Nicholas Sparks long journey fb2. Nicholas Sparks - The Long Road

Long road Nicholas Sparks

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Title: Long Road

About the book “The Long Road” by Nicholas Sparks

Nicholas Sparks - master of soul romantic stories. “The Long Road” is one of them, where the road is a metaphor for the whole human life. The reader will see two such roads - one is still short, and the second is almost a century long.

Ira Levinson is an old man who has been through a lot. But the highlight for him was his meeting with Ruth, the woman who would later become his wife. Both will go through the horrors of war and will write letters to each other to seem closer. Having lived together for many years, these two will not lose the tenderness of their feelings. It is Ira’s love for his already deceased wife that will be that mystical, but incredibly strong feeling, which will not allow Ira to die when he gets into an accident. Nicholas Sparks' character will remember both Ruth and beautiful letters to her until he is found by other people passing by.

These others will be Sophia and Luke. Luke is a rodeo cowboy. He is very strong personality. Not long ago, Luke suffered a serious injury in one of the competitions. But his life is tightly connected with the ranch, rodeo and bulls, so his path is the path of overcoming his fears. Sofia wanted to do art all her life. Danger and adrenaline are alien to her, she cannot imagine her life in the village, but still, by the will of fate, she meets Luke, and a relationship begins between them. The heroes of the novel “The Long Road” have little in common: she is a “city girl”, he cannot imagine life without bulls and horse races. If they want to be together, someone has to sacrifice their lifestyle. Both are confused.

And so Sofia and Luke meet Ira. The resilience of an old man who has had an accident and the incentive that keeps him in this world amazes the young couple. His timeless love story becomes known in detail through letters. Nicholas Sparks sends his young and self-doubting heroes a kind of time capsule, giving wise advice and helping them understand themselves. The choice between feeling and the desire to have a bright future is very difficult, but it is the love story of Ira and Ruth that helps to make it.

The book “The Long Road” is not replete with events. There are many retrospective “wells” in it, each of which is a little story, immersing you in the tragic, dramatic or lyrical memories of the characters. There are enough trials, difficulties of choice and life problems, which are still resolved happily.

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Quotes from the book “The Long Road” by Nicholas Sparks

He had experienced enough short affairs to understand that they inevitably left behind a feeling of emptiness, and that was all.

I've never met a half French, half Slovak woman before. Heck, I didn't even know anyone from New Jersey!

In every long marriage, sooner or later the bottom of the immutable truth becomes clear: our life partners sometimes know us better than we know ourselves.

You're so... old-fashioned. A real man. Many guys don't even know how to do things with their own hands.

“Sofia,” he said in a whisper, so quietly that she barely heard. But in the sounds own name Sofia heard everything that Luke could not express in words, and at the same moment she realized that he truly loved her. Maybe it was her imagination, but she also felt that this love would last forever, no matter what happened and no matter what he had to sacrifice. “Sorry for staring like that,” Luke said. “You’re so beautiful...” Sofia smiled and came closer. When he leaned down to kiss her, the girl realized that even if she had been nothing more than infatuated before, she was now definitely head over heels in love.

That's your problem, Ira. You don't see in yourself what others see. You think you're not handsome enough, but when you were young you were very good-looking. You think that you are uninteresting and not witty, but this is not true. And the fact that you yourself are not aware of your best qualities, is part of your charm. You always saw the best in people - like me. You made me feel special.

A chestnut-colored stallion slowly walked towards him. He was followed by two darker horses.
“This is a Horse,” Luke explained.
– And those two are called Friend and Demon. Sofia hesitated, wrinkling her forehead thoughtfully.
– I guess I’ll sit on Druzhka? – she suggested.
– I wouldn’t recommend it. He bites and will certainly try to throw you off. Only my mother rides it. But the Demon is just a sweetheart. The girl shook her head.
- Well, you give nicknames to animals...

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How bizarrely they sometimes intertwine human destinies
What, it would seem, is common between the old man Ira Levinson, on the verge of life and death remembering the story of his love for his wife Ruth, and the student Sophia, who fell in love with an ordinary guy and making a difficult choice between a feeling and a brilliant future?
The two couples are decades apart. But one day their lives will intersect, and events will take an unexpected turn...

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Currently available on the Internet a large number of electronic literature. The Long Road publication is dated 2014, belongs to the “Novel” genre in the “Romance of Love” series and is published by AST publishing house. Perhaps the book has not yet been published Russian market or didn't appear in electronic format. Don’t be upset: just wait, and it will definitely appear on UnitLib in fb2 format, but in the meantime you can download and read other books online. Read and enjoy educational literature together with us. Free download in formats (fb2, epub, txt, pdf) allows you to download books directly to e-book. Remember, if you really liked the novel, save it on your wall in social network, let your friends see it too!

Nicholas Sparks

Long road

Dedicated to Miles, Ryan, Landon, Lexi and Savannah

Early February 2011

Sometimes I feel like I'm the last of my kind.

My name is Ira Levinson. I am a Southerner and a Jew, and I am equally proud that both of these attributes are noticed in me from time to time. And I'm also a very old man. I was born in 1920, the same year that Prohibition was declared and women gained the right to vote. I have often wondered if this is why my life turned out the way it did. After all, I never drank heavily, and the woman I married stood in line at the ballot box to vote for Roosevelt as soon as she reached the required age. The obvious conclusion is that the date of my birth somehow predetermined all this.

My father would have laughed at me. He believed in unshakable rules. “Ira,” he said when I was younger and worked with him in the dry goods store, “I’ll tell you what you should never do.” “Rules of life” - that’s what he called his instructions. I literally grew up listening to them. Some of them concerned morality and were rooted in the teachings of the Talmud; Probably, these are the postulates that most parents instill in their children. You cannot lie, cheat, steal, etc. But my father, a “periodic Jew,” as he himself put it, paid more attention to practical aspects. “Don’t go out in the rain without a hat,” he said. “Don’t touch the stove burner, in case it’s hot.” I learned that you should never count money in public or buy jewelry second-hand, no matter how good the deal may seem. These “never”s dragged on endlessly, but despite their chaos, I followed almost all the rules, perhaps because I did not want to disappoint my father. Even now, his voice accompanies me on the long walk called life.

In a similar way, my father often explained what I should do. He expected me to be honest and straightforward in all matters. life situations, and also taught me to hold the door for women and children, shake hands firmly when meeting, remember names, and always give the client a little more than he expects. Over time, I realized: these rules were not only the basis life philosophy, which served my father well, but also made it perfectly clear what kind of person he was. Since he himself believed in honesty and integrity, he believed that other people were like that. My father believed in human decency and thought that others lived the same way. He believed that most people, if given a choice, would do the right thing even in difficult situations and that good would always triumph over evil. However, he was not naive. “Trust people,” my father said, “until they give you a reason to lose faith. But even after that, never turn your back.”

My father, more than anyone, influenced who I became.

But the war brought him down. More precisely, the Holocaust. My father’s sanity remained the same—he could solve a New York Times crossword puzzle in less than ten minutes—but his faith in people was shaken. The world he supposedly knew suddenly lost all meaning, and his father changed a lot. He was nearly sixty then; he took me into business as a partner and almost stopped going to the store, but he became a full-fledged Jew. Together with his mother - I’ll talk about her later - my father began to regularly visit the synagogue and donate funds to countless Jewish issues. He refused to work on Saturdays. I followed with interest the news concerning the declaration of Israeli independence and the Arab-Israeli war that followed as a result. I began to travel to Jerusalem at least once a year, as if looking for something missing in life. When my father got old, I was very worried about these long trips, but he assured that he was able to take care of himself - and for many years this was the case. Despite his venerable age, his mind remained sharp, but, unfortunately, his body was giving out. When my father turned ninety, he suffered a heart attack; although he recovered, a second blow, six months later, resulted in partial paralysis right side torso. But he still insisted that he could take care of himself. My father refused to move into a nursing home, even though he had to use a walker, and continued to drive despite my pleas and fears that he would lose his license. I kept saying that it was dangerous, but my father just shrugged his shoulders.

"What can I do? - he asked. “How else can I get to the store?”

He died a month after he turned one hundred and one years old. Dad still had his driver's license in his wallet and the crossword puzzle on the table next to his bed. He lived a long time interesting life, and in Lately I think about him often. It's probably logical because I followed in his footsteps. I kept the Rules of Life in mind when I opened the store in the morning and interacted with people. I remembered names and gave clients more than they expected. To this day, I never leave the house without a hat if there is a threat of rain. Like my father, I suffered a heart attack and now use a walker; but my reason doesn’t let me down. Like my father, I'm too stubborn to give up my driver's license. However, if you think about it carefully, I may have been wrong here. Otherwise I wouldn't be in such a situation predicament. My car flew off the road into a deep ditch, the hood was dented from a collision with a tree. If it were not for my stubbornness, I would not now dream of rescuers appearing with a full thermos of coffee, a blanket and a mobile throne on which they would carry me like a pharaoh. Because as far as I can tell, this is the only way to get out of here alive.

I'm in trouble. Snow continues to fall behind the cracked glass, covering everything around. My head is bleeding, nausea comes in waves, I'm almost sure that right hand broken. Collarbone too. My shoulder ache, and the slightest movement causes terrible pain, I am shaking from the cold. Even though I'm wearing a coat.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared. I don’t want to die, and thanks to my parents - my mother lived to be ninety-six years old - I realized long ago that I was genetically programmed to long life. Just a few months ago, I sincerely believed that I would last at least another five years. Perhaps it won't be best years- In my age complete order It doesn’t happen with health. I began to slowly fall apart - my joints, heart, kidneys and other parts of the body were failing - but recently something else was added. Formations in the lungs, as the doctors said. Tumor. Cancer. I have months to live, not years... but in any case, I'm not ready to die yet. Just not today. There's something I have to do, something I've been doing regularly since 1956. A long-standing tradition would soon become a thing of the past, and I dreamed of the opportunity to say goodbye to it.

It’s still strange what a person thinks about when he believes that death is inevitable. One thing I know for sure: although I don’t have much time left, I would prefer to die differently, without shaking hands, shaking jaws and waiting for my heart to finally give out. At my age, I have attended countless funerals - and given the choice, I would prefer to die in my sleep, at home, in the comfort of my bed. People who die this way look good, so since I feel the presence of the Grim Reaper over my shoulder, I must gather my strength and move to the back seat. The last thing I want is to be found sitting stiffly, looking like a stupid ice sculpture. And how will they then remove my corpse from the car? Since I'm sandwiched between the steering wheel and the seat, it's like carrying a piano out of the bathroom. I imagine the rescuers chipping away at the ice and yanking this way and that, saying, “Turn his head, Steve,” and “Give your hand here, Joe,” as they try to pull my frozen body out of the car. They will hit and knock, push and pull, until finally, from the next jerk, I fall to the ground. No thanks. Ira still has some pride left. So, since it's bad, I'll try to get to the back seat, lie down and just close my eyes. Then they can easily take me out like a fish stick from a bag.

But maybe you won't have to die. Someone will notice tire tracks on the road leading into a ditch, stop to try to help, and see a car down there. Nothing incredible, quite possible variant. Snowing, drivers drive slowly. Of course someone will find me. Necessarily.

It is so?

It is possible that I am wrong.

The snow continues to fall. My breath in the air turns to steam, as if I were a dragon, and my body aches from the cold. But it could have been worse. When I left the house, it was freezing outside, although it wasn’t snowing, so I dressed for winter: two shirts, a sweater, gloves, a hat.

The car is parked at an angle, nose down. I'm still wearing a seat belt that supports my body weight, but my head is resting on the steering wheel. The airbag deployed, spreading white dust and the acrid smell of gunpowder. It's unpleasant, but I endure it.

There is a wrecked car on the side of the road. Old man Ira Levinson did not have time to understand anything when he got into an accident and slid into a ditch. He has no one to call for help and can only wait. In silence, where not a single sound is heard human voice, he remembers his life and talks to his long ago deceased wife. When Ira saw Ruth, he fell in love with her at first sight, like a boy.

He was not frightened by differences in social status, nor by the girl’s brilliant life, far from his everyday life. He simply loved her and her delight in the incomprehensible scribbles called contemporary art, loved during war and grief, in hours of joy and happiness. Yes, her own last breath, and even after her death. Which is what he talks about in an empty car.

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"The Long Road" by Nicholas Sparks is a novel about a long life and endless eternal love. The writer’s books are always filled with light and sincere feelings; almost every one of his works has been filmed, and this story was no exception. The author so skillfully describes the love of two completely different couples living in different times, talks about what they had to go through to be together. Sparks's characters always have to choose between love and duty, family, art, work or money, just like in real life.

The second couple of the novel “The Long Road” is Sofia and Luke, young and full of strength. She's typical city ​​girl, graduating with honors from college, with a sweet girlfriend and bright hopes for the future - she has so much to see, do and achieve! He is an ordinary village guy, cute and sensitive, desperately loving animals and nature. Fate brings them together - so different and dissimilar - and they fall in love. Many challenges await them, the main one of which is themselves, because people tend to complicate everything.

At first glance, these two stories are unrelated. Even the narrative, although alternating chapters, is separate. Ira and Ruth met long before the birth of Luke and Sophia, they had a lot more to do, because in the last century there were enough dark moments, and most importantly, a war that forced millions of people to separate and never brought them together again. But they persevered, they wrote letters to each other all the time that they were apart, they were together, despite all the obstacles. Luke and Sofia live in our time and they do not know all the grief that shook the world, but many problems do not allow them to relax and simply love each other.

This book is quite familiar to fans of Nicholas Sparks. She glorifies real feelings and creates beautiful love, faith in which sometimes fades in hearts modern people. We find out how these two couples are connected only at the end of the book, but the relationship of these characters is extremely compelling in any case. We can only watch how these passionate feelings develop and wonder what choices the characters will make.

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"The Long Road" will not tell about other worlds or historical characters. This novel is not about military action or criminal investigations. Nicholas Sparks simply writes about life and love, without resorting to excess or fiction. You need to believe him and you need to live his story. And understand its characters.