International Academy of the human self-development system "Press Lam". A fragment of Oleg Lamykin’s book “The School of Lazy People or Health Gymnastics, Bench Press for Internal Organs.

The International Academy of the Human Self-Development System "Press Lam" was organized in 1995 (accredited for state level in 2016).

Author of the System of human self-development "Zhim Lam" and President of the International Academy - Ph.D., famous physician-healer, professor Lamykin Oleg Dmitrievich— set as his goal to adapt the ancient knowledge preserved among the healers of Tibet to the modern way of life. He is a direct student of the chain of Masters, and received this knowledge directly from them.

As a result, combining this knowledge with modern medicine, O.D. Lamykin created a simple but very effective method of healing the soul and body, which was called “Press Lam”, which in abbreviated translation means: "I thank the bright Teachers for their knowledge and patience".

The "Press Lam" system has been taught for more than 10 years in Health Clubs in different cities of Russia and has given the best results in improving the physical health and mental state of all participants age groups who have undergone training. It can be called a 21st century system, since it combines ancient knowledge and modern scientific experience.

The Lam Press system includes:

  • special healing gymnastics for internal organs;
  • practice of using cleansing techniques;
  • body rejuvenation system;
  • the practice of self-healing with the help of bioplasma and psychoenergetic techniques;
  • the practice of psychological and energetic self-defense;
  • techniques for revealing one's creative potential and the ability to create positive events in your life.

The entire System is specially adapted for use in modern life, therefore simple and very effective. For the creation and implementation of this System O.D. Lamykin was awarded the title “Best Healer of Russia” and awarded the gold medal “For Merit in Natural Medicine.”

“Press Lam” is an alternative path that gives quick and practical results allowing you to restore and increase your health, fill yourself with healing energy and become the master of your life.

In the process of mastering the technique, you will discover ancient knowledge that has been passed on from teacher to student for thousands of years. You will feel how your body is filled with miraculous energy, and your soul is healed, freed from accumulated experiences. Living in harmony with ourselves and the world around us, good health, positivity and wisdom - this is the result of training in the “Zhim-Lam” system.

Directions of work of the International Academy "Press Lam"


  • "Healing gymnastics for the internal organs of the Lam Press system. The first level of mastering the "Copper Gate".

    Description of the ancient method of restoration and development of the human body, practical mastery of a set of exercises, selection of an individual program for cleansing the body, nutrition system.

  • "Psychological and energetic self-defense and creation of a strong nervous system."

    Training in methods of psychological and energetic self-defense. Methods of energetic and psychological attack and protection against them. Creating a strong nervous system. Transforming stress energy into positive energy. Building positive relationships at home and at work.

  • "Psychological and energetic self-defense and creation of a strong nervous system." Part 2: Practice of protecting family, home and children. How can we protect our loved ones when they are not with us? How can you create a real place of Power from your home, where you will quickly restore your strength?
  • Training for women. "The creative power of women."

    During the training, women learn to find within themselves the source of Feminine Power, which can work wonders in creating a happy destiny, harmonious relationships with their chosen one, as well as the world around them and themselves...

  • Seminar for women "How to find your man and get married" Maximum practical recommendations on finding your other half, building and protecting relationships with your loved one.
  • "Creating a destiny of 100 percent success and abundance."

    Formation of facts of success, positive planning of your own destiny, creation of necessary events in life leading to a 100 percent successful result of your every action.

  • Practical seminar "Reading a person like an open book."

    An indispensable training for everyone: from invisible signs you can learn much more about a person than he wants to tell you about himself. You will learn methods of positive interaction with others, get the opportunity to achieve your goals through communication, learn to determine a person’s health status by face or photograph. You can read and identify the hidden motives of another person’s actions by their face and figure.

  • "Light source". Healing the organs of vision.

    Gaining knowledge and mastering practical techniques that will allow a person to independently restore vision and the condition of the organs of the visual system to normal.

  • Practical seminar: "Iron bridges". Healing the musculoskeletal system.

    Gaining knowledge and mastering practices that allow a person to quickly restore the organs of the musculoskeletal system, including joint and bone structures, and body systems associated with it. Prevent musculoskeletal diseases, develop strength and health indicators.

  • "Youth elixir".

    Rejuvenation of the body, regulation of the activity of the endocrine glands, cleansing of organs at the cellular level, the deepest degree of rejuvenation (1st stage).

  • "Emperor Yang"

    Based on the materials of the ancient tract of Chinese emperors "Wang, taking possession of a thousand concubines." Creating your own Infinite masculine power and mastering the mastery of managing Yang - the energy and process of sexual influence.

  • "Crystal of Power"

    Construction of the parameters of Destiny and the course of the Leader.

  • "Basics of motherhood and fatherhood in New Age"Preparing mother and father, conception, gestation, childbirth, education from 0 to 12 years.
  • Healing with bioplasma: how to use your biofield for treatment. Using the energy of your own aura to protect and heal the body. Boosting immunity, healing wounds, cleansing the body of any disease and much more...
  • Practical seminar "Iron bridges. Healing the musculoskeletal system and creating strong character"Obtaining knowledge and mastering practices that allow a person to independently quickly restore organs of the musculoskeletal system (MSA), including joint and bone structures, and body systems associated with it.

The duration of the training is 4 days, 3.5 hours each. All trainings are conducted by the author of the system, Oleg Dmitrievich Lamykin.

Video courses:

  • Video seminar on the "Press Lam" system: Full course“How to create 100 percent health yourself at any age.” Section "Independent healing of internal organs without pills and operations." 18 hours of video.

    A unique video seminar offering a system for complete restoration of health and rejuvenation without drugs using the hidden capabilities of your body.

  • Video seminar on the "Press Lam" system: "Psychological and energetic self-defense and creation of a strong nervous system." 12 hours of video.

    The most sought-after and popular seminar at the Jim Lam Academy is now available in video format. You will learn how, in modern life, to always remain cheerful, calm, not experience stress and fatigue, and protect against negative impact your loved ones.

  • New courses coming soon...

Annual on-site master classes with Oleg Lamykinmy and the Zhim Lam team. Venues: the Black Sea coast, Crimea, Bulgaria, Sochi, Elbrus region, Sri Lanka... or many other places that await us!

Regular classes of health-improving gymnastics groups using the “Press Lam” system

Health-improving gymnastics according to the Lam Press system is a unique and highly effective method of strengthening internal organs, harmonizing a person, achieving unity of body, mind and spirit. The effectiveness of Zhim Lam training methods has been tested for thousands of years by many generations of Buddhist monks, warriors, and professional healers. Practical use gymnastics, the Lam Press allows you to radically correct any functional disorders that have arisen in the human body as a result of any disease.

During the training, in addition to the basic component of the Lam Press, Tibetan practices of strengthening the physical and energy bodies are mastered.

Copied from the site ""

What disease is spreading more and more rapidly, despite advances in medicine?

And one more question: “What body disorders appear in 30% of the world’s people, appearing in almost everyone after 50 years?”

The answer is diseases of the joints, ligaments and bones. What in medicine is called the musculoskeletal system.

Lifestyle modern man led to statistics delivering a harsh verdict:

after 55 years, radiological signs of degenerative and inflammatory changes in the joints and spine are detected in almost 100% of those examined.

Is this inevitable? Let's try to figure it out: hWhat is the musculoskeletal system? And what role does it play in a person’s life?

Everyone has heard the phrase: “Life is movement.”

This is a well-known statement, and it has been supported by all experts for more than two thousand years.

Then it turns out: “What kind of movement is such life!”

Movement is equal to Life itself!

That's how important it is! And Nature specially created in every person a system of organs for all possible types of movement - this

musculoskeletal system.

It includes more than two hundred bones, joints, ligaments, and muscles. Everything is very complex and surprisingly intelligently arranged. If the human body is imagined without this apparatus, then there remains 5 meters of intestines and 30 or more liters of various fluids. But it's not just bones, joints and muscles that shape our appearance.

Listen to the expressions: “good health, “solid character”, “get to the marrow of the bones”, “reliable support”, “hard-headed”, etc. All the qualities that we feel as manifestations of strength are associated precisely with the skeletal system. Why? Yes, because the organs of the musculoskeletal system are our reliable foundation and perform many tasks in our body:

- this is support and movement in space,

- accumulation and preservation of substances necessary for life (calcium, phosphorus, etc.)

- production of blood, in particular red blood cells (erythrocytes),

- production and storage of stem cells that replace lost cells of any organ,

- protection of vital organs (heart, lungs, etc.) and brain (brain, spinal column, bones),

- participation in strengthening the immune system and energy processes,

- participation in metabolic processes with other organs,

- ensuring the existence of red and yellow bone marrow,

- formation of posture,

- and the creation of a person’s appearance.

There are so many functions, and each one is absolutely necessary!

How do you cooperate with this most important system of our body?

What do you know about your condition?

Are your organs of support and movement healthy?

To get an answer to this question, let's conduct an experiment: interview your loved ones and find out if they have any problems with the musculoskeletal system. The result will be unexpected for you.

It turns out that almost all of us have osteochondrosis of the spine in the neck, lower back or chest. Many people have regular headaches and numbness in their arms or legs, scoliosis (curvature) of the spine (especially in children), joint pain and osteoporosis in older people or herniated discs.

And there’s nothing to say about such “simple” problems as cracking and swelling of joints, lack of mobility - almost everyone has, or had... or appear over time.

And there are also bones that everyone can see - teeth. Few people have gone through their lives without a visit to the dentist. Tooth decay is part of the process of destruction of all bones. A tooth, like any bone, is destroyed from the inside.

What is happening to us?

The human musculoskeletal system begins to become the last of all body systems to become ill, when internal destructive processes have already “gone far.” Bones and joints fight to the last, because they need to be a support and move our body even in the most difficult situations!

Even the most harmless problem of joints and bones indicates deep and chronic disturbances in vital processes in the body.

It is not without reason that in all eastern health systems, such as yoga, qigong, etc., special attention is paid to joint gymnastics. But even this powerful system cannot withstand the damage that we ourselves inflict on it in the form of:

- lack of mobility,

- permanent sitting,

- crooked posture,

- incorrect load,

- malnutrition and insufficient water intake,

- lack of oxygen,

- bad environment, stress

- and injuries...

And, of course, our ignorance of the rules for maintaining the health of the musculoskeletal system also produces negative results. Nowadays, these problems arise, unfortunately, already from youth.

Doctors say with alarm that many “age-related” diseases are now much “younger”.

The main danger is that these withering processes are almost invisible and painless in appearance. After all, there are very few nerve fibers in bones and cartilage. They start to hurt when they are literally falling apart.

But processes go on, regardless of whether we feel them or not. Osteoporosis - destruction of bone tissue from the inside, decreased height of intervertebral joints, polyarthritis of the fingers, coxarthrosis - destruction of the hip joint - all these problems manifest themselves unexpectedly, since there is no pain, and only diagnostics can show destruction or weakening.

Currently, there are many medications that offer us temporary relief from symptoms. They, of course, will not provide the proper load for the treatment and nutrition of bones and joints. Rather, they will temporarily ease the situation and make us dependent on pills.

Western medicine does not offer other methods of treatment (without surgery). It is believed that diseases of the musculoskeletal system are practically incurable - these are bones...

And still!

We will show and tell you that the human body has an almost inexhaustible supply of strength for self-healing.

We will help you learn how to use this reserve to create health and youth.

By practicing targeted training of your body, a person rightfully becomes the master of his own health and appearance. He himself determines how old he looks and how he feels.

Elastic gait, slim posture, body flexibility, fresh, youthful appearance- all this external signs mastering internal processes.

We bring to your attention a unique technique -

"Healinggymnastics for the musculoskeletal system "Iron Bridges"

This is an ancient Eastern method of self-development and self-healing, created by the legendary Teacher Bodhidharma in the 6th century AD. It is preserved among mountain healers central Asia and has been transmitted through the chain of discipleship for almost 15 centuries. The effectiveness of this training system is evidenced by the fact that the Teacher himself lived for about 160 years. He was always so strong that foot and horse soldiers armed to the teeth trembled before him.

Nowadays it is very difficult to find such a specialist in this healing technique. Oleg Dmitrievich Lamykin is one of them.

He learned this healing technique from his Mentor in the Pamir Mountains and adapted it to modern conditions city ​​life.

Here's what Oleg Lamykin himself says: "His long duration people's lives Central Asia owe not only to the special climate of the foothills, but also to ancient methods of preserving health, which are kept secret and have not yet been revealed to Europeans.”.

The uniqueness of the “Iron Bridges” technique is not only in its amazing healing effect, but also in the ability to directly influence one’s personality, to literally “grow” the desired character traits.

This guarantees the preservation of the healing effect, because many health problems arise as a result of negative mental states.

Until today, only our listeners could get acquainted with the Iron Bridges complex at in-person seminars or Master classes by Oleg Lamykin, but now you have the opportunity to learn it from anywhere in the world.

Present to your attentionvideo seminar

Complex "Iron Bridges": healthy joints and strong bones at any age without drugs or surgeries.

Complex "Iron Bridges" is ideal for residents of both large and small cities and has a lot of advantages:
  • simplicity : You won’t need a lot of space to do the exercises, and you won’t have to memorize complex forms;
  • versatility : thanks to adjustable loads, exercises can be performed by people of any age and size;
  • multi-level : You heal not only joints, bones, ligaments, but also strengthen nervous system and start the rejuvenation process thanks to the energetic aspect of exercise.
  • ease of assessment. It is very important to see clear results of the lessons. This is surprising, but the result is visible already from the first lesson.

The “Iron Bridges” technique has several levels of mastery and includes a number of unique psycho physical exercise-forms that allow a person at any age to get stunning results without medical intervention:

1. Healing of all components of the MUSTOCULAR SYSTEM (MOD) - bones, joints, ligaments. (Diseases: flat feet, scoliosis, sciatica, osteoporosis, cones and spurs on the feet, arthritis, herniated discs, numbness of the extremities, osteochondrosis of all parts of the spine, etc.)

2. Significant strengthening of external and especially internal muscles without building up excess muscle mass.

3. Healing and strengthening of internal organs: gastrointestinal tract, heart and blood vessels, respiratory system, genitourinary system, etc.

4. Creating correct posture and a beautiful figure at any age.

5. Transforming and managing your personality: “cultivation” positive traits character and erasing negative ones.

6. Overcoming all types of envy, anger, resentment and other unwanted emotional and behavioral states.

7. Significant and rapid increase in general immune status, and restoration of local immunity,

8. Restoration of the functions of the endocrine glands.

9. Temperature and kinetic hardening of the whole body, cleansing of internal organs, joints, bones, blood.

10. Restoration of red bone marrow and the function of producing red blood cells (hemoglobin) and stem cells.

11. Technology of hardening joints and developing energy channels in the arms and legs.

12. Deep rejuvenation of all body systems at the level of bone marrow and cells.

From participant reviews:

The seminar dedicated to the musculoskeletal system opens up a new perspective in understanding one’s own body as an integral system - this most complex device given to us by the Almighty. The explanation of the structure of bones and joints, the mechanism of action of each element of the musculoskeletal system and their interaction with each other leads to admiration.
The seminar is not just a practical exercise in gymnastics; at the seminar, Oleg Dmitrievich examines the causes of problems associated with the musculoskeletal system. Covered psychological problems, which over time can manifest themselves on a physical level, in the form of illnesses and poor health.
And, of course, at the seminar Oleg Dmitrievich gives a lot of advice related to the restoration of the musculoskeletal system, various methods of getting rid of the problem of ailments are discussed. This is a very necessary and important seminar for each of us. With love and gratitude!

Elkina Irina

Thanks to this system of healing the body, you can get rid of and forget forever about diseases such as:

  • flat feet,
  • scoliosis,
  • osteoporosis,
  • chondrosis,
  • arthritis,
  • radiculitis
  • herniated intervertebral disc joints
  • cold and numb limbs, etc.

Oleg Dmitrievich Lamykin is the author of the “Zhim Lam” system of human health improvement and self-development and the President of the “Zhim Lam” International Academy. By profession, he is a neuropathologist, candidate of medical sciences, also has specializations in reflexology, manualology, nutrition and natural methods of treatment, and is the author of more than a dozen inventions and discoveries. Oleg Lamykin is famous doctor and a healer.

For the creation and implementation of the "Press Lam" system by the All-Russian Professional Medical Association of Traditional Specialists traditional medicine and healers Lamykin O.D. awarded the title “Best Healer of Russia” and awarded the gold medal “For Merit in Natural Medicine”.

Certificate "Best Healer in Russia - 2004" Certificate "Best Healer in Russia - 2005"

Medal "For Merit in Natural Medicine" Doctor's degree in General Medicine

Diploma in Neurology

The effectiveness of the "Press Lam" system is recognized at the state level.

The State Control Authorities in the field of healthcare studied our system and, by the Decision of the Academic Council, the specialized board decided:

In accordance with the powers of the Russian Professional Medical Association of Traditional and Traditional Medicine (RANM),
- based on the availability of knowledge and skills necessary to carry out teaching and instructor activities,
- as well as the availability of specialized professional medical training,
- and extensive experience of successful practical activities,

assign the status and State accreditation in the direction of Oleg Lamykin’s author’s methods


(RANM is a partner of the federal service for supervision in the field of healthcare and is vested with the powers of state control in this area of ​​services).

Using his example, Oleg Dmitrievich sometimes demonstrates the results of what can be achieved by practicing the “Iron Bridges” method. He does this to show his students what level anyone can achieve with regular practice.

But the best evidence of the effectiveness of the technique is the results of our listeners. Here is the story of Oleg Dmitrievich’s student from Bulgaria, Marina Ivanova, where she tells how she was able to restore full mobility of her arms and get rid of osteochondrosis, thanks to “Iron Bridges” (events took place in 2013).

9 months ago I went to the seaside, where Oleg Dmitrievich’s Master Class was held, and at the same time got a job there. This job I took was very hard. I worked as a maid in a three-story hotel. Unfortunately, there was no elevator and I had to carry everything by hand, working seven days a week for 8 hours a day... My weight is 50 kg.

Even after the first week, my hands started to hurt a lot, but I told myself that I would be strong and that I had to endure it somehow. And so, despite the terrible pain and the fact that I almost couldn’t sleep from the pain, I worked until the end of the month, endured the training at the Master Class and returned home very tired, but happy!

Well, I thought that now my hands would rest and everything would pass!...If only it were that simple! The terrible pain became even more terrible, my hands became completely numb and swollen... and I could no longer feel anything with my fingers... I dropped everything, I couldn’t even hold a fork, every movement was torture for me. The left hand was better, but the right... seemed to be dead...

At that moment I realized that I had no arms... You see, I lost my arms... You know, when a person is doing well and is healthy, he doesn’t even think... what will happen if you lose your arms or legs.. .I’ll tell you, a person becomes completely helpless, dependent, useless...

The situation became worse and worse, and from severe pain I continued to not sleep! But I didn’t lose heart, I told myself that I would fight and still heal my hands! I found a good kinesiotherapist and started treatment!

2 weeks passed and I only worked on my hands, but there was no effect. The left hand has improved a little, but the right... 5 sessions have passed with this man and he said that this hand will remain so, because it does not react at all... It is dead... He said that I had completely destroyed the nerve endings and blood vessels and as if I had cut the nerves with an ax... But I didn’t despair again! I decided to try everything that Oleg Dmitrievich taught me! I thought, well, my hands don’t work, but my head works... still...

But if that was all... no... My hands began to improve, but my general condition worsened sharply. My whole body hurt, all my bones, my back, my neck and, most importantly, I had no strength. At first I didn't give up, but one night I woke up from a phone heart seemed to stop, I was sweating, and then my heart started beating so hard that I thought it would burst. The poor thing stopped again and then again beat like a bell in my chest... and I couldn’t breathe... as if someone had fastened a belt on my stomach and throat, and I couldn’t breathe in air! I thought I was dying... No, I wasn’t scared, I’m not afraid of death, it was just very painful! I tried to get up, but only fell to the ground.

Then I fell asleep, but when I woke up the next morning, I didn’t have a bit of strength... I felt very, very bad, but I decided not to give up... I got up, even got dressed, but took 3-4 steps and suffocated again. Then I realized that the situation was serious... At the same time, my teeth began to decay and hurt terribly. It was as if they were destroying me piece by piece... But that’s not all... Since I gave all my money for treatment of my hands and teeth, after the first month of my return I was left completely without money. Of course, in this state I couldn’t work... I didn’t have money to treat my heart, buy vitamins or medicine, and I couldn’t go to the doctor...

It was so hard for me... I was thinking how to continue... I can’t do anything, I’m a complete corpse, I’m all alone... I can’t do the Lam press exercises, I can’t lead a health group, I can’t work, I can’t draw ...everything, everything, everything collapsed, everything bright, beautiful, everything I love suddenly disappeared... I just lay there and looked at the ceiling...

And then I thought: “Yes, I can’t do anything like I did everything before, I need to forget it and start all over again, as if I was born now!!!” I thought, what can I do lying down...? I remembered some breathing exercises and started doing it. Then I finally found the strength to get up and decided to make a pillar of light. I held out for 3-4 seconds, my arms couldn’t stand it any longer, but I felt like a winner! Then I decided to do squats... I did it 2 times and choked, but still it was 2 times, not 0 times... after all, I did something... Then I did the “Cobra” and “Bull” shapes, though there are no hands involved... So I worked out for 5-6 minutes and was so pleased, as if I had conquered Everest!!! It was truly a victory!!! Yes, small, but still a victory!!!

I did the Lam Press every day, all forms for a few seconds and increased the time every day. I did a little of everything and didn’t overload myself. Of course it wasn't easy, I was like Small child who takes his first steps!

But I already had a goal to return everything I had lost and I knew that I would achieve it!

I returned to nature, started looking at the sun, went to the river again, walked barefoot on the ground for a long time... and began to recover!

After 2 months I returned to my group! And despite the fact that I could barely withstand the training, since I was still completely beyond my strength, I was the most happy man in the world! And when I saw light, love, gratitude and joy in the eyes of all the people from the group, I forgot all my problems!!! I am very grateful to them, and also very grateful to Marina, who replaced me and taught classes while I was recovering and thanks to her efforts my the group did not break up!

Well, in 7 months I recovered 70% and for me it was big success!!!

And a month ago, Oleg Dmitrievich came to Bulgaria to present his new book, and I went to congratulate him and thank him for everything he did for me!!! We talked and I explained to him that I still couldn’t get back into shape, my hands were still weak, and after exercise they still went numb...

And I couldn’t make Iron Bridges at all! Then he told me that problems with my hands come from the spine, from the neck, and that this is osteochondrosis! Well, I know that this is a serious disease, the destruction of cartilage, and then the bones of the spine... and in medicine it is considered incurable!

But Oleg Dmitrievich explained to me how to treat it and, strangely enough, I was so calm, I wasn’t even a little worried and didn’t despair! I started treatment right away and have been doing everything he recommended for a month now! Compresses with honey especially help me, and I feel better and better, my hands have become stronger, more resilient to stress and feel much better!

And I started making Iron Bridges! First for real simple level, for a few seconds, and now a month later, I have already switched to the usual level of load, and for me this is such happiness that even you cannot imagine! Yes, in medicine osteochondrosis can incurable disease, but I also knowI am quite sure that over time I will be completely healthy! Because I do Lam Press, Iron Bridges, and other exercises every day that my teacher, Oleg Dmitrievich, taught me!

Dear people, I ask you, practice Lam Press, do Iron Bridges and practice everything that Oleg Dmitrievich teaches you. And, of course, what you like, because all this is priceless and all this will help you even in the most hopeless situation, and you will be healthy and happy, and you will always have joy in your soul! It helps me, which means it will help you too!

Marina Ivanova

And Marina was able to completely restore the use of her hands! In gratitude to Oleg Dmitrievich, she even recorded a video in which she showed that she already knows how to do a full-fledged complex:

Video seminar: Complex "Iron Bridges": healthy joints and strong bones at any age without drugs or surgeries.

The cost of the video seminar is 3900 rubles.

4. How to get a paid video seminar?

5. Can this video seminar be given as a gift?

Yes, of course, regarding the registration of a gift, please contact us at e-mail mail@site.

6. Who will benefit from this video seminar?

This video seminar is absolutely universal. The proposed methods provide a strong healing effect for people of any age and gender. A video seminar is especially relevant for those who are unable to attend an in-person seminar, as well as for those who want to always have recordings on hand that allow them to watch the video again and again to improve their results.

7. Can I buy several copies at once?

Yes, you will be able to purchase an unlimited number of copies.

8. How can I purchase a video seminar if I do not live in Russia?

Our online store accepts cards from almost all banks. If your payment could not be processed, contact us by mail@site or by phone +7 499 992-78-02, and we will definitely resolve your issue.

9. What kind of computer is needed to watch the video seminar?

Any computer with the operating system windows 7, windows 8, windows 10 or vista is sufficient (viewing on a Mac is also possible, but before ordering, contact us on this issue via mail@site). The android operating system will not be able to play this video seminar.

Treats_from_Snow White

"Press Lam" - a system that heals the soul and body!

Wednesday, October 21, 2010 01:56 (link)

In order not to think about the meaning of life, your purpose and stay on planet Earth, you need to take a meaningful approach to your goals and aspirations. To begin with, eliminate negative thoughts and understand that the most important thing is inner harmony and peace, joy and positive thinking. The autumn blues sometimes intensify our depressive states, trying to either throw us onto the shores of despair, or onto the rocks of hopelessness! But if you decide to change your attitude towards the world around you, to be filled with the energy of joy that reveals your potential, I recommend the unique “Press Lam” system, created by the famous doctor and healer Oleg Dmitrievich Lamykin. The "Press Lam" system will help heal your body and soul, improve your psycho-emotional positions, improve the functioning of your internal organs and fill you with an energetic flow of thoughts, actions, and deeds aimed at goodness, creativity, and an integral path of self-development!

In fact, it rejuvenates the body, because a healthy mind lives in a healthy body. This technique is aimed at harmonizing the mind, thoughts, emotions and helps a person focus on the main and necessary problems of existence. Lamykin O.D. - President of the International Academy - was deservedly awarded the gold medal "For Merit in Natural Medicine", and also has the amazing title - "Best Healer of Russia"! Possessing the ancient knowledge he received from the healers of Tibet, Lamykin adapts it to the pace and layout of modern human life for a more subtle perception and effectiveness of the system.

Thousands of thanks from people healed from painful psychological fears and disorders - this best score effectiveness of the "Press Lam" system! Working since 1995, the healer has helped people find themselves and cleanse themselves of unnecessary debris in their soul and body!

I will be very glad if possible more people learn about the wonderful “Press Lam” system and take the chance to change your life for the better! Energy lives in us, let's help it enter the channel of a purposeful path forward!

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The prospects for such an existence are predictable and disappointing. A person degrades or resigns himself to all the missteps and mistakes along the way. It’s pathetic and painful to look at wise people hanging at the abyss of despair or humility, reasoning one-sidedly and trying to justify themselves with phrases like “life is boring,” “I’m tired of living,” “I have no meaning.” Instead of exploring the vast expanse of our destiny, seeing the positive, harmoniously weaving it into the fabric of life, we whine, get angry, and withdraw into ourselves. And life is not a stop, it is an eternal movement, the road forward, knowing yourself, people, doing good deeds, receiving bright emotions, an inspiring spring of strength and will!

To help people who have problems and consider themselves inferior sections of society, I recommend telling them about the International Academy of the Human Self-Development System “Zhim Lam”. Everyone who has mastered the system, the author of which is the famous healer Oleg Dmitrievich Lamykin, has improved their mental background and physical health, and learned to live in harmony with themselves. These are people of different age categories, people who have lured themselves into the trap of despondency and a negative perception of life and escaped from it thanks to “Zhim Lam”.

By signing up for trainings at Zhim Lam, you will discover a different world and learn not to destroy yourself and your aura, direct your life towards self-development, and become a part of nature - harmoniously and naturally. Professor Lamykin, the author of the “Press Lam” system, is a student of the unbroken chain of Mentors and possesses the power of knowledge aimed at harmonizing a person’s personality and developing his spirituality. Secret knowledge received from the healers of Tibet and combined with the overtones of modern life is embodied in the Zhim Lam system.

The system is very effective. For its creation, Lamykin O.D. was awarded the title “Best Healer of Russia” and awarded a gold medal “For Merit in Natural Medicine.” “Press Lam” is based on healing gymnastics for all internal organs. This rejuvenates and heals the body. The use of psychoenergetic techniques reveals the creative potential of each person individually. Life is filled with positive events and energy! If you are interested in the International Academy of the human self-development system “Press Lam” and you want to fill your life with healthy thinking, restore your health, learn to manage your energy, I invite you to enroll in health groups and feel the power of healing in practice! On the website you can read about the topics of the seminars - there are many of them and each is aimed at an internal search for your capabilities.

Tags: harmony There are several geographical points on Earth where systems for the self-development of the human spirit have been created and existed since ancient times. We know about these places: these are primarily Tibet, India and some places Latin America. Naturally, teachings of a similar nature also existed in other countries and nationalities, and perhaps even still exist. But even less is known about them than, for example, about Indian yogic or Tibetan practices.

What do we know about Tibetan systems for the development of the human spirit and body? First of all, they are very effective and have been studied very little. But a person who has the willpower to complete all the stages of initiation gains complete power over his own body: he can control all the functions of the organs and consciousness. He can only by the power of intention bring everything he has planned into reality. First of all, he begins to understand the meaning of his existence - and this, believe me, is a lot.

But earlier, in order to master Tibetan techniques of self-development, it was necessary to go to Tibet, so that in the solitude of a monastery, in the mountains, as they say, first-hand, sip from a bottomless source of knowledge...

But life does not stand still. And people appeared who set out to generalize all Tibetan self-development techniques, combining them with the advanced achievements of medical science. This is how the Moscow International Academy of the human self-development system “Zhim Lam” (which translated from Tibetan means “I thank the bright Teachers for knowledge and patience”) appeared, which was headed by a famous doctor-healer, professor Lamykin Oleg Dmitrievich.

He set himself the goal of studying in detail all the ancient Tibetan healing practices and adapting them to our modern Slavic reality. After all, no matter how wonderful Tibetan self-development techniques may be, the difference in mentality often prevents you from fully mastering all the techniques. This, by the way, was strongly manifested when mastering different degrees of yoga, as they say, “what is good for a Hindu is death for a Slav”...

Today, the Zhim Lam Academy of Self-Development is a series of trainings that teach people to live in peace with themselves and with the world around them. The system is simple, effective and accessible to almost everyone.

This is a complex consisting of healing gymnastics for internal organs, the practice of cleansing and rejuvenating the body and various psychoenergetic techniques, which include psychological and energetic self-defense, techniques for unlocking your creative potential, discovering your ability to form positive abilities in life and much more.

The Academy is located in Moscow. So all my Muscovite readers have the opportunity to sign up for trainings and significantly improve their quality of life and solve many of their internal problems.

But the Zhim Lam Academy of Self-Development also conducts on-site trainings. I read that at the beginning of October a master class “Ayu-Dag” was held in Crimea with Oleg Dmitrievich Lamykin, in November seminars are expected in Yekaterinburg, then in Kazan and even in Bulgaria and Thailand.

Having mastered the system of classes proposed in this book, you will be able to independently get rid of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system, genitourinary system, and respiratory system.

Read, practice and get started new life without diseases and problems!


My dear!

So you and I met on the pages of a new book. Today I am proud to introduce you to Oleg Lamykin, who wrote this work.

When I'm asked to introduce someone, I'm always at a loss. I can talk about Oleg for a very, very long time. About all his regalia, about the respect he enjoys among his fellow doctors, about the facts from his biography...

But all this will resemble the editorial of the Soviet years.

I would not like to present Oleg in this way. His book will tell you what kind of person he is. And you, dear readers, you will feel for yourself how much love was put into it and how much the author wanted this work to benefit you.

But, nevertheless, I understand that someone will be interested in learning more specific things. Therefore, a small sketch about the author is still attached!

Oleg is a hereditary doctor, a real Healer, always looking for new ways to treat various ailments, constantly collecting recipes for traditional medicine. He can propose and practically apply at least five treatment methods for almost every disease.

He mastered a dozen medical specialties - from nutritionist to psychotherapist. He has contributed to the science and practice of treatment in each of these areas, and is a recognized specialist in the health-improving gymnastics of Qi Gong.

This is Oleg's first creation. Now he is finishing work on others, no less interesting books. In each of his works he has something to tell, because he is a practitioner and has himself gone through everything he writes about.

By the way, Oleg draws illustrations for his works himself.

Read between the lines.

Once you understand the essence, you can easily apply this knowledge to improve other aspects of your life.

The laws of the Universe are the same everywhere!

Although the book is called “The School of Lazy People,” I assure you that real lazy people will not study it. Your humble servant has been studying for many years human characters and behavior, so I can say with one hundred percent certainty that only 30 percent of people take care of themselves. Only 30 percent!

And only they turn to themselves Hard time. The rest are responsible for their own own life and health is placed on someone’s neck.

So today let’s talk a little about laziness. And not only physical, but also intellectual.

What happens if you stop caring for a garden where beautiful roses grow? After some time, the roses will wither and weeds will grow instead.

If you don’t weed them, then very soon there will be no trace left of their former beauty, but the unnecessary grass will feel like “the mistress of the situation” and will grow wildly.

When we are lazy and do not work on ourselves, letting everything take its course, our character becomes as ugly and prickly as an abandoned garden.

Nettle, wormwood and quinoa; pride, lack of will and aggression - these are the flowers that begin to bloom in the garden of our consciousness!

Most people go with the flow. They are completely unfamiliar with themselves!

Try a simple experiment for one day.

Monitor your thoughts, words and actions, trying to answer at least the following questions:

Why do I want to do this?

Why do I want to say this?

Why do I want to do this?

Where do I get this opinion from?

Where do I get this emotion from?

Where do I get this feeling?

Are you sure that this is exactly YOUR opinion about someone? Or was it imposed on you from the outside? Why do you want to clean up someone's face? Perhaps the reason for your anger is just tight shoes?

You don’t notice it - you’ve long been accustomed to the fact that your legs hurt, but you look at your interlocutor with hatred. You have no idea why you don’t like him, but you are ready to prove to everyone around you that this person is a complete bastard!

My darlings! Restore sober observation of yourself, self-analysis. When you know where the root of your weaknesses lies, you stop being a slave to them!

Weakness comes from not knowing oneself. Because you follow your worst character traits, your laziness.

Laziness and unwillingness to take care of yourself sometimes lead to disastrous results.

What is laziness? Laziness is a common death! Which, unfortunately, is in each of us.

Please compare those who are over 70-80 and those who have reached old age in their heads much earlier than the specified age due to their own laziness. You will see that they exhibit very similar specific behaviors!

How do they look at you? With deep contempt for stupid words! “What do you understand?! I tell you about my problems, and instead of sympathizing with me, you force me to do something?!”

Have you noticed that they don't respond to calls to action? They like the person who leans over them with a grimace of compassion on his face: “Oh-oh-oh! You look even worse today! Your problem is THE big one! Wider, deeper and smellier... HOW I sympathize with you!”

And these patients look at such interlocutors with such gratitude!

When the children are already on their feet, when you think that you no longer need to give birth, some natural mechanisms immediately come into play. Laziness gradually begins to grow and increase in size. This is completely reflected in our interests, behavior, and thinking. This is reflected in our body.

The body begins to prepare for care after the age of 24. From this moment on, death little by little begins to protect you from everything that can cling to you in this world.

Gradually the interest in studying goes away, the interest in clothes goes away, the interest in beauty, work, travel goes away... It goes away, goes away, goes away...

And in return, suspiciousness, indifference and resentment for the whole appear. the world.

Until the age of 24, a person constantly rushes forward, he is easy-going, and for him there is practically nothing impossible.

After this age, activity gradually begins to subside - imperceptibly, in small steps.

To prolong your activity and clarity in your brain, I would recommend that you definitely exercise. Necessarily!

Or dancing, or recreational gymnastics - whichever you like best! As long as your body is in good shape. Then every morning you will jump out of bed like a flea!

Dear men! Your sexuality and family well-being are one and the same! Interest in opposite sex- activity on other fronts is also decreasing. Please take this into account! And, by the way, cold douches increase sexuality!

Now let's get back to our laziness!

Laziness cannot exist without constant nourishment, without your attention. And therefore he resorts to all the tricks so as not to miss his betrothed, that is, you!

Every day, every minute, every second she stands on the side of the road in a defiant pose and with a languid voice lures unwary travelers:

Would you like to relax? Good for the body... Pleasure guaranteed!

And you joyfully rush into her arms, forgetting about everything. But what can you get from such a vacation? Lots of “venereal pleasures,” don’t you agree?

My task is to show you those sides of your character and behavior that can dig a hole for any of your endeavors.

So what are we going to do? Let's get to know our weak sides! Little by little, every day, defeat the disastrous part of your character. That part that does not allow you to move forward and that turns any of your dreams into empty space.

If we begin to work with our character, the world around us begins to change. The fact that you are the most efficient, the most successful and the best in everything - all this must be imposed on yourself! When you realize your strength, you will feel that laziness is not your thing.

Our enormous enemy is conditioned reflex. When we act in a certain way every day, a reinforced concrete wall of our habits gradually grows - and most often harmful ones.

And now we need to break through this wall with our foreheads. But this must be done with the deepest love!

Where will we get the strength from? Where can we get support?

Our spirit, our will will help us.

And the will, by the way, is strengthened by small victories. You want Great Victory? Straightaway? You just wished - to the chapids - to the chapids - and then a palace appeared in front of you?! This only happens in fairy tales!

And in life everything begins with one single small brick. Moreover, construction can sometimes be long and tedious.

Sometimes - and very often! - we complain: “Why did I just start building this house?.. I was sitting quietly in the old place!..”

But when everything is ready, what self-esteem you feel! “Well done! Others live in such shacks, but I was able to build THIS house!”

Lay a brick in the walls of your palace every day. Every brick is overcoming reluctance. Every brick is a small victory over laziness.

But only, my dears, just an agreement!

If you do nothing, our entire conversation with you will go down the drain. You sit with a smart face, read a few pages, and that’s it - back to the starting point.

And who will lose? You will lose. I will lose.

Who will win? Your laziness. Your problems.

Well, that's not fair!

But is laziness really that bad? Not at all! Moreover, we need it, we really need it!

Poison in small quantities can become medicine. In large quantities, it is guaranteed to kill. Where it is too cold, practically nothing grows. Where the sun burns all the time, there is again little vegetation.

Sleep takes time, but sleep also gives strength. Laziness also takes time, but it also gives strength. She has enormous, strongest, most powerful medicinal properties. In small quantities this is an irreplaceable medicine!

If we all have laziness, it means that a person needs it! Without it, we will simply die!

How to make friends with laziness?

There is a way!

Let's consider just one point. I am one hundred percent sure that many of you do not have a designated “lazy” time! But laziness is also alive, it also wants love and affection.

Most easy way- distinguish between working and “lazy” time. Set aside strictly specific days for the service of laziness (for example, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday...).

Work and rest should be separated from each other. If you have a desire to be lazy in work time, immediately grab your laziness by the lapels of your jacket and escort it out the door of your consciousness.

I often ask ladies:

What do you do on your day off?

They chorus:

Sti-i-irka, ugly-o-orka!

“You are my fools,” I tell them in response. - You should do laundry on the hardest day - Monday, when everything is bad anyway! And dedicate the weekend to yourself, your beloved!

Distinguishing between work and rest is a special art. Not everyone can master it right away. But over time, you will definitely develop a reflex.

I repeat once again:

something that is constantly repeated becomes a habit.

With all my heart I wish you to find a true friend in your laziness! Now let me invite you to the Book!

See you!

Sincerely yours Mirzakarim Norbekov


Worst friend or best enemy?

Cinderella married the prince and began to live in the palace. And above her bed she hung a portrait of her evil stepmother with the inscription:

“This woman taught me everything.”

This is how the mother-in-law ended her evening story for her grandchildren, knowing that her daughter-in-law could hear everything from the kitchen.

Fig.1. She also had her own trainer

Now imagine your worst enemy.

Describe his portrait? Okay I will try.

He is born before us and haunts us every minute until our last breath. It forces you to give up what you need to do, waste time and money, takes away your health and strength, and deprives you of the support of your family and friends!

It is impossible to hide from it; immunity to it is not developed. It has long struck the entire population of our planet!


But let's not be afraid and boldly look into his eyes. Who is this Barmaley?

This, comrades, LAZINESS! Oh, so you also know her, and for more than one year?

Then remember how many losses you suffered due to her machinations, and calculate the total colossal damage. You could now be a slender, handsome man, perform feats, play musical instruments, paint pictures, speak several foreign languages!

How many missed opportunities, and life itself has already turned into torture! After all, every time you have to strain!

As one psychic friend of mine said: “Laziness cannot be treated energetically.”

Yes, we must, we must fight such an enemy, but I really don’t want to... Because we are Lazy people!

What is this, brothers? Are we really going to die like this to the quiet, annoying song: “Less movements, more peace”?! I think you know the words of this collective work; some of you have already started singing along.

Together we solemnly end the last verse with the words: “Long live eternal peace!” And don’t forget to shed a tear to make it even more tragic...

What, what are you saying? Don't you want this ending?

Then I offer an alternative option. The best way defeat the enemy - make him your friend.

You can make friends and cooperate mutually beneficially even with Mother Sloth herself.

“How is this possible?!” - you will be indignant. However, do not rush to conclusions. Look around - what do you see?

We are surrounded by technical devices, and everything as one - from an airplane to a stick for picking ears - is created by our fellow humans. That is, those who were too lazy to walk, to twist cotton wool every time... They thought for a long time, endlessly invented something, did their best to make life easier, so that now we didn’t have to get up from the stove every time.

And so it happened: all innovations come from the desire not to strain.

I remember at school we called a mop proud name Lazy girl. And now this is what they call a remote control for switching TV channels. This is simply the apotheosis of our modern image life: TV, sofa, lazy person.

But on the other hand, imagine now a world without a telephone, computer and car. This is some kind of horror... We'll have to come up with it all again!

It turns out laziness is ours best friend, comrade, brother and helper.

From now on the word Lazy sounds proudly!

It’s true that I didn’t feel like writing detailed instructions... Therefore, initially all science was contained in a notebook - in the form of epigraphs and short notes.

It was invented by the “idlers” of previous generations who lived in Tibet. Just those who were too lazy to go to the Shaolin Monastery to study there physical labor and various exercises.

The complex turned out to be easy to use and effective, just like everything that was invented by the citizens of the country of Lenivia.

Specifically, so as not to disturb your delicate and vulnerable soul, the word “WORK” is never used in the book. Already for the reason that it comes from the word “SLAVE”. But we are people who are free both in soul and body!

Now make yourself comfortable on the sofa. Ask someone to prop you up with your favorite pillow and cover your feet with a warm blanket.

Let's start studying.

But first - an anecdote!

Two teahouse visitors are full of pilaf, drinking tea and dreaming. One says:

- I would like to be a camel.

- Why?

- And he lives quietly, walks slowly and eats once a week.

- And then I would like to be a snake.

- Why?

- Because she even walks lying down.

Lyrical part of the introduction

- Why are lyrical introductions needed? - asked the rabbit boa constrictor.

“And in order,” the boa constrictor answered, looking into his slanted eyes, “so that we would become closer to each other.” Closer... Even closer...

Everything about this trip was amazing for me. For the first time I flew to Central Asia.

Directly behind the airport building rose mountains with snow on their peaks. And I thought that I would see a desert scorched by the sun. I was warned that in August the temperature in the city does not drop below 30 degrees even at night.

Above the mountains stretches an endless dome of crystal clear blue sky. In megacities, we are accustomed to the constant vagaries of the winds, which cover the sky with a layer of gray and dense clouds, like a blanket. Maybe this is why residents of big cities almost never look at the sky.

I remember one case when one summer, leaving the subway, I saw a huge double rainbow in the sky. It had just rained, and she stood out brightly against the background of dark clouds going to the south. But no one around noticed this beauty.

The lovers, who met near the gray monument, looked at each other. The grandmother strictly watched her grandson so that he would not step in a puddle, and the baby pulled her towards the ice cream stall. Even a group of melancholy drunks were absorbed in figuring out who respected whom.

I just wanted to shout: “People, open your eyes, raise your heads, rejoice in the beauty!”

I was also amazed by the relationships between people. Firstly, there was no vanity. Even serious ones business meetings passed without violent clashes. If disputes arose, they proceeded somehow beautifully - without petty claims.

What else immediately caught my eye was respect for elders and teachers. Let me illustrate this with one example.

I was invited to attend a dog fight. It should be noted that there are certain signs by which judges determine when a dog is tired or begins to lose.

Representatives of many breeds behave like true fighters during fights, and not like bloodthirsty predators. Healthy and intelligent animals try to avoid bloody wounds.

Only sick or wounded animals, or specially trained fighting dogs, show cruelty.

Rice. 2. Now rub your back

As a rule, during fights, it is not so much the dogs that get into a frenzy, but their owners and fans. So this time - excitement, prestige, money rates- all this quickly warmed up the already hot audience.

And after one of the final fights ended, representatives of the two breeders and their relatives “entered into an argument with objections.”

Things were quickly moving towards a small war...

Suddenly, out of nowhere, some grandfather appeared - as it turned out, he also brought his dog to the fights. The dog was old and thin, and the competition had already ended. But respect for the elder immediately reconciled the warring parties. They began to talk to him - softly, like a son. True, he still didn’t want to leave the arena.

This scene lasted about 20 minutes, after which the grandfather was seated on place of honor on the jury. And no one in the stadium, no one is hot oriental man did not say a rude word to the old man.

And with us... Eh!

Two old men are talking while sitting on a bench. One says: “The police have started to work well now. Yesterday I broke the rules: I crossed the road where I shouldn’t. And the policeman shouted through the loudspeaker: “They built an underground passage for you, assholes!” And most importantly, it’s “you”, and I recognized the last name from somewhere.”

I can’t help but mention the famous hospitality. You go to visit one family, but it turns out that the whole house is waiting for you. Neighbors come with treats, everyone says kind words. And everyone is happy with you for who you are.

And who was I then? He was engaged in science, in particular medicine and ecology, and came to Asia on a business trip. I also had a hobby - collecting ancient recipes for treating various diseases kept by healers.

Always and wherever I was, I tried to visit local healers and healers - exchanged experiences and recipes with them. Among these people there are amazing masters of healing - after all, their knowledge has been tested by generations.

So this time too - my passion led me to a village on the shores of Issyk-Kul, to the house of a healer famous throughout the region.

Part I

A lesson in will

The world champion sex athlete was asked how he trains to achieve such amazing results.

- I don’t train at all! You know, I just love this business!

Excerpt from the author's forthcoming memoirs.

All day, doing the usual work of measuring and sampling, I thought about what awaited me in the evening.

Several times, driving through the village by car, I saw a line of visitors waiting to be received in the courtyard of Ali Baba's house.

People went to him for treatment, despite the fact that there was a well-equipped clinic in the village. This piqued my interest even more.

At some point I caught myself thinking that I was nervous before the meeting!

But my partner did not let up:

Dark people, centuries-old relics!

“Why are you worried? - I asked myself. - Well, just think, an ordinary peasant. Well, he knows several recipes for some diseases. That’s how people spread the word.” But the excitement did not go away.

There was something strong and calm about this man. It was as if he didn’t just look into your eyes, but saw right through you. Some kind of mysticism!

Finally evening came. I was in such a hurry that I didn’t even notice how I ended up in Ali Baba’s yard.

In the evenings the Healer himself often came here. And his guests and patients gathered around. They talked and drank tea. It was the same today. I also sat down next to him.

The conversation was about how to set yourself up to overcome the disease.

We all think that a doctor should take care of our health,” said grandfather Ali. - So he prescribed pills or performed an operation. You feel better, but have you become healthy? Not yet.

After this, the entire body must be restored. And this is not such a fast process. Not everyone has the patience to finish what they start. Doctors give their recommendations, but usually patients do not listen to them. As a result, the disease returns with renewed vigor.

Therefore, the most important thing is get ready to win over illness. There is such a proverb: “ Failure is a work in progress».

I have been keeping records of healings for a long time. I especially cherish those cases when a person who seems to have lost hope gathers all his will into a fist and defeats the disease.

At some point I saw that all these winners had something in common in their behavior. I began to explore and find out. And I realized that they all had the same mental attitude.

The Winner's mood conditionally consists of four parts. By the way, this state is also suitable for solving other issues in life.

First mandatory part mood a person who truly wants to overcome his illness sounds like this: “I must heal at all costs. No games or retreats before illness!”

Such a desperate state is usually preceded by various reasons. For example, a person was treated different ways- one, another, a third... But there is still no improvement. On his shoulders are worries about his family, but his money is already running out and because of his illness there is a fear of losing his job... I think that many of you are familiar with this.

Often we take on the task of healing ourselves only when the situation is brought to the limit. But sometimes it may be too late! Therefore, you and I do not need to bring ourselves to such a state.

It is possible now firmly decide Exercise yourself regularly and achieve results.

... The woman sitting next to me suddenly exclaimed loudly:

I'm doing everything I can, but the result is very weak!

Ali Baba smiled and said:

Do you want to make sure in practice that we are used to doing everything half-heartedly?

This is practice, and you can do it with us.

Then do this: clench both hands into fists. This shows your struggle with the problem. Squeeze them as hard as you can! This means that your determination and will are at their limit.

We all conscientiously clenched our fists until our joints hurt. Some faces were distorted by a grimace of tension.

“You believe that you are doing everything in your power, everything to resolve the situation,” the Healer continued. - Now imagine that the life of yours or that of someone close to you depends on the clenching of your fists. If you clench your fist harder, you will live. Can you still squeeze your fingers?!

I don’t know where the strength came from. But we all clenched our fists so hard that our nails dug into our palms.

This means one thing,” Ali Baba summarized, “that what you thought was a complete effort of will in the fight against the problem, in fact - approximately half of your normal opportunities.

He smiled and everyone started shaking their fingers. I noticed that Ali Baba was also clenching his fists and was now rubbing his hands.

Well, shall we continue, or are you tired? - he asked, pouring green tea into the bowl.

After all, it’s one thing to find out a recipe for treating one single disease, and quite another thing to learn a method for overcoming all ailments - both physical and “life.”

It's good that I took my notebook with me.

- Second part of the mood, - continued grandfather Ali, - is usually not included in the recommendations of doctors. It's difficult to do.

It sounds like this: “ Without changing anything in your lifestyle, you cannot change anything in the existence of the problem.” But first you need to understand WHAT to change.

Try adding something to yours Everyday life or, conversely, remove it. You will see how the situation with the disease has changed. After all, the ailments that have haunted us for years can be directly associated with elementary “wrong” or bad habits.

If I cough but also smoke, how can I get rid of the cough? I must first change, get rid of the bad habit - quit smoking. Then I’ll get down to restoring the respiratory system - and that’s it, the issue is resolved.

But reluctance to change is one of the most difficult obstacles in our minds. Any change forces us to face laziness. And laziness is a cunning enemy, born before us.

But we also need laziness as a trainer - a trainer of will.

What does laziness need? This is known - less movement, less questions, less worry. More peace, satiety, comfort...

Changes in life always cause internal resistance. But anyone who wants to solve a problem must move towards its solution every second of his life. Move until it becomes a new habit acquired to replace the old one.

The most difficult thing is to introduce innovations into the usual way of the day. I know from my own experience that 9 out of 10 of my patients did not want to engage in restorative physical exercise after finishing treatment. At the same time, they referred to being busy, lack of time...

That’s right, there was no time for such “nonsense” in the old daily routine. But it was he who led you to problems...

This means that you need to reconsider your usual way of life and begin to slowly change something in it.

And how can you change it? - a male voice rang out.

And everyone will decide for themselves. We will now make sure that love problems and we don’t know how to rest.

There was laughter, and a heated discussion began about how everyone was tired of endless problems.

This is also practice, and you can participate again.

Ali Baba waited a little and spoke in a calm voice:

I suggest you try it. Close your eyes and imagine that you are in a place where all your problems are solved once and for all. This is how some people imagine heaven.

What are you going to do? How will you spend your time? Keep in mind that if you go to heaven, you will have to live in it forever!

Quite a long time has passed. The silence was broken only by the rustling of the leaves of the tree under which we were sitting. Probably everyone moved to their own paradise. And I couldn’t get rid of the thought that I would hardly be comfortable in such a place.

The healer asked to open your eyes and said:

Most people answer that they would like to live in such magical land, but only for a while. If you are left there forever, you will soon want to escape.

If you fail, you will rebel, you will begin to look for problems yourself and then begin to solve them with pleasure... This is how man is designed by nature - he cannot live in inaction.

We all allow ourselves to enjoy the results of the work done, but then new action is needed. Otherwise - stop, eternal peace...

There was a pause again, and new discussions began. It turned out that none of us wanted to stay in the “paradise” forever.

Gradually the passions subsided. It began to get dark, we moved closer to Ali Baba. He motioned for them to take a seat on the swing next to him.

Can I continue? - He asked, smiling, when everyone was seated. - Then let's move on to third part of the mood.

The third part includes repeating actions on the way to the goal and monitoring the results.

Learn to notice and record positive changes. For example, today you did twenty squats - one more than yesterday.

You showed willpower and spirit, and this is an excellent result! Write this achievement down in your notebook.

In a week, you will see that you are no longer doing one more squat, but seven times more!

Squats are just one example. In life, results appear with any regular exercise.

But many of us tend not to notice our successes. Disadvantages - please, but successes...

They are the ones we perceive as insignificant little things. Because of this property of our psyche, you may feel like you are standing still. But your notes will be irrefutable proof that you have gone far ahead!

And one more point: all movement in nature comes in waves.

Everywhere there are periods of ups and downs. You can easily verify this by monitoring your emotions. There are days when you experience incredible elation, you are joyful, cheerful, and energetic. And it happens that everything falls out of hand, you feel overwhelmed and there are complete disappointments everywhere.

This principle is universal; it can be applied to any aspect of our life. Rise and fall, another rise and decline, a little more forward - and again a slight return back. And yet, if you regularly work on a task, you will inevitably make progress. With slight deviations from the course, but forward!

Efforts produce results, and this is inevitable. This is the law.

If you wrote down the results, then, looking back, you will see that things are moving.

Rice. 4. Chronicle of a hero

Remember the story about two frogs who ended up in a jug of cream? - Grandfather Ali asked, smiling. - One of them immediately despaired and sank, and the second worked so diligently with her paws that in the end butter turned out and she was able to get out of the trap.

Everyone responded unanimously:

Of course, we know this story from childhood.

Let's do this too.

Now remember well how you achieved something in life, constantly making efforts. Perhaps they learned to read, play the musical instrument, drive a car... And regular exercise probably pleased you with noticeable results?

And again silence reigned in the courtyard. The air around was filled with the scent of flowers and the chirping of cicadas. I then thought that this music and these smells have not changed on Earth for thousands of years.

It felt so good and calm that it made me fall asleep.

But I had to remember what I achieved through persistent efforts.

Yes, there have been such events in my life. One of them is related to the experiences of childhood and adolescence.

After leaving school, my height was small - about 165 centimeters with a weight of 65 kilograms. Of course, there were problems - especially when making acquaintances with girls.

Jokes like: “Actually, I’m Sabonis’ brother (he’s a basketball player, over 2 meters tall), I’m just still growing” didn’t always suit even me.

One day he told me about something folk method increase in height. I ran home joyfully, built the necessary equipment and began to study regularly.

My attitude was determined, and I carefully drew marks of success on the doorframe. In a year he grew by 11 centimeters. He could have done more, but his legs lengthened more slowly than his back, and therefore began to appear short.

But even with these results, my sister, whom I had not seen for a year, did not recognize me, and the other girls began to treat me more favorably.

But my friend abandoned classes. And he almost didn’t grow up at all...

...I nevertheless began to doze off - the fatigue of the day took its toll. IN real world Ali Baba's voice returned.

Don't forget, you can change your practice method if it leads to better results.

I remembered another story, how two flies - young and old - tried to fly out of the room. The old one desperately fought against the glass, each time crashing into it at full speed. She fell, took off again, tried again. And the young one, lightly knocking on the glass and gliding in flight along the transparent surface of the window, gradually explored the territory and rose higher and higher. Having reached the window, she flew out to freedom.

Not wanting to throw another fly, it flew up to the window outside and began to shout:

- Climb up and fly out like me!

But the old woman only chuckled arrogantly in response:

- You are still young to teach me! Just live with me, beat me!

...And again - bang!

After a short silence, grandfather Ali asked:

Do you think we have listed everything that we need to get in the mood?

We scratched our heads diligently, remembering what the Healer had told us.

It seems that everything is there - the methodology, perseverance, tracking the result... However, before the conversation began, Ali Baba said: “The mood consists of four parts.” And he himself listed only three.

Finally, grandfather Ali sighed and explained:

We haven't considered fourth part of the mood. And this is sincere joy, a feeling of victory and, of course, gratitude addressed to you when you achieve any good result. And it doesn’t matter at all whether the result is big or small. The main thing is that it exists!

If you do not rejoice at your successes, do not praise yourself and your body, you do not allow it to produce special enzymes of happiness, which are the main healers.

Joy, love and gratitude are feelings that change the composition of the blood, which means they affect the entire body. Besides, how nice it is to rejoice and be healed at the same time!

When we do it, then we will feel it.

The same action can be done in completely different ways. And the result will also be different. Now you will feel it yourself. Make a simple movement, such as stretching your palms upward.

First - the first option - without emotions. Simply raise your arms, palms up, toward the ceiling, and stretch with effort. Happened?

Now - the second option. Smile and stretch your palms up with sincere joy. Imagine that you are reaching out to the sun, which gently strokes your head with its rays. Now thank your palms, stroke them, mentally say “thank you” to them.

Is there a difference in performing the exercise?

Everyone present stood up from their seats and stretched with pleasure. The healer also stood up and began to say goodbye. His parting words were:

Always engage with good mood. This will allow you not only to be healthy, but also to achieve everything you want in life. What is said for everyone is said for everyone...

Having bowed, Ali Baba looked around at those present, saw me and gestured to me into the house.

Writing in a notepad

In summary: what we need for a good mood.

1. Set a clear goal and do not deviate from what you planned.

2. Having thought through a plan to achieve your goal, boldly and wisely change your life. Direct efforts to achieve results. Start with the most ordinary things and actions.

3. Systematically study according to a drawn up plan, regularly note the results and especially successes, even if they are small.

4. Don’t forget to rejoice and thank yourself for every success, even the smallest.

Oh oh oh! Dear friend, please don’t slam the book! Don’t worry so much about these words “will”, “goal”, “activities”. We lazy people can also take away a number of useful things from this chapter.

Since we still have to achieve something in life, it is better to do it at the lowest cost (this is a phrase from a textbook on laziness for the second grade).

Secondly, you can save even more effort and time by constantly improving your achievement methods. This suits us too.

Thirdly, the Teacher himself said in plain text: “Enjoy even the smallest successes.”

Well, what did I say?! Our methods!


Why are you tossing and turning? Is there something wrong? Maybe the side is lying down? Ah, out of necessity... Of course, of course, I’ll wait... The bladder is like a heart, you can’t order it...

Welcome back! Everything is fine? And rejoice small success? How about thanking yourself? How about lying down comfortably - a blanket, a pillow, some seeds?

Excellent result! Let's look at the clock. Exactly! You overtook the Estonian team in your slowness! And they have been world champions for 10 years.

Well, shall we continue? Then go ahead!

Fig.5. I love sports, I can watch it endlessly

The most powerful medicine

Continuation real story described in a famous fable.

Do you want me to tell you the ancient secret of healers - the recipe for the most effective medicine? - asked Ali Baba. - I see what you want. Just listen to the parable first, its meaning will be useful to us later.

During a hunt, one sultan, carried away by the pursuit of a goitered gazelle, found himself on an unfamiliar road. It turned out that it leads to the house of the wisest man in the country. The Sultan wanted to meet him.

Seeing the sage, the Sultan said:

- Answer me two questions: what am I thinking about now and what is the most precious thing in my palace? If you answer correctly, I can generously reward you, take you to the palace, and make you first vizier.

The sage smiled and replied:

- This is an easy task. You are now thinking about whether I can answer your questions, and the greatest jewel in your palace is your mind. Both in happy times and in difficult years he saved you, he also made you sultan.

“You’re right,” said the Sultan and bowed to the old man.

“Now answer,” said the sage. - Which person is the most important to us and what is the most expensive gift in the world?

The Sultan thought for a moment, but could not answer.

They said goodbye.

On the way to the palace, the Sultan kept thinking about the sage’s questions. His thoughts were interrupted by piercing screams. They dragged a boy to him, he was covered in dust and crying.

“Here,” said the indignant people, “this is a thief, he stole a flatbread.” His hand must be cut off, as required by law.

The boy cried and said that he was an orphan and wanted to eat.

The Lord looked at the embittered people and declared his will:

- The culprit was caught in the act of stealing the flatbread. But he has no parents, and no one explained to him what theft is. If you cut off his hand, then when he becomes an adult, what craft can he learn? In addition, harboring a grudge against people in his soul, he can become a criminal. So we take this orphan to the palace. There, first they will punish him for theft, and then they will educate him from him good warrior for our protection.

There were shouts: “Glory to the wisest Sultan!”

And then the Sultan suddenly realized - this is the answer to the question!!! He had just given this boy his most precious gift, giving him his mercy. And the most important person- this is the one who stands in this moment in front of you.

The Sultan laughed and ordered a bag of gold coins to be sent to the sage.

I thought, probably as deeply as the Sultan, pondering the questions of the sage.

Every day we come across many people. And if we reject the one who is standing in front of us at this moment, we may never show our best spiritual qualities...

What can we say about mercy, we have almost stopped using this word.

So, the solemn moment comes! What do you think are the most common diseases on Earth?

According to statistics, cardiovascular.

And what is their cause?


No, no, this is a consequence! What is the cause of heart disease?

A lot of them.

Well, name at least one!

Poor nutrition of the heart muscle, which is a consequence of the fact that a person moves little, breathes polluted air, and does not eat properly.

Why is all this happening?

Do you want to find the cause of diseases?

Yes, yes, don't get distracted!

I think that the cause of these disorders is a person’s inattention to his body. We don't listen to the body.

Well done! What is the reason for this inattention?

We are not accustomed to this from childhood and therefore do not respect our body.

Hurray, it fits! - Ali Baba rejoiced like a child. - Now let's dig even deeper! Why are people not taught to respect their bodies from childhood?

Because of the wrong ideology in society.

What is wrong with the “ideology” of society?

It seems to me disrespect for Nature.

Here's the key! You yourself came to this conclusion by asking yourself just one question: “Why?” The cause of all diseases is disrespect for Nature and its laws. Let's take animals for example. They get sick much less often than people. Why? Because they obey the laws of Nature.

For example, in the fall, birds fly south, sometimes thousands of kilometers, and many die along the way. But none of them argues with this order of Nature. Because going against it means death for everyone.

Rice. 9. The wolf, if necessary, also loves carrots

And man decided that he did not depend on Nature, that he could ignore its laws. And he imagined himself to be the master of this planet...

But no one can go against Nature with impunity. This is how it was established by the Creator, and he is wiser than any of our philosophers.

At creation, man was conceived as a happy, strong, forgiving person, and not at all an unhappy, frail and nervous creature who cannot live without a TV and a pharmacy.

Harmony with Nature is the key happy life.

Human society is built on the active development of natural resources, which is often aggressive in nature. The foundations of a harmonious relationship with Nature: gratitude and appreciation are not laid in our consciousness.

Cutting down a forest and not planting a single young tree, throwing toxic waste into a river and going on vacation to distant islands is the behavior of an ungrateful creature.

The attitude towards Nature is just one example. But we treat our bodies in exactly the same way.

Tell me - in which school do they really study the Laws of Nature? Where do they teach how to cooperate with angels and natural beings? Or do they talk about who and how to thank correctly?

And I allowed myself to ask a question:

Is the question of gratitude so important that it is put on a par with the evolution of the soul?

Yes... Lack of gratitude has become the most big problem in our life. But this is the first part of the recipe for the most powerful medicine in the world!

Apparently, my eyes reflected everything except understanding. Ali Baba suddenly stood up.

Why do you think water is so important in all healing practices? Prayers are read over the water, and it is drunk as a cure for the most serious illnesses. Half of the world's population regularly performs ritual ablutions to heal the body and soul. And there’s nothing to say about the benefits of a bathhouse...

Probably because a person is more than 80 percent water, and the brain is more than 90 percent. In other words, we are thinking water.

Exactly! Living water! - Ali Baba was happy. - Ancient cultures paid a lot of attention to communication with the elements. People respected environment and considered her reasonable.

Now imagine: if water receives and retains a good word, then it will also preserve the word of destruction in the same way, and will keep it in our consciousness until we are cured of this misfortune.

...I was once again surprised that Ali Baba was talking about topics that for a long time kept me busy. The fact is that our scientific group has been engaged in laboratory research of water for many years.

Carrying out the analysis, we found out that water that “heard” a good word differs from tap water in the same way that blood differs from compote.

And which words are key, that is, they act stronger and better than others? - Ali Baba became interested. - Tell me, I will use them for healing.

The most good water it turns out after saying prayers over it, and also words Love and Gratitude . It is after such “treatment” that the quality of ordinary water increases.

Ali Baba smiled slyly:

That's right! So I say: gratitude is the key word!

Rice. 10. You can also say “thank you”

I listened to the Healer, and a lot of thoughts flashed through my head...

In all spiritual societies, it is customary to say words of gratitude before the beginning of each action and after its completion.

How much do we thank our loved ones, our destiny, and Nature? What do we do to show gratitude?

Is it possible to create some kind of “set of rules” for bringing appreciation and gratitude into every day? And not to miss something important? - I asked Ali Baba and took out my notebook.

Ali Baba thought for a moment and then replied:

Try to mentally build a ladder, on the steps of which stand all those to whom you would like to say words of love and gratitude.

If you think carefully, you will understand that all our gratitude is ultimately directed to the Almighty.

We thank Him for creating us. For example, you thank your parents for giving you life. Who gave birth to parents? Their parents. This means that your gratitude is directed to them too. Next come great-grandparents, great-grandmothers, and so on. Imagine, you thank your parents, but it turns out - all the people who lived on Earth throughout its history.

Great! - I couldn’t resist.

Go ahead. And who created the first people, that is, our universal parents? The Creator Himself, the Most High. That is why they say that all gratitude is directed to God. And if so, then it is logical to direct the energy of gratitude to the Creator of the Universe.

This means, first of all, we thank the one who created this beautiful and intelligent World. We remember that gratitude must come from the bottom of our hearts, otherwise it has no power.

The first words could be:

With all my heart I thank the Creator and Creator of the Universe for this World, for the fact that I exist in it, realize it and myself in it and rejoice in it!

Thank you for the bright mind given to us people. For memory, for the ability to know and for free will. For perfect bodies, for our sensations, for feelings, thoughts!

The Creator surrounded us with a natural environment in which everything is arranged for a happy life, a society of other people where we can learn, communicate and procreate. Therefore, further words may sound like this:

We thank You, our Father, for this planet, air, water, fire, earth and light. For the fact that You settled us around the Earth, taught us to communicate using words, learn, and continue the race!

Now we go down the stairs and give thanks to our parents according to the flesh.

I thank the Father and Mother who gave me life through their love for each other and for me. I express my gratitude to all my Ancestors, my entire Family, who gave me the opportunity to see this world, show my talents and continue the chain of heredity!

Special thanks to those people who gave us the opportunity to develop ourselves. These are spiritual parents - our Mentors. By pronouncing these words, you affirm yourself as a spiritual person.

I thank God and Fate that they led me to the feet of the Mentor so that I would be obedient to him and become persistent in mastering the science of self-development. With all my heart I express my gratitude to my To the Spiritual Father and Mother, for they revealed to me the Light of Truth!

Saying words of gratitude should be done as a ritual and should be spoken from the bottom of your heart. Only then will these energies be perceived by those to whom they are directed. It is best to end morning and evening prayers with these words.

...Evening came imperceptibly. Ali Baba invited me to attend another healing session. I gladly promised to come the next day.

Walking through the streets of the village, illuminated by the moon, I kept repeating: “Thank you for this world, thank you for life, for knowledge, for such a Teacher.”

So he reached his house, still listing the recipients to express gratitude. As if he was trying to make up for the years of ingratitude that had passed...

Writing in a notepad

1. The most powerful healing remedy is filling yourself with feelings of Love and Gratitude.

2. Moreover, there should be twice as much Gratitude as Love. This ratio allows you to be in harmony with Nature.

3. Healing occurs by transferring thoughts and feelings to the water of which we are made.

Well, lazy brothers? Did you find out anything?

How did they “learn nothing”?!

Part II

Citizen of the Universe

If you managed to kick the ass of the person who is to blame for all your mistakes, you would not be able to sit for a week.

Sherlock Holmes to Inspector Lestrade.

Before showing you the exercises themselves, I will explain the principles on which this gymnastics is based,” said Ali Baba. - Without them, your classes will be little different, for example, from aerobics.

This teaching was brought to us by followers of a spiritual school called the School of the Calm or the School of the Lazy. They named themselves that way because their technique, compared to others, involves little external action, but the main work takes place inside the body.

In Tibet, where this technique originated from ancient times, there has always been True Knowledge about man, our planet and the Cosmos. Therefore, people were always perceived there as a citizen of the Universe, and in addition to the biological body, other bodies were taken into account and studied. Their training starts with physical exercise and progresses to... top level- conscious construction of your future.

The entire technique is divided according to the degree of complexity into four levels of mastery. They are called gates. The easiest level is the first - Copper Gate. Next come the Silver and Golden Gates, then the Gate of Light. The levels differ in that during training everyone is involved in the process large quantity human bodies.

Well, for example, at the first level you study physical movement, at the second the movement of energy is added, at the third - mental imagery, at the fourth - certain aspects of the personality are developed.

Why does a person who has decided to master gymnastics for internal organs, or otherwise gymnastics Zhim Lam (by the way, the name is translated from Tibetan as “words of gratitude to the Teacher”), know the rules of interaction with universal energy?

The answer follows from the very wording of the question. The universe and man live according to the same laws and rhythms. Man is created in the image and likeness of the Almighty and is part of His Nature. This means that, having studied the principles of the existence of natural objects, we learn the principles of the activity of our body.

In this case, we will be able not only to develop physically, but also to grow as a whole energy center and as a person. Main property Tibetan gymnastics is that it begins to bring benefits to internal organs with regular exercise already from the first stage of the complex.

This is how all eastern methods are built: from external action- to its essence, innermost content, to the soul of any phenomenon. The same is true in our gymnastics: the first stage is devoted mainly to physical movements, the second to energy, the third to character traits, and the fourth to building a happy destiny.

And now, if you are ready, I will begin to present some part of the knowledge that was previously available only to a narrow circle of initiates...

First knowledge sounds like this:

For us, what is important is the statement about the multi-level nature of Nature - this is rarely mentioned in the literature, and even less is it used in practice.

This means that all its objects are made of molecules - particles that we can see, feel and use. If you look deeper, the molecules themselves consist of nuclei and electrons, which in turn are divided into even smaller ones. Probably this process of division into smaller particles is endless.

However, it is important for us to understand that the human biological body, consisting of molecules, in turn is permeated by a formation that is more subtle in structure - the energy body, which consists of electrons and other particles. The human energy body has been studied in Eastern medicine since ancient times.

Based on the multi-level nature, it follows that there are shells that are even thinner in composition human body, consisting of elementary particles smaller size.

So, a person, like any natural object, carries within himself all the multi-level nature of the Universe, but unlike other natural objects, he can recognize and use these levels (shells).

According to ancient knowledge, a person can realize and use his seven bodies(their “I”).

They go in the order we feel and define them:

The first shell is the biological body, it is studied by Western medicine.

The second is energy (body of bioplasma), it is studied by oriental medicine.

The fourth is thoughts, this is the domain of philosophers and creators.

The sixth is high ethical principles, these are religious and spiritual areas.

The seventh is hard to describe in simple words. It can be called the body of Indescribable Bliss. Only the most enlightened Souls consciously penetrate there.

There are seven “I”s in total, now do you understand where this word comes from?

Rice. 14. Seven "I"

A person always has the opportunity to know himself (his shells), but ordinary people can only actively influence the first five bodies. Because higher bodies are not controlled directly by human will, but are inviolable repositories of the energy of life.

From all that has been said, two important conclusions can be drawn: a person, as a natural object, contains various levels of matter, called bodies. And it can directly influence five of them: the biological body, the bioplasmic body, emotions, thoughts and memory.

Second knowledge:

Man was created in the image and likeness of the Almighty Creator, is a part of Nature and exists according to its Universal laws.

What does it mean to exist according to natural laws?

1. Treat everything around you with love and care, because we are all one.

2. We should not harm the world around us and ourselves through our actions, since we ourselves are this World.

3. All our bodies are natural objects, and each of them obeys the laws of its level of the World.

For example, biological body needs nutrition, which it receives by digesting other biological matter.

It cannot be powered, for example, by the energy of the Sun directly, since solar radiation consists of charged particles, which are perceived only by our bioplasmic body.

Also our physical body cannot eat energy of thoughts. Since the energy of thoughts is received by our body of thought, and nothing else.

Now let's move on to the mechanism of multi-level interaction.

Third knowledge. Hierarchy of bodies and processes.

This law goes like this:

The subtle level of Matter, penetrating the coarser level, forms its structure and becomes for it the Manager and Creator.

And the coarse level serves as a support for the subtle level.

The law of Hierarchy operates throughout Nature: the most subtle structures create and control coarser ones, which in turn create and control even larger and coarser structures, and so on.

The source of any phenomena is located in a subtle level, hidden from the senses.

The sequence of energy transition in the human body is as follows: an energy impulse comes from higher bodies, which manifests itself as the direction of thoughts.

Thoughts cause emotions, and emotions, in turn, create flows of bioplasma, concentrating it near certain areas of the nervous system. The nervous system transmits commands to all organs and structures of the biological body, and the body produces Action.

How to illustrate Hierarchy and the influence of subtle structures on larger ones?

Let's imagine an iceberg. It seems to us that it is huge, hard, capable of destroying the steel hull of any ship.

If you look deep into things and figure out how its hardness is created, it will become clear that its appearance “owes” to the emergence of strong bonds between the smallest ice crystals, which, in turn, consist of water molecules that also have bonds. So the water molecules formed a block and their bonds control ice mountain floating in the ocean.

Let's change the conditions of existence of water molecules, give them energy sufficient for them to break their bonds. To do this, you need to increase the temperature. For example, an iceberg was carried by the current towards the equator.

As a result, the water molecules, the managers and creators of the iceberg, fled in all directions - and now there is no longer an ice mountain.

Another example. In good shape, the weightlifter lifted 150 kilograms; he trained hard for the competition. In training, he was able to lift even 155 kilograms.

However, before going on stage, he was informed that the car in which his bride was traveling had an accident, and she was now in the hospital.

Naturally, he could not think about anything other than the incident, and as a result he went out to the shell unassembled. The weightlifter not only did not lift the stated weight, but also got injured due to an unsuccessful movement.

The body of thoughts directed energy toward thinking about the news and thereby created the conditions for strengthening the body of emotions, i.e., experiencing the situation. The emotional body created strong currents in the bioplasmic body, concentrated around the head, heart and solar plexus.

All the energy of the bioplasmic body was spent on experiencing the event, and this was reflected in the fact that the nervous tissue of the heart and solar plexus received strong stimulation. At the same time, the muscles were literally de-energized; they were unable to develop the force necessary to lift the barbell - the weight of the projectile was large - and as a result the athlete was injured.

Based on the above, we can conclude: human bodies that are thinner in structure create coarser bodies. The transition of influence from subtle bodies to the biological body occurs through the nervous system.

Man is a being who lives consciously. Therefore, for self-development, he can purposefully use the direct path from subtle bodies to denser ones.

This is the essence of all true spiritual schools and methods of self-development. And by starting to train our internal organs, we create the foundation for the development of our own personality.

* * *

I've always felt this way! Always! I just didn’t know how to say it!

If, for example, you slept, all the bodies pile on you so that it is always difficult to get up. Of course, you are alone, and there are seven of them.

Or, for example, I thought about something... But for this you need to stop fussing... Even better - sit down or lie down, calm down... Then all the bodies come together and together easily solve any issues!

Hmm, something is making me sleepy... This means that one of my seven “I”s is tired, I need to respect it! So, now everything needs to be done according to the book: “...listen to yourself, respect...”

Well, give me one more chapter and hang up...

Part III

Copper gate

“Ignorance of the laws does not exempt you from responsibility.

And knowledge, it turns out, liberates!”

...and applied for law school.

So I began to study with Master Ali Baba every day. Every day he taught me something new. And he always repeated:

To memorize or write down means to forget. What you know is what you can do. For you, this is not a training session, but a new way of life, so everything is important now. Over time, you will get used to living like this. What you need will be remembered and will manifest itself as naturally as the ability to walk.

At the beginning of our lessons, he told me about the Brass Gate. These are the rules that prepare you for classes at the first stage of Lam Press gymnastics. Copper gates are heavy and require force to open.

There is a set of rules for entering the second level of gymnastics - the Silver Gate and the third level - the Golden Gate. For those who pass all these levels, the Teacher opens the Gate of Light, and the student becomes the Teacher.

We enter through the Copper Gate. The first level of mastering the technique includes simple natural movements.

We enter through the Silver Gate.

The second level includes physically complicated forms, and at the same time allows you to observe and partially control energy flows in the body. Develop the ability to concentrate and obtain the necessary energy results.

At this level, old ailments usually leave the body, and many psychological issues begin to be intelligently resolved.

We pass through the Golden Gate.

Third level of gymnastics. Even more complex physical forms and concentration to achieve complete control over all internal processes in the body.

We cultivate character traits in a targeted manner and polish our personality, revealing the creative potential inherent in us. We begin the construction of a happy destiny.

We pass the Gate of Light.

We achieve complete control over the internal and external environment, purposefully create our own destiny and help other destinies. We open ourselves completely to the Universal Energy. We connect our consciousness with the Cosmic.

This is difficult to explain because this state of enlightenment is so different from the one in which most of us find ourselves. A person who has passed through the Gates of Light is a consciously acting citizen of the Universe.

Looking ahead, I will give the results that were predicted by the Teacher and received by me during the use of the complex.

1. The gymnastics complex Lam Press gives a very powerful cleansing and healing effect on all organs. This is the result of the fact that you begin to at least pay attention to them. Also, due to the constant movement of energy, stagnation in the organs is overcome, vessels open for the flow of blood, lymph and other juices.

Hurray, comrades!

2. The Lam Press gymnastics complex gives an effect in which not only the organs are cleansed, but also all internal environments - this is natural. You get more oxygen - the blood is cleansed, and all areas where there was oxygen starvation, come to life. Movement and breathing inside and outside is the formula for revitalizing our body.

3. The Lam Press gymnastics complex is accepted by the body as natural way, if the load corresponds to the condition of the student. Therefore, all levels of mastery are divided into four levels of difficulty. Personally, I ask everyone involved to follow this recommendation.

Even at the first level, you will receive great pleasure and healing benefits by maintaining the right pace and achieving complete mastery of the course, which can last from a month to three years. But you will significantly harm yourself if you overload your body, wanting to quickly master all the gymnastics.

4. The Lam Press gymnastics complex includes an intensive process of getting rid of overweight and local fat deposits, corrects the figure, rejuvenates, guarantees stable health of internal organs under normal physiological living conditions.

There are many theoretical developments on the topic of figure correction. But personal experience and practice show that the belly will continue to hang over the belt or bikini until you use the “hungry wolf”, “boat” and “dough” shapes. And the double chin won’t even think of leaving without a “cobra” shape.

The Lam Press gymnastics complex does not require much space, the exercises are compact, and an ordinary gymnastic mat is enough to perform them. However, you don’t even need a mat, since the harder the surface on which you practice, the greater the effect. Over time, we all start practicing on the floor.

The only request is not to practice without a mat on a cold concrete floor. Remember that 90 percent of colds come through the feet, because there is the beginning of the Kidney Channel, which monitors the cold energy in the body.

5. The gymnastics complex Lam Press can be used both for professional athletes and people involved in health improvement.

As we know, professional athletes are quite sick people, and by the end of their career they have countless “sicknesses”. But they have good habit to regular classes, so our complex is especially good for them.

Be that as it may, the main participants in our training are people who strive for recovery. They are the ones who get the best results.

6. The Lam Press gymnastics complex has no age restrictions. There are only restrictions related to health conditions. It is better to consult a doctor first. You can choose only those exercises that are guaranteed to suit you. Keep in mind that “turtle” cannot be done for children whose fontanel has not closed. Also, pregnant women should not practice the boat shape.

7. The Lam Press gymnastics complex can be performed in parts - for a targeted effect on certain organs.

8. The Lam Press gymnastics complex can be practiced individually and in groups. With regular exercise, the complex gives the best effect.

9. The gymnastics complex Lam Press is especially recommended for people with low blood pressure.

10. Gymnastics complex The Lam press can be perfectly combined with an individual system of nutrition and physical activity.

11. One of the conditions for classes is to put yourself in an appropriate state, for example, carrying out internal cleansing. But after these procedures, in combination with the Lam Press gymnastics, you will forever forget about internal problems and you will become young and beautiful on the outside.

12. The method of the Lam Press gymnastics complex is intended not only for restoring health, but also for effective practical work above vital energy, character, will and life situations.


The complex is contraindicated for all groups of people who are not recommended to accelerate internal metabolic processes, cancer patients, pregnant women, and those suffering from deep mental disorders.

Persons with cardiovascular disorders of the 3rd and 4th degree, hypertension of any localization. For stones in the kidneys, gall bladder and other places. Persons in drunk and under the influence of potent drugs, or in a state of acute intoxication.

For bleeding or tendency to bleed. For thrombophlebia, during the postoperative period, as well as for six months after surgery on any organs; hemophilia and in the acute phase of any disease.

* * *

- The Lam press helps you with everything. When I served in the army, we had a doctor in our unit whose main prescription was: “Alcohol helps with everything.” And in the office itself, not only a sanitary day, but a sanitary year had to be done.

- Now, you start studying and even from the first lessons you will understand...

- Of course, I have no experience in training yet, therefore, as they said in our village, “a dog should not start barking before its owner.”

- And my neighbor has another inscription on the fence on this topic: “Knock harder, there is a deaf dog in the yard”... How can I reach you?!

Preparation for classes

Sometimes rapid forward movement is the result of a good kick in the ass.

Favorite soccer ball aphorism.

Time passed, and Ali Baba continued to share his knowledge. Finally, we come to the very essence of performing all the exercises.

Today I will give you the key to success in your studies, Ali Baba once said. - This key - harmonious state.

How can you feel that you are in that harmonious state when all levels of consciousness hear each other? - the Healer asked and immediately answered himself. - Yes, it’s very simple - this is a state joys of life.

At first, this state must be achieved intentionally. Imagine yourself as a Winner, a person who has achieved the result that you have long strived for.

In Theological Schools all over the world people seek the essence or soul of every action, its inner meaning. It is not so important what and how you do, what matters is in what mood and with what thoughts.

In our World, without going into details, there are only four ways to achieve a perfect state or merge with the Almighty: this is the development of oneself through selfless work, will, knowledge and love.

I think they are all the essence of the same thing.

Therefore, in ancient texts, the Lord tells the disciples: “Focus all your thoughts on me, do any work as if you were doing it for God, and then the results of the work will be perfect.”

Such concentration is impossible without love. That's right, because we constantly think only about those whom we love very much. Is it possible not to love your body, every organ, every cell?

After all, they, like our little children, are completely dependent on us. Little ones try to be good, waiting for us to pay attention to their efforts and praise them.

During our conversations, the Teacher often seemed to go aside and began to talk about things that, at first glance, had nothing to do with you. So this time too - he began to talk about cosmic processes and their impact on life on Earth.

Now another time is coming, because all solar system enters a new sector of the celestial sphere. Along with this, the Cosmic flows change. Such changes occur every 2150 years.

Each such period is governed by the Spiritual Hierarchy of a certain constellation of the Zodiac circle. There is also a Great Cosmic Year, which lasts 25,800 years, that is, 12 such periods. During this time, the Solar system rotates around the center of the Galaxy.

The Great Cosmic Year is currently closing. Therefore, very big changes await us. Energetically and biologically we are one with the entire Universe. This means that each of us will feel the influence of new heavenly streams.

First of all, this will affect the main laws of life: morality, and then people’s thoughts will gradually change. Over the next 10-20 years, you will notice that the world and people have become completely different, especially in children. They will feel the world differently and acquire new knowledge.

Ali Baba looked at me thoughtfully. He seemed to be simply thinking out loud:

In the coming era, people will strive for cooperation, the search for spiritual knowledge, and will learn to look at the world as a source of joy.

For this reason, many will take their physical condition seriously. Our gymnastics for internal organs will also come in handy.

You know, scientists have discovered that there is a third brain. It is located in the intestines, they called it the “ventral brain.” And all doctors know that brain matter is found in many organs. So?

But soon there will be an opening of Consciousness at the cellular level. And then people will understand that it is high time they heard the words of healers: “Communicate with your body, love it, thank it.”

Our conversations about how to do the exercises correctly, about the mood in which to practice, sometimes lasted for hours.

For ease of understanding, I have organized these rules and divided them into four parts.

Often those who come to classes with their own problems find it difficult to feel happy. By following the Winner's rules, this can be easily corrected.

Rule one.

Create an image of the goal and your image at the moment of achieving it.

It has been noticed that many people, especially those who have been ill for a long time, are so tired of life that when asked what their goal is, they answer: “I don’t know.”

IN Ancient Greece There was a proverb: “If you don’t know what you want, then what do you want?” Indeed, the Universe, overflowing with energies and possibilities, cannot do anything until a person himself expresses his will. This is how our world works, and this is not a matter of faith, it is technology.

If we do not formulate the task, then nothing is given to us. If someone doesn't see a big goal, let them set a small one first. After all, it is important to understand and master the process of achievement itself. And the technology for all achievements is the same.

Rule two.

Speak and act as if what you want is already in your life now.

A good psychologist will definitely ask you: “How will you live and what will change in your life when the problem is solved?” It is very important. After all, the very lifestyle that led to the crisis may remain.

This means we are changing our lifestyle. We change ourselves and change the environment, behavior in certain situations. You can start with the simplest thing, for example, with exercises in the morning. If your goal is to become a princess, then you need to behave like a princess, even if you are alone in the room and there are no subjects.

Rule three.

Take action, do everything to achieve your goal.

In life, Natural laws are observed at all levels. Just like in mechanics, the law of inertia operates in psychology. Therefore the most great effort must be applied at the beginning. You need to be prepared for this “surge”. But then, walking “on the beaten path”, you will be able to watch with pleasure how you develop and get healthier every day.

And finally rule four.

There are no failures - it is the accumulation of experience.

There have probably been situations in every person’s life when a bad experience turned out to be useful. In our case, we use experience in a targeted manner and therefore errors are kept to a minimum.

* * *

I also had a bad experience, it was just the ruin of my whole life! That was the first time I tried to get married. I did everything according to the rules: the image of the target, I must say, was very attractive. You know, Nature probably gave her only beauty in the hope that her husband would be smart. So I behaved as if what I wanted was already in my life.

- That is, as a husband.

- Well, yes.

- And she?

- Started to behave ugly, like real wife. She didn’t pay attention to me, she was constantly talking on the phone.

- Were you even indignant?

- Certainly. But no matter how much you argue with a woman, her arguments are still louder.

And often they, poor things, have to deny themselves everything that prevents them from chatting on the phone. So she abandoned me.

- Yes, a woman is a mystery that cannot be heard to the end.

First level complex

“Yes, it’s never too late to learn, but sometimes it’s useless.”

Tortilla the turtle said, looking after the fleeing Pinocchio.

Now let's move on to classes. Like any action, classes begin with attuning to the Energy of the Living Universe, through experiencing feelings of Love and Gratitude.

In our healing system, to enable spiritual healing mechanisms, we come to Appreciation and bring Gratitude - to the Creator and Creator of the Universe, Divine Nature, Parents according to the flesh and the entire Family, Spiritual Mentors, everyone who walks in the Light Spiritual Path, to everyone who is close to you, to yourself and your body.

The teacher recommended that in order to more quickly enter a state of Appreciation and Gratitude, one should adopt the position of the body of the person giving thanks. The correspondence with the praying posture is not accidental: you need to stand up and keep your folded palms at heart level .

Rice. 22. Offering Gratitude

I remind you that before each form, mentally or out loud, address the energy of Love and Gratitude to the umbrella space and organs where you are directing the impact.

We say these types of Gratitude out loud before the start of classes and at the end of them. This is not a coach’s fantasy, but practical knowledge. The practitioners say a greeting so that the Intelligent Spiritual Forces hear us, be favorable to us and create a favorable energetic and psychological atmosphere for us.

How do they help us? With their influence on our higher bodies, they can extinguish the brewing conflict at the very beginning, suggesting the right word to someone present. They can also protect against energetic aggression and confusion during classes and for some time after classes. Their presence is also felt in the fact that the mood of the students’ thoughts becomes more elevated.

Let us repeat once again: when pronouncing words of Gratitude, you need to open your heart and fill the words with real love for the one to whom you are speaking. This is an important energetic part of not only preparation for classes, but also the general mood in life.

The first level of mastery is the simplest, but no less healthy than all the others.

For impatient readers, I announce that the so-called large complex of the first level of the Lam Press is given after the description of all the exercises. It is also followed by a section on the use of the Lam Press in different situations.

The goal of the first level of mastery is to learn the forms and principles of their implementation.

1. Constantly maintain a state of joyful achievement.

2. Get to know your body and love it.

3. Regularly exercise yourself, despite laziness, and enjoy it.

4. Start removing your belly, correcting your figure, and gently cleansing your body.

5. Keep a diary of victories.

6. Get used to showing love and gratitude to the world around you.

Preparation for exercises:

1) self-massage of the hands, palms, fingers, arms up to the elbow;

2) self-massage of the ears and parotid areas;

3) self-massage of the scalp and face;

4) warm up the feet in all segments, then stomp thoroughly and twist the feet from side to side;

5) warm up your legs up to the knee and stretch the knee itself;

6) warm up the legs along the entire length with light massage movements;

During preparation, we always try to maintain a state of joy, lightness, purification and victory, imagining as if the result has already been achieved.

Meet - it's you

Description of forms, positions and movements

In line at the antenatal clinic.

- Daughter, you are already an adult and we decided that it’s time to talk to you.

- Wow! I thought you were dumb!!!

It is practice that puts everything in its place. Without it we are like blind. Try, for example, to describe in words the taste of strawberries if you have never tried them - words will not be enough. But as soon as you pick a berry and put it in your mouth, the whole picture will become clearer. And these feelings will never be forgotten. So only through practice can Knowledge become Skills.

So, let's get to the practical part.

* * *

Yes, tell me already! Otherwise I’m tired - all the preparation, yes preparation!

- Then listen: “If men like you were the masters of the world, you would make sure that they would grow not beer bellies, but beer muscles.”

- That's for sure, that would be great! You see, I’m ready to take it on my chest, so to speak, and carry it.

- Or maybe you’re getting excited, maybe, as usual: we’ll wait, we’ll put it off...

- Stop putting it off, it's time to sit it out!

1. "Turtle". Umbrella space Crown

The second commandment of turtle egg lovers.

Despite the beautiful weather, Ali Baba called me into the house. We sat on the couches in the room where he received patients. I realized that the conversation was going to be long...

Now, after you have learned the preparation procedure and the SEQUENCE OF INFLUENCE ON THE MERIDIANS, I will show you the first form.

Our exercises are called forms because they carry not only a physical, but also an energetic load, and subsequently form the character traits of the person performing them.

“Yes, yes,” I nodded, “they are also called movements in one of the Chinese healing techniques.”

He nodded and continued:

I advise you to name each form with your own name. Firstly, Tibetan names are difficult to remember and pronounce. Secondly, you will be able to easily communicate with those involved. Thirdly, the title reveals the meaning a little. This is always done in both China and Tibet.

And fourthly,” I picked up, “let’s come up with these names together.”

He thought for a second and, squinting, nodded cheerfully:

In Asia they say: “A snake has all the poison in its head and tail.” This rule applies even to plants, try it yourself sweet watermelon near the stalk or fish near the tail. These are the most tasteless places.

So it is with a person - the qualities of his personality are concentrated in his head. - He took a cucumber from the basket and showed it to me. - Here, where the fruit begins from the stalk, is the head. And a person also has a destiny attached to the top of his head, and he, like a cucumber, grows from it.

Why do you think your head doesn’t freeze in the cold? Well, of course, not in such cold weather as in the North, although even the face is left uncovered.

I somehow didn’t think about it, maybe the hair warms me up.

This happens due to the fact that all the Yang energy meridians, “bringing energy,” converge towards the head. Well, of course, warm air always rises. Therefore, by putting our head in order, we influence the entire body.

I couldn't resist again:

Some influence their brain to such an extent that it starts to work! After all, the blood rushes to him...

Ali Baba laughed. He had a very good laugh, it was as if he instantly turned into a child and had fun from the heart.

The face became very kind and became covered with thousands of wrinkles, which, by the way, did not spoil it at all. When he laughed, everyone felt light and happy.

So we have something to thank our heads for? - he continued the interrupted conversation. - Then we make the form.

Yes, he said exactly “we do” and began to perform all the forms with me. When I asked him why he should study, he replied:

I now have a wonderful opportunity to give a gift to my body in the form of this gymnastics. I don’t want to miss such an opportunity!

Then I found out that he is almost always engaged various techniques together with the students. And even if someone brought something new, he tried it, conscientiously training with everyone, learning something useful for his own practice.

Ali Baba was constantly learning, and his great interest in life was amazing. For example, at the age of 60, the Healer began to learn Latin in order, as he said, “to read the works of the sages in their language.” After all, some information is lost in translation.

And this despite the fact that he knew Chinese, Tibetan, Kyrgyz, Russian, Indian, Farsi and Arabic well. He learned English with me, explaining it this way: “Most wars are due to misunderstanding and unwillingness to understand. This started from the moment when the Angel of God divided people according to languages.”

Ali Baba continued:

Well, now let’s pat ourselves on the head with a feeling of Gratitude and Love. You see, most people consider the head only the place where there is or was hair. No, the head is everything above the neck. Stand in front of the mirror and smile at yourself. Now pat yourself on the head with Love and Gratitude.

Hands must be warm after preparing for classes. Now place them on your ears, as if you were holding your head up. Mentally, or better yet out loud, we say: “Hello, my beloved little head. You create my personality.

You're making me reasonable person. You open your senses: sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch. You open mine inner world people - through facial expressions, speech, songs.

You allow you to do your hair, make-up, kiss, pray and much more. Always be as beautiful, smart, loved.”

The surface of the head becomes warmer - this is its response to Love directed towards it. This is her Gratitude, this is your communication.

That's great, I never thought that you could talk to your own head!

The mentor laughed and began to dance around the room. The mood was really great.

Remember that you should always send Love to those with whom you communicate, hug and fill them with Love. And then try to feel Gratitude in return. All beings and organs express it differently. We will consider with you the answers that our bodies send us.

The golden rule of energy techniques: first, communication and filling with energy, only then - the load.

Now place your warm palm tightly on the top of your head and heat it slightly. After it becomes warm enough, we begin to move our palm in the direction of hair growth. Lightly touch the head, increasingly increasing the radius, capturing the entire scalp.

You should feel that the entire upper part of your head is evenly warmed. Then you need to grab the hair above the crown in your hand and carefully pull it up, vertically, and then slightly tilting it to the sides. Imagine as if you are Munchausen, pulling yourself up from the swamp. And be sure to smile!

Rice. 23. Form “Turtle-Munchausen”

This stretching should be done for about two minutes. This gives a stimulus to the vessels and structures of the Umbrella Space of the Crown, which includes hair, skin, facial and head muscles, nerve endings, etc. This First part forms.

Second part form is that we massage the suture lines located at the junction of the bone structures of the head. The human skull develops throughout life. But we use the same pattern of suture lines as in a baby.

Even if many of these lines are already overgrown, it doesn’t matter. After all, stimulation of these special zones gives excellent results for improving brain function.

Now let's feel the head. At the junctions of the head bones there are main sutures: three on the skull and three on the facial part.

Rice. 24-25. Suture lines of the skull and directions of finger movement

With age, the seams become overgrown and become inactive. However, under load they can shift, and the shape of the head will be deformed. This is largely the cause of headaches and some serious illnesses accompanied by them.

And we ourselves can simply and safely solve most of the headaches by carrying out the following small “revision”: first we feel the seam line with our fingers, then we move along it along, pressing a little, which can cause pain.

At the junction line you can find uneven protrusions, reminiscent of colliding ice floes on a river. By carefully and gently stroking and lightly pressing, you can even out any unevenness and restore the shape of your head.

Let's list the suture lines. In some people they may be clearly visible, in others they are barely noticeable. But you just need to know where they are located.

The first line runs exactly along the midline of the skull from front to back through the crown. “And you tell me the medical name, and I will know that you understand,” the Teacher turned to me.

I nodded, gradually began to feel the seams and name them:

This is a sagittal suture. In infants, it runs from between the eyebrows to the occipital bone, and sometimes there are five fontanelles on it.

Here, here, the places where babies have fontanelles, they are the most important. Further, the occipital bone, as it were, divides the central suture line into two. “The teacher pointed his finger at me and nodded.

I continued:

So, two seams run parallel to the side of the central one: one is higher, the other covers the temple and ends at the eye,” Ali Baba stated.

This is a scaly suture, where babies have one fontanelle on each side,” I added knowingly.

Further, along the back edge of the frontal bone in both directions - from the top of the head to the temple. Other suture lines run like this: on the bridge of the nose, vertically along the central line of the nose, along the lateral surfaces of the attachment of the nose and a vertical line from the nose to the base of the upper incisor teeth and from the lower edge of the lower eyelid under the zygomatic bone.

“Of course, these are the exit points of the trigeminal facial nerve,” I interjected.

Fine. Now the sequence of passage. We start at the top of the head and move along the center line forward to the area between the eyebrows, then return.

You do it, the truth of words is measured by practice,” the Teacher turned to me. - Now from the top of the head along the center line back to the occipital bone and back. - Ali Baba also did all the movements, but unlike me, with great pleasure. - Again from the top of the head, now to the right and left to the temples. Then along the edge of the temporal bone to the eye.

Further from the eye, along the head there is such a protrusion - along it to the back of the head, two pits under the skull, then around the base of the ear. All this is so pleasant that you can do it while lying on the sea sand. We go around the edge of the occipital bone and return to the crown.

There are some places left on the face, well, it's for beauty. We massage the bridge of the nose, the central line of the nose, the side lines of the nose, the line from the nose to the upper lip. Now from the eye along the dimple on the cheekbone.

We strongly massage the starting points of the eyebrows, the points of the wings of the nose and on the lower jaw under the fangs. They are painful, but very important.

After you have gone through all the lines, the stroking movements are like washing your face and thank you-oh!..

Here is the first form, even one it brings a very strong healing effect,” the Teacher addressed me. - Acts against colds, swelling, headaches, visual impairment, hearing loss and so on. And, of course, for beauty, see how beautiful I am?! - He laughed.

But really, it felt as if a narrow hat had been taken off me. My mind felt light and clear. Apparently because this form covers all the most important areas of the head with its influence.

Those who come to class are warned not to do their hair too big or wear a lot of makeup. Can you imagine what will happen to them?

Do you know how to determine whether the form is being made correctly? A state of pleasant warmth and comfort. Look how long we spent studying? - the Teacher suddenly asked.

I looked at my watch, only seven minutes had passed.

Now, if you are already experienced, then one cycle of the form takes three minutes. You can repeat the cycles one after another, but if you no longer have five cycles, go to the second level of mastery.

With regular use of these movements, we achieve a calmer state, clarity of thinking and good reactions.

* * *

- Oh, only those who have no head at all don’t have headaches. I read somewhere that a cockroach can live without its head for six days, but it simply dies from hunger. And female praying mantis insects gnaw off the head of the male before intercourse, and then make a meal of the groom.

You need to write on such females large print: "Danger! Keep out!"

- Useless. If your head doesn't bother you, it will still work.

- What is there to cook? Same animal world! Not like us. Look, just take an ostrich - its eye is larger than its brain.

“That’s why he hides his head in the sand so as not to see life’s difficulties, unless, of course, he managed to escape from them.”

- Again you're hinting...

4. "Bull" Umbrella space Kadyk

The bull walks, sways, sighs as he goes:

- Oh... something there... is ending, now I’m going to fall.

Children's anti-alcohol.

It is in this place that the connection of the ruler - the head - with the whole body is carried out, here air passes into the lungs: sounds are made on inhalation and exhalation, food passes through the esophagus here, the carotid arteries and veins, the thyroid and parathyroid glands are located here.

Let's call this form “Bull”, since you will need to tilt and raise your head the way real bulls do it.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that this center is very strongly connected with emotions. How many women now turn to specialists with thyroid problems?

Yes very.

This indicates a poor emotional environment in which they find themselves every day. Remember the very precise popular expressions: “to choke from resentment”, “anger suffocates.”

Permanent negative emotion leads to disruption of the blood supply to this space, throat diseases begin, and the voice deteriorates. Tell me, what processes is this gland responsible for?

The gland produces the hormone thyroxine. With a deficiency, developmental delays occur in children, up to cretinism; in adults, metabolism slows down, mental processes lag behind, and the skin becomes swollen.

With increased function, goiter and bulging eyes develop, the heart rate increases, and metabolic disorders increase. There are also parathyroid glands. They produce parathyreocrine, which is responsible for the absorption of calcium.

Well done! And Eastern medicine believes that the endocrine glands are located in the body from top to bottom, and they control each other in the same way. Consequently, the thyroid gland controls the activity of the mammary glands, pancreas, adrenal glands and further down.

So let's get started. We exchange all grievances, hidden anger, and malice for kindness, tolerance, and peacefulness. This is a must: forgive yourself and the world, everyone and forever. No offense is worth the damage it brings.

We gently wrap our neck with a pink cloud, soft and warm. A characteristic good state should manifest itself in the fact that the depths of the neck will become warm, the voice will become soft and deep. These are signs of an influx of energy to the Umbrella Space of the Adam's apple.

You know, in the Persian treatise on love it is said that when a woman is excited by the presence of her beloved man, her voice becomes softer, chestier and comes as if from the depths of her body. Men begin to speak as if they were purring, women as if they were singing.

In order to achieve this, we turn to the larynx, vessels and glands with words of Gratitude and Love. Ask them for forgiveness, and forgive everyone yourself. And when you remember someone, wrap that person in a pink cloud of Love and a purple cloud of Forgiveness.

In general, to maintain this zone, you need to sing more often - preferably at the top of your voice, pray every evening before going to bed for the forgiveness of everyone, move more - preferably in the air - and do Lam Press gymnastics.

Now the work with the digestive organs begins. Therefore, immediately before performing, you need to put a few grains of salt on your tongue, or take a sip mineral water, or just make a few swallowing movements.

Simultaneously with exhalation, we tilt our head forward and down and press our chin to our neck. It is better to lean your body forward slightly and press your chin firmly. Then, with an inhalation, we lift and throw our head back as much as possible. With an exhalation, we lower our heads and repeat everything again.

Then clench your teeth and move your tongue towards the upper palate. The purpose of these actions: to increase blood flow to the thyroid gland, parathyroid glands and in general to this entire area. When we throw our heads back, we can also stretch lower lip up. We do it with pleasure!

Rice. 27. Shape “Bull”

As a result of regular use of the “Bull” form, blood flow to this area increases, colds and coughs disappear, speech improves, the activity of the glands and lymph flow improves. And of course, the condition of the thyroid gland improves, often until complete healing.

In the initial stages, a cough may occur. This is a sign of residual effects from upper respiratory tract diseases and thyroid dysfunction.

This form is most effective for eliminating a double chin. Like this! - The mentor patted himself from below in the place where many people have a “hanging understudy”. Everything was perfect there! - A sign that the form has been mastered is joy during execution and slight tension.

After this, you can move on to a more complex option, which consists in the fact that while bending forward, the pressed head is slightly turned and pressed with the side of the lower jaw to the neck. And so on in turn in both directions.

Be careful not to strain your muscles excessively to avoid headaches. We apply pressure to the left and right parts of the entire Umbrella space of the Adam's apple. Well, that’s enough for today,” the Teacher concluded.

* * *

Yes, the situation in the family is, I’ll tell you, the main thing. What kind of activities are there, if there is no life, look for a place for heroic deeds, as we were taught.

My wife and I were so tired of each other that my mother-in-law once asked me: “Son-in-law, why do you keep saying “yeah” and “uh-huh” when your wife has been silent for ten minutes?” Just imagine, he's interfering in our affairs!

- How can you say this about an elderly woman!

- Yes, she has so much strength that she can not only stop a galloping horse, but also a carousel with all the horses and children.

- You see, you have to decide for yourself family problems, otherwise…

- It’s clear, like in a zoo: “Don’t feed the animals, just sympathize with them.”

9. “Crush the clay.” Light abdominal massage clockwise around the navel

Who said people can't fly?

They just don't know how to land!

Inscription on the tomb of Icarus.

Have you ever seen how clay is prepared for construction work in the village? - Ali Baba suddenly asked a question.

“Shouldn’t I know how clay is prepared,” I smiled, “after all, I lived in the village for several years.” Clay is used everywhere there. And it’s very easy to crumple it. They mix it with water and then trample it with their feet or knead it with their hands until it becomes a homogeneous mass - such as, say, plasticine.

Then imagine that there is also clay inside your stomach, which is not crushed, and you want to moisten it with water first. To do this, start stroking the surface of the abdomen around the navel clockwise.

This is the area where the small intestine is folded very tightly, with many curves. Around it are located all the digestive organs, except the esophagus, as well as the kidneys, ureters and bladder.

You already know that there is a third brain, along with the brain and spinal cord - this is the abdominal cord. That is, the stomach has its own mind that controls important processes.

And how could he not be there, when a billion bacteria live on every square millimeter of the intestine? After all, the length of the small intestine alone is five meters. Therefore, for example, in China it is customary to stroke and massage the stomach before going to bed. This is a very significant help to the intestines and, of course, to its owner.

Now I’ll explain why clockwise: because food moves in the intestines clockwise. We advance with our hand, following the movement of food in the intestines.

The movement from the right hypochondrium along the duodenum goes to the left, and below there is a natural movement from left to right. We reach the ascending part of the colon and go up, stimulate it, then further in a circle, from left to bottom, we stimulate the descending part of the colon and defecation.

Now remember the importance of this space for you and direct your Love and Gratitude there,” the Mentor continued cheerfully. - Place your warm hands on your navel - right to left (women do the opposite) - and say: “My favorite organs, stomach, liver, gall bladder, pancreas.”

List, do not regret giving them such a small gift: “Spleen, intestines, kidneys, ureters, bladder and all those located in the abdomen, thank you for all the years of good work. You nourished me, freed me from waste, made my life rich, tasty, energetic.

Please forgive me for the fact that I was inattentive to you, ate poorly, used toxic substances, and did not help you in any way. I love you, please stay loved, smart and healthy."

In response to your message of love and filling yourself with a pink cloud with beautiful golden sparkles, your stomach will become warmer, as if you drank warm broth.

This means that your organs trust you. The internal tension that was in the stomach gradually goes away. Attention! Only after this can you begin massaging the abdomen.

While performing all forms related to the digestive system, it is advisable to awaken internal processes in these organs. Start chewing, it increases the secretion of juices four times.

Do you know how to do this? It’s very simple: put chewing gum or pine resin in your mouth. During subsequent exercises, we make chewing movements whenever possible.

If you have nothing to chew, you can put a few grains of salt on your tongue or take a couple of sips of mineral water. Immediately the motor starts to purr!

Now we put our hands on our stomach. Our warm palm begins to move clockwise from the navel, increasingly increasing the radius. When even warmth spreads throughout the abdomen, we begin to massage - press harder and move in the same direction.

It may be a little painful in some places. We need to achieve by stroking so that there are no painful places in the path of our hand.

Now you can have a stronger impact on certain areas. There are four such zones. I will list them in order of service.

Right side at the very bottom of the abdomen. Where the small and large intestines meet.

This is where the appendix is ​​located. Unless, of course, it is deleted. You can massage it by slightly pressing upward. You can do it sitting or lying down, but standing is uncomfortable.

Second place is His Majesty navel. You can press it, but it's not very pleasant. But around - definitely. Press slightly upward again, lifting your stomach. Those who suffer from gastritis will feel pain, but it will go away after a while.

Third zone - bottom left side. This is the region of the descending colon. This is where defecation is stimulated. And the fourth area passes along the midline of the abdomen at the very bottom above the pubic bone. Come on, show me what we have there? - the Mentor suddenly turned to me.

I lifted my T-shirt, and Ali Baba pointed with satisfaction with his finger at my fat hanging over the “bikini line”:

Yeah, this sausage is an indicator of stagnation in the intestines. Now try to lift this beauty up a little, how do you feel? Hurt? This suggests that there has been no movement here for a long time, and the owner leads a “sedentary” lifestyle. Well, just like that!

We began to stroke our bellies. Pleasant bliss spread from the navel in all directions. How did I not think of giving myself such a simple pleasure every day? It became so calm that we almost dozed off.

Suddenly the Teacher said:

Now do you understand why this form is good to do before bed? Yes! You need good habits.

Rice. 29-30. Hand movements when massaging the abdomen

With regular use of this exercise, problems with constipation are almost completely eliminated. The intestines improve their functioning, and heartburn and belching stop tormenting them. The condition is significantly alleviated and a gentle cleansing of the liver, gallbladder, and pancreas occurs.

Even the character becomes softer, and problems are solved without unnecessary nervous tension. And all because you stroke your belly while purring!

Form "Crush the clay" You can use it all your life for your own pleasure. You can feel that it has been mastered based on the fact that you stop experiencing some pain or discomfort in any direction of movement of your hands during a massage.

...That night I fell asleep happy, there were no dreams or ghosts.

* * *

I will be the world champion in this exercise. “I didn’t even get to the toilet, but the process had already begun.”

- Soon you will become slim, lose ten kilograms.

- No, ten is not enough. I want to get rid of eighty kilograms.

- So what will be left of you then?

- Sheer happiness!

- It’s not clear how you can be happy if you weigh ten ke ge?

- Yes, you don’t understand. I just want my mother-in-law to leave.

20. "Rope". Umbrella space Aperture

SMS message:

“If you don’t call back within 10 minutes, I’ll have someone else’s baby!”

Your Bunny."

After such preparation, you can move on to direct effects on organs.

Remember the task? It lies in the fact that we heal the liver, gall bladder and organs associated with them. These friends of ours perform the function of cleansing the internal space from poisons.

ATTENTION! In the process of life harmful substances often accumulate in our organs. If we exercise regularly, metabolic processes are activated, and therefore sometimes spontaneous cleansing of the organ occurs.

It is expressed in the release large quantity toxins into the excretory system, which leads to a temporary deterioration of the condition, which is not dangerous and passes quickly.

When toxins are eliminated, your health immediately improves.

External form

We say words of Love and Gratitude to all organs of the Umbrella Space Diaphragm. We thank you for everything they have done for us over the years.

While pronouncing the address, we hold a warm hand on the right hypochondrium.

We stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart.

Raise your right hand up with your palm facing the sky. Keep your palm horizontal. We tilt the body slightly to the left, as if opening the right side and expanding it. The head is turned so that the eyes look at the palm, which is at the top. At the same time, we inhale.

The left hand is placed with the fingers at the edge of the right hypochondrium.

Rice. 38. This is for you, my love

As you exhale it begins to descend right hand. It moves in a circular path to the right, then down, and the left one remains at the right hypochondrium.

Then the right hand bends at the elbow and, as it were, presses on the liver under the right ribs.

At the end of the movement, the exhalation ends, and we make a “lock”: after exhalation, the stomach retracts, the perineum tenses and retracts, the tongue is pressed against the upper palate. In this case, a slight tilt to the right is made .

Rice. 39. Why don't I get along with women?

We fix the position for a few seconds and relax the “locks”. Inhaling, we straighten up.

We calm our breathing and repeat the same form on the left side, that is, we raise left hand up, place the right one on the left hypochondrium.

Usually they say that the liver is on the right, but we take into account that in fact it runs under the diaphragm to the left side.

In ancient treatises the pancreas was called the left liver. Therefore, the form must be performed symmetrically - both on the right and on the left.

Warning for hypertensive patients : Monitor your blood pressure closely! If it is high, it is better to first eliminate its cause and then start exercising.

Result regular classes: the functioning of the digestive organs improves very quickly, the organs and blood are cleansed, the eyes become clear, with clean whites.

The form is considered mastered if you do five cycles on the right and left without much strain.

* * *

This is how much the liver is cleansed, that even the right side hurts. Fine. How do you generally know the condition of your liver?

- Maybe by the eyes. The whites must be clean, light, without yellowness or vascular patterns.

- Does vision depend heavily on the liver?

- Yes very. You know, when people get angry, their eyes bulge.

- Yes. Make a glass prosthesis in the shape of such an eye and insert it into the door peephole.

- Yes, this will scare away thieves from the apartment for a long time.

- And acquaintances, by the way, too!

Part V

The soil under your feet

Don't just stand anywhere... He'll hit you again.

Instructions for shooting hall workers.

The next day, Ali Baba and I went to visit his friend in a neighboring village. We slowly walked along the shore of Issyk-Kul. To the right is water, to the left are mountains, above us is the Sun.

Well, firstly, we know that it somehow nourishes our very nervous system, helps us feel other people and even stars. - We both smiled, remembering yesterday's experience.

How would you describe the energy that came to you from the star?

She... I don't even know how to say this!

Try to describe the colors, sounds... Remember the thoughts that came to you.

I began to share, choosing the most enthusiastic words. Ali Baba smiled and encouraged me until all the energy left me.

Wow! - the monologue of the astronaut-contactee ended.

So, what you have listed is suitable for spiritually saturating the energy of the soul. But what about the body, internal organs?

Probably the Cosmos doesn’t deal with such trifles...

You are again trying to tear man away from Nature. Our guts, forgive the harshness, are as important a part of the Universe as the Milky Way. Understand and feel what INFINITY means. It reveals itself equally in both the macro and micro worlds.

We, with our concepts, place ourselves at the center of the universe, as a reporting point. And some molecule sees the World from its bell tower and believes that it is the center of the World. And she is right too, because the Universe is INFINITE.

So what happens, is some force in the world taking care of our body?

But of course! Now think for yourself - where should this source of power be located in order to quickly meet the body’s needs?

Probably somewhere nearby. If distant stars influence subtle structures, then the cosmic body that supports our bodies... - here I took my breath away. - So this is Earth!!!

Well, of course! - Ali Baba was happy. - Of course, this is Earth! Who gives us food, air, water, takes away waste, cleanses?

I stopped and began to peer at the stones under my feet. Forgive me, dear Mother Earth. We are striving for other worlds, and we are pushing our good parent with our feet, plowing her up, blowing her up, drying her out.

Let’s sit down,” I couldn’t walk, as if my legs were frozen. Sitting down next to him, Ali Baba affectionately stroked the ground.

You looked at the stars, but lay on the Earth, and she rejoiced with you at your happiness. - There was so much love, gratitude, tenderness in his words and movements that without explanation it became clear how deep feelings this man was experiencing now.

In response to his touch, a wave of heat began to rise from the ground. Surprisingly, I felt it too. It's like immersing yourself in warm water - you fill up from the bottom up.

The feeling was pleasantly enveloping, and this touch was different from the embrace of a star. The Earth's energy was more like human warmth.

I unfocused my vision and, in a state of relaxation, looked at the Mentor. And suddenly, instead of the usual cloud around his body, I saw something unexpected. His whole body seemed covered with polished gold foil. Yes, that's right, with soft foil - from head to toe. This vision was so strong that even after returning to my normal state, I continued to see it.

“Look at your hands,” said the “golden man.”

I stretched out my hands - they, too, were filled with golden power, you could really feel this strength and warmth in them. It was difficult to squeeze the fingers, as the joints could barely move. It was as if they had become very large. This alarmed me.

Don’t worry so much,” the Mentor smiled affectionately. - It is the energy of Mother Earth that filled us. It saturated our brain, and all its centers became sensitive, especially the visual one. Therefore, you see the Golden Power of the Earth almost without effort.

Great! Now will I always see her?

You can turn the vision on and off at will. Now get up and jump!

I'm sorry, what? - Transitions in conversations with the Teacher were always unexpected.

Try to quickly stand up and jump as high as possible! - Ali Baba almost laughed, but tried to restrain himself.

I quickly jumped to my feet. I managed to get up somehow, but I couldn’t jump. My legs were pulled down like a magnet, and my whole body felt unusually heavy.

After several attempts, I finally broke away from the surface, but did not jump very high. I fell back heavily, as if I were made of stone.

So what is the use of this energy? - The cheerful Mentor did not let up.

You said that it nourishes the body, - I gradually caught my breath after the “take-offs”.

Yes, it provides all vital functions. No wonder physically strong people look wider and heavier. This larger amount of Earth Energy is retained by their body.

To put it simply, man combines the spiritual part of Nature with the animal. Our animal essence serves four basic instincts:




It is very important and powerful and penetrates deeply into human consciousness. And he behaves quite cunningly there. A civilized society implies restraint in the manifestation of the animal nature.

Therefore, it is disguised: sexual instinct - as a desire for power; cooking, gourmet, table setting - this is the instinct of nutrition; government structure- an attempt to create your own security system.

With a large amount of Earth energy, a person acquires a strong body and organs, but also runs the risk of getting some problems.

They are expressed in down-to-earth thinking, rudeness in communication, and weighting of the body.

Let's look at the fat people, their figure is like a drop directed towards the ground. The pelvic organs, as well as the legs, stand in the way of this drop. Oh, and such people have poor legs!

But filling the body with the power of the Earth is an absolutely necessary condition for health!

So let's get down to business.

If you want to be s-s-healthy, be ready for fulfillment! Make the “Golden Power of the Earth” form.

1. If you do this exercise while standing, try to keep your entire foot firmly pressed to the ground. It is best to do it while standing on the ground barefoot, and even in a good natural place. But many have achieved excellent results while studying indoors.

2. If you do it while sitting, do not strain your feet and back.

3. If you perform lying down, then take any comfortable position.

4. Relax and turn to Mother Earth with a feeling of Love and Gratitude.

5. Open your heart and allow the golden energy to fill you completely.

6. Stay in this position, then take three sharp exhalations and mentally thank the Earth.

7. Try not to make sudden movements for a few seconds.

The form is considered mastered if you are easily filled with energy and after exhalations do not experience difficulty in moving and breathing.

* * *

- Here! You should have written about this energy at the very beginning of the book. Look how much I have! Here you have both weight and belly! I’m lying there and feeling everything! And you can’t make me jump at all. And how justly everything was arranged: I and the Earth, energy and our worlds are getting closer to each other!

- Only too rapid convergence of worlds is fraught with a collision of heads!

- Health is the only wealth that a person takes away from himself.

- Well, you know... When will we live? Nothing distracts you from life more than the constant struggle for existence!


When I received this knowledge, I had no idea how valuable a gift was being passed on to me.

In full - this is a holistic, Natural system of not only restoring, maintaining and improving health indicators, but also developing oneself, one’s character, destiny and even such qualities as ordinary people are considered superpowers.

In general, you can safely follow this road, and the steps that you will overcome are known to the Mentors.

And it all starts with simple actions, for example, with gymnastics for the internal organs... When our group started training, there were those who considered the exercises too simple. But having done them several times, they were convinced that the Lam Press gymnastics was very effective.

As for the knowledge presented in this book, it is only small part The teachings that the Mentor passed on to me over several years.

He asked me to tell about ancient secret knowledge to those people who are looking for it.

Of course, I would like to constantly drink from this inexhaustible source, but the Teacher set a condition. He strictly ordered me not to dare return to him until I had as many students who had mastered all four levels as I was old.

These people will be the backbone for the widespread dissemination of knowledge. Now every year I have to train new specialists.

Of course, I wanted to convey the Teaching to everyone who wanted it as soon as possible. But Ali Baba already warned me of my impatience by dividing the Lam Press gymnastics into four levels of mastery, as it was in the old days: Copper, Silver, Golden Gate and Gate of Light.

The mastery of technology proceeds gradually as knowledge and experience are accumulated, as well as the achievement of a certain physical level in order to “digest” all this correctly. Now the textbook is waiting for its readers.

And I remember again and again how our group was then loaded into a helicopter, and the wise Ali was sitting on a donkey and, squinting, looked after us.

What did he see? Maybe my classes with groups, attempts to describe personal experience, and maybe books on Press Lam, one of which is already in your hands...

We took off, and the Teacher began to seem very small. Suddenly he raised his hands up and waved at us... Then I gave my word that I would spread the knowledge I had received with all my might.

Now, after writing the book, I have the opportunity to fulfill the Mentor’s condition for training new specialists. Finally, you will be able to find yourself on the shores of Issyk-Kul again - this time with friends.

I hope to see the wise Ali Baba and his entire family in good health soon.


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