Modern rural library. The role of the rural library in local government

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The employment service and the library perform the function of socialization of the individual necessary for society, and one of its directions - professional orientation.

In order to identify the interests and inclinations of her high school students, the head of the library first of all conducted a survey “Who would you like to become?”, “Do you like...”

Based on the results of the questionnaire, thematic shelves were designed, and then the permanent exhibition “The World and We are in It”, consisting of sections: “Where to go to study”, “In the world of professions”, where the literature changed depending on the profession that was presented: “Teacher” - sounds proud”, “A machine operator is the main profession in the village”, “Technology around us” and others.

During the program, the exhibition was supplemented by selections of books from the central library’s unified collection, information sheets issued by the methodological department and the service department of the central regional library in the series “Your roads, graduate.” A reference guide “Where to go to study” was purchased for the library fund.

Literature reviews were systematically carried out in sections of the exhibition: “For those who love to craft”, “We sew”, “We cook very tasty”; conversations “These are not men’s professions”, “For those who choose the military profession” and others.

To help you choose a profession, the library has compiled a card index “About professions, production and working people” with sections “Where to go to study”, “In the world of professions”, “Creative matters”: about people and their professions. When working with the card index, the interests of users, the needs of the economy for personnel were taken into account, and information about currently in-demand professions was selected. A recommended list of literature “Where to go to study” has also been prepared.

The rural library is the only information center for students, teachers, farm workers, pensioners and local government officials.

The functions of a rural library include creating a collection of documents from local governments and organizing free access to them.

Not all villages and towns in the district have an agreement on the transfer of all published and “unpublished” documents approved by the heads of local administrations. This represents one of the problems of providing complete information on local government issues.

Free access to regulatory documents increases the awareness of readers and promotes the establishment of contacts between village residents and their authorities.

The library has established cooperation with the department for social protection of the population on the prevention of neglect of minors, and with the state security inspection traffic. Besides individual work with children at risk, the librarian conducts crime prevention conversations with children and parents using a series of information sheets issued by a methodologist for working with children and a propaganda inspector.

As part of the legal education of children, a club “Young Experts in Law” has been organized in the library, during which children learn their rights and responsibility for any actions.

Thus, the following conclusions can be drawn from the second chapter.

The main tasks of rural libraries in modern stage become provision of access to all types of municipal information: provision of information to enterprises, associations, representatives of farms; assisting users with literacy skills; promoting systematic education and self-education of villagers, especially the younger generation.

The village library works in close cooperation with other institutions, such as the central district library, district and village administrations, employment centers, social protection authorities, etc.


The modern model library develops effective strategies and methods for searching, structuring and presenting knowledge.

The social functions of a modern library are memorial, communication, information, educational, socializing and cultural.

The most important tasks of libraries in modern world are increasingly formulated as providing free and unrestricted access to information and preserving its sources, and the librarian is increasingly being called not a custodian and promoter of the book, but an information specialist, a navigator in a world of information that doubles in quantity every five years.

Being not only an organizer of knowledge, but also its creator, the modern library participates in the formation of the main resource of a new society of knowledge, and therefore becomes the builder of this new society.

Libraries can and should become a key link in creating a unified information and cultural space countries, establishing direct information links between Russian regions and foreign countries, integration of Russian information resources into international information networks and data banks. The solution to this problem should be facilitated by the formation of a modern, scientifically based, state library policy with a pronounced modernization character.

The problems of libraries and library services are the problem of public awareness, access to new ideas and knowledge, especially necessary today in order to adapt to new social conditions, re-find oneself and one’s place in life, and be competitive.

A characteristic feature of the modern library system is the ever-increasing gap between information-poor and information-rich libraries. There is a direct relationship between the number of people served by the library and the overall level of socio-economic, cultural and spiritual development of the region and its resource capabilities. The greater the resource (information) potential of a library, the more in demand it is, and the higher the cultural, educational, and intellectual level of the population.

The main tasks of rural libraries at the present stage are to provide access to all types of municipal information: providing information to enterprises, associations, and representatives of farms; assisting users with literacy skills; promoting systematic education and self-education of villagers, especially the younger generation. The village library works in close cooperation with other institutions, such as the central district library, district and village administrations, employment centers, social protection authorities, etc.


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Rural library - a library located on the territory of a rural settlement.

Countryside - settlements, in whose territory activities related to the production and processing of agricultural products predominate.

The work of a library in rural areas has its own distinct specifics; the rural library, both public and school, is much weaker financially, etc., but it is called upon to solve the same problems that face libraries operating in the city and therefore, they can build their work according to the same model.

As Antonenko S.A. writes, “In modern Russian library science, there are different approaches to defining the functions of libraries, divided into internal (technological) and external (social). Internal functions are essential, regardless of historical period and the conditions of existence of libraries, they remain unchanged” (4, p. 26). According to A.V. Sokolov, number social functions not limited, they are secondary and aimed at meeting the needs of society (47, p.4). According to A.I. Pashin, the social functions of libraries manifest themselves in specific historical conditions, and their content depends on the tasks that society solves (42, p. 34).

The list of social functions of the library is extensive. According to Antonenko S.A., it is the external functions that should interest us when studying the rural library as an agent of socio-cultural development of the village (4, p. 28). Let us turn to the analysis of their content in historical retrospect.

From the middle of the 19th century. An educational function is manifested in library services to the rural population of Russia. The public library during this period was considered as a source of spiritual food for the people. The reader found in it answers to questions that interested him, developed a worldview, and finally, simply rested with a book from the worries of the day. The book distracted the person from bad society, helped deter drunkenness and prevent crimes. The public library was one of the most effective means of educating the people (34, p.24).

At the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries. the rural library acted as an integral link in the educational process, a social institution that had a significant influence on the cultural atmosphere of the village, the closest partner of the school, together with it shaping educational space sat down. Thus, it implemented an educational function.

In the pre-revolutionary and first years after the revolution, many libraries, including rural ones, actively participated in political life (37, p.44). After 1917, it became natural to assign such a function as propaganda to the rural library. Analysis of articles from the magazine “Red Librarian” for the period 1925-1941. clearly demonstrates the priority of this function. In the 1920s-1930s. N.K. often published in the magazine. Krupskaya. She considered library work an important part of socialist construction, and the rural library as a militant educational organization in the village, designed to help overcome its economic and cultural lag. The library participated in eliminating illiteracy among the people. Among the main activities of rural libraries are overcoming the cultural and economic backwardness of the village, organizing leisure time for villagers, participating in cooperative educational propaganda, etc. (32, p. 29).

Publications in the “Red Librarian” from the 1930s to the early 1940s. give reason to point out such functions of a rural library as political and educational, cultural and educational, leisure and educational. The village library became a political and educational body in the village. Libraries were entrusted with the task of helping collective farmers become on a par with advanced workers. The need for cultural and educational work was emphasized. People turned to the rural library not only for a book, newspaper, magazine, “they also come here for information, for advice, to check government loan bonds, to write an application, and the librarian tries to help everyone.” During these years, the rural librarian was a collectivist, promoting the development of collective farms “through the organization of red corners and reading rooms.” Libraries taught how to fight for the harvest in a Bolshevik manner, contributed to the introduction of the best examples of work, improving production standards, rationalizing the technological process, and improving the organization of labor. The libraries created “a cultural environment in which collective farmers could engage in self-education and relax culturally with a book.” Cultural trips in 1930-1934. helped teach literacy to millions of peasants.

In the 1950s-1960s. The work of the rural library was aimed at solving the problems facing the country: the restoration of a destroyed village after the war, the emergence of state farms, and the development of new lands. The description of the activities of rural libraries in the magazine “Librarian” in these years does not contain a justification for any new social functions. The role of libraries in raising the working masses to restore the country's national economy is noted (in essence, propaganda and political-educational functions); The role of the rural library in organizing cultural leisure of the population (cultural, educational and leisure functions) is emphasized.

In the 1970s-1980s. The socio-cultural sphere of the Soviet village has undergone changes. Comfortable residential buildings, consumer service plants, shopping centers, first aid stations, schools, kindergartens, Sport halls, stadiums, cultural centers with branches of art schools, public museums and even art galleries - these became the central estates of collective and state farms (3, p. 30). The introduction of industrial technologies helped transform peasant labor into a type of industrial. Increased cultural level residents, their socio-cultural interests and demands have become more diverse. At the same time, the rural library continued to be viewed as a “combat assistant to the party organization in the countryside”; the propaganda function was transformed into an ideological, or ideological and educational function. The objectives of the rural library were: the formation of an active life position, civic maturity, political culture rural residents; promoting the transformation of a conscious communist attitude towards work into the norm for every worker. Leisure, cultural, educational, and educational functions were considered relevant. Such a function as information was also justified. The rural library was supposed to acquaint its readers with the latest achievements of science and technology, promote the introduction scientific and technological progress V Agriculture(16, p.2).

IN beginning of XXI V. the list of social functions of rural libraries continued to grow. Among the functions of rural libraries in the publications of various authors, educational, leisure, entertainment, self-educational, cultural and educational, memorial, historical and local history, museum, as well as the function of social assistance to the population are noted.

The modern village is going through a process of changing its social structure and its entire social appearance.

T.I. Zaslavskaya, characterizing the social structure of a modern village, writes that a significant part of rural residents are beginning to comprehend the basics of a market economy, and a social group is being formed that has the ability to survive in a competitive environment. All more people are guided by an individualistic model of social development (24, p.54). The social structure of the village has not yet been formed, but one can point to such strata as the political and economic elite, large and medium-sized entrepreneurs; middle layer - farmers, private sector managers, part of the creative intelligentsia; the base layer is the majority of people in mental professions (teachers, doctors, cultural workers), trade and service workers, etc.; the lower layer - the least qualified workers and employees, pensioners, disabled people, internally displaced persons, people without a profession, the chronically unemployed, mothers of many children; marginal groups of the rural population - alcoholics, beggars (24, p.55)

Today, the functions of a rural library are determined by the needs for the development of all aspects of the local community. Such well-known functions as informational, educational, cultural and leisure continue to play an important role. To identify new social functions, it is necessary to analyze the rural library as an element of the socio-cultural environment of the village in all the diversity of its structural connections. The principle of relevance of the library's activities to its external environment should become decisive in determining the objectives of a particular library.

As an example of the functions of rural libraries, illustrating the needs of a modern village as a local society, we can name local history, as well as the functions of social support and consolidation.

One of the traditional areas of work state library There has always been local history; even the concept of “library local history” has been formed.

Local history function is the activity of a rural library to study the nature, population, economy, history and culture of its settlement. The presence of such a function is proved by the existence scientific works rural librarians in the form of unpublished documents, articles in scientific journals and collections, participation in scientific conferences various levels.

The local history work of each library is very diverse, each library has its own face, finds its own “zest”, direction, etc.

In general, in the local history activities of libraries, including rural ones, the following areas can be distinguished:

  • - studying the history of the emergence of your library and the libraries of the region;
  • - studying the history of your settlement;
  • - studying the pedigree of representatives of the local community, compiling a genealogy of clans.

It is clear that in real research these directions can be intertwined and connected.

The second direction of local history work of a rural library - studying the history of its settlement - is carried out by almost every rural library.

Many rural libraries are doing very serious work on studying their small Motherland. People want to feel like true owners of the village, know their history, preserve national-ethnic, natural-geographical, cultural-historical, linguistic traditions, etc. (29, p.51)

Thus, rural libraries create their own mini-museums, ethnographic corners, and folk archives. Work is being carried out on this material patriotic education the younger generation.

Educational activities in the field of local history are expressed in various forms ah: creating clubs, organizing local history corners at the library, discussing local history books, evening meetings with writers, local historians, interesting people, fellow countrymen who have reached certain peaks in life, as well as holding quizzes, competitions for the best expert on the region, travel games, local history readings, village holidays, etc.

The function of social support is to provide library resources with all forms of support for village residents in overcoming the difficulties of life. Assistance in preparing documents for older people to receive social benefits, searching for information about the possibilities of material support for low-income families, facilitating the social adaptation of migrants - all these are forms of implementing this function.

The consolidation function is perhaps one of the most popular and specific for a modern rural library. Consolidation means consolidation, strengthening of something; unification, rallying of individuals, groups, organizations to strengthen the struggle for common goals. The rural library today is often the only socio-cultural institution that promotes communication and rapprochement between village residents, uniting segments of the population of different social status and nationality based on the implementation of common tasks.

A modern rural library, on the one hand, develops in the conditions of local self-government, and on the other hand, it becomes a subject of local government, capable of helping its development. Now many libraries are trying to organize their activities so that the local community sees in the library a partner who can be very useful in solving social problems.

Based on this, the main directions of work of a modern rural library, as well as the forms of providing information and the range of services are determined by priority groups of users, their information needs, as well as the needs of local governments.

The rural library today is a link with the library system of the district, region, country, and finally the world, helping local residents overcome informational and psychological isolation. From generation to generation, people come to the rural library with their needs and requests, and in the rural library a inner world every villager and the cultural spirit of the village itself, of the entire society.

The inclusion of a rural library in the process of forming a local community is a completely natural situation. The local community cannot survive without a library. The school remains most closely connected with the library; these are the social institutions form educational space locally ().

Traditionally, the rural library has always paid significant attention not only to teachers, but also to other representatives of the rural intelligentsia - doctors, rural specialists, managers, etc.

However, it should be noted that the information needs of these groups of library users have also changed noticeably recently, and a strong desire for self-education in various fields of knowledge has appeared.

Changes in the economic conditions of work in rural areas, the emergence of a multi-structure, different forms of ownership and management have led to the fact that, in addition to purely special, technological issues, rural specialists (medics, entrepreneurs, etc.) began to be interested in the economic and legal aspects of their professional activities.

The peculiarity of the work of a rural library - close, daily contact with village residents - allows you to constantly clarify and deepen your request and individualize information as much as possible. In addition, under these conditions, the librarian is able to give so-called "anticipatory information" that came to his attention.

A special place among rural library users today is occupied by the so-called. managers.

This group includes rural akims, economic managers, etc. These people have to decide wide circle economic, social, sociocultural, legal, environmental and other issues that require permanent job with legislative documents, tracking the necessary information in periodicals, etc. Solution personnel problems, resolving conflict situations in production requires knowledge of psychology and management. It is also necessary to know the experience of local government in other regions of the country and abroad.

Managers need constant information, both analytical and factual.

It should be noted that the degree to which the library is useful to management will certainly affect their attitude towards the needs of the library itself. Only by constantly proving its usefulness to the rural community does the library have the right to count on its support.

Farmers and entrepreneurs have become a significant reading group in rural areas.

People from different social strata become farmers. Among them are both indigenous rural residents and city dwellers who moved to the village. They all need self-education.

Objectively, the need for new knowledge is especially felt by people who, having their own small household, ran it “the old fashioned way” and never turned to the library or production information. Having become farmers, they feel the need for more thorough training in production, legal, and economic issues.

Understanding their situation, the rural librarian can form a strong interest in self-educational reading in the library among these people.

A study of the situation shows that often good, mutually beneficial relationships develop between them and rural structures (including the school and the library): the library tries to fulfill their requests, primarily, of course, business ones, and they provide sponsorship to the library, for example, pay for a subscription periodicals, purchasing new literature, purchasing equipment and software, etc.

The rural library also tries to provide its services to correspondence students, of whom there are many among rural specialists and rural school graduates.

The library tries to select the necessary literature to complete the educational task, provide information about available bibliographic sources, etc. The possibility of educational assistance to correspondence students increases many times over if even a small library has a computer and a modem, thanks to which it can gain access to the information and document resources of large domestic libraries and world information centers, order an electronic copy of the necessary article or even an entire book.

Today there are quite a lot of unemployed people among the villagers.

Among them are people of pre-retirement age and young people. It is the library, using all its capabilities, that can give them the most comprehensive and complete data on educational opportunities, retraining, the availability of jobs, both in the region and beyond, and on employment in summer period, in free time from study, on a part-time basis, as well as about the conditions for obtaining an early pension, the rules for registering as an unemployed person and his rights, etc. In the library, they will be able to find out how and where to take a professional aptitude test, as well as what official legislative documents they can rely on when looking for a job.

As a rule, pensioners, veterans, and disabled people make up a significant group of rural library users.

These people especially need the help of the library. They are concerned about issues of pensions, medical, consumer and social services, changes in pension legislation, regulations on rights and benefits. They need information of a legal nature, books on fishing and canning, and magazines, for example, “Peasant Woman”, “Your 6 Acres”, etc. The rural library, working with these groups of readers, performs not only an informational, but also a social function.

A rural library, working in a closed socio-cultural environment, with a permanent readership, knowing not only its informational but also social needs, and being the most socially stable and information-rich institution, cannot help but provide assistance to its users. In practice, this is often implemented in the following way: along with the book, the librarian takes home to the disabled person the medicine purchased for him, and sometimes food (24, p. 58).

Many libraries have become deeply aware of this new function of theirs and have developed special programs, for example, “Charity and the Book.”

One of the most important tasks of a library operating in a village is information and cultural saturation of leisure time for rural residents. A visit to the library gives people the opportunity to communicate, which is extremely important in a village where there are no other opportunities (cinemas, restaurants, theater, museum and even, often, a club). The library becomes the “living room of the community,” as American librarians say. It is known that now the library remains, in fact, the only cultural center that operates for free. Despite all the difficulties, circles, interest clubs, lecture halls, etc. are actively working on the basis of many rural and school libraries.

One of the most important tasks of a library operating in a village is information and cultural saturation of leisure time for rural residents. A visit to the library gives people the opportunity to communicate, which is extremely important in a village where there are no other opportunities (cinemas, restaurants, theater, museum and even, often, a club).

The role of a comforter, a calmer, that is, a relaxation function, has increased the demand for rural libraries in recent post-reform years.

The library becomes the “living room of the community,” as American librarians say. It is known that now the library remains, in fact, the only cultural center that operates for free. Despite all the difficulties, clubs, interest clubs, etc. are actively working on the basis of many rural and school libraries.

Organization of evenings, competitions, amateur concerts and theatrical productions etc. often organized by the library together with the club and school libraries. This work requires both great organizational efforts and certain theoretical preparation: familiarity with methodological developments, scenarios, etc.

Help for students. The importance of this area of ​​rural library work cannot be overestimated. Famous words of academician D.S. Likhachev that “the library is the foundation of culture” means that both the culture of society as a whole and the culture of each individual member of it are based on this foundation: as research shows, it is books and reading that form a spiritually mature, educated and socially valuable personality .

The opportunity to “lean” on this foundation - the library - is especially important, of course, for young people. It is necessary that young people, students, especially those living in rural areas where the cultural infrastructure is poor, can get the necessary information, help, and advice in the library.

On the other hand, the library’s attention to students and youth largely determines the future life of the village and the possibility of its development, both economic and social.

The library's help to students today lies not only in its assistance in mastering academic subjects, but it also manifests itself in a broader context.

Today library services is interpreted by specialists as an activity that contributes to the successful entry of an individual into society, helping in solving the main problems of a given period of life, i.e. in socialization.

This allows us to consider library services as an activity that helps improve the level of social security a young person, which is determined by the value of the information available to the library; and also as a means of “strengthening” the personality, increasing its capabilities and potential.

The readers of this group themselves view the library, first of all, as a source of obtaining information necessary in the process of education and obtaining a profession, as a place of comfortable communication with peers, as an opportunity to receive help from a qualified and friendly librarian in solving many life and everyday issues.

That is, the library, including, of course, the rural library, acts today as the most important institution of socialization, working in conditions where the influence of traditional institutions of socialization (for example, the family) has noticeably weakened. This trend is only intensifying in rural areas. It is obvious that the work of the library should be closely linked with the work of the school.

Taking into account the current situation and the needs of users, the library today is trying to build its work based on the parameters of the so-called “information-educational” and “socializing” model.

The information and educational model was formed under the influence of the general informatization of society, the introduction (although not as decisive as we would like) of computer technology, real life libraries, which opened up great opportunities for her. The formation of this model was also influenced by changes in the ideology and philosophy of library services, the library’s awareness of its generic qualities: first of all, as a cumulator of knowledge, a collector (and holder) of information.

The library can also establish public relations to promote healthy lifestyles for young people, protection against drugs, alcohol, AIDS, etc. young family, etc.

It should be noted that, by meaningfully revealing each of the stages of socialization of an individual, the library should, in the opinion of Yu.P. Markova, be free from political and any other conjuncture and fashion. She must stand on the position of morality, decency, morality, and not be seduced by supposedly “advanced” views on life values. This “conservative” position of the library is due, in her opinion, first of all, to the generic characteristics of the book, as a form of printing that predominates in its collections, as an accumulator of established social experience.

By preserving traditional values ​​and rallying users around itself, a rural library will be able to help stabilize the moral climate in local society.

The services provided by the library, including rural ones in the course of serving young students, are very diverse.

Services for organizing communication are most clearly represented in the activities of libraries. In many libraries, especially school libraries, including rural schools, there are clubs, for example, the “Young Historian Club”, “Fiction Fans Club”, etc. Video clubs have appeared in some rural libraries, which significantly change the library atmosphere and library environment.

In the process of library services to the rural population, a significant place is occupied by current information services, when the library constantly provides information on an issue of interest to someone: a subject teacher, a school director, a farm director, an entrepreneur, etc. A number of rural libraries constantly publish information lists of new literature (usually quarterly), newsletters of new products (“News from publishing houses”, “Read in magazines”, etc.).

In the practice of rural libraries, individual service is widely practiced. Knowing well the problems of the village residents, the librarian can provide constant or occasional assistance, for example, informing about a newly acquired book, selecting lists of books and articles on the topic, providing preliminary information, etc., i.e. provide operational reference and bibliographic services.

As a rule, those to whom the rural library provides individual information (including legal) support include the head of the farm, top-level specialists (chief livestock specialist, chief agronomist, etc.), school director, entrepreneurs, etc., depending on the the real situation in the village. The library can provide them with thematic, factual, personal and other references.

In addition, libraries working with legal information also offer comprehensive services that combine bibliographic, analytical and documentary information.

In general, at the disposal of the centers legal information with sufficiently large libraries, the resources make it possible to offer users the following range of services:

  • -search for legal acts in electronic databases;
  • - providing information on the display for quick reference;
  • - issuing a certificate of the place and time of publication of the document;
  • - topical information;
  • - providing the text of the document;
  • - transfer of information to paper and magnetic media;
  • -search for legal and legal literature in the electronic library catalogue;
  • - accepting orders for searching a legal act by telephone, fax, e-mail;
  • -a selection of legislative acts on the requested topic;
  • - execution of all types of references: factual, bibliographic, annotated, analytical;
  • - provision periodicals for temporary use;
  • - provision of audio and video materials with lectures on jurisprudence by leading teachers of Moscow universities;
  • - provision of legal information on CD-ROM;
  • - scanning;
  • - computer translation of text from/to a foreign language;
  • - access to legal Internet sites;
  • - photocopying and printouts of legal acts in black and white and color;
  • - prompt notification of new arrivals;
  • -reservation of a publication for a specific user;
  • - provision of electronic disks supplied to the library as an appendix to books and magazines
  • - “night pass”;
  • - opening " mailboxes" Email;
  • - legal advice;
  • - compiling reference lists for coursework and diploma works;
  • - consulting on the search for legal information;
  • - provision of sample forms of standard documents (contracts, complaints, etc.);
  • - consulting on independent work with the legal bases “Lawyer”, “Law”;
  • - quick search in the presence of the customer;
  • - current address certificates;
  • - retrospective search;
  • - generation of a package of documents at the user’s request;
  • - providing details of legal services;
  • - provision of text and spreadsheet editors;
  • - search for information on pre-order;
  • - provision of a PC for independent work;
  • - creating a title page for written works;
  • - creation of advertisements;
  • - printout from floppy disk, etc. (35, p.38)

Of course, small rural libraries are not able to provide all these services. However, it is very important that rural librarians are aware of these opportunities and guide their users towards them.

The importance of the problem of legal education attracts the attention of local media to the activities of legal centers. Here too, contacts are mutual helpful character. On the one hand, representatives of the local newspaper, radio, etc. They themselves can obtain the necessary information from the center, for example, on copyright issues; on the other hand, the activities of the legal center are covered in their publications.

Thus, by providing legal assistance to the population, the library also contributes to the formation of local self-government. This area of ​​library activity, which emerged relatively recently, is quite clearly manifested in the experience of rural libraries.

The list of functions listed is not exhaustive. The study of the social functions of a modern rural library should be carried out on the basis systematic approach, through the analysis of the socio-cultural space of the village as an environment for the functioning of the library. Such a study involves the active involvement of data from representative sociological and cultural studies of modern villages and has great scientific potential for enriching domestic library science.

Thus, a modern library working in rural areas, regardless of its type and type, covers in its activities essentially everything social groups village residents, helping them solve their numerous educational and self-educational problems, which fully meets the requirements for public libraries set by the International Library Association (IFLA).

During 2015, the Alexandrovskaya Rural Library fulfilled the main mission of its institution - it developed as an information and cultural center, providing quality information and services to library users, using existing catalogs (alphabetical, systematic).

During 2015, the library fulfilled the main goal of its work - maximum satisfaction of the needs and requirements of village residents and library readers using printed publications. Provided assistance in improving education and self-education. In general, the cultural and educational activities of the library were carried out in the following areas:

  • - a series of events “Kaleidoscope of Anniversaries” dedicated to the life and work of writers (throughout the year);
  • - week “World of Professions” (February);
  • - regional review competition (March);
  • - Children's and Youth Book Week (March);
  • - days ecological culture(April);
  • - Family Day at the Library (May);
  • - summer reading for children (June-August);
  • - Day of Knowledge (September);
  • - excursion to the library (October);
  • - a series of events for the New Year (December);
  • - information days (throughout the year).

Children and teenagers visit the library most often and with particular pleasure (36%). The largest number of public events are held specifically for this category of users. Trying to retain the interest and attention of children, library specialists prepare various events with elements of theatrical performances, games, competitions, and creative tasks.

Children and teenagers choose books, read magazines, put together puzzles, play Board games, draw, and also communicate with each other. Magazines such as “Princess World” and “Playing with Barbie” are in demand by preschool and junior girls school age, and older girls choose the magazines “Magic”, “My Secrets” and “Girls”. Boys are attracted to the magazines “Toshka and his company”, “Tom and Jerry”, and the magazine “Toshka and his company” is in particular demand. Star Wars”, which, unfortunately, has not been published since 2014. And teenagers are interested in the magazines “Moto” and “Rybolov”. Fairy tales, children's detective stories, novels for girls, and adventures are always popular among young readers.

Together with a kindergarten for children preschool age Introductory excursions “Book House” are held. For the first time, children become acquainted with such concepts as a book, shelving, magazine, reader's form. Comic lessons are conducted with children. On the eve of September 1, a big matinee “How Buka and Byaka became first-graders” was held in the library. The children received prizes and a positive mood.

The main group of library readers are adults (50%), who were offered book exhibitions and public events on such topics as maintaining health, housekeeping, autumn preparations, rituals and traditions, as well as literary evenings, evenings of relaxation, evenings of remembrance. All these events are designed to create conditions for communication, manifestation creativity participants. It should be noted that among this group the most active users are people of pre-retirement and retirement age. This is explained by the fact that they have the greatest amount of free time. They not only read books modern authors, but also literature of the Soviet period (the series “Made in the USSR” and “Siberiada”), and books of historical orientation. Among the magazines that are in constant demand are “Homestead Farming”, “Rural Nov”, “1000 Tips”, “Everything for a Woman” and others.

The smallest and most difficult category of readers to attract to the library is youth (14%). High school students are busy with schoolwork, students live outside the village and come only on weekends and holidays, and working youth have little free time. But, despite all this, they try to attract as many users of this category as possible, for which they go to schools to hold public events, arrange book exhibitions and information booklets on topics that are relevant to them ( bad habits, character and fate), subscribe to magazines that are in greatest demand among young people (“Your best friend", "OOPS", "I'm 15"), help in the selection of literature by modern fashionable authors.

Library specialists pay special attention and care to people with disabilities, advising and selecting books for them, as well as inviting them to all public events and book exhibitions.

The introduction of new information technologies has opened up new opportunities for the library to create more comfortable and modern conditions for our users, to improve the quality of services provided. Thus, the opportunity arose to produce publishing products, for example, such publications as the booklet “Our Land in Poetry and Prose”, “Let’s Get Acquainted” (about I.A. Krylov), Bibliographical Guide - an annotated list of references “Features of the Culture of the Krasnoyarsk Territory” were published " and etc.

IN last years In the work of the library, the role and importance of leisure activities has especially increased. The most popular among library cultural and leisure programs are reading evenings and interest clubs. Thus, there are clubs at the library: for older people; female communication and family leisure. In addition, a club has been created for readers of all ages literary reading; for teenagers - environmental club and club local history direction. Cognitive and developmental programs are used for children: quizzes; Olympics; competitions; games; interest groups, etc.

A creative report on the cultural and leisure activities of the library is presented in detail in Appendix A.

Thus, an analysis of the activities shows that the Alexandrovskaya Rural Library can be called a sociocultural center of the local community: a full-fledged service is organized, providing users with access to prompt and up-to-date information for various categories of users (children, schoolchildren, youth, disabled people, the elderly, entrepreneurs, etc.). etc.), using all available resources and capabilities of libraries in the interests of readers. Recently, the level of information service to readers has improved qualitatively.

In addition, the library is trying to take a fresh look at its role in modern conditions, constantly improving mass work. Thus, in order to improve the quality and comfort of library services, in 2015, a non-stationary book lending point in the village of Novaya Priluka continued its work. The distribution point is located in the village club; book exchange takes place once a month and serves all categories of the population.

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Moreover, it is twofold: a library can be useful for both students and teachers.
To a certain extent, this role has already been comprehended.* Of course, the work of a rural library has its own specifics: on the one hand, it experiences great difficulties in terms of acquisition, on the other, there are great opportunities to communicate with each reader, to penetrate into the world of his interests and abilities.
How can a library really help (both students and teachers)?
Firstly, collect and provide both the teacher and the student with information of a psychological, legal, economic, medical and other nature on the main aspects of choosing a profession, as well as specifically career guidance information. Organize a permanent “Career Guidance Corner”, where all the necessary reference and methodological literature would be displayed.
Secondly, constantly collect information characterizing the state of the local labor market, as well as materials that give an idea of ​​nearby educational institutions and the conditions for admission to them.
Thirdly, together with the school and teacher, create permanent lecture halls on the problem of choosing a profession; Constantly hold events dedicated to the problems of choosing a profession.
Fourthly, introduce teachers and students to established representatives of various professions, as well as to the products of individual enterprises.
Fifthly, create the possibility of testing to determine professional suitability for a specific profession.
The library can also create a constantly growing database on all the main aspects of the problem of choosing a profession.
It seems especially important that the library, including, of course, the rural one, having a fund of the necessary literature and mastering the methodology for its use, can maintain close ties not only with the school, but also with all institutions and organizations, including the media, interested in career guidance for young people and in need of information support.
The content of such a stage of socialization as starting a family is also changing noticeably today.
The content of this problem can be revealed in the following aspects: installation on love and family as the greatest life value; understanding of responsibility for the consequences of love relationships. Economic, psychological, demographic, pedagogical, physiological and other aspects family life. Features of families of various types and types. “Rules” for creating a happy family. Family and health. Family communication. Family education. Family holiday and etc.
Here the difference in life positions characteristic of our society is especially acute. Some see the meaning of a person’s life in the family, others completely deny it. A wide range of publications are devoted to various aspects of this problem - demographic, economic, psychological, physiological, pedagogical, etc., showing, in particular, that the very concept of “family” is very ambiguous.
The problems of rural families are now becoming the object of close attention of researchers of rural society. Scientists note with alarm that the rural family, previously considered a stronghold of morality, following the urban one, is losing many good traditions: respect for elders, responsible attitude towards children and each other, etc.
It is obvious that for young people, both urban and rural, the problem of creating a family is actualized, first of all, through such aspects as love, love relationship, their consequences, etc.
The opportunity to obtain information on this level of socialization in the library seems to be especially important, and the information itself has a pronounced personality-protecting connotation.
How can the library help?
First of all, to use a wide range of information of a philosophical, legal, medical, socio-political, pedagogical nature to solve the problem. Can play a special role here fiction: it is necessary to point out to young people, who, as a rule, do not have their own direct experience, as an inexhaustible storehouse of indirect experience, the experience of other generations.
The library can organize a series of library events on this issue of an informational and advisory nature, addressed to both unmarried boys and girls and young families. A number of events can be addressed to both parents of young people and teachers.
In addition, it is effective to create stable forms in the library for disclosing the problem and obtaining guaranteed information (clubs, lecture halls, databases on the problem). And, what is very important, the library can promote communication between young people within its walls, the formation of a culture of communication among young people, the creation of a special climate of confidential communication on problems of loneliness, love and family relationships.
The library can also establish public relations to promote healthy lifestyles for young people, protection against drugs, alcohol, AIDS, etc. young family, etc.
It should be noted that, while meaningfully revealing each of the stages of socialization of an individual, the library should, in our opinion, be free from political and any other conjuncture and fashion. She must take a position of morality, decency, morality, and not be seduced by supposedly “advanced” views on life values. This “conservative” position of the library is due, in our opinion, first of all, to the generic characteristics of the book, as a form of printing that predominates in its collections, as an accumulator of established social experience.
By preserving traditional values ​​and rallying users around itself, a rural library, it seems to us, will be able to help stabilize the moral climate in local society. What has been said, of course, does not mean that the library should avoid pressing problems and ignore topics of interest to young people - we're talking about about the position of the library.
Today, library services in general, and in rural society, are also characterized by a combination of traditional and innovative techniques, approaches, and forms.
The interaction of traditional and innovative processes is clearly reflected, first of all, in the range of library services offered. It is also manifested in the identification of priority reader groups (differentiated approach), in the forms and methods of interaction with readers and their attraction, etc.
The services provided by the library, including rural ones in the course of serving young students, are very diverse.
Services for organizing communication are most clearly represented in the activities of libraries. In many libraries, especially school libraries, including rural schools, there are clubs, for example, the “Young Historian Club”, “Fiction Fans Club”, etc. Video clubs have appeared in some rural libraries, which significantly change the library atmosphere and library environment.