Tips on betting on the forecast. Secrets of betting on football

This article in no way claims to be the ultimate truth. But all the points laid out in it have been tested in practice. If at least one person makes one less mistake at the beginning of his journey into the world of betting, then the author of this article will consider his mission accomplished. So, 10 tips for a beginner. And may success accompany you.

1. Decide why you need bets? You must clearly understand your goal. Betting is a way for you to regularly earn money or sometimes receive “bonuses” while cheering for your favorite team on weekends. If the former, then you must treat it like a business. Namely: set your bank (the amount of money allocated for bets), choose a game strategy and follow it (maximum and average bet size, average number of bets, etc.), constantly monitor the events you bet on, read about bets and communicate with other players. If betting is just a weekend entertainment for you, then you don’t need to read this article any further. The only advice in this case is not to bet too much.

2. Bet only in large offices. Bookmakers are somewhat similar to banks. Here, in most cases, the principle also applies: the larger, the more reliable. Large bookmakers, as a rule, have a history and value their reputation. But it doesn’t cost anything to fly-by-night offices to close down one day and pocket your money. Therefore, do not invent a wheel, use the services of trusted companies (Bwin, Beffair, Expekt, etc.). Do not waste your money on dubious bookmakers that offer tempting odds. The history of post-Soviet bookmaking is replete with bankruptcies, so be careful.

3. Forget the word “sure”. Beginners often use the term “sure thing”. Thus, they mean: complete confidence in the victory of one of the teams or a bet on the obvious favorite. Both of these statements cannot be criticized. The most important thing is that in betting you can’t be 100% sure of anything, just like in life. It is a very big mistake when a person, when choosing a bet, relies only on the odds. Remember that they (coefficients), as a rule, reflect only the general balance of power. They are abstracted from your strategy, both financial and gaming. Think about whether you need such a rate? What is the coefficient/probability of outcome ratio? In addition, as a rule, this is a bet on the favorite for a meager odds, for example (1.1 1.4). Such bets will not lead to any good, more details in the next paragraph.

4. Forget about betting on favorites for meager odds. Sadly, the most popular bets at bookmakers are clear victories of the favorites. These same favorites, of course, win most often, but sometimes they have a habit of drawing or losing. For the player who bet on them (the favorites), such a loss is very expensive. For example, you are a beginner player. You love football and decided to bet on Barcelona’s victory over the middle peasant or outsider for the CF. 1.2. Barça draws and your bet blows. You bet 1000 rubles. And now, in order to win it back, you need to win at least FIVE bets in a row with the same odds. But if your revenge is interrupted in the third match, then you will go into a deep disadvantage. So betting on favorites is a dead end? Not at all, but you need to bet for a reasonable price. For example, try to play their minus handicap for a good odds, total or net in a match with a strong opponent.

5. Forget about “steam locomotives”. Even those who have just started playing in the office know the word express. It's a chain of events, btw. which are multiplied among themselves. But if at least one event fails, the entire bet will be lost. So, express trains are not an absolute evil. Bet an express bet of two events with odds. At 1.8 each it's not that bad. The risk is moderate, and the reward will be significant. But in order to correctly select such events, experience and knowledge are needed. As a rule, beginners go to the other extreme; they make “steam locomotives” express trains with odds. 50, 100 or 200. The player is attracted possible gain, and he forgets about the probability of the outcome, turning the bookmaker's game into a lottery. As a result, such a player has a lot of express bets, the lion's share of the bank has been spent, and as luck would have it, only a few events did not take place in each “locomotive”))) Therefore, forget about large express bets. Bet in singles.

6. Never change your intended strategy. You must set your bank (the amount allocated for bets). Decide how much percentage of the bank one bet will take. It is better that this amount does not exceed 3% for one bet. Decide on a gaming strategy: the ratio of singles and reasonable express bets. Set for yourself at least an approximate number of bets that you can make per week. This amount must be adequate so that each bet is thoughtful and balanced. The day you deviate from your intended strategy without good reason, will be the beginning of the collapse. The main thing: never change the maximum pot percentage for a single bet by more than a few points. It's only in Hollywood films good guys win the jackpot by betting the entire bank.

7. Avoid tilt, feel lucky. Every player has a period when “everything goes.” A bet on any event ends in a win, and you feel like the king of the world. In this case, you need to continue installing in the current mode. As long as there is a “white” line, follow it. But as soon as you lose several bets in a row, then stop. Take a break, don’t bet for a few days, have fun and don’t think about bookmakers and odds. When you have rested, then you can resume the game, otherwise you will end up on tilt. Tilt is a poker term that reflects the negative psychological state of a player, simply called “zapara”. In this state, you act emotionally without realizing the possible consequences. In betting, this usually results in the bank losing in a short period of time. You lose one bet after another, try to win back, increase the amount and in the end you become bankrupt.

8. Bet only on what you understand. Don’t be a “gambler”, don’t bet on everything. Choose your specialization in sports and specific leagues and strictly follow it. By betting out of nothing on the Singapore Football Championship, you are playing on someone else’s territory and thereby feeding the bookmaker. To bet, you need to be familiar with the championship standings, statistics last matches opponents, the dynamics of their performance throughout the season. Be patient, wait for your matches that you are ready for and understand. Try to watch as many matches of the championship that you are leading as possible on TV or recorded via the Internet.

9. Avoid betting with a “psychological attitude”. This point can be called differently. Don't bet on your favorite and hated teams. Very often, inexperienced players forget that they came into the world of betting to make money, and not to root for or against. As a result, faith in the team you have been rooting for since childhood involuntarily forces you to make a rash bet on it. Very often, such a bet is a direct path to losing. The same goes for teams you hate. Don't bet against CSKA just because you support Spartak and vice versa. Betting has nothing to do with being sick.

10. Life doesn’t end with bets. Remember, bets are important, but they're just bets. No matter how much you lose or win, life will not end there. You have friends and family, spend more time with them. Don't sacrifice one for the other, combine wisely. Good luck to you!!!

Sweet sensations, craving for money, ease of earning money without any work - Russians, like people of other countries, are drawn to gambling for a variety of reasons. But at the same time, one must understand that with the dominance of emotions and the uncertainty of bets, methods of winning are still not fantasy, but ordinary reality, where the scientific base does not guarantee a 100% way to beat the bookmaker, but significantly increases the chances.

In order to constantly receive money for bets, you need to know the axioms of bookmakers. You need to choose the right betting strategy and strictly follow it. Then the chances of winning on a regular basis will increase significantly.

You can try to figure out how to beat the bookmaker. Tips and secrets can at least partially help. Let's start with the fact that professionals believe that the victorious completion of a bet depends little on super-secret, sophisticated strategies, and most often on how the player follows the specific rules of the game. First, you need to understand that the two participants in the process are different sides games to achieve your goals.

Although currently sports betting is not officially classified by the state as gambling, general principle The activities of a bookmaker's office are not very different from a regular casino. The situation is the same here: someone wins, and someone loses their money. In this case, the winner is often the bookmaker himself.

But, unlike casinos, real fans of modern sports can rely on their competence, because victory here often depends on the predicted ability of capable professional athletes to play well. Everything seems simple: teams, current place of the game, number of previous victories. But this is the main trap of a player who is already convinced that by teaming up with a bookmaker, he will definitely defeat him.

However, statistics show that only two percent of those who place bets on modern sports in a bookmaker receive a permanent win. Why? In order to understand this, you need to understand the main principles of the bookmaker's craft.

Bookmakers, first of all, work to acquire a certain income. It is collected for them mainly from the volume of successful transactions for them and the number of players who came to the office to bet their money on sport's event. As a result, the commission from any losing client is collected into a single amount and brings in significant capital.

The player has only one or at most two or three bets, thanks to which he hopes to hit a substantial jackpot. Consequently, his chances are significantly less, because of this he needs to play with understanding, intelligently defining the situation.

There are several ways to raise your own level of knowledge in this area. For example, to learn how to beat a bookmaker, a book is quite suitable. Especially if the author is Sergei Galkin.

Sergey Galkin

S. N. Galkin is one of the authors who will help everyone find simple and reliable ways to increase their chances of winning bets. Sergei Galkin’s book “How to Beat a Bookmaker” discusses the financial terms associated with working with bets. If you want to play, this work should become your reference book.

The author will reveal to you the sphere of professional sports, frantic excitement, precise mathematical calculations and serious sensations. Enter the colorful world of sports betting! The book by an experienced player and prominent scientist Sergei Galkin will be useful both to those who are already confidently walking towards the bookmaker’s office and to the ordinary reader. The last one there can see a large number of interesting information, and the old player - non-standard methods and specific advice. The book is also filled with witty, lively formulations and subtle jokes.

The main reasons for successful bets

Are we beating the bookmaker? There is no single correct strategy. But there are several simple rules, which increase the chances of winning when betting on sport games:

  • the development of a behavioral factor is independent of the result obtained;
  • correct determination of the bet limit and strict adherence to it;
  • absolute lack of faith in various signs;
  • a successful bet is placed on a game event, and not on the selected object;
  • indispensable application of the strategy of the proposed game;
  • search for the most successful bookmaker;
  • using accurate sports betting forecasts.

It is important not to rush from side to side, frantically changing the method of play, panicking, or, conversely, rejoicing. Success is always on the side of rationality and reason!

Behavioral outline

How to beat a bookmaker? Smart bets, delivered by a variety of methods, can help. Wherein gaming strategies choosing bets are not clearly defined truths, but, above all, urgent recommendations that must be accepted in order to get a substantial amount of money or at least not lose the latter. A correct assessment of your capabilities gives you a chance to dramatically reduce the risk of loss. If a player loses money, then, of course, his desire to quickly return it victoriously is understandable. It is precisely this method that leads to the loss of bets, or even complete ruin.

Having received bad, losing results from a betting game, under no circumstances try to frantically bet again - you need to take a calming break for a short period and endure at least a couple of hours without playing. A better than a day or a week. The time interval will give you the opportunity to come to your senses and remove unnecessary emotions. Rest assured, a break will increase the chances of success several times. There are still options for beating the bookmaker!


One more thing important rule on the way to winning - do not give in to excitement beyond measure. There is one good strategy. How to beat a bookmaker? Skillfully use available tools. This helps you achieve victory much more effectively than playing blindly at random. Brake! Find a specific limit for yourself, more than which you should not assign. This will make it possible, even with repeated losses, to save most of the bank’s funds and not get into financial debt.

Separately, we should note those keen players who decide to bet on their favorite football (hockey, etc.) team, when all the logic of events suggests that they should hope for a clear winner in advance.

Often clients are captured by signs. For example, a win (coincidentally!) was accompanied by a random event. And then the player, like Pavlov's dog in training, can understand it as a sign, and will try to bet more just when this symbolic sign appears again.

But you cannot pay attention to such signs in order to create your own gambling strategy on sports games. After all, the resulting outcome of the events depends on too many random factors. The secrets of success in the field of sports betting cannot be based on whether a black cat crossed the road today or not, and whether today is a successful day or (according to signs) a failure. Sober reflection and a short respite will significantly more chances for winning than beliefs and fictitious signs of fate.


When you have moved away from an overly emotional approach and are trying to analyze approaches to a problem, then mathematics can come to your aid. How to beat a bookmaker using mathematics?

In general, you must understand that players are different: some try to take team statistics as a base, others, more emotional, listen to their inner feelings, analyze all sorts of forecasts, while others think about the exact sciences.

Betting mathematics are methods based on certain calculations. They will not give an absolute guarantee, but one thing must be said for sure - a client guided by science wins much more often. You can check this using two methods out of many.

Flat can be used to place bets with two probable outcomes. The bet volume does not change. There is a significant nuance - the proportion of guessing should start from about 52-53%, in otherwise Over a long distance, defeat is inevitable. When a player wins approximately 60% of bets out of hundreds of attempts, he has chosen good strategy. Another condition is that the selected coefficient reaches approximately 1.91.

The second technique regarding how to beat a bookmaker is the Martingale technique: if you lose your bet, try again at a higher price.

Its technique is to win even more, and if you lose, start again with the same indicator. At the same time, the volume of the bank is constantly being calculated so that it is enough for several cash doubled bets.

Computer programs

In our age of information, you can use various services to beat the bookmaker. The program will help you consider all the nuances, carry out complex and painstaking calculations, and study the analytics of bookmakers’ activities. Only such strict adherence to all these conditions can to some extent guarantee regular and profitable play over a long period.

There are different betting programs. Moreover, they are popular not only among players, but many bookmakers. Quite often it is the latter who provide clients with such tools. Today there are several options for such bookmaker computer programs.

Some bookmaker clients use a kind of “forks” method for calculations. This is a special program for determining bets on domestic sports, which makes it possible to find errors of the bookmakers themselves. It should be noted that the majority of players have already been able to see the effectiveness of such applications. True, their price reaches several hundred dollars.

Another type of computer program is aimed at creating a comparative calculation of the useful odds of several bookmakers. Of course, for a more profitable game you need to choose institutions with the highest indicators.

Popular programs

Speaking about well-known programs and how to use them to beat a bookmaker, we can highlight Footbet. This computer program for determining bets on domestic sports makes it possible to predict the outcome of a football match. At the same time, she necessarily considers those in free access statistical materials.

Bookmaker clients working in the field of tennis games can use the OnCourt program, which has a large database of materials about this game.

“Finright Bookmaker” - this computer program for accounting for bets placed on official sports can be used by more experienced clients. It provides information regarding the relationship between working odds and the amount of money already bet or allocated for a particular game. This program makes it possible to easily identify so-called fixed matches. With its help, players can regularly find updated digital data of the most popular types modern sports, including: baseball, domestic basketball, ice hockey, handball, American and regular football. The elements used in the application are configured manually.

Choosing a bookmaker

The answer to the question of whether it is possible to beat a bookmaker depends on his level. The best office bookmakers - one that has a good established reputation, issues fresh quotes on time, has been working in the field of sports betting for a long time, can raise money itself and provides a guaranteed opportunity for the client to earn a normal profit. Such institutions give a significant limit on the selected bet, are guided by thoughtful analysis and correctly change the ratio of gaming odds.

By choosing several of the best bookmakers, you will be able to increase your chances of winning.


In general, if we talk about how to beat a bookmaker, we must remember that there are many auxiliary features. If it is difficult for a bettor (especially a young one) to understand sports details, for example, to understand the specifics of individual teams (after all, you cannot know all the football subtleties, who is trailing behind and who is the absolute leader), there is an opportunity to inexpensively buy an accurate sports forecast from specialists, who professionally review the course of matches. Of course, there will be no absolute guarantee, since even the most accurate forecast may not come true due to unpredictable subjective factors, but you should always have such a possibility in reserve.


Of course, when it comes to betting, you always need to have your head on your shoulders. Both to win and not to lose everything. You should never bet your last money in the hope of hitting the jackpot; you should not trust new and suspicious companies that promise 100% earnings, accurate forecasts and huge odds, you can’t give in to emotions. Also, you should not bet on your favorite team when it is clearly clear that there is another favorite. Cold calculation is what will help you beat the bookmaker.

Most newbies who place bets at bookmakers over the Internet do not adhere to a specific strategy. Their goal is to get thrills, to bet for the sake of betting. They receive this to the fullest.

As players gain experience, they start thinking about winning. The acuity of sensations fades into the background. Such players create their own gaming strategies or use the ideas of others.

Professional players often share their experience and give tips for beginners following which novice bettors will be able to avoid many mistakes. Advice from the pros on sports betting do not guarantee one hundred percent success, these are only recommendations that increase the chances of winning.

Knowledge of sports

The first advice that professionals give is to bet only on the sport that you understand. Many new sports bettors do not know how to put it correctly. Collect and analyze information about the results of matches over a couple of years, delve into all the features and nuances - and only then start making a sports forecast.

Knowledge of the league or tournament

Many sports have national leagues or championships. Select one or two leagues, study them thoroughly and place your bets.

For example, if you are a football fan, you can choose the English Premier League or the Russian Major League. In hockey - NHL and KHL. Watch the life of the selected leagues, track the results of matches and refereeing features, study the standings and remember - yesterday's champion can become tomorrow's outsider.

Bookmaker knowledge

Professional players advise evaluating a bookmaker according to several parameters:

  1. Reliability. If a bookmaker has been on the market for 20-30 years, this is already an indicator. If the company was founded only a few years ago, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the information on analytical sites and customer reviews.
  2. Betting line and list for the selected sport. Some bookmakers specialize in football, others in hockey, and others in basketball or e-sports. The ideal bookmaker for beginners should offer good odds, extensive line and detailed painting.
  3. Promotions and bonuses. For Beginners important criterion is bonus program bookmaker's office. Most companies offer a bonus when registering or making your first deposit to your gaming account. In most cases, this is doubling the replenishment amount or free bets for a similar amount.

On the Internet you can find information about all bookmakers. Experts advise contacting top firms that have proven themselves in the market.

Decide on a budget.

Set aside an amount that you can spend on bets without difficulty for family budget. It should be enough for several dozen bets, depending on the chosen strategy. Minimum bid– 1% of the bank, maximum for beginners – 5%.

While a player is looking into the bookmaker's office and the world of sports betting, it is not a good idea to make the pot too big, even if you have some extra money. Big bets at large odds, in the hope of getting a lot at once, is too unpredictable and extreme.

Don't spend other people's money. No one can give a 100% guarantee on the outcome of a sports match, otherwise bookmakers would cease to exist. In sports, sensations, surprises, and agreements are always possible. A psychology of sports betting is such that you always want to win back.

Choose a gaming strategy

The gaming strategy is selected depending on your playing style. Some people will be satisfied with gaming strategies – sure bets, corridors, etc. For other players, financial ones are more suitable. The first are aimed at experienced and gambling players, the second - at betters seeking to save and increase the bank with a high degree of probability.

No player or analyst is right 100% of the time. Impossible always win on sports betting . This is not necessary. It is enough if you guess the correct outcome of a sports match sixty percent of the time. In the presence of high odds, even thirty percent is enough.

Place bets on events whose outcome you are confident of. At the same time, you should not focus solely on bookmaker odds: they do not always reflect reality. Beginners can bet on events where there is a clear favorite. And even in this case, it is worth looking at the statistics of previous joint matches: perhaps this particular outsider team is “ tough nut to crack" for the tournament leader. However, the chances of winning in sports betting on the favorite are much higher than when the teams are tied.

By following the advice of professionals and the chosen strategy, you will learn Don't lose on sports betting.

Are you looking for sports betting secrets? I'll tell you, they exist. On personal experience, we can highlight a couple of points that we personally had to encounter and observe how people make money from it. The section can be divided into:

  1. Office bugs. These are errors in the code, live or line.

Have you heard of such a company as Zenitbet?

Everyone is always trying to find a freebie and this time many were lucky. There is such a thing as a bookmaker's bug. A bug, this is a hole in the platform, the live is late (our case). Factors that can help you play unfairly against bookmakers when you are in the black no matter the outcome. Well, Zenit’s tennis live was late. When the game ended in one office, it was still going on at this one. Everyone knew who would win and by what score. They calmly bet on the exact score of the game and their bets were safely calculated as winning.

The coefficients ranged from 1.2 to 2.3. Profitable isn't it? There were a lot of tennis matches, they bet full pots and an hour later they were already withdrawing tens of thousands. Thanks to baggers, the office stopped paying winnings to honest players, at that time it was me. I was wondering why technical support is not responding, everyone’s limits are being cut, there are so many complaints. The office was covered as best they could from all sides. She has a fairly wide line and live, so the information lag could be not only in this place. Low ratings, cries from both honest and dishonest players have led to the fact that the company has ceased to be respected by many reputable portals. The problem was solved due to timing in accepting bets, that is, the time for accepting bets increased by 2-3 seconds. Since the time was changed, there was no time for the bet to be concluded.

Most players left the bookmaker. I don’t know what’s going on there now, but I’m sure that the imprint will remain with the owners forever, the bug worked for about 1 year! Just imagine how much money was circulating there.

Fixed games

If this is your first time on our blog, then remember, there are no fixed matches on the Internet and there never will be. An article has been written on this subject on our website. As for services with good forecast traffic, you can find something suitable here. There are many secrets to betting on sports, but they are difficult to find on the Internet. You need to look where no one is looking. These may be closed paid forums.

Today we will talk about betting on football. My football betting tips are very important and useful, so try to remember them and follow them when you play at the bookmaker.

  1. Fixing the rate. Use the flat rate method. That is, 5-10% (but no more) is always allocated from your initial bank for one event. This can prevent you from losing your entire pot and also allows you to bet safely without the fear of losing.
  2. Take breaks. If you often bet live, then you always need to take a break of 3-4 hours. Beginners most often experience such incidents: at first everything goes smoothly and nothing foreshadows trouble, but after a couple of losses panic begins. The player tries to “recapture” the minus big bets and thereby “drains” its entire cache. Therefore, after a series of failures, you need to give your head a rest.
  3. Study statistics. I am not a fan of studying the statistics of the upcoming match in detail. It’s enough for me to know how the home and visiting teams play, how they played the last 5-10 matches, who is experiencing a decline and who, on the contrary, is experiencing an upturn in the game. I also study personal statistics of meetings between teams. I am considering the last 3-4 matches, since matches two or three years ago do not particularly affect the result of the upcoming game.
  4. Keep statistics. It is useful to keep a record of your own achievements. I make about 5 bets a week, and at the end of the month I sum it up. This will allow you to determine your own progress.

These were football betting tips that will help you start your capping activity correctly.

Secrets of betting on football

Now I will tell you about a couple of interesting patterns in football matches, which will help you get a solid profit.

Total over 1.5 in the first half

I often use this type of bet in express bets. How it works? To begin with, I select scoring leagues such as Serie A, Ligue 1, Premier League and LaLiga. From them we begin to filter out unnecessary matches. If for a total of 2.5 they give less than 1.8, then I don’t consider them. Next, I select 3-4 events. I'm looking for the "First Half Total" section. If the total is more than 1.5, the first half is given 1.2 - 1.4, then I add it to the coupon.

Thus, 3 express matches are selected, where the overall odds will fluctuate between 1.8-2.1. I bet a fixed amount of 5% of the bank. At good selection matches, the passability of such express trains will be 70-80%.

Clear favorite in away matches

This type of bet is my favorite. There are several teams that are on my favorites list. These are Bavaria and Barcelona. The former play crazy at home, but away, as a rule, they achieve calmer victories.

The same applies to Barcelona. When these teams play with teams of a much lower class, but at the same time not with teams from the last three of the table, then I take the positive odds of outsiders. When a weaker team plays at home and is given odds of more than 15, then you need to take a +2.5 handicap. The odds for such a bet vary between 1.4 - 2. My success rate in such matches was 80%. It all depends on the skill of selecting matches.

If the underdog team is so bad that it often loses home matches by 2-3 goals, then it is better not to take such a bet.

Here are my personal football betting secrets that I reveal to you.

I would like to recommend you some good long-term football forecasts, which, when collected in an express bet, can give you a great odds.

Spanish Championship. Laliga. This season, Real started poorly and is now far from the first line, and even more so far from its best. Therefore, my prediction is Barcelona's championship.

Russian championship. FNL. Yenisei is the main favorite to enter the Russian football elite. Therefore, my vote is for the Yenisei championship.

This long-term double will allow you to win money without nerves. These were my football betting tips and predictions.