International festival of the whole world of art. International festival-competition “The whole world is art! All participants are awarded sweet prizes

International festival-competition“The whole world is art!” will be held in March 2018 in Moscow. The Flamenco House “Flamenqueria”, located on Dobroslobodskaya Street, will hospitably open its doors to him. Artist competitions will take place in the fields of vocals, choirs and theater.

Many nominations

Everyone is invited to this review of young talents, performing solo or as part of creative teams. The organizers notified the participants in advance that there would be no piano on stage. A large number of nominations will provide the opportunity for artists working in the most different directions. It will be possible to take part in the festival only after submitting an application.

For example, the competition program for theaters includes viewing of masters of artistic expression, dramatic artists, and participants in musical or plastic theaters. Participants must present performances or compositionally complete fragments to the jury.

The competition for vocalists and choir singers awaits representatives of such genres as pop and academic vocals, and art songs. Jazz and populists will also find their viewers and connoisseurs here. As at other festivals, participants in the “The whole world is art!” program will be divided into age categories, where the youngest includes children from 4 to 6 years old, and the oldest includes boys and girls from 18 to 25.

All performances at the competition will take place in one round. If we talk about groups, then their attitude towards this or that age group will occur based on the majority of members. At the festival, they will strictly monitor compliance with the timing of performances; if it is violated, the artists will be given a lower rating or asked to stop the performance.

Accurate information

At the same time, participants are not prohibited from performing in several categories ( The organizers advise you to be careful when choosing numbers for each category. Performers in the “Artistic Word” category, for example, must perform their work within five minutes if their composition includes 1-4 people. Requirements for larger teams can be found on this website.

As for those who will present the performances, they have no more than 30 minutes. Miniatures and compositions should take no more than 10 minutes; participants will have the same amount of time to install the scenery. Singers and ensembles are given 4 minutes to perform here. The performance may be accompanied by its own accompaniment or soundtrack.

The organizers require the provision of a recording of the phonogram either on a flash drive (MP3 format) or on a CD. The composition of the competition jury is not disclosed in advance; the names of its members will become known only during the competition. Competitive performances will be discussed by participants and jury members at round tables. In the event description on a separate line information is highlighted that those artists and their teachers who show inappropriate behavior towards members of the jury will be removed from the competition.

International festival-competition

“The whole world is art!”

The competition will be held at VDNKh, VDNKh Palace of Culture

Nomination: Theater arts.

Information support in Russia and the CIS - newspaper "Musical Klondike"

Project goals:

Conditions for participation in the festival.

Competition program.

  • Literary word (poetry, prose, monologue, individually and in an ensemble of readers (literary and musical composition));
  • Drama and musical theater (drama performance, musical performance, operetta, musical, etc.);
  • Plastic theater (pantomime, plastic compositions);
  • Musical theater miniatures (musical stage excerpts and sketches);
  • Dramatic theatrical miniatures (dramatic stage excerpts and sketches);
  • Plastic theatrical miniature;
  • KVN (humorous sketches, stand-up, monologues, etc.)

The competition of theater groups requires the presence of a compositionally complete fragment.

  • 4-6 years,
  • 7-9 years old
  • 10-13 years old,
  • 14-17 years old,
  • 18 years and older
  • Mixed category


  • Participants in the nomination " artistic word"present one or two numbers with a total duration of 3 to 8 minutes.
  • Participants in the nominations " Drama Theater», « Musical Theatre", "Plastic Theater" present one performance or an excerpt from a performance with a total duration of no more than 30 minutes.
  • Participants in all other nominations (theatrical miniatures (musical and dramatic), plastic theatrical miniatures, KVN) provide a composition with a total duration of no more than 12 minutes.

Composition of the jury.

Prizes and awards.

  • At the discretion of the jury, awards are awarded: “BEST DIRECTION”, “BEST MALE ROLE”, “BEST FEMALE ROLE”, “BEST SUPPORTING ROLE”, etc.

Financial conditions.

Cost of participation:

  • The cost of video material (sent by email) is 300 rubles.
  • Photo+video - 600 rub.

Special conditions.

Sincerely, organizers of the festival-competition “The whole world is art!”

Nomination: Choreographic art.

Project goals:

  • Identifying talents in children and youth.
  • Providing opportunities for teams to realize their creative potential and improve performance skills.
  • Supporting children's and youth creativity, strengthening diverse connections between teams and groups.
  • Development of the outlook and intellectual level of children and youth.
  • Professional development artistic directors theaters and creative groups.

Conditions for participation in the festival.

  • All interested creative teams and soloists can take part in the competition.
  • Creative groups and soloists who have submitted an application for participation and paid the registration fee are allowed to participate in festival-competitions. Applications for participation close on April 17, 2016.
  • After submitting your application, you will receive payment details within 2 days. Payment must be made no later than April 19, 2016.
  • Don't delay submitting applications. The number of participants is limited.

Competition program.

Participants of the competition are distributed in the following categories:

  • Variety dance
  • Modern dance
  • Folk dance
  • Stylization folk dance
  • Dances of the peoples of the world
  • Classical dance(ballet, classical choreography, demi classical)
  • Dance theater
  • Sports choreography
  • Acrobatic dance
  • Patriotic dance.

Contest dance groups presupposes the presence of a compositionally complete fragment.

In each nomination, participants are distributed into the following age groups:

  • 4-6 years,
  • 7-9 years old
  • 10-13 years old,
  • 14-17 years old,
  • 18 years and older
  • Mixed category

Competitive performances are organized according to a specific schedule and take place in one round according to age categories from junior to senior. In teams with participants from different age groups, membership in the age group is determined by the age of the majority of the participants.


  • A competitor can take part in 1 or 2 nominations. The right to choose a nomination.
  • is left to the competitor. The jury and the organizing committee are not responsible for the discrepancy between the content of the issue and the genre of the declared nomination.
  • Choreographic groups provide a program consisting of 2 numbers for competitive viewing. The duration of the number cannot exceed 4 minutes. Programs can be united by a common theme or consist of separate numbers.
  • Phonograms accompanying the performances must be of appropriate quality and provided on a flash drive (in WAV format) or CD. Minidisc, DVD, phones and other devices connected via Blutooth or flash, as well as any other audio formats are NOT accepted. Each file on the flash drive must have a name in the format: team name/room name. Also, groups must send phonograms by email.

Composition of the jury.

The jury is composed by the festival organizing committee from famous artists, teachers of creative disciplines, directors, leaders of creative groups, cultural and artistic figures, public figures. The list of jury members is not disclosed until the start of the competition. At the end of the competition, participants and teachers have the opportunity to discuss competitive performances with members of the jury and exchange opinions.

When evaluating contestants, the jury adheres to the following criteria:

  • technique and artistry
  • stage image
  • selection of repertoire
  • performing arts
  • staging (artistic and performing integrity)
  • plastic
  • costumes and props
  • general artistic impression
  • musical arrangement

Prizes and awards.

All festival participants receive memorable souvenirs. Best team or the participant receives the Grand Prix. In each nomination and in each age category, the titles of Laureate of I, II and III degrees, as well as the title of Diplomat are awarded. The laureates are awarded diplomas, cups, and certificates.

All team leaders receive certificates of gratitude.

Financial conditions.

Cost of participation:

  • Participant (soloist) -1500 rubles, including registration of an application 300 rubles per person
  • Duets and trios - 1000 rubles for each participant, including registration of an application 300 rubles per person
  • Team (from 4 to 8 people) - 800 rubles for each participant, including registration of an application 250 rubles per person
  • Team (from 9 to 14 people) - 600 rubles for each participant, including registration of an application 200 rubles per person
  • Team (from 15 and above) - 500 rubles for each participant, including registration of an application 150 rubles per person

Photos and videos from the festival can be purchased upon request.

  • Photo materials (sent by e-mail) - 300 rub.
  • Photo+video - 600 rub.

If you wish to purchase a photo or video, you need to notify us, and we will enter the contribution amount into the receipt for payment for participation.

Special conditions.

If a participant fails to appear at the festival, the registration fee is refunded in the following cases:

  • The participant warned about his absence 2 weeks before the start of the competition.
  • Force majeure circumstances regarding the organization of the festival.
  • Force majeure circumstances affecting the participant(s) in the presence of a document and notification of the organizers at least 3 working days before the start of the competition.

In other cases, the registration fee is not refundable.

The organizers of the festival-competition are not responsible to the authors of works and songs performed by participants of the festival-competition!

Sincerely, the organizers of the festival-competition “The whole world is art!”

This position is an official invitation.

Nomination: Vocal art.

Project goals:

  • Identifying talents in children and youth.
  • Providing an opportunity for teams to realize their creative potential and improve their performing skills.
  • Supporting children's and youth creativity, strengthening diverse connections between teams and groups.
  • Development of the outlook and intellectual level of children and youth.
  • Professional development of artistic directors of theaters and creative groups.

Conditions for participation in the festival.

  • All interested creative teams and soloists can take part in the competition.
  • Creative groups and soloists who have submitted an application for participation and paid the registration fee are allowed to participate in festival-competitions. Applications for participation close on April 17, 2016.
  • After submitting your application, you will receive payment details within 2 days. Payment must be made no later than April 19, 2016.
  • Don't delay submitting applications. The number of participants is limited.

Competition program.

Participants of the competition are distributed in the following categories:

In each nomination, participants are distributed into the following age groups:

  • 4-6 years,
  • 7-9 years old
  • 10-13 years old,
  • 14-17 years old,
  • 18 years and older
  • Mixed category

Competitive performances are organized according to a specific schedule and take place in one round according to age categories from junior to senior. In teams with participants from different age groups, membership in the age group is determined by the age of the majority of the participants.


  • A competitor can take part in 1 or 2 nominations. Right to choose a nomination
  • is left to the competitor. The jury and the organizing committee are not responsible for the discrepancy between the content of the issue and the genre of the declared nomination.
  • Participants provide one or two works in any language, when performing a song in foreign language the jury has the right to demand that the song be performed in their native or Russian language. The timing of the work should not exceed 4 minutes (the total duration of the two works is no more than 8 minutes).
  • A 2.0 USB flash drive or CD with a high-quality recording of phonograms “minus one” (music accompaniment without voice) must be provided for the competition. Phonograms are sent by email no later than April 15, 2016.
  • Minidisc, DVD, phones and other devices connected via Blutooth or flash, as well as any other audio formats are NOT accepted. Each file on the flash drive must have a name in the format: team name/room name
  • Performers can perform with an accompanying band, i.e. without soundtracks (“live”).
  • It is acceptable to have “backing vocals” in the form of harmonic support, pre-recorded in the “minus one” phonogram or performed “live”. The technique of “double track” (duplicating the soloist’s part in the form of a single backing voice) is not permitted.
  • Compliance is encouraged folk song and a capella singing (unaccompanied).

Composition of the jury.

The jury is composed by the festival's organizing committee of famous artists, teachers of creative disciplines, directors, leaders of creative groups, cultural and artistic figures, and public figures. The list of jury members is not disclosed until the start of the competition. At the end of the competition, participants and teachers have the opportunity to discuss competitive performances with members of the jury and exchange opinions.

When evaluating contestants, the jury adheres to the following criteria:

  • technique and artistry
  • stage image
  • selection of repertoire
  • performing arts
  • production (artistic and performing integrity)
  • plastic
  • costumes and props
  • general artistic impression
  • musical arrangement

Prizes and awards.

All festival participants receive memorable souvenirs. The best team or participant receives the Grand Prix. In each nomination and in each age category, the titles of Laureate of I, II and III degrees, as well as the title of Diplomat are awarded. The laureates are awarded diplomas, cups, and certificates.

All team leaders receive certificates of gratitude.

Financial conditions.

Cost of participation:

  • Participant (soloist) -1500 rubles, including registration of an application 300 rubles per person
  • Duets and trios - 1000 rubles for each participant, including registration of an application 300 rubles per person
  • Team (from 4 to 8 people) - 800 rubles for each participant, including registration of an application 250 rubles per person
  • Team (from 9 to 14 people) - 600 rubles for each participant, including registration of an application 200 rubles per person
  • Team (from 15 and above) - 500 rubles for each participant, including registration of an application 150 rubles per person
  • Back-up dancer - 300 rubles per performance.

Photos and videos from the festival can be purchased upon request.

  • The cost of the video material (sent by e-mail) is 300 rubles.
  • Photo materials (sent by e-mail) - 300 rub.
  • Photo+video - 600 rub.

If you wish to purchase a photo or video, you need to notify us, and we will enter the contribution amount into the receipt for payment for participation.

Special conditions.

If a participant fails to appear at the festival, the registration fee is refunded in the following cases:

  • The participant warned about his absence 2 weeks before the start of the competition.
  • Force majeure circumstances regarding the organization of the festival.
  • Force majeure circumstances affecting the participant(s) in the presence of a document and notification of the organizers at least 3 working days before the start of the competition.

In other cases, the registration fee is not refundable.

The organizers of the festival-competition are not responsible to the authors of works and songs performed by participants of the festival-competition!

International festival-competition


Choreographic art.

Moscow, Russia,Cultural center "Moskvorechye" (Kashirskoe highway, 52)

This provision is official invitation.

Regulations for the International Festival-Competition

Project goals.

  • Identifying talents in children and youth.
  • Providing an opportunity for teams to realize their creative potential and improve their performing skills.
  • Supporting children's and youth creativity, strengthening diverse connections between teams and groups.
  • Development of the outlook and intellectual level of children and youth.
  • Professional development of artistic directors of theaters and creative groups.

Conditions for participation in the festival.

  • All interested creative teams and soloists can take part in the competition.
  • Creative groups and soloists who have submitted an application for participation and paid the registration fee are allowed to participate in festival-competitions. Applications for participation close on November 2, 2018.
  • Attention! Please check that the applications are filled out correctly (names of managers, teachers, directors, name of the institution), since this information will be indicated in the diplomas! If you do not want this information to be included in your diplomas, please let us know.
  • You can fill out the application on the website. In response, within 2 days, you will be sent payment details. Payment must be made no later than November 5, 2018.
  • The Organizing Committee has the right to stop or extend the deadline for submitting applications.

Competition program.

Participants of the competition are distributed in the following categories:

  • Variety dance
  • Contemporary dance (jazz, modern, contemporary, etc.)
  • Street dance(hip-hop, breakdancing, etc.)
  • Folk dance
  • Stylization of folk dance
  • Dances of the peoples of the world
  • Classical dance (ballet, classical choreography, demi classic)
  • Dance theater
  • Sports choreography
  • Acrobatic dance
  • Patriotic dance

The competition of dance groups requires the presence of a compositionally complete fragment.

In each nomination, participants are distributed into the following age groups:

  • 4-6 years,
  • 7-9 years old
  • 10-13 years old,
  • 14-17 years old,
  • 18-25 years old
  • Mixed category
  • Adult category

Competitive performances are organized according to a specific schedule and take place in one round according to age categories from junior to senior. In teams with participants from different age groups, membership in the age group is determined by the age of the majority of the participants.



  • A competitor can take part in 1 or several nominations. The jury and the organizing committee are not responsible for the discrepancy between the content of the issue and the genre of the declared nomination.
  • Choreographic groups of 1 to 4 participants provide one number, choreographic groups of 5 participants can present a second number if desired in the same age category category (same participants, number of participants may vary). The duration of the number cannot exceed 4 minutes. Programs can be united by a common theme or consist of separate numbers.
  • If contestants perform two numbers in the same nomination and age category, then the title is awarded based on the total results of the two numbers.
  • Minidisc, DVD, phones and other devices connected via Bluetooth or flash, as well as any other audio formats are NOT accepted. Each file on the flash drive must have a name in the format: team name/room name.
  • Phonograms accompanying the performances must be of appropriate quality and provided on a flash drive (in MP3 format). Phonograms are sent to the address no later than November 5, 2018 (if you did not have time to submit a phonogram before the specified date, please provide the phonogram on the day of the event). Each file must have a name in the format: NAME OF THE TEAM (SOLOIST) / NAME OF THE NUMBER

Composition of the jury.

The jury is composed of the festival's organizing committee from cultural and artistic figures, artists, teachers of creative disciplines, directors, and leaders of creative groups. The list of jury members is not disclosed until the start of the competition.

At the end of the competition, “ round tables"(20-30 minutes), where participants and teachers have the opportunity to discuss competitive performances with members of the jury and receive recommendations.

When evaluating contestants, the jury adheres to the following criteria:

  • technique and artistry;
  • stage image;
  • selection of repertoire;
  • performing arts;
  • staging (artistic and performing integrity);
  • plastic;
  • costumes;
  • general artistic impression;
  • musical arrangement.

ATTENTION!!! If participants, teachers or accompanying persons behave inappropriately towards other participants, jury members or festival organizers, they are automatically removed from participation in the festival without returning the registration fee.

Prizes and awards.

The best team or participant receives the Grand Prix. In each nomination and in each age category, the titles of Laureate of I, II and III degrees, the titles of Diploma of I, II, III degrees, and a participant diploma are awarded. Special titles can also be awarded: “Hope of the Festival”, “Young Talents”, etc.

  • The Grand Prix winner is awarded a diploma and a Grand Prix cup.
  • Laureates of I, II and III degrees (from 1 to 4 participants in a room) are awarded a diploma and a medal for each participant.
  • Laureates of I, II and III degrees (from 5 participants in a room) are awarded a diploma and a cup.
  • Diplomas are awarded to diploma holders and participants.

At the discretion of the jury, contestants may be awarded special prizes or statuettes.

All team leaders receive certificates of gratitude.

Competitive performances are divided into blocks according to age category and nomination. Participants and leaders are rewarded after each block.

If for some reason you were unable to attend the award ceremony, then you can receive your awards within the next week at a time convenient for both parties, having previously agreed with the organizing committee on the time and place.

Financial conditions.

Attention! By paying the registration fee, you confirm that you have read and agreed with the provisions of the International Festival-Competition “The Whole World is Art!”

Cost of participation:

  • Participant (soloist) -2500 rubles (one act, one nomination), including application registration 500 rubles per person
  • For the number of participants 2-3 people in a room (duets and trios) - 1800 rubles for each participant (one number, one nomination)
  • For 4 participants in a room - 1400 rubles for each participant (one room, one nomination), including registration of the application 300 rubles per person
  • For the number of participants 5-8 people representing one or two acts (optional) in the same nomination and age category - 1300 rubles for each participant , including registration of the application 300 rubles per person
  • For the number of participants from 9 to 14 people representing one or two acts (optional in the same nomination and age category) - 900 rubles for each participant
  • For the number of participants from 15 people or more, representing one or two acts (optional) in the same nomination and age category - 700 rubles for each participant , including registration of the application 200 rubles per person

For participation and registration of an application in an additional nomination, a 10% discount is provided (for competitors participating in several nominations) from the org. fee according to the number of participants.

The organizing committee reserves the right to use photo and video materials of the International Festival-Competition “The Whole World is Art!” for posting on social media networks, on the festival website and on the partners’ website.

Special conditions.

If you are traveling from another city and have limited time, please inform the organizing committee in advance. IN otherwise, we will not be able to make time changes to already ready-made program. The competition program will be sent by email. mail specified in the application 3-4 days before the event.

If a participant fails to appear at the festival, the registration fee is refunded in the following cases:

  • The participant warned about his absence 2 weeks before the start of the competition and provided the document.
  • Force majeure circumstances regarding the organization of the festival.
  • Force majeure circumstances concerning the participant(s) in the presence of a document (in case of illness - a certificate of incapacity for work in form 095/U for children, sick leave- for adults) and warning the organizers at least 3 working days before the start of the competition.
  • In other cases, the registration fee is not refundable.
  • The festival organizers have the right to change the location of the festival due to force majeure circumstances.
  • The organizers of the festival-competition are not responsible to the authors of works and songs performed by participants of the festival-competition!
  • The issue of parking spaces, as well as the delivery of costumes, props and scenery is decided by the participants independently.
  • During a competitive performance, lighting support is not evaluated. During competitive program"fill" light is used on stage.
  • Contestants have the right to ask the stage worker to turn the lights on/off completely, if required.
  • Technical equipment and placement of participants in classrooms according to the capacity of the site (it is possible to accommodate several groups in one classroom)

Here are the best and interesting festivals, organized by date to help you plan your trip around the event you're interested in. However, many of the dates are flexible, so be sure to check online before traveling to find out the specific dates of the holidays.


1.Snow and Ice Festival in Harbin, China (Harbin Ice and Snow Festival) – January 5-February 5

People build incredible sculptures out of ice and snow, decorating them with lights and laser beams.

Largest chinese holiday, with street processions, dragons, fireworks, carnival costumes, flowers, lanterns. At that time New Year celebrated everywhere in China, as well as in other Asian countries.

3. Sundance Film Festival (Sundance Film Festival): Utah, USA: late January

This is the largest independent film festival, broadcasting both full-length movies, and short films. Don't forget to purchase a ticket.

4. Magh Mela Festival (Magh Mela Festival), India: January

Hundreds of thousands of Hindus will gather at the Sangam to perform the sacred ritual of bathing with water. In this way they will wash away their sins. The festival is celebrated for 45 days.

5.Fire Festival Up Helly Aa , Scotland: January

Burning torches, barrels of tar, colorful medieval costumes, fire processions, and the traditional burning of a Viking ship make this holiday exciting.

February March.

6.Holi Festival (Holi Festival), India: late February/March, on the last day of the full moon

Flower festival in India, which symbolizes the beginning of spring. Celebrated for 16 days, it is considered one of the most significant religious holidays. These days, Hindus throw colored powder and water at each other's durgas.

7.Carnival in Rio de Janeiro , Brazil: February-March

A whole week of extravagant parades, sexy costumes, fiery dances, bright colors and tropical alcohol. All this does Brazilian Carnival one of the most interesting and famous festivals in the world.

8.Madri Gras , New Orleans, USA: late February - early March

The crazy day of separation before Lent, known as the last day of sinful life, before entering into humility and giving up pleasures.

9.Chinese Lantern Festival (Pingxi Lantern), Taiwan: February

People write their wishes on paper Chinese lanterns, which are then released en masse into the sky, creating a beautiful spectacle of floating lights.

10.Carnival in Venice , Italy: February-March

One of the most beautiful festivals in the world: people in masks and beautiful elaborate costumes that hide the differences between classes. There is a competition for the best costume.

11. Battle of the Oranges , Ivrea, Italy: February

Fun events are organized team games, competitions, fights, where oranges act as projectiles.

12.Desert Festival in Jaisalmer (Desert Festival of Jaisalmer), India: February

Do you want to witness such authentic events as camel racing, moonlight concerts? Take an SUV or a camel and head into the desert.

13.Music festival in Florida (Ultra Music Festival), Miami: late March

Most intense music Festival electronic music. Make sure to dress provocatively.

14.Cuban festival Calle Ocho , Miami, Florida, USA: March

An exciting festival of Cuban culture with exciting music, dance and cuisine will transport you to mysterious world Little Havanna.

Fire, fireworks, smoke, excitement, and fancy dress make this festival a mixture of Disney world and the apocalypse.

A magnificent green festival, which includes: a parade, costumes, music, jokes, films, drinks.

17. Frozen Dead Festival (Frozen Dead Guy Days), Netherlands, Colorado: March

Held in honor of a frozen person whose body is stored in this state awaiting thawing. People dress up as frozen dead people and stage various thematic events: carrying a coffin, procession in robes, polar walk, parties.


18.Songkran Water Festival (Songkran Water Festival), Thailand: April 13-15

Thai New Year falls on the hottest days in Thailand, people get out of the situation by pouring water on each other, setting up water shooting ranges using cannons, buckets, pistols, sprinklers, hoses - whatever they can find for these purposes.

This National holiday and free trade day, spontaneous markets arise everywhere. On the streets of the city there are games, concerts, performances, parties held on boats floating along the canals.

20.Sand Festival (Sandfest), Port Arkansas, Texas: April

Amazing competition of sand figures. The activities are accompanied by live music.


21.Galstonbury Music Festival (Glastonbury Music Festival), England: last weekend of June

The largest in the world music scene on open air.

Exhibitions, street fairs, costume shows, live music- all this to celebrate the holiday of the sun god.

23.White Nights Festival (Scarlet Sails), St. Petersburg, Russia: end of June

Procession of the ship under scarlet sails- just one of the many events of the White Nights Festival, and in addition: impressive fireworks, street concerts, training battles between pirates on boats on the Neva River.

24.Tasting Festival (Food and Wine Classic), Aspen, CO: June

Opportunity to take part in food and wine tastings, observe preparations for demonstrations, and culinary arts competitions.

July August

25.Festival of Saint Fermin (San Fermin Festival)

During the 9 days of celebration, many events of a religious, folklore, and musical nature are held, but the most striking spectacle is the deadly running of the bulls.

26.Pan-African History Festival (Panafest), Ghana, Africa: July-August

The largest festival of African culture with theatrical performances, music, exhibitions, fashion shows, fairs.

27.Pflasterspektakel Festival , Linz, Austria: July

This is the largest festival street art, where interactive performances of various genres await you: improvisation theater, pantomime, music, poetry, dance, circus art, painting, clownery, cabaret and much more.

28.Spice Mas Carnival , Grenada: July-August

Celebrating Independence Day with street shows, costumed processions, lively music, competitions and other events.

One of the largest country music festivals, accompanied by a fireworks show.

30.Tomato Festival (La Tomatina), Buñol, Spain: last week of August

The whole point of the festival is to throw tomatoes at each other. The number of spoiled tomatoes is amazing and looks spectacular.

31.Lollapalooza , Chicago, USA: August

Another major music festival, this time fans of metal, rock, hip-hop, and various youth subcultures will gather here.

32. Floating Lantern Festival (Obon Fesitval), Japan: August

Families release floating lanterns into the water to honor the spirits of their ancestors and send them greetings to the next world. It looks extremely spectacular.

33. Gay Pride (Gay Pride Parade), Amsterdam, Netherlands: first weekend of August

A huge gay festival with a weird masquerade parade, music and drinking includes a boat ride down the river. It is better to leave children at home.


34.Festival "Burning Man" (Burning Man, Black Rock Desert), Nevada, USA: last Monday in August, first Monday in September

It is a celebration of radical self-expression, featuring people eager to show off their unusual creativity. Incredible worlds, strange sculptures, creative installations - all this is removed without a trace at the end of the holiday.

35.Annual Pacific Islands Festival (Pacific Islander Festival), Ski Beach, San Diego: last weekend of September

An annual festival of the Pacific Islands that showcases the culture and customs of Melanesia, Micronesia and Polynesia with non-stop entertainment throughout the day.


36.Oktoberfest (Oktoberfest), Munich, Germany: late September or first weekend of October.

The symbol of the holiday is beer. On this moment The festival is celebrated by fans all over the world and is an important part of Bavarian culture.

37.Grape Festival (Grape Throwing Festival), Mallorca, Spain: last Sunday in September

Throw grapes at people and take part in other fun festival events.

38.Fantasy Festival (Fantasy Fest), Key West, Florida: in last week October

Colorful parade and fun parties in the most liberal city of Key West.

39.Festival balloons in Albuquerque (Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta), New Mexico: early October

More than 750 hot air balloons will rise into the sky overnight. The beauty of the floating balls is complemented by lighting and unusual shape some flying objects.

40.Diwali, festival of lights (Diwali Festival of Lights), India: October/November

Family holiday with fireworks and lots of sweets. Refreshments lit with lots of fire lanterns, clay lamps and candles.

41.Halloween , Halloween Festival, Salem, Massachusetts, USA: late October

Costume balls, masquerade processions of vampires, ghouls, ghouls, psychic attacks, ghost hunting - make Salem one of the best places for Halloween celebration.

42.Pumpkin Festival (Keene Pumpkin Festival), New Hampshire, USA: October

Massive towers and burning jack-o'-lanterns, fireworks, and music attract huge crowds of people to the city.


Friends and relatives come together to pay tribute to loved ones who have left this world through complex traditions of cooking, art, and color.

44. Camel festival in Pushkar , India: November

International camel fair, where more than 5,000 animals with their owners and many festival guests gather. Camel racing, competitions, competitions, exhibitions are held, music is played, and much more interesting events in District.

45.Thanksgiving from Macy's department stores (Thanksgiving Day Parade), New York, USA, 4th Thursday of November

Costume procession with giant balloons in the shape of popular cartoon characters and symbols of America.

46. ​​Monkey feast (Monkey Buffet Festiva), Lopburi, Thailand: end of November

The purpose of the festival is to provide a huge amount of fruits and vegetables for the monkeys and to attract an additional influx of tourists through this show. It works.


A street festival of art, music, culture, accompanied by processions and carnivals featuring elaborate, beautiful costumes, it is dedicated to the happiness that should visit everyone in the next year.

48.Christmas Festival in Natchitoches (Natchitoches Christmas Festival), Louisiana: December

Parades, illuminated boats, color music, fireworks.

49.Full Moon Celebration , Haad Rin, Koh Pha Ngan, Thailand: the night before or after each full moon.

Every full moon, 20-30 people gather on the beach for an open-air party.

50.Olympic Games : in summer and winter once every two years

Thousands of athletes from different countries around the world participate in various sports. Spectacular opening ceremony.

Previously, this list also included the Love Parade held in Germany. This is one of the largest festivals in the world, it was celebrated in 1989-2003 and 2006-2010. The celebration included electronic music, costumes, and frivolous behavior. Unfortunately, due to the tragic death of 21 people in 2010 due to overcrowding, the Love Parade was canceled forever.

Having visited the International Festival-Competition “The Whole World is Art!”, which took place in Moscow on October 14 at VDNKh, I felt myself in the incredibly creative atmosphere of the holiday. Great amount participants who came from Moscow, the Moscow region, St. Petersburg, Tver, the Republic of Belarus and many other regions of Russia and abroad. The kind and open faces of the organizers, who were very sensitive to the competition participants, answered their questions, and helped with organizing their time.

- In May, we staged the play “Bylinka” at the art school, which we performed today. We decided to come, show ourselves, find out what we are capable of.

- How did you learn about the festival-competition?

- Do you want to take part in some master class in the future?

- I would love to attend some master class on acting. So that we could exchange experiences with other teams and teachers. It's always interesting to listen and learn from famous people. But it’s difficult to name a specific person with whom I would like to attend a master class. However, it would be interesting to listen and talk with the stage masters.

Children's Soligorsk School of Arts, Kotsuba Olga Vasilievna.

- We came from Belarus, Minsk region, the city of Soligorsk. We represent the Soligorsk Children's Art School - the only art school in our small city. By the way, this is the same city that provides us all with salt. This is us - the city of Soligorsk.

- Tell us why you chose the “The Whole World is Art” festival-competition?

- You know, when we called the organizers of the competition for the first time, we heard kind voices on the other end of the line, immediately felt a friendly attitude, everything was explained very competently and intelligibly. We wanted to be at this competition-festival. And you know, we didn’t regret our choice for a minute.

- What about studying? Is it vacation time now?

- No, unfortunately it’s not the holidays now. But our children manage to do everything because they are infinitely talented. I believe that the less free time a child has, the better.

- What did you especially like about the festival-competition? Were there any memorable or “disastrous” performances? Did you gain something new for yourself, did you learn something?

- Yes, I liked the insane number of performances. We met many groups. We found new acquaintances. It seemed to us that there was some special creative, comfortable, cozy and pleasant atmosphere here. The presence of a beautiful hall only brightened our performance.

-Would you like to visit the festival-competition “The Whole World is Art”?

- Yes with pleasure. We have only the best impressions from organizing this event. We will look forward to the next festival, but we will not refuse other offers. We will consider new options with great interest.

- What do you think about the master classes? Would you like to participate? If so, who should lead it?

- Undoubtedly, it would be an interesting experience. I would like to attend a master class of some teacher who works with children. Not seasoned actors, but the same teachers from art schools and creative houses. Perhaps some theater studio or studio at the Moscow Art Theater, some specialized schools.

Interviewed by Anton IVANOV

Photos provided by the competition organizers