Day of Tatar Culture. Within the framework of the days of Tatar culture

Days are ending in the area Tatar culture. Events within the framework of these days took place last week in the village of Sorokino and the village of Ust-Tavda.

February 24 at the Ust-Tavdinsk rural club together with the Ust-Tavdinsk rural library The “Tugan Tel” (“Native Speech”) event took place.

In the foyer there was an exhibition of Tatar dishes prepared by the craftswomen of the village. Here you could also get acquainted with the book exhibition Tatar writers and poets, prepared by library staff.

The event started in the hall rural club. The hall was full. The library and club staff prepared interesting information. Everyone listened with interest about the history of the appearance Tatar people, about traditions and national dishes. The event was accompanied by the performance of amateur groups in colorful costumes, performing national Tatar songs and dances.

Then the celebration continued in the foyer. A “Tatar style picnic” was offered to the guests. It is known that Tatar pastries are famous far beyond the borders of the places where the Tatars live. Everyone appreciated the dishes of the national Tatar cuisine, and, of course, everyone liked the famous Tatar delicacy chak-chak, prepared according to all the rules of culinary art.

Everyone took pictures, got acquainted with the exhibition, and listened to impromptu singing in the Tatar language. This day became a notable event in cultural life Ust-Tavda village.

The event within the framework of the Days of Tatar Culture was held in the village of Sorokino on February 26. It was prepared and conducted jointly by specialists from the Sorokinsky rural club and rural library. In order to introduce children to the traditions, culture, and customs of the Tatar people, a presentation “Traditions of my people” was presented. The literary living room was decorated book exhibition"Tatar folk tales". Children read fairy tales aloud in the Tatar language. They painted for the exhibition Tatar ornaments, and then listened to folk songs, danced folk dances, and watched animated films.

Scenario of the holiday “Festival of the Peoples of Russia:

holiday of Tatar culture."

Performed: primary teacher MBOU classes Secondary school No. 91

G. Nizhny Novgorod Mikryashova V.Yu.

Audience: primary classes.


Introduce children to the traditions, culture, customs of the Tatar people;

Develop emotional, aesthetic, physical qualities children;

To develop communication skills: the ability to communicate with peers, mutual understanding and empathy;

Foster a tolerant attitude towards the cultures of the peoples of Russia.

(The holiday was held at school as a festival of national cultures of the peoples of Russia, where each class represented a nation.)


Rope, balls, 2 spoons, buckets, horses on sticks, bags, cards with proverbs, national Tatar costumes and household items, Tatar cuisine.To a fairy tale : mallet, basket, ball, 2 chests, toys of snakes and spiders, “jewels”, image of a house, cauldron and spoon, comb, broom.

1. Introduction:

(The holiday is preceded by the song “My Motherland” lyrics: R. Rozhdestvensky, music: D. Tukhmanov.)

Russia is a multinational state. More than 100 different peoples live on the territory of our country, and each people has its own culture, traditions, and customs. The second most populous nation in Russian Federation-Tatar people. Today we will dedicate a holiday to him - a festival of national cultures.

2. Cartoon “RF Tatarstan”.

3.Game “Two pair of boots” (Assemble the parts Tatar proverbs in one.)

On the native side / even the smoke is sweet.

The word has no wings, / but flies around the whole world.

Listen to other people's advice, / but live by your own mind.

The foot in a hurry / soon stumbles.

A spoken word is / a fired arrow.

Everyone pays good for good, / a real person pays good for evil.

There is no honey without bee stings.

4. Production based on the Tatar folk tale"Stepdaughter".

Once upon a time, there lived a man. He had a daughter, son and stepdaughter. The stepdaughter was not loved in the house, they offended her and forced her to work hard, and then they decided to take her into the forest to be devoured by the wolves. So the brother says to her:

Brother: Come with me to the forest. You will pick berries, and I will chop wood.

The stepdaughter grabbed a basket, put a ball of thread in it and went

with my brother in the forest. As soon as we arrived in the forest, we stopped in a clearing, my brother said:

Brother: Go pick some berries and don't come back until I finish chopping the wood. Return only when the sound of the ax has died down.

The girl took the basket and went to pick berries. As soon as she was out of sight, the brother tied a large mallet to a tree and drove away.

The girl walks through the forest, picks berries, sometimes stops, listens to her brother’s ax knocking and moves on. She doesn’t even realize that it’s not her brother who’s knocking with the axe, but the mallet that’s swaying in the wind and hitting the tree: knock-knock! Knock Knock!

She picked a full basket of berries. Evening has already come. The beater stopped beating. The girl listened quietly all around.

Stepdaughter: Apparently, my brother finished his work. It's time for me to return.

The girl thought and returned to the clearing. She looks - there is no one in the clearing. She began to cry and walked along the forest path, wherever her eyes looked.

The girl was walking, walking. And suddenly her ball rolled out of the basket. She began to look for the ball, saying:


It was already evening, and the girl became scared. Where to hide for the night?

Fortunately, she saw a light not far away and was delighted:

Stepdaughter: I finally made it to my home!

A girl approached a small hut. And grandmother Syuyumbike lived in it. The girl entered the house and greeted the old woman:

Stepdaughter: Isyanmesez! (Hello!) My little ball rolled away, has anyone seen it?

Grandmother: You, girl, came from afar. First, rest and help me, and then ask about the ball.

The girl stayed with grandmother Syuyumbike. In the morning...

Grandmother: Daughter, I’ve become old, my hands don’t obey. Help me put the house in order. See. The floor is not swept, take a broom in the corner and sweep it.

Stepdaughter: Yes, of course, grandma, it’s not difficult for me. (Sweeps the floor with a broom)


The girl began to comb Syuyumbike’s hair with a comb, and she gasped - the old woman’s hair was full of pearls and gems, gold and silver!

The girl didn’t say anything to the old woman, but just combed her hair.

Grandmother: And now, daughter, amuse me, old one, dance in front of me.

The girl did not refuse. She began to dance in front of the old woman.

As soon as she finished dancing, the old woman had a new job ready.

Grandmother: Go, daughter, see if the pilaf is ready in the cauldron?

The girl went and looked into the cauldron... And it was full of gold and silver,

pearls and semi-precious stones.

Grandmother: Well, daughter, is the pilaf ready?

Stepdaughter: Got ready. Grandmother.

Grandmother: That's good! Now fulfill my last request -

dance again!

(The stepdaughter dances the Tatar national dance.)

Grandmother: Now, daughter, you can go home.

Stepdaughter: I would be glad, grandma, but I don’t know the road.

Grandmother: Well, it’s easy to help such grief, your little ball will show you the way.

Also, take this chest with you. Just don't open it until you get home. Hush! (Goodbye!)

Stepdaughter: Rakhmat! (Thank you!) Khush! (Goodbye!)

The girl walked day and night, and at dawn she began to approach her native village.

Then her brother and sister saw her. The girl entered the house, opened the chest, and everyone saw that it was full of gold, silver, pearls and all sorts of precious stones.

The brother and sister became jealous, and they decided to get rich too. They asked the stepdaughter about everything.

So the sister took the ball and went with her brother into the forest. In the forest, the brother began to chop wood, and the sister began to pick berries. As soon as she was out of sight, the brother tied a large mallet to a tree and drove away.

The girl returned to the clearing, but her brother was no longer there. She walked through the forest and after a while she reached Grandma Syuyumbike’s hut.

Sister: My little ball rolled away, did anyone see it?

Grandmother: I saw it. Just clean up the house first.

Sister: Okay, grandma. (I swept the garbage into different corners.)

Grandmother: Now comb my hair, daughter.

The girl began to comb Syuyumbike’s hair with a comb, and saw that the old woman’s hair was full of pearls and gems, gold and silver!

The girl’s eyes lit up, and she began hastily stuffing her pockets with jewelry.

Grandmother: And now, daughter, dance!

(Sister dances the Tatar national dance.)

The girl began to dance, and rain fell from her pockets. gems. The old woman saw Syuyumbike, didn’t say a word, just sent her to see if the pilaf was cooked in the cauldron.

She came to the kitchen, looked into the cauldron - and the cauldron was full of gold, silver, and gems.

Sister: So this is how my sister got rich!

The girl couldn't resist. I filled my pockets again with gold and silver.

And when she returned, the old woman made her dance again, and gems began to fall again. (Sister dances the Tatar national dance.)

After this Syuyumbike said:

Grandmother: Now, daughter, go home and take this black chest with you. When you get home, you open it.

The girl was delighted, picked up the chest, thanked the old woman in a hurry and ran home. Hurry, doesn't stop anywhere.

On the third day, the native village appeared. Devushua ran home, didn’t say hello to anyone, and rushed to open the chest. As soon as she opened the lid, snakes and spiders crawled out of the chest and began to sting and bite her.

5. Sabantuy holiday.

The Tatar people have many holidays: Nuvruz, Syumbela, Sabantuy.

The most beloved, cheerful, brightest holiday of the Tatars is Sabantuy. Translated from Tatar language, as “the festival of the plow.” This is a holiday of agriculture, a day of worship of the Earth.

The holiday was held in the spring, when they first went out into the field to arable land (in April). They were plowing the first given year furrow. In the old days, the land was plowed with a plow (show picture). Now Sabantuy is held in June, after the end of sowing.

The Sabantuy holiday began with preparation: the housewives cleaned the house to a shine and prepared traditional Tatar dishes. Guests were arriving. At the festival, pies and other treats, fun and competitions awaited them.

1 child: On a merry Sabantuy

We invited all our friends.

We'll sing and dance,

Friendly, fun to play.

2nd child: Holiday, holiday has come to us.

Everyone knows about this.

Music can be heard everywhere

The accordion player is playing.

Whoever is strong will win

Brave, dexterous, daring!

Dexterity comes in handy here

And courage to the young.

3rd child: We will compete

We will play with you,

Who is stronger, who is faster,

Can we find out now.

Together: Have fun and rejoice!

It's Sabantuy holiday!


1. We are guys from Kazan

They came to you in an hour.

Prepared ditties

They wanted to make you laugh.

2. Eh, stomp your foot!

Stomp, my dear!

I am a fighting Tatar,

Even if it’s small!

3. Rose sings songs,

Doesn't let you down when dancing!

Have fun and rejoice!

It's Sabantuy holiday!

4.I am a cheerful guy

In a skullcap on the side.

The boots were worn down to holes.

I am a daring hero!

5. On my camisole

The flowers are blooming!

For such beauty

The bees are all flocking!

6. The warriors are fighting for me.

How pugnacious the roosters are.

It would be better if you wrote to me

Heartfelt poems!

7.I'm at Nuvruz today

I danced for two hours.

The legs remain intact

The braid fell off!

8. There are a lot of gifts on the table.

A ram is waiting on the balcony.

So, the holiday will be soon -

Kurban Bayram!

9. With a river, summer and warmth

It's hard to leave.

We invite everyone to Kazan

Go to the water park, swim!

10. We sang ditties for you,

Tell me from the heart

Are our ditties good?

And we are good too!

4th child: And now that's it - play in the meadows, kids!

Let your laughter and songs and hubbub

Smile tired kind mothers

And it’s time for you to forget about your sorrows!

5th child: Attention! Attention!

Let's start games and competitions.

Our Airat is a brave rider,

He rides a white horse

Dust billows from under the hooves,

The horse's mane shines.

Competition (team) “Riders” (Boys-participants on horses on sticks, on command, run a certain distance and pass the “horses”

to the next participant.)

6th child: Hey, horsemen, why are you sitting there?

Quickly run to the field

We'll see who's stronger

Who is faster and braver?

7 child : Here's a spoonful for you guys

You hold them tighter.

You run without looking back

Don't drop the balls.

Competition (team) “Bring the ball in a spoon and don’t drop it.”

8th child: Buckets, full waters,

Pass it very quickly

Laughter, smiles, jokes dance -

Everything is here now.

Competition (team) “Bring buckets of water”

9th child: Here is a tall pole,

He attracts all people to him.

Try it in a bag

Take a run on the grass.

Competition (team) “Sack Run”

10th child: Boys, guys, guys

We call you to the rope

Seven here on the left, seven here on the right,

Only the muscles are cracking.

"Tug of War" competition.

6. Results of the holiday. Winner's reward ceremony.

- The holiday has come to an end, it’s time to sum up the results of the competition. You turned out to be so strong, agile, fast.

- And most importantly, we got acquainted with the culture: traditions, fairy tales, songs and dances of the Tatar people. Now you have to try traditional dishes of Tatar cuisine: chak-chak, balish, pyamyacha.

August 19, 2017 within the framework of the XI interregional festival of national cultures “Country in Miniature” took place “ DAY OF TATAR CULTURE", organized by the Ministry of Culture Tula region and the Center for Folk Art of the State Institution "OTsRINKiT".

The main purpose of the holiday is to strengthen unity Russian nation and ethnocultural development of the peoples of Russia in the Tula region.

The “Day of Tatar Culture” was solemnly opened by the Minister of Culture of the Tula Region T.V. Rybkina. Also with greetings Imam of Tula and the Tula region R.Z. spoke. Davydov, Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Tula regional branch of the “Assembly of the Peoples of Russia” L.I. Raikhlin and Chairman of the Presidium of the regional public organization“Tatar national-cultural autonomy of the city of Moscow” Khusainov A.U.

My creative program presented Novomoskovsk Tatar national-cultural organization and national groups, living in the Tula region (headed by Nasibullin F.K.), creative teams“Tatar National-Cultural Autonomy of the City of Moscow” (director: A.U. Khusainov) and the ensemble of Turkic ethnics and crafts “Rivayat”, Kazan (director: R. Gabitov).

During the Tatarochka-2017 competition, the participants spoke about traditions and rituals, and also presented National costumes and family meals. The winner was Khalitova A.N.

Memorable gifts and souvenirs were presented to the event participants by representatives of the Tula regional branch of the “Assembly of the Peoples of Russia” - Chairman of the Council T.K. Musaev. and Chairman of the Executive Committee Raikhlin L.I.

The Folk Art Center was presented with a letter of gratitude from the Regional Public Organization “Tatar National-Cultural Autonomy of Moscow” for organizing and holding the holiday.

For strengthening all-Russian civil unity, developing the ethnocultural diversity of the peoples of Russia in the Tula region, active participation in the event “Day of Tatar Culture” within the framework of the XI interregional festival of national cultures “Country in Miniature” Thanksgiving letters Ministry of Culture of the Tula Region were awarded to Nasibullin F.K. (Head of the Tatar National-Cultural Autonomy of Novomoskovsk), Davydov R.Z. (Imam of Tula and Tula region), Khusainov A.U. (Chairman of the Presidium of the Regional Public Organization “Tatar National-Cultural Autonomy of the City of Moscow”), F.F. Farisov. (Head of the Regional Public Organization “Tatar National-Cultural Autonomy of the City of Moscow”), Shigapov I.Kh. (director cultural programs Regional public organization "Tatar national-cultural autonomy of the city of Moscow"), Gabitov R.F. (director of the ensemble of Turkic ethnics and crafts “RIVAYAT”, Kazan).

In addition, letters of gratitude from the State Institution of Culture "OCRINKiT" were presented to participants of the Tatar national-cultural autonomy in Novomoskovsk, the national Tatar group in Venev, the Tula regional branch of the "Assembly of the Peoples of Russia" and the public organization "Asian Commonwealth".

Thank you for your participation, we wish you success and hope for further cooperation, and we also invite everyone September 17, 2017 at the Central Park of Culture and Culture named after. P.P. Belousov for the festival-competition “National Holidays”, at which national cultural organizations of Tula and the Tula region will present their rituals, traditions, songs and dances.

February 25, 2017 at the Moscow Palace of Pioneers on Sparrow Hills within children's festival national cultures “My home is Moscow” the day of Tatar culture “Tatar Moscow” was held.

Before the concert, an exhibition was organized, thanks to which guests could get acquainted with the creativity of the Tatar people. Traditionally, children's drawings and crafts were presented, as well as folk costumes. For the first time, guests were given the opportunity to purchase some folk art products and kalfaks (women's hats).

Guests of the festival shared with us their opinions about the day of Tatar culture. Many people think that the idea of ​​the festival is very good, because peoples should be friends and live in peace and harmony, and the Tatars are friendly, hospitable and open people.

One of the guests, a Tatar by nationality, but born and raised in Moscow, told us that Tatars lived in Rus' before Ivan the Terrible and some streets in Moscow bear Tatar names. For example, Arbat Street is named after the word “arba”, which means “cart”; the name of the hotel “Balchug” comes from the Tatar word “balchyk” (clay).

Tatar national amateur groups performed on the second floor of the Moscow Palace of Pioneers. A.G. took part in a small concert. Mukhametov, theater-studio "Gagiz Gaile", Tatar song ensemble "Miras", children's dance ensemble "Ildan", children's folklore ensemble"Shatlyk", Tatar language studio, dance ensemble“Yasmin”, soloists Dinara Alukaeva, Svetlana Pak, Renata Badamshina, Fauriya Sayakhova and Zainab Suleymanova. Each of them, in their performance, tried to convey all the best that exists in Tatar culture: love for their Motherland, its beauty, uniqueness, respect for centuries-old traditions.

Before the main concert, we managed to talk with the deputy editor-in-chief of the federal newspaper “Tatarskiy Mir” Akhat Gazizovich Mukhametov. To our question about what Moscow is for him, the deputy editor-in-chief answered with the poem “I love Moscow, it is always beautiful...”. Akhat Gazizovich also shared with us his life story. Before working at the newspaper, he worked as a rocket engineer for 30 years and was involved in the development of missiles for submarines in the Red Banner Northern Fleet.

The big concert opened Symphony Orchestra Tatar Cultural Center of Moscow under the direction of Olga Taranova, who performed Saidashev’s march and accompanied the first numbers. Next, V.I. delivered welcoming remarks. Suchkov, head of the Department of National Policy and Interregional Relations of the city of Moscow, and chairman of the Presidium of the regional Tatar national-cultural autonomy F.F. Farisov. Addressing the guests in two languages, Farit Farisovich noted: “The Tatars of Moscow, the Tatars of Russia are an integral part of the Russian Federation. And today’s concert is dedicated to the fact that all nationalities in the Russian Federation are united, and if we are united, we are invincible!”

The audience was also greeted by other honored guests, among whom were Akchurin Rasim Suleymanovich, retired Colonel General, member of the coordination council for patriotic education children and youth of the Moscow Department of Education, director of the Tatar cultural center of Moscow Anvar Umarovich Khusainov, Deputy Plenipotentiary Representative of the Republic of Tatarstan in the Russian Federation Azat Chulpanovich Akhtareev and others.

The concert was hosted by master of sports in synchronized swimming, five-time world champion Anisya Olkhova and students of the eloquence studio of the Palace of Pioneers.

Everyone present at the concert congratulated Akchurin Rasim Suleymanovich with thunderous applause on his recently passed anniversary - on his 85th birthday. He was awarded an Honorary Award-Order for the preservation and development of Tatar culture in Moscow.

Many artists who performed at the concert dedicated their performances to Rasim Suleymanovich! Honored Artist of Russia and the Republic of Tatarstan Nailya Fatekhova, together with her granddaughter, very touchingly performed the song “Tatar General”, and representatives of the Moscow Art Theater Association of Artists read an excerpt from Anna Akhmatova’s poem “The Tale of the Black Ring”.

Next, Syumbel Bilalova performed with the perky song “Saira Bylbyl”, musical group“Kazan World” performed the song “Sine Kotham” about a woman who is waiting for her husband. Festival guests heard again famous song“Cuckoo” performed by Varvara Kistyaeva, a participant in the “Voice of Children” show, and got acquainted with the “Greeting” dance from the ensemble folk dance"Ildan." Honored Artist of the Republic of Tatarstan Almaz Yusi amazed the audience with the song “I Dream of Russia.” Of course, everyone was delighted with the dance rays of sunshine from the opera “Ak Bure” by Zulfiya Raupova “ White Wolf" Rinat Zakerov performed on the stage of the Moscow Palace of Pioneers with the song “Azatlyk Chishmese”, and Rosa Khabibullina and Sayyar Khabibullin - with the song “Ezyadem Begerem Sine”. The children's ensemble "Shayan" amused the audience with the comic composition "Dudek-Dudek". After the performance of the folk ensemble “Shatlyk”, Ildar and Aidar Salakhov performed a medley on the theme of Tatar folklore on the button accordion. folk songs.

The concert ended with songs by Zulfiya Khalilova, Said Abdullin, Nailya Dusmetova, Marat Yarullin, Ildar Shiganov, Alfina Akhmetdzhan and DJ Radik Yarullin. All performers gave the audience a love for their language, their people, their culture. Each performance was bright, colorful and memorable.

At the end of the concert, the audience admired the “Moscow” dance of the Ildan folk dance ensemble. The highlight of the concert was the Anthem of the Tatar people “Tugan Tel”, which all participants performed together with the audience!

“Maslenitsa” within the framework of the project of the State Budgetary Institution “MDN” “National Holidays”

Maslenitsa is an ancient pagan holiday that survived after the adoption of Christianity and retained a number of elements in its ritual. Slavic mythology. There is an opinion that it was originally associated with the day of the spring solstice, but with the adoption of Christianity it began to precede Lent and depend on its timing. Pancakes, an invariable attribute of Maslenitsa, had a ritual meaning: round and hot, they symbolized the sun, which was burning brighter, lengthening the days. And people called Maslenitsa “broad” and even “destroyer”, because people during these holidays They did not skimp on the generous treats.

The date of Maslenitsa changes every year depending on the date of Easter. This year Maslenitsa week will last from February 20 to 26. Main traditional attributes national holiday- Maslenitsa scarecrow, fun, sleigh rides, festivities. The celebration of Maslenitsa is one of the most long-awaited events of winter.

Every year, many guests gather at the Moscow House of Nationalities for folk festivities. The celebration was attended by representatives of the Turkish and Talysh diasporas, Lithuanian, Kazakh, Armenian, Georgian, Uzbek, Tatar and Bashkir and other national public organizations.

The beginning of the holiday was announced by the director of the MDN Vladimir Borisovich Tarasov. He admitted that it is always pleasant to open such large-scale events, because it is always new, big step on the way to further achievements, to success, to creative victories. Vladimir Borisovich cordially congratulated the guests on Maslenitsa and wished everyone good health, a cheerful mood and as many good impressions as possible.

The Maslenitsa program turned out to be extremely varied and interesting. For this day, exhibitions of decorative and applied arts, crafts and crafts of original national folk art, presented by craftsmen and artists, were prepared:

— Exhibition of the Grand Prix winner of the Moscow plein air competition of paintings “Old Moscow” Dmitry Petrov and the winner of the plein air competition Elmira Petrova;

— Exhibition of products of JSC “Gzhel Porcelain Factory”;

— Exhibition of winning products creative competition XXI Exhibition-Fair of Russian Folk Art Crafts “Ladya. Winter's Tale" held by the Association "Folk Art Crafts of Russia";

— Potter show “Clay and Music”.

The works of graduates of the Abramtsevo workshops embody the best traditions of Russian art. In their works, the masters brilliantly reflect the rich oral folk art, life and culture. The exhibition of Dmitry and Elmira Petrov, like any family exhibition, is one of the brightest and interesting events in the world of art. Gzhel is not only porcelain with amazing beautiful bouquets flowers, but also beautiful landscapes native land, plot compositions and architectural ensembles

Throughout the evening, guests of the House were entertained by mummers and buffoons; together they danced in circles and held Maslenitsa games. And in the bright performance of the participants of the Cossack folk ensemble “Falcon” and the folk show of the group “Terekha”, incendiary songs and dances were presented to everyone.

Maslenitsa was celebrated on a grand scale at the Moscow House of Nationalities

Representatives of over a dozen ethnic groups and nationalities came to the holiday

Maslenitsa - Slavic holiday With rich history, whose roots go back to pagan times. Despite the adoption of Orthodoxy by Russia, the glorious traditions of Maslenitsa have not yet been forgotten. On February 21, schoolchildren were invited to the Moscow House of Nationalities for a centuries-old holiday - new members of the Moscow ethnic media press club at the State Budgetary Institution "MDN", who dream of further connecting their lives with the difficult, but terribly interesting profession- journalist. The future masters of a sharp pen and word were lucky enough to interview the Chairman of the All-Russian Congress of Ethnojournalists, Jamil Sadykhbekov.

It is worth noting that such events at the Moscow House of Nationalities are not uncommon and have been held for several years. The MDN team has more than enough experience - especially Vladimir Tarasov, director of the capital's multicultural center. It was he who gave a welcoming speech to all those gathered.

Meanwhile, as usual, there are plenty of guests at the celebrations of the Moscow House of Nationalities. The geography is truly amazing. Representatives of the Uzbek, Kazakh, Bashkir, Tatar, Georgian, Armenian, Turkish, Talysh and Lithuanian diasporas, as well as other national public organizations, became acquainted with the peculiarities of Maslenitsa.

The press club of ethnic media, which takes place quite often, was opened by Jamil Sadykhbekov. This time he presented the youth branch of the press club, which was formed on the basis of “Press Center 25” at GBOU 1440. A recognized professional in the field of ethnic journalism spoke about all the pitfalls, difficulties, as well as the advantages of the creative profession.

“Guys, I wish you, first of all, to serve your word. Word with capital letters! After all, this is the main purpose of a journalist - to competently, reliably and objectively cover the situation from the scene of events,” he wished the listeners Jamil Rafikovich.

Addressed to schoolchildren with various wishes and parting words a large number of eminent guests - representatives of international media, who, like Jamil Sadykhbekov, are familiar first-hand with all the intricacies of a difficult profession. The communication took place in the format round table. After which all participants were given invitations to Maslenitsa, organized by the Moscow House of Nationalities, where the guests were greeted, as it should be according to all Maslenitsa canons and customs, on a grand scale! The famous Russian artist gave a mini-concert to schoolchildren and adults Cossack choir"Falcon" and folk show group "Terekha". The ensembles were helped to entertain the audience by other integral participants folk festivals in Rus' - mummers and buffoons. All those gathered danced in circles, sang songs and played traditional Maslenitsa folk games.

Towards the end festive event Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Moscow Faculty of Law, Yuri Kozhaev acted as an interviewer and talked with several of his guests. Considering the fact that how many people of different cultures, ethnicities and views meet within the walls of the Moscow House of Nationalities, we traditionally asked them about their successes and views on the influence of education in adapting foreign citizens to the problems that foreigners face in the Russian capital.

Andro Ivanov, press secretary of the Federal Georgian National-Cultural Autonomy in Russia, lives in Moscow for more than 10 years:

“We managed to consolidate around us not just our compatriots, we placed the main emphasis on Georgian youth. To date, we have contributed to the establishment of Georgian communities in 18 Russian universities! Last year we won one of our main victories - a national community appeared at Moscow State University,” the representative of Georgia spoke about the successes.

According to Andro, higher education does influence the adaptation of foreigners, but only if people made an effort to obtain it, devoted themselves wholeheartedly to their studies, and honestly and conscientiously received the coveted diploma.

“Of course, studying global sciences such as history and geography undoubtedly helps foreigners settle in Russia and understand it. However, only one higher education clearly not enough. Human qualities, friendliness, openness and sociability are the second half of success when moving to live in Moscow or another city in Russia,” says Andro.

The guest of the holiday noted that over the past 5 years there has been a serious and positive shift in interethnic politics in Russia - active work is underway and new departments are emerging under the leadership of President Vladimir Putin, dedicated to improving the microclimate between different ethnic groups. However, Andro said that there are still some rough edges that need to be smoothed out.

“The main problem still remains the bureaucratic apparatus, which is quite harsh and sometimes even interferes with citizens,” Ivanov said.

Igor Kim, representative of the All-Russian Public Organization of Koreans, has been in Moscow for about 15 years:

“Our scope of activity includes not only working with representatives of the Korean ethnic group. We also regularly cooperate with the Moscow House of Nationalities on issues of interethnic policy,” the representative of the Korean delegation briefly said.

In the future, the All-Russian Association of Koreans plans to more often use the site of the Moscow House of Nationalities, which gives good opportunity get acquainted with cultural characteristics different peoples. So to speak, look at others and show yourself! Igor Kim noted that, despite the presence of a large Korean cultural center in Moscow, where all events of the national unification could be held, the format of the House of Nationalities is more suitable for the implementation of targeted programs.

“I am the organizer of an interethnic song competition, the peculiarity of which is that its participants first perform a piece in native language, and then in Russian. I believe that if we translate our songs into Russian with talent and in a modern arrangement, then we will begin to understand each other better - we will be united. Our cultures will fall into one common information field, and we will become a single people,” Igor Kim shared his creative plans.

In general, as you can see, every year we are witnessing an improvement in ties and contacts between the multinational people of Russia, the near and far abroad. We are no longer each other strangers, whose customs and culture cause each other a feeling of alienation - slowly but surely we are moving towards mutual understanding in matters of culture and education, uniting all ethnic groups of the planet. We become, so to speak, citizens of the world. And one of the leading roles in this is played by the Moscow House of Nationalities, which, not for the first and not the last time, gathers under its roof representatives of a dozen different cultures, united by love not only for their historical homeland, but also for Russia...

When implementing the project, funds are used state support, allocated as a grant in accordance with the order of the President of the Russian Federation dated 04/05/2016 No. 68-rp and on the basis of a competition held by the National Charitable Foundation.

A big celebration dedicated to Maslenitsa took place at the Moscow House of Nationalities

On February 21, a big celebration dedicated to Maslenitsa took place in the Moscow House of Nationalities. Since ancient times, people have considered pancake week one of the brightest and happy Holidays, when you can breathe easy and say goodbye to winter with relief before next year. Like any holiday, Maslenitsa has acquired its own traditions. Wide celebrations, slide rides, fist fights, burning effigy, golden like the sun, pancakes are part of the festive spirit. This magical atmosphere of celebration was conveyed in the Moscow House of Nationalities.

Several exhibitions on different topics were organized at once. So, at the exhibition “Gzhel. Traditions and Modernity”, visitors were presented with original works by artists who showed how modern painting has changed compared to the craftsmanship of the 17th century.

And at the exhibition of folk art crafts “Madame Maslenitsa” they showed the works that won the competition of the exhibition-fair of Russian folk art crafts “Ladya. Winter's Tale" in the nomination "For the preservation of folk art traditions."

An exhibition of the winners of the II Moscow plein-air painting competition “Old Moscow” was held as a separate celebration. The opening ceremony was attended by the youth folk ensemble “Sokol”, artists from the regional house of culture “Sobolevsky”, Orekhovo-Zuevsky district, performer of Russian folk songs Denis Burlakov and the choreographic ensemble “Rossiyanochka”. With such a small concert, the artists gave a great start to both the “Enjoy Life” exhibition and Maslenitsa in general.

Much attention was paid to the pottery show “Clay and Music”. Artistic director Alexey Ryzhenok told the Gzhel Pottery workshop entertaining stories about Gzhel and pottery. Together with Vasilisa Yudina, who at that time was showing her skills and talent in making clay dishes, they asked those present several questions and awarded those who answered correctly.

At the end of the exhibitions, visitors were invited to try Maslenitsa pancakes and pancakes with jam, sour cream and condensed milk. Guests were also treated to hot tea, after which music characteristic of Maslenitsa began to play on the street. The lively buffoons started a big round dance and held funny Games. IN entertainment program also took part in youth folklore Cossack ensemble"Falcon" and folk show of the group "Terekha".

The event ended quite late, but did not leave anyone without positive emotions.

Elizaveta Minaeva
Youth branch of the Moscow Ethnic Media Press Club at the State Budgetary Institution "MDN"

On Saturday, February 25, the Day of Tatar Culture was held at the Moscow Palace of Pioneers on Vorobyovy Gory as part of the children's festival of national cultures “My Home is Moscow.” The holiday was timed to coincide with another significant event in the life of the Tatars of the capital - the 85th anniversary of the permanent head of the Tatar cultural autonomy of Moscow, Colonel General Rasim Suleymanovich Akchurin. See national dances, the “VM” correspondent also went to hear the songs and a real Tatar symphony orchestra.

The holiday opened in the morning. Amateur groups performed in the foyer, and master classes were held for festival guests, including the youngest. But the most interesting thing began at two o'clock in the afternoon. As part of a large festive concert, the capital's Tatarsky Cultural Center introduced the public to a new, national symphony orchestra.

“In our country there are cities with a population of over a million people where there is no such musical phenomenon as an orchestra,” the head of the Tatar Cultural Center Anver Khusainov told VM. “And now we have it, which we are very proud of.” All musicians are highly professional.

The team gathered in record time - in just a month. Most of the musicians in the composition are Tatars, and the repertoire includes many Tatar folk songs.

“This idea, like many interesting things, appeared completely by accident and quite recently,” says conductor and head of the ensemble Olga Taranova. – Today we have a premiere. Of course, this is very exciting. We perform classical works, known to everyone, and the Tatar folk music, which virtually no one plays today. I made the arrangements of these melodies for the orchestra myself, so our music, our creativity is truly the work of our own hands.

The “My Home is Moscow” festival, organized by the Department of National Policy and Interregional Relations of Moscow, started in September last year. Its main goal is to introduce children and youth to cultural traditions those peoples that today make up our country and its heart - the capital.

“Tatars have been in Moscow since its foundation,” says Farit Farisov, deputy chairman of the Council of Muftis of Russia, chairman of the presidium of the Tatar national-cultural autonomy of the city of Moscow. – main idea and the slogan of our festival: “If we are united, we are invincible!” - after all, the capital has become home to many nationalities. Our concert proves that our strength lies in unity. For a Tatar, the concept of “tolerance” does not exist. We don't like it foreign word. What does it mean? Patience. We don't tolerate anyone. There are no borders between the peoples of our country; we are friends with each other, respect and value each other. This term does not suit us. By the way, more than once we have all said that there is no difference between the mentality of a Russian person and a Tatar. Where does it come from if we have been living side by side in the same country for centuries? Our festival should once again emphasize this and draw attention to our culture and friendship.

There was no shortage of attention. There was nowhere for an apple to fall in the hall, so there weren’t enough seats for everyone who wanted to attend the celebration. Colonel General, the permanent leader of the Moscow Tatars, Rasim Suleimanovich Akchurin, was one of the first to take the stage to loud applause from those gathered.

— Our meeting, taking place immediately after Defender of the Fatherland Day, began with a march Soviet army, performed by an orchestra,” said Rasim Suleymanovich, addressing the audience. – This is very symbolic and emphasizes the importance of such a holiday. Meeting with you, with young people and veterans is very exciting for me. Today, working in the city Council of War Veterans, Labor and Law Enforcement Agencies, I will say: we understand that the main task today – the education of youth, the education of patriots of our homeland and Moscow. The future of our state is in their hands.

That evening, Rasim Sulymanovich received a special gift from the Council of Muftis of Russia. Rushan Abbyasov, Deputy Chairman of the RMC, not only congratulated him on his anniversary on behalf of the head of the Muslims of our country, Sheikh Mufti Ravil Gainutdin, but also presented him with an honorary Order for his contribution to the development of Tatar culture.

Volunteers helped organize the big celebration. Many of them came on this day in national costumes.

“This was one of the conditions of my work at this event,” smiles Alexander Sidorov, chairman of the Youth Chamber of the Zamoskvorechye district of the Center for Youth Parliamentarism. – In our area there is a Tatar cultural center. Now we are closely interacting with him. Almost all members of our chamber work here today, help solve organizational issues, meet spectators, and participate in the award ceremony.

Guzel Imaeva will become a certified dentist in the near future. A profession far from musical creativity, does not in the least prevent the girl from sincerely admiring folk songs and dancing.

— I myself dance in amateur group, says the girl. – It didn’t work out to dance professionally, but I can say one thing: folk culture for me it is a huge and very important part of life. Such holidays are a great opportunity to show many, many people how bright, beautiful and memorable dances and songs exist in our country.


Vitaly Suchkov, head of the Department of National Policy and Interregional Relations in Moscow:

— I was very pleased to welcome you to our festival, to the day national culture everyone present. The Department of National Policy and Interregional Relations, as well as the Department of Education last year, supported the idea of ​​holding it. Since September 2016, he has been walking around Moscow. The festival is dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Moscow, as well as the 20th anniversary of the adoption of the law on national cultural autonomies. I am happy to note that today the hall was full, that people were interested in what the artists and children had prepared for them. I'm sure everyone will remember this day. Another feature of the festival is the amazing legendary man Rasim Suleymanovich Akchurin. We once again congratulate him on his anniversary and wish him health, prosperity and goodness.

Rushan Abbyasov, First Deputy Chairman of the Council of Muftis of Russia for International Affairs:

- Allah said in the Holy Quran: “O people! Verily I created you from men and women, and made you different peoples and tribes so that you may know each other.” Today we are witnesses and participants in the proof of these wonderful words. Moscow has always been famous for its diversity. Every nation is a unique flower, and we are all a beautiful, rich bouquet. Our country is unique. For centuries we have all lived in peace and harmony, and the proof of this is that we have never had conflicts or wars on religious grounds. Our mission today is to convey to the new generation the principle of our good neighborliness.