What is the name of Stas Piekha's mother? Stas Piekha: biography of the artist, his wife and personal life

Piekha Stanislav Pyatrasovich - famous singer, graduate fourth season show “Star Factory” and at the same time such a versatile person that it is simply impossible to keep track of what he does in life. Stas is not only a singer, but also a poet, a sought-after actor, and a master of cartoon voice acting.

Piekha has already managed to publish two collections of poems and is filming videos. And he never hides behind the back of the famous and beloved grandmother Edita Piekha and does not hide behind the name of his mother.

Stas never considered himself one of the majors or the golden youth of that time; he was used to achieving everything and always achieving everything on his own.

It is worth noting that Stas’s fans simply adore him. Therefore, they try to find out everything about their idol, including him physical parameters, including height, weight, age. It’s even easier to find out how old Stas Piekha is, because the guy never made a secret of his date of birth. On the contrary, I tried to emphasize youth and talent.

Stas Piekha: the photo in his youth and now is the same photo, since the guy is still young and full of strength. After all, he recently turned only thirty-seven years old, and he was born in 1980.

According to the zodiac sign - Leo - Stas can boast of such character traits as ambition, courage, determination, and talent. But the Eastern horoscope gave the guy the sign of a cunning, dexterous, resourceful, stylish and creative Monkey.

Height young talent did not exceed one meter and eighty-two centimeters, so it would be quite suitable for basketball. Stas Piekha weighs no more than seventy-three kilograms, although this figure may change periodically.

Biography of Stas Piekh

The biography of Stas Piekh began from the moment he was born in northern capital- St. Petersburg, and he ended up in a very creative family.

Father - Petras Gerulis - is known as a jazz musician from the times of the USSR, who was also a stage director in theaters.

Mother - Ilona Bronevitskaya - a singer who is in demand in Soviet and Russian stage, and also an actress and announcer on radio or television.

Sister, Erika Bystrova, is her mother’s stepmother, she was born six years later than her famous brother, the girl has now received a higher architectural education, she works not only as an architect, but also as an interior designer.

Little Stasik constantly toured with his grandmother, so at the age of seven he traveled across half of the USSR, he sang and played the piano beautifully, so he was sent to study at the M. Glinka Choir School.

Stas studied well, was known as a ringleader and a merry fellow. Therefore, after graduating from school, he decided to enter Gnesinka at the request of his grandmother. But then he was expelled from it because he skipped classes. By the way, the guy always said that he did not intend to become a singer and tour, breaking away from his family.

In 2004, the outrageous guy got on the “Star Factory” show, where he immediately quarreled with Igor Krutoy. But he worked with Viktor Drobysh, who began writing songs for Stas. By the way, Piekha only took third place, but managed to get money for promotion and shoot a video, and since 2005 he has already become incredibly famous.

The guy dubbed cartoons, including the characters in the film “Aristocats”, “Our Masha and the Magic Nut”, “The Princess and the Frog” speaking in his voice. Piekha starred in four documentary projects and won various nominations at the MUZ-TV, Golden Gramophone, and Song of the Year awards.

From 2005 to 2013, Piekha managed to release only three full-length albums, and also shoot high-quality videos for seventeen compositions. At the same time, he still has time for viewers to see the news with the tag “Stas Piekha wife wedding.”

Personal life of Stas Piekh

The personal life of Stas Piekh has always been incredibly stormy, as fans were simply delighted with the handsome and talented boy. However, few people know about all Stanislav’s novels, so that later they could not acquire scandalous details, significantly ruining the life of the guy himself and his significant other.

By the way, Stas started dating girls while he was still at school; he wanted to please them, but he never said who his grandmother and mother were. Piekha's first serious love is Victoria Smirnova, since they dated from 2004 to 2008, although then the girl went to study in London and forgot her boyfriend.

Piekha said that Smirnova is Timothy’s cousin, so he met her on the “Star Factory” show. And then he starred in the video for the song “About You.” The guy was very upset about the departure of his beloved, but was in no hurry to offer her an official marriage.

By the way, it was rumored that Stas had an affair with Victoria Boney, but these rumors were not confirmed. Because the guys are just colleagues.

Family of Stas Piekh

Stas Piekha’s family is quite unusual, creative, and friendly, since his grandmother, Edita Stanislavovna Piekha, did a lot for him, and named her grandson after her father. The fact is that my mother toured the USSR and the world almost all the time. And the father left the family back in 1981, giving his son only his last name. As soon as the boy turned seven, his father's surname was changed to his grandmother's.

Stas considers his mother’s second husband, Yuri Bystrov, who was not only a musician and pianist, but also a composer, to be his real father. Stepfather long years headed music department theater "Buff", and also gave Stas his sister Erica.

By the way, his famous grandmother had a special influence on the guy, who advised where to go and how to become a star, she recorded a song with him for the “Star Factory”, although Bronevitskaya refused to record.

It is worth noting that they spoke about the Piekha dynasty behind their backs like this: “Grandmother is a singer and mother is a singer, and son is a singer.” The guy tried to make a career as a singer, poet and actor on his own, without hiding behind the name of his loved ones, which made victories sweeter.

Children of Stas Piekh

The children of Stas Piekh are also a mystery, since no one ever knew that the musician was also a young daddy. He did not talk about the fact that his heir was growing up, so the army of fans was shocked by this event, but this shock was rather pleasant.

The fact that a son is growing up in the family became known thanks to the excessive talkativeness of Viktor Drobysh, and then Andrei Malakhov, who revealed the secret about the heir in October 2015 in the show “Evenings of Grandma Edita Piekha.”

Stanislav Piekha confirmed that he has a son, but refused a more detailed consideration this fact, specifying only that his wife decided so, and he supported this decision.

Son of Stas Piekha - Peter Piekha

The son of Stas Piekha, Pyotr Piekha, was born in 2014 in a marriage with model Natalya Gorchakova, but no one spoke about the fact that this event happened. live. The boy was recently caught on camera with permission famous father, so it became clear that little Petya- a copy of his dad in childhood.

After her baptism in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra, mother and baby moved to Barcelona closer to the sea.

At three years old, his father decided to show Petya to the world, so he simply carried him on stage in his arms during a concert, and the baby burst into tears from fear. This incident proved that the boy clearly took after Piekha’s breed, because little Stas behaved in exactly the same way at the age of three at his grandmother’s concert.

In June 2016 joint photo Stas Piekha and his son graced the cover of OK! magazine, and in an interview the singer admitted that he always wanted to name his heir Peter, so other names were not even discussed. The fact is that Piekha’s father’s name was Petros - Peter, and the boy was born in a city associated with the name of Peter I.

Piekha is simply crazy about his son, he sometimes spoils him too often, trying to constantly be nearby so as not to miss anything. By the way, the first word Petenka said was the word “dad”.

Stas Piekh's ex-wife - Natalya Gorchakova

Stas Piekh's ex-wife, Natalya Gorchakova, is known as a model, actress, DJ, and blogger. The young people met at one of the parties in 2010, and they began to talk about a serious relationship between them already in 2013, when Natasha and Stas appeared together at the Vitebsk Slavic Bazaar.

Piekha and Gorchakova got married in 2014 in hot Barcelona, ​​and they most likely did it not according to Great love, and so that their baby has both a father and a mother.

It is worth noting that the wedding was modest, and only close people gathered at the table, and marriage was considered illegal in Russia. That is why it came as no surprise to anyone that a year later Piekha simply left the family, although he continues to raise his son to this day.

He clarified that he did not want to torment Natasha, since he was not created for a family that interferes with creativity.

Stas never flaunted his personal life, and everything that happened in it was hidden from prying eyes. Even when he got married for a long time no one knew exactly who Stas Piekha’s wife was or how his family life was going. The news that the successor to the famous creative dynasty divorced his wife put everything in its place, and it became clear that the singer’s marriage to model Natalya Gorchakova was unsuccessful and collapsed, having lasted a little more than two years. However, this time was enough for Stas Piekha to become a father - his wife gave birth to his son Peter, who turned three this year. For a long time after the birth of the child, the singer’s wife and son lived in Spain, where he rented them an apartment near Barcelona. It was there in Spain that his and Natalya’s wedding took place - the celebration passed quietly and unnoticed - Stas simply signed with his beloved in one of the local registry offices.

In the photo - Stas Piekha with his wife

When they arrived in Russia, at first they lived in St. Petersburg, then they moved to Moscow and even began to build a large Vacation home, in which, however, they never had to live together. The singer took the blame for the breakup of the family, saying that, despite his age, and Stas Piekha turns thirty-seven this year, he is not yet ready for family life and will not be able to make his soulmate happy. He admitted that his career was more important to him than communication with his wife, but after breaking up with Natalya he stayed with her friendly relations. Moreover, Piekha does everything to ex-wife and son Peter lacked nothing.

In the photo - Stas with his son

He tries to be with his son as often as possible, watches how he grows and enjoys his new achievements. However, since Stas Piekha spends most of his time in Moscow, and his ex-family lives in St. Petersburg, he does not manage to see Peter very often.

Before meeting Natalya Gorchakova, Stas had a serious relationship with singer Victoria Smirnova, cousin Timati, which lasted almost four years, but Victoria was not destined to become the wife of Stas Piekha - he met Natalya.

In the photo - Natalya Gorchakova with her son Peter

Now the singer's time is occupied new project- he invests a lot of time and money in the development of his own clinic, which will help people free themselves from harmful addictions. He shared with his fans that he is now trying to live very frugally, gave up shopping and even cut down on his diet, eating regular budget foods.

Stas is not thinking about a new wife yet - he has a lot of plans related to his career, and does not yet have time for his personal life.

Stas was born on August 13, 1980 in a family where all members were engaged in creativity, and his mother, Ilona Bronevitskaya, after the birth of her son began to actively develop solo career, so he spent most of his time with his grandmother, a famous Soviet pop singer Edita Piekha, accompanying her even on tours. When Stas was seven years old, he was sent to the choir school. Glinka, where he mastered the skill of playing the piano and the subtleties of choral singing. Stas Piekha continued his musical education at the State music school them. Gnessins in the pop-jazz department, and began to actively engage in his career in 2004, after he became a participant in the First Channel television project “Star Factory”.

His first solo album, “One Star,” was released in 2005, the artist’s producer was Viktor Drobysh, several of whose songs were included in Stas Piekha’s debut disc. The next album, among others, included a composition performed by Stas in a duet with Grigory Leps “She’s not yours,” for which the young performer received the Golden Gramophone. Later he became a member musical projects on Russian and Ukrainian television, and in February of this year he became a member of the jury of the international children's vocal project “You are Super!” on the NTV channel. Stas Piekha is also known as the author of poems included in his collections “Naked” and “I don’t remember what we laughed at...”.

Stas Piekha, wife
Stas never flaunted his personal life, and everything that happened in it was hidden from prying eyes. Even when he got married, for a long time no one knew exactly who Stas Piekha’s wife was, and

Stas Piekha became a father

Conqueror women's hearts, Russian singer Stas Piekha became a father. Moreover, this bright event happened back in the spring of this year, but the singer and his entourage hid it so carefully from the public that it became known only now.

Victor Drobysh let slip that model Natalya Gorchakova gave birth to a son to the 34-year-old artist.

Stas and Natalya met in the company of mutual friends two years ago. The girl was then a graduate of the St. Petersburg Institute of Culture and Art, worked as a model and even a DJ. Edita Piekha, the singer’s grandmother and close friend, really liked the girl; he really values ​​her opinion. True, Edita Piekha told the press little: “A very modest girl, from Leningrad.” Last fall, Piekha was credited with a wedding with Natalya, but the news was not confirmed, although, according to him famous grandmother, if she were her grandson, she would have led Natalya to the altar long ago.

Stas did not hide their relationship; he took the girl with him to various events and to the Slavic Bazaar, which took place in Vitebsk last year. However, despite common child, Stas and Natalya have not yet registered their relationship. But this, of course, is a matter of time, but for now we wish the baby good health and a happy life.

A burning brunette with a piercing gaze, singer Stas Piekha is constantly under the gun of photo and video cameras, but this did not stop famous artist I successfully hid my personal life for many years.

Popular rumor married the famous heir to the musical family several times, but it turned out that Stas Piekha’s wife is only one woman.

The singer's early years

The biography of the favorite of millions and the conqueror of women's hearts Stas Piekha, and until the age of 7 he bore the surname Gerulis, begins on August 13, 1980 in St. Petersburg, and earlier in Leningrad.

Born in musical family, the boy simply had no other choice but to follow in the footsteps of his parents.

Women have always played an important and even sometimes decisive role in creative development future singer. His grandmother raised him from the cradle, famous Soviet singer Edita Piekha. It is noteworthy that the boy also received his first and last name thanks to a famous relative.

It turned out that Edita Stanislavovna always wanted to have a son and name him in honor of his father, who died at the front, but fate gave her a daughter, Ilona. When the girl, also a singer and musician, gave birth to a son, the grandmother simply insisted that the baby be named Stas and later, so that the eminent Piekha family would not be interrupted, she gave her grandson her last name.

Creative achievements

After the birth of her first child, Ilona Bronevitskaya, Stas Piekha’s mother, began to actively engage in her creative career, and transferred the care of her son to her mother. Further, Edita Stanislavovna became closely involved in educating her grandson and sent him first to the Glinka Choir School, and then, already as a conscientious young man, he himself Stas entered the Gnessin Music College.

For a short time creative path The artist has accumulated several albums in his arsenal:

  • "One star";
  • "Otherwise";
  • "10".

At the age of less than 38, the artist Piekha participated in many musical television projects and even acted in films. His acting credits include roles in films such as:

  • "My beautiful family";
  • “The era of Piekha”;
  • "My mother got married."

How creative person, he constantly draws inspiration from love and romantic relationships, and this means that the artist’s heart constantly beats for someone.

Romance with Victoria

Stas always hid his personal life, Family status and continues to do so to this day. One of official novels, which never ended in a wedding, there was a relationship with Timati’s cousin, actress Victoria Smirnova. The bright blonde won the heart of young Piekha in 2004 and the young people dated until 2008.

The reason for breaking off relations with Victoria was her departure to London. The girl really hoped that the young man would follow her, but this was not destined to happen. It was after breaking up with his cousin Timati that the young artist began to hide his personal life from the public.

Behind seven castles

A rumor that Stas was married appeared in the press in 2013. The media were discussing it with all their might whirlwind romance and the fact that he legitimized his relationship with a certain mysterious blonde, with whom they were allegedly caught by the paparazzi several times. However, the artist, as usual, left such information without comment. The singer’s mother confirmed the information, noting that her son has a girlfriend, Natalya.

Second time young man, who, in his words, refused to participate in the show “The Bachelor” for ethical reasons, popular rumor got married in 2014. Some fans were sure that the idol abandoned the popular project, where there were many girls, only because he was already a married “bachelor”.

Stas confirmed the latest information about his wedding without going into details. It became known that his chosen one was model Natalya Gorchakova, who in the spring of 2014 gave her beloved son Peter.

Young family

The young people met at one of the star parties 8 years ago and have not parted since then. A native of St. Petersburg captivated the young man with her beauty and modesty. Little Peter was born in Spain, where his parents’ wedding ceremony took place when the baby was already 7 months old.

But the idyll did not last long; at the end of last 2017, information appeared in the media that Stas and Natalya Piekha decided to break up. It is known that the little son Russian artist continues to live with his mother, and the singer, between family and career, like his mother Ilona Bronevitskaya once did, chose creative growth.

As Stas himself said in one of the few interviews, despite the fact that he will turn 38 this year, he is not mature enough to have a family. The official status of the artist’s family also remains interesting; the young people are still not divorced. When asked by journalists, they usually complain about the banal lack of time and reluctance to deal with paperwork.

But according to Russian legislation a marriage like that of Piekha and Gorchakova is not considered legal. Painting in Spain does not officially bind young people in the Russian Federation.

So far, the official wife of the artist Natalya is actively engaged in her career and that’s all free time devotes time to his growing son Petya. The former model runs her own blog on the Internet with more than 3,000 subscribers. The girl is enjoying her vacation on various exotic islands and, as can be seen from the latest pictures on the Internet, is not worried about anything.

It is known that some time ago the wife and son of Stas Piekha lived in Catalonia. The artist does everything so that his loved ones live with dignity and do not need anything. And recently Natalya and her baby moved to Moscow, closer to the father of the small family.

The singer once even said that he and Natalya live in the same house, but in different entrances and are still in good relations. Also the young father Stas Piekha, family, wife, whose children are one of the topics discussed Russian show business, has stated more than once that even after breaking up with his wife, he takes an active part in raising little Peter.

To be continued

Alert fans, however, noticed that in Lately Photos are increasingly appearing online where Stas Piekha, his wife and son are walking together in various places. Natalya constantly keeps her subscribers updated on her personal life. Adding up the failed divorce and latest photos a young family where they are together and happy, as they say, “off camera”, fans of the couple are sure that the young people do not want to separate just yet.

No one knows how many affairs Edita Piekha’s grandson actually had and where the truth is. IN different time Stas was credited with relationships with many famous girls. At the end of last year, the artist was even suspected of being gay.

The artist himself recently said that he is trying to meet people on the Internet, but this is only for “one night or a short short story“, and for serious relationships he prefers “the old-fashioned way of communicating on the street.” And the most interesting thing is that Changes have begun again in his personal life, since Stas Piekha recently reported that “there are some hints” on the personal front.

Natalya, in turn, was credited with a relationship with Russian actor and singer Alexei Vorobyov, who is one year younger than her. The affair with him was also not confirmed in official sources. Who knows, perhaps Stas and Natalya, while talking about their romances, are simply taking the public’s attention away from their family life.

Attention, TODAY only!

Stas Piekha is one of the most attractive and charismatic artists in domestic show business. Recently, details of his personal life have been surrounded by various rumors. This article will attempt to shed light on some of them.


The biography of Stas Piekha is often discussed in the press. He was born in 1980, on August 13 in the city of Leningrad. His father, Petras Gerulis, is a jazz musician, and his mother, Ilona Aleksandrovna Bronevitskaya, is a famous singer. Stas's sister, Erika Bystrova, received a diploma in architecture and is engaged in interior design. But the most famous person in the family is, of course, the singer’s grandmother. The famous Edita Piekha was left without a father in early childhood and promised herself to name her son Stanislav in honor of his father. However, the artist gave birth to a girl (Ilona), so this male name it never sounded like that in her family. But as soon as Edita Stanislavovna had a grandson, the name Stas found its owner.


Stas Piekha, a biography whose family is of interest to many, spent his childhood years on tour with his beloved grandmother. His mother was doing her own thing at the time. solo career. At the age of seven, at the insistence of Edita Stanislavovna, the boy entered the Glinka Choir School of the Leningrad Chapel. There he mastered the basics of playing the piano and studied choral singing. At the same age, Stas changed his father's surname (Gerulis) to his grandmother's (Pyekha). This happened due to the fact that almost all male relatives on my mother’s side died in the war. The Piekha family could have ended, and Edita Stanislavovna decided that Stas could revive it. Yours music education the boy continued at the Gnessin State Music School. However, the singer never graduated from the famous educational institution- He was expelled for absenteeism.


You can often see colorful photos on the pages of famous glossy publications. Stas Piekha appears in such magazines regularly and pleases the eyes of fans with his beautiful appearance. He always strived to find his way in life, looking for himself in different areas of activity. At one time he studied psychology and was involved in bodybuilding. Currently, Stas has stopped regularly attending training; his sports hobbies are limited to cycling and swimming.

"Star Factory"

In 2004, the biography of Stas Piekha was marked important event: he passed the casting and became a full member television show"Star Factory - 4" on Channel One. It was here that the singer recorded his first popularly beloved hit - Viktor Drobysh’s composition “One Star”. When at the beginning of the project all the “manufacturers” filled out forms, Stas expressed a desire to sing a duet with Valeria. His dream came true - at one of the reporting concerts he performed together with famous singer song "Let Me Go" In total, during his presence at the Star Factory, Stas was involved in twenty different duets. Here he had the opportunity to sing the legendary composition Jili Morning with Hensley Ken and thus realize another of his cherished dreams. According to the results of the competition, the artist entered the top three and as a reward received a motor scooter, the shooting of a video clip and the production of his first solo album by Viktor Drobysh.

Creative baggage

Thousands of girls across the country sighed as they looked at the glossy photos. Stas Piekha demonstrated impeccable performance in them physical fitness and a great tan. Caring about his own attractiveness, the artist did not forget about musical creativity. He managed to record three solo album: "Ten", "Otherwise", "One star". Stas also starred in fifteen video clips for the songs: “I’m with you”, “Happiness”, “Green Whirlpool”, “ Old story", "We broke up with you", "Me and you", "I am a leaf", "New Year's", "There is a line on the palm of your hand", "She is not yours", "Write to me", "About you", "Parting" and "One Star". The artist actively tours the country. He has given hundreds of concert performances in largest cities Russia and starred in many television programs.

Media person

In 2007, the singer, together with Edita Stanislavovna, became the face of the Moscow Jewelry Factory enterprise. The choice of one of the oldest factories in the country for this family did not fall by chance. The fact is that once Stas and his grandmother starred in a commercial for a cough remedy. Then the artists sang together the famous “pa-pa-pa-para-pa-pa” from a funny song about a wonderful neighbor. The advertisement was a success, so the Piekha family began to be invited to other projects.

The biography of Stas Piekha as a famous media person continued in 2008 and 2009. Then he became the co-host of a television show on the TNT channel called “Cosmopolitan. Video version." The singer is also known for his bright videos. For example, to film a video for the song “Green Whirlpool,” Stas had to put on diving equipment and dive to a depth of three meters.

The biography of Stas Piekha has several interesting details:

  1. It is known that the artist began smoking at the age of seven. He's addicted to this bad habit during his stay in the pioneer camp. Now the singer has already quit smoking and is leading healthy image life.
  2. Stas Piekha assures that he does not like to watch himself on TV and listen to his voice on the radio. He believes that his vocals, as well as his appearance, need constant improvement.
  3. It’s interesting that the artist works on his image himself. He is a certified stylist, a professional in hairdressing, so he knows better than anyone what suits him and what doesn’t.

Personal life

The singer always tried in every possible way to protect his personal life from the curious press. Stas Piekha, biography, the artist’s wife have long remained a sealed secret for fans. For more than four years, the guy dated Victoria Smirnova, the sister of the famous singer Timati. The lovers' relationship continued until 2008, but then the girl left for London. After that, Stas didn’t have anyone for a long time Serious relationships. However, in 2014, the singer’s fans were struck by unexpected news: their idol secretly married a girl named Natalya Gorchakova, who recently gave him a son. Soon everyone saw a photo of Stas Piekha’s wife on the pages of magazines. The wedding of the lovers took place without a magnificent ceremony and solemn vows. The young people simply signed their names at one of the registry offices in Spain.

The artist himself does not comment on rumors about his marriage. The singer’s friends assure that his baby is growing by leaps and bounds, and Natalya Gorchakova herself often posts photos of her little son on Instagram. Only Stas Piekha himself remains silent. Biography, wife, photo of a newborn baby - all the details of the singer’s personal life are covered in rumors and legends. One can only hope that one day the singer will shed light on the relationship with his chosen one.

This is the biography of Stas Piekha. Let's hope that many more creative achievements await him ahead, and he will delight his fans with new beautiful songs.

Name: Stas Pjeha

Age: 36 years

Place of Birth: Saint Petersburg

Height: 182 cm

Weight: 73 kg

Activity: singer

Family status: married

Stas Piekha - biography

Stas Piekha is a famous and popular Russian singer, whose biography interests almost every person. After all, everyone knows that he is a musician and singer in the third generation, so his life is the fate and history of his family.

Childhood of Stas Piekha

The famous singer Stas Piekha was born in Leningrad. This event occurred on August 13, 1980. His father, Petras Gerulis, is a famous theater director, and his mother, Ilona Bronevitskaya, is a singer. In the family, besides Stas, there is also a sister who never dreamed of continuing singing career family and, having matured, became an excellent architect and designer.

In his childhood, the future popular singer found out perfectly tour life, since his mother, as soon as he grew up a little, began to pursue her singing career, and he constantly traveled around the country with his grandmother Edita Piekha, who is known throughout the world and has great amount fan.

Stas Piekha - Education

Already at the age of seven, the future popular singer entered the Glinka Choir School. It was this institution that helped the boy learn choral singing, and was even able to master the piano perfectly. At the same time, a great desire comes to change his surname: he takes the surname of his famous grandmother. But this was no longer his decision, but of the famous grandmother, who very much regretted that her family was cut short during the war and the bearers of her surname male line there was absolutely no one left. Therefore, she really wanted her beloved grandson to become not only a continuation of her family, but also the bearer of this famous surname.

Stas Pyatrasovich's further education took place at the Gnessin State Music College, where he continued to study music. Future famous singer I chose the pop-jazz department for training. At the same time, he became interested in sports, which fascinated the singer so much that he has not given up these activities to this day. At the same time, he is also interested in psychology.

Stas Piekha - musical biography

His musical career The famous singer Stas Piekha began to actively and seriously study only in 2004. A new interesting page in his biography begins only after he was invited to the interesting musical television project “Star Factory”, which collected a large number of fans. In one of the finals of this project, he performed the musical composition “You're Sad,” which became his debut and brought him fame. In total, he performed more than twenty songs on this musical television project. All of them were sung in duets with famous singers and musicians.

The first one was published in 2005 music album Stas Pyatrasovich, where not only his musical compositions that he performed, but also those songs that he wrote himself. At this time, the famous singer is working with the most popular and famous producer and composer Viktor Drobysh. One of the songs that he performed together with the beautiful and charming singer, became the first line of all music charts.

The second album of this wonderful and stellar singer was released in 2008, when Stas Pyatrasovich tried to experiment with musical directions and styles. The first awards and bonuses soon followed, the first concert performances appeared, and the number of fans grew. In 2011, he already acts as a teacher in the popular and well-known television program “The Voice”; his student takes fourth place in this talk show.

And the magnificent singer himself is already next year he himself becomes a participant in the “Two Stars” project. But, unfortunately, Maria Kozhevnikova becomes his partner, with whom the relationship does not work out. Due to constant conflicts and quarrels, they ended up in last place in this competition and left it very quickly.

Stas Piekha - personal life

Singer Stas Piekha hid the details of his personal life from fans of his work for a very long time. There were many rumors about what kind of novels he had and who his chosen ones were. So, there was talk that he had been dating his sister Timati for about four years - Vika Smirnova. She, like the popular singer, was a participant in the TV show “Star Factory”. But all these rumors were never confirmed, so one can only guess about it.