetings that left a mark on the heroine’s life - four partings. In the 80s, a television film was made based on “The Idealist” with the participation of A. Freindlikh and N. Mikhalkov

Vorobyov, E. Rustle of pages: story

The story is about besieged Leningrad; Leningrader E. Vorobyov is spiritually close to this topic. A special atmosphere is felt here, precise details are remembered: six hundred frozen inkwells in the Public Library.

Galin, A. Librarian: play

By putting the hero's profession in the title, the playwright emphasized its “iconicity.” The play presents a type of library worker - a person who does not agree with the political system and the existing orders in society, who views the library as a kind of refuge.

The play takes place in the library of a psychoneurological dispensary, lost somewhere in the Russian outback. Apparently no one uses the library. However, there are as many as three employees, one way or another, driven into this trap. The hero is exiled to the library on orders from the KGB for publishing some innocent samizdat magazine.

Soon he should be “rehabilitated” - and he will be able to leave the library. But at the last moment the “librarian” stands up for the unjustly persecuted young man and, as one can understand, new misfortunes await him. It is very significant that it was in the library that the author found a “righteous man” capable of self-sacrifice: “Revolt weak people- the most powerful rebellion!

Georgievskaya, S. Silver Word: story

“The Silver Word” is a story about a young girl librarian who left Moscow for distant Tuva, about her youthfully passionate and deeply responsible attitude to her work.

Grekova, I. Summer in the city: story

“When the linden trees bloom, the whole city is immersed in the smell. It smells on trams, in shops, on stairs. The large library hall also smelled of linden trees. The windows were open, and when the breeze blew, everyone felt the presence of linden trees..."

Elizarov, M. Librarian: novel

“The Librarian” is, in fact, the first great post-Soviet novel, the reaction of the generation of 30-year-olds to the world in which they found themselves. Behind the fantastic plot lies a parable, a southern Russian tale of lost time, false nostalgia and a barbaric present. Main character, an eternal loser-student, an “extra” person who does not fit in with capitalism, finds himself drawn into the thick of a bloody war waged among themselves by the so-called “libraries” for heritage Soviet writer YES. Gromova.

An entire reality unfolds around the books, sometimes reminiscent of an action-packed thriller, sometimes an action movie, but most importantly, in the blurred contours of this skillfully invented reality, as in a mirror, many readers whose childhood began before perestroika recognize themselves and their history. For others, this world, half assembled from real facts of a recent but irretrievably past time, half invented, will seem no less fantastic than the dying profession of a librarian.

“This is a book about the death of Soviet readers, who forever burn in the flames of socialist realism literature,” says the chairman of the Russian Booker jury, critic Evgeny Sidorov.

Zalygin, S. South American variant: novel

The novel "South American Version", a purely "urban" story about the spiritual toil of a modern intelligent woman.

Kaverin, V. Scandalist, or Evenings on Vasilyevsky Island : novel

There are many pages in the novel dedicated to libraries.

Kalashnikova, V. Nostalgia: story

Kalashnikova, V. Nostalgia The action in the story takes place in our days. Her heroine Polina, a librarian by profession, “speaks English and French... she has collected a lot of material (for her dissertation - B.S.), she just needs to rummage a little in the German archives....".

“By the way, just last night Polina had a prophetic dream... Her house is on fire, the flames are already rising from below, from the basement, the fire is raging in the kitchen, in the corridor, and she cannot escape. Well, I recognize you, life, I accept you, and I greet you with the ringing of the shield. They won’t take you back to the library, although you can go to another, simpler one, and no longer communicate with academics...” She is an intelligent, decisive modern woman (the type of the new Russian librarian) and, what is very important, very well read - “all her life she did nothing but read books.” At the same time, she is horrified by the surrounding lack of spirituality, drug addiction, prostitution: “... under the communists... there was order... you could watch TV. And now we are showing sex films... the question is, where did this nasty thing come from?” Disappointed with reality, Polina leaves for Germany to join her fiancé. However, even there she does not find peace: the German man is too calculating, there are also prostitutes and drug addicts there... The end of the story is tragic. Polina dies in a car accident.

This story is symbolic. In it, one of the first in Russian modern literature, the image of a librarian is endowed with high intellectual potential, capable of communicating on equal terms with the color of the nation (in this case, academicians).

(Star. - 1998. - No. 9. - pp. 33-104)

Krapivin, V. Orange speckled portrait: story

Julia, the heroine of the story, is an intern at the library. small town Verkhotalye.

Likhanov, A. Children's library: story

The stories “The Store of Beloved Aids”, “Kikimora” and “Children’s Library” by A.A. Likhanov form part of the novel in the stories “Russian Boys”. All of them are about how children who became schoolchildren during the hard times of war went through the war, and what their lives were filled with.

Lobanova, L. From the life of a reader: novel

Marina is tired of the loneliness and hopelessness of her relationship with her leading nowhere married man. She lives among books and dreams of somehow changing her dull existence. And one day dreams come true...

Now Marina has everything and an interesting job in a new magazine, and even an affair with famous writer. But... how different the reality of the existence of literary bohemia is from everything that was pictured in her imagination! And how difficult it is to find happiness in the world of those who have chosen the Word as their destiny!..

Logan, B. Librarian

Regina Finch dreamed of working in a library - it seemed to her that nothing could be more interesting, and she was incredibly happy that her dream had come true. But on her first day of work, she witnessed an outrageous scene: two young people passionately made love in one of the rooms of the New York Public Library. Regina's indignation was great, but she couldn't help but notice how handsome and sexy the young man was. She would be surprised to know what awaits her: very soon the handsome macho man who desecrated the holy of holies will become her boyfriend...

Myron Wiki, Dewey. The cat from the library who shocked everyone

The hero of this book is a real-life ginger cat named Dewey, who lived in a public library from 1988 to 2006. small town Spencer, Iowa, USA.

The book is the memoirs of his owner Vicki Myron. She worked at the Spencer Library for 25 years, 20 of them as director of the library, and all this time she had with her the cat Dewey - the main inhabitant of the library building, an honorary employee, a mascot and everyone's favorite.

So what kind of experiences can an animal endure? How many lives does a cat have? How did it happen that an unfortunate foundling kitten made a small library a meeting place for surrounding residents and a center of attraction for tourists, and a provincial American town became famous all over the world? About this and much more in the amazing book of Vicky Myron, which managed to touch the soul of millions of readers in all corners of the planet.

Myron Wiki, The Nine Lives of Dewey. The heirs of the library cat who shocked the whole world

The touching story of the red cat from the Spencer Township library, described in Vicki Myron's book Dewey, has generated millions of rave reviews. Readers were so into the atmosphere warmth, which Dewey gave to people, which inspired Vicki Myron to write a sequel.

The new book contains nine stories about cats that united people, gave them hope and helped them cope with life's difficulties, taught them to rejoice, love and compassion.

Rybakova, S. Parish librarian: story

In the story “The Parish Librarian” by S. Rybakova, Vika, Victoria works in the parish library. “For her, work was a gift from God that she valued. But the readers, in turn, gave Vika a lot. They were all like-minded people in the busy world.

(Our contemporary. - 2002. - No. 10. - P. 94-101)

Senchin R. Eltyshevs: novel

Valentina Viktorovna, the mother of a family that is steadily heading towards complete destruction, is also a librarian, an older woman, tired and heavy. We will never see her with a book: such a familiar way to lose yourself in hopeless everyday life does not occur to either the author or the heroine. We will not discern in her a single glimmer of bookish (in the sense of high) principles and values. From time to time she remembers who wrote such and such a book that she once gave out. Not remembering, he quickly calms down...

(Friendship of Peoples. - 2009. - No. 3,4)

Strekhnin, Yu. There are women in Russian villages: true story

Ulitskaya, L. Sonechka: story

Lyudmila Ulitskaya brought out the bright, surprisingly selfless character of the librarian Sonechka.

“She graduated from library technical school, began working in the basement storage room of the old library and was one of the rare lucky people who, with a slight pain of interrupted pleasure, left her dusty and stuffy basement at the end of the working day, not having had time to get enough of either a series of index cards or whitish sheets of demands for the day who came to her from above, from the reading room, nor with the living weight of volumes falling into her thin hands.”

The heroine of “Sonechka”, as if in a long-term faint, reads books voraciously, but the reality of life - love, family, motherhood - knocks her out of reading... Old age sets in: her husband dies, her daughter leaves - and her soul returns to the great literature that gives food for the soul, reconciliation, pleasure...).

The story "Sonechka" received awards: Medici (1996, France) and them. Giuseppe Aserbi (1998, Italy).

Chernokov, M. Knizhniki: a novel

The bizarre world of bibliophiles of pre-revolutionary Russia appears on the pages of M. Chernokov’s novel “Scribes”. It describes in detail and colorfully both the “gloomy St. Petersburg antique shops” and the scribes themselves, wholly indulged in their all-consuming passion. At the same time, for help in finding books, they are ready to endure any nickname - “alchemists, empty saints, dusty monster,” etc.

In general, M. Chernokov’s “Scribes” is one of the very rare works in Russian literature entirely devoted to bibliophile themes, and nothing like this was published in subsequent decades.

Matveev, M.Yu. Philosophical ideas 20th century and their influence on the image of libraries // Bibliotekovedenie.- 2008.- No. 1.- P.114-119.

The impact of foreign philosophical movements of the twentieth century (positivism, Freudianism and postmodernism) on the public perception of libraries and the formation of librarian stereotypes.

“ of the most common stereotypes is that the library is perceived as a bastion of order and discipline, which is in conflict with the much more chaotic outside world.”

“If you look at the stereotypes of library workers precisely through the triad of fear-knowledge-power, you will find that they are not so much threatening as they are comical - in this way writers and journalists simply “mask” their fear of the knowledge contained in the library.”

Matveev, M.Yu. The power of stereotypes or diversity of approaches? : the image of the library in art. lit. // Library Science.- 2003.- No. 2.- P.66-72.

“...the portrayal of libraries in fiction can be seen as an interesting addition to library sociology.”

“...fiction quite often describes the reasons why a library becomes attractive or, conversely, repels talented people.”

Loginova, N.V. Trap for the intellectual: images of librarians in the fatherland. artist lit. // Library Science. - 2007. - No. 1. - P. 118-123.

“ the literature of the post-Stalin era, the image of the library profession constantly appears as a life trap for the intelligentsia.”

“We must nevertheless admit that the specifics of library work remain a mystery for authors (as well as for the public consciousness in general).”

"IN public consciousness the image of the “Poor but honest librarian” was established, which, presumably, is important for confirming the moral balance of society, for proving the thesis that “not by bread alone.”

Matveev, M.Yu. Book people in Russian literature of the twentieth century // Bibl. case.- 2003.- No. 10.- P.36-39; No. 11.- P.41-43; No. 12.- P.40-43; 2004.- No. 1.- P.40-43.

The image of the library and the librarian in Russian fiction of the twentieth century.

“Librarians in Russian fiction are often described as the main characters (and positive heroes), but the library profession itself is seen as a worthy life choice rarely appears."

“With all the abundance of stereotypes and unattractive descriptions, fiction is a very interesting source of information, since the writer’s view always differs from the view of a practicing librarian and a theoretician librarian. This difference allows us to more accurately imagine the place and role of the library profession in society.”

Matveev, M.Yu. This eternal stereotype: libraries and librarians go abroad. lit. XX century // Bible case.- 2004.- No. 5.- P.39-41; No. 6.- P.38-41; No. 8.- P.39-41; No. 9.-P.39-41.

Image of a library and a librarian in foreign literature XX century

“Analysis of various genres of literature makes it possible to most accurately identify characteristic descriptions of libraries and library workers and determine how exactly librarians “appear” as writers to the general public.”

“Library “stereotypes” are simplified, schematized, and often highly distorted ideas about the work of the library and the library profession that are present in fiction throughout the twentieth century.”

Zalomkina, G.V. The meaning of the library in E. Kostova’s novel “The Historian” // Bibliotekovedenie.- 2008.- No. 3.- P.119-124.

The image of the library is updated and deepened in the novel based on broad historical material in the context of the ideas of H.L. Borges and W. Eco. E. Kostova’s novel “The Historian” was published in the USA in 2005 and has been translated into more than 30 languages.

“The library in E. Kostova’s novel is an analogue of B. Stoker’s precious sarcophagus of Dracula; books are sacred, powerful land, without which a vampire is not viable. E. Kostova's Dracula values ​​his library very much. The phenomenon of the library unfolds in the novel into an all-significant and all-encompassing image.”

Matveev, M.Yu. Through the eyes of science fiction writers: do stereotypes penetrate the future? // Library.- 2007.- No. 4.- P.82-85.

The image of the library and librarian in works of domestic and foreign science fiction.

“In general, the images of libraries in science fiction are very diverse, but, according to our observations, pessimistic rather than optimistic assessments of their activities predominate in this genre.”

Matveev, M.Yu. And of course... a corpse: b-ki and librarians in a detective story. novels // Bibl. case.- 2003.- No. 9.- P.36-41.

The image of the library and librarian in domestic detective stories.

“The frequent use of the image of a library in detective stories leads to the formation of stable (“stereotypical”) ideas about what happens in it, and ideas that are far from flattering.”

“...librarians in detective stories are often not portrayed in the best way either.”

“But despite all the negative features of the image of a librarian, foreign researchers are inclined to conclude that in detective stories it is more positive than in “serious” literature...”

Domestic fiction

Antonov, S. P. Librarian: a story // Antonov, S. P. Stories. -Barnaul, 1953. - pp. 21-32.

Astafiev, V.P. King Fish: storytelling in stories. - Krasnoyarsk: Krasnoyarsk. ed.-ed. Center "Grotesk", 1993. - 384 p.

Babel, I. E. Public Library // Works: In 2 volumes - Vol. 1. Stories 1913-1924; Odessa stories; Journalism; Letters; Application. - M., 1996. - P. 35-37.

Bagmut, I. A. Precious edition: a story // Bagmut, I. A. Piece of the pie: stories. - M, 1969. - P. 155-162.

Basmanova, E. The Secret of the Black Pearl: a novel. - St. Petersburg: Neva; M.: OL-MA-press, 2002.- 382 p.

Belyaeva, L.I. Seven years don’t count: a story. - M.: Sov. writer, 1978.- 326 p.

Volodin, A.M. Idealist: a play // Volodin, A.M. For theater and cinema.- M., 1967.- P.140-148.

Galin, A.M. The Librarian: a play // Sovrem. dramaturgy.- 1989.- No. 3.- P.27-52.

Georgievskaya, S.M. Silver word // Georgievskaya, S.M. Silver word. Tarasik: stories. - M., 1973. - P.5-182.

Dombrovsky, Yu.O. Guardian of Antiquities: novel, short stories, essays. - M.: Izvestia, 1991. - 224 p.

Dontsova, D.A. Bouquet beautiful ladies: novel. - M.: EKSMO, 2002. - 379 p.

Zalygin, S.P. South American version: a novel. - M.: Sovremennik, 1974. - 415 p.

Kaverin, V.A. Scandalist or evenings on Vasilyevsky Island: a novel. - 3rd ed. - L., 1931. - 212 p.

Kalinina, D.A. A mole will make an elephant: a novel. - M.: ZAO Publishing House Press, 1999. - 432 p. - (Series “Ironic Detective”).

Karelin, L.V. Microdistrict: novel. - M.: Sov. Russia, 1963.- 349 p.

Kulakovsky, A.N. Mint grows under the window: a story // Kulakovsky, A.N. Paths both traveled and untrodden. Mint grows under the window. - M., 1978. - P.280-421.

Likhanov, A. A. Children's library: stories. - M.: Sov. Russia, 1989. - 149, |2] p.: ill.

Marinina, A.B. Sixes die first: novels. - M.: EKSMO, 1996. - 483 p.

Muratov, I.L. Windows wide open: a story. - M.: Sov. writer, 1964.- 215 p.

Musatov, A.I. Ostrog Bible: a story // Musatov, A.I. A firm step: stories. - M., 1963. - P. 201-233.

Panasco, E.V. Troopers from the past: science fiction. story and stories. - Stavropol: Caucasus. b-ka, 1991.- 126 p.

Pravdin, L.N. The area of ​​personal happiness: a novel. - Perm: Book. publishing house, 1975.- 543 p.

Rasputin, V.G. Fire: stories. - M.: Sov. writer, 1990.- 236 p.

Semenov, T.V. Street lights: story // Semenov, T.V. Blue smoke. - M., 1979. - P. 5-272.

Solzhenitsyn, A. A village does not stand without a righteous man. Cancer building. Stories.- M.: Book. Chamber, 1990.- 573 p.

Strekhnin, Yu.F. There are women in Russian villages: a story. - M.: Sov. Russia, 1970.- 174 p.

Chernookov, M. V. Scribes: a novel. - L.: Ed. writers in Leningrad, type. “Printing Yard”, 1933. - 184 p.

Ulitskaya, L.E. Sonechka: a story. - M.: EKSMO-press, 2001. - 127 p.

Chukovsky, N.K. Unequal marriage: story // Chukovsky, N.K. Favorites.- M.., 1963.- P.491-542.

Shukshin, V.M. Psychopath: a story // Shukshin, V.M. Stories.- M., 1984.- P.456-467.

Shukshin, V.M. Until the third roosters: stories and tales. - M.: Det. lit., 2002.-302 p.

Ehrenburg, I.G. Day two: novel //Erenburg, I.G. Collection cit.: in 9 volumes - M., 1964. - T.3. - P.151-362.

Foreign fiction

Borges, H.L. Library of Babylon // Borges, H.L. Collection: stories, essays, poems / trans. from Spanish - St. Petersburg, 1992.- pp. 142-150.

Breun, G. de. Buridanov's donkey: novel / trans. with him. E. Katseva and T. Il-lesh. - M.: Progress, 1970. - 231 p.

Canetti, E. Blinding: a novel / trans. with him. S. Anta. - M.: Panorama, 1992. - 496 p.

Carr, D.D. An ominous whisper. Murder in the Wax Museum: novels / trans. from English - M.: Top Secret, 1994. - 366 p.

Christie, A. Incident in the Old Castle: A Novel

Christie, A. Complete collection detective works.- T.19: Body in the library: novels, stories.- M.: Tsentrpoligraf, 1997.- 451 p.

Le Carré, D. The spy who came from the cold: a novel / translated from English - L.: Lam-bus-press, 2000. - 237 p.

Marquez, G. G. One Hundred Years of Solitude. - M.: Bayan, 1992. - 447 p.

Perez-Reverte, A. Club Dumas, or the Shadow of Richelieu / trans. from Spanish N. Bogomolova. - M.: Inostranka, 2002. - 596 p.

Roth, F. Tailor's Disease: Professor of Desire; Goodbye Columbus / trans. from English. - M.: ViMo Firm, 1994. - 508 p.

Wallace, E. Seven castles of the tomb; Red Circle; "Dead Eyes of London": detective story. novels.- Chelyabinsk: Yuzh.-Ural. book publishing house, 1995.- 494 p.

France, A. Rise of Angels: a novel / trans. from French M. Bogoslovskaya and N. Rykova. - M.: Pravda, 1958. - 219 p.

Khmelevskaya, I. Reserve version: novel. - M.: Phantom Press, 1998. - 271 p.

Eco, U. The name of the rose: a novel. - M.: Book. Chamber, 1989.-486 p.