Wedding traditions of the peoples of the world. Amazing traditions and customs of different peoples of the world

In cultures different nations There are traditions and customs that have been practiced by these peoples for thousands of years, but at the same time seem completely wild to representatives of other nations and religions. And what’s most interesting is that these customs, which seem to have no place in the 21st century, are still alive today.

1. Thaipusam Piercing Festival

A strange tradition: the Thaipusam piercing festival.

India, Malaysia, Singapore
During religious holiday Thaipusam Hindus demonstrate their devotion to Lord Murugan by piercing various parts of their bodies. This is mainly seen in countries where there is a significant Tamil diaspora, such as India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Mauritius, Singapore, Thailand and Myanmar.

Participant of the Thaipusam festival.

In Tamil Nadu, Tamil believers celebrate the birth of the god Murugan and his killing of the demon Surapadman. They do this by painfully piercing various parts of the body, including the tongue. Over time, these rituals became more dramatic, colorful and bloody.

2. La Tomatina

A strange tradition: La Tomatina.

La Tomatina, annual festival throwing tomatoes, takes place in the Spanish city of Buñol. Held on the last Wednesday of August, the festival involves throwing tomatoes at each other purely for fun. There are many theories regarding the origin of Tomatina.

This fun La Tomatina.

In 1945, during the parade of giants and cabezudos, young people who wanted to participate in this event organized a fight in the main square of the city - Plaza del Pueblo. There was a vegetable table nearby, so they grabbed tomatoes from it and started throwing them at the police. This is the most popular of many theories about how the Tomatina festival came to be.

3. Stinging gloves

Strange tradition: stinging gloves.

The most painful initiation ritual exists among the Satere-Mawe tribe, who live in the Amazon jungle. It is impossible to become a man here if you do not take part in this ritual. When a young boy reaches puberty, he, along with the shaman and other boys his age, collect bullet ants from the jungle. The bite of this insect is considered the most painful in the world and is often compared in sensations to a bullet hitting the body.

The collected ants are fumigated with the smoke of special herbs, which makes them fall asleep, and are placed in a woven mesh glove. When the ants wake up, they become very aggressive. Boys should put on gloves and keep them on for about ten minutes, while dancing to take their mind off the pain. In the Satere-Mawe tribe, a boy needs to endure this 20 times to prove that he is already a man.

4. Yanomami funeral ritual

Strange tradition: Yanomami funeral ritual.

Venezuela, Brazil
Funeral rituals performed for dead relatives are very important in the Yanomami tribe (Venezuela and Brazil), as the people of this tribe want to ensure eternal peace and tranquility for souls of the dead person.

Over the past 11 thousand years, the Yanomami have had almost no contact with the outside world.

When a member of the Yanomami tribe dies, his body is burned. The ashes and bones are added to plantain soup, and then the relatives of the deceased drink this soup. They believe that if they swallow the remains of a loved one, their spirit will always live inside them.

5. Teeth filing

A strange tradition: filing teeth.

One of the largest Hindu religious ceremonies has great importance in Balinese culture and symbolizes the transition from adolescence to adult life. This ritual is for both men and women and must be completed before marriage (and is sometimes included in the marriage ceremony).

This ceremony is performed by filing the teeth so that they align straight line. In the Balinese Hindu belief system, this festival helps people to free themselves from all unseen evil forces. They believe that teeth are a symbol of lust, greed, anger and jealousy, and the custom of filing teeth strengthens a person physically and spiritually.

6. Bathroom ban in Tidun

A strange tradition: a ban on the bathroom in Tidun.

Weddings in the Indonesian community of Tidun boast some truly unique traditions. According to one of the local customs, the groom is not allowed to see the bride's face until he sings a few love songs for her. The curtain separating the couple rises only after the songs have been sung to the end.

But the strangest of customs involves the bride and groom not being allowed to use the bathroom for three days and nights after the wedding. The Tidun people believe that if this custom is not followed, it is fraught with dire consequences for the marriage: divorce, infidelity or death of children in early age.

7. Famadikhana

A strange tradition: famadikhana - dancing with the dead.

Famadikhana - traditional festival, which is celebrated in both urban and rural areas of Madagascar, but is most popular among tribal communities. This is a funeral tradition known as "turning the bones." People carry the bodies of their ancestors out of family crypts, wrap them in new clothes, and then dance with the corpses around the tomb.

In Madagascar, this has become a common ritual, usually performed once every seven years. The main motive of the festival arose from the belief local residents that the dead return to God and are reborn.

8. Cutting off fingers in the Dani tribe

Strange tradition: cutting off fingers in the Dani tribe.

New Guinea
The Dani (or Ndani) tribe are indigenous peoples inhabiting the fertile lands of the Baliem Valley in West Papua New Guinea. Members of this tribe cut off fingers to show their grief at funeral ceremonies. Along with amputation, they also smear ashes and clay on their faces as a sign of sadness.

Dani cut off the fingers of their hand to express their feelings for someone they love very much. When a person from the tribe dies, his relative (most often his wife or husband) cuts off his finger and buries it along with the dead body of his husband or wife, as a symbol of love for him.

9. Baby abandonment

Strange tradition: throwing babies.

The bizarre ritual of throwing newborn babies from a 15 meter high temple and trapping them in a cloth has been practiced in India for the last 500 years. This is done by couples who have received the blessing of a child after taking a vow at the Sri Santswara Temple in the vicinity of Indy (Karnataka).

The ritual is observed by both Muslims and Hindus every year and takes place amid tight security measures. The ritual is performed in the first week of December and is believed to bring health, prosperity and good luck to the newborn. Every year, about 200 children are “dropped” from the temple while the crowd sings and dances. Most children are under two years old.

10. Mourning of Muharram

A strange tradition: the mourning of Muharram.

Iran, India, Iraq
Muharram Mourning is an important period of mourning in Shia Islam, which occurs on Muharram (the first month of the Islamic calendar). It is also called the Memory of Muharram. This event is held to commemorate the death of Imam Hussein ibn Ali, the grandson of the Prophet Hazrat Muhammad, who was killed by the forces of the second Umayyad Caliph Yazid I.

The event reaches its climax on the tenth day, known as Ashura. Some groups of Shia Muslims flog their bodies with special chains with razors and knives attached to them. This tradition is practiced by everyone age groups(in some regions even children are forced to take part). This custom is observed among the inhabitants of Iran, Bahrain, India, Lebanon, Iraq and Pakistan.

All peoples of the world have their own traditions and customs. They reflect the peculiarities of the life of the people, their habits and relationships between people. Traditions originate in ancient times, are passed down from generation to generation and are carefully observed by all members of society. Customs and traditions can be associated with the forces of nature, spirits and other issues that can somehow affect people's lives. Violation of traditions was previously considered unacceptable and was severely punished.

customs of the peoples of the world

Some countries have very unusual traditions, romantic and shocking, beautiful and extravagant.

Japan is very rich in customs

The Japanese have certain rituals and actions associated with each season. The most beautiful tradition known throughout the world is “flower viewing.” The blooming of chrysanthemums, sakura, and peaches make an indelible impression on the inhabitants of this country; they perceive the appearance of flowers as a miracle. Sakura is a symbol of the land of the rising sun; its delicate and beautiful flowers represent beauty human life. And in ancient times it was believed that the souls of dead ancestors lived in flowers. On the eve of cherry blossoms, television constantly reports in which area and on what days the first flowers are expected to appear, and the Japanese begin to prepare for this event. Companies declare a working day off. All employees go to the park to enjoy the beauty together with their employees and superiors. They sit under the trees and talk about the meaning of life, the laws of existence, love and devotion. At the same time, they drink sake and eat pieces of chicken and rice sweets. The procedure is somewhat reminiscent of our picnic, only more meaningful and spiritual. In the evening, tired but very happy, they go home. This is such a beautiful tradition.

Tourists, going on a trip to Japan, should know that under no circumstances should they break sakura branches, they should not even touch the flowers, they can only be contemplated.

An unusual tradition associated with Christmas

It exists in Finland. For Finns this is special holiday- the day when all relatives gather together. In the morning they go to church, and at lunchtime they sit down to festive table, drink hot grog and eat baked pork leg, which is poured with lingonberry jam. At the same time, they give each other gifts and say wishes. And closer to night, the whole family gets together and goes to the cemetery. On Christmas night they gather there a large number of people, they joyfully congratulate everyone on the holiday, light candles and place them on the graves of their relatives. Against the backdrop of snow-covered paths and graves, the burning lights look fabulous and mysterious. After visiting their deceased loved ones, Finns go to the sauna, where they relax and have fun until the morning.

Therefore, if you come to Finland at Christmas, which happens quite often, and you are offered to go to a cemetery, do not be surprised and refuse.

Customs associated with New Year celebrations

They are found in almost all countries. For example, in our country, as in many others, it is customary to put up a New Year’s tree in the house, decorate it with toys and leave gifts under it. We wait for the chimes to strike and only after that we congratulate everyone on the holiday and wish them a happy new year. But in Italy there is a rather unusual tradition. With the arrival of the New Year, extravagant and temperamental Italians throw out all unnecessary, old things from the windows of their homes. Many people even get rid of furniture, throwing it out onto the street. The more old things a person throws away, the more successful the coming year will be for him.

When celebrating the New Year in Italy, remember this custom and do not call the police to “calm down” your neighbors.

Customs and traditions of the Caucasus countries

This region is truly famous for them. The inhabitants of these places are masters in making homemade wine. Everyone knows how beautifully, accurately and subtly the inhabitants of the Caucasus can make toasts. A congratulatory speech can last for many minutes. But all this time, invited guests should not talk or drink from glasses - this is considered indecent and offensive. Everyone listens carefully and looks only at the person who is making the speech.

Tourists must be aware of this, otherwise there is a high risk of ending up in an awkward situation.

There are many interesting traditions worthy of attention. Many of them are common to different countries and nationalities. Some are found only in a certain area and amaze tourists with their originality. But all traditions and customs, like the culture of other peoples, must be honored and respected.

The traditions of the peoples of the world are extremely diverse. They differ both by continent and by individual country. Let's get acquainted with the most interesting of them.

Traditions of Italy

Italy stores a lot cultural values. The culture and traditions of this country are diverse. Residents of Italy love holidays and celebrate them on a grand scale. By visiting one of the holidays listed below, you will understand everything yourself.

First of all, among the traditions and customs of Italy we can highlight wedding and folk traditions, family traditions, New Year and culinary traditions of this European state.

Wedding traditions of Italy. In this state, you can get married in any month of the year, not counting May. It is forbidden to have a wedding on fasting days. The most optimal time to register marriages in Italy is autumn. Better days weeks are weekends. It is not recommended to get married on days such as Friday or Tuesday.

Folk traditions of Italy. Ceramics, glass and wickerwork in Italy are unique in their own way. Italy is also famous for its leather production.

Family traditions of Italy. Men in Italy are very gallant. They always carry photos of their beloved wife and children with them. Family always comes first here. When it’s time for lunch, it’s always a family gathering.

New Year's traditions in Italy. The New Year tradition in Italy is, of course, a festive table filled with a variety of dishes. Traditionally, in Italy, at exactly 0:00, dishes are broken in order to release all the negative energy accumulated over the year.

Korean traditions

The established traditions and customs of Korea are determined according to the traditional structure of Confucianism. Confucianism occupies a leading position in the country. Age and position in society are of great importance here - the younger ones listen to all the advice of the elders, and the authorities of ordinary citizens are people from high social strata.

Residents South Korea, before making friends, they try to find out as much as possible about them (marital status, age and of course, status).

Koreans are not emotional and when they meet, they simply shake each other's hands. They eat on the floor, so when visiting a house in this country, be sure to take off your shoes.

Traditions of France

Customs and traditions in France are diverse. France is a center of culture and art. Famous people confirm this French artists, writers and poets - Picasso, Honore Balzac, etc. This state has very beautiful architecture.

The most interesting customs are considered wedding. According to tradition, on the wedding day, the bride should cry and try to escape from under the aisle.

Culinary traditions of France

Cheese and wine made France famous. French cuisine is the most popular. Residents of this state are very particular about table setting and etiquette.

Christmas and Easter are the most important holidays, and the most favorite among residents is New Year.

Traditions of China

China is a country of etiquette and ceremony. There are many philosophical schools in the country. The most famous holiday is the Spring Festival and New Year. The tea tradition in China is the most popular. Here residents hold daily family tea parties. Most unusual tradition Hanging a castle on the Great Wall of China on your wedding day is considered.

Traditions of Great Britain

The British are very proud of the fact that they are different from other nations in the world. Even today they adhere to such customs as driving on the left or playing cricket, as well as measuring distance not in kilometers, but in miles. The British are a cool-blooded people, sociable with good feeling humor.By lunchtime, residents change into different clothes. Holidays, traditions and customs in Great Britain are strictly adhered to by all residents.The traditions and customs of the British include numerous festivals, boat races, and the most grandiose and solemn holiday of the country is the Queen's Birthday.At Christmas in the UK, people decorate their homes.The musical traditions of this state are multifaceted and original. Shown at festivals different types arts: theatrical, dramatic, choral art.The British honor wedding, royal and tea traditions and customs.

Traditions of Germany

Germany is a country of literature, music and philosophy.

Wedding traditions in this country are in some ways similar to the traditions of other European countries, but in some ways they are completely different from them. It is considered a good tradition for newlyweds to plant a tree or bush together. Weddings mostly take place on Saturdays or Fridays. Myrtle branches are present at the ceremony. What applies to family traditions that here most German men try to equip their homes with their own hands and pass on their skills to their children.If parents work, then a nanny sits with the children, and not one of the relatives. Mostly children, leave early Father's house, and after that they extremely rarely return there to stay. Elderly parents move into nursing homes.Germans love potatoes and meat. Beer is considered the national drink of Germany. The beer here is of the highest quality at a very affordable price.Easter, Christmas, etc. are celebrated in this state.

Traditions of Malaysia

Malaysia is a multi-ethnic country, but the largest part of the population is still Malays who worship Allah and speak Bahasa. The culture of this state is very diverse. The signature dish of Malaysian cooks is meat kebabs seasoned with spicy peanut sauce.

Holidays in Malaysia are a special event for residents. Every year, a large number of Hindu, Malay as well as Christian festivals are celebrated on a grand scale in Malaysia.

Traditions of Mexico

Mexico is a stunning country with a large number of unique historical monuments. Mexico has a large number of talented people, especially artists. Currently, in the country you can see wall and rock paintings, writings that, so to speak, business card states.There are many temples, ceremonial centers, pyramids, etc. here.

Celebrations in Mexico are loved, as is dancing at festivals that are accompanied by colorful fireworks.

Customs and traditions of the Caucasian peoples

The Caucasus is the homeland of many nationalities. Each of them adheres to family, wedding and culinary traditions. In the Caucasus, men are the authority. In this country they honor older generation. The people of the Caucasus are very hospitable. Guests here are respected, protected and provided with shelter, etc.Residents rural areas most zealously observe wedding ceremonies and traditions. The bride and groom celebrate this event in different houses. In this state, such a tradition is called “wedding concealment.”

The cuisine of the Caucasus is represented by Azerbaijani, Georgian, Kazakh and Armenian. The most popular dishes are pilaf, shish kebab, lula kebab, baklava, kutaba and sherbet, etc.

South American traditions

Portuguese conquerors brought their religion, architecture, customs and language to this part of the world. The traditions of South America are primarily a fusion of Portuguese, Indian and African elements. Weaving of household utensils - rugs, hammocks and bedding - is very developed here. In everyday life - earthenware. The traditions of the peoples of this continent include rituals. Myths and legends became widespread. Holidays and carnivals are considered favorite entertainment.The locals are quite musical. Popular types sports are basketball, rafting and football.

In general, all the traditions of the mainland population are similar in all countries.

If you are somehow affected by the information provided, go to the country you like and experience all the traditions and customs for yourself. It's very exciting and interesting!

In Denmark, a flag hung in a window indicates that someone is celebrating a birthday in that house.

In Thailand, on the Song Kran holiday, it is customary to pour water on passers-by, this is considered to wish good luck. Also in Thailand, where most of the population professes Buddhism, the human head is considered the sacred repository of the soul and touching it is considered a serious offense.

Men from some Eskimo tribes line up to greet a stranger. After which the first of them steps forward and gives the stranger a good slap on the top of the head, and expects a similar response from the stranger. The slapping and hitting continue until either party falls to the ground. Natives South America They greet each other by spitting on each other. And among some African peoples, sticking out the tongue is a sign of greeting.

In Korea, to show that the feast turned out well and that everything is very tasty, you need to slurp as loudly as possible.

For many centuries, among the peoples of Northern Kamchatka it was understood that if a guest enters into sexual contact with the host’s wife, he thereby does him great honor. The mistress of the house made every effort to make the guest want to share her bed. And it was considered special luck for this house if a woman became pregnant from this relationship. The birth of a child was celebrated by the entire village.

Unique funeral custom has existed for two thousand years in the interior of the island of Luzon in the Philippines. The deceased are buried in logs they have hollowed out themselves, and then taken to caves high in the mountains. In some caves there are up to several hundred unique coffins.

You and I eat with a spoon and fork, people. East Asia They often use chopsticks for this, Eskimos use a knife, and the Central Asian dish besh-barmak is called so because they eat it “besh” with five fingers, “barmak” with fingers.

Enter Christian Church wearing a headdress means committing sacrilege. Anyone who enters a synagogue or mosque with his head uncovered also blasphemes.

In some places in the East, women still hide their faces and bodies under ridiculous, shapeless clothes. Many Africans still believe that a short apron is the height of what they can afford to wear to the detriment of ancient customs, prescribing complete nudity.

To relax in the middle of the day, we sit on a chair. A Tajik or Uzbek will prefer to sit on the carpet with his legs crossed in Turkish style. Zulu will think that his European and Central Asian friends simply do not know how to relax and are completely devoid of imagination. There are so many ways to sit! Moreover, they are their own, special, among Zulu men and women. And representatives of one of the North Australian tribes most of all like to relax in a position that is surprisingly uncomfortable, in our opinion. They stand on one leg, resting the foot of the other leg on their knee.

When greeting a European, he extends his hand, a Japanese curtsies, and a Kamba in Kenya spits at the person he meets as a sign of high respect. A Maasai man solemnly spits upon meeting, then wets it own hand saliva and only after that allows himself to shake hands with a friend. Mangbett in northern Congo are greeted in a very European way, by the hand, but at the same time they politely crack the knuckles of their middle fingers.

If you are not tired of the enumeration, you can continue it. In Tanganyika, to say hello, they kneel on one knee, take a handful of earth and sprinkle it crosswise on their chest and arms. On the Zambezi, under similar circumstances, they clap their hands and curtsy, and when meeting a white person, it is considered necessary to also shuffle one’s foot: why not? European XVIII century?

Greeting a friend, a Chinese asks: “Have you eaten?”, an Iranian wishes: “Be cheerful!”, a Zulu says: “I see you”...

It turns out that kissing is by no means as common as even those who know that wild chimpanzees are excellent kissers might assume. So, since ancient times, the Chinese rubbed their noses instead, and the Eskimos did the same. The ancient Egyptians kissed from time immemorial, and the ancient Greeks, according to Herodotus, adopted this fascinating activity relatively late.

IN African tribe Maasai people greet each other by jumping. The higher you jump, the more respect you will show.

The natives of the Maori tribe from New Zealand rub their noses against each other when they meet, this is a greeting. By smell they distinguish fellow tribesmen from strangers.

IN Latin America At every meeting and acquaintance, hugs and kisses are accepted.

It is better to greet the Japanese with a bow in the same way as he bows to you. Nowadays, modern Japanese are no longer surprised by the outstretched hand of a foreigner.

In China there is one ancient tradition– avoid the number four. Because "four" sounds the same as "die". If you need to get to the fourth floor, you simply won’t find it, even if the house is five floors.

In the East, guests are traditionally treated to tea. The bowl is not poured full, but little by little. A guest who stays too long will be poured a full bowl, which will mean “Drink and leave.”

If you are invited to visit in Greece, do not praise the decoration of the house, because old tradition everything that the guest liked, the hospitable host should give him.

In Spain they have breakfast at 14:00 and lunch at 22:00. At the table they try to avoid topics such as personal life, bullfighting and the period of Franco's reign.

In Malaysia, men are greeted with a bow, and married women It is forbidden to hold hands.

Although for many years politicians and sociologists have been talking about inevitable globalization and the unity of cultures and civilizations, the states of the globe still retain their bright individuality, originality and historical flavor. The customs of the peoples of the world are an integral part of this individuality, because in every country people look at the same phenomena through the prism own culture. A traveler will certainly benefit from basic knowledge about the peculiarities of life abroad.


  • Canadians adhere strict rules formal politeness even when we're talking about about minor mistakes. If you step on someone's foot or push another person, you should immediately apologize briefly. Although such behavior is expected in Russia, in Canada even the “victim” apologizes. Therefore, if you accidentally step on your foot, do not neglect the polite formula of “I beg your pardon” - this will show that you are an intelligent person who does not want to cause trouble to others (for example, standing in someone else’s way and “forcing” others to push you aside).
  • Smoking is prohibited in in public places, including restaurants. Smoking at a party is allowed only if the owner has given express permission.
  • Many customs of the peoples of the world dictate specific rules of behavior when meeting. In Quebec, for example, shaking a woman's hand (even if it's another woman doing so) means establishing a certain distance and showing that you are in a purely formal relationship. As a sign of friendliness, you should hug each other when you meet and lightly kiss each other on both cheeks.
  • In Canada, you must take off your shoes when visiting someone else's home.
  • If you are offered coffee late at night at a party, it means that the hosts expect you to go home soon.


  • When talking to another person, it is advisable to look him in the eye - otherwise you will be considered secretive and unworthy of trust. This rule stands in stark contrast to most other countries, where eye contact is considered rude.
  • Modern customs of the peoples of the world dictate respect for service personnel. So, in an American restaurant you should always tip the waiter - if you don’t, your guests will feel extremely uncomfortable. Waiters' salaries in to a greater extent consists of tips, so your guests will also feel awkward if you leave too little money on the table. Traditionally, visitors leave waiters 15 percent of the order amount; 10 percent is considered a complaint for poor service, and 20 percent is considered a reward for satisfactory or excellent service. Tipping over 20 percent is considered ostentatious generosity, but the waiter will no doubt be pleased.
  • It's not just restaurants that need to be tipped - extra money is given to taxi drivers, hairdressers and stylists, food delivery couriers, and random handymen (even if you hired the neighbor's teenagers to mow your lawn). So, for pizza delivery they pay from two to five dollars, regardless of the order amount.
  • National - countries with the greatest diversity of cultures and peoples - provide due respect to all categories of the population. When meeting a new person, you should not ask him about marital status or availability romantic relationships, as well as about his political views. It is impolite to ask a woman her age or weight.
  • Most traditions in America are based on the principle of mutual respect. You cannot violate a person’s personal space, that is, be closer to him than at a distance arm's length. Exceptions to the rule are being in a crowd or crush, as well as friendly relations.
  • If you are invited to visit, take a bottle of wine with you. You can also buy a cake or other sweets, but in this case it is advisable to find out in advance whether the owners prepared the special dessert themselves.


  • If you are interested in European customs, you can take a closer look at the traditions of Italy. An interesting fact: in this country it is not customary to take off coats and other outer clothing immediately upon entering a room. You need to wait for a special invitation or ask if you can leave your raincoat or jacket.
  • You should not put hats on the bed, as there is an ominous superstition on this topic.
  • When visiting stores, you should always greet the sellers, even if you just came to look at the product and do not intend to talk to the consultants.
  • It is not advisable to ask for a check immediately after finishing dinner at a restaurant. Better spend a couple of minutes relaxing and enjoying the atmosphere and a cup of cappuccino.
  • Men shouldn't wear socks white in public, because, according to popular belief, only “mama’s boys” do this.
  • It is not recommended to bite bread with your teeth. It is customary for Italians to tear off small pieces with their hands and place them on them. butter or pate, served in special segments in a separate dish, and in this form immediately put into the mouth. Knives and other cutlery should not be used. Such specific traditions of Italy originate in the Middle Ages, when peasants exhausted by hunger, having barely received bread for food from their masters, devoured it right on the spot, stuffing their cheeks. The noble, intelligent townspeople were always well-fed, and therefore appropriate calm behavior was expected from them.


  • Unlike the customs of many European countries, Spain's traditions are largely based on the supremacy of local culture. Arguments about whose country and which language is better should always be avoided, especially when comparing Spanish with English. Residents of this state speak English relatively poorly and often require tourists to know their language. If you do not speak Spanish, it is better to try to communicate with gestures - local townspeople will perceive such communication more favorably than the persistent use of English expressions.
  • Some traditional themes It's better not to discuss it at all. These include fighting bulls (toro), religion, fascism and nationalism. Regarding the latter, even the Spaniards themselves still cannot come to an agreement.
  • Always try to appear calm and casual. You can talk loudly, make emotional gestures, joke with owners and use forms of physical contact without any embarrassment.
  • It is customary to say hello to all your neighbors, even if you don’t know them.
  • When greeting, men shake hands, and women expect kisses on both cheeks.
  • Many Spanish traditions are associated with active sports. So, for example, even practically stranger can invite you to watch together Soccer game. If you receive such an invitation, do not under any circumstances criticize the team that the host of the house supports.


  • Ireland is a very distinctive state, in which even Christian holidays are observed in their own way - such as Easter and Palm Sunday. The customs of this country, however, partly reflect the practices adopted in Great Britain (although Ireland is a sovereign republic). However, you should not publicly attribute this state to the United Kingdom - the indigenous people will instantly be offended, since only part of Great Britain remains. Avoid conversations on topics related to the country's sovereignty.
  • In bars and pubs, do not speak to the bartender until he has served the customer who arrived before you.
  • If you have a guest, you should definitely offer him coffee or tea.
  • It is not recommended to ask other people about their income and business success. Colleagues are not asked about their salaries. In some companies, such questions are officially prohibited.
  • If people celebrate Easter or Palm Sunday, it is better to observe customs and religious rituals from the outside. Under no circumstances ask people what religion they adhere to - Catholicism or Protestantism.

Arab countries

  • It is customary to perform personal hygiene rituals on the left hand - that is why it is considered dirty. Shaking hands with the left hand is considered an insult. It is also accepted to eat only the right one.
  • You should not expose the soles of your feet or touch anyone with your booted foot.
  • In Iraq the gesture " thumb up" is taken as a serious insult.
  • Customs of the peoples of the world living in Arab countries ah, they dictate honor and respect for elders. This means standing up as soon as elders enter the room and greeting them first if they are already in the room.
  • In most Arab countries, holding hands while walking is a sign of politeness and a symbol friendly relations. Unlike Western states, here such a gesture does not carry any hints of romance.
  • If a person puts all five fingers of his hand together and points upward with his fingertips, this means that he needs to think for five minutes. This sign should not be confused with a fist and threatening gestures.
  • Greetings from the peoples of Africa are always associated with a demonstration of sincerity of emotions. In Morocco, for example, after shaking hands, the right hand is placed on the heart. It is impossible to shake hands (for example, if acquaintances are separated by a highway), it is enough to simply put your right hand to your heart.
  • Strangers you meet for the first time may invite you to lunch or dinner at their home. If such an invitation bothers you, do not refuse - refusal will be considered rude. Instead, ask to postpone the visit until an unspecified time in the near future.
  • The traditions of the peoples of Arab countries require abundant food, so do not be surprised if you are offered food endlessly, over and over again. You can constantly refuse, but the main thing is not to mistake the owner’s insistence for tactlessness. It is better to eat little by little and take a little from the dishes offered in the first rounds, and only then refuse with a clear conscience.

China and Taiwan

  • Eastern culture is very original and diverse, so you should not mention in a conversation with Asians that for you the Chinese, Koreans, Thais and Japanese are “all the same.” It's just rude.
  • You only need to eat right hand.
  • Avoid using the American "thumbs up" gesture - here it is considered indecent.
  • If you were invited to visit, and the hosts prepared lunch or dinner themselves, they will certainly report that there is something wrong with the food - for example, that it is too salty. The answer to this remark is that all the dishes are excellent and not at all oversalted.
  • Interesting traditions are associated with holidays. If you are given a gift, refuse it. It is customary for the Chinese to offer gifts several times. They should not be opened in the presence of the donor.
  • Can't give married men hats. The Chinese expression "wearing a green hat" means that a wife is cheating on her husband. Such a gift will be regarded as an insult to the spouses.
  • You should also not give another person a watch - an ancient superstition that people adhere to even in modern world, says: such a donor counts down the moments until the death of the recipient. You should also not give umbrellas (a sign of separation) or white flowers (a ritual symbol of funerals) as gifts.
  • Traditions suggest that others will look after you when you are visiting. Therefore, you, in turn, will have to pour drinks into your neighbors’ glasses.
  • Pregnant women should not attend funerals - this is a sign that promises misfortune.


  • Eastern culture differs from Western culture in the priority of modesty over external beauties. Both men and women in India wear covered clothing. Shorts are highly undesirable for both sexes; Women should not wear bikinis, short skirts or dresses with bare shoulders. One should also avoid wearing simple white dresses and saris, as these clothes are considered a symbol of widow's mourning.
  • In most Indian homes, it is customary to remove shoes in the hallway. Although hosts may be sympathetic to the lack of knowledge of foreign guests, it is better to ask in advance whether it is possible to enter the house without taking off your shoes.
  • Unusual ones are associated with spiritual beliefs. If you accidentally touched another person with your feet or stepped on objects of veneration (coins, bills, books, paper, etc.), you will be expected to apologize. A common form of apology in in this case- This is touching a person or object with your right hand, which you then need to place on your forehead.
  • While you are a guest in an Indian house, you will be offered food several times - you can safely refuse if you are already full.

The strangest national customs

  • In Greece, it is customary to throw a child's lost baby tooth onto the roof - according to a widespread superstition, this action brings good luck.
  • One of the peoples of Iran has a calendar consisting of nineteen months, each of which has only nineteen days.
  • In Sweden, inside the bride's elegant shoes wedding ceremony put gold and silver coins.
  • In a traditional wedding in Norway, the bride wears a silver crown from which dangles long amulets designed to ward off evil spirits.

For the New Year

  • In Brazil, a bowl of lentil soup is a must on New Year's Day, as lentils are considered a symbol of prosperity.
  • Traditional life and customs of Latvia at Christmas necessarily involve the preparation of stewed brown beans with pork and cabbage sauce.
  • In the Netherlands, Santa Claus has a helper named Black Pete.
  • In Austria, Krampus Night is celebrated on December 5th. This event is dedicated to Santa's evil twin brother.