Saturn in the natal chart. Aspects of the moon and saturn in the natal chart

On March 25, Saturn will turn retrograde and will be in retrograde until August 13, 2016. Saturn is retrograde for 140 days and stationary for about 10 days. In the retrograde phase, it can stay in one degree for up to one and a half months and covers an arc of 7-8 degrees during the retro-period. Degrees of his reversals in 2016:

March 25 - 16°24′ Sagittarius (SR),

August 13 – 09°46′ Sagittarius (SD).

In retrograde motion, the planet repeats its path along the same degrees of the Zodiac, which it has already passed in its direct motion. From an esoteric point of view, this is a return to the past, turning inward, rethinking the experience gained. Saturn deals with the main programs and systemic processes in our lives. It defines the rules and norms that we follow. It's about duty, loyalty, self-discipline, endurance, boundaries, and responsibility. Responsibility towards others and towards oneself.

When it goes retrograde, it's time to rethink the basic positions in our lives. This is a kind of inventory period, and although it does not affect current affairs as clearly as the retro periods of personal planets: Mercury, Venus and Mars, it should not be underestimated. Moreover, this year the retrograde of Saturn coincides with the retrograde of Mars on April 17 - June 30. And this stretch of spring and early summer will be one of the most difficult periods of the year.

Saturn represents limitations. The Saturn roll slows things down so we can pause and reflect on what we can change and improve to move forward smoothly. Speaking of Saturn, we are not dealing with momentary matters, but with long-term guidelines. During the period of the retro phase of Saturn, we get the opportunity to abandon what weighs on us and come to terms with what needs to be taken for granted. During this period, we are given a chance to deal with our problems in the sphere of Saturn.

The transit of Saturn retrograde is not the same for everyone. IN more it is felt by those who have natal chart there are planets in degrees of retrograde Saturn, its stations (SR) and (SD) and its opposition with the Sun. This year it is 16°24′, 09°46′ and 13°03′ mutable signs: Sagittarius, Gemini, Virgo and Pisces. Connection, opposition and quadrature will be felt more strongly. Those to whom this transit will give harmonious aspects will also notice its inhibitory influence, although to a lesser extent.

If in retro Saturn does not “hang” on an aspect to some personal planet of the chart, it retrograde period does not have an important impact on personal affairs. The period of its retrograde affects more social life, in business, in the affairs of those who, for example, hold a post in a state institution. Since during this period there may be a reorganization of some department, state structure, a change in leadership, which may affect the state of affairs of employees. For those who have personal horoscope Saturn is retrograde, this is an important period of personal growth.

Retrograde Saturn in the natal chart

People with retrograde Saturn in the natal chart may experience difficulties in situations that require defining their personal boundaries. In childhood, such people may not have needed contact with an important parental figure, most often with the father, due to his absence, his passivity in the educational process, or his tyranny. Children who have this experience with their parents often have trouble learning to love and accept themselves. This can make it difficult to relate to the authority figures in their lives. They do not have their own clearly defined psychological territory, sometimes it is difficult for them to set limits in relationships and, as a result, they do not have sufficient internal stability and stability. Saturn represents the psychological core, the support of our psyche, and in a person with a retrograde Saturn, this support is labile. He has a tendency to say "yes" where he should have said "no" for a long time, he may lack stamina. Therefore, when saying “yes” to others, he should make sure that he does not say “no” to himself.

A person with retro Saturn may misunderstand what duty and responsibility are. Here, depending on the strength of Saturn in the sign and its aspects, extremes can be observed - irresponsibility or hyper-responsibility. There are also gradations between them, but I emphasize the extreme manifestations in order to outline the problems. In the first case, with a weak retro Saturn, a person is undisciplined, it is difficult for him to fit into existing norms and rules, he cannot stand external discipline, he is often irresponsible, has difficulty making commitments or fulfilling his obligations and, as a result, is unreliable. His problems pile up and he blames everyone but himself for them. In the second case, with a strong retro Saturn, often hyper-responsibility, a person takes on “his” and “them”, takes responsibility for others, because he does not feel where the boundaries of his interests end and the interests of another person begin. He allows himself to be drawn into debilitating situations, considers himself indebted to everyone and, as a result, brings himself to protracted psychological crises. This is especially noticeable in the sphere of the natal house, where Saturn retrograde is located.

Erin Sullivan, in Retrograde Planets: Exploring the Inner Landscape, writes:

“The house where Saturn retrograde is located highlights the area of ​​​​life where a person feels especially insecure, where he has a lot of interference and where he needs stimulation and encouragement to realize his creative abilities. And the sign and the house where the Sun is located shows where it will be easiest for a person to understand and manifest his Creative skills if he creates or uses means of expression that match the experience of this house. The sun is the angle through which retrograde planet can showcase his direct side by exposing what blocks creativity to sunlight."

Do not forget that astrology is very individual, as our life is unique and individual.

Here I have only outlined a possible problem.

Retro Saturn Transit Impact

During the period when transiting Saturn becomes retrograde, we return back to evaluate the projects we have begun or the commitments made, to re-evaluate our actions and internal position. For example, the transit of Saturn retrograde in the house of relationships provides an opportunity to reconsider commitments and relationships that are a source of frustration. This will allow us to define our boundaries by saying no. But the transit of Saturn retrograde in the house of relationships can also encourage us to make commitments, for example, to register relationships that have long been established and time-tested. Here you need to take into account the specific horoscope and the aspects of Saturn to the natal planets. Saturn is the karmic inspector of the Zodiac, he focuses us on the main thing, cutting off the insignificant, he leaves at our disposal only that which will give a true result - spiritual or social.

The period of Saturn retrograde is a time for internal growth, it provides an opportunity to correct and eliminate what we could not handle during the direct phase or throughout life. retrograde phase planet creates situations in which our choices are limited. Saturn governs reality, and the reality of any situation is what we are responsible for when creating it. The reactions and choices we make, together with the fears we avoid, form the basis of our existence. In the sphere of the planet that Saturn is aspecting, we can feel the problem acutely if our previous steps were frivolous or we delayed important decisions. Or, on the contrary, we can be “in a vacuum” for the period of the aspect, alone with ourselves, in order to re-aware: what prevents us from feeling integrity or simply interferes.

The more we ignore internal and external signals, the more difficult things will become. We will have the opportunity to understand our destructive attitudes in order to change the situation. In relationships, we have to define our "boundaries" and learn independence without compromising the relationship. This is the period when we can see the inner results of our previous strivings. Internal, since this is a period of latent development. IN business area we will get a preliminary result of our past actions, and we can evaluate which of what we started makes sense to continue, and if so, in what form. But this may be a long-awaited result, we can finally see the real outlines of what we have been striving for for a long time.

Saturn, as the significator of the tenth house, is related to career, reputation, our position in society. When he changes the direction of movement in transit, no matter in which house of natal it happens, we re-set priorities, determine our career preferences, revise the structure and principle of business, and define new tasks. During this period, we may be overwhelmed with responsibilities or work, trapped within our own limitations, or feel hindered in trying to achieve a goal. When it comes to "pay according to merit", it is most likely that Saturn was included in the picture of transits. Circumstances may focus our attention on home situations, relationships, careers, social status, etc., but it will always be a very real facet of life. Periodic exploration and evaluation of your material world (Saturn) is necessary for growth. We must establish where we are now and align with where we want to go. To move forward, we must build on the past and be realistic about what we can achieve.

Saturn is related to time in the broadest and most specific sense. This is Chronos, measuring minutes, periods, cycles. Saturn is the time that heals and trials that make us wiser. Slowing down is sometimes very healing for the soul and useful for deeds, especially when we take on an undertaking that we have not sufficiently prepared. The planning of any business, the maturation of any phenomenon and the development of any event takes place in time and takes time. Therefore, transits of Saturn have and positive side. During such periods, there is an opportunity to clarify issues that were previously unclear. The aspects of Saturn are associated with slowing down the action, but they contribute to the formation of such a necessary patience in life. Saturn teaches us to never lose patience - this is the last key that opens the door we need.

During periods of Saturn reversals from direct to retrograde movement(R) and from retrograde to director (D), the influence of the sign in which it is located increases. The sphere of the house of the natal chart, in which Saturn changes the direction of movement - makes a stop and a turn - requires our increased attention. This is especially noticeable when Saturn in a reversal makes a major aspect to a planet or angles of the horoscope, "pedaling" the theme of this planet for several months.

Saturn Retrograde 2016

So, Saturn will be retrograde March 25-August 13. In addition to its aspects to the natal chart, the mundane aspects of retro Saturn, its interaction with other transit planets and the phases of their mutual cycles, must also be monitored. If in transit Saturn makes an aspect that repeats the aspect of the natal chart, this period can activate the theme of the natal aspect through the sympathetic connection, even if the degrees of the transit do not match the natal ones. For example, if there is an opposition of Venus and Saturn in the natal chart, then the days near the transit opposition Venus-Saturn on June 04 may show the problems of the natal aspect.

The main aspects of Saturn during the period of retrograde March 25 - August 13, 2016

March 25 - Saturn retrograde (R) at 16°24′ Sagittarius - 08:37

March 25 - Venus square Saturn - 16:47

March 30 - Mercury trine Saturn - 03:01

April 05 - Sun trine Saturn - 16:09

April 18 - Venus trine Saturn - 14:36

May 26 - Jupiter square Saturn - 12:29

June 03 - Sun in opposition to Saturn - 06:36

June 04 - Venus in opposition to Saturn - 00:46

June 20 - Saturn square Neptune - 03:24

June 20 - Mercury in opposition to Saturn - 14:50

July 19 - Mercury trine Saturn - 06:29

August 01 - Sun trine Saturn - 17:48

August 06 - Mercury square Saturn - 13:21

August 13 - Venus square Saturn - 14:30

August 13 - Saturn direct (D) at 09 ° 46′ Sagittarius - 04:14

Time - GMT

I will not describe all aspects of retro Saturn in transit, I will write about them in monthly forecasts, but here I will touch on the most difficult and important period that you need to pay attention to.

When Saturn, like any outer planet, becomes retrograde, it begins to move into opposition with the Sun. Days near transit opposition are an important point in the Sun-Saturn cycle and one of the difficult periods of this year. On the one hand, at this time we can realize what is preventing us from moving towards the goal, where we have taken on more than we can bear, or, on the contrary, in which we have shown dishonesty, since the situations of this period can bill us for irresponsibility . This period may bring difficult situations, if there were problems with discipline, the law, immature or disrespectful attitude towards parents, partnerships or a desire to avoid obligations before. On the other hand, at this time, when we can become aware of our destructive attitudes and free ourselves from them.

May-June 2016, astrological forecast

In 2016, the opposition of the Sun and Saturn will be on June 03. This aspect is of particular importance also because the last week of May and the whole of June can be a dramatic period, since at this time the Grand Cross will form: on June 04, Saturn has another opposition, with Venus, and this opposition will be in square with Jupiter and Neptune. And in the second half of June, Mercury will take the place of Venus in the Grand Cross. On June 20, Saturn is in opposition to Mercury and square to Neptune. Do not forget that all this will be against the backdrop of retrograde Mars.

From May 22 to June 12, there may be problems in relations with superiors, with the law or people in authority. Someone who, by age or position, has the right to tell us “should” or “shouldn’t” may interfere with the implementation of our plans. There may be problems with the parents or the parents. Some important relationship, such as a failed marriage, romance or business partnership, may go through a crisis or come to an end. This is a difficult period for personal and working relationships, and an unsuccessful period for resolving issues in official instances. Carefully perform duties, observe subordination, refrain from arguing with superiors, do not enter into conflicts with government officials, this will lead to serious problems. Pay attention to older family members. This period can remind you of duties, debt, and “bill out” for past irresponsibility. At this time, you need to act only by legal methods and avoid despondency and disappointment if you have to part with something. Starting a struggle at this time, you can not achieve anything, on the contrary, now it is better to be flexible and learn to "go with the flow" in order to get out of this period with minimal losses. During this period, you need to highlight the main thing and not overwork, this is the time to lower vitality. Particular attention to health should be paid to people with problems of the cardiovascular system.

June 17-23, there is a high probability of receiving false information, misconceptions and errors will lead to incorrect conclusions. May open secret information or deceit. You need to be careful with new people.

Business and other relationships that will be tied up at the end of May and most of June will not be reliable, you can meet with non-commitment or fraud. In business, there is a high risk of miscalculations, loss-making transactions; in this regard, the whole of June is unfavorable.

The last decade of May and the whole of June is a period of social and economic instability. This period period may bring a wave of layoffs, due to economic problems. During this period, you can experience profound changes in your beliefs. What a person used to rely on, what gave a sense of security, becomes unreliable. Something important, which was a familiar picture of the world and seemed to be true about life, will come to light as false or obsolete. Most people's reaction to this is anxiety and fear of an uncertain future. contradictory emotional condition, worldview throwing and unrealistic plans make this period unsuccessful for important undertakings. Conflicts with the law and participation in criminal cases should be avoided. Do not make important decisions at this time.

Periods for introspection

I invite readers to analyze the previous periods of the retro phases of Saturn and remember what happened to you at that time. Such an analysis will be especially useful for people with retrograde Saturn in the birth chart.

Periods of Saturn retrograde in 2005-2024.

The first date - R - the beginning of the retro period, the second - D - the beginning of the direct.

11/22/2005 R - 04/04/2006 D Leo

12/06/2006 R - 04/19/2007 D Leo

12/19/2007 R - 05/02/2008 D Virgo

In astrology, Saturn in the signs of the zodiac in the natal chart shows our way of protection and self-preservation, what kind of reliability we need in life - spiritual and emotional reliability (water), material (earth), individual (fire) or social and intellectual (air), depending What element is Saturn in? Saturn in natal houses determines which area of ​​life will be the most important for a person, where a person is afraid of something and wants to build a reliable structure. Saturn is our fears.

Saturn in Aries (Saturn in 1st house)– protection own opinion with a share of irritation or aggression, his rightness, his "I" as a person. It is very important for a person to prove himself and before that he may experience fear. It can manifest itself in the form of selfishness or insecurity. Can defend itself with aggression (depending on Mars).

Saturn in Taurus (Saturn in 2nd house)- protection of material savings. A person will feel secure if he is financially secure. A person is afraid of being left without money, afraid of poverty, afraid of being in uncomfortable conditions.

Saturn in Gemini (Saturn in 3rd house)- intellectual reliability, knowledge in many areas will provide a sense of reliability. Fear of being incompetent in some area. Fear of being inappropriate to your environment, of being different from everyone else.

Saturn in Cancer (Saturn in 4th house)- protection of one's feelings and, as a result, coldness in love. Fear of being rejected, unloved. Fear for your home, fear of being without a family, of losing your roots.

Saturn in Leo (Saturn in 5th house)– you need to know that you can always express yourself however you want. A person is important for his own significance and self-realization. Fear that a person will not be able to realize himself, will not be able to show his talents. Fear that you will not be appreciated, not noticed, not recognized.

Saturn in Virgo (Saturn in the 6th house) - material security is important. Reliability in the smallest details. Fear for your health. Fear of not doing your job the best way. Fear of taking responsibility.

Saturn in Libra (Saturn in 7th house)- a person feels confident and reliable when there are faithful partners next to him. Fear of loneliness.

Saturn in Scorpio (Saturn in 8th house)– sexual reliability is also important in the sphere of deep feelings. Reliability through power. Fear of being misunderstood by expressing your feelings. Unconscious deep subconscious causeless fear.

Saturn in Sagittarius (Saturn in 9th house)- the need to choose a reliable life philosophy. sustainable outlook. Preference for a certain religion, faith, philosophy. Fear of being wrong.

Saturn in Capricorn (Saturn in 10th house)- Reliability is important in terms of higher achievements and social recognition, position. Material and financial security. The desire to be realized in a career. Fear of being unrecognised.

Saturn in Aquarius (Saturn in 11th house)- social significance is overly important. Few friends, but reliable. Important and painful lessons in life a person can learn through friends. Fear of being misunderstood in a team.

Saturn in Pisces (Saturn in 12th house)- a poorly realized fear of life, of any hardships and restrictions. Fear of appearing kind, showing compassion. Indifference to the needs of others.

Of course, you need to take into account aspects of Saturn, for example, Saturn in the 10th house in Capricorn or in Libra, if it does not affect personal planets, it will give healthy ambitions to a person and very significant career achievements!

And now let's take a closer look at the example of Saturn in Virgo and Saturn in Virgo in some houses. Taken by me from various sources and supplemented from personal experience

Saturn in Virgo- manifests itself in an attentive attitude to trifles, to any detail - in everyday life, at work, etc. Your best features are expressed in the fact that, as a rule, thanks to your patience and obedience, you perfectly adopt the experience of other people, you are very good at working yourself and seeing people who are capable of working. But you usually give too much great importance life's little things, perhaps bring yourself to nervous exhaustion and deep inner dissatisfaction. Any little thing can completely disable your system and even lead to a sense of the meaninglessness of life (depending on which house Saturn is in). You are usually completely satisfied with yourself when you do what is expected of you accurately and efficiently. With a low level of development, there may be no sense of duty, patience. A person is constantly not satisfied with what he receives - some little things, depending on the house in which Saturn is located.

Fear– A person may feel fear, and generally not take up work if he has doubts whether he can do it. If a person is passive and weak - constant complaints about work and dissatisfaction, refusal to do work, it seems that an overwhelming burden is being thrown on his shoulders. The person is afraid of responsibility. He is afraid that he will not notice something, he will miss some important trifle. Or he is afraid that he will get something he wanted, but some little things will not suit him.

Method of protection, what kind of reliability we need in life- material security is important. Reliability in the smallest details. Fear for your health. Fear of not doing your best work. Fear of taking responsibility.

Lesson– You need to learn humility, patience, learn to take responsibility. You must carefully do what is expected of you, but do not let a sense of duty and attention to detail limit your point of view.

Events. IN worst case You are dependent on debt, some kind of dependence hangs over you, you may often be dissatisfied with many things, or are in an oppressed position, and, as a rule, you pay for others. You may have a painful attitude towards work, outside of work you may feel unwanted, although there you may be oppressed and crushed. IN best case you have a very high sense of duty (look at personal planets and if Saturn is unaffected). You are pleased with a very large detail, concentration on small things. And over time, out of little things, you develop a stable, definite system of values ​​that you adhere to in your life.

Professions- Probably, you love and know how to learn, learn from experience. You may well be a good scientist or physician, real or potential. If the person was a good specialist, then he can be used as an expert on aptitude, because such a person can instantly, in almost a few minutes, see whether the subject is able to work well or not. For any little thing, he immediately collects the whole picture and sees how a person will work.

Saturn in Virgo in 1st house a person is afraid to show himself as he is. He controls and corrects his behavior in every detail, he wants to look significant and authoritative. Afraid to be funny. With a negative development, it can become angry at the world, become cruel and begin to weave intrigues. With a positive development, a serious, responsible person with a great sense of duty. A person can pay too much attention to the little things in his appearance, clothes. It is easier for such a person to limit himself in terms of bad habits. If the ascendant also falls into Virgo, then the person is a pedant, very picky about trifles, both in everyday life and in communication. He pays a lot of attention to his health.

Saturn in Virgo in 2nd house man is afraid of need. Greed, stinginess. It may seem to a person that he is constantly underpaid, that his work is not appreciated. A person may feel fear, and generally not take up work if he has doubts whether he can do it. Difficulties with the implementation of talents. A person hates deviations in work from the usual routine, does not aspire to leadership positions, prefers to work in the background, away from the eyes of his superiors.

Saturn in Virgo in the 5th house many burdensome duties associated with raising children, troubles because of them. Women have difficult births. A person is prone to a feeling of incompetence in his work, sometimes fear of showing his creative abilities. A woman may pay too much attention to her women's health, every little thing, constantly take tests, so that God forbid, something is not found. Unsuccessful romance novels, due to which a person may experience additional difficulties, a person may find himself in a depressed position. In men, coldness and pickiness to love partners. You also need to look at what aspects Saturn has, and to which houses.

Saturn in Virgo in the 6th house- everything described for Saturn in Virgo (duty, duties, patience, humility) is even more pronounced. Health problems, a person pays too much attention to his health.

Saturn in Virgo in the 7th house– you need a partner with good developed sense debt. Man is giving great attention little things in a relationship with a partner. He chooses his partner very meticulously. If Saturn is afflicted, the partner may be burdened with some duties, irresponsible, depressed, lazy.

Saturn in Virgo in the 12th house- some kind of dependence hangs over a person, perhaps he is often dissatisfied with many things, or is in an oppressed position, and, as a rule, he pays for other people. Inability to rest and relax. With additional instructions, restriction of freedom - hospital, prison, any long-term isolation.

Saturn in astrology is considered our great Teacher and tormentor! How to work out Saturn so that it is not so cruel to us?

He will torment us until we deal with his lessons with patience and humility. For a clearer understanding of Saturn in the natal chart, I want to give you one analogy from positive thinking. In an interesting and fascinating book by Alexander Sviyash on positive thinking, there is a definition of "idealization".

Here is how the author explains this concept:

“Idealize means to give excessive, excessive importance to some aspect of life that is important to you. And redundancy is manifested in the fact that you experience prolonged negative experiences when real life does not match your expectations. For example, idealization occurs when you have some ideal model in your head of how a husband (or wife), a child, an acquaintance, a boss, a subordinate, a representative of authority, etc. should behave. You know how he should behave . And he behaves a little (or not at all) like that. That is, it does not correspond to the ideal that exists in your imagination. His behavior or actions do not meet your expectations. Therefore, you become aggressive and try to get him to do what you see fit. Or you fall into sadness or despair that he is behaving incorrectly. In both cases, you do not accept this person (and through him, the whole world) as he is in reality, because he does not correspond to the ideal that exists in your mind.

It is possible to idealize not only individual people, but also situations of the surrounding world as a whole. For example, the government misbehaves and leads the country to a dead end. Politicians think only of themselves and do not care about the people. Religious extremists have gone mad and spare no life fighting for their absurd ideas. Life is unfair, many innocent people suffer in wars or disasters, and so on. You yourself can become the object of idealization - if you are dissatisfied with your appearance, abilities, habits or something else for a long time. And there are such idealizations that poison our lives so great amount. Further we will consider them in more detail.

Idealizations explicit and implicit

But before that, we propose to distinguish two types of idealizations: manifest and hidden. Manifest idealization occurs when something in this life causes your long-term irritation (or other negative feeling). It can be anything: a job, an apartment, a TV show, the government, a boss or an employee at work, a mother-in-law, a wife or husband, a child, a loved one, a car, yourself. If you have an object that causes constant irritation, then this means that you idealize this object, give it an excessive value. That is, you know how it should be. And he is not like that, so you are unhappy with him.

You can openly demonstrate your experiences, or you can carefully hide them from the people around you, it does not matter. The important thing is that you have a long internal protest and you can't do anything about it. The second form of idealization is hidden. It occurs when you do not have a constant dissatisfaction with some value. Sometimes you do not even suspect that some idea about yourself or other people is very significant for you. But if this idea is somehow violated, then an outbreak of discontent, aggressiveness will necessarily arise in your soul, or you will feel the complete meaninglessness of your existence.

For example, you may find that you cannot imagine life without your favorite job or family. Before, when you had it, you didn’t even think about how important this value is for you. But when you lost it, you fully felt how important they were for you. It turns out that you implicitly idealized them. In order to reveal hidden idealization, one can imagine life by successively removing various values ​​from it - which ones, we will consider in detail a little later.

If the absence of this value does not cause any emotional reaction, then you do not idealize it, you are not hooked on it.” If you cannot imagine life without this value (work, money, good name, family, children, sex, power, etc.), then you probably overestimate it. You may not even be aware of the presence of hidden idealization until you find yourself in a situation where an idea that is meaningful to you will be somehow violated (for example, you are used to cleanliness, and suddenly find yourself in an environment of slovenliness and dirt for a long time, which causes your lingering irritation).

You don't let the world be different

The term “redundant” means that you value your model of the world (for example, that people should only be honest, children should take care of their parents, people should not insult each other, etc.) too high and think that Life cannot to exist in a different way. You know how the world should be, and you can't imagine that it could be different.

From a religious point of view, any negative emotion is the result of the condemnation of reality, that is, sin. Therefore, by attaching excessive importance to some of our expectations or values, we create the ground for the accumulation of sins. This means that sooner or later this value must be destroyed or taken away from you so that you do not forget that only God gives and takes everything from us. And he will take away this value from you because you are dissatisfied with something in this world. But this world was created by God. It means that you are dissatisfied with him, that is, you fall into sin, and he points out your mistakes. Does not punish like slaves, servants or disobedient children. Namely, it prompts, educates, referring to you as a rational being who does not yet understand any obvious truths. And as soon as you understand his clues, his influences on you will stop immediately.

Life teaches us not to judge

So, if a person idealizes something, then he falls under the processes of a kind of spiritual education.” This upbringing works by forcibly destroying the earthly value he idealizes. Thus, Life seems to show him: “Look, your ideal has been destroyed, but nothing terrible has happened! You yourself and life around you flows as before, nothing has changed! So is it worth spending so much nerves in the fight for your illusions?

For example, if you are too passionately in love and idealize your partner, most likely he will soon leave you (or fall in love with another). And what, life will stop after that? Only for you and only for the time until you get rid of your experiences - almost all people have already gone through this, and usually more than once. If you idealize some aspects of family life, then surely your spouse (wife, children, parents) will not share exactly these views of your family life. And so on any other issue"

A. Sviyash. From the book How to clean your vessel of karma

From all of the above, it is obvious that Saturn is responsible for our idealizations in the natal chart, but only in b O on a larger scale than just idealization specific person. For example, the influence of Saturn in the 7th house - it is very important for you to have a family, a good reliable, faithful and caring husband, such that he never leaves you, does not leave you, but it doesn’t work out for you family life(you also need to look at the aspects of Saturn), just because you idealize the sphere of marriage. You attach excessive importance to this area, you are afraid that marriage will never happen in your life. And while you hold on and cling to this idea, Saturn will teach you to live alone and show that "this is how people live."

The influence of Saturn in the natal house can also manifest itself as fear, but in a slightly different way. Some area is very important for you, you want to realize yourself in it, but you are so afraid of failure that you try to pretend to others that you are completely indifferent to this area of ​​life. And even, perhaps, you are trying to convince yourself that it is better to do without achievements in this area at all than to fail there. For example, again, Saturn is in the 7th house. You can convince yourself and those around you that you absolutely do not need marriage, although in your heart you would give everything to have a faithful partner next to you. But you have an insurmountable fear that no one will marry you, fall in love with you, or you will get an unreliable partner, etc. In general, you decide for yourself that in order not to make mistakes, it is better to completely abandon your significant idealized dream.

So we all need to figure out what we idealize in order to work through our Saturn. Try to deeply realize that you can live without it! Then Saturn will weaken its influence and eventually fulfill what we wanted, but only if we sincerely decided for ourselves that, in principle, we can do without marriage, children, successful career, wealth, the appearance of a fashion model (to each substitute his own!). After all, Saturn wants us to come to terms with something and be able to endure and wait.

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The author of the article is Olga Kokorina. Full copying of the article is prohibited. When quoting, a link to the site is required

Olga-administrator >> 16.08.2017

Olesya and thank you for the informative comments!

Olesya >> 16.08.2017

Olga, thank you very much!
I thought about the patronizing manner .. An attempt to analyze myself gave rise to doubts, because on the one hand, I often feel the Aquarius Moon and Jupiter, which strongly keep me within the framework of not allowing me to “star” like a king, respecting the principles of equality and acceptance of others, where each person, but on the other hand, maybe they also give subjectivism at the expense of themselves, I don’t understand. I subscribe to your words - “if I have earned something by my own work, I don’t owe anything to anyone” - I’ll add from myself - except for close people (Moon Saturn square).
Thanks again for your time and pleasure!

Olga-administrator >> 16.08.2017

Olesya, thank you for the great review!
Selena in the natal chart I do not take into account. And what you described fits very well with the symbolism of Saturn in the second house from its positive side. In general, a lot depends on the spiritual level of a person - any planet in a sign and in a house gives great symbolism - both positive and negative. But Saturn still remains Saturn - and even in its positive manifestation, it will allow a person to realize himself in the house in which he is, but with effort, subject to patience, self-discipline, etc. And as you wrote, with Saturn in the 2nd house, a person must achieve material wealth himself, with his own labor. Moreover, in your natal chart, the Sun and Mars (male planets of the will) occupy a strong position, Leo is inherent in pride, and he does not like to depend on anyone, and the female planets in your air element (Moon and Venus) also incline you to independence. Also, in its positive manifestation, the sign of Leo gives a person generosity and the ability to share, although sometimes his help can look patronizing.
Stinginess with Saturn in the 2nd house (as well as with a pronounced earth element in the natal chart) can take place. Avarice is also one of the forms of limitation - a person does not want to share his material goods but for different reasons. Someone may be afraid of poverty, someone thinks that if I earned by my own labor, then I don’t owe anything to anyone (work hard and earn money yourself), while someone is ascetic himself and treats others the same way, etc.
I also want to add about Saturn. In those areas to which Saturn is related, a person can limit himself, i.e. in these areas, he may lack optimism, the belief that he is able to achieve very good results. Those. it is not circumstances that hinder him, but he himself, with his convictions, with his thoughts, sets limits for himself.

Olesya >> 15.08.2017

Olga-administrator >> 16.03.2017

Tatyana, thanks for the feedback!

Tatiana >> 16.03.2017

Very informative information. Attached to myself. Indeed, my Saturn in Aquarius is my fears. Thank you for the opportunity to take care of yourself!

Olga-administrator >> 17.01.2015

Alina, thanks for the comment!

Alina >> 17.01.2015

I read the article, an interesting feeling, as if I had visited a psychologist. Not so long ago I began to be interested in astrology, trying to find myself)), your article opened my eyes. Thanks a lot!

Olga-administrator >> 04.08.2012

Elena, thanks for the great review! :) I'm glad that my experience helps you understand astrology better!

Elena » 04.08.2012

Such a mess was in my head (I'm just studying astrology), but after reading your articles, everything fell into place. Many thanks to you and the "providence" that brought me to this site.

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Symbol of Saturn: Legislator. Sphere of influence: responsibility, duties. Saturn in the natal chart is associated with truth, teaching, and shows how and where you compensate for insecurity.

Traditionally, Saturn is presented as a cold, barren planet that brings limitations to all areas of life. Modern astrologers claim, however, that Saturn simply shows us our limits.

We need to learn the lessons this planet gives us and weigh our needs realistically. The position of Saturn in the natal chart can say a lot about the feeling of insecurity that we are not even aware of.

The positions of the houses show the possible sources of this feeling; the positions of the signs show how specific compensatory abilities develop.

Saturn is discipline, responsibility, limits and limits, obedience. Solid foundation. Freedom is not honored here. The position of Saturn in the natal chart is so important that it can determine a person's entire life.

For a long time Saturn was considered a very unfavorable planet. The fact that his lessons are harsh is true, but besides that, he brings stability and foundations to our lives, on life experience teaches us things that can help us grow. Saturn points us to existing restrictions and teaches us the rules of the game in this physical reality.

Astrologer Gene Avery, in Astrology and Your Past Lives, says: “Describing the position of Saturn in the natal chart, its aspects and headship in the natal chart help us get the most accurate picture of the experience. past life».

Even if you don't believe in reincarnation, there is ample evidence that Saturn gives us the key to what our soul wants to achieve in this life.

A person with a strong position of Saturn in the natal chart or good aspects of this planet has a practical, prudent outlook on life.

The unfortunate position of Saturn in the natal chart speaks of inflexibility in matters of faith, limits the development of a person, closes other possibilities for him.

Saturn in the signs of the zodiac

Saturn in Aries: Discipline develops more on one's own initiative than under the influence of other people.

Saturn in Taurus: conservatism in the management of personal resources (including time) is a source of security for a person.

Saturn in Gemini: discipline will develop predominantly in the area of ​​communication, and everything a person writes or says will be subject to careful consideration.

Saturn in Cancer: the conservatism of parents, firmly embedded in the subconscious in early childhood, will become a serious obstacle in the struggle for independence at a more mature age.

Saturn in Leo: under the influence of overbearing parents, such a person also behaves with his children authoritarian and despotic.

Saturn in Virgo: serious attitude work easily reaches the point of absurdity.

Saturn in Libra: A person with this position of Saturn has difficulty replacing traditional role patterns in relationships with new concepts of partnership.

Saturn in Scorpio: positive side Of this, sometimes very painful, aspect is the ability to prudently “keep the house in order” thanks to timely insurance, wills and other financial transactions to provide for the family.

Saturn in Sagittarius: perseverance in receiving higher education, especially when raising professional qualifications, is a distinctive feature.

Saturn in Capricorn: Saturn in his home represents, par excellence, a political strategist who can endlessly analyze the weight of the subtleties of any situation or agreement.

Saturn in Aquarius: the energy of such a person manifests itself in the form of clear criteria when choosing friends.

Saturn in Pisces: most useful application this energy is found in creative talent or in the development of social consciousness.

Retrograde Saturn in the natal chart

Retrograde Saturn, like no other and nothing else, teaches people patience and boundless respect for the outside world, helps to cut off everything secondary and superfluous.

Since even the direct Saturn in astrology is associated with various delays and delays, the backward, that is, even more inhibited phase of the planet’s movement, creates almost insurmountable obstacles in the most various fields life, forcing people to work sometimes in completely unbearable conditions, for a long time not allowing them to use the achieved results of the work done.

Therefore, everyone who has a retrograde Saturn in their personal horoscope should be guided by the motto "Patience and work will grind everything."

On the other hand, such people should trust the natural course of life more and not create additional difficulties for themselves where everything is calmly going on as usual.

The main troubles of people with retrograde Saturn, as a rule, stem from the fact that they do not have sufficiently clear ideas about the objective correspondences between their own thoughts, words and actions, on the one hand, and how others react to all this, on the one hand. another.

Blurring, and sometimes outright distortion of these ideas, leads a person with retrograde Saturn to the fact that the behavior of those around him is very disturbing and very annoying.

Such a perception of the surrounding world, in turn, leads to the fact that for many years and even decades a person makes almost the same mistakes, repeatedly stepping on the same rake.

Trying to explain the reasons that prompted them to act in this way, and not in any other way, almost all people with backward Saturn refer to the "no other way out."

Not realizing that they themselves allow serious distortions in the chain of cause-and-effect relationships, they fall into the labyrinth of illusoryness and do not realize that any exit from the illusory labyrinth is also illusory.

Without feeling moral satisfaction from the work done and without feeling the support of other people, a person with a retrograde Saturn runs the risk of becoming unnecessarily restless and even aggressive for a while, and then a deep depression falls on him.

Aspects of Saturn in the natal chart

Saturn brings organization into our lives, and its aspects, even trines, are almost always tense. They point to the need for self-discipline, to those areas of activity in which difficult lessons will have to be learned.

The aspects of Saturn in the natal chart do not make life easier, but they are useful because they stabilize the changeable energies (for example, Mercury) and endow the person with ambition and the desire to succeed.

in the child's natal chart, these aspects indicate what it will be difficult for him to cope with

Conjunctions of Saturn in the natal chart

Saturn conjunctions can restrict and stop the flow of energy between planets, or discipline and structure energies to create a primary goal towards which all efforts will be directed. Carefully study the house in which the conjunction is located to determine which area of ​​\u200b\u200blife is affected. Conjunctions of Saturn in the natal chart:

  • Saturn and Uranus

This aspect happens once every ninety-one years. In developed personalities, it implies the ability to find practical use original and unusual ideas. You are able to draw on past life experiences to enrich your creativity in this life. This conjunction can be found in the birth charts of astrologers, mathematicians and scientists.

On the other hand, however, this conjunction signifies confused thinking, occasional irascible temperament, and a fuzzy distinction between real and imaginary.

  • Saturn and Neptune

You have a prophetic gift and incredible abilities for spiritual insight. You can practice meditation or yoga, or study music or art. Your empathy extends to all living things. This is a lucky aspect, which usually means financial luck. In strong natal charts, such a conjunction often leads to fame and notoriety.

  • Saturn and Pluto

In this powerful aspect, the intense energy of Pluto is structured by Saturn. This gives concrete expression to your ambitions, for which you are ready to work long, hard and patiently. With a favorable influence, such a conjunction can lead to truly great achievements. This conjunction can be compared to John Fowles' masterpiece The Magus because it allows you to work with occult forces and do so constructively.

  • Saturn and North Node

You enjoy being in a conservative environment and following the letter of protocol. With the South Node in opposition, you have to work hard to overcome your prejudices.

  • Saturn and South Node

You are too rigid for this to be of any use to you. It's holding you back like professional activity as well as in personal matters. Get a little softer or decide what you want and go for it!

  • Saturn and Ascendant

This aspect usually means difficult childhood. It may mean that in early age you were forced to face the harsh reality and take responsibility. Or it could mean that you suffered from remorse or a lack of self-confidence in early years. Life is serious business for you. You are responsible, hardworking and conscientious in everything you do.

  • Saturn and Midheaven

You will reach great times, but only through hard work and perseverance. Recognition is likely to come after forty years. When adversely influenced, this aspect can mean a loss of power.

  • Saturn and IC

Saturn in such a conjunction usually means emotional discord with parents. You will probably have to take care of one of them later in life. You feel torn between your professional ambitions and your responsibilities to your parents and/or family.

  • Saturn and Point of Fortune

Discord between them. Saturn postpones the gifts of the Point of Fortune, but does not cancel them. You will have to work harder to get what you want.

Saturn conjunctions in the natal chart

Conjunctions of Saturn with other planets in the natal chart are considered more negative aspects than positive, given the nature of Saturn - gloomy, restrictive, ascetic. So, the conjunctions of Saturn in the natal chart:

  • Saturn Conjunction Uranus

Sad person. Maybe very cold. It looks like clear ice. Detached, feeling walled in stone walls of his debt. He will live long, he knows this without a shadow of a doubt, and the future does not seem bright to him.

He must be ready for its onset, and this leaves a certain imprint on his attitude to his plans for this life. No one can prevent him from achieving them. Capable of very unexpected moves.

It often turns out to be the one who stands alone among the ruins, being the only survivor among the next fall of the world arranged by him. Nothing is safe next to him. He wants freedom - and he will get it.

  • Saturn conjunct Neptune

This person lives with the feeling that all his life he has been trying to insert bones into a jellyfish. Everything around him is too amorphous to rely on something.

Certainty and precision are unattainable for him. He is forced to be flexible, because when he tries to be firm, he is deceived. People lie to him that they have fulfilled his orders, because they are afraid of his attitude towards those who do not fulfill their duty.

Such a conjunction of Saturn in the natal chart makes a person unable to show compassion for others, turning all of it on himself, and people pay him the same coin. Fate shows him a huge book in which all the laws are written, and gives him one paragraph to read.

And he demands that he build his life on the knowledge of this paragraph, guessing about the rest of the content of the book himself. Few people have such a worthy reason to feel sorry for themselves. But he is the only one who is really up to the challenge.

  • Saturn conjunct Pluto

He suffers from the fists of those who love him, but is too impatient to wait for what they demand of him to reach him.

Very constrained, especially in new conditions. He is ready to kill anyone who says - "it is necessary." One gets the impression that he is either too stupid or too stubborn to accept the rule that is vital for him.

Defends himself against every proposal put forward as if following it would cost him his life. It is very difficult for him to impose something, and the temptation to do it by force never leaves the people around him.

But if he learned the law - it's forever. And anyone who violates the requirement will receive from him in full. Time works for a person with such a conjunction of Saturn in the natal chart. After all, those who were stronger than him grow old. And one day, control will be his. Along with strength. Then beware those who were cruel to him.

Sextiles and Trines of Saturn

Given the nature of Saturn, these aspects to the planet are always fortunate. Saturn sextiles and trines give you the ability to structure your energy around realistic and practical goals, bring stability to your life, and often result in significant benefits. Sextiles and Trines of Saturn:

  • Sextile or Trines of Saturn and Uranus

Due to the conflicting nature of these two planets, most of their aspects cause a tug-of-war effect. This desire for power is absent in a sextile or trine. The unique ingenuity and brilliant qualities of Uranus merge with the practical expression of Saturn. You respect traditional thinking, but are not limited by it. You have a developed sense of time.

  • Sextile or Trines of Saturn and Neptune

The qualities of Neptune - dreaminess, rich imagination and spirituality - in this aspect return from heaven to earth.

You are able to put your spiritual knowledge into practice through humanitarian efforts on a small or large scale. You believe that all individuals, no matter where they are in the food chain, live to fulfill their greatest potential. Even the snake in the garden has earned its freedom.

  • Sextile or Trines of Saturn and Pluto

This aspect channels all of Pluto's energy into a positive, practical structure that you can use. Your ambitions are tempered by the inner understanding that if you want to make changes, you must first plan carefully. It is highly probable that if you stick firmly to your path, you will achieve an eminent and powerful position in life.

  • Sextiles or Trines of Saturn and the Nodes

Your efforts are rarely aimless. You find the right vehicle to put them into practice and overcome the limitations of the South Node in the process.

  • Sextiles or Trines of Saturn and Accent

You have a calm dignity that impresses everyone you meet. Even if you marry late, it will be a marriage forever. Any relationship you have is usually beneficial for far-reaching goals.

  • Sextiles or Trines of Saturn and Midheaven or IC

You achieve professional success through hard work and careful planning. Your domestic life satisfactory and orderly.

  • Sextiles or Trines of Saturn and Points of Fortune

This aspect brings status, success and luck.

Saturn in tense aspects

in the child's natal chart, these aspects indicate what it will be difficult for him to cope with. The most intense aspects of Saturn are the square and the opposition, but even in a harmonious trine, Saturn suppresses the second planet.

For example, a trine with Mercury speaks of slow, albeit productive, thinking. With Mercury square Saturn, it can be so difficult for a child to verbally formulate his thoughts that he will generally refuse this idea. Saturn teaches patience through trial and error and continues to teach his lessons again and again until they are firmly learned.

Tense aspects of Saturn with Uranus. This man's life will one day make sharp turn. It happens in old age. Everything that a person relied on will fall apart before his eyes. And what Jesus promised to his disciples will happen to him - he will have to build his life anew on the stone that he rejected at the beginning of the journey.

What seemed to him empty, what he neglected all his life, will turn out to be the cornerstone.

Maybe it will be a group of people he didn't take seriously, or one person. Or some idea he gave up because it was wild when he was young. Friendship versus career. He will have one or the other.

Tense aspects of Saturn with Neptune. This man will discover in old age that he has believed all his life in mirages.

The world will change so much that the truths that seemed to him eternal and unshakable will melt like fog. If he continues to cling to what he considered right all his life, he will lose everyone who does not agree to believe in the dead gods.

What he has built will be redundant or will go to people who are not trustworthy. His demands will be perverted by those who come to rule the world after him - and he will not be able to do anything about it.

It will seem to him that everything is plunging into chaos, there is nothing reliable around. In fact, change was happening all the time, but he refused to see it as something that shouldn't have happened. Life never meets the requirements for it. But he will notice it too late.

Tense aspects of Saturn with Pluto. This person will face an armed coup, with open resistance. He is overthrown. And what he relied on will be destroyed. The buildings erected by him will be demolished and others will eventually be built.

His demands will survive - but they will take on a completely different form. The organization that he will create will be completely reborn, and it will have only a very small part of its former composition, which will hide among the newcomers that flood it.

No matter how much he shouted that it was impossible, there would be no sense. No matter how much he claims that it would be possible to get by with less destruction, they will not listen to him.

Saturn oppositions in the natal chart

In this aspect, conflicts are to be expected with respect to tradition, authority, discipline, structure, and all that Saturn embodies. Oppositions of Saturn in the natal chart:

  • Saturn - Uranus Opposition

These two planets are in a fight. They represent completely opposite traits. Discipline and structure rebel against freedom and reform. Even if you demand complete freedom from others, you tend to be a dictator towards other people.

  • Saturn - Neptune Opposition

Your sense of reality can be seriously damaged. You need to step back from your life and take a close look at what you are doing and where you are going. Maybe you betrayed or were dishonest? Instead of using tricks and excuses in dealing with people, try to be frank. The results may surprise you.

  • Saturn - Pluto Opposition

If you're ready for the challenge personal development, this aspect will help you, but only through hard work and discipline. It will be good to study it in the light of the entire natal chart. If criminal tendencies appear somewhere else, this aspect can confirm them.

  • Saturn - North lunar node opposition (conjunction to the South lunar node)

To evolve, you need to break with tradition and convention. Try new things, strive for the unusual.

  • Saturn Ascendant Opposition

Since Saturn is in conjunction with the cusp of the seventh house, this aspect signifies stable marriage and unions. You may marry late or with someone older than you. You definitely accept your part of the overall responsibility.

  • Saturn - Midheaven opposition (conjunct IC)

You probably had a rough childhood and a tough youth. You feel a heavy responsibility to your parents and/or family that hinders your career.

  • Saturn Point of Fortune Opposition

To achieve what you want, you need to develop discipline and patience and be willing to work hard. At first glance, it hardly looks like a pot of gold. But if you follow the work ethic of Saturn, your success will surpass anything you have ever dared to imagine.

Saturn squares in the natal chart

Discipline, patience and perseverance are the cornerstones of Saturn squares. The friction created in them is not easy to overcome, but if you learn the lessons, you will get an incredible inner strength and sustainability. Squares of Saturn in the natal chart:

  • Saturn and Uranus Square

Here it is, duality! Saturn embodies discipline, while Uranus craves freedom. You are constantly faced with situations that require thoughtfulness and reflection, but the influence of Uranus breaks the restrictions. Your ingenuity and originality require restraint and discipline in order to flourish. Find balance. Control your hot temper.

  • Saturn and Neptune Square

This quadrature is characterized by a lack of ambition. It's not that you can't do what you set out to do; you just don't want to stress yourself. You may be trying to escape the ugliness of reality by turning to drugs or alcohol, or some other form of escapism. The best solution to overcome this quadrature is to find something that awakens your passions, make a plan to achieve it and act.

  • Saturn and Pluto Square

You may have a very strong lust for power. You may be involved in conspiracies, intrigues and other plots of spy novels. Perhaps you want drama; perhaps you don't know anything else. To overcome the friction of this square, you need to be extremely honest with yourself and try to change.

  • Saturn and Lunar Nodes Square

Your selfishness and outdated prejudices hold back your development. Honest self-assessment helps to overcome the obstacles of this quadrature.

  • Saturn and Ascendant Square

Others may see you as distant or even cold. This is certainly true of strangers who occasionally encroach on your time, or people who make unreasonable demands. This may also be the reason why you prefer to limit the number of your close friends. Learn to structure your time so that your life becomes more balanced.

  • Saturn and Midheaven Square

Your home life as a child was a rigid and overly restrictive discipline. As you grow up, your responsibility to your own family and parents may block or delay your career.

  • Saturn and Fortune's Point

Use Saturn's discipline to get the full benefits of your pot of gold.

Lord of Birth Saturn

In fact, this is a person by himself literally from the day of birth. Many astrologers believe that the lord of birth, Saturn, makes a person lonely. But loneliness different people perceived differently. For some it is a tragedy, for others it is a boon and an opportunity to create.

Saturn realizes the principle of deepening, concentration of forces, which through all trials lead to higher development.

On the way to achieving the goal, the lord of birth Saturn will put up many obstacles and restrict a person from the outside world to the extent that is necessary for successful work.

The most difficult to endure are material restrictions, and it will be them that will be the most. To get what others seem to be given by itself, a person with the Lord-Saturn will have to work twice as hard.

With a good Saturn, all this will give positive results. A person will learn concentration and self-discipline. Without a well-developed Saturn, no one will be able to achieve anything significant in life, as he will not have the necessary discipline and endurance to achieve results.

Therefore, with a good Saturn, all restrictions are for the benefit of man. Often this is protection - in isolation (prison, hospital) a person gets the opportunity creative work.

Ultimately, the lord of birth, Saturn, leads to a pronounced individualization, which can manifest itself in the formation of a philosopher, scientist, clergyman, monk, serious psychologist and astrologer too.

Saturn's rewards for work are always weighty, and the person who receives them is always grateful to fate for the trials, thanks to which he begins to feel strong.

Another thing is also important - under the ruler of the birth of Saturn, a person himself prefers to keep a distance from other people.

A completely different picture comes out if the lord of the birth of Saturn is evil. The life of such a person is truly unenviable. All restrictions, deprivations and difficulties turn out to be a prison.

It can be your own home, and work, and hospital bed. A person feels extremely disadvantaged, bypassed by fate, as a result, he becomes hardened, becomes cold, prudent, gloomy and very lonely. He develops internal complexes, communication and contacts with other people are extremely difficult.

It is very difficult to withstand so many blows of fate. Human life is unlikely to be long. Working through the problem of Saturn is not so easy.

If a person who got the evil Saturn - the lord of birth, did not become hardened and came to wisdom, if he realized that the one who achieved spiritual freedom is free (and Saturn never interferes with spiritual work), then many problems and restrictions will recede and, perhaps, cease to be a prison: "" limit the body, but do not limit the Spirit" - the main slogan of Saturn.

higher planets act as the Lord is not so often. In cases where this is the case, we are usually dealing with an extraordinary person, who in one sense or another (depending on the principle of the planet) goes beyond the generally accepted ideas.

Saturn's sphere of influence

Daytime, dry, cold, masculine, earthy, melancholic, angry, very harmful. Saturn's sphere of influence:

Triplitet of air during the day (Libra, Aquarius, Gemini).

Decades: Capricorn 1-10°, Taurus 21-30°, Virgo 11-20°, Libra 11-20°, Aquarius 1-10°, Gemini 21-30°.

Faces: Taurus 21-30°, Leo 1-10°, Libra 11-20°, Sagittarius 21-30°, Pisces 1-10°. Thermae: Aries 27-30°, Taurus 23-26°, Gemini 22-25°, Cancer 28-30°, Leo 1-6°, Virgo 19-24°, Libra 1-6°, Scorpio 21-25°, Sagittarius 21-25°, Capricorn 26-30°, Aquarius 1-6°, Pisces 27-30°.

The metal is lead. The taste is bitter. Years of life: from 57 to 70 years.

In the natal chart, Saturn is associated with everything heavy and gloomy. Many astrologers blame him for human troubles and misfortunes, because traditionally it is a planet of problems and difficulties. Saturn governs poisons, so poisonous lead is considered its metal.

Symbolism of Saturn

Saturn is the last planet that can be seen with the naked eye as a barely visible dot from Earth. What is beyond the orbit of Saturn is no longer our world. Thus, acting as a cosmic guardian, Saturn separates our world from everything else, separates the internal and external, personal and collective.

The planet was named after the ancient Roman god Saturn, or ancient greek god the time of Chronos. Therefore, time is considered a symbol of the planet. Time, which absorbs everything, moves inexorably forward and cannot be stopped.

The main function of the planet is structuring. Saturn strives to organize things, time and life in general, loves planning and putting things in order.

In our time, Saturn in the horoscope is poorly developed

Because in modern society all Saturnian manifestations are perceived rather negatively, then for many peoplestudy of Saturn weak.

"Atrophied" (undeveloped) Saturn manifests itself destructively, there are delays and problems in development. Manifested back side planets - chaos and uncertainty. The lead planet literally puts pressure on a person, and it is useless to argue with it.

Chronic diseases appear, a career stands still, repairs are delayed for years. A person does not leave the feeling that he does not lead his life. He feels apathy, depression and melancholy.

Saturn loves hardworking and disciplined people

However, despite this, Saturn should not be considered a great evil. If Jupiter and Venus can give you easy money, but it is also easy to take it away, then Saturn requires hard work, but the results will last for your whole life. Saturn is a great teacher, he encourages patience and work, rewards successful career, high social status and financial well-being. The planet lets you through gain valuable experience and knowledge.

How to work Saturn

Many people do not value their time, treat it lightly and waste it. The most important thing you can do to work through Saturn is to learn to value your time.

  • Plan your day and stick to the routine. When you know exactly how much time you spend on things, you can keep order in life. You will understand where and why you are moving.
  • Set goals and achieve them. Work for the result and in no case give up what you started halfway through.
  • Keep your word. Do not make empty promises, and if you promised someone something, then by all means achieve it.
  • Keep your home clean. Saturn does not tolerate disorder: scattered things, dirt, dust.
  • Buy jewelry with stones. Saturn appreciates dark, black or blue stones, for example, marion, apatite, black agate.

An excellent example of a person who was able to turn the energy of Saturn in his favor is the President of America, Benjamin Franklin. He planned his whole life to the smallest detail and achieved great success.

Study of Saturnin the natal chart is not an easy task. It requires a lot of effort, patience and time. However, when worked out, Saturn will give fireproof blessings and riches.

We work on Saturn depending on the house

I house

Here are signs that Saturn is poorly developed:

  • You are tormented by a feeling of heaviness, it is difficult for you to express yourself, solid obstacles are seen around you.
  • Wishes and dreams do not come true, everything falls out of hand, you cannot complete a single thing.
  • You are trying to escape from the gray reality into another, fictional world with the help of books or films.
  • You often depend on the opinion of more authoritative people, parents or boss.

In order for Saturn to help you align all areas of life, you need to do the following:

  • Take responsibility for your life. Don't let anyone control you, make all the decisions yourself.
  • Do not be afraid of mistakes, because any mistake is new experience and knowledge.

A well-developed Saturn will help you discover the gift and talent for managerial and administrative activities.

II house

Since the II house is responsible for finances, undeveloped Saturn will give the following problems:

  • You are having difficulty with money.
  • Earnings are given to you hard.
  • Do not wait for easy money, work conscientiously and fully invest in work.
  • Avoid waste, do not waste money, save every penny.

At elaboration of Saturnpromotes constant financial well-being. If you can get a salary of 30 thousand rubles, then you will never earn less than this level.

Saturn encourages us to value our time and not waste it.

III house

Unworked Saturn results in the following:

  • You have problems with communication and communication.
  • It is difficult for you to communicate even with relatives.
  • You feel isolated and alone in a crowd.

In order to get rid of these problems, I recommend that you:

  • Take any information seriously, filter out the negative.
  • Limit newspaper reading, avoid news that does not personally concern you.

An elaborate Saturn will give you:

  • You will be able to gain a lot of valuable experience and will have all the necessary information.
  • Relationships with family and friends will improve, conflicts and misunderstandings will go away.

4th house

Saturn occupies a difficult position in this house. Undeveloped Saturn affects the following points:

  • You may have had a troubled childhood, when you felt unworthy.
  • You have problems with your family, rejection of your relatives.

To work Saturn, you need:

  • Build your house, buy your property.
  • Separate from the family of parents as early as possible in order to stop depending on their opinion.

After working through, you will be able to become a real support for your loved ones, partners, children. Warmth, peace and complete mutual understanding will reign in your home.

5th house

With a weak study of Saturn, you get the following signals:

  • You often feel laziness, apathy, inertia.
  • Nothing pleases you, all your hobbies seem like a waste of time to you.
  • There are problems with children, their birth. Probably the birth of late children.
  • Take your hobbies seriously, make one of them your profession.
  • Carefully prepare for the birth of a child, buy all the necessary things, think over which kindergarten and school he will go to.

When working on Saturn, you will be able to:

  • Do what you love, be charged with positive and good mood from it.
  • Love your life and your family, raise children in a supportive environment.

6th house

In the event of a bad study, you:

  • You have problems with self-discipline.
  • You don't know how to manage your time and get the job done on time.

> > Saturn

It is a symbol of discipline, responsibility, all kinds of obstacles and the establishment of a clear framework. Saturn is the inexorable course of time. The personification of individual maturity, hard work, stability, for long years life. The competence of this planet includes such concepts as duty, consequences, justice, careerism, practicality, a tendency to established norms, patience. The patron of Capricorn also ruled Aquarius before Uranus was discovered.

The value of Saturn in the natal chart

Saturn symbolizes wisdom and constancy, maturity, responsibility, the pursuit of truth, perseverance on the path to success and life lessons.

On an intellectual level, Saturn is associated with straightforwardness, consistency, logic; it promotes rationality and rigor, iron discipline, deep understanding and vital wisdom.

On an emotional level, it promotes alertness, patience, self-restraint, adherence to principles.

On physical level Saturn is responsible for dryness, coolness, lack, complexity, crystallization; it is also associated with hearing, teeth, knees, rheumatism, colds, fractures, dying.

Rules over limitations, problems, and responsibilities. It symbolizes a constant time countdown, the maturity of a person, his hard work, stability and longevity. Goes hand in hand with duty, justice, practicality, conservatism, ambition and endurance. Governs Capricorn (subdued Aquarius until he passed to Uranus).

Because of consistency and wisdom, the planet is identified with mature and responsible thinking, the desire for careerism and the true vision of the picture. Accepts all the lessons sent by fate.

The intellect is ruled by logic and rationality. Thoughts are wrapped in shells of rigor, brevity, clarity and logic. Discipline subjugates everything, and responsibility does not let you go astray. Not rich in emotions, strict, stern, ascetic, cautious and patient.

At the physical level, coldness, limitation, problems, various deprivations are kept. The auditory canals, bones, hair, nails and skin, knees and cartilage may be affected. Colds, rheumatism, early aging, and injuries with fractures are possible.