Bet money on football matches. How to bet on football matches correctly? Selecting a league for betting

If this is your first time planning to place bookmaker bets on football matches From a computer connected to the Internet, online, read the instructions with the following instructions:

  1. Familiarize yourself with the basic concepts and types of football bets
  2. Decide on the bookmaker in which you will play. We recommend using those presented on our website in the bookmakers section, this will protect you from fraud, because today the number of black online bookmakers is off the charts.
  3. Go to the website of the bookmaker you chose.
  4. On the BC website, click on the registration button. In the window that opens, fill in the required fields with the appropriate personal data.
  5. Next, top up your game account with money, to do this, click on the payments or balance button. Select the transfer method that suits you from the list provided
  6. Click on the football button in the sport selection menu - a window with current football championships will open to your attention.
  7. Select the one you are most knowledgeable about, for example, you clicked on the UEFA Champions League, a window will open with the schedule of football matches and the odds for the winner of a particular game.
  8. All that remains is to decide on the choice of the game on which you want to bet.
    • Now you click on the desired match, and everything is revealed before you possible types bets and odds for the match, starting with a simple bet on a win or a draw, ending with bets on total, handicap, and other various variations such as the exact score, or who will score the first goal.
    • In one case or another, only you decide what to bet on, but the point is that the more difficult it is to guess the outcome, the higher the odds, which means the winnings will be greater if the bet is successful.
    • Basically, small odds like 1.05-1.2 are 90% winning, but the profit from them is very small. Therefore, professional betters make up an express bet from several such odds (in which the odds are multiplied and the resulting multiplication odds become higher), or bet a larger amount on such odds.
  9. After you have decided on the championship, football match, and type of bet, click on the corresponding odds. A window will pop up in which you need to enter the amount of money to bet, enter the amount and click ok or confirm
    • In order to calculate how much you will earn if you win, you need to multiply the bet odds by the bet amount and minus the bet amount.
  10. Bets accepted

Couple practical advice allowing you to earn money by betting on football online

Forecasts from professional cappers can make your bets more profitable. If you do not want to use the paid services of forecasters, among whom in reality there are many deceivers, use free forecasts of which there are a lot on the Internet, to do this, enter in a search engine the corresponding, necessary query, for example: forecast for the football match Monaco - Zenit. Study 2-3 such forecasts, compare them with own opinion, and only then place your bets. This will effectively increase your chances of success. But still, if you decide to use the service of paid forecasters, look for those who give guarantees and return money if you lose.

Sports Betting Strategies. A very powerful argument allowing the player to avoid a loss without control Money. Strategies allow you to place bets according to some pre-planned plan. For example: the Dogon strategy suggests that if you lose, you double the next bet (taking into account the bet odds), if you win, this action brings the player coverage of the amount of the lost bet, in addition, it also brings some profit. Even if both the second and third bets are lost, you need to double and be persistent, stick to the strategy. It also happens that 10 bets in a row are lost (extremely rare), and the better is at a huge disadvantage, but the 11th bet wins, and in the end the money spent was returned with a good profit. To play according to the Dogon strategy, the bank is calculated in advance, by which the number of reinsurance doublings is judged, and the amount of the first bet, if it is won, the next one is made of the same value, the higher the bank amount, the higher the chances of success.

Arbitration situations in bookmakers are an excellent option for making money on football. You pay special services around $50 per month, they provide you with information about existing ones in the near future arbitrage rates, then you bet on the victory of the first team and the second (in two different bookmakers!), at the end of the game you remain in the black in any case.

Bookmaker bonuses are a very nice thing that can be used for training or reinsurance, your first bets, someone makes good money from this freebie, and these are bonus hunters, bonus hunters who correctly fulfill the conditions for withdrawing a bonus in combination with arbitrage situations, for them it will make no difference casino or sports betting.

Live football betting is undoubtedly the strong point of some players. In live mode, everyone can place a bet during the match, which they visually observe. The advantage of this method is that the player can analyze the strengths of teams, see the score, player removals and other nuances. The minus odds for the favorite of the match are gradually decreasing, sometimes it’s worth hurrying before the bets are closed.

There is a lot of rubbish, spam, and deception about match-fixing on the Internet today. We do not deny that match-fixing exists, but still information about such things is available only to a select few, who are various kinds of influential people: government officials, individuals close to football teams. If you do not belong to one of these categories), we advise you to avoid everything related to this issue, especially paid so-called<верняковые договорняки>

Now you know how to place bookmaker bets on football, and what else you should familiarize yourself with in more detail for successful stability in betting. We hope the information we provided was useful. Good luck.

My name is Anton, I love sports. More precisely, I do it professionally. But in order to learn how to play bets, love it few.

The World Cup is coming soon - from June 14 to July 15 in 11 Russian cities. The world is going crazy, and so is Russia.

Do people like sports in Russia? Dry statistics numbers

Three quarters of Russians (75%) are interested in sports. 34% exercise regularly or periodically (controversial, but this is what the study says), 41% follow competitions.

In Russia and in the world, football is the most popular view sports among team sports, firmly occupies the first line of the rating.

For those who are not particularly in the know, places for love of sports in Russia are distributed as follows:

  • football, leader, despite the fact that our team rarely gets anywhere.
  • hockey, but with a large gap in attention
  • volleyball
  • basketball
  • Athletics.
  • It's no surprise that the FIFA World Cup is the most anticipated sporting event. The last final match between Germany and Argentina brought together 700 million(!!!) TV viewers.

    Let's get down to business. What sport is the most actively bet on?

    If we talk about the distribution of bets by sport, the picture is slightly different. Football remains the leader. Bets on basketball were in second place - 11.6%, and hockey moved to third place, overtaking tennis, volleyball and other sports in terms of the number of bets.

    More 60% of bets are on football matches. This quite confirms itself people's love to this sport in Russia.

    Stop. What are bets and how do they differ from gambling?

    Sports betting– this is not only a real prospect of earning money, but also a brain trainer. If you approach this issue wisely, then you will have both fun and financial benefits.

    If you want to try yourself in sports betting, more suitable event You won't find anything better than the World Cup.

    At the same time, I want to draw your attention. This is not "random". They cannot be compared to playing cards or slot machines. This is not a scam. Here everything depends only on you, your intuition and (especially) knowledge.

    This cunning topic, but it is in many ways more stable than trading in the stock market, forex and other adventures with opaque results. If you monitor the situation and stay on top of things, you can increase your money.

    By the way, sports bookmakers (the ones we will be looking at here) have official government accreditation. To start the process, you need to officially and personally log in, show your passport, and pass an 18+ check.

    OK. What types of sports betting are there?

    There are basically two types of bets and one special one:

    Live bets: to the events that are going on right now, At the moment.

    Pre-match betting: done in advance for an event that will take place in the near future.

    Express bets: This is a combination of the two previous types of bets, when you predict the outcome of several events at the same time. Their coefficients are multiplied among themselves. The income is higher, so is the risk, because if at least one event from your “express” does not go through, you will lose.

    If you are suddenly itching to place an “express” bet, choose at least no more than 2-3 events.

    Let us suppose. What do you need to know when betting for the first time?

    If you follow these tips, you will definitely not lose money. Wins will be super-pleasant, and losses will be rare and realistically justified. It won't be a shame for them.

    No. 1. Bet only an amount that you are not afraid to risk

    Start playing with small amounts that will not affect your wallet. 300 rubles - a good start. Maybe even less. This way you will be able to understand the intricacies, risking only breakfast at McDonald's.

    Under no circumstances take out a loan or bet your last money. There should always be knowing of limits. If you play for the amount and lose, you don’t have to run to throw in more money to win back. This is how many beginners “merge.”

    Better think about why this happened. And a little later, come back with renewed confidence and a better understanding of the situation. Remember, you are amateurs, not professionals.

    Personally, I never bet more than 5,000 rubles on one event. This is my internal limitation, my stop signal. And even when I bet this amount, I objectively believe that I will win.

    No. 2. Don't play blindly, study the clearing

    It's stupid to bet money at random. Sport is 80% hard work and 20% luck. Study statistics, read sports sites. Keep track of the sport you bet on.

    Let's take as an example the statistics of past World and European Championships.

    World Cup 2014:
    Champion: Germany
    Second place: Argentina
    Third place: Netherlands
    Fourth place: Brazil

    World Cup 2010:
    Champion: Spain
    Second place: Netherlands
    Third place: Germany
    Fourth place: Uruguay

    World Cup 2006:
    Champion: Italy
    Second place: France
    Third place: Germany
    Fourth place: Portugal

    Do you see a pattern between the World Cup winnings of a certain country? No.

    Half of the roster and coaching staff changes during the four-year World Cup cycle. There is a “school”, background, football leaders of countries. But you have to look at current composition players, how the team performs in games preparation. How much strong players entered into the composition. Who is the current coach?

    This is a set of parameters.

    Advice without a number. Patriotism + football betting = loss

    According to statistics, every seventh Russian believes that the Russian National Team will win the 2018 World Cup. But here IT IS FORBIDDEN believe in miracle.

    Despite all the patriotism, sports results are not an emotional choice. It consists of a huge history, expertise and a bunch of other things.

    For example, in basketball, 80% of the court is African-American, and they play purely statistically better than others. It is a fact. American basketball is always stronger than Russian basketball. Also a fact.

    Arm yourself facts when you make decisions.

    Not necessary bet on victories, there is still a lot of interesting things. For example, individual events of one of the teams or a player in general: how many goals a team will score, the goal difference between teams (handicaps), “total games” (how many goals will be in the game).

    IN good services you can even bet whether Ronaldo or Messi will score in a certain match. Well, or any role player.

    For example: Portugal played defensively at the last European Championship, and even scored 1-2 goals in winning matches. The team played completely ineffectively, mostly in their own half of the field.

    Based on such statistics, I will choose their “individual total less” or “whole game total less.” And I will have more chances win.

    No. 3. Try to find reliable, correct, good odds

    The odds are assigned by the bookmaker company. Remember: too high odds give a lower probability of winning.

    It's like interest in a bank. If some incomprehensible bank promises as much as 18% per annum for your deposit, while for stable banks it fluctuates around 10-12%, where does the truth lie? Don't take risks. The cheese, as they say, is in the mousetrap.

    Let's look at an example of a match that took place last week: Russia played with Turkey.

    Experts considered Russia stronger. Accordingly, the odds for her victory were 2. The odds for Turkey’s victory were 3, and for a draw – 2.5.

    If we bet 1000 rubles on Russia, we would win 2000 rubles. If we bet 1000 rubles on Turkey, we would win 3000 rubles.

    And it turned out draw. Everyone who bet on victory and defeat lost. Those who chose a draw multiplied their amount by 2.5 times.

    Yes, than higher coefficient, the more you win. But the idea is to avoid making unrealistic bets with very little chance of success. Don't risk your money for small wins.

    If the event will take place with a probability of 50 to 50 or 60 to 40, and the odds on it 1.5 , it’s stupid to risk a conditional thousand rubles for the sake of only 500 rubles of winnings from above.

    No. 4. Draw conclusions based on the course of events at the 2018 World Cup

    World Cup 2018 – ideal option for this. There are many games, patterns emerge. Understanding comes.

    You don't have to put it on every day. It is preferable to wait for a day when there will be many events that you understand. Try not to play on days when there are few matches: teams you know nothing about are playing.

    It is understandable that everyone wants to earn money every day, but sometimes you need to be patient. This advice may not bring profit, but it will help morally.

    No. 5. Choose a reliable bookmaker

    The main rule: play only at reliable bookmakers. They value their reputation. I use Leon: they are leaders, and bets are accepted there not only on sports.

    Leon, by the way, support a large number of stars: Alexander Kerzhakov, Viktor Gusev, Maria Komandnaya, Shnur and many others.

    This bookmaker has a really user-friendly app with a human interface. It’s like a program for a popular bank, where everything is for the common people.

    The brain is not torn from them. Everything is distributed on shelves. And the application is the fastest among its competitors, plus it requires almost no traffic.

    It’s easy to identify with it; you don’t even have to leave the house. Just write your QIWI number, and that's it, you're done.

    They are attracted by good odds both in pre-match and live events. You can monitor your balance all the time, which is convenient.

    How winnings are paid: for small wins they pay out everything at once, always without problems at any time of the day or night. Big wins They check it thoroughly, but there is no need to worry. Money is coming.

    Betting conditions: minimum amount to withdraw money via payment cards 1000 rubles. For Qiwi, Yandex, WebMoney and it is generally only 100 rubles.

    Technical support is available 24/7. They always respond quickly and to the point.

    Still curious: many bonuses and promotions. Now playing out Dodge Challenger. And for our readers, Leon gives 150 rubles without an account completely free of charge, read below:

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    Every football fan imagines himself as a football bettor. This is understandable - there is an opportunity to demonstrate and prove that he has “excellent knowledge”, and you can earn extra money in the process.

    Unfortunately, everything is not as simple as it seems. It's likely that you predicted Barcelona to win the Champions League last season or Manchester United or Manchester City to win the Premier League this season and hedged your bets. But I believe you are still in debt and in a big disadvantage.

    You may be making good bets, one here and another there, but lack of consistency ruins all your successful attempts. Here are five key things you should consider if you want to make yourself a smarter, more organized and successful football bettor.

    1. Turn on your head

    If you bet on football games, chances are you also support a team. The worst thing you can do in this situation is endless, mindless bets on your team winning. In these types of bets, you act like a fan, like a fan. But you need to turn off your heart and turn on your head.

    Let's say your gut feelings have won over your mind, you feel that one of your favorite team's forwards will be on fire today, and you convince yourself that your choice will "teach a good lesson to all those highly paid smart guys."

    And here it is - a defeat on the home field with a score of 5-0, you don’t believe yourself, you don’t understand how this could happen, in general, you look at your mistake with outright disbelief.

    But in fact, you could do several good bets instead of this losing one, you just had to make some effort to see them.

    2. Look for high odds

    I assure you, this advice will allow you to get chances of winning that are certainly better than the express bet that you chose spontaneously right now. If you put in a little effort and look at your bets as a long-term investment, your profits will become long-term.

    You can check the potential “value” of a bet yourself using simple calculations. Any result showing odds of 1.0 or higher can automatically be included in bets with inflated odds.

    Let's assume that a-Team, you think has a 50% chance of winning. Best available probabilities by European rate 1 to 1 are at around (2.0). 50% becomes 0.50 in decimal terms. Multiply the best odds provided by the bookmakers by your estimated probabilities and you get 0.50 * 2.0 = 1.0.

    This means that at odds of 2.0 the bet is roughly equal to the odds on offer, and you shouldn't touch it if the bookmakers are offering even a little lower.

    3. Look for that extra edge.

    We all know and understand that football is a game of people, which means we cannot calculate using mathematics exact outcome of the match. Sometimes factors come to the fore that no one could have thought of before starting the game, but which can greatly influence your decision about whether the odds match the bet or not.

    For example, you find information that a terrible flu virus has knocked out half the team, including two or three key players. And now odds of 5.0 loom before your eyes and look terribly attractive.

    The team may find itself in a very difficult financial situation, and players will begin to flee from it like rats from a sinking ship. Most likely, the team will weaken and the odds will go down sharply. Get your money back before this happens!

    4. Always bet on the best odds

    Raising 10, 15 and even 20 percent on your bets can be quite in a simple way– always bet money on best odds of all available. This, of course, means that you need to maintain several different accounts with several bookmakers.

    The odds offered by bookmakers vary due to the fact that when the market opens they all start at different positions, although they then adjust them as money comes in.

    In order to attract you, bookmakers offer free bets, where you can enjoy the absence of big risks, but at the same time grow your bank.

    5. Bet only what you are not afraid to lose

    Probably the most important advice What I can give you that will always come in handy when betting on any sport is to never bet more money than you can afford to lose.

    Betting on sports should be seen as an additional way to earn money, and not as a desperate attempt to bet last in the hope of making ends meet and paying bills. Remember that any particular team doesn't have to win the game, but you do have to go home safely without losing your entire pot.

    Keep your head clear and choose your bets methodically.

    There is nothing worse than kamikaze bets, or ending the game with a smaller pot than it was before the match began.


    We created MetaRating so you don't have to collect scattered information about bookmakers all over the Internet. Now, to find out the weighted average rating of a particular company and read all the reviews about it, you only need to go to one site. will give you the most objective figures based on data from all leading betting sites, as well as player reviews and ratings.

    Main directions of the Metaratings site

    Bookmaker rating based on meta-evaluation- an objective and regularly updated top of the best bookmakers according to Runet experts. The rating is designed to help players choose a reliable site for betting on sports on the Internet, having received comprehensive information about the bookmaker.

    Bookmaker reviews— the most complete digest of reviews of bookmakers from around the Internet. All reviews are divided into positive, negative and neutral. Based on player reviews and ratings, we have created a custom meta rating of bookmakers.

    Forecasts for Sport— the brain center of our site. Here specialists and experts regularly share best forecasts and bets on upcoming matches and sporting events. analysts provide free forecasts for football, hockey, tennis, basketball, volleyball, boxing mma and other sports.

    Betting school— educational materials about proper game in bookmakers' offices. Not only beginners, but also experienced betters can learn something new. Explanation and types of bookmaker bets, operating principles of bookmakers, formation and movement of odds in a line, strategies, useful tips online betting and much more.

    Sports news and analytics— review of upcoming and past sporting events, current news from the bookmaker industry. Betting on football and analysis of football tournaments is the main focus of greatest attention. Other sports also do not go unnoticed, like any other important information about betting.

    Make sports betting safer for yourself with!

    Do you like sports? Do you want your hobby to also generate income? Then you can try to make money by betting on sporting events. And 10 will help with this simple rules for beginner players.

    1. At the very beginning you should determine what it is for you rates. If winning is not your goal, then there is no point in reading the article further. But if sports betting for you a way to get rich, then you need to treat them as work.

    To do this you need:

    Develop your own or use ready-made game strategies (passive - bet on the most likely event, aggressive - bet on a controversial match);

    Determine your gaming bank (how much money you are willing to spend on bets, how many bets you want to place, what size of bets will suit you so as not to go bankrupt right away);

    Be constantly up to date with the events of the sport on which you decide to bet your money.

    2. Eliminate the word “surely” from your vocabulary. How can you be 100% confident in betting in such an unpredictable area as sports? Moreover, this forecast is most likely based only on odds. It is unlikely that your game needs such a risk that does not fit into the overall strategy for making a profit. Such a bet, of course, gives the probability of winning, but betting on the favorite usually has small coefficient(1.1-1.4), and this is a too slow increase in capital.

    3. You should also make it a rule to only play in large bookmakers, because the larger the company, the more it values ​​its reputation. Therefore, first make inquiries about how long the company has been in existence, what reviews they leave about it, and only after that place your bets. Here are some names of major bookmakers: Pinnaclesports, Bet365, Bwin, Betfair, WilliamHill, Unibet, Sportingbet, Planetofbets, Pari-match, 10Bet.

    When you see high odds offered by small offices, remember that free cheese only comes in mousetraps. Are there any guarantees that tomorrow they will not evaporate along with your money?

    4. Also, you should not bet on obvious favorites, because the odds are low, and they can end up in a draw or even lose; there are a lot of such examples. But the funny thing is that these bets are the most popular among players. If suddenly you decide to do this, don’t do it. big bet for the favorite to win.

    Because of this, you can lose a considerable amount, and in order not to go into the red and win back the lost money, you will need to place bets and win several times in a row. To prevent this from happening, try to bet on the total odds (a bet on the total number of goals scored), the handicap (the difference in goals scored) or the exact score.

    5. Don't place parlay bets. These are bets that include several outcomes, the odds of which are multiplied. But the bet does not win if even one event does not play out, so the higher the final odds, the more events there are and the higher the risk of loss.

    But if you still decide to try put express, then try to choose a chain of no more than 2-3 events in which the coefficient is not higher than 2. Selecting such events will not be easy, you need experience and knowledge, so advice for beginners - put in singles.

    6. It happens to everyone when luck turns around and all your bets win, at such a time you need to continue playing as long as you are lucky, but when a couple of bets have not played out, you need to be able to stop so as not to lose the bank and go bankrupt. This is not easy to do, because at such moments the mind fades into the background, and a person is controlled by emotions. “Now he’ll trample again, now I’ll win and get back everything I lost” - this is the beginning big loss, because you start increasing your bets with the hope of winning back, but you lose again and again. So the whole bank goes to nothing, and you are left with nothing.

    7. It is always necessary to follow the chosen strategy, calculated in advance, with a certain degree of probability. In it, you have already determined for yourself the size of each bet (approximately 1-3% of the total bank amount, so losing will not hit your budget too much), the number of different bets per week, how many single and how many express bets you need to make to increase your income . If you begin to retreat from the strategy that you yourself have chosen, then this will be the beginning of the path to bankruptcy. And make it a rule not to increase your fixed rate by more than a few points. This will also help you avoid going bankrupt soon.

    8. Also, you should not place your bets out of personal attachment to any teams or athletes. They should not be related in any way to your future profits. After all, if you bet on your favorite football team, but it doesn’t have better times, someone was injured, the coach decided to save someone and left someone in reserve, someone was simply out of shape. This can easily trigger the loss of the entire bank. And if you bet on your opponent and win, then next game your favorites, you will be able to go to the stadium and cheer for them live, thereby proving your love and devotion to the team.

    9. As with any job, when placing your bets, you need to be aware of events. You can’t just come at the behest of your heart and put your hand on someone. First you need to do research, read reviews, . The Internet can help with this in the best possible way; here, in addition to articles, you can also review all the games of a team or athlete to see what shape they are in and how they feel. Spend a little of your personal time analyzing the situation in a particular sport, and only then place a bet. This will help avoid unnecessary expenses.

    10. The most important thing is to never forget that life without stakes exists. Don't change your bets on your family, children, parents, friends. These people will always support you, even if you fail, they will be there and help you get through any difficulties.
